Linux Downtime – Episode 79

Hello and welcome to episode 79 of Linux Downtime. I'm Joe. I'm Gary and I'm Amalith. Good to talk to you both again. Recently we got talking about the right to be forgotten and Gary you brought up some interesting points about how that affects open source. So for context there are various laws around the world that EU I believe was the first that gave you the right to be forgotten from search results and have your data deleted if you wanted it to be. But like I said that has some interesting unintended consequences when it comes to open source. A lot of the tools that are around we'll just say independent open source projects right. What I mean by that is things that like aren't hosted at GitHub or on GitLab or something like that. A lot of these projects including Pigeon have a long long history of using stuff like GNU mailman or maybe edge wall track or something like that. And these tools come from a different era where people weren't thinking about like deleting stuff right. Like it was made public on the internet it's just going to stay there. So what ends up happening when somebody files a request to be forgotten is there is a boatload of work that ends up having to happen to do that. And for something simple like track what we would typically do is you know we just randomize their username and that mostly covers it. But when it comes to something like GNU mailman where you're talking about mailing list archives especially for like support mailing list things can get really really complicated really quick because the user doesn't necessarily know what needs to be cleaned up and that means you have to go search for it. And does that include email signatures does that include salutations and the whole thing just becomes a giant mess and a giant burden on the open source project. And I want to be clear I think right to be forgotten is something that should be supported but like there needs to be a certain understanding when it comes to tooling that's just not there. It's like I'm sorry that the tool suck but like I can't dedicate an entire day to removing your name because that's detrimental to the project. Yeah because with a mailing list for example it's not just a case of deleting just that one person's posts from the mailing list because they'll then be quoted in a bunch of other emails. So you end up having to just nuke whole threads which is not ideal for an open source project. Precisely right what if it's a support request and that has the one and only solution that everything links to and now it's deleted. So not only was it detrimental to the project itself by taking time away from it you've now also hurt all the other users until that thread gets identified as being deleted and you basically recreate it until the next person decides they want to be forgotten and you have to start the whole process over again. Is this an argument against mailing lists generally maybe and that wikis are way better form of documenting things and maybe not wikis but other solutions that don't involve a mailing list. I think it definitely could be one of the other problems with mailing list are there's a bunch of websites out there I can't think of any more stuff I had but the mere mailing list right so in case the mailing list goes down there's a mere of it somewhere so the other problem with doing right to be forgotten on a mailing list is then all those mirrors either have to update or you have to request it from them and stuff like that and it's just this never-ending process of digging through email to delete somebody's name because they don't understand what a public mailing list meant. Now that said at least for Pigeon we've now killed our mailing list because anybody who's tried to set up and manage email nowadays knows it's a giant pain so we've migrated everything to discourse which is you know basically along what you're saying kind of thing and discourse does have it easy it even does self-service I believe where a user can just anonymize themselves and they don't have to request anything from us so this gets back to my thing about you know the tools now support that kind of thing where's the old stuff doesn't. Discourse also has a mailing list mode so people who are used to a mailing list type workflow can interact with discourse that same way. I tried to do a little bit with that because we had a lot of people that were very set on using email still and it didn't seem to work nearly as well as mailing list does but maybe maybe I missed something sorry possible. Yeah and discourse has a bunch of plugins as well you can make it into almost a reddit-like thing these days as well that's what Jim from turn-off admins did for example. Yeah one of the cool things too is there's a plugin where you can mark something as a solution which will make it very stack overflow-y too so like our support section on discourse has that plugin turned on so when we actually solve it for somebody we market that as a solution and that hopefully you know keeps people from having to triage through everything and looking for stuff and all that and it just makes our life easier because yeah there's the answer it's already documented you don't have to go dig for it. What about public IRC logs? That must be a nightmare. We don't do public IRC logs but um XMPP can do public logs as well and we also don't do that it's just because we haven't set it up but um that that would be another scenario where you have to go through and delete everything but more importantly a lot of people get upset if you don't tell them that the logs are public when they join the channel. And with public logs like going off of IRC matrix recently had a huge problem with illegal content they had a crawler and this was as far as I'm aware the matrix foundation itself created this crawler that spidered all of matrix and joined as many public channels as it could and it ingested all of the messages and videos and images and re-hosted those publicly without authentication. So anyone on the internet could just search for stuff and find messages in these channels and I started poking around because I knew matrix has historically had a problem with this illegal content and it was probably within like five minutes