Living Authentically and Staying Grounded Through Success with Real Housewife of New York City, Ubah Hassan

Hi, this is Melissa Wood-Teperberg and this is the Move With Heart podcast. Are you ready? Just breathe it all in. I want to talk. I can't lie. I was like, it's going to be short, sweet and very spicy. And we're going to get right into it because apparently some of you are going to talk too much. Uba Hassan is one of those human beings that is just larger than life. I am so fortunate to call a friend. And what I love about Uba in her journey is even with everything she's created in her life, she stays so humbled to her roots. And no matter what she has or the fact that she's on television, she's so true to herself and knows who she is. She's such a strong, independent woman. And I think for anyone out there who has been told that they need to be married and have kids at a certain age, she is just a breath of fresh air for people creating their own path in life. And living life with just the brightest light. Many of you know her from the Bravo reality TV series, The Real Housewives of New York. And I just have to say she is the best thing that ever happened to TV. I'm a little nervous. Oh, I love that. Wait, that's so sweet because you're so full of life and everything. I would never think you'd be nervous. Yeah, because this is the first time you're actually going to ask me a question. Usually we're just so silly with each other. But that's what this is still. Yeah, you know, I know, I know. I just love going to do know with you and just look at each other like, did she just do that? We speak with our eyes. Honestly, the fact that you're on television and you feel a little nervous. This is the side of Uba that I love the most. It's so sweet. It's true, Uba, because I feel like people see you and they think of one thing. And there's so many dimensions to you. You know, they need a lot of. Yes. To see everything of me. You have a lot of layers. Yes. Not like an onion because I wouldn't make you cry. So I feel like you're one of those people. Like I said that so many people think they know. Yeah. But I'd love for you to share just a little bit about your background because as your friend who knows you. Yeah. That's what I find like the most grounding about you. That's very sweet. Well, I was born in Africa and grew up in Kenya and Tanzania with my mom and father. But then when we were coming to come to Europe, it was me, my brother and my father. We couldn't all come together. So that was really hard coming to another country. Don't know the language. The weather has changed. I remember the first day I got to Canada, there was snow and I was like, they sell snow in Africa. They sell ice and here it's just in the ground. Right. You'd never seen it before. No. I was like, what are you for real? Like cold like snow. I remember I went down and tasted it. It was so cute. Just delicious water. Cold water. So it was very tough to come to a different country. But we were told that it's the best thing for us, you know, for our future. And it was all true. But that's not to say that it wasn't easy, right? You see North America, your family and friends, they send you postcard. It's really beautiful in like creation. Sometimes someone send you a Times Square postcard, really. To be in Times Square with no family, no friends. It's like a completely different level. So I don't know, it's just really being an immigrant. Nobody run away from home. None of us immigrant wanted to go to other countries to start a brand new life for fun. Nobody does that. And you leave because it's political, you know, arrest or you want a better life. So we came to Canada. And I think that was one of the best countries. I'm so grateful for my family picked Canada because they're polite. They're loving. It was just the perfect country for my soul. Like I don't know if I could handle if it was any other way where they didn't invite immigrant. They didn't celebrate us. They put us to school. We went to the doctor. They gave us a home. And it was easy for me and my brother because we were younger. So we were just blending and have friends. But it was very tough for my father. As a man, you're not a provider anymore. The government is what help us. He has no friends. So I think I kind of push it in the back of my head. Right. But now that I'm older when I meditate, these memories do come back. And some days I feel like I want to deal with them. Some days I don't. I do. Yeah. So I grew up in Canada. I went to school there. I made friends. It was a very beautiful childhood in a way that I blend in right away. The country was very friendly to people who didn't look like them. Who didn't speak the language. And they were just like a very humanity kind of country. And then I involved myself into acting in school, modeling. That's when reality kicked in. Oh my God. It took a different world. So for me, I think I look at myself some time. I'm like, you did it girl. Like good for you because I'm like, oh my God, you really start from nowhere. Like you didn't know a lot. Like I remember once I saw this. I've never told you this anybody. But I think it's good to share with you. What? I once was home. I was outside just kind of take a walk in my sister house. Never and I said, but who did Canada? And I saw a car with two stirring well. Melissa, I run home. I was like, who just invented us? Why is this car has two stirring well? I don't know for some reason. I was like, oh my God. Is this like a wall torn country? I just don't understand. Like I didn't two stirring well. And so I run home. I'm like, oh my God. I saw this car. There was two stirring where my sister was like, it's a driving school car. I was like, what? It's because a driver stayed one side and a student stayed the other side. I was like, what? So it's like little stupid things like that. And she's like, by the way, next week I want to put you to drive school. I was like, oh, okay. So next week I was in this car learning how to drive. And I think, oh, my sister's going to teach me how to drive. No, they want an Uber driver before Uber. Man, I was a house lady. Once I learned how to drive, I like two in the morning, go get milk. But you know how to drive. Oh, yeah. I do know. I'm such a good driver because I drive. But here's the thing. That's what African parents do. That's what African family do. They're like, this is going to be good for your future. But in the meantime, you work for us. Like child labor. So also, I remember in the beginning when I went there, my sister was really stressed. She just had a baby. She was alone. So we just got there. And I saw her putting a pen in the fridge. And the next time she's like, where is the pen? I opened the fridge and I took the pen and gave it to her. She goes, why was the pen doing the fridge? I said, you put it there. I'm thinking maybe North America