S15 - Teacher Makeovers (w/ Mano Agapion & Steve Szlaga)

This is a headgum original. Wow! Hello everyone! We are coming to you. You know the depths we dive into to bring you drag. Race, excellence, being the only resource is really truly. It's too much. It's too much and that's why this episode is super cuckoo crazy. You're listening to one of only RuPaul's Draggers recap podcast. This is Dragher and I'm an old gapian and I am fully sick in a hotel room in Austin and I am reporting with my good Judy, the Queen of Mean, the only, the amazing, the former guest on Dragher. Steve Slaga! Hi! Steve! I'm back, back, back again. Oh my god. That's a phrase I just came up with in relation to me being on your podcast. I'm back, back, back again. Steve. Brand fucking new. No, you are truly, and you are truly like the Fifi of this season. You are the Fifi. Because you are. No, I am so excited you're here. Steve, me and you text all the time about this stupid show we love. Yeah. And sometimes I feel like you're the only safe space to go with, with like, when I feel differently than the general population seems to feel about a bi-meal. I love your hot takes. I always do. Every time you have a hot, I would say 99% of your hot takes, I'm like, damn, that's correct. And I will say, you know, every so often I get mentioned on here and like a listener will be like, oh, Mono mentioned something you said on Dragher. And I'll be like, fuck, I hope I still think that way. I hope I wasn't just on a, on a rage when I said that. Like I was looking back as like, I hope Mono never mentioned how much I told him I hated the twins because I turned a corner on the twins. I mean, we all hated them. And then we're like, okay, I see they're vulnerable, kind, sweet people. I think that was all of our journeys. But I would, my advice to you, Steve, would be to let loose. Let loose. Wait, we're both letting loose. You are, you are corresponding also from a very weird location. Mono, I am sitting on the floor of a hotel room at the Madonna Inn in San Luis Obispo, which is drag, I would feel. This is drag. This is drag. And I can say this now because the wedding's happening today, but I'm part of a very top secret. The dance, my friend's wedding dance, it features choreographed zombie attack with like breaking chairs and glasses on us. And then we die. And then we all come back and like do a choreographed dance. And I can't tell people that now because it's top, top, top secret. But this won't come out a month. Right. And the weddings today, so we'll be fine. So like even, even like the Reddit duties, even the Nancy Drews on Reddit haven't even found out about this way. I don't know. You better check out the RPDR drama subreddit. There's a lot of tea there. Hunty, the tea is so hot on that Hunty site, you know. Oh, I bet. I'll check it out. Is that where we found out? Yeah, I'm going to go. I'm going to, I'm going to drag this wedding and it'll be like, Hey, groom, eat my ass faggot. You have no fashion. Oh my God. We of course are in no way referencing Selena S titties, but let's talk about Selena S titties and her rivalry with Ross Matthews, which is blown up and apparently calmed down in a week. I mean, I love it. I love it. I love it. Selena S titties, did you know that you're on season 15 of Drag Race? Did you show up surprised to find out that Carson Cresley doesn't know fashion and Ross Matthews is not hilarious? Is that news to you? Have you never seen any other season of Drag Race? RuPaul's Drag Race. I mean, yeah, you knew. But also she's right. She's right. I mean, yeah, it's factually true that Ross Matthews is a faggot. I mean, that's not a lie. Yeah. And he probably would love to eat your ass. Yeah. But yeah, and I went on his website. I've seen the calf tans he sells. I've seen the shirts with like, I don't know, streamers coming down that he sells like zebra print with like neck streamers. And I mean, I would wear anything Selena S titties wore on the season before I wore anything Ross Matthews wore on this season. It is funny that like the longer you're a judge on this on this show, the farther away you feel okay wearing clothes that human wears. And like, I mean, you just start wearing gay billboards. Like that's, they just look, they just look insane. Oh yeah, you see sick gene behind me. Oh no, gene sick too. Hi, Gene. Yeah. Gene sick and very sad that I'm screaming in about a screaming a drag podcast in a hotel room where we're both sick. Guys, if you are listening, like, please send us love because we went through great lengths to bring you this. Yeah, I'm recording on my phone and a zoom device. I have a lot of a coup trimon or as Miss Van G would say, I have a lot of a cuckaman going on over here. I've got so much of cuckaman. So I really put forth the effort. I brought this to the Madonna in for drag her. So that is everything. That is. Okay. So Steve, we've been texting nonstop about the season. What do you think about season 15? I will say I love it. This is my favorite since season 12, which I guess isn't saying a whole lot because that only means there were two booger seasons in between. But I will say season 14. I think season 14 is like an 11 or a seven where like a lot of girls I'll be excited to see come back for all stars, but we're doing nothing for me. I got very bored. The never going home of season 14 really made me turn on the girls. It made me resent them for still being there. It made me just flat out not like Georges because I was just ready for Queens to go. And not that Georges isn't obviously incredible. Right. But I was just like in any other season, you need to leave so I can love you. Yeah. Is it weird that Georges like I think like everyone was too happy on season 14, like maybe it was just like the post pandemic of it all of like guys, let's let's think about what matters. And now people are already are jaded again post pandemic. They're ready to fight again on season 15. So I guess what I'm saying is don't appreciate your life and be a jaded whore. No. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Go on and be rotten and rude. Yeah. And let the and then let your reputation be destroyed because people who watch this show can't just enjoy it for what it is. Right. Get on stage. Call Ross Matthews a faggot knowing full well it will be documented. Yeah. That's what we need. That's what we deserve. So yeah. That's what I love about like yeah. And compared to 13 and 14, which is weird because I really liked 12 and 12 was very notorious also for like just having each other and having fun and just talent. And that was fine, but that was also 2020. I couldn't leave my house. So I didn't write that. But by the time we got back to 14, it's like, you know, and then the internet's coming for diabetic and I'm like, so the one person. Yeah. Giving us something to talk about. The one person being honest and being true and being messy is the person that we're going to like chase off the face of the earth. I don't think so. Right. I'm not. No, I'm for you for that either. In fact, no, I don't know what the answer is. We talk about this all the time, but I don't know what the answer is. But yeah, if they if they could lean into this show and just understand that it's a TV show and then the homosexuals watching could understand that we need a fun TV show and that everyone needs to behave poorly, that would be amazing. Yeah. That would be amazing. Yeah. We'll never get back to that though. Yeah. We just, this is just the new world order. We put TikTok twins on now. Right. We'll remind our P's and Q's and we do everything we can to make sure we don't say anything that could get our Instagram mysteriously deleted. And that's just what it is. And you know, all the girls now getting, not only catfished, but getting their accounts taken away because someone needs to pretend that they're selling MacBook Pros. Why is that so perfect? Yeah. And who is funny is like Georgia's. Is that a scam? Is there scam? Is there scam going on? Because I bought one from Selena. Oh no. I had from Selena. S T T. Hasn't come in yet. But why is some other green scamming? Is there another