JeffJeff's Bizarre Adventure S03E04: Someone beat up that little kid

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I was doing a con, doing Dublin City Comic Con over the weekend, did an artist Sally, what my buddy Brobex had a great time, and when you're doing a con, especially when you're doing an artist Sally, which is when you're selling art prints for the entire con, you have a lot of interesting interactions with interesting people, I would say, and there was this one guy, and he was a really like very large man, like big, roundy dude, looked great, looked awesome, looked really, really good. But he was talking to her, we were talking about how hard it is, because you make a lot of small talk at these situations. And at some point, and maybe like, I don't even know if this is like, like, this is in my head, or if we're going to have to cut this, because maybe I'm the asshole here. But at some point, he kind of looks at me and he goes, yeah, yeah, it's very warm, especially for guys like me and you who have a couple of extra layers. And I was like, what? You're what? What? I was like, I didn't say anything, but in my head I was like, but what? We don't look this, what? What? And it really threw me, you know, it was really like, what, what, what is this guy's deal? Wait, what is that? Say that again. He said, especially for guys like me and you who have a couple of extra layers. I mean, is he saying that you're, were you wearing a jacket? No. I mean, look, having, is he trying to say that you're, no, he can't be, is I've had the pleasure of seeing John in the flesh. And my man is, my man is cut, brolic, yoked. My man is carved out of stone and, like, you know, wood, I guess we'll say, marble, you know, marble, yeah. But it was just like, it was like a minute where it's like, you think you see yourself one way, but it's like, wait, people see me another way. And it was like, yeah, I looked in the mirror, I was like, what's going on here, buddy? Yeah, like it just, it just threw me. And it wasn't like, it wasn't like, oh, no, I don't want to be bigger anything. It was like, but I, what? Well, what? He made, like, something's going on with this guy. Like, that's, that's what's happening. Maybe it's a, maybe it's not you. It's a perception in the way, the way he perceives himself is different. And it's, he perceives himself more positively than others might, you know, he, he sees himself as a ripped YouTuber who occasionally attracts the eye of bleach fans. And that's very, very different from what he actually is, you know, maybe, maybe he meant muscle. Maybe he meant layers as muscle. Maybe that's what he meant. I don't know. I think sometimes the, the level of it, like, aesthetic athleticism people attribute to me gets overblown. Because I think people just did like combat sports for ages. And still do, but there's some, there's some, yeah, look, roundy people in combat sports also. I was physical 100, like some of those people were big, but like the, the strong men in particular, they were not how we would, like, we, you know, stereotypally, you think a strong person, like ripped muscley adonis. But then these people were just like, big lads, but they were the strongest guys there. God, that was a good show. God show. God, that show. I've been looking at that show. You're eating good. I have a, I have a thing. I have like a, we, like, I guess like an opposite version of your story there, John. Okay. Oh, I, this, that's the opposite version of the story on this podcast about anime. Let's go. Yeah. This is anime adjacent, because I think spice people, we might get to cowboy bebop in the last 15 minutes. If we feel like it, you just people also doesn't look as strong as he is. Like, I don't, it doesn't make sense. He's like a string bean. And he's like very, hey, yeah, we, I'm just saying, let's say people like four times his size with ease. Listen, I wish you'd take me down. People always ask me, here's a thing. Here's a thing. Here's a thing. I think I've said this maybe somewhere else, but I'll say it for here for possibly the second time. People constantly ask me if I've lost weight constantly. Even if I haven't seen them in like a month, it's like a joke now with my wife and I constantly. Do you lose weight? No, you lose weight. No, I have not. The last time you saw me, I was the same, I've been the same weight for about like 15 years now. So what, so now do people have like a husky or mental image of me in their head? Or is something else at play here? Because it's weird. Quite frankly, it's funny. It's funny too. I know, Jeff, as someone has only met you once, I could only say that you were an aesthetic delight. Well, that's, I mean, that's a very flattering thing. Yeah, I, I, I, I find you very charming, especially in person. You have a very fun energy to you. I would say on average were good looking anime podcasts is almost sure. Like the average of the group. Yeah, is well above. We'll say we don't support ourselves. No, no, no, no, he nags every other anime podcast. Yeah. Come on. Come on. You're going to, the four of us are going to sit here and be like, we're not the best looking anime podcast. Well, no, no one's saying that yet. I know, I, I think I just did. I think I just did. That's does taste poison quite handsome, though. You're right. The first episode we'll be talking about is called sympathy for the devil, which will be followed by heavy metal queen to very different. What a tan different. Yeah, God, such different toys for these two. Good apps. A great, a great encapsulation of the breakneck changes in the vibe of cowboy bebop that has made it such a beloved show. Let's begin with sympathy for the devil. When I think of like, I wouldn't say this is my favorite episode, but when I think of like a classic example of a cowboy bebop episode, this is usually one of the first that comes to mind. Yeah, yeah, I agree. It begins with Spike having a flashback of himself. He's naked. He's being operated on by surgeons in a room where human organs and a fish offloading in a water filled tube. I should once again reply and say and reply mentioned that this is this recap is pulled from the cowboy bebop fandom wiki. I appreciate everyone who's maintaining that. So he awakes eventually in a nightclub and there's a kid on the stage and he's doing a little harmonica jig. He's playing a tune, a blues tune. It sounds really nice. How long does there's not seen a child perform in a nightclub, you know? Yeah, I immediately was like, where are the fucks of this episode going? You know, like right away and it went to a place certainly. Yeah, it does. It goes to many places, namely back to the bebop, where fey is inspecting the refrigerator and finds only dog food. Ina is there waiting for his food. He's hanging about by his dish, but fey instead eats the dog food herself. Question for the three. Yeah, does this make her more or less attractive to you? Definitely less. Again, I am not a fey freak. Like I'm into I feel like you were a teaser in last podcast. I was teetering. Look, there's one very, there's a very satisfying scene with her, you know, her her situation last week. When she's tied up, Jeff. Oh yeah, you mean when she's no, it was like, you know, again, we all went around the room. We all expressed our love for boobs. Like we were not, you know, we all were like, yeah, this is all of us. We all like that. That they're cool. They're very cool. But there's something like, I don't know, I think her attitude eclipses the sort of just sexual appeal that exudes out of her. Uh, so what is the sentence that you? Yeah, this is why I don't think fey is like the greatest person. And therefore, I find her a little less attractive, even though she's aesthetically very, very sexually attractive. See, I think it's the fact that fey is kind of a piece of shit that makes it like for more. Oh, see, I don't like peace. Oh, that's the difference between you and me, John, apparently you just like pieces of shit. I mean, I didn't find I didn't find can attractive in the Bobby movie until halfway through. I don't, I haven't seen that yet, so I can't talk to that. But okay, so it's not that I like bad people. You know what? No, no, no, you said pieces of shit. You said pieces of shit. She ain't dog. No, no one, no one benefits by me getting