and they stay in the fridge. I don't know. I follow rules. Okay. So just stupid thing. Oh, one more plane coming here. They gave us, because it was a longer flight. I've never shared this to anybody. But with you, I really want people to know this. They gave us a box with your two-space, two-sprush. And this was coach. I wasn't even business class, because it's a long flight. Right. And I wanted to open my brother's like, what are you doing? I was like, what do you mean? And she goes, don't open it. We're going to pay for it. We don't have the money. Don't do it. And I was like, what? Everyone is opening it. He's like, no, you don't have to put it back. So I put it back. So now, every time I'm flying and they're like, Mom, here's your warm towel. And you'll do a package. I'm like, what is in here? Like, everything you had to hide. I don't want it. But in the back of my mind, I remember that my first plane, my brother told me, don't open this, because he's going to charge you, which, that's not true. But we just didn't know. Right. But that little prick had 800 pound cash in his packet. But he just didn't think we didn't have money to afford this. How old were you when you moved to here? Fifteen. Oh, no, no, New York. I was, I think, 26. Okay. And you moved by yourself. By myself. But you were modeling in Canada. Yeah. But it kind of is not such a difference. It's very different. There's no money. But I really couldn't travel because, you know, with my immigration status, we didn't have document to travel. So when it's a model, if you can't really travel, it doesn't. It's not worth it, right? Yeah. So after when everything was fine, I came here to model. And again, another culture shock. Because Canada and New York, not just United States. Like, this is New York. It's like another planet. Oh, yeah. I came to Times Square. I was like, what the hell is this? I need to shade like in five o'clock in the morning. It's like just too many lights for me. And the energy and the, you know, I think in Vancouver, it was still almost. It's not like Africa, but you know, it's a lot of nature, a lot of water, a lot of plant. Here, there's not that. And I did not know how sensitive I am. People think I'm fine. I'm this. I spent 70% of my time alone. And usually at Central Park. Listen to podcasts. There's no TED Talk. I didn't watch. They should charge me. I do masterclass. I love all that stuff. So I am very like outspoken and fun and all these things. But I know how to go back to my shell and like really feed my soul. That's what I love about you. That's what I love about you. Yeah. Because I feel like you have this insanely vibrant spirit, but you're so grounded. I think it's very important that when you get out of your house, no matter whatever you're going through, leave it at home. Don't use whatever you're going through, your pain, your struggle, whatever it is. Don't bring it to the party. Don't bring it to people home. Don't bring it to your friend dinner. You have the responsibility to have this beautiful aura. People need to gravitate towards you. And if you can't do that, don't show up. Seriously. And I think friends and family can understand that. You'll be like, I just need this weekend, you know? Yes. I mean, I don't want this over. Exactly. It's where I snob people sunglasses. My good is exactly as my bad. And I'm very aware of that. I'm very, very aware of who I am. I'm very fair. I want things to be treated kind. I do not want to see unfairness in my eyes, my face, to me, to anyone. So it's really important for me to be very calm, to not deal with things. In like some people might look at it as aggressive way. Right. I look at it as a passion. I look at it as you met your match. Right. You know, you look at me. I'm an immigrant. I'm this dark girl. She's black. She's going to be afraid. Because all black girls, we are afraid to be called angry black woman. So most of the girls that I know, they just shut up. They literally swallow whatever they want to say. Because they want to bring this image of like, no, no, I'm polite. I'm this. I'm not. I'm like, honey. No, no, no, no. You put a fork in my ass. You see what's going to happen to you. I'm not Jesus. I don't turn around. The other chick. You're done. So it's this personality that I have. That's where we ignite. Very fiery spirit. Yeah. But we're very kind. Very. We're very kind. But don't cross. Yeah, I don't know. You'll be matched with whatever energy you bring. That's the truth. I have to work hard on keeping the energy even keel. I will never forget when I first met you. Because I saw your face everywhere. It was like, I would go to my hometown in Syracuse, New York. And like, I was like walking to Macy's with my mom and my sister. And like, that's my friend in your face is everywhere. And then I remember when we became friendly, we met through Ashley. Yes. And I said to you, like, how does it feel? God bless Ashley, by the way. Oh, my good friend. I met them through Ashley. That's true. Because she was the friend of us who kept us together. Yeah. Like, hello. You didn't text me. Right. Question. Like, for me, if someone doesn't text me, I'm like, forget you. But Ashley, we literally, our friend is good as because of her. All the birthday. She's one of our guys. She's one of our guys. Kim. Everyone. Trish. She needs a sisterhood. Yeah. We need that. And the good thing that none of us did drugs. None of us were bad girls. I'm so grateful because you become your crew. And I'm very grateful for her. I learned all my bank accounts yet. All my visa. Everything. What would Ashley do? No, we're having Ashley on because I was like, we need to share like where she came from. Yeah. And she is now. I'm always enamored by that. I love understanding where someone came from and then like how they were able to turn things around. And I think that's why our circle. We've all come from really similar places and have dealt with so many similar struggles. And I remember saying to you, I was like, wow, like your face is everywhere. Like, how does this feel? And I'll never forget what you said to me. You said being a model doesn't define me. I knew. And I was like, but don't you feel like looking at you, like you've done all of this and you said, that's not who I am in my heart. Thank you for remembering that. I'll never forget you saying that to me. That's true. I think a lot of us, we make mistakes, identify ourselves with material thing, jobs, family, and husband, last name, and then when we lose that, we don't know what to do. We really need to stand ground to who we are. Nobody takes Uber. I take everything you want. I don't care. I'll make it again. Better. Because this time, at least I know the map. Right? This time I actually have a New York map, not a Detroit map in New York. Now, now I have actually a real map. I know where H3Ds, I know where H Avenue is. There's