Break It Down Ep10 - Sami Zayn and KO, Rock vs Cena & More

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Es möchte dass die Endgames für Xen und Snuchahnen um das eclipse auction gehen, cast nicht diese weitere Banter und GLSKR, wir haben wirklich ein sehrершential Tserying für die Interacting within the Elses not on that show also also the pinnacle History like human in it. Then really it's then you've really broke up the pinnacle did they just kind of it just wasn't anymore I mean, I think obviously I know like the Wardlow MJF you just kind of like the end of that but there was never a oh and The pinnacles over yeah, I mean I guess that is one of it one of the things for the W that is something that like it would be Good if they had someone in to kind of be like I'm gonna fix this is like there's so many factions that either list like They they they broke away because I feel like what we're gonna get is we're gonna get some sort of MJF and FTR thing with FTR I like you've been a monster of a leader and so you never said that at the time But now you're gonna say it because we need to try and Shoehorn some story stuff and so I hope they've maybe got like a cleverer thing to do Maybe they've got some stuff stuff in the bag that they can show to kind of make that MJF and FTR thing fuel Even bigger than and maybe that's the double closely spot as well that you're talking about maybe that maybe we get it in the FTR match Whenever that is so yeah, it's the best thing in a WTV right now They've they've really kind of done better with a TV since double and nothing so yeah, I'm glad that they're on an upward trend quality wise I'm gonna touch on the rock thing now, right? Of course because I need to get a bit and I'm listening to what Kenny is saying right now And I'm getting fucking angry. Do you want me to read the to you want me to read the tweet first so that you can you can go on and set the table Okay, so this was Ben on Twitter, right and this just kind of it must have Been going on going on so vital of people just being like what a fucking idea that it got to me So it's a photo of Cena in the rock from WrestleMania 28 and it just has hot take John Cena is better than the rock in almost every way That is the take and I responded saying This is an awful take and then I put in brackets because I knew there would be people who would say it Except if it's make a wish stuff which Cena obviously trumps everyone and is amazing at because yes Which is very valid. Yeah, it's very valid repeat response You'll be pleased to know your Quite treat is obviously what brought me to the Yeah, it's like I don't know what it was maybe like 10 o'clock last night something like that I was kind of getting ready for bed and then I saw it and I've got really good lately Agents ignoring Twitter, right like I see lots of stuff happening on there and I like drama or arguments and I just think I'm gonna stay out of that I don't need it, right You anyone who's following me for a while will know that I I'm still fairly active, but I used to be a lot more active. He used to be like my bread and butter Whereas now I'll kind of promote my work and you know if I have something positive to say maybe But I saw this and it was one of them were like I did I put my phone down and I thought no, I can't let that go and I Had to say That is to salute a crusade, right like to say not only that he's better than him In everything Right in every way. He's better than the rock. I was like good if you say that and This is obviously what I replied you you can't have properly seen the rock in his pond like you just can't you can't have seen him from when he went through I went you know, let's say from the hill turn in Nation of domination onwards, right? You just you just haven't seen him and I'm gonna in a minute. I'm gonna read out some of the replies to my tweak as some of them are just baffling Like the things that people like ration out as seen are being better and again, let me make this clear No problem with John Cena here big fan of John Cena now. Yeah I loved the first couple years of his career and I enjoyed the last two or three of his full-time career The stuff in between wasn't for me, right? The Super Cena. It just wasn't for me didn't really enjoy it But he had you know those moments. I'm not gonna detract from you know the CM punk money the bank thing It was it was like a great match, right? And he's he's had Some great matches, but you know has he has he had many great rivalries and feuds My tip really I know I know you've got stuff to do that But just very quickly. Here's the two things I want to take away from it So I got called Rob tweeted me back and said I don't think any year of rock and ring touches seen it in 2007 When he was even having great matches the Cali and Lashley and to that point I do want to say right 2007 was a great year for having the ring because he did have the Omega the Cali the Lashley matches, right? So he's he's right there. However, what he is not