more specific events is like is not indicative of being a piece of shit. When you rub it in a dog's face, it is. Look, look, she's like, I'm eating this and you're not having a piece of shit. It's like, it hasn't stolen a meal from a starving dog. Me, I can confidently say I've not taken food out of a dog's mouth from myself. You're just a situation from your plate every single day. Then no, then that means you are taking food from a dog and you are eating it in front of him. He works, he worked hard, Jeff, and earned that food himself and you take it away. He's working hard right now, sleeping at my feet like a bum. Oh, no, no question for the group. He's like 45. Have you ever eaten food for animals? Would you eat food for animals? Also, do you keep tins in the fridge? I thought that's how you got botulism. The way you asked those first two questions was the same energy as, do you wear vicks? Then will you eat dog food? Yes, I have eaten dog food. No, probably wouldn't do it again. Okay, why did you eat dog food? Because I was a stupid child. Oh, you're a child. Well, I have never eaten animal food, and I do keep Miko's food in the fridge here. Am I supposed to keep peanuts food in the fridge? I don't. I thought that's how you got botulism. I have like a little tin cover thing that I go on top of it. I'm going to Google this. I put that same cover on it and then I put it in the fridge to keep it a bit cool. The problem I have, maybe I'm doing it wrong, but I feel like if you leave out, it starts to get a bit smelly, even like overnight. But if you put in a fridge, it doesn't really get smelly. What about Jeff, those little stuff? Oh, no, they should be in the fridge. Oh, no. Just fucking go looking out for the keys. I don't think it's the end of the world, if isn't. Oh, no, it's in an airtight container, so that's fine. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, that's fine. Anyways, Faye eats iron's food and it sucks. Meanwhile, it joins Spike at the night club. They're hanging out there. And while Spike is trying to confirm the next target using his cool scouter glasses thingy, they talk about blues music, which is nice. Jeff says he loves the genre, the blues genre, which checks out. He seems like a blues guy. Sure. And then Spike confirms that their bounty, a three million woo long bounty on giraffe is around. But someone money doesn't go away. The money doesn't matter. Like they, it never matters. It's not important. Might as well be anything. Yes, I want to see it. Never going to see it. Just relax. Someone is in the way. Just want to point out in case you missed it. Lucy didn't unnecessary self-dunk there. Wait, what was that? What was that? I did miss that. The bounty's out for giraffe, and I said for me. I've got a long neck. Oh, right. Long neck. Yep. Yep. Yep. It turns out that this person is an old friend of jets. The person in the way is old friend of jets named Fatty River. Love it. Love this guy. Very unfortunate name. So Jeff, you just basically calls out to him and draws his attention and they like pallet up and they're like, yeah, it's going in. The best is there like seven second loop gift that they do with their gestures, where they're just like pet jets, like patting his shoulder and they're just like, gyrating. I think the fucking count from the city street. I mean, more or less, like it's so silly. Like someone needs to make one of those looping gifts of that because that shit was funny looking. Giraffe leaves the club and Spike begins to follow him discreetly. Giraffe is following the kid who performed on the stage, which is interesting. The kid enters the taxi and he's with an old man in a wheelchair. And then Spike watches Giraffe then also get into a taxi to follow. But instead of like chasing him down, Spike runs back to presumably going checking on Jack. Giraffe follows the two, the kid and the wheelchair bound man to a high-rise hotel. And he's gearing himself up to burst into a room and he bursts in and then demands the old man be returned calling him Zebra. So he calls the man in the wheelchair Zebra. Which at this point, you're like, what the fuck is going on? What's happening? Where's the bizarre shit going on? Spike makes a b-line for the soul ship too, which is his little ship and then arrives in the area. And then suddenly from the outside, you see Giraffe just smash out of the hotel window and fall to his death. But I really love that fall. I really love that like cut. Oh shit, what happened? I thought it was a real interesting way to just grab your attention. Yeah, it was cool. Definitely. They are stringing together a story in a really interesting way by also leaving out like the key details, but still key. It's very difficult to do that. Spike manages to like- Before we move on, big question, big question. Zebra, we've got Giraffe. What would our cool animal names be? Mine be Crow. Crow is pretty good. Crow is good. Or Raven. I'll take a profile Crow. No, I mean, I feel like Raven's trying too hard. That's so Raven. It's true. It's already been done, I think. That's so cool. That's so Crow. That's so Crow. That's just like Crow. What mine be? Giraffe. Oh right, it's taken. Yeah, Giraffe's already gone. What the flimming go? Ostrich. I'll stretch here. Emu. Emu is so good. Emu is so good. He's in the forest. He's in she. Obviously, we know what John is, we don't even have to say it. Garfield. I would be like a very disinterested like tortoise of some sort. Yeah. No, no, no, you know what you would be? You'd be like a little yappy Chihuahua. No, a yappy Chihuahua. Well, I've been flattered enough for the day, folks. I'm not sure. I think you're more of an odd Valk. Ooh, an odd Valk, like literally, like deplorable, like an absolute. What's the matter with an odd Valk? I think I think a kind of, like a kind of, a kind of sultry grumpy cat, personally. Oh, no, a cat comparisons will not be tolerated. I I'm so glad you're okay. I'm so feeling this is like even the way you reacted to that. Sure. Oh, how much of me is feline adjacent? I, he's like kind of those, you know, those, those sphinx ones, the hairless ones. Yeah, that's it. They look good. You're bold and also you're very, very, come on. I got fake, I got hair. I hear my face, though, that counts for something. I had to. Couldn't be completely hairless. No, I like owls. I want to be an owl. Thank you. Owl is good, actually. Owl is very, very good. Owl is pretty good. My turnl. Two, two smart to be here kind of thing. Oh, okay. You know, who's smart to be here, but still there. Yeah. Yeah. Still lazy enough to, you know, not consider anything else. Spike maneuvers the swordfish, too, to catch giraffe as he falls down. And then he notices that giraffe has been shot, which he's like, damn, that's going to impact the price I get back for you for the bounty. He's trying to get a giraffe to stop talking, waiting, bleeding out, but giraffe tells Spike that he needs to help him and then gives him a ring and says, do not be fooled by the way he looks. Yes. Riddles, Riddles, I'm just going to speak in Riddles now as they die. That's what I was. You know what? I live, why are you doing a Trump voice again? It's not, it's just a dying man's voice. It's just a Trump. If we could be so lucky. No, but yeah. If I, if I could die and the last thing I did was be annoying and do Riddles, I would 100% do that. You would look at me in the eye. That's devious. That's devious. Yeah, you're looking at me in the eye and you wouldn't use your last moments on Earth to cause a little bit chaos. That is 100% my plan. Like, even if I have nothing interesting to say, I'll make up some fake Riddles so people are like, what the fuck do I mean? What do we got? We got to start going through all this stuff. So like, kind of like the alligator throne was always mine. What did he mean by that? Go to the grandline to find one piece. Couple of years later, there's a podcast about you. It's very frustrating to listen. Yeah, so he gives him a Riddle on his way out. The police soon arrived, but giraffe is dead by that point. Meanwhile, on the bebop, Jett and Spike talk about selling the ring and then phase like, she tries to basically get involved to be like getting in a bit of the award. She wants to keep the part of the reward for herself, but quickly Spike is like, nope, you