green that's scamming? You stupid fucking idiot. Steve. No. What was weird is it was more expensive. What was weird is it was it was $10,000 for an iPad two, but I thought, you know, collectors item. What do you call your faggot when you sent her the money? She did. She did. I got an email that just it just said faggot. It didn't have any. I never got to receive. I never got a receiver and invoice. I just got an email that said faggot and $10,000 taken out of my bank account. We'll deal with that later. For now, let's talk about, okay, Selena went home. Do you believe Selena will deserve to go home last week? Do you feel like that was the right call? No. Here's the thing is halfway through a season, we know we as in the it's a TV show, the people behind the scenes, they know who they want to go. They know who they want to stay. And so last week was a rusacle. This week was makeovers. What easy challenges for producers to be like, Oh, Lucy, you were the lead. You did everything spot on perfect. Yes, you were incredible as the lead boy. But then in the 15 seconds where you were a drag queen and everyone was on stage as a drag queen, you didn't stand out as much as when you were the one colorful character for the other 20 minutes. So unfortunately you're in the bottom or as I feel we see today, it's too easy to just put the pieces together and it's very easy to figure out who they want to stay. Right. Like where's savvy? We're savvy audiences now. Exactly. And you and I were in the industry. We know we're constantly saying five minutes. Thank you five minutes because we're like five. Yeah, exactly. We're so in the industry that we're constantly like 10 one, 10 two and we know what that means. Yeah. Yeah. When we were talking about recording this podcast, when you asked me a couple of days ago and we were talking about recording, we'd be like on the day. This is what we're going to do on the day. That's an industry thing. This is how we get on the day. We get it. Yeah. And at the end of this, we'll say that's a wrap on Steve and that means that we're done. That means we're done. That's an industry talk. Yeah, that's industry. Yeah. And we'll we have crafty. But yeah. But I want to say though. Yeah. What do you say? Well, just, well, just that I'm sitting here complaining that it's all transparent and I understand all that. But also, I don't think they got it wrong. Like I'm not sitting here thinking that I need more aura or that Selena should be top four. I mean, sometimes, like I said, you have to leave to complete your story so we can like you. If you stay too long, we get tired of you. I mean, I do think Lucy's being punished. But again, that's the show she signed up for. Yeah. Exactly. Is talented. And I guess in the confessionals, we see it seems that's lost on Lucy a bit, but I get that once you're in it, it feels it feels insane to be like, I did a good job and they and they are absolutely sending me home or putting me in the bottom when they've all said I did a fantastic job two weeks in a row. Yeah. It's crazy. The show is crazy. I think of Lucy as like, I don't want to say I'm a Lucy Louduca apologist only because I feel then people will yell at me. But I have a very soft spot for Lucy because I feel she. Yeah. Do you let Lucy every time this year? I don't let Lucy and I, you know, I'm not like, she's not my favorite. I think top five is a great placement for her overall. I just feel bad because I think we all have friends who are coworkers because I guess they're kind of like coworkers more than friends when they start the show. I don't want to name names, but like I have coworkers who I'm like, you first meet them and it's like mono. Yeah. Or like even people that we met at UCB people who like, I'm thinking of one specific one now, people who are like, at first you're like, you're too much. I'm not a fan of this person. I'm not a fan of this energy. You're a little too much. But then they grow on you and it's like, you know what? You're a weirdo, but you're my weirdo. And I feel like what we're not getting that the other queens probably got about Lucy was like, there is something endearing about being so out of touch in a way that Lucy is like, Lucy Kimman thinking like, I'm so talented. I look great. Production's going to love me and I'm going to be top four. Yeah. And never really realized what she was putting out and how they could misconstrue it. And I feel like the queens get like a fully, you know, the full portfolio of who Lucy Liduka is. And I, you know, I feel like if you look at her Twitter, like she's in on, you know, what the edit was. And I appreciate that. She has a sense of humor about it, but she seems to still be griping about production. Um, well, I don't know. I mean, one time, one time she tweeted, I had some water today. So that makes four wins. And I thought that was funny. Oh, that's funny. Yeah. But I don't know. I get it. Like, yeah, we fully get Lucy. We fully get that she is talent. And like, usually someone like her does make it to the finale just for agitation. And I got to say, I was shocked just because I thought for pure agitation purposes, I mean, she's our series villain. Like there's no villain left, which is fine. There are great seasons like season eight, which truly have no villain at the end. Um, but this is, it's interesting that they like over. I did not. And again, say is second week in a row. I mean, this one may be even more so. I mean, she truly nailed these past two challenges. So it is, it's even more funny for the Laduka of it all for to watch her rightfully lose her mind as she's done well two weeks in a row and been put in the bottom. It's pretty funny. It honestly, it makes me laugh in a cruel way of like the show knows exactly what they're doing to Lucy. Yeah. Like in her on, in on tucked when she was defending herself by how unique she is by being like, I am dressed like a female creature from the black lagoon as if that's the most like I've like, yeah, yeah, yeah. Does Lucy not know that we do have Halloween? So like it's been done. It has been done. Also, she's seen the show where people come out as jellyfish and glowing mushrooms. It's like, yeah, I mean, people do weird. It's drag. People have done weird stuff, frankly. And I just don't, I don't think she's the kind of person who jokes about herself. And which makes you not a, which makes you not super fun as a drag race contestant. But it's, you know, it's, it doesn't mean she's not good at what she does. And no, she's team talent. Look, I mean, you know, we've all usually the top four is a CUNT situation and someone is that hardcore talent. But yeah, but also like when you rather, I feel. If I were on a show, I'd rather go out just before the finale in an unfair way that makes the, that makes the fans and makes the watcher, the viewers like, like, and the story. Yeah, where, where you have like some sort of interesting ending as opposed to what? Just going to the finale and not winning. Like it's just going and lip syncing and not winning. I don't, to me, I'd rather have my own. I'd rather have a lipstick message and an exit line and all that. And then just like walk away in fourth place because I, I, I didn't, you know, I don't know. Interesting. No, I think that's a good point. I think I would rather go to the finale, but I get what you're saying. But then again, going to the finale just means congratulations. You're at the finale. Now spend 10 K on your look that then will send you home and you know, it's like, is that always weird? Like, it's always weird when it's a live audience and you just want it's like, all right. So and so you go, you move forward in the lip sync for your life person who didn't win awkwardly wave to the audience and off stage because you've, you've lost. So you don't really get like the, I don't know, you don't get the send off. I'm moment moment. I'm okay. So they're, they're doing all kinds of fun stuff with Lucy right now. She is bothered. I know online she said that like I was told to count many challenge wins only when prompted but in this episode, she counts them on her own. We're not prompted. I just