no confusion. That's it. Right? It's true. Oh, my God. It's the number one thing I always say. Like you, even being in a relationship, like you know Noah. Yeah. You've known Noah. We don't know Noah. We love. No, I'm in love with Noah. That man, he is really, really. You are very lucky. And I tell you this all though. Oh, you know she does. She is like, I know everyone tells him he's lucky, but you are lucky. You are the lucky one. I'm telling you, because these powerful men, they just like an arm candy. And Noah made sure that you had your own to be Melissa. You know that. We know the backstory. We know Noah. And even as the way he took care of us, you know, I leave 7th Avenue and 16th Street. Don't tell people where he left. No, no. I don't know. They are now upgraded. Start from the bottom. Now I'm up, up, up, up. Trust me. We really upgraded. Oh, my God. That apartment. We all lived there. It was like Seinfeld. Do you remember? We let you go to the apartment. Yeah. It was the best. I'm actually really glad to let my apartment go. I should just have that as a downtown place. You guys, there were four friends, four or five of us that lived in the same building and like, different flow. I would come home from work and they'd be like knocking on my door and I'd be quite as a mouse so that I'm like, I can live. I'm like, not now. I need space. Do you remember? Oh. How can you forget? So I was 16 and 7th Avenue and where was Tao? 16 and 8. Right. Noah will be like, no, no, no. You're not walking home alone. Jay is going to drive you and I'm like, no, it's far in the car because they have to go to 17 back this way. And I was like, uh-uh. It's at night. It's not a very good neighborhood. Like, no, no, no. He is the kindest human being. He is obsessed. Right now. I'm in a subway talking to my friend. Tell Melissa anything she wants for her kids with me. Sure. We'll do it. And tell her it's because Noah is helping me a lot. He's a kind gentle man and he's a gentleman. Yeah. And he does a closed door behind door like any person who knows Noah, Noah helped them. He's very, very kind. And it's very hard to find a man who is New Yorker. New York, New York. Fucking run the city. And now he's like in Hong Kong and like all over the world. Run pretty much the whole night life in the world. Okay. We want that. No line up. Okay. We go from the back. And then we'll see. Those are the waiting lines. Fun. He's smart. He's picked in Harvard. He's kind. He has a great mom, great sister. Melissa, it's a blessing. It's a blessing. I say a lot of no because I haven't found my Noah yet. I know it's available. It is. And I think when you're ready for it, you call and bring that energy. That's true. You know, they craze you but cannot have someone who's come. Like, you know, I'm learning, I'm learning. It's okay. It's okay. I wouldn't be who I am today if I was married and kids or even being a permanent relationship. Right. No person wouldn't allow this. I'm never home. Right. Working all the time. Like, you need to have that balance, right? I think it's coming. I think I'm going to be ready soon. I think I'm ready soon. I think I'm ready soon. I think I'm ready soon. I think I'm ready soon. I think I'm ready soon. I think I'm ready soon. I have been hearing about Chroma Wellness for the longest time. And I will tell you, I am one of those people who can kind of be a little bit of a skeptic when it comes to something just really becoming all the rage. But I will tell you, it is everything you would expect it to be and more. Chroma Wellness is a functional nutrition company on a mission to simplify how people live their healthiest, most vibrant lives. And I can tell you Lisa, the founder of Chroma, and she is the definition of vibrancy. Her cells like bounce at you. She's just a full of life. And I'm like, what are you doing? And she doesn't leave her house without Chroma in her bag. They are offering premium on-the-go foods and beverages that deliver maximum nutrition with a minimal preparation. They have five day resets that continue to be a core staple and their best seller of the line. And the best way that I like to describe it is it is a reset you enjoy. Like that's how I would simplify it. They are complete with 50 delicious nutrient-packed foods and beverages, including the infamous OMG cookie butter. I have a scoop of that at least once a day. I've been loading it up in my smoothies. And everything is just so good. It just tastes good. It's simplified. And I am all about simplifying my life. The super porridge is something I do not travel without. I always have that in my bag. I just add water and I've actually eaten it dry once. And it was so good. You can visit and use code MWH20 for 20% off your purchase. If you are someone who runs away from the word cleanse like myself, these resets are enjoyable and they really, really work. Also, you know what I learned? I was meditating. I do TM. And in my meditation, you know, TM allowed you to think. Yeah. It's actually part of meditation. That's why I started meditating with TM. That's how I think I heard from you. Yeah. You've been doing it for years. For years. But sometimes I'm often on. But then now it's okay. That's okay. I'm like every day. Right. But I was made into like six months ago because I wasn't working for like nine months because my client was like, oh, you're doing what? Because my client are very like polite. You know, they're like, we need to wait for a second to see what happened. Right. Also, I couldn't with my schedule. Right. So I was doing a lot of meditation. I wanted to know what this time in my life, what is bringing me? Because I see this opportunity in front of me. But then it's blocking other things. Right? Like, this is amazing opportunity. But the schedule, the time, even what it is, other people are like worried. Like, so what it is, what I need to learn here, what I need to let go. And I was meditating. And instead of getting the answer for that, I got, when I was younger, I really, really, really, really was praying to be independent woman. Because everyone around me, except my mom, was not independent. Mm-hmm. They were following their husband. They were really a yes dear. Like, it's not a culture that, you know, I mean, they're waiting for someone telling him a vacation. Like, I haven't seen, you know. So I really, really wanted to travel when I want to leave alone. I don't want to watch dishes. I'm not going to watch dishes. I want to be my own boss. And that was my prayer and my vision board and my, everything, my entire teenager, my entire 20s. And God gave me that, the universe gave me that. And now I'm wondering, where is it? Where is it? Where is the kids? I've never go back and asked for something different. Mm-hmm. So sometime our prayer answered, and you're waiting for something else, but you never went back and changed the contract. Oh, that's