The Canvas of Sports w/ Jasmine Maietta of Round21| Intersection of Art, Sports & Tech

Welcome back to another episode of NFT catcher podcast. We'd like to remind everybody that nothing on the show is meant as financial advice and to please do your own research. Thank you and enjoy the show. Now the subject is NFT. They're known as non-fungible tokens or NFT. These are floating in popularity. This is a technology that will help ever change the way people interact. So it is happening whether you understand it and like it or not. You have now joined Jenny from the blockchain and Michael Keane on the NFT catcher podcast. What's up everyone and welcome back to another episode of the NFT catcher podcast with me, Jenny from the blockchain and my co-host Michael Keane. For today's interview we have Jasmine Maieta here with us and actually I did say with my co-host Michael Keane but today is actually my first solo interview ever because Michael kind of had a situation pop up and he's not going to be able to make it but I am pumped to be able to have a whole interview just with me and Jasmine because I have known Jasmine for quite a while now and we're just talking a little bit before this about how we've had a lot of run-ins and Jasmine's kind everywhere doing everything all at once. So we definitely have a lot to talk about but Jasmine welcome to the show. Thank you so much and I think this took us nine months to schedule. So I think this might have been the most uh yeah the longest interview to schedule for sure. It's been a while but I'm excited that it's finally happening. For those of you who don't know Jasmine she's the founder of Round 21 which we're going to dive into one of the co-founders of NFTVA which we've talked about before on the pod and also she was on Shark Tank for Round 21 as well so maybe you've seen her on TV I don't know. I hope not. Yeah well okay we'll get into all that we have to start with your NFT journey on how you first got into Web 3. Yeah well rewind to 2020 I was at Peloton leading marketing and Covid hit and I had had this idea of Round 21 a startup that would operate at the intersection of Art and Sport and as soon as I left Peloton and literally day one of being a solo entrepreneur this thing called Clubhouse was on everyone's phone and so I casually you know downloaded it and immediately was like wait what are all these rooms where artists are so excited to own their destiny right so I got consumed literally by listening to so many voices now we call friends talk about how this new technology was going to help them you know be less burdened by gatekeepers and more empowered and then boom this new project in October of 2020 NBA Top Shot hits the market so I'm like well Round 21 regardless of what we become is going to operate at the intersection of Art and Sport artists keep talking about you know empowerment NBA has just made a disproportionate investment in NFTs with this Dapper Labs you know whatever it's going to be I just you know at that time none of us really knew and I was like well what a great opportunity to have some sort of first mover advantage not held back by you know being a business for many many years just starting with this new technology as a part of what we do and and that really hooked us at least you know originally as why we were going to be a part of it just because it felt like why wouldn't we start where it felt like modern sports brands and artists were starting from that's very interesting I also did not know that you kind of got into Top Shot at the same time as me October of 2020 well I got a text from my friend who worked at the Lakers and was like hey just don't not sure if you know that this thing you know exists so I definitely have packs from October wow oh twelve dollars I don't know what this is but I'll try you know that's amazing did you ever really get go hard into like collecting or you just kind of dabble the little bit and then started with round 21 I think I every NFT crypto second I've spent has been to serve round 21 actually it's never really been to be a whale or a collector or have this like personal tether to these digital tokens it's always been like how can we one be the most supportive and for the artists brand that ever was which is why we wanted to be a part of you know this new decentralized economy and then to find ways to signal that round 21 is different than any other sports brand you've known but it's never been a personal motivation actually it's always been for round 21 wow I love that so I had read on your site that you've been in marketing for 20 years which is incredible and you were saying that you worked at Peloton right before kind of diving off and you know starting your own journey what compelled you to kind of leave I guess the corporate world and star your own journey as a as an entrepreneur well I I was an entrepreneur before I ever tucked my shirt in actually I played pro basketball and then was a coach so coaching is a lot of a real ship it's you know you've got these teammates or you know this group of people who you call your team and you need to put them in positions to succeed but really you're the the buck stops with you right as a coach but when I started my journey in the corporate world it was at Reebok which had just been acquired by Adidas so you can't get more bureaucratic than that then Hasbro which has some brands that are like a hundred years old you know monopolies more than 80 years old and I ran monopoly for four years oh there and then under armor which when I joined was a public company so these big heavy mature established companies that are slower than culture that are well funded so it can do really great things but that are tied in my opinion to a generation before and I really wanted to be a part of creating