want to point that out. Yes. Lucy. I love her. Yeah. Now look, I've said a lot of good stuff about Lucy Liduka because I think it's a little unfair when people equate what we see on TV as who that person is. And I truly think like, I don't think that that's true with Lucy. I think we just see one side because it's television. That being said, I'm not the biggest Lucy Liduka fan either. I don't want anyone being like, oh, Steve's favorite went home. No, I don't, I'm not a fan of the, of what we're seeing in terms of personality. But I do feel, I do feel bad because who wants to come off as a total drip? Also, we have to talk about, we're going to take a break, but after the break, we have to talk about how like, I mean, this is maybe one of the most rigged family resemblance moments because Lucy Liduka's person looked identical to her. To Sherry Pie. Yes, to Lucy Liduka. God damn it. We're bleep it, bleep it. No, keep it in. Remember the roach formerly known as beep. Okay. Silence, Steve. I feel like taking a break. Ooh, do you enjoy life on the wild side? Are you ready to take pride wherever you travel? Are you ready to take pride to a place you haven't been? I'm not a part of our, well, that's why I must recommend. I must do it. I must do it. I must recommend province town. It is the queer nirvana you didn't know you needed. You probably have already been, but if you haven't, what are you doing? Turn this podcast off, get on a plane, drive it right to province town because P town is the trip you need to go on. Whether you're queer or not, P town has so many adventures that are like fun. They have like theme weeks for every kind of LGBTQI plus person, including pride, girl splash bear week and family week. Oh yeah, not to mention carnival and trans week. It is going to be the most fun you've ever had. If you're not familiar, it is the cutest little town you've ever been to with the queerest population you ever did meet. So sashay your way to ptowntourism.com, the official guide for province town. That's ptowntourism.com. I've done so many things there. I've been there with my boo. I've been there without my boo. So no matter what kind of trip you're going on, gal's trip solo trip, something even stupider, I don't know. Maybe it's the, maybe it's a national trick off. You know what I'm saying? Go because they have art galleries, local shopping, beaches, bike trails, nightlife, whale watching, dune tours and more. I mean, I don't have to tell you this. If you just look at the drag talent that's happening in ptown, staggering. So go, be a part of this moment that has the small town vibes with the big city activity. Sashay your way to ptowntourism.com. That's the official guide for province town at ptowntourism.com. Bring back my break. We are back. It's a new day in the workroom and I'm feeling sexy and confident and ready to talk to Steve. Let's talk about our remaining top five. They're about to do a very silly mini challenge, which is here to aggravate. And mistress is kind of the one who wins it all. I mean, mistress is labeled the shadiest, the hairiest, the funniest. That was me, not to make it about me, but to talk about my high school theater experience for a moment. We did mock awards like this at the end of a play and I got biggest attitude, most likely to be late, most sarcastic and most fun to date. So I can relate to the mystery. Yeah, so the same group that said I had an attitude and I was late and sarcastic labeled me as fun to date. Oh my God, that sounds that is, most fun to date is such a funny superlative. Yeah, it makes it sound like a little stunt. Right. It's voted by nobody that I've dated. Yeah, exactly. It makes it sound like you've dated so many dozens of people in your school. Yeah, the whole, the whole department. And when I only dated a drama teacher. Yeah. Well, he was sexy and made you so you had to. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. We could yes and that, but it's probably better not to. It's probably better not to. But I will say my drama teacher's name was Dr. Seaman. I'm not even kidding. His name was Dr. Seaman. And he was in on the joke. So like he was, he made everyone call him C instead of Dr. Seaman. That's smart. Yeah, it's pretty smart. Dr. Seaman, I mean, I would leave the doctor in. I mean, you earned that. I know, right? I mean, theater teacher, doctorate, not, you know, not saving lives. Yeah, yeah, no. Brains, but. I mean, he liked to think so. When he made us do a high school production of Later Me Project, which, oh my God. What? He thought he was saving lives, truly. That was the, and I remember being like, you know, when you're a kid and you're like, this is cool. And then when you're a doll, you're like, that was stupid. We were, we had no idea what we were doing. You're, no, that's insane. Okay. But I do love this challenge. This is, we remember, yeah, we, this happened. Mr. Scott Eureka. This happened with Eureka and I'll star six. Or it was like, who's the grossest? Who do you hate? Yeah. Who should live in a barn covered in filth? Who's a slut with no talent? Yeah. Who is pretty boring and you never told them, but you wanted to tell them. It's like really aggravating. Could you want to fucking kill? Who do you want to kill and hide the body and when their family's looking, be like, I don't know. Who is looks and only looks? Like, it's a pretty good, it's a good way to keep, because at this point, especially at the end of the season, it's smart to do this because, you know, it, it, things get a lot calmer at the end of the season and people are just hugging a lot more, which fucking gross. Yeah. I'm glad they did something to change that up. I do like, I think to her credit and I need to stop, I need to stop acting like I need to, I need to stop being Lucy Lidukas PR person. But smart to vote for herself because she knew how the other people were going to vote, just to win the mini challenge was good gameplay. Yeah. That's like survivor level thinking one step ahead, they're all going to save me for this. So I'm going to get the point. Like, that's good gameplay and I will give her credit for that. That's what's so funny about like Lucy Lidukas. I mean, she's actually, honestly, weirdly, she's like a good representation for all of us that light, I mean, Naomi Smalls, the Bible of Naomi Smalls, life's not fair. So Lucy is trying to play fair. She's trying to expect Drag Race to be a meritocracy. And we know that Drag Race is Mario Party. No. It's Mario Party. Exactly. It's not a meritocracy. Yes. And whoever wins wins. Yeah, it doesn't matter. You could do great. And then there'll be a spiked blue shell at the very end. There you go. And then the people that didn't get hit by the shell, like the four people that just managed to get ahead of the clown brigade that is Mario Kart. And end up winning. Yeah. Because you just, you know, or not even a spiked shell, you just accidentally hit a banana. Oh my God. And then the non-deserving people who just missed that banana because you hit it. Right. Right. All right, the end. It's cool. Which is not what I feel, I don't feel that this top four is a clown brigade. I think the right person hit the banana. Right. And whether it be Mario Kart or Mario Party, we get it, right? Even though like that's Mario Kart and that's different and you should know that Steve. I mean, there's this guy's different. Oh my God. I'm so, oh my God. I am a little stoned. I don't know if you can say that on the podcast. But I met Madonna and. Now bleep that bleep that. Yeah. I leave out stone so they can wonder what I am. I'm blank. But yeah, I mean. No, no, no. It's the exact same thing. It's a game. This is a game. It's not a meritocracy period. So actually, and now Lucy gets the privilege of winning that game because the privilege of pairing everyone up. And it really is cartoonish how each of these people feel like they have a perfect representative here. Yeah. It's very, I feel like this happens a lot where the person who wins, actually the winner of this episode is Norvina. True. I agree. It's just a second time. I know she's been on before with like a really good