need to piss off. And Jett instead of hands her an invoice for the expenses that she's incurred, which is. That was good. That was classic jet move. Thanks for like, thanks for shopping. Jett goes, he's like, I'm going to go get lunch with the river to get some information. And revisit order. Yeah. He's also trying to catch giraffe. Fatty is explaining that giraffe and zebra were the leaders of the self-defense volunteer squad, which sounds cool. Sure. And there is a lad named when, who is supposedly zebra son 10 years ago, they had a confrontation with some space raiders and there was a land dispute and it all came down to some R&D facility near Mars. And then a few days later, the raiders were wiped out zebra went missing and giraffe is found blindfolded in the silo. And the thinking was that zebra double crossed him so that he could run the squad solo and then later zebra turns up in a wheelchair with a kid and clearly his plan went wrong. The funny thing about this episode is that there's like so much exposition. And look, I don't, I appreciate it all because I love the world building stuff and I love all that. And that's what I, like these two episodes I really do enjoy because of a lot of the world building stuff. But the, the, the, the lengths at which that they go into detail here, it's like, and then the episode ends, you're like, oh, we didn't need, we didn't need any of that. It's cool. I like it again. Yeah, no, I think, yes, it does. It overdoes the background though. It's fine. It's still great. It's still great. But like, it's a lot. I think I would agree with that a little bit. And even I kind of found myself getting a little bit lost in parts of it. Sure. Okay. No, wait. So he was this person who was this person, and yeah, yeah. Yeah. It is a little bit confusing. But I think if it wasn't there, it would be more conspicuous. You know, okay. So back at the bebop, Jett and Fay find when in an old newspaper, or cool from like 30 years ago, where the kid looks the same age, like he looks exactly the same. That's a nice little moment. I like that. But I hate like little kid ghosts. That's like one of my, my least, my things that would actually spook me. And so when they see him in the thing, I was like, I don't like that. I don't care. The thing about this kid is he looks exactly like, he reminds me of, I don't know if anyone beyond John will get this. He reminds me of Detective Conan, which is really annoying. Every time I see him, I'm like, oh, it's that little annoying detective Conan kid. So I was excited when he was getting shit kicked out of him. Detective Conan, O'Brien? Yeah. No, it just happened to Detective Conan. O'Brien did do an episode where he went to a village in Japan named that. Oh, I did see that. Yeah. And they loved him. Yeah. Detective Conan is from a series called Quiz Close. He's a little kid. And he's effective. So yeah, Spike goes back to the nightclub and follows when in zebra after the show to a warehouse. And then a bright light kind of captures the spike, but he's able to see the kid and zebra pretty quickly. When questions him and when Spike starts treating him like a kid, he takes that, he like gets up above him and starts firing at Spike. And it hits his hand and knocks his gun away. And then he warns him to stay away and says, I'm not a kid. When I explained to Spike that he was with his, he said, he was with his family during the astral gate incident and the hyperspace gate explosion that happened annihilated the environment. But he emerged from the remains of that explosion unharmed and was no longer aging. It's a kind of like a tragic backstory for him, but it's less effective in the way that he imagined it would be because he's also a little shit. So it's like, you know, it's like in interview with a vampire as well, you know, like she gets turned when she was a kid. And it's like, oh, that seems pretty cool, but it's really fucked up to be stuck at that age. Yeah. So, so um, so when was apparently experimented on until zebra infiltrated the R&D lab, and he used zebra's cover, he used zebra as cover for his appearance, basically. So when asked for the ring from Spike, and when Spike plays dumb, he shoots at Spike. Spike gets behind some cover and starts firing back and knocks wins gun away. And then as he's approaching, when runs up the stairs and pushes zebra down, which was like, okay, that's what he's going to do. Spike is then forced to catch poor man falling down the stairs as the kid runs away. But Spike carries on shooting at him and he hits when in the face, I think it was. Yeah, in the forehead, yeah, yeah, yeah. And then falls down behind some boxes. The kid falls down behind some boxes. When Spike goes to investigate, you find that the kid nowhere to be seen. It's like a lot of blood. A lot of blood. Yeah. But it basically gives some credence to the claim that he's effectively immortal. Spike returns to go. So when they kind of explain that I was like, oh, wait, are you just like ageless or are you in more because those are like two different things, right? Like, you know, like if someone who does an age that doesn't mean they can't be killed historically, they kind of like combine those two quote unquote power. Yeah, not aging in a bullet to the brain is a very different. I was like, yeah, I was like, oh, I guess this little boy who's probably a thousand is going to be dead now. I agree. I also think there's something I kind of like about it because I feel like it nearly adds this really strange, just like this doesn't add up this kid is still alive. And the fact that they never really investigate it is kind of I kind of like it. It's like, oh, there's something on the edge of this story. We're not getting and I like that. Sure. Yeah. I enjoy it too. I liked a little bit of developing power set that he seems to be getting. Spike returns to the bebop with Zebra and he, you know, Zebra looks dead as fuck. But then they notice that he's crying. There's tears in his eyes. And it turns out he's not dead. He's actually just paralyzed. Jet uses a brain scanning machine called the alpha catch to record his memories. I feel like that just comes out of nowhere. Yeah. I mean, like I like the way they kind of like randomly drop in technology. And like this is a thing we can do in the future. But it also like gets a piece of junk too. It's unreliable. Welcome to working perfectly. Cool. Yeah. That's what's that movie with Ralph Fines and Angela Bassett. I don't find Steve. No. Keep going. Keep going. Something days. It's Catherine Bigelow written by James Cameron. It's what the brain dance from Cyberpunk is based on. Fuck. Strange days. Strange days. Yeah. It kind of felt like a bit of a strange days moment without you. It reminded me of that bit in Wild Wild West where they go on. You've seen Wild Wild. Okay. Several times. Several. Cool. This year. And where they get the guy and they're like, okay, the last thing he see is going to be burned into his brain. So they shine a lamp through his head and project his last memory onto a wall, which as far as I can tell medically completely checks out airtight. Yeah. That sounds right. My favorite bit of trivia about Wild Wild West. He knows is it started off as a Superman film. Oh, yeah. Oh, that's cool. But then they're like, wait a minute. Superman's real dumb and stupid. That was a checklist cage Superman movie. Yeah. They're like, let's just well, that would have been interesting. They're like, let's just, you know, take this terrible story and give it to, uh, you know, Fresh Prince. And what was it? That's also the movie. Is it Wild West? Wild West that, um, what you call it, Will Smith picked instead of the Matrix. Yes. Yes. Yeah. Which we can all agree with the right call. I think absolutely. Just added to the list of L's that Will Smith has earned completely. Got just two L's in his name. It's Willenium. It's the Willenium. The kids, the kids names really freak me out when I realized that like the door is called Willow after Will and the sun is Jaden after Jada. Yeah. So, um, I have a friend and she has five siblings and the mother is, the mother is called Anne and the father is called Joe and they are all, all the children are some variation of Joe, Joe and Anne. That is terrible. Is anyone in Anjo? I eventually, right? You got