with the generation that is and so that those like it's a great foundation but being in a mature corporate environment was never my end goal both of my parents are very entrepreneurial they're very they have a high capacity for work and just very productive and going to Peloton showed me how fast business can move I was there from 2018 to 2020 and how technology can scale ideas and that's when I was like okay now I have really the full scope of what it could mean to start a new brand with some experience and and everything kind of has happened since then geez okay so wow there was a lot there that I'm very curious about but first you're a professional basketball player and I mean that that makes sense why round 21 you know it's centered around kind of I mean you guys just came out with a key carrying basketball collab and you know you've done a lot of other cool basketball collabs the board eight y'all club one I was at the first basketball you guys came out with no you've done artist drops actually before then but I would it was the most successful in 2021 by far yeah you're not saying sales it was great right and my sister has two of those actually we we limited it to two which I think that's right but that's good you know that's it it helped everybody especially then feel like they really coveted something that was a keepsake yeah yeah that was dope okay so back to the pro basketball so where did you play it played in Spain back then believe it or not I wrapped VHS tapes with paper and a rubber band and sent them to teams that Google just did in 97 and 98 sent them to teams and got two callbacks one from Denmark and one from Spain and I was like all right I'll go to Spain so you live by yourself in Spain like for a few years just playing pro yeah they actually take care of you so you live with somebody from the team you get you know meals supported you practice three times a day so I did burn out actually didn't play many years I played one season and was like this was a great experience now you know what am I gonna do next just because it was it was a lot and I miss my family to be honest but Spain was amazing and it gave me an incredible appreciation today for the WNBA the WME players who are trying to build this new league and new expectation of the women's game here because they still do have to travel overseas to make money in between to make ends meet for many of them and I know how grueling that is so it gives me a bit more empathy when we work with the WNBA because of that that's amazing yeah I remember learning about that and like what they don't make enough to be able to just live like they have to go overseas and play just to you know continue to to make enough money to kind of sustain their lifestyle yeah that's that's pretty wild but WNBA I mean top shot really got me back into WNBA because I was when I was a kid I would go because the library would do this thing where if you read enough books you'd get like free tickets to the WNBA so I would always go to games and then I kind of stop following it and when top shot came out with WNBA moments I was like oh my gosh I'm all over this like and and I got back into it and they're just awesome to watch okay we got to get into Shark Tank a bit because and also were you the I don't know I guess I don't really watch TV and I don't really watch Shark Tank but I did see your clip on YouTube I think were you like one of the first NFT people to go on Shark Tank I definitely know I was the first ever Web 3 startup to be on Shark Tank and I don't know if I've been the only one but we taped in September of 21 it aired later but we and so back then you know that was kind of that was at the height and Tuban Kevin O'Leary at the time and even now publicly made you know statements about Web 3 so it was it was uncharted territory I do think that that's one of the reasons that I got the opportunity because it was so different than you know another muffin company but so it was the first one so what was I guess the process from up until you are there pitching the sharks like on TV like what is that process look like are there a bunch of hurdles you know before you get to that point are there a million auditions you have to go through I'm I'm very serious on like the behind the scenes of that yeah so personally because of covid I was like well I'm sitting around I'm trying to kind of start to company everything else is shut down so I might as well apply to Shark Tank so I'm sure things are different now but I applied and then it went silent like you don't really get any response or at least I didn't and then a number of months later the producer calls and says we've looked at your resume but it's basically a widow down process that is quite rigorous it's apply apply audition apply video reply audition scripting audition it's there the producers are excellent at making sure that the contestants or however you'd want to call the founders are very prepared and it is a privilege to be finally brought in to record but recording doesn't necessarily you know mean you're going to get on the air right once I was asked to come to you know the set and recorded it was definitely a milestone because at that point then it's all in the producers hands so you didn't know if you're gonna be on TV or not no no one does so then when you find out when when it years or when they say okay just letting you know that on you know pride this Friday your episode's gonna air oh sure yeah it's really cool damn that's crazy I'm yeah I'm sure that must have been really exciting to you and like your family and friends like everyone is probably so freaking hyped for you so because you ended up getting an offer right but then you like turned it down right correct so walk us through that well you know you go in and it's it's it's truly