mentioning there is the sort of you know almost a dozen years of His end-ranked stuff where he was hokey. I mean at any point. I mean, I know the rock does a bad shot sure So that's fine, but like that is true. I mean the cross face that he did when Steve Austin has to give you into trouble Because you don't apply it properly on a network podcast that tells you all you need to know He's not believable. He is a pantomime dame in disguise He just he does not know subtlety if it hit him in the face But the other thing that I think is just For me is the the way that I rate between the two right now granted I am bias cuz I like the rock more I don't love him as much as you do so. I'm not like in the fight as much as you are but to me one of these two Elevated people and one of them buried people and left a graveyard of people behind and I think we know who's who Yeah, yeah, I mean, I mean there's so many different ways. I want I could attack this like you know Some people have to it me saying like well, you know seen it was a bigger draw No, you know you're not a big a draw by being around by default right seen it was around For 20 years the argument some people use it right that makes you a bigger draw He was not a bigger draw. You're a bigger draw by selling out buildings selling pay per views That the biggest pay per views that senior ever drew with the rock. So that is stupid. Don't be stupid to think that Yeah, like and just some people as well So like I've had a cup one saying and the only thing the rock does better than senior is comedy. What? Like the rock the rock's promo right and again This is people who do just didn't watch the rock every week, right? And they're only they only know him from clips, which you know again You don't have how many people sit there and watch a montage of senior lips like interviews and stuff on YouTube. I'm not gonna imagine as many as the rock, but You know he did used to sell Pay with you. He sold events and he did that on the microphone in the ring that there is that there is this Notion that because the rock's not like fucking dynamite kid or bright But he wasn't good in the ring. Yes, he was he had plenty of really good matches, right? Great matches I dare say we've a lot and with you know again Triple H had a whole catalog in 2000. We're talking I Said I still stand by the fact that his match of Hulk Hogan is one of the greatest matches of all time And you don't have to do like a million moonsaults or Have a technical masterclass to have the greatest match. I think that's what a lot of people don't understand. They drew Tens of thousands of people and had them going absolutely bananas for like half an hour Like in the palm of the hand you could say that no You the crowd investment and things like that. Has there ever been a match that's had it more than that on the on a grander stage I would argue not right Everything I'm saying here is not to diminish John Cena in any kind of way Yeah, he was the number one guy for a long time Yeah, that's another common response. Well, there's a reason he was the number one guy for a long time Yeah, they of course there is Vincent man made it that way like all the old years where fans said Do you want him to be the number one guy? Yes, right? Sin and it will go to turn hill so I kind of feel feel for him in that regard But nothing like touches what Hollywood rock was doing for instance, right? The rocks ability to pivot character and do that is one of the greatest hill You know, it was only about six bums he ended up doing it. It was one of the greatest sort of pivots from a top guy I've ever seen And and that comes off the back of you know 2000 2000 and one in 2002. He's Literally with Steve Austin. Maybe the hottest baby face of all time. I mean Hock Hogan in his pump was was an incredibly hot baby face But when was seen or ever that hot as a baby face? He was kind of hot It was the rap gimmick as he got his made his way to the world title And then it wasn't that long before they were booing him again So like people talk about being number one and post-the-boy of a company It's one thing to be it and it's another thing for Vince to make you it Right, and I'm not I'm not saying like Vince you know Vince was pushing rock from the start incredibly strongly, but He still had to kind of go around the houses have a hill turn make his way in the nation domination You know, you have to have the crowd end up saying yes, we want this guy and the rocks reactions at the turn of millennium Stand up against anybody ever in the business in terms of pops and and reactions I mean, so again some of them so what I want to find one particular Reply that I had because I just I just replied to him say you're just saying things Just saying words now that you don't you know you don't understand I need to find it you think that I'll just Okay, I've got it. I've got it. I've got it right so I said He was saying that this guy was he was saying he wasn't very good in ring basically and I was like we're