to. I like Angelina. It's probably one of them. I hate this family. I know them, but I hate them. It's like, no, no. You're right, Lucy. We'll live in absurd times, Lucy. You're asking for an article. I would like to give, like, I would find it cooler if it was like, you gave your kid each a name that on their own just seemed normal, but when you combine them all together, it's like one called big name. I would like to have yellow Ranger and red Ranger. Like super, Kelly, super, Kelly, fresh, four kids, super eye patch and wolf. Yes. Put them together. That's what I'm going to call my kids. And all I patch is going to be like, oh, this isn't that good. That's not eye patch. It's eye and then patch two separate. Yeah. Okay. That's four kids. Michelle. Sorry. We've worked to do. Having used the alpha catch, they watched the memories as a video and they see how giraffe got shot at by when in a hotel room. In the memory, giraffe explains that the stone can basically return aging to when and it's the only thing that can kill him. Yeah. Where the fuck did it come from? Don't worry about it. Probably from the explosion that gave his powers. Right. Right. Which we haven't gotten to yet. So, you know, okay. Yeah, explain is that when the gate exploded, a coordinate system was created from the resulting twists in hyperspace and a those kind of singularity that drew in vast amounts of energy in closing and crystallizing them into a single faceted stone. The gem that makes up this ring, basically, is that stuff? Oh, I kind of missed that, I guess. Yeah. It seems like you miss a lot when you're not paying attention. It's true. The same energy is what broke when circadian rhythm. His pineal gland basically. What? Pineal. Oh, I heard what I wanted to hear there. I guess. What did you hear? Nothing. You know, it's crazy. All this world, all this storytelling about a singularity that happened from a explosion in hyperspace. Like, that shit's so cool. And I feel like all that lore and all that canon is just like wasted on this like little little episode, this little 23 minute little thing like I want more of this. It enhances this episode. Huh? It enhances this episode. It's not a way out of doubt. Tim, I have nothing but positive things to say about this show. You know, the thing that you probably haven't realized it is like, that's the strength of cowboy bebop. Like, it is. It's got so much material that it can introduce and throw it away in a one episode, knowing that the next one will have equally interesting. Yeah. No, again, this is not a criticism. You, you know, I don't know the tone of your. There's no. It's that real feline tone. Yeah. It's very cat-like energy. What's this? Why? No, I just like, for me selfishly, it's like, I want more of that. I want to hear more about this stuff. What else happened when this hyperspace twisted up? That kind of thing. Yeah. So, as pianist Glenn continues to produce a... Aliu. Nice. Continues to produce a substance that is basically like melatonin, which in pivots aging, which I didn't know melatonin did that. Yeah, you don't die if you dig it. And that's just the theory, though. J.R. Spike, if you can, if he gets the picture and spike responds, this is one of those moments where I was like, this is why I don't watch the, I don't prefer the English dub because Spike replies, yeah, as if. And he's like, well, it was just saved by the bell, I asked for it. Very, very nineties. Coolness. That was a coolness. So, J.R. is like, I'm going to turn this gem into a bullet. And he makes it and loads it into a Thompson center contender, which is cool as fuck. J.R. also knows that he doesn't know what will happen once the bullet goes into him. It could explode. I could do nothing. Who knows? But Spike's like, I'll hell you. That sounds like fuck. Yes, Spike is such a boner for weapons. It's kind of stupid. But anyway, is this where like the concern, because one thing I guess that didn't quite land for me in this scene is like, where is the massive amount of concern for Spike coming from? Yeah. You know, like, is it because it could be a weird reaction? But like, I just feel like even Faye is like, well, you're about to die. I think it is because they don't take the small child. No, I think I think it's a mixture of like, they don't know how that thing is going to react, considering that it was formed from a, in space, anomaly. Yeah, they'll get, you know, reality onto itself and create itself. And also he's shooting at a kid who is potentially a mortal and they don't really know. And I guess he's got one shot, right? Yeah, he's got one shot, he could shoot that kid and the same thing could happen again. And the world falls in on itself. Okay. I was drawn by complaints. Sometimes you can just admit you're wrong. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I wonder what that's like. Okay. Keep going. That's great. Yes. As John mentioned, Faye's worried that he might not come back. And then Spike's like, I'm not into that idea. So they later, Spike takes the swordfish and tracks when to a stolen taxi cab, then they travel away from the town. And Spike is like shooting at the taxi, causes it to crash into a gas station. And then in a very Akira like a moment when emerges from the like the fiery explosion and like he's just completely unharmed. And he's like facing down Spike, who's like now out of his ship. When Faye's three shots and he's like got this annoying kid smile on his face, where he's like, so yeah, these shots are something. Yeah. Gorgeous. So good. Yeah. So nice. Because the last time they were shooting at each other seemed to be a bit more panicked. Yeah. And this time was just sort of like then acknowledging each other. Yeah. So one of this, one of the bullets lands on Spike's feet. The other one just goes like wide of him. And the third one greases his cheek. And then Spike calmly raises his gun and shoots when between the eyes, when obviously believing that he wouldn't be killed by a bullet wound, doesn't even attempt to move and takes that bullet right in the face. And then as slowly the realization comes upon him, they is doing something to him. And the gem kicks in and turns him into an old man. And it's like harrowing the way they do it. It's it's not like that. It's not like that. It's not like that. So it's like Indiana Jones. The simultaneously like realizing that the bullet did something. And also that it's he's slowly dying. And he's finally like the way they convey that in the animation is so good. Yeah, I don't want to talk about this. It's great. It looks like it's if we don't, but it looks great. It looks like a pumpkin that's been left out for too long. Yeah. So that was that episode. That was that episode. That's over. It's really just a sped up version of what's happening. All of us all the time, even right now. Yeah. Not me though. Look at my skin. genuinely. Look at my skin today. I've been doing a great job of my skin care. Looks great. Looks great. Lucy. I've been trying out that I've been wearing that keel thing that you're all committed. Lucy is great. In it. You look great. And that's why despite having COVID for like the last week, time looks great. Yeah. And then there's a harmonica. Right? What? Right? There's a harmonica at the end of this episode. I think you're talking about what the fuck just happened with the non-sequator there. You know, you know, this concept in Prague called yes, Andy. Yeah. No, I know. And I'm doing Jeff is on ground. No, no, no, no. Yeah. That to me, that to me screams that Jeff doesn't want us to ask about his skin care routine because he probably just washes his face with a bar soap. Yeah. No, I don't. I have more faith than Jeff in that. Jeff, which moisturizer do you use? I use a Neutrogena, what a nice SPF built into it because I'm a fragile. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, do you use SPF separately? right. It's got an SPF in it. No, you know, you know, two in one, you never use two in one. Two in ones on, generally, this is a PSA, if you have a product like foundation or moisturizer with SPF built in, it is not as effective as actual straight SPF because it is mixed and it's not getting as shampoo. Two in one shampoo conditioners garbage. Well, I don't use that. I'm not a, I'm not like a cave person. I mean, you know, you shampoo in conditioner. I did, well, first off, I don't have hair. Okay. So we could, I don't need to condition my scalp. I do use shampoo though. Yeah, you should. I use conditioner. Conditioner sometimes will dry my head out and I can't have that. Dry your hair. Actually a documentary about me. That's all. Yeah, head out. We'll hit out when force, when force to the ground and dies. And in this moment, he's actually a ease. Yeah, he seems happy. You know what? Thank God. I'm done. He's like, dying ain't so bad. Yeah. And he's like, in the last, with his last breath, he's like, he asks spikes, if he understands. And the spike goes, yeah, as if, and you're like, why do they do this again? He's like, he does this. He goes, as if, as if. And then he tosses, when's home on a cone to the A point site with his finger and goes, bang. He's such a weirdo. You know, he like, no one's watching you do that spike. You're doing that by yourself. Yeah, but he makes it. So it's cool. It's cool later things. Sure put that all into a different perspective. All right. I don't want to know. I don't want to say just just just want to just Jeff put a pin in that. You know, later, uh, did we talk about the beginning of this episode? Wasn't wasn't the beginning of this episode? Oh, wait, maybe this is the next one. Isn't there's like a weird montage of like eye surgery? Isn't isn't that? Yeah, we did like a lot. Okay. Yeah, he starts off in that way. Yeah. Okay. It's really, it's really not my place to say this, but I think I really need you to get your head in the game with this podcast. I would like that. You're right. I'm elsewhere. Yeah, emotionally. Um, and that brings the episode to a close. What do you guys think about that episode? Strong, right? It's great. Oh, I think it's just a classic bebop episode. Just like so much of what is great at this show is present in this episode. Yeah. I love it. It's excellent. Um, it is. I, uh, I, I am in love head over heels with everything about this. And I keep watching the, uh, opening song. And I love the, the blue song at the end. Like, I, I want to like, Oh, that, that, that riff right at the start. I have to kick. It's just like, tough times, you know, that it's like, it's like, it's fucking hard. Hard world out there. It is. Right. It was a, uh, shit. What's that called? That song? It's like, it's like, I have it. It's like something. Real, real, real, real, real, full. Yeah. Uh, like, I want that to play every time I enter my house or something. Like, there was something to confess to you guys that I've never confessed to anyone in my entire life. Yes. What's that? I like the song. Real folk blues. Better than I like tank. Yeah. So do I. Yeah. You know what? Better than you like. Why? Yeah. This is why we're a podcast. This is why we're a podcast. Yeah. Real folk blues. I just want to do that a karaoke. Right. What are you saying? Three years ago, the opening song. To K-boy bebop. Oh, I didn't know. It was called tank. Yeah. The whole jazzy circus. I mean, that's pretty good at the same time. It's still it's good opening. Yep. Um, about three years ago, it was one of the anniversaries for cowboy bebop and Crunchyroll did this thing where they put on a special performance. It was during COVID. 20s. They did. Yeah. And they got, they got like, um, Yoko Kano back, Steve Bloom, and a bunch of other like well-known vocalists and rappers and that kind of stuff to do a version of Real Folk Blues and it is so good. I've seen it so many times and they have like substantial who's in it as well, who's the rapper that did a lot of stuff with knee jabbers back in the day. That's really good, you should check out. It's fantastic. Before we move on to the next episode, we're going to take a quick break for an advert. Next episode we're going to be talking about is Heavy Metal Queen, a much lighter episode in a lot of ways, but still equally cool, fun and good, I think. What? What? I'm dying. An interstellar trucker known as VT is offloading a shipment and is met by a fellow trucker known as Otto, who tries to do a little chit-chat and Otto is in zero gravity and on the roof in crazy wacky shit like that. Then Otto tries to win a bet that seems to be ongoing where he tries to guess VT's real name and VT has grabbed a stack of money out, which presumably is the combination of various bets, so I'm trying to guess her name. He guess has Val Tomeana and VT is like, nope, give me your money. It takes the money and heads off. Val Tomeana. I'm not sure. This is a great prospect, this bet. I think it's a weird bit too. What is this thing? I mean, obviously they bring it back around at the very end, but it is a weird bit that they're doing here, right? Yeah, it's fun, but it's also fun. Yeah, they need to tie it back in and it also helps put spike in a kind of place within the universe, because by the final reveal, you realize that, oh, spike, he does have like people he kind of idolizes and respects in different ways. He's not just this right. Yeah, I did really like that little kind of touch. It's like, yeah, yeah. And you also kind of need, it kind of ties into the reason why VT is not into bounty hunters as a whole a bit. VT heads off to Max Diner with her cat, zero, zero zero zero zero zero. And enters and everyone kind of like yeah, it's a good name. Actually enters like everyone looks at her and then they carry on with their business and she's clearly a regular there, because the bartender's just like, yep, usual, cool. And then she remarks that the place is way easier than usual, so something must be going down. The bartender tells her that everyone here right now is a bounty hunter and they're waiting for a man named Decker who's supposed to arrive soon. So everyone's here for a bounty, basically. Meanwhile, in the bathroom, Spike is chatting to Faye and he's like, I don't think our chances are good on this and complaining about like the tip about Decker and he's annoyed they were supposed to do an exclusive tip, but now every bounty hunter knows it and also Spike is incredibly hungover in there. I love the little, the gray under his eyes that they do to make him look incredible. They make him look like shit. Yeah. He looks like he's having a rough time this episode. Yeah. And the only real information they have on Decker is that he has a dragon tattoo. So he's starting to make his prayer, it's something called a prayerery oyster. Is that a real thing? It sounds real, I think. It sounds real. I've definitely heard of people having egg for, oh yeah, it has a, it has its own Wikipedia page. It's like Tabasco, right? And shit is in it. Raw egg, Worcestershire sauce, vinegar and or hot sauce, table salt, ground black pepper. Damn. It's what they give Doc Brown at the end of back to the future to a three. Interesting. Have you ever had it made that up? Have I had one now? No, we should all have one together. I was just thinking that. I don't want to eat a egg. I don't want to eat a rag. I'll only eat a raw egg when it's like mixed up inside of raw cookie toe. I think only time I will eat a raw egg, which is I think a lot of the times people what about egg yolk and cocktails? Oh yeah, I'm down for that. Yeah, yeah. What's the difference? What's the, where's the line then? You have a egg yolk because because when it's in cocktails, it's like frothed up. I'm not gonna sell like it. Yeah, but like they stir it in the prayerery oyster. Yeah. Yeah, I mean, if you're, if you're whole like, you know, objection to it is like Salmonella, I guess it's a wash, right? Yeah. But yeah, I guess the frothy thing is sounds kind of cool. But yeah, you're eating raw egg when you eat the cookie batter, right? So let's go. While he's making his prayerery oyster, he's very like carefully separate in the yolk from the white. Meanwhile, a waitress in the background, Miro is getting harassed by some very aggressive punters, aka bounty hunters. They're known as the Memphis brothers. VT stands up and defends her like punches one of them out, which results in a brawl that eventually results in spike getting jostled. And the egg falls on his lap. I really feel that frustration there. Yeah, just staring at it like he stares at it for a while. Yeah, it's on his crunch and he's like, I got a yoke on my dick. Yeah. What a day I'm having. So spike is enraged by