purple. At least second. Yeah, at least second. Maybe 30. Yeah. She looks insane and beautiful and I love that. Yeah. She's like a queen of a makeup empire. So she's like, oh, I'm going to come as if it's the drag race finale. That's how I'm going to dress. Yeah. But I feel like what happens a lot when they choose the makeover partners is Lucy's like, well, I'm going to take the one I want. I'm going to give mistress who would be best for mistress. Right. I'm going to give a nature who's best for a nitra. I'm going to give Sasha who I think is best for Sasha. And then, oops, here's your leftovers, Lux. Like I don't think it was a necessarily, well, no, it probably was it probably was shady. It probably was sabotage. But also like somebody always ends up. The last person always ends up with, you know, yeah, yeah, yeah. I think it was a little bit of shade there. I mean, and untucked. She kind of alludes to saying like, yeah, like I did want to fuck you over because you said my drag is basic. Yeah. Like she did that to Aquaria, I believe we did that to Aquaria. Yeah. You and I personally. You and Eureka's ear forcing her. I remember, yeah, it's interesting how that conversation evolves. I think like on the one hand, it's like, yeah, well, I mean, look, if you're just relying on someone's complexion to get you to the end of the challenge, like you're already not going to win. Yeah. But again, I do always think the makeover challenge is perfect evil because they did not go on the criteria they've set forth, like, or family resemblance. Everything has been more mysterious in drag race, herstory than the meaning of family resemblance. What does it mean? And sometimes it's good. Sometimes like sometimes it's like, oh my God, it's perfect. You guys look exactly alike. And other times it's like, you can't just look exactly alike. Right. And then Michelle brought in the word synergy this week and I'm just like, go fuck yourself. I know, I know what we're doing here. I know Michelle's job. I respect Michelle's position on the job. She knows what she's doing. Yes. But these makeover challenges, it's always just like, who do we like? It's just, it just drives me crazy because they're talk about Mario Party rules. Like, you know what? You get a star because you, you, you both have blonde wigs. So you get the blonde wig star and you get the star for like, it's like, you know, you get the star for like, you know, you get the star for like, you know, you get the star. And then you get the star for like, you know, you get the star for like, you know, you get the star. And then you get the star for like, you know, you get the star for like, you know, you get the star. And then you get the star for like, you know, you get the star for like, you know, you get the star. Yeah. Yeah. Um, it's, it's kind of like, I kind of liked in season 12 when nobody went home because I always feel really bad for the people who like got made over. And then the queen that made them over is eliminated. And it's like, Oh, oops. Was that me? It's weird. It's a weird dynamic. What else? Okay. These, we're, we're connecting with people. Everyone in the room is connecting with their teacher, which by the way, I love the, I love the theme of teachers. I love teachers. I also love. Great. RuPaul's high school teacher was like at her Hollywood Walk of Fame thing. I thought that was really kind of cute and adorable. And I don't know. I thought that was just plain adorable. I thought it was, I thought it was great that the Smithsonian let them take out that fossil of the caveman to take to the. Yeah. I know. I thought it like, just everything behind the scenes that goes into getting like just the logistics of that had to be very difficult. I know. I'm not like playing. Lucy wasn't allowed to leave, you know, I mean, like the original model of man. Lucy wasn't allowed to leave. I know. But you know, with that, with that mono, with that MTV money though. Oh my God. The MTV money is, and that the drag race girls are not seeing is there's a lot that that the producers are putting in their pockets. Well, just one quick thing about the MTV that I thought was so funny was when it moved to MTV and everyone was like, wow, drag race has gotten so big. It's on MTV now, like MTV is where it's at. Like it must really mean something if it's on MTV, the cultural cache and it's like, no, no, no, no, no, MTV needed drag race. Like drag race is the thing, not MTV period. MTV is just ridiculousness now, which is like, so fucking basic. Nothing's more basic and embarrassing than MTV becoming a serve, basically TikTok TV. It's embarrassing. Yeah, there's no like, cache to being moved to MTV. It's almost kind of like, in my mind, I was like, oh, that's kind of a bummer. Like, so now it's just an MTV show. So now it's so now it's in the same family as the challenge. Yeah. That's fucking the challenge. Oh, congrats. Congrats, congrats, drag race. You've arrived. You're on after. You're on after the challenge. You're on after the day. And you're on after Flora Bama shore too. You've really made it. So, OK, let's talk about everyone is getting to know their teachers, except Lux or at least the edit we're seeing is that Lux is literally like, shush, shush, shut up, shut up. I need to go make costumes. I don't really care about your gay children. Shush, shush, which I I love like this. That takes me back to baggage ships completely. Oh my god. Oh, my god. Her own mother. Oh my god. Well, Ru and Maury because my mom's a fat slag. Yeah. Yeah. My my mom sucks so bad. She's such an ugly ugly slag. I had nothing I could do. I painted lipstick on a refrigerator. But then you made me bring my stupid fat mother back. So I guess I'll just haul her out. Do you have a dolly? I can put her on because you have a flash. We only work. You have a flashlight. You could flash in her eyes. My stupid dumb cow of a mom won't know. You're talking unless you shine this in her eyes. Hold on. Ring this bell. I put a penny in a soda can. Shake that to get her attention. She's so stupid. Mother mother. Mother clap clap on me. Sorry. I have to. She only knows water when I pour water on her hands. OK, I'm losing it. That is just the miracle is and Sullivan. Exactly. She's the miracle worker. He's in Becca chips. Mom is a miracle. OK, he's like us bag of chips is the miracle worker. Then yes, mom is Helen color. Yes. Well, Becca chips is a miracle worker. I'm I'm a huge fan. I will say I love that. What other contestant can wear actual garbage bags and be praised by RuPaul like name another contestant. OK, OK, we're getting to know these queens. They're walking off. They're adorable. Lucy's mom actually looks identical to her out of drag like like it is shocking. Yeah. So OK, we're getting to know them. Let's go ahead and get in the makeup. Any other cute moments as we're getting to know each other, Sasha's going to pad for the first time. Ru's I don't believe Sasha's I don't believe Sasha's teacher has seen drag race. Yeah, I was that was you sort of like you like drag race. Yes, I like watching drag race. I watch drag race with my husband. It is a show that we like to watch and I'm on it. This show that I like. And it felt like route like it felt like Sasha was also letting her off the hook. Do you know what I mean? Like Sasha was like, OK, like Sasha wasn't going to be like, who's your favorite queen or what season did you want? No further questions. Yeah, no further questions. You're on her. I love being in this working room. Now, now when we get to see. Mr. Paul. Yes, sir. Oh, you you better you better pussy that walk. That's what we say, right? So. Oh, yes, I love drag race. It's so hunting hunt. It's so country. Why love it so hunter. You're so country. Yes. You so I do OK. Do you think I do think Lucy's in trouble the moment where Ru Paul's like, what did you think of that? And Lucy with the face of porcelain says I didn't give a shit. No emotion. Mm hmm. No, no, no feeling. She tells you Paul, I refuse to have a feeling. I think that's when she really got in trouble or when they decided she has to be in the bottom. Yeah. And I mean, like. I feel there. I