so good. Pray? Yes. I said, holy shit. I got everything I want. I can literally go to prayers tonight. I said, you know, I'm like, hey, give me a ticket. I'm out of here. Don't have to ask anybody. I've enough, a little bit money that I can't, I'm able to do that. I'll go coach. But you know what I mean? Yeah. I have that freedom. Just the idea of like, right now we can go to dinner after this. Right. You're going to have to call and make sure if your kids are eating is. That's sure honey. How is your schedule? I don't have, I don't even have a cat to feed. Right. It's exactly what I prayed my whole teenage of my whole life. But now I have to go back to the prayer mat and ask you from prayer. Oh, I love this. It's so true. I always say like the universe listens and responds. It listens even in your whisper. It listens even in your intention. Yeah. That's what we don't know. It's so true. Intention. You are intention. Good or bad. The universe listens. It does. Even if you don't act on it, it's like you're intended that bitch to get a leg broken. You're, you are going to broken. By the way, the reason I'm the nicest person, I tell you why. My karma is 24 hours. I have a story to prove. 24 hours, not less than that. So I, I'm not a good person by choice. I have to. Can you please share a little bit behind the scenes of like what it is like being, I mean, you weren't just a working model. Like you're a very successful model. Thank you. You know, I modeled for years. I was a working model. I am so okay to be super transparent with that. Because this is your, I meant to be doing this. Yeah. 100%. So much of that, you wouldn't even have this creativity. No, I wouldn't have this. So exactly. I wouldn't have been able to tackle. It all worked out the way it meant to be. That's true. I think you are like when you're working and when you're shooting, you're super regimented. Yeah. And just like how that lifestyle has, I don't know, I think just like shifted you as a person. Well, when I moved here, food, it's a luxury for where I come from. I choose a career. Food is like, don't look at food. When I start modeling, it was the era of anorexic just dripping down. This era right now. Oh my God. I never, ever, ever. This is the best era ever. If we get the match, you know when you go to the match, you see all these women and these good-looking guys just feed them grapes. I'm like, I'm also waiting for that era. But I'm good with this right now. It's incredible to see these different shape-formed people, hair, braids. You couldn't have braids and do modeling. Nowadays, they say, oh, can you walk? I'm like, yes, I can. But I have a braid. I'm not taking my braid. Because I'm on getting Melissa wood hair. I'm making my hair grow just like you as Melissa. I don't know when you're going to come up with the oil that you're using. I love her hair. When I moved here, I was cooking in the models apartment. You know I can go. And they were like, ah, ah, ah. Steamfish, steam vegetables. If you crave ice cream, you put grapes in a freezer. And you eat those. And I was like, no family. Six-floor walk-up. Two bedroom, eight girls. I mean, some of them don't even brush their teeth. It was, and I'm over. I'm a clean freak. It was a nightmare. And I was like, oh, go home and go back to school. You got to go back to school. You can do this. And all of them, they were smoking cigarette and drinking coffee. And doing coffee, Anima. They put coffee in the ass. We had one bathroom. And I'm like, I don't give a fuck. Okay. I need to shower. Nobody told you to put coffee in your ass. Go downstairs. It was really bad. So it was like, they were doing the things to go make themself like that. And I was like, okay. I could have done that. I just didn't have a strong family that if I collapse in Times Square, someone is going to come and rescue me. So the reason I think saved me not getting in drugs, not being very bad with my diet and everything, because I didn't have anybody to come save me. I was the only one who can help me. So I had to not drink. I had to not try. Have you never drank? I drank in high school. You did? Yeah. And I was like, I want to go swim. You don't want to swim. Oh, God. I think the day I stopped drinking in high school, is when I drove my car home. Oh. And I don't remember doing that. My friends are like, oh, you drove home. You like, took the key and broke. And I was like, no, I didn't drive. They're like, yeah, you did. And I went to see my car. It was packed on like a little part of flour. And nothing happened to me. And I remember in Vancouver, there's bridge everywhere. Not to say that if there's no bridge, don't do that. But I was like, this is not good for me. If I didn't remember, I drove home. It's just, and it's not in my DNA. This is why all Muslim, whenever they drink, they are crazy. Because it's just not in our lineage. So it's like you put something that your body, it's never experienced from generation to generation. It turned to poison to us. It is poison. It is poison. I tell people, I'm like, Uncle was invented. So ugly people finished it. No. So ugly people can get laid. We're too beautiful to be drunk. No. You are literally made for TV. Like it's just to say. I can't. I also had to change because people, why are you not drinking? If you're not drinking and you're having so much fun, then you're taking pills. It's one or the other. Right. Why can't I just be happy? I'm in New York. Independent. Live alone. I don't have to sleep with anybody to pay my rent. How can I just be grateful for what I have? Six feet looking like this. I don't even walk out. I do Melissa wouldn't punch time. I don't do a meditation. We're getting you more consistent. I'm very proud of you. I will do the meditation. Can I just want to hear you breathe? I love your laugh, by the way. We should just have like a laugh. Because you can really make me laugh. I'm trying to make this more than just laugh, because you literally make me laugh endlessly. Uba, you were one of the first people in my life that was like, you don't need to drink. You were like, there's a way about you that you don't need alcohol. And I was like, how do you have fun? No. I literally didn't think. And I told you, I said, because in the beginning of the night, before you even start drinking, you are still fun. Right. So then why are you doing this? I thought I needed to. You couldn't do it, because you remember a lot of vacation we took together. You would take time off to go to the bathroom and I find you in a grass with shoes off. Do you remember in Miami? Grounding. Well, that was grounding someone else. You were grounding someone else, but you had to go around yourself. I had to ground myself too. I was like, what's your shoes? I want to see the ground. I literally was like, I found a pile of dirt and took my heels off out in Miami to ground myself. It