there in lives of rub What you or I think is good in ring? Is really irrelevant right like what I like you know? I love Kurt Angle Rob Van Dam that doesn't necessarily mean someone else does like the drawing does the moments that they create do the crowd Investment for those matches matters, right? Yeah, and that's why I'll make the arguments I did earlier and he says by that metric Xena has more polarizing and interesting reactions than rock More iconic moments and has drawn more money overall. I mean John his name is I You show his name's not mark any chance. No Bio says is bio says very very Fucking clear sighted. I don't think you are John. I've got to tell you But I feel like when you're when you're in one of these debates, right? And you know who it gets me sometimes is whenever something comes out on Twitter or like you know, there's a debate So he goes Who cares? It's like it's Twitter. You can say about anything who cares like a redundant thing to say is Twitter You could say who cares about any topic we're talking about But I think with the rock and Tina thing is that if the debate is who was better in wrestling in general then They've got a lot because you can kind of even up and stack up But I think if you're gonna go down the iconic moments route rock wins if you're gonna go down who was elevated more by working with somebody Rock wins Xena does have longevity, but I think That if you look at it is like rock could I have longevity if you wanted to? Yeah, he wanted to be willing you went to become the most famous literally in the top three or five famous people in the world And I don't I think seeing a dead do a lot of good things, but I do think You know, there's a lot of I mean Bray Wyatt Rissage the mezz nexus jack swagger Dolph Ziegler. There's loads of people Right back. You can even ride back like I'm not sitting here saying right back to you know, but The point is there was like a whole few years with Xena where he just got into feuds and he won every single time and nobody was richer for the experience Right like it is with his look one of rocks hope one of rocks things that he was famous for was losing More often than a top guy should because if you look back, there is no top guy in the history of wrestling whether it's Xena Hogan Austin nobody Well, no, do you know what I will give Xena this? Xena dead lose a fair whack because he had to But rock that a lot and he didn't really and it never really affected him But you can see Austin heated to words heated You can see with rocks title runs like I mean he's got ten of them But I don't think he ever had one that went over three or four months, right? And most of them were most of them were quite sure in fact You know like he traded it with triple H quite a long 2000, but I would say also like is triple H You know this worked both ways is the rock the big baby face and it triplets the biggest hill without each other Right, and then you've obviously got the Steve Austin feud with speaker itself He he has the moment with Hogan which is an all-time WrestleMania moment and you know feud in many ways even though I could criticize the way they got to WrestleMania But I wasn't And I just think with Xena At WrestleMania Like what what is his legendary Match-up feud And Because I don't think he really hit the mark with like gray wire You know twice to that matter But the undertaker thing was just to do it. It wasn't very good. I was there Um Yeah, I know he had that kind of stretch that involved sure Michael's in triple H, you know alternating years What's just fine The when you say WrestleMania John Cena to me I think of him lifting up big show which was quite cool at the time um And I don't have that much else. I mean you would argue it is the rock really and I don't think those matches were like incredible or anything But like I thought the first I thought the first one was was was great But the problem was I remember being at that WrestleMania, right? I remember going and I was like I knew it for anyone who was my age If you're in your Oh, but I've been there like late late 20s, right? If you're in your late 20s You did not want John Cena to win that match. There was just no right If you had pubes you did not want John Cena to win that match was the general rule but um So the match is going on the match is going on and then rock one right and it was like that's like It was like the bare-line wall had fallen down But that was the way people were reactant as you know, Cena had been beaten And eventually for about two minutes I was overjoyed and then it's sunk and and I was like They're gonna they're gonna have to do it again And if they do do it again Cena has to win So in part of me was going I was because the problem they had going into that WrestleMania was there was no real win position If rock one then Cena was the third timer who couldn't be the part timer If Cena won the crowd would be would hate it And so when we came back to following you it was like we all know what that's that's