this and he stands up and helps VT kick the share of all these brothers who are dressed up like weird when some brawls and ponchos. And they get kicked out of diner and she offers to get him a drink in return. And then eventually she's actually talking, she's like fucking bounty hunters, you know, that they suck and spike fleck. They sure do. Faye meanwhile is stalking out a children's theme, the restaurant named Woody's, in case Decker somehow shows up there instead. Though again, she's skeptical about that happening. Then a large man enters and he's wearing this kind of like he's very large, very muscular and he's wearing a t-shirt which is a little bit low cut and what looks like a dragon is tattooed on his chest. Yeah, it's a good. Yes. She approaches him and she's doing all the sexy thing and she's like, hello, look at my butt, it's cool. And she might as well be saying that. Yeah, that's what I mean, like, yeah, that's effectively what she does. And then she pulls out a gun and is like, don't move. And while she's doing that, the one booth over is a absolute herb looking character who suddenly is like alerted that something's happening. And this herb looking character has a dragon tattooed on his arm. And so effectively, he's learned that Faye's help for Decker and he is Decker. So then Faye is suddenly like, you with the glasses calling out to him, call the cops because I've got Decker here. And he's like, yeah, sure. And he like, does this really comical routine of leaving the, um, Diner without showing his, it's basically like Woody Allen next door there. Just like, yeah, get his ass out of the Diner, yeah. Yeah. Um, he runs out the door. The real Decker Faye sees him and then realizes what's happening and she rips open the big lads shirt and his cut like an eel on it. Like a dumb looking eel. He's like a card to the big heart. Oh my God. That's the tattoo I want to get that eel. So she realizes what's going on. And then she chases Decker with the red tail, which is her ship. But Decker eventually throws out a little vial and it explodes and just wrecks her ship, um, leaving her a bit stranded. Uh, on the bebop jet is, um, trying to give iron bean sprouts to feed him. Um, iron's having none of it. He's like, what the fuck? First Faye eats my dog food now. You're giving me bean sprouts. What's going on? Um, and then Faye calls him to say like, I lost the bounty. Decker got away. Uh, Spike Meanwhile is finishing his drink, um, which she recognizes. And she says the only, this is the prairie oyster. Um, and she says the only other person she's seen, uh, wearing, uh, drinking that is her husband. This is the first instance we get of, uh, indication of her husband. Um, and then three old men enter the diner and attempt to collect on her bed. Is this the same three old men that keep showing? Yes, it is. So the, uh, okay. So we have like a senior bounty hunter group that's like kind of, no, no, it's, it's the three old men that in the first episode when we're in, yeah, yeah. So they were also in the casino. Yes. Yeah, yeah. So I like that. I like that. They're good. This is a bit of ongoing bit. Um, yeah. Um, um, they try and guess that her name is Adrian. And she's like, that's what we begin with a V. What's going on? Yeah, that was awesome. I left. Yeah. I was like, okay. Yeah. And then Spike is like, uh, can I get on this? And he's about to collect, um, and then she realizes that he's a bounty hunter rescinds the offer. And she's like, I hate bounty hunters. Spike just is like, all right. And then leaves. Um, and then he realizes the swordfish too has been wrecked by those three bounty hunters that they be up earlier. And he's like, hitching a ride. Uh, VT eventually comes out and is like, all right, I'll give you a ride mainly because the cat zero is a super into Spike and like hangs out with him. Um, he negotiates, uh, Spike negotiates for, um, Faye to join as well, which is good. Um, they load the red tail and swordfish to onto the VT's freight and then, um, take it back. Uh, Faye tries to tell Spike about the bounty, um, but VT is playing very loud metal music, which is fantastic. And she's like, it's called metal. It's very soothing. And Faye's just losing her shit in the background. Um, the another reason I like Faye. Um, after offloading Spike and Faye and the, as well as their damaged ships, uh, VT gets a call from Otto, um, who tells her that, um, the crazy driver that smashed into his rig and requests help to track down, uh, the guy, so he would pay for repairs. Um, when he mentions the painting of a Saraswati, which I'm not sure what that was. Where's the Saraswati? So I think the idea is this guy, Decker, is like a total weeb. Yeah. Cause he has the dragon tattoo in his arm. Yeah. Saraswaki is like the real Hindu thing, right? Hindu goddess of knowledge, music, uh, speech. Oh, okay. I have that completely wrong. I think I saw like a part of it. And I thought it was one of those gayship pictures. That's what I thought John. Yeah. That's okay. Cool. Um, but it's, it's a, uh, Hindu thing, uh, God of knowledge, as Lucy said, um, and VT says, oh, that's Decker's ship. And she sends out a call to the other truckers to be on the lookout for it. And then one of them, love machine and sneaky snake, um, responded like, dunno, mate. Uh, and then there's one called Spider Mike, which I really love. Spider Mike is a good name. It's just so sick. Like seeing everyone's, seeing everyone's rigs, like seeing what's like printed on their cargo. It's such a great little thing. I love their, all of their radios. I love transposing like, uh, truck driver, culture into space. Yeah. It's cool. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Breaker one, nonner, you know, that kind of thing. And then Black Panther of Jupiter Chimes Inn and says he saw the ship. Um, he says like, what kind of forever? I've seen that ship, um, near the old Linus mine. Um, so she runs him down and attempts, and uh, Decker attempts to lose her by like diving into these tunnels, um, in mines. Uh, she also hits up Spike and he is basically like, be careful. This dude is carrying explosives, but the quality of the call is not good because she's obviously in mines and she can't hear him properly. So they're like, ah, shit, we gotta go help. So Spike and Faye quickly leave the bebop. Um, and they're crossed on fully repaired, but they just have to take it. Jazz like, you don't have forward artillery or primary fire for the stuffs and they're like, we just got to go. Um, Decker eventually is, uh, trying to get away from VT and decides, he's going to use the old explosives, uh, method again. Um, he like throws out an explosive, but VT is a little wilyer than that and just kind of like navigates around it. Um, but it does start this like chain reaction, which destroys the tunnel they're in and it kills Decker. So Decker is done. Uh, once again, there's like one shot of him dead and he is super fucking dead. He's very dead. He's very dead. He tried, he tried, looks like he tried to breathe in space. You know, um, this stuff was tough to follow action wise. I think a little bit. It was very useful. There's a lot going on. Yeah, there's a lot. So I actually think like the last, the last like fifth of this episode, not super into it. I've watched it multiple times and I always found myself zoning out a little bit. Yeah. Yeah. I, I do think the part coming up is kind of fun. The, the, the sort of like crescendo here, but yeah, I'm with you. I think it's really hard to just follow the maneuvering of what's going on. Exactly. Um, because you're like, is this a big, yeah, it's, they're like, it just looks like a huge asteroid with like tunnels bored out of it. And then you're like, well, what's exactly, yeah, it's, it's difficult to, to wrap your head around it. But you know, it works. I like the little explosives that Decker had. That was cool. VT escapes the wreckage by like putting a foot down and getting ahead of him before it all pops off. Um, but she's, she's hurt, but she's okay. She's not dead or anything. Um, she wakes up to a fine, fine, fine spike of arrive. Um, they're very annoyed that Decker is dead, but they know that like Decker was carrying enough explosives to basically blow up the whole mining asteroid and they need to get a ship out of the asteroid since