I done apologizing for Lucy. I have the second check for my PR work has not cleared yet. So this is actually on. This is actually pro bono work I'm doing right now. But why is Lucy not allowed to stay composed? Why is it such a why is it such a crime that she just be like, no, I want to be the lead. Like we all know it's not true, but like they act like it's such a sin to to want to kind of, you know, I don't know. It just, yeah, you need to be a messy bitch. You need to cuss at us. You need to yell. You need to be pissy. We know the real reason that you're like this, you're not being real. And it's like, OK, then move on. She's not going to be real, like complain about it in your talking heads and stuff like that. But yeah, the the I feel the more you push Lucy to to crack the more she's just moving inward and less likely to crack when everyone's like crack, crack, be real, be real. It's like that's only pushing her farther away from that. I feel drag race is like Scientology. And you you need to give all you need to give all your worth to stay in this club. You need to blood tears, ankle breaks. You must give it or the beast is not happy. You know what I'm saying? Billion billion year contracts. Billion. And what do they what do they call the host mother? It's mother how cult how culty this is culty. You're so right. Also, you have to write in when you leave you write in blood on the mirror. Mm hmm. That's that's that's blood. That's blood. It is blood. Guys, it's so hard to that's why it's so hard to wipe off. Right. And then also don't thinking for your life for your life for your life. This is a step. This is oh my god, you're right. The stakes. Yeah. But something that I wish drag race would stop doing is like you don't need a spray bottle to get that lipstick off the mirror. You're only smearing it more. I like that this is your issue. I'm wanting like a smeared lipstick. You all because it was easier. This is my issue. Take a microfiber like glasses cleaner kind of cloth. Go over the lipstick. Don't don't moisten it. Don't make it more smurable. I love that Steve. Yeah, that's just something that Steve's here to call. That's something I'd like to see. Serve serve the tea, you, hunty. Come on, hunty. Um, I do have anything to say about this rehearsal moment and Anitra trying to teach a poor woman how to duck walk in five seconds. No, I mean, I, my least favorite part of the makeover challenges is I love seeing the reveal. I love seeing, you know, like when Miss Cracker turned around and we saw cookie, I love all that. I cringe and I have a hard time watching them walk the runway and try to be fierce. Yeah. I might not have paid too much attention to the lip sync segment of this show. I felt this could have been a 60 minute episode. I just enjoy. Oh, this would have been a great shorter episode, but I will say it was nice to hear this RuPaul song champion for the first time ever. That was, that's a great song. Oh, is that RuPaul? That was, yeah. Yeah. Wow. I know the production value might have made you think it's a star of a much higher caliber, but that was a RuPaul song that must be on her new album or something. Yeah. It must be one of her news. So I'm coming out in 20. I think she has now five, the 20, 25 called all the freshest. Um, she's, she's got, yeah, she's got a song coming out. Um, nobody's heard it yet. It's called To the Moon. Um, so that'll be exciting to hear. Oh, I'm excited. I'm excited to hear that. So let's see. What else we're getting to know each other. Of course, Mistress feels incredibly connected to her, uh, to her sister, daughter, whoever she's making over and they look alike to what a world. I love Mistress. Me too. I mean, I've spent no time talking about her talking about defending Lucy Liduka. Yeah. What the fuck, Stephen? I'm talking about who I love, which is Mistress. My all the way winner. I don't think she'll win, but my all the way winner is Mistress. She's, I got to choose. She's truly one of my top five drag race contestants ever. She's like beat out some other girls. She's one of the best drag racing contestants ever. She's so fun. She's so like she's providing the entertainment we want. Um, I, I, I wish I could enter the multiverse. I wish Ant-Man in the wasp could take me to quantum mania and I could go into another universe where Irene Dubois did not go home first and see her and Mistress. I know. Like team up on Lucy and, uh, and would be amazing. If they were bullying her the whole time and saying funny things and Lucy doesn't get that it's a TV show and funny things are supposed to be said, that would be a big thing. And like if Irene was there, what if, what if in that one golden girls group challenge Irene was in one group, uh, Malaysia, baby doll, baby doll, baby doll. Was in the other group and Lux and, uh, Mistress were in the other group and they all wanted metal and none of them would back down. How many was just all of them fighting for metal? Amazing. I mean, it would have been the best fight ever. It would have been such a good. I would. I'll say it. I think if anyone deserves a comeback after an episode one since Miss Van G. I would love to see Irene Dubois come back and have a shot. I hope the gag of next week is it's a comeback challenge and someone gets to come back and I don't think I just Irene comes back. That would be hilarious. Just like what was, uh, what happened to down under where that was like, our, Hey Simone. Yeah. Hey guys, for no reason we brought back the white queen that we eliminate and she's in this bag of trash. There's a lot of fun tea around that on the internet. So if you know it, spill it, spill it. Um, but yeah, they, uh, apparently there's a lot of tea that, uh, I've guess art was just like a legend in the drag race scene. And I even hear a rumor that she was pegged to host the show before RuPaul said yes to host it. That's what I heard. And then she was like, I mean, I've also heard that she had to, uh, do the lip sync twice. Yes. So that could be a reason why that could be why they didn't, I think it's true also. And I think that could be why they didn't do another kind of who are we going to bring back? And it was just art, Simone. They're like, you know what? We were going to have like a competition to come back, but we just owe it to art. Like we fucked up so bad. We have to just bring art back. And thank God. We did. Did you remember when she put that whole big piece of food in her mouth for her talent? Have you ever seen that? Somebody just put a lot of food in their mouth. That was, that was almost as funny as Irene Du Bois, I swatter bit. Um, I was, art Simone is one of the weirdest finalists in a drag race finale ever, where it's just like, I think everybody in drag race down under, I think was one of the weirdest. Who knew a name could get you to the top four of a drag race season, Karen from finance. Fuck my whole, I have too much to say about that. In fact, let's take a break and get into these runway looks. Steve, silence. I feel like taking a break. Bring back my break. Okay, let's talk about RuPaul on this runway. I heard my look is really fucking cool this week, I think. Yeah, it's kind of like, uh, it gives me a little clueless. Yes. Kind of a little platty, platty clueless. Yeah. Oh, yep. I see that. Probably more Heathers than clueless. It's hot. It's great. And it's a new right wig. It's a new wig. It's a new wig. I mean, whatever, I don't know. She loves to resolle. It's not a new wig. It's not a new wig. No, no, no, but it's a different wig. She looks great. It's one of these rare, like risks that RuPaul takes that it's like, yes. Absolutely. Yes. RuPaul came out. RuPaul says things to each judge. Each judge says something that's so painfully unfunny that, uh, I die a little inside and then we're to the runway and then we're to the runway, honestly, perfectly said and we can't say anything more. Let's talk. Let's trip and burp these runway. Luke's, you know, the drill, Steve. If you like something, chirp it. If you're not loving it, burp it. Um, for any reason at all, it doesn't even have to be based on any real criteria. So, yeah, I