this is We all knew We all knew before we got there right like Cena We weren't even before the real rumble Rock's facing punk Cena's in the rumble we all know What the result of those two matches we're gonna be and we were right And then you're just on the road to WrestleMania where you're hoping they can make it as interesting as possible But we knew what was going to happen at WrestleMania Yeah But I mean yeah I think over I mean I think Hogan and Austin is in it is a more interesting debate to have Because I think they are pretty much neck and neck And I think you could kind of argue either way With rock and Cena to me isn't it's not even a debate that rock was Bigger slash better overall I mean because they were both You know if you're gonna come at rock for the homophobic insults which I understand Cena did them too just as much So that kind of cancels each other out But yeah I think overall I think Cena redeemed himself a lot by Those last couple of years like you say But yeah I think Yeah that makes it a conversation And what he said like he comes to have his strong spots That kind of longevity by him Strong spots, bold spots He's got all Yeah It's true Why did you, why did John Cena, I mean if John, if you're listening to this Go to Turkey It's an in and out process now Same day I think you look, I think you look very handsome with his hair grown out as well Like I went once when he first grew it I thought Shouldn't have waited that long John No, no, the hair length from his front looks great But it's the side plate, chips, the whole at the back That's the problem I mean to be obviously fully transparent I assume most people listen to us Realize what I'm like but um Yeah we're just having fun As a fan um The rock was obviously my guy like where he's got me into the business he was like who I Adored as a kid I do like to think though That in my career I've always maintained kind of objectivity and balance So as much as I like you know the kid in me I guess is Passionately defending the rock in this in this debate I do objectively believe Like he's highest highs in the moments In the rivalries and everything that you cheat I just feel like he does win that argument Um not to disparage anything for John Cena obviously But there you go Trying to be as transparent as possible I think you did a good job I mean I'm way too opinionated as you know I mean I remember I won't say who it was But I remember once I sort of said something about a wrestler Not then as a person but just a bit about their performance And I think I felt you almost shits yourself Because I had been so cut through to what I'd said about some of these charisma Um which is which is actually good because that person has now developed charisma since So it's not that bad anymore But at the time yeah that wasn't post material Yeah yeah they're having a good time now Um All right Away from that and the many terrible tweets that I have Who is he? I just can't deal with People it's people to say things Kenny He has a big control Well where's your substance behind it? Anyway anyway Moving on before another rabbit hole Kevin Owens Sami Zayn Judgment Day main event this week Seems like There were some disagreements afterwards Kenny But what do we think what do we need to tell the people about this incident Yes I mean so yeah Seth Rollins Sami Zayn Kevin Owens against Judgment Day It's funny because I'm very aware We're in the business of news right We're in the business of wrestling news I am guilty of that I own a website that is a bit wrestling news So I am not saying that we should not be discussing it But I think it's a very overblown thing Because Yes Close of news I mean you cover real sports right And in real sports Like there are way bigger Disagreements And it's like I read So I got a follow on Twitter right And I would really recommend following them If you do not mind Sami offensive tweets And just someone who doesn't give a shit His name's Ian Drew the Giants That's the Twitter handle And basically calls himself Ian Drew Dicequay But he's like a guy who clearly Watched wrestling in the 90s And he just tweets what he likes about wrestling And I live for them at all times But he said something I thought was so true And he was like Thank God The boys care again Enough To be like Like see if this match was If they weren't happy with it And they had about that Disagreement about it Good They care They want it to be good Like I don't see the down side too I know it obviously You know everything gets reported now Everywhere So like it's going to get out there But I don't really see a negative too I actually kind of saw a positive That the wrestlers are so You know they It makes me think they realize How hot a period that I'm right now And they want to do the best they can So to me that's a good thing What do you think? Yeah I agree No I agree I was about to say I was I mean I played football to a pretty good level And I remember When I You know Getting paid to play It's very different than