it's filled with like enhanced nitro and the mine is starting to collapse in on itself. Um, VT connects Decker's ship to her own and they start heading back through a different mining tunnel. And it all looks all good until they realize the tunnels have collapsed in and they trapped inside. So they come up with a plan to clear the blockage. VT suggests using some of the explosives to blow a hole into the blockage so they can get out. And they have, they do this and they admit it's, and it's just like, I'm not very Decker. I'm, I'm, I'm not sure I'm the one to be the best was like, when they were guys like, I only have these pincer. Like I thought that was really good. Just like little crab claws. That was funny. The clamps. Yeah. Give them the clamps. Um, so she uses her little pincer claws things to start gingerly taking one of the explosives out and, uh, carries it over. Um, and then the plan immediately pierces one. Yeah, immediately. Um, the clan, the clan, the plan, the clamps, um, the plan is to have, uh, spike jess in his pod straight into the end of the tunnel. But before they do that, sorry, I had to cough. Uh, but, um, the time you handled that situation, like, it was really, really, really good. Yeah. Um, thank you. Um, before he does that, they need fate to drop the explosive into the pod and then spike dangerous move. He just holds his breath and tries to float to VT. Um, he doesn't, yeah, he doesn't clue anyone in on the planet. He just starts and they have to figure out. He's like, you know what? Yep. Going out into space. Yeah. He causes like his, uh, holding breath method or something like that. And he's just out there. So insane. Yeah. Um, he just plugs his ears, holds his breath and then goes for it. Faye manages to get the explosive into the pod and VT opens his ship to try and grab spike. Um, he doesn't quite make it and he like bounces off and he goes in a different direction. But then he does a cool guy thing where he pulls out his gun and starts firing to use the momentum to push him back to his feet. Yeah. It's so cool. You know, I think the coolest thing he does during this is, uh, not instantly die of like zero to, you know, negative a billion degrees. That's a real block of ice. That's like, they'll say the vacuum. Yeah. But no, like you can't, you're, you can't be exposed in space. It's just not a thing you can do. But it's fine. I love the shot. I don't know. I don't know what we watched. Then Jeff. I don't know what happens. It clearly was. I mean, look, I've seen the film gravity. Okay. I know. I know. I find that spikes for you going. Sandra, but look at two very different kind of people. I also think you'll find that like, I'm pretty sure astrophysicists hate the film gravity. Yeah. I think they're all. I have done. Astrophysicists. Physicists love the anime cowboy bebop though. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I think it wasn't, it wasn't gravity. One of the films that, um, Neil deGrasse Tyson went off on, and it was around the time everyone started being like, shot. He just likes shitting on things. I muted him onto it. It was so long ago. So I don't want to see you fucking takes. Like, I know it's fake. I know it's fake. I have media literacy. Neil. Yeah. He's the, he's the number one pie, booper in the world in the galaxy. Pooper, Neil. Um, as, as a spike reorient himself, uh, VT manages to grab him and pulls him in. Just as the pod he set up launches itself into the end of tunnel and creates a explosion that lets him out. The mind begins collapsing. Um, and then as he's like catching his breath, he sees one of VT's belonging, which is appendent. Um, and then he, thanks her for saving him. And then thanks her by using her full name, Victoria, Teppis, Teppis Gory, Teppis Shory. I can't remember how they said it. Like, yeah, she was a real mouthful. Yeah. Interesting name. It reminds me of like, like Dracula's name, Teppis, you know, Teppis. Yeah, it's a, it's a from Greek mythology. It's one of the known muses and she's the goddess of dance. Um, I don't know that. Yeah. Um, he reveals that he figured out her name through seeing a picture of her husband in the locket. Um, and her husband was about a, uh, called Uriel Teppis Gory. Right. Yeah. VT reveals that Uriel died some time ago. Um, and he's, she's like, he's doing his bounty hunting in heaven now, which is like, what the fuck was this? I really like this. Yeah. I like it. Yeah. It was cute. But then they're like, yeah, he's up there bounty hunting in heaven because heaven has fucking criminals that need. Yeah. Okay. Jeff, are you honestly saying that there's no criminals in heaven? Presumably no. Like, I don't know. What is it? I think the system's heaven A my thing. I can't have it. I feel like you need. Yeah. Well, I feel like you need to exist in heaven. If you want to get there, Jeff, because he's done some harvesting. Look, I'm, you know, I know where I'm going. Okay. Also, New Jersey. Yeah. I'm already there. Also, yeah. And then they're like, what does he say? He's like, I'm going to buy you a drink in heaven. No, I'm going to be bounty hunting. She tries to give him the word of cash that is the reward for guessing her name because he's like only takes one bill out. The one that he put in. I mean, that was another cool guy thing. Yeah. It was a thing. And he says, give the rest to Uriel. I'm sure he could use a drink up there. He's like, give the rest to a ghost. Also, okay. Also, I'm like, look, spike. Jeff, you are not invited to my funeral. No, you're just going to be the shitiest person in my funeral. You think I'm going to like have a crush of all? I don't like that you think you're going to die before I do. Number one, number two. If I keep catching COVID, I know what's happening. Oh, Jesus. Why wouldn't you want me there? Because you'll be like, oh, you guys, you think I would stand up and speak? You'd be like, he's dead. Okay. I don't know what you guys are putting in. He's moving in. He's he can't hear any of this gal. Oh, spike, spike obviously has financial problems. And there he is looking at, you know, what could probably be, I don't know, 10,000 Wu Longs, right? Something like that. Yep. But also like he just it shows that he has a respect for the bounty hunting culture. He does. He does. You know, it's a big character building moment for him. Like, it's like a lot was starving. Yeah, I like spike a lot, even though this means he's just going to have to eat like, you know, space garbage or whatever he eats. That person beef with no beef. Exactly. And that brings to an end another episode of Cowboy Beepup. I really like that episode. It's very low key. I think it's I do too. I thought this one was really, really good. This one had me almost as engaged as the sympathy for the devil. I just you know, I like it. Like, I know there's a, you know, where I the vicious episode where I was sort of like, okay, this is taking this is definitely a turn. These types of episodes keep me more engaged. I think we have the opposite taste in Cowboy Beepup episodes, Jeff. But because for me, it's like, for me, it's like, this is one of the ones where I'm like, it's okay. I kind of sit through this one to get to other episodes. I don't think because it is so silly. And to me, doesn't really touch off a lot of what I love about Beepup. Like, it's a good episode. Like, I'm like, the worst episode of Cowboy Beepup is still great television, right? Yeah. But I also think you're you're also like looking at this from the vantage point of someone who's like seen it all already too, right? That is very true. And I think at several times. Yeah, yeah. And several times, right? And I think when I become you, I could only hope and dream. But when I, I mean, your spot, right, looking back, I'll probably appreciate the things differently, likely in a more sort of like, respectful light, if you will, right? What do you think of this episode, Lucy? I really like this episode. I think I agree that it like all gets a bit like for a little bit. But I think it has a real, it has hot. Like, it's really cute. Like, you know, the way the VT's like, I don't like bounty hunters and the way that will come together at the end. I think he's great. Like, I love her. I love her big character. I love her big bulky design. Yeah. She reminded me of Raphael from Ninja Turtles, the movie. What? You know, which turtle is that? Oh, God, Lucy is someone who's not turtle literate. I am really upset. Raphael in the live action movie. Oh, I haven't seen that. I know. I thought you meant like the mutant mayhem, was you know, you know, he's the only one I've seen. Raphael, Raphael's cool, but rude. Yeah, he's cool, but rude in that film. He's always wearing like a big trench coat and a hat. Oh, Jack, jacking off in public. Like, what the fuck? Yeah, that's it. Exactly. Yeah, exactly that. The live action movie. I know exactly what you're talking about, trench coat. Raphael is, you know, you know, you know, that thing with master splinter is like, my son, we all have urges. You should do this. We all want to whack it in public. Yeah, that's VT and 1990s. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, the movie, same, same character, same energy. Yeah. Lucy, you should now read Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, The Lasha Rodin. It's very good. Oh, they announced like game, right? Yes. Oh, I've been made to read that forever. That seems cool. It's great. You know, I might. Would you know, technically, technically, the Ninja Turtles are part of the Daredevil universe. The who what now? Oh, I did know that this is. Yeah. So the chemical spill that blinded Matt Murdoch seeps into the sewers and is what transforms the turtles into the Ninja Turtles. We Matt Murdoch like Daredevil, Matt Murdoch. Yeah. That's bullshit. I mean, it's TGRI. Take it up with Kevin Eastman, creator of the Ninja Turtles. Yeah. So like, were they allowed to say that? No, it's like a head cannon thing that he's talked about. It's just like a joke kind of thing. No, nice joke. He's like, that's how the idea started for him. Jeff, I love that's going in on this like this fictional event didn't actually happen. Yeah. I know. This is what I do. That's got a real problem with fiction. I love it. You know, you know, you know, it is, I hate things that don't get explained. Like, that's my biggest sticking point. And it's just like a me sort of thing. Like, I, I'm okay. If you literally do anything in your fiction, do whatever you want, but I need like, I need you to earn it. Do you know what I mean? I feel like horror in general, Jeff. I like it. Because sometimes I find horror gets way less scary when you start explaining things. Yeah. I agree. No, I think it gets worse. Because then, you know, you are explaining the motivation of things and you're explaining like, I almost prefer to spend my disbelief in horror more than science fiction or something like that. You can suspend these not sharp. Thank you for listening to another episode of Jeff Jeff is our adventure. Thanks for listening, everyone. Thank you. John, where can people find you? What are you up to? You know what? Nowadays, you can find me on a little YouTube channel called regular eye patch wolf, where I upload all my fear and hunger streams. They've been a lot of fun. Got fun. The lead. It's going on on them. I respect that you went for regular eye patch wolf instead of like something else. But now, I do now need the creation of like hyper eye patch wolf. So I always thought if I patch wolf, the channel ever got deleted, I'd go with neo eye patch wolf. I like hyper eye patch wolf, man. You can have regular super and hyper or ultra, could be ultra, ultra eye patch wolf. You should, you should squat on these right now. Yeah, I hope you've got these already. John Luke, please also put this video. Thank you. Well, you should do eye patch wolves. And then have and then have like it be a this is where you bring guests on and stuff like that. That would be fun. Lucy, where can people find you? What are you up to? I am on social media at Lucy James Games on everything. This week, what we're doing, UPF, I'll be on. We've got spot on coming out this week. Games, but after dark and then next week, Tim and I are going to games calm. Lucy, shut. Lose your pants. Lose your mind. It's games games. So about like 10 years ago, Kyle Bosman, who was a game trailer as the time had a character on his show, the final Bosman called Schlufer, who was like the German Kyle and Schlufer released a song called it's games calm and it's still on SoundCloud. Lose the shirt. Lose the pants. Lose your mind. It's games calm. Lose the attitude. Lose the crowd. Lose yourself. It's games calm. But it's basically it's it's a bop and we sing it every year when we go to games calm. I haven't been to games calm since 2018 and I'm so excited. But also, you know, fully aware that I will probably catch COVID from the gamers. What you need to do is make sure that standing next to me at every moment. I will get it instead of you. I feel like I'm the lightning rod for COVID when I'm next to Lucy because every time we're together, I won't get it. She won't get it. I'll get it. This is like I'm fine. Well, the thing is the thing is, Tam, Jeff Keely is going to be there. So you're definitely going to get it. Definitely. If I go to any event with Jeff Keely there, I'm getting caught. I get COVID. Yeah, genuinely. Like it's worrying. It's so bizarre. Yeah. Jeff, back of law. Where can people find you? Everywhere I'm at Jeff Bakalar. Nice. And you can find me at Mohech everywhere. I'm going to be also doing UPF probably do games off the dark. I'll probably be doing some other things and then we're going to games calm. Have we talked about the other thing we were doing? The other packs. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. We've said packs. Yeah. Yeah. Hell yeah. We're going to packs. I've never been to packs. I've also never been to packs. Just the server knows I'm not going to. Yeah. We're doing this conversation. Oh, yeah. It's cool. I'm not upset about it. It's just, yeah. That's all right. I won't be there either. The thing is as well. The packs thing is that I feel like you've all given me too much power because we could have flown up. It is really not very far to get to Seattle from here. But I have been hyperfixating on trains recently. So me, Jan and Tam, and now getting a 24 hour train. 29. Oh, yeah. It's going to have so much fun. Oh, I'm so jealous. Jan, I'm so excited. I would kill to be on that. I'm going to fill that carol with thoughts. It's good that we're not sharing rooms. You've been around my thoughts before you got nothing to worry about. I we wanted we were once in an Airbnb and there was like the whole UK team at the time and Tam let off. I thought so loud that I heard it in the next room. I think I had headphones in and I just texted. I was like, was that a part I just heard through the wall and it was. I'm not, I'm I won't put you on blast by talking about your thoughts. Oh, I can I tell the story. We are at an Airbnb. It was the same Airbnb. We're sitting at this dinner table. Okay. This is an Airbnb. Whoever owned it had like monetized the shit out of it. Oh, yeah. You can buy headphones. There was like a little tuck shop in there. I could have had like snacks. Everything was priced there. This person was clearly like very, very concerned about monetizing and maintaining the quality of this Airbnb, which was an amazing. So we're sitting. The dinner table was in the morning. We're just figuring out what to do and like having coffee. Lucy is sitting directly next to me and we're talking. I can see Lucy like fidgeting a bit. Okay. She's like, she's not a morning person. She's getting her coffee. I'm not. And then just the loudest part I have for you. And the reason it was loud is I know that I was a silent fart. The owner had left the plastic on every single chair. It just like it amplifies the sound of it. And Lucy, do you know like were you trying to sneak it by or? I don't remember. It was like six years ago. I think I probably just like moved and went like, yeah. It was like, it should have been this weekend, but it was like, it was like a trumpet sound. It was nice. It was so funny. I've had it killed me. I was so laughing so hard. Anyways, we have no bad friends. We'll see you next week. Bye. Jeff Jeff's bizarre adventure is hosted by Timor Hussein, Lucy James, John Super Eyepatch Wolf, Walsh, and me, Jeff Baccalaugh. Our post producer and editor is Jean-Luc Cepky. Our logo is designed by Justin Bashon and Jess O'Brien. Thanks so much for listening. Anime.