a investor pitch which is great it really is a back and forth in a dialogue and I was I was made an offer that I accepted on the air and then as per investments go you have to go through due diligence on both sides and in the process of due diligence Kevin O'Leary and round 21 decided not to move forward with the deal it was mutual I mean everything that I'm saying ADC has approved me to say and it was one of those things where for round 21 we are and have always been building with the community so for us it didn't prohibit us continuing to do that the fact that we walked away it's given us even more conviction that we want to surround the brand and the history of the brand with people that believe in our mission around making standing out the new standard that accept people of all different backgrounds leveraging the power and platform of sports and that for us is through the indicator of art and and choosing the art that fits your personality and so for us you know we really haven't looked back it's been a great part of our history the the Shark Tank moment and even this validation that one of the sharks was interested in us but yeah it's been it's been one of many thank goodness many things that we're proud of yeah that's awesome yeah okay so I wonder how many people like say yes and then end up just it not happening like I feel like probably pretty high right I have no idea I definitely know they've been on air for like 16 seasons so something's working yeah yeah but I definitely feel like it's it's it's kind of cool like Justin Kitchwich from eyesight and Thomas from grind like there's this little founders athletic club that have been on Shark Tank and you know it's it's for all of us it's been a great great platform whether we took a deal on air or not but it definitely feels like it's it's a true investor process so you just never know right mom okay we got to talk about first of all I'm wrapping right now my sports razzle I don't know why I just showed it as if anybody else can see um but Jasmine noticed right away she's like are you wearing that on purpose of like hell yeah I got my sports puzzle um round 21 shirt which man I'm really bad at dates I definitely don't remember when this happened but I had purple hair I remember that so it must have been two years ago it was December 2021 okay there we go it was two years ago almost yep and yeah in Miami you guys threw an event which was really cool that was a really fun event and there was um man I don't know like where it was I mean I guess you could help me with the details but I was a LeBron sneaker join okay yeah yes oh winwood yep yeah and there was like basketball hoops there and people were playing basketball you guys had those pickle ball handles what are they called ping pong paddles ping pong paddles okay yes it was just great and it was also I mean you know a bunch of my friends were there Peter Fang and Swicky which Peter is actually one of the co-founders of NFTBA alongside you and Josh Ong which I also got my NFTBA Jersey here I did help MC one of the NFTBAs and my sister is MCD a couple of them now but those are super cool I have a vlog about it somewhere on my Twitter I need to find that maybe I'll send it to Andy and he can link it in the show notes but it kind of recaps what these NFTBA events are and they're basically like these massive basketball tournaments where teams come together and sometimes they're even projects it'll be like ballers and you know there's a few people from ballers like forming a team and just all this and and there's a whole I think there was like 12 teams or something and then yeah and there's a whole tournament grand winner and everything it was just awesome to watch because they're actually really good like these people take it very seriously it's not just some like oh yeah sure I'll play in the tournament like these guys are good and and gals like they're really good so those are always fun to watch but NFTBA what inspired you to to found NFTBA and also I'm curious on how you met Peter he's a good friend of ours this is gonna be a fun story so turns out that apes want a hoop it's kind of not a surprise and when we dropped the board eight basketball in June July July August I think of 2021 very quickly after on Twitter whether it was oh my gosh the boring show or I mean you can name how many people are talking about okay so when are we gonna play because the basketball is the artifact of the game but there was no promise that we were gonna ever do round 21 tournaments or anything well turns out that there's a DM going on Twitter between Josh Long and Peter Fang and a few others around we should do something where we bring eight holders together to play basketball and then you've got me talking to a different set of apes like should we do something where they could bring the basketball and play like very innocently and one of the people was in both DMs and was like you know what the rest of us should get out of the way and the three of you should talk and I would give really the operational credit like the fact that it actually happened to Peter Fang he you know very respectfully we call him the mayor because he does get things done he also has a very strong commitment to when he says something I'm gonna do it I'm gonna do it Josh and I do two but in a different way because it's just logistically a burden to put on a basketball tournament Josh I mean Peter's like I'll figure it out I'll get the court I'll get the permits oh you need jerseys I'll get the jerseys and all of these things have like 25 steps behind them they're not just very easy things to do and Peter you know really takes that on and then Josh for sure is the one making sure that you know the people know what's happening that it's gonna be something that you're gonna want