mean, huh. Sasha and ferocity Colby. What do you think? Not my favorite, not, not my favorite. The Sasha's done. It's hard when you're, when you're Sasha and you've done so well. Yeah. Throughout and like so many runaways have been so great. Um, yeah. I mean, you know what, I don't, I don't do drag alp, preface. I don't do drag. I mean, nothing. Well, you do do drag and it's very like, you've done bad. Drag band chat has done bad drag race. And you're iconically bad. Like you, you get the assignment. I, you get the assignment. I was eliminated at snatch game for my portrayal of Nicole buyer. So let's just, you know, leave that right there. Um, but, uh, but yeah. So knowing just as a viewer of a television show who has, who has no real, um, uh, experience or reason to be able to say any of these, I'm going to burp it. Cause it's not, I'm not excited. I'm, I'm bored by it. And I, I just, yeah, there's nothing about it that makes me go, wow. I'm, you know, I feel like you're saying, it's just like it does. It feels like, um, like Jada Essence Hall kind of did like a very pageanty kind of, sure, that I think she did really well. And yeah. So I don't know. I'm kind of comparing everything to, I, to me, Jada Essence Hall's makeover. Um, is like one of the gold standards. And so this is not on that level. I'm gonna, I, you know, I'm still going to give it a, a, a chirp because like, yes, well, you have to, you host this week to week, you have fans, you have listeners, like you have to chirp this. I fully understand. You bring up a good point as an asshole who's, who can say what he wants. I don't care about this. Look. Yeah. No, no, I'm with you. I'm going to burp it. Being asshole, but I see your teeth are valid. No, your critiques are valid. It is a stretch garment. It is so similar to one another. I mean, is it groundbreaking? No, but it is, it is the assignment. They both look insanely beautiful. Sasha's family member is also just a strikingly beautiful woman that she like dragged up a bit. So I mean, they look incredible, you know, but. And if Sasha was like more of a, like, had more turd looks throughout the season, I'd see this and be like, wow, that's great. But you know, right. And everything else, Sasha's done. I like that Sasha's experimenting with padding again. Yeah, I like that she's experimenting just because like now it was fun. She's pleased the judges. Imagine pleasing the judges so much that you can take a bad, weird, crazy risk and know the judges will still love it. You know what I'm saying? Yeah, for sure. I mean, I do like, I kind of think like with those hips being so big, I would have like, like huge sheet. Like I feel like maybe the boobs could have been like more proportionate with the hips. I think that's fair. I think that's a good point. But I mean, that's just again, I, I've, you know, if Sasha Colby ever wants to come and criticize, you know, my podcasts, I will, I will fully take the criticisms. Which the links are below in the podcast description. Well, exactly. Yeah. Wait, Lucy Liduku. Lucy Liduku Lucy. Lucy Liduku Lucy Dukie, Nick Duke Nukem. Dukie, Mick Luki and Lala Mick Struke. Let's talk about the, you better beware because they're coming to the runway and they look absolutely identical. What do you think? Um, I mean, looking at this and then if I were to see this and you'd be like, this is in the bottom, she goes home on this. I'd be like, I don't know about that. But she does something that I also don't like in makeover challenges, which is I don't, maybe I missed it, but I feel that these, I hate when they just bring the makeover challenge looks that's so boring to me. Like not to keep talking about the dis-iconic Sherry pie, but when she just brought two fucking identical dresses and already had the name of her makeover person chosen, I hate that because it's kind of like, it doesn't, it doesn't really matter who this is. It's just somebody's going to come and wear your clothes. Are you just mad that she didn't cast you in her movie? Steve, be honest. I, I, you're audition, you put your audition tape with great. My audition tape was fantastic. I think the problem was I left the laptop was closed and so you could only hear me and you couldn't, and you couldn't see any of the day. Huge problem. Well, no, because it was a nightmare before Christmas musical. So I didn't want like my dog to distract from my vocals of what's, what's this? What's this? It's this, what's this? What's dicks? Yeah, I guess. What's the name of the nightmare before? Let's not talk about it. Let's not. Let's stop. What are we doing? So honestly, I, for me, this is actually a chirp. Like, okay, look, I'm just saying, like it actually looks great. I think they look identical and it's so funny. They were like, you're in the bottom. We, we, we don't, we just don't like her very much. And I'm not saying I agree. They just, they don't like her very much. Lucy does what Lucy does best, which is checking all the boxes. Yes. And that's not always very exciting. Yeah. And, um, but she checks, she always checks all the boxes. Well, she's honest. I'm so out of the teachers pet punished for being teachers. Yeah. Okay, mistress and Matt Isabel Brooks and Madam Thong, mistress Isabel Brooks and Madam Thong. What do you think? Very pageant. No one. What? I'm gonna, I, I came here to cause chaos. I'm the wicked witch of Wizard of Oz. I'm here to, I'm here to cause chaos and yes, I'm diabetic. You're diabetic. I'm going to cause chaos and then fly away happily ever after, after on my broom, just like in Wizard of Oz. I'm going to burp it because. Yeah. I've seen mistress in so many similar things that are so much better. Yeah. And I think she made. Like to be fair, but. Okay. But, but, but, but. So she did what I want. Yeah. She did what you want, but I mean, you make a good point. It is the most predictable pageant look you could think of. I mean, the ruching is beautiful, but yeah, it is. It is exactly what you would think of, right? Like black versus. It's very safe. Color, it's very safe. Yeah. And I thought that we're going to give her the window because you could tell they wanted to give her a win. Like again, in the fairness of the challenge was for this challenge was to even out the wins. Exactly. And then mistress was very safe. I'm going to burp it because I want to cause chaos, but. No, I think I might. If she made that, like that's, that's incredible. But just because you made it doesn't mean that me as some jerk that just watches the show and. Yeah, can't even make a glove. Yeah. I mean, but you can't even make a fart. You're fucking that's how fucking. No, I remember. Remember when my intestines exploded because I couldn't make a fart and I had an hospital for two years? Yeah. That's. And the doctors just they were mean to you. They were awful to you. They've come in and they would just scream at me like fucking fart. Just fart. And I was like, I don't know what that means. I'm trying. I guess I guess we're going to burp it. It's it's it's whatever. Again, if she won, if she won the challenge this week, I would be like, that's fine because she's like, waiting on the season. But fair enough that she did not win. Yeah. I think I think the judges agreed because I feel like they were. Like, remember the inner saboteur challenge that was clearly just to keep Miss Cracker in the game. And then she did like that. I feel like this makeover challenge, the producers were like, all right. And then Mr. Swill win and it'll be like a lot of double with a lot of people with two wins and Sasha with three and bully. Yeah. OK, Asia Azul and Lux Noire London, truly Jennifer Coolidge. I mean, they were on the money. It is unbelievably uncanny. I mean, they don't look alike in any way, right? No, no, just I guess like. Maybe if Lux had some more blue. Yeah. But again, that's why this is a perfect challenge. It's like they even know. But again, I don't know what family resemblance means. It is it is an absolutely nonsensical word in the drag race lexicon. And like, because again, you get punished for being identical and sometimes you get rewarded for being identical. Sometimes