Break It Down - CM Punk, All In, Sheamus & More

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It's a good match. I just got carried shame. I was like, well, hang on a second. What's the common denominator here? You know what I mean? So it's just over time. I think it just people realized, you know, what I bring to the table. And I'm having fun. I really am. I'm enjoying kicking the shirt out of people. It's great. I'd always have. Yeah. I bring the best at everybody. I make people work in there. I make people bring it out. If you don't, I'm just going to eat you up. And I don't go in there with them. I want to take the physicality back. That's what me is a great match. It's a war. It should be a fight. It shouldn't be so pretty. I mean, listen, there's places not for these pretty dancers and these ipline stuff on spray people. People love the old skills of the slut. You know what I mean? They love the slugged best. You know, and that's when we brought it guys to castle. It's summer slam there. You got on Saturday, right? It's contour and drool. People are still talking about me, man, because that's the story about me and the other guy. Well, they can't get away from me. They probably have a nightmare. It's about me. You know what I mean? So my name is name is still to be mentioned. Like, without me in that match, I ain't going to be a banger. Let's put it that way. I know you. I get it all the time and you've been so open. But you can't get away from that either. People want to see you with the icy ton. It was like, you've literally got literally everything. We've got rumbles. We've got like everything you could ever want. Um, and then gumpers on this kind of, like, curried finding terror, though, that was going to probably be a wrecked setter, or lestery or something to say about that. Do you think it's this fairy tale you went for the right moment now again? I don't know, man. It just seems every time they put it out there, it's been a story and it's a story to continue. You know what I mean? Until I get my hands at it. So just, it feels like trying to catch that rabbit, you know, it's kind of catching. It's like or rocky trying to cross the chicken. It's just, it just keeps getting away from me further and further. But I just cannot, without this being more and more determined, I make it even bigger when I do get my hands on it. I think people want to, uh, let's talk a little bit about rest of that. You know, actually, I'm ranging. Because at one point, I'm going to be saying League of Nations much there. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, definitely that that was what it was built for. How the level that he's at, uh, you know, let's talk about that in the journey there. How impressive you've been to see what he's been able to, um, from, you know, at one point, I think there was a, like he said, a whole statement, bringing it just to help it along the way. And I think the long as we know, he really has arrived at that suit. I'm trying to say, they always spoke good. Yeah, I mean, as a luxury of just of wrestling by times a year. Yeah. Now, you know what I mean? That makes a big set. I mean, let's be honest before we went away with Colbert's, uh, people didn't give a shit about him. Like he was the big baby face. He was wrestling Goldberg. Nobody really cared. I think in the same way that, like, the same sense of where it benefit me to come back and wrestling those empty arenas. And I empty a read at the Thunderdome where people got to see how physical I really can be and they'll meet it. Got more freedom instead of the my own skin. I just like, you know, it's cruel. I'm just going to wear it there and have fun and do what I'm going to do. Uh, the same, same stance that benefited him because he was at a point where like, it was just forced down people's tropes and he got to get away and then come back and in this different character and stuff, you know. Um, also, look sure you're getting all these storyline time and everything. You know, I feel like he's made the most of the opportunities hard, but I feel like, you know, this guy's on the roster begging for that man at the time to tell their own stories. And that's that's one of the only things that's going on is like, rest the roster needs story time too, you know what I mean? I mean, I'm a damn as Jacob a week ago. Uh, it went for 20 minutes over. It's like the younger the rest of us, I'm a bad update thing. You know what I mean? It's all me and that theory at two sacks which ended up turning to three small sacks on the fly, you know. So that's tough just while you're not to go ahead do that. So it's definitely definitely benefit him a lot and Heyman and the story they have to tell, uh, all within that family and stuff. What, uh, but yeah, as I said, like, there's plenty of other people on the roster too that they could do with story time as well. You see that more people over. Yeah. Not taking nothing in any way for them to say. Yeah, just finish on here then. Yeah, you've remiss if we didn't mention UK or something like, you know, right? Junction mentioned it. Of course, the money in the bank. I mean, you must have, yeah, plus, be honest, the class of the policy perception to you, not. It was incredible. I was rage and that I wasn't on that money that buy paid. Like, I just just couldn't run this. Couldn't run my head around the night. I honestly, like, could not wrap my head around. Like, after stealing the show, a class, the castle, and then come them back. No, no, no. Yeah. And again, like, when they first came on the roster, you give us a little bit more time, right? Just gives, just gives us a few more minutes, just two more minutes, yeah. Sorry. Um, so, you know, in the sense where, like, I lost my train of thought here, but, uh, money would like, but no, well, money in the back, like, you just, you know, it would have been a great opportunity. And like, you know, after everything, the hop of the class, you would have been, and it took me a while to with that UK crowd, you know, didn't my first coming around on the roster, didn't warm up to me, you know, straight away. So it's again, it's years and years of slogging and being consistent, and going out there and put me heart, you know, wearing me heart and you sleep. Like, that was, that was a big disappointment. So, uh, next one, I'm definitely, this has got me war if I'm not in the next. Every 90 in the UK. I love that. I love that. I love that. Great. Absolutely. Hey, the story's already written, fella. You just have to go over and tell the creative lads what the f**k need dealers. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, come on out. Like I know it. Uh, Jamie's going to catch up. Thanks, ma'am. I appreciate it.