playing for fun And That was like a shock to the system When I first started playing How Seriously people take it Like it matters a lot And to Give relevance to what you just said Like there'll be several times On the pit Or in the dressing room Where Tempers do flare Right and you do argue Because you do see things differently Or no one's quite doing their job Or their end of the bargain And that just kind of seems to be what happened here They were saying that You know things changed last minute And then as a result Some things went wrong out there I can't say it was glaring to me Having watched it back at a glance But you know great for them That As Kenny says That They take such pride in their work That They You know There was a discussion to be had And we know that You know especially like Finn and Sammy for instance And Kevin Like they are close friends So Yeah I don't I mean again People are kind of gagging to write Argument Or Confrontation Or You know Whatever it is You know I think even on the Daily Mail On our US side They did it as Backstage Argument Which I guess it is But um But that's the balance Nothing more than that Yeah I think that's the balance Is that Unfortunately you know You work for someone I Work with stuff Where we kind of have to cover it And have to Put a spin on it For people to read about it But at the same time I mean I'll Argument this fit That's a mean I go into like a scuffle Yeah yeah I mean people always take People always Whenever you write something In terms of a title Or a headline People will always take the most extreme View of what that is And then Kind of a left-handed They're like Well Argument can also mean You know Disagreement by You know Speaking Does not mean a fight But yeah I mean To me it's like It's wrestling Wrestling should be Wrestling should be a competitive Sport where people are You know Really gung-ho to do Do their best work And Passionate about it And I think if we get to a point where That's not happening anymore That's probably an issue So Yeah I don't see a problem Then you have to ask questions Right With that You've heard enough from Kenny and myself We will hand you over to The undisputed tag team Champions I caught them just across the river Or from the 0-2 ahead of money in the bank And it's a really good chat man Like the PR He came over to me Before we started And he said Look Kevin Is not in the best mood I was like Oh okay I haven't heard that before But you know They'd only just flown in I think and he was really tired Or he was struggling with the jet lag But I will say this He went out of his way To to give me a really good And Right Like he You could tell he was trying To to give me good stuff Even though As soon as the camera stood rolling He was like Like Get me out of there basically But yeah Very good egg Thank you for putting on a brave face Kevin Owens And yes Listen To the dulcet turns of the tag team champions Myself and Kenny will be gunning For a third straight week Next week At break it down I know Kenny's got a busy period coming up With inside the ropes Tell the fine people before we sign off Kenny Yeah if you're Some if somehow you're near Glasgow Do the show with gangrel this Sunday Glasgow should be very fun I'm very much looking forward to Spending a Sunday afternoon with him And then Before you know Eric Bischoff comes up in September Lots of content I'm actually going to be with Seria That is going to go up This weekend On the YouTube channel So that should be good And yeah Lots of other stuff going on You just follow me on Twitter Kenny MCITR If we're still using Twitter That's the next week I've got a thread tonight I have a thread too But then it looks like Twitter's made You know kicked out of two maybe You know They've got rid of the rate limit Maybe they're going to survive after all I'm at a coffee 88 On Twitter And don't forget Kenny will be At SummerSlam So in the coming weeks Stay tuned for all of the good stuff From us And hopefully interviews That will spawn out of that But for now Enjoy this interview Of Sami Zayn And Kevin Owens I feel like every time I've interviewed you Before I was like When are you going to have a tag title run When are you going to get together I thought you meant the microphone here We're talking earlier about how lightweight The microphone is very progressive It's finally here We finally got you two with the tag belts How does it feel to finally kind of Got somewhere there So many people have demanded for so long It feels nice I think I feel it Yeah you could end it in the air In Summer In short it feels nice But to expand on that slightly I'll say that Given the history with he and I I think it's Obviously W or triple E quadrupley special When you take into account the Factors that got us here Or how we got these You know at WrestleMania in the main event Together with one another You know as everyone knows We started out together 20 years ago So when you Factor all that in It's almost like storybook type things You