they love it when you're complimentary. They hate when you're complimentary. I don't know. But they look cool. I mean, as one of the cooler, they're both like cool, well constructed looks that look chic as fuck. Yeah. And I can't remember, but did Lux made these on the made these tonight, right? I think so. Yeah, that's impressive. I'm going to, you know what, because they're colorful, I'm going to share them. I'm going to chirp on, but I am going to say something controversial and say that though I live for Lux, no, our London. And I mean, she's, you know, she says her fashion aesthetic is like everything. And she will tell you in a 20 minute lecture, I think her fashion aesthetic might be skinny. Like, yeah, oh, absolutely. Absolutely. Like God bless your skinny, but like you, you can kind of get off your high horse. And when you're telling everyone you're sickening, when it's like, no, you're skinny. And that's great for you. How was that lecture that you that you took from Lux, no, our London? She just lectured about herself. Debitating, exhausting, wasn't she? Yeah. She, there were 300 of us in the room and she talked about each of us individually just to get to the final point. And I'm better than all 300 of you. Yeah. Yeah. I hear that she also, there were 300 people and there were 299 chairs. And then she would just, she just, when class, when the lecture was starting, she just couldn't wait to see who wouldn't have a chair. And then she, she didn't acknowledge it. She didn't let anyone help that person. Just one person had to stand the whole time. And I thought like that's a power move. Yeah. She was, yeah, very cruel, very like cruel in the coldest way. Like, you know what I mean? Like, like, like a, like a, like a, like a Disney casually, like a Disney, the evil stepmother. You know what I mean? Yes. Cruel hand aloof, which again, I'm here for that energy. She's bringing a good, she's now the new villain of the season. God bless. Oh, yeah, I love, I love what I like about Lux is she, I think that I think you're right about her aesthetic being skinny now that I think of it. But also I think that she can bat like she can be that confident because I think she can back it up. Like I never feel like she's delusional. T says that stuff. T. No, I mean, she's like fully aware and smart. And that's what I think she's stirring up shit because she knows it's, it's the end of the season. She's like, I know the game. I am now going to play the game so that I stay here because I'm very talented. They could send me home at any moment. Who is the queen that cracked the code? Who was like, what was the season where there's a penis? I watch Sasha Bell. I think Lux is what no Sasha Bell thought she was of just like, yeah. I watch every episode. I've studied every episode. I cracked the code and because like how many times has she referenced RuPaul? All how many times has she quoted the show? She's the second coming of Alaska truly. Like because I mean, she references the show in a way that's like fresh and like not just embarrassing and tongue in cheek. And yeah, yeah, I'm here for that. And she's a producers dream because all the show wants to do is jerk itself off with its own references. Right. Like we've already got Norvina saying walk that fucking duck in the same season. I know that fucking duck happened. So as well as the I don't see how that's any of your business, which Ru really creams for. Oh, yeah, because because that's like an original Ru jokes. Of course, Ru's going to cream for it. Yeah, she loves. She's really creaming. So a nitra and what's her what's her tiny sister's name? Electra. Electra. They look great. They look great. I like it. Yeah. Um, I like I don't think that the outfits like very exciting. No, but, but the makeup is very good. The makeup is very good. They look great. Is this like, is it very good? Is it like it totally in a nature's wheelhouse? Yes. Um, and she's, you know, I'm not, I'm not ding it, but it's, it's not super shocking for any drug. But again, I guess she fit the assignment. She fit the assignment. Again, this, this was anyone's win. Like this week is anyone's win. It's whoever the producers want to add some heat to. I agree. And I think I think it's a chirp. Uh, chirp for sure. But let's go ahead and pronounce the nitra winning. Yeah. Well, I just think that, um, I think it was the Lala Peruzza, where Anitra and Sasha went against each other was, um, was a turning point where producers were like, I don't know if the finale is going to be a lip sync for the crown. But if it is, that was the point where they were like, Oh, we need these two. We need this has to happen and get this has to happen in the finale. Yeah. Um, and I'm fine with that because you're 100% right. I think they're great. Damn. I think you're right. This third win that Anitra just got solidified that the top two, if they're doing a top two, maybe they do is in fact, Anitra v Sasha. I think that is tea hunting down the house. Yeah. Tea. Yes. Mama. Yes. Boots. It is boot the tea house. Just like when they taught the teachers, the gay lingo. This is really serving and gathering all of the cuts. Yes. She did already have that. She did. So like again, like I, I, I want to apologize for all of the Lucy. I, the Lucy apologies. It really is just I feel, I feel that somebody who's just like kind of annoying in real life is being railroaded as like this insane person on the show. And I, I, that makes me sad, but like looking at these on the runway, I, it's shocked. Like, I think Lucy won. Yeah. And, and I don't say that because I'm a, I'm a stan. I would have loved to see mistress do better. Yeah. Um, I think, I think it really could have an, an honesty bin Sasha or Lucy, but there was no need to give Sasha a fourth win. Like no, because Sasha's in the finale period done, but now they're like, let's add some story to the other girls. Yeah. Oh, look at Ross's glitter sweater. Chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp. Chirp faggot. You better. Chirp that I fucking bird. Does he have that in other colors? Oh, that's a, we can only hope we can only hope to see that in like 12 other colors week after week. That would really serve and gather my cunt. Um, man, it would be, it would be so gathered. You could fit it in a teacup. So look, there's no rhyme or reason to this, but a nitro wins. God bless. We love her. Sure. Love it. I mean, I like everyone. I like this whole top five. I really like the whole cast. Really? No, I loved this top five. I almost thought everyone was going to stay. I thought they were, I can't tell the math anymore of like staying in who's going. If they made it a year ago, they'd all be going to the finale right now. Exactly. Exactly. So, and again, Lucy fully, Lucy weirdly is right when she's like, do I mathematically deserve to be the finale? Like, yeah, she's one of the most consistent people in this cast, but the show said, no. I'm like, no. So let's talk about this lip sync, which is fun because we're getting this. The frustration is now going to be expressed in a lip sync for your life with Lux the loose. What do you think? I mean, I think it's tough because we've had that Sasha and Ytra one and we've recently had Marsha and another victim of producers are done with you. Goodbye. Yes. But and then the Marsha and Ytra were both so good. So already having like a high bar for good lip synths and this being like the Lucy Lux showdown that's been percolating, like it was kind of a little bit of a let down. I think Lux definitely won. Sure. But I wasn't, you know, it was like borderline messy. You know what I mean? Like, yeah, it was like well performed tons of energy. But messy, messy too. You know, like I never definitely not won for the books. No. And definitely not like the not the payoff from the Lucy and Lux because what a good story they bicker then they want to challenge together, then they bicker it again. Now they're lip syncing against each other. One's going home. Like I would have like it would have been fun for. Oh, I do have a Lucy LeDuke critique. And it's not necessarily for this challenge, but it's been driving me crazy all season. And so I just want to bring it up. Something that Lucy does that I cannot stand is when you are the maid in what's it called? Cutting winds blowing in the wind. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Do you swims? Do you see the wind? The winds, the mighty, wind, mighty poops, whatever. Yeah. What's what's it called? Whatever it's called. Whatever the wind screaming right now. Daytona winds. There we go. When she was the maid in date, Hoto no wins. When she was the little boy in wig loose, Lucy. Cover up your tattoos, put on flesh sleeves because it takes me out of it. When I see the maid, but she's got, you know, not really sleeves, but she's got tat-tah up and down her arms and legs. Same with when it's a little boy in school and I see the tattoos. It's just, you know, if drag is about illusion, you know, it's a makeup on the tats or, you know, I just thought she looked like a personal taste. Stewart, I know the whole internet saying this, but I have to confirm that she looked just like, Stewart from Mad TV when she was. Stewart. Stewart. Maybe I. Oh my God. Stewart just walked into my hotel room. Look, look what I can do. Wow. Stewart, wait, come back. Stewart left. So you, I mean, OK, I'm going to say something really mean to like this high energy performance. I actually think luck did a good job, but it could be compared to like a Kohanaman trees when Kohanaman trees gave nothing but energy, but maybe not a lot of lip sync. Um, having said that they were, they were done with Lucy. And I can't tell you why. Maybe it was because she didn't cry when Rue prompted her to. They wanted her to break and she, for whatever reason, didn't want to break on TV, which is her prerogative. Um, you know, I kind of got a feel, you know, I feel there are some queens that, you know, just end up being very boring because they don't want to break. Right. And, um, yeah, we want to see these bitches break. We want to see them let loose. Yeah. Isn't that funny? The one bitch we thought would let loose and ask what's the use she couldn't let lose. Do you think that Lucy. Doing so terribly in the, and that's not even fair because like singing live is tough and I don't doubt that Lucy can sing live. I, you know, Lucy was nervous. It was episode one and, you know, it's got a little, got a little pitchy, uh, of lot pitchy, but like, do you think that in that moment Lucy was so mortified by it and just kind of like internally shut down and was like, I have to control this narrative. I, like, I, like, I wonder if that was kind of like a triggering moment of, oh, I, I just looked so stupid in this, in this opening episode. I cannot look stupid again. And I actually saw a TikTok that was like, oh, like this song has been like 10 years in the making or something like that. Like they, they just for like years before her and this talented producer was like, we're going to make this song. It's going to be perfect. When you get on the show, it'll be your song. So I think it was that thing where there was this like too much lead up and expectation to this moment going like the amazing and it didn't. It's like the last episode of how I met your mother, like they planned it 10 years ago and they were so on. That's our finale. That's what we're doing that like as things change and evolve, they didn't think like, oh, maybe we should try something new now that it's happening. Um, yeah. Just, I mean, what is this? The thousands, how I met your mother reference on drag her. Yeah. You know, what an evergreen reference that every listener gets, Steve. Thank you. But Steve, I guess that's it. And next week we're going to see another episode and have a top three. Allegedly, we'll see. Really? Allegedly, the sneak peek said it showed RuPaul saying there will be a top three. But again, she could change her mouth. Good. Do it. Do it. Nope. I want to top three. Send someone home. I love a top three. It's more gratifying. You know what? Who would, who would you? Send her home freebie. I would still send home. Who would you send home? I would still send home. Yeah, I guess I would send home Lux. But yeah. For me, it would be Lux or mistress only because I love mistress. Yeah. But I don't know if like the past few weeks, like the comedy challenge and the makeover challenge, like I've kind of, I don't know, I did not. Mistress is almost like a, a, I want to say Channing Tatum, but that's not right. What's Irish Lawrence Chaney of like really like just the last few episodes kind of falling out of it a little bit and kind of getting that. But who knows? Maybe, maybe I'll get it back. I'd love it to be mistress Anitra and Sasha. That would be. I would too. You make a good point. I hope next week is her win. I would be so. It would just make me really happy. But again, I don't know. It's a video challenge and my God, the cunt that Sasha and Anitra can serve in a video. Like and luck to frankly. And Lux being the young like with it. Tick tock me. Okay. Sorry, mistress. My no, no, don't don't say this. Don't say that. Don't say that in the universe. No, top four, top four. It'll just be a top four. Steve, thank you for being here in the weirdest, in the weirdest circumstances. Remind us listeners where we can follow you and support you. You have. Yeah. You have a couple podcasts, but tell us about all of them. Well, no, I just have one now. Oh, okay. One of them. And I think it's important to. Yeah, I think it's important to gather your cunt and do a tiny little teacup so that. Okay. And so that life is more manageable. So that the children gathered all my cunt into one podcast. Right. So that the children can be really, really giving, you know, yeah. Yeah. And and shade the. I am always shading the kids in nature. Girl, at how orange you are. Yes, girl. At our point. Wait, tell us about your podcast. So my podcast is called Totally Pals. So you can listen to that where podcasts are. It's kind of like how there's all these podcasts, like office ladies and the scrubs, guys, celebrities love to recap their, their old TV shows. Somebody had to make a parody of all of those. Mm hmm. And that somebody had to be me. So it's a parody of all those. Totally pals. And I guess just like, yeah, find that. I don't care if anybody follows me on Instagram or anything like that. Nope. Listen to the totally. Well, click below. Instagram is down below. You can put it down below. It's down below. Click, find Steve, listen to Totally Pals. It is so dumb and crazy. I've done an episode and it is just a true improv insanity. It's delightful. It's funny. It's stupid. Like it is a guaranteed laugh. So go listen to Totally Pals anywhere you podcast. And I apologize for all of my hot takes. I love it. I apologize for burping Sasha Colby. I'm you're a monster. But you're a monster. You know you're the villain of this podcast. You're not trying to keep your appearance up like Lucy Babuki. No, if, yeah, if people are getting riled up by what I'm saying, good. Good. Well, that's all the time we have. If you like Dragger podcast, follow us at Dragger Podcasts on Instagram. Give us a five-star review anywhere you listen to podcasts like the Apple podcast or Spotify. It helps keep the goddamn lights on. Unlike today because I'm sick and in the dark. And till next time, let the music play. Two, two, two to the moon. That was a hit dumb original. Hi, I'm Charlie Bardet. And I'm Natalie Roddar-Laitman. And we host the podcast Exploration Live, now on Headgum. On our show, Charlie and I each bring in our best ideas of the week and hash them out. Ideas like 17 random. That's the thing of how whenever someone uses the number 17 as an example in a story, you know they're lying because 17 is just too random. Or bloodletting tone. That's the thing of like whenever people talk about bloodletting, they have this tone like how stupid were they when really it's like they didn't know. Or Terminator Next Stretch. That one is a little hard to explain. Subscribe to Exploration Live on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, or wherever you get your podcasts. And be on the lookout for new episodes every Wednesday.