that I've found a bunch of different channels with a massive amount of this content and I don't remember exactly how long it was but very shortly after they made it public they closed it again because they didn't realize just how big of a problem it was and how they just made all of it so easily accessible. Yeah that's one of the things you run into and you start hosting a public chat is you've got to police that stuff a while ago we launched an XMPP service for people to reach the pigeon developers and I very consciously did not federate that virtual host because I'm like I do not want to become you know I don't want to have to deal with any of that activity right so the people that connect to that service they can talk to the pigeon community they can't get anywhere else that that's the whole point of it is because I don't have time to go do that or you know the legal expertise to handle it and you also disallow them from creating groups right yeah they can't create rooms or anything they can just join existing and DM each other now DM and each other is still potentially problematic but it's limited to just them. I wonder if this extends to code even like if you've contributed to a project and then you want your contributions to be forgotten how does that even work? So it doesn't due to the way that all version control systems work right now the author's name is part of the commit hash the commit hash being a Merkel tree which means that the hash of the previous commit is in the next commit makes it impossible to change the author after the fact. You can but it's not feasible at all because it requires rewriting the entire tree from that point. Yeah basically you would break everybody's clones and everywhere you have to and this is one of the ways where right to be forgotten can really be weaponized against open source projects because if somebody absolutely insists on that the amount of effort that's going to go into rewriting your entire code base and making tributes up to date between support build agents all the broken links for referencing commit everything it's it's just an absolute nightmare. That's that doesn't mean nobody's trying to figure out a solution for it. I'm not aware of anybody doing it I have some thoughts to do it and I keep threatening I'm going to write my own version control system at some point but I'm not doing it today kind of thing. Why don't you start with a kernel first? Maybe that'd be a bit easier. Well I've got a couple pieces of a forge already built so you know just build my own version control whatever it won't be a big deal. How hard can it be? Yeah it's just time it's fine it's fine that's infinite right time is infinite in open source got enough contributors times infinite. Yeah exactly okay this episode is sponsored by Hello Fresh with Hello Fresh you get farm fresh pre-proportioned ingredients and seasonal recipes delivered right to your doorstep banish the end of summer blues with Hello Fresh. No need to stress about how you'll handle it all this autumn because Hello Fresh takes care of the meal planning and delivers pre-proportioned ingredients right to your home. 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If you want to join those people you can go to slash support and remember that for various amounts on Patreon you can get an advert free RSS feed of either just this show or all the shows in the late night linux family and if you want to get in contact with us you can email show at Let's do some feedback then. Amal got in touch regarding the episodes that we did with Molly White. Yes we know you and everyone around the show family hate crypto slash blockchain slash Bitcoin slash Web3 slash etc with a passion. That is fine and you've expressed that repeatedly that is also fine you even have a lot of good points but it is getting tiresome to just hear the same thing again and again. It would be entertaining if it was fail him that without nuance repeatedly railed against it any chance he got but when it's everyone always it gets real old real fast. I respect that you do not want to promote it in any way by including any other views on the show but could you at least stop beating the dead horse and the answer ML is no we are not going to stop beating the dead horse until the horse is dead until Bitcoin and all the other crypto shitcoins go to zero dollars of value and people move on I will not stop going on about it because I don't even know where to start with it the environmental impact the fact that it's a big Ponzi scheme the fact that NFTs are somehow still around even though it's just obviously a scam just the worst kind of grift and as long as people are promoting it and getting people to join the Ponzi scheme I and I hope all of us will continue to talk about why it's bad and why you should not get involved with crypto currencies. So a lot of you know I stream pigeons development on twitch and on twitch you know you can set up tips and donations and stuff like that and for a couple years now I've used a tool that allowed me to accept crypto and it would show alerts on stream and stuff like that. Last week Coinbase decided I violated their terms of service somehow and closed my account. I still have access to the funds but like everyone's like oh crypto it's free it's borderless there's no government getting in the way blah blah blah you still have to deal with the exchanges if you want to get it to fiat currency at some point and as a US citizen we have very very few choices when it comes to an exchange and now I've lost access to one of them for apparently no reason and they're refusing to tell me what I did but you can get your money out if you want it. Yeah I can transfer it out to another wallet but I can't turn it into fiat currency. Right so he could maybe send it to another exchange that would allow him to cash it out but then there were going to be fees in that process and maybe the other exchange has like I'm going to have to go through KYC again and that other exchange might have like a minimum withdrawal amount that he doesn't meet there's all this red tape and bureaucracy that's just a pain in the ass that the crypto proceeds don't exist but it does. Oh yeah for sure. Well if you keep it in crypto if you