worked. Yeah. Also, energy linger. Right. So even a glass of wine, anytime you're not in your element, anytime you are not you, anything can take you. Yeah. The wind, bad energy, negative things, it comes because then it's easy. But if you are alert and alive, you'd be like, that's not my energy. But sure. I'm sending it back to where you belong with consciousness and love. That's where I'm at right now in life. I'm like, that is not mine. That's not mine. And it's been almost four years. Yeah. November that I haven't had a drink. Gingerbread on a champagne glass. And with you, we're going to put a little lemon in water because you don't do sugar. A little. A little bit of sugar. Yeah. But you know, no, I don't miss it at all. Yeah. You don't need it. Some people do. Some people do. Yeah. I'm not here to judge. Right. No, definitely not. Don't smoke weed around me though. Yeah. Because I'm not getting hotbox with you. You want to do it. Do brownie. Do tea. Do gummy. And tell me those gummy have something because I don't want to. I don't touch any gummy. Anywhere I see. I don't care if it is a gummy factory. I'm like, nah. No, no, no, no. You just don't know. No, no, no. Better to be safe than sorry. Right. This shit is just, no, no. I just know. I don't know. Right. Yeah. Okay, Uba, you're on television. Like, I mean, it's so amazing to see. Not only just television. Bravo. She's on Bravo, you guys. You know, because you're all watching her. And everyone's in love with you. I mean, it's just. Yeah, fans are. Die hearts. We're doing BravoCon. They used to do New Yorker. It is so big. There's no venue in New York can hold them. How many people? So we're going to Vegas. How many people? I don't know the number. But we just know there's no space in New York to hold them. So in person life for three days, all the Bravo shows. Wow. Yes. So they have to go to Vegas to get a space. But they got sold out within 30 seconds. Wow. Yeah. Am I getting 10% information for that? People. Yeah. People are die hearts. Like, which I love it. I love it. And to be loved. I mean, you are so loved. And you are like made for television. Big thank you. I used to watch a lot of reality TV. It was actually like when I was modeling and was kind of like, I would come home and I would just like sit on the couch and just watch a ton of TV. It's a fun thing to just. Yeah. I don't. I don't really watch TV anymore. But I don't have TV. Seeing you. Like when it was really. I love when you told me. Oh my god. Oh my god. We were like, it's just so. Do you know my phone broke right after I take you back? I had like 500 messages. Oh, I'm sure. And I remember texting you back and nor. You were the last message I had text back. You never text anyone else. I couldn't. I didn't even know who those five hundred. But guess what? I was so mad. And I showed up at Apple Store two in the morning to get a new phone. And I don't know my password. Of course, I hate passwords. I'm ready. I'm ready to fed them to do with like, I don't know. I just, I don't know why we have password. I am. Because I have nothing to hide. I'm going to go read my email. So anyways, I go, I was so mad. And I remember shaking. I'm getting a new phone. And I knew that I'm not going to get all these messages. And I want to find out who are these 500 people. I'm sure there was some few X's. So I can just send them a meme to be like, you're talking to me now. You know. And I was just so mad. Remember when we got announced? Yes. Yeah. And I remember the guy went to get a new phone. And I'm standing there. And he just hit me. I said, you do not need to know those people. The reason that have is for you. Right. I didn't need the past memory to come back in my orbit when they're just not here. I was like, yeah, bring down your phone. So what is it like? I feel like your cast has redefined what it means to be a housewife of work too. Because so many people wrote me and they're like, wait. Is Uber engaged or married? And I'm like, no, this is like a new era too. Of like New York woman and what it means to be like an independent woman in New York. So here's the thing. When they cast a friend of friends, they were doing part of friends. Because they really want friends. They want people who are in a circle. Right. I think they reach out to you. They reach out to people who are friends with friends. Oh, Melissa, if you are in that show. You don't, I'm not going to let you do it. You don't need it. Some of us do. You don't need it. You have work hard enough to not want this. But I remember going. So they were doing 25 minutes a person. Because they had to meet each other. Right. They talked to me for two hours. Wow. And all that. It wasn't me talking. Now them. Tell them why they need me in this show. It's true. Because yeah. A lot of people that are getting involved in marriage relationship. Because Thanksgiving is coming. Because holidays. Because someone's birthday. Oh, my God, someone waiting in September. I have not dated anybody in three years. I'm going to see everybody. The everyone is going to ask me. Nobody sees you and be like, oh, my God, girl. You look amazing. How are you? What's going on? What are you eating? What's your favorite thing? What did you travel? What book did you read? Everyone is like, so are you engaged yet? Are you married? I can't stand that question. Why is the dick is more important? Why? Why? Why? Why? I am so with you. There's deal to sell every corner. Every color you want. Why is a man? Define. Why is my conversation always... I almost wanted to ask him, how is that marriage? It's rude. That is not real. That you're in it. It's rude. And he gives his woman so much fear. It's feeling judgmental every time, every wedding. You don't have a plus one. I love to go to the wedding alone. I'm like, you all eyes on me. Look at this. This is a single table. The hot single table. It's amazing. It's fun. Right, but a lot of women don't want it. Oh, I love to be... It's fun. It's so much fun. Yes, freedom. Freedom. Like, look at me. But I'm with you. I think it's a cultural thing, right? It's also societal. Like, it's like, we believe as a society. Like, you have to be married or you have to... You have to be chosen. For you to be somebody. People choose not to get married. And people choose not to have children. Everything else is okay, except that. But here's the thing. It never stops. You get the boyfriend. Oh, you have a boyfriend. When you guys get engaged. Right. You get engaged when you guys get married. Right. When you have kids. Once the next. When you're having a third, of course. They don't know if people can't have kids. They don't have kids. Stay away from my uterus and my wedding ring. All right. I'll invite you when I invite you. We need to change the dynamic. And I figure, if I'm in this show, maybe I can help someone who is still single and not old. Brin no but not