to be proud of it gets the word out and then for me it's the product it's making sure that we have you know a sense of you know what's the run a show what's the programming going to be like in all three of us play a different role but we set out and after that like board eight drop in July August we were like okay we're gonna eight this year and it's gonna be in October and it's gonna be in LA and we just set it and we made it happen and it was at the Venice courts it was a load of fun quickly people are like when are we doing it again since then we've done New York LA Miami we're thinking of other things coming up can't say it but NFTBA is alive and well in the hearts and minds of the people that believe in it and yeah you're right it's a it's a recreational exhibition one-on-one three-on-three three-point contest kind of theories of three hours four hours everyone leads having a good time and you know later that night you might be drinking and having fun with your friends or like to stay out all night but before people are well-rested they're hydrated they really do want to win I think you're right it's something that people take seriously yeah oh yeah it's a serious thing I mean when I got there to do like you were kind of doing some exercises with everybody and you're like okay yeah here's the world and I'm like oh shoot Jasmine's really taking charge on this and yeah it's very cool to see people being serious it's fun as a spectator like and there was a lot of people I remember the the one I went to in Miami or no it must have been in New York I think it was in New York kind of town yeah yeah yeah it was the Chinatown one that's the one that I went to and I kind of helped MC at there started to be other people just random people coming and collecting around and just watching because they were like what's going on like this is so exciting and it is it's very exciting it's just like you see all these people then all these matching jerseys and you know they're just playing ball and there's you know different courts and you know different games going on so yeah it's it's definitely a whole a whole event which is awesome but yeah shout out to Peter Fang he is amazing he's definitely one of those people that get things done and you're right he's one of those guys where it's like if he says something he's gonna do it and yeah he's awesome him and Suki are my favorite couple ever like they're definitely the the best power couple yes very inspiring and we actually we have to be up Peter on because that we've had Suki on and we have not had Peter on I don't know why I really need to reach out to him he's probably shy I know I think he'd do it but I must get a scared he'd like spill a bunch of secrets or something like story like drunk stories or something and I'm like right oh my god Peter please don't embarrass me so that maybe that's why that's where Andy edits so yeah right Andy just edit all the stuff out exactly yeah it would be such a short episode okay so vcoin is what I wanted to also talk about because I think we ran into each other at both vcons I remember just passing you by in the elevator and I was like in a hurry going somewhere and I was like oh my god jazz made like I was so excited to see you and then the last vcon you actually had a panel on the main stage and I remember like asking you if you were nervous and you're like no like I'm good and I'm like damn jazz and it's just some confident person that just has all the skills and yeah so how is how did your view kind of experience go I know we didn't really talk all that much but yeah I'm about to hijack this and say you're first begun you were on the main stage crushing it doing an amazing job so I think it's really cool to see your voice elevated around these like moments in the NFT space amongst so many people that are you know changing and influencing how the technology will will impact society so congratulations thank you you know vcon has become definitely hopefully one of these durable platforms for bringing people together and it was very cool that the one in may had a combination of web 2 web 3 mature brands startups etc and I got the privilege to have a fireside chat with Kevin Plank he's the founder of under armor he was also my boss for six years at under armor so there was a bit of that and I think you know in terms of me not being nervous I knew that I was going to be sitting across from someone that I've sat across from some you know for many many years but I'm actually very excited yesterday Vayner X just announced they're going to do something at art bozzles so hopefully like there are other reasons to come back together through through the lens of what we do which is art sports and technology but yeah it's been it's been something of a highlight of this year the reality is so many brands whether they ever dabbled in NFTs or think of technology as AI you know there is a reality that if you're not keeping up you're falling behind and vcon is creating a platform for the shared knowledge of those brands that kind of came before and have motivated all of us to do things now learn from some of the upstarts that are building in the space and I do know Kevin had a great time and and so many people were able to interact with him and he's obviously he's changed the face of sports and sports apparel when there was really only Nike Adidas and Puma and that legacy is intact while they while they start to you know think about the future yeah I really liked your interview as him it he was he definitely seems like a likable guy which is great and I I did not know that that it was really just Puma Nike and what did he say Adidas so Adidas yeah so Nike and Adidas and Puma were really the big three and then in 1996 under armor comes out with this tight white t-shirt that happens