know So I think it's bigger than Just winning the tag team championships I think people recognize that I think that's what's making this Particular tag team championship reign Special to the audience Because they They know the story They know the back story They know How and why winning these was so special for us Yeah And as you mentioned The significance of it Being a tag team Main event at WrestleMania That had never been before With the belts I should mention Like Winning them as part of a grand story That means much more So like Now that you have them What does that mean for you moving forward You want to Help bring other people into the picture To lift the division Is there something you want to Stories you want to achieve Like how do you see that Well so One of the things that I was Concerned about before winning them Was that when we did get them I want to live up to the Usos title reign Because they Man they did a lot for these titles They worked very hard to get them to the point Where they could main them at WrestleMania And that's You know the lot of credit goes to them for that So honestly I don't I don't feel like we've Really so far in our run I don't think we're anywhere near that I really want to work very hard to Once we're all sitting down with these titles And you know somebody else Takes them from us I want to you know I want to run to be talked about in the same Bane as the Usos So that's a challenge in itself Because man they did really incredible And you know What Those guys are If anything now finally they're getting their flowers But they've been in my opinion Unappreciated for a long time So that was a big concern I mean like I just don't I want to live up to the work they've done And we're obviously working our hard Out to try to make sure that happens So I guess that's the one concern for us And that you know And that part of it Is just to make sure these titles stay At the forefront of the stories And keep being as important as they've been the last few months Yeah, we're telling that value But sorry yeah thank you And that's the thing as well The Saturday Raving Match was another great beat In the Bloodline story Awesome That moment for you in before the match began And I know that you guys hadn't been to Saturday before that So how much more special was it that you got to kind of You know it was much more than just the wrestling match in many ways I felt Yeah that was a pretty big deal for me For a number of reasons But that whole trip was really really really remarkable I guess on some level Even as a child right Being in an Arab or Muslim growing up And never really seeing a positive representation of that In media or whatever right I always just assumed that if I ever got to WWE I'd have to play like a terrorist or something like that I don't know if you can use that But you know what I'm saying But like because that was just the perception And that was the portrayal of Arabs and Muslims on television Never mind WWE just in media So it was all sort of a thing in the back of my head Like man I'd love to change that one day Yeah So to be able to kind of really embrace that And for the fact that even a major premium live event like that was coming And it was a It wasn't just sort of like Those early Saudi Arabia shows Felt very Not WWE-ish Yeah, yeah They felt like here is a WWE show taking place somewhere else I agree And we happened to be able to watch it But now that was just a seamless part of the show It was like you said a progression in the story with the bloodline And everything else And it just so happens to be in Saudi Arabia So for that to converge with this wonderful story that I've been lucky enough to be a part of for the last year For that to kind of converge with this moment of me being able to Kind of come before my people or whatever you want to call it But to be there and to have that sort of return And under those circumstances was very very special Yeah We had a little love for the Usos a minute ago If Sami and Kevin couldn't be the ones to defame Raymond Would you like to see Jay or someone like that? Yep Yeah Yeah, so either Jay or Jimmy I think both those guys deserve the world And you know, both those guys would be fantastic Universal World Champions, whatever you want to call that title now Forget what they say But I think they'd be a shoe-in for that spot They'd do great at it And honestly, with the way everything's progressed and the new heights they've reached It certainly wouldn't look out of place So I think that would be a great idea For sure What do you think? Do you think you should defame Raymond? You can have it back I appreciate it Yeah, I think from a character and a story perspective It does make sense to see Jimmy or Jay do it at this point I think a lot of characters have kind of come along Throughout the last three years that could have been A very fitting ending There's a few There's a few I think I was one I think Cody was one I think even Drew to a certain extent Maybe not totally