married. They are thriving. I love it. You know, there's some lonely night. Don't get me wrong. Right. There's some night. It may be nice if someone took my shoes off. I go downstairs my dorm and to unzip my dress some time. I'm like, shit. This is when you need a man. Okay. So there's time. You know, the jar you can open. You're like, it'll be nice to be like, hey. Open this. Right. But it's not bad. Yeah. Just surround yourself with like powerful woman. Like you invite us in everything. With normal. Like surround yourself with friends and family who have men celebrate to you. Yes. Like no. Imagine how she treat us. You went on vacation with Kim and no one all these things. Like, Kim is not married. It doesn't have any. But you know what I mean? Right. So it's like, girl. I love it. If your friends are making you feel bad because you're not married and they don't involve you in their trip and the thing. Like, they will you guys do. You need new friends. I agree. I so agree with that. I was introduced to ritual when I was pregnant. I took their prenatal vitamin throughout both of my pregnancies and beyond while it was postnatal. And now I am currently taking their essential for women, which I love. And I love this brand because ritual knows it's basically impossible to get all of the nutrients that you need from your diet 100% of the time. But they made a multivitamin that helps you focus on what's important. This is a clinically backed multivitamin for women with high quality and traceable key ingredients in clean bioavailable forms. Their capsule has this delayed release, which is designed to help make it more gentle on an empty stomach, which I love because I usually would never take vitamins on an empty stomach. But this one does not bother me at all. And I feel that it supports my energy throughout the day. I have an amazing discount for you to try ritual for yourself. You can visit slash move with heart and take 40% off your first month of ritual that will automatically be applied at checkout. I love the whole movement and cast. And I think it's just, it's like lively. And it feels very New York. Yeah, and I'm not saying this to say this because I'm in your podcast. I don't even know what I'm seeing at this. I actually, they might love that. You know, I don't fake. Oh, no, no, no. I absolutely adore, respect each and everyone. That's great. This is such a chemistry. I feel like they drop us in serengeti and black figure out how to get out. Because we're both new. We don't know this. And we're very supportive of one another. We have a new group chat. But then everyone is like, oh, it's not going to last. It's not going to last like they're telling us this because it is a show that is thrives off a little bit of a spin. I am not going to change. Good. Because my shine, my candle is not going to shine brighter or less brighter if I'm bitch to you. Right. So I'm not going to change. But you'll be met by the energy and the weather you bring. I love that line. You give me fire. I give you volcano. You give me love. I give you desire and passion and everything. Like, I'm there. I give you ten times what you give me. They know this. I told them I go zero to a hundred faster than Lamborghini. This is a cheetah dolly in New York. It's a different concrete. Oh, my God. The Uber. But I love them. They are great. That's amazing. And what I love is seeing. I think it's the diversity. The diversity. Well, the diversity, but also for me to be able to take a step back at what you've done on your own from moving to New York to being a very successful model. While eating, by the way, that's enough for me. No, I think that's very important. In a town. Yes. No. We want to embrace eating and living and enjoying your food and your life. But also having you talk about your hot sauce. Yes. But you took something that you were talking about as an idea and you did it. But here's the thing. I really need to say this so people can really understand. Being a model, it's great. But it's almost like a crotch. I show up to work from my house to location. I can close my eyes. I have a driver pick me up. I have someone pick me up at the airport. I have someone walk me to my room. My favorite water, my vacado, my banana, my palasanto. Just so you know, this wasn't like this for me. But we have different models. But you know what I mean? It's like, no. The director telling you what to do. Yes. And then you get to make up. You don't do nothing they do. So it's like when I start my company, I would wake up some time, just walk around, like drug myself with my pajama, like you have now. It's hard. At least in that. And then it's like four p.m. I'm like, oh shit. You have to call the production. You have to do this. You have to do that. Like being a model and being an entrepreneur, it was me going back to school. Same. Right? Because there's nobody's nudging you. Nobody's telling you your car is downstairs. Nobody's telling you the email. This is what you have to be all those things. Yeah. So it was really hard. It was like double. It's the hardest. I didn't go to college. So I don't know nothing about entrepreneur. I don't know about LLC. I don't know about trademark. I don't know any of that. Right. Right. So it's like, I had to learn it double. Same. I'm so grateful. Because the next time I do any product, it's going to be air. Because that shit is really heavy and it's very expensive to ship. So you just learn. You learn as you go. So it's like, if you have an idea, all these things, this glass of water, everything, this thing, someone had an idea, a thought, and they went and executed it. And it didn't work one time. Maybe this is not even their initial what they wanted to do. They came up with a completely different thing. Right. But do it. Yes. Go ahead and do it. But how did you start? Because I remember you, like I remember. I said a little job bringing to friends and family because I couldn't afford giving, when I go to someone home, instead of bringing a bottle of wine or flowers, I couldn't afford that enough of the money. So the mess and jar, the ubahat was the only thing I can make and bring it. And they love it. And then you ask her model with hedge funds. You know, that's how we party. So I was like going to this party and I'll bring them ubahat. Like it wasn't called ubahat. They were calling it supermodel hot. Oh. And there's three flavors of ubahat. Yeah. So Ruby. Habanero. Yes. I love hubanero. Yeah. Habanero. Ruby and Emerald. Yes. I love that. You know, I'm very earth. So I did call them jury tone. It's actually all confused. Like it's just a jury. I'm like, figure out. Just try. Right. If you're confused, you know, you know, my customer. Like my customer adventures. They try things. They're one different culture. They want different smell. They're getting ignite, not just by boring thing. Like they really, there's people