pay for things in crypto then it's fine right but that's just not realistic is it? No and you know for years we had a crypto address a Bitcoin address for people to donate to and I think that some people did and yeah thank you for that and that's just going to sit on the blockchain and then I've backed up the keys to the wallet and everything so if I change my mind on this we'll get access to that but I just think that's very very unlikely and at some point I just realized what a scam it was and it was NFTs that opened my eyes to it like I was always like hmm about it and then NFTs happened and I was like right okay here's this dawning realization that the whole thing is just a scam. I hired a friend of mine sometime last year to do some work for me and he lives in Albania and I thought oh I'll go along with the crypto stuff I'll try paying him in a cryptocurrency because it should be pretty easy for him to get it out with fewer fees than the quote unquote proper routes so I sent him the money he signed up for Coinbase well Coinbase won't allow him to sell his crypto for fiat currency because he lives in Albania he looked around at other exchanges and none of them do I don't know whether that's like an Albania legal system thing or whether exchanges are just like no we don't want to operate here but he couldn't get the money yet so he couldn't use it so he sent it back to me and I did have to go through the quote unquote proper channels to pay him and it's funny that recently there was a bit of drama with the toll project yeah the tour project posted on the Fediverse about five days ago and said we're happy to be included in the Web 3 open source software round of this iteration of Gitcoin grants help us unlock up to 300,000 in matching funds by making a donation to tour and other Web 3 open source projects before August 29th and they link to the Gitcoin campaign whatever thing and the replies to this post are full of one of two kinds of people either people who are saying they're extremely disappointed with the tour project for going along with all this crap or reply guys who are just replying to every single one of those people who say they're disappointed and saying oh you're just set up financially you're sitting up in an ivory tower sitting on projects who need money and all this other stuff and it's just a bit of a shit show yeah someone said encouraging people to use crypto currencies I expected back from the toll project and then some weird emoji oh yeah I wonder who that was yeah that's the first reply I see you got in there early I didn't intend to get in there early I just sought on my timeline and I piled on a little bit because I do expect better from the tour project it's a great piece of software developed by great people I was at defcon last week and donated some money to them in person because I believe in it I've run guard nodes I've run exit nodes I do think tours absolutely necessary but they shouldn't be promoting actively asking people to donate through cryptocurrencies yeah exactly it just sullies the name of the project doesn't it's like when Mozilla flirted with it and everyone piled on and you know it just makes you look bad if you get associated with crypto that's why I took the wallet address off the support page because ultimately it just isn't worth the reputation of damage I don't think I just didn't want to be associated with it anymore and Gary I mean you are in a rough position right with pigeon we've talked many times about the funding problem and so you must have some sympathy with the toll project wanting to get some you know three hundred thousand dollars there's a lot of money man it is yeah but I mean it always comes down to the how do you get the money out of the wallet most people aren't going to accept a salary at Bitcoin which is kind of funny and a question for you who about the reputational damage my stance now is a little bit more nuanced because for about a year and a half to two years I worked as a dev op on a large Bitcoin exchange and after you know just seeing things working and how everything works there it's just like I gotta go this is not the place for me so like I can understand the appeal because you know we're talking about large sums of money and stuff like that and that's great but trying to get that money into the people's hands that are actually going to do the work always becomes a problem and even pigeon we have a nonprofit above us as our legal entity we would have to run funds through that stuff like that and I mean we don't have an accountant on staff to like take care of that stuff so we have to figure it out too right obviously I would assume the tour project has at least a part-time accountant or something somebody that can help with that but it's these are all extra levels that add on to the simplicity of cryptocurrency and how it works around the system but once you try to bring that back into the system that's where everything just gets outrageously out of control so in short sorry ML we'll keep going on about it as often as anyone reminds us about it I do have a bit of a correction earlier you said we were going to keep beating the dead horse until it was dead well if it's dead you can't make it more dead well exactly it's not a dead horse yeah that's the whole point of this it's very much alive and still scamming people left right and center desperate people who think that it's some get rich scheme maybe not get rich quick but the whole point of it is that people who got in early need to get new people involved all the time they need to spread the word of it to keep the whole pyramid scheme going and the only way to shut it down is to stop new people being attracted into it and buying into it and it's just very disappointing when you see people who got in early trying to get other people in because that's just what it is it's just a pyramid scheme anyway I'm supposed to be stopping ranting about this it pisses some people off but I would apologize but I won't because it needs to be said to the people who don't fully understand how bad this stuff is I agree yep right well we're better get out of here then we'll be back in a couple of weeks but until then I've been Joe I've been Gary and I've been see you later