because of the story You know, the broader story But I'm saying there's been a couple of moments And a couple of people Even Kevin Could have been points where there's a little bow on the story The culmination of this whole thing But um You know It does seem at this point after everything else That Jimmy or Jay Would be the most fitting for the story I have some quick fire to finish on All right for you guys You can take that Okay There you go Uh When was the last time And who you star struck by? Um The last time was probably And it was several years ago But first time I met Sean Michaels Because he's the reason I do this So first time I got to meet him I was really really Just couldn't believe I got to meet him Couldn't believe I got to And now you know Now See him every couple of eggs every few months And he's just He acts like one of our peers But to me he's always going to be Sean Michaels You know So it never gets old Who about you? It's a non-wrestling answer Sure Um A few years ago I was at a A punk rock concert for a band called The Interruptors I was there with Corey Graves And um We're in their dressing room somehow And And Fat Mike from No Effects If you know who that is Pretty neat shot in here He's a really really famous punk rock Singer And he just walked into the room And because I had no idea he was going to be there I was like oh my god It just Kind of took me a back a bit Um So I know not A pretty niche answer You have to be really into punk rock To kind of Appreciate that one But that was the last time I was like Oh my god that's that guy I've been listening to for so many years And it kind of took me a back I mean Bianca was Kelly Ryland in a corridor Oh there you go That's a pretty good one Most expensive purchase since you joined WW We kind of saw Matthew McConaughey backstage once Right We didn't get to actually We didn't get to actually either talk him Because there's a line of 17 people To get his attention But it was like Oh that's Matthew McConaughey Wow You know that was That would be a big deal I guess that's something He counts Counts it You're in the same place Most expensive purchase since you joined WWE I'm not going to talk about that That's a weird question now Yeah That's not for you to know Yeah What about I mean a house A house Yeah It's a great person Yeah I'm most people say that house Which is right The thing you hate about the gym is a particular exercise Or anything like that that you don't like going to do You know I don't like the doors That's what you like It doesn't like the entrance I don't like the entrance So I just don't go What's the question here Is about the process of working out Or like actual gym things that happen I don't see you don't like it Oh well of course I don't I don't love doing legs but I have to But I'm like oh man This is going to be sore for three days now And whatever But yeah Legs but they're fun to do But they're They come with a A heavy price Favorite place of travel to perform Don't have second time Man that's just tough But obviously going back to Canada every time Is you know It's a special treat for us And the crowds are always pretty phenomenal So you know If we're talking I know it's kind of going back home But you know That's still We don't get to perform there as much as we as we wish So Canada is a double list for me for sure It's very hard for me to answer this question I get asked a lot like Where's the favorite your favorite place you've been And I like a lot of places So it's very very hard to choose I don't have No, no, no, no Yeah for sure I make a point of it actually And the UK I've been coming here for a while And I know you said don't say the UK because you're not But it is very special for me to be here Europe in general But South America, Japan Saudi Arabia, or Canada, Montreal I just I really appreciate being everywhere Everywhere is kind of great in its own way You know what I mean I like you I have the diplomats Well but it's just being very honest It's not I wish I could give you a concrete answer Say like You know I just was saying in a different interview I love wrestling in Santiago Chile I think they might be the best crowd in the whole world But that's not to say that I don't love Being in other countries And performing in front of other audiences Very last one Who made you laugh the most during your W10 year backstage Who's Joker in the locker room For me it's C.J. Parker Who's now known as Drus Robinson Probably the funniest person I've ever met in my life Have you seen that? Oh man, that's such a tough one I don't know I guess I'm going back to NXT as well But Adrian Neville Who's now known as Pac We used to have a lot of laughs together And I really miss him He's a great guy Yeah he's a great guy Yeah Yeah is that it? He's a great guy Yeah Yeah he loves his Toon army He loves them He loves them He's a good never-ending guy Yeah yeah so I really miss him a lot And we used to have a lot of laughs together That's the first one that comes to mind