who reach out for something. Oh, that's look weird. Let me try it. Right. So that's why my heart says, you know, my heart says, let me try it. Right. So that's why my heart says it is. It is. It's not like just any heart says, I tell people, my heart says it's like British Airways. There's two double deck. Every other heart says in the bottom, Oberhardt is the upper class. Well, your heart says also made Oprah's favorite list. What does that do for you? That changes your business. Like that's insane to have recognition from Oprah. I launched my company in June. I was like, so fucking around. Because I'm so such a perfectionist. I was like, I'm not sure. One day I was like, just press the button. And I remember the first time my friend, Linda Komey, she goes, you know, Linda. Linda V, she goes, Uber. She's great. It was six a.m. I was like, yeah, she goes, you told me you launched your company today. But I'm putting my credit card is now going in. And I try all my credit card. It's like, maybe one doesn't work. And I was like, what are you talking about? I was like, no, no, it's life. Figure out with your bank. My thing is life. She goes, Uber, wake up and look. It hit me. I did my amics as a trial. But I didn't open up for everybody. Okay. So for me, it approved. Right. Because it's my card. But everyone else couldn't do it. Got it. See how much you learned. Oh, no, no, I know. The day I launched, I learned. Oh, yes. You keep learning. Yeah. Two months later, I get a call. So I did it for friends and family. I was like, let's just put my feet on the water. You know, 900 boxes. Very simple, you know. Just try. I remember some of you guys got some. Yes. Two months later, I get an email. Literally, it says, Uber, hot, is being picked to be an Oprah favorite thing. I was like, this is a joke. And I'm reading. And then I start seeing the name and everything is like, their address. Like blah, blah, blah, at Daily Mail to Oprah. I was like, what the fuck? And then down was like, we need your lawyer and DA. You can say, like, this is harsh, harsh. Yeah. Until November. Me holding a secret that big. Here. That's amazing. I was like, do I tell my doorman? I wish I had a cat. I would have conversation with my cat. So I went to Central Park. Melissa, I have a video. I recorded myself to never forget this moment. And I just recorded myself for five minutes. So I remember. Like how it felt. It was very sad because I could have called my mom. I couldn't have done that. I want to call my sister. But I was like, what happened? And they told their friend, their friend, tweet. Nowadays social media was like, Uber. This is your biggest break. Yeah. You just shut up. So then it's like winning an Oscar as an entrepreneur. And everyone since then have reached out to me. How did you do it? And I was like, let me tell you something. Let me make something very clear. You cannot buy Oprah. And I don't have even the fans. I have the love. But I don't. It's like there's no formula. But if I can really say how I made in that list. And I know this very crystal clear. It's every kindness I've ever done to someone. God, just draw it for me one time. So you deserve it. I am very, very grateful. I think it all came back. All the doors I've hold. Everyone I've stood up for. Every gift I've ever sent. Every kindness would have told a stranger. I think it all came back to me in one transaction. I'm so proud of you. So yeah, we all prefer everything. It sounds so good to say it. I'm actually working with them next week again. That's amazing. I'm so proud of you. Thank you. Thank you very much. So, you know, you're doing so many things. Yeah. And you're on television. What do you desire? What do you desire the most? More overtime. I think now the more like success is coming. I feel like this is a real success. The modeling thing was great, but it was more of a surviving. Right. Because I said yes to every job that I saw. Right. And I think that actually ruined my career a little bit. Because it's very important to say no as much as to say yes. But when you're taking care of yourself and you're family. Yeah. Especially your model, there's no guarantee. Right. If this is going to come back again. But it's very important to know your wise. And which brand do you work with? And why are you working with that? And if you're going to say a lot of know. The yes that you're going to say they're going to really, really be fruit. I couldn't agree more. Because when the dog is pregnant. You ready for this? No, I'm dying to know what you're going to say. I think they have a baby like within six months or four months or something. And an elephant is two years. And the dog can do like four or five babies. Is that true? And Google. I'm a Virgo. Everything has to be fact check. I'm an elephant freak. So, there's no. So, yeah. But anyways, an elephant, it takes two years and is only one baby. But when the baby comes down, the earth feels it. So, now I know my yes has to be really important. So the client I work, the things I'm taking. My favorite food is rice and beans. I'm good. I wait. I don't eat caviar. I don't do champagne. I don't care if I fly coach. Plain don't crash backward. I'm good. I'm warning saying yes for what is worth. I love that. So I decided to have more time with me. Especially now. That is go, go, go. Come here pulling a lot. I just need to remember that. The 70% stays. That's honestly I cannot really more on every way. So I was a client right before it. As you walked in I was filming a Q&A and one thing was like if you had more time, like what would you do? I said I'd spend more time with myself. You know a lot of people are scared. Yeah. I'm never going to be able to do this. But those people who know I don't know how to be a little. No, it's important. Because everything comes up. You know, we run from ourselves. We're afraid of the things that come up. So of all desires. I love that. They think they meditate for a week or two and then they're good. No, they think they should be peaceful the first six months You meditate you become a bitch You do you know that because you become very sensitive to things You see more you are aware. That's my prayer. Let me see it. Let me know it Let me understand it and then act accordingly that is good for them and me because sometimes I could be bad for them Right, maybe I'm not ready to be there for them, right? So I always say if this is good for me and them make it easy Yeah, and if it's not get something off Okay, we literally need to pull all the uba isms After this because I can't handle all the things that came flying out of your mouth That's why you're so made for television. I think they got a taste like I think that they see the vibe I hope if we didn't pull that through guys let us know Yeah, isn't a dance floor well because we're both free. Yeah, you know We're very comfortable being ourselves, and I think when you're around that energy It just makes you feel like you can fly because we can survive was $20 or $20 million just give us the budget Give us a budget. It's the most freeing being Yeah, when you are poor and you don't have anything and McDonald fries you smell you're like oh, like when you when you start from nothing Nothing else shakes you take it. No take it. Yeah I go back to whatever did I don't care. Yeah, that's why I still take subway same as why I'm like I Wanted my feet in the ground my head in the crowd. That's how tall I want to be so it's like that's why I was so happy with because we know you take it We're great. You give it to us. We're great. No, it's very great for you have to be you have to be in that place Yeah, and then it's like but imagine for a bone bridge I mean and then like you know my children are growing up in a very different world than I But you know, I work they have diligently keeping them grounded. I'm ready. They have you and I They're good those kids 16. I think they're gonna be in Africa doing some Groundwork or something hopefully take it. It's literally the household. Yeah, it's the household In Africa when you do something bad they don't say what's wrong with you. They say who raised you It's the household. They're gonna be just fine I run into them in the game all the time and Benjamin just sit there like He's like a little boy. I'm like He's such a little dude. I saw you and your mom stole mine. Is that crazy? You tell them how nuts you are when you're pregnant. How you going to rest from it feed me now That's sushi place. That was a bad day. That's so shunned away You can't turn a pregnant woman away from my restaurant You I said I'm sitting right there And I did and I ordered and I ate and I left and I paid Like that you can't turn away eight month pregnant woman She will rip down the kitchen When you say you said you're gonna feed me. I am not the best version of myself pregnant. Let's just say that Okay, Uba, I need to know what your biggest motivator and life is I think I don't have any motivation. I don't because I think sometimes that could be Personally for me motivation doesn't work. I think for me it works schedule Time for relax. I'm for break time for work and I really obey that But when I'm resting, I'm really resting Like you know, right? So it's like when I'm working That's why my work is not me and I'm not my work, right? So when I'm gonna work I give them my all and when I'm not I don't look my Google. I don't look what job I don't search what my next job is because that's my time, right? So I don't really. I don't have motivation. I don't have goals. I don't have aspiration I think it comes what it comes if it's good for me to find me. Oh, I love that so much I'm not a goal oriented person either. I'm not I'm desired driven But I I'm very much in the flow of like what's meant to come my way come to me. Yeah, and I invite it's not it's not meant to be At that time doesn't mean it won't come. Yeah, I maybe just not at that moment. That's true You know, that's what happened with me with Talbot. I went to my first casting a couple of times I was like fucking the either hire me. I don't hire me. What the hell right like every day I'm sitting there for hours asking for a job like right and they told my agent like she looks she's not young But she look very young. I was very skinny. Do you remember? Yeah, there's a she's very skinny and she look very young But we will hire her when she matched with our brand They put me in a contract for like four years, right? And there was like five years later And now you're all over Yeah, I'm still walking with them all the time. No, it's not long when you're in love. No, it's not I've done my Ciam like oh, what can I do? I need to pay no back because I can't pay no but I can you know I give all my table in a restaurant. She's the best. She's the sweetest. Oh my god. She's literally the rock of family You know this podcast is called move with heart. Yes, I would love to know you have the biggest You do You really do You What does it mean to you to move with your heart? I think to me to move my heart It's stacked with intention and I don't think we acknowledge our intention as much And I think if you want to move with heart You intention really have to be in harmony with what is that that you're doing Right because a lot of people they want to eat cheesecake But they are not doing it Because they're trying to hold on an image or fitting a dress But your heart want cheesecake eat the fucking cheesecake And then go for a run do medicine. Would do whatever you think about but but obey obey your heart Obey your heart and speak to your heart It was sometime your heart desire some really crazy shit. You're like not dick is not good for you Sorry But we have we have been there, right? And then you said baby you only have this summer You know, and then you you know you you have to flow with your heart And sometimes you also have to feel your heart Sometimes in this company that you really want to be around But your heart is beating so fast This company is not good for you Right obey your heart like follow it It really has to align with your head That's so strong. Yeah, it is it is you are just Everything I live to be your energy if this is what it takes To hang out with you you guys. She's coming back a week after week because she's a hard one to nail down I am too. So I respect it and honor it. I think it's important to honor your friends where they are but I'm saying around you. Yeah, I'm so proud of you. Thank you so much. Thank you all over and just blowing up Like look at us with the little cute like look at us. This is It's bigger than anything. This is joy This it's really like again Good for us Good for us. Okay, first of all What can I just say just one thing? Okay, first of all she just she literally finished Stood up unzipped her dress you guys and crystals fell out of her brawn underwear Not only any crystal though Literally, that's a wrap. That's a wrap. That's a wrap. That's a wrap. They do their earth. Yes, baby. Keep it grounded That has to be the end. That's just too good I hope you enjoyed that episode We have a special offer for our move with heart listeners when you join mwh as a new member You will receive an entire month that's 30 days for free and this is in addition to our seven day free trial All you have to do is head to and use code move with heart At mwh We believe this practice is not just about building this body you desire This work is about building a better stronger relationship with yourself And that is why we offer everything from movement Meditation and nutrition to help you not only look but most importantly feel your best Follow me on instagram at molissawoodtepperburg and mwh at molissawoodhelp tune in for an all new episode next week And I cannot wait to see you all on the mat