to keep you lighter dryer faster and all of a sudden every football player is wearing it under their pads all the sudden dicks no dixporting it's could keep them in stock and now there's another player and it was a peril for the longest time and then they you know entered into footwear and Steph Curry arrived in the rest of history I was curry like sponsored by an armor yeah yeah wow fun facts yes learning a lot of learning a lot today from Jasmine and also okay so I also wanted to circle back to round 21 and I need to get my facts straight here but you guys just announced today your Keith Haring basketball collab which is currently going for $135 on round y'all can snatch one if if they're not already sold out actually by the time this podcast goes out but yeah how did that collaboration come about because obviously Keith Haring passed what 20 years ago or something 20 30 a.m. yeah yeah you know that's not work yeah round 21 at our core pairs artists and athletes to create special edition products like that's as simple as I can describe what we do even though we do a lot more than that pairing artists and athletes is a really fluid concept sometimes it's pairing Brittany Griner with Shema Love to reimagine the story of BG coming back from Russia as she tips off to the season sometimes it's expanding an artist's work on a new canvas which is of sport to invite new people to experience their work which is what led us to the Keith Haring collaboration as well as Jean-Michel Basquiat those two artists are just define the 80s and their generation around unapologetically reimagining how to tell stories through their art that represented who they were and how they saw the world we engaged with the owners of the rights to their works more than a year ago and we intentionally wanted to bring their work to a new canvas which was sport because we felt like two things could be accomplished one it's just a more conventional accessible canvas for whether it's a kid or an adult somebody in an urban area suburban area like basically to express the work on something that's more familiar hopefully makes it more accessible Keith Haring's entire legacy is rooted on artists for everybody because he wanted art to be appreciated and not held in these gallery walls which so many artists today within the NFT space are also believers in the second reason was to put the art in people's hands which we thought would be a very cool extension of from one's eyes connecting with art but then to hold the art in their hands was going to be a new tactile experience and that's why the basketball was the first product the Basquiat basketballs for around 21 evaporated and then the Haring balls as well are going fast but what we're very proud of is on Monday September 25th we're actually dropping drop number two with both artists exclusively in partnership with the MoMA in New York and their design store that is bananas like we are really really excited about that the MoMA design team the buyers the team that's behind you know the scenes curating the products are very open-minded very progressive constantly looking for new things to really reimagine how art can decorate our lives in terms of like how we curate our home and they saw the basketballs and immediate collectible and they have you know a lot of their the weight behind their marketing engine behind this drop coming on Monday so we're very very excited to see how it does going into the holiday what is the MoMA so it's the Museum of Modern Art in New York I'm sure if you google MOMA museum it will be on any top 10 museum in the world like the Louvre like the Met oh wow and it has had a Basquiat exhibit recently along the actually these products are only distributed through select distribution and museums the Museum of graffiti who's actually need to get back to her also took some units because Keith Haring in particular has a real storied past with kind of the graffiti world and how he reimagined walls in the subways of New York as art and often was arrested because of it and you know the Museum of graffiti does a lot both in the NFT space but also for graffiti artists and so we've been really intentional about where the product should be sold and then the MoMA is really the icing on the cake okay so basically they're sold on your guys to say or at these exclusive like IRL places correct essentially okay yeah and I love the idea of art being in your hands like the basketball it's like yeah I first of all when I was a kid I was obviously never really into art I don't think you really appreciate art so you're older but I remember my sister there was one artist she really liked and it was Keith Haring and I'm like who's Keith yeah and so that's why I was really excited to bring this up actually because she she had like a Keith Haring shirt she would she would oh Jen check out this artist and she would like tell me about Keith Haring and I'm like I just was like huh like what I don't get it I didn't understand that was like the one artist she really liked so maybe she'll pick up a basketball she said because she has the other she's the boardy collab that you guys did she's got a Keith Haring basketball they should get a Keith Haring one and I know we're not on I know we're not on video like video but do want me to show you the one that's coming out with the moment oh yes okay it's awesome it's really awesome oh it's really awesome I like that oh my god I feel bad for the was there because they can't see but you guys will be able to see uh rounds anyone calm you'll see it on their site um so yeah stay tuned but oh hell yeah I got a freaking sneak preview folks let's go that's some alpha right there that's a rate I think I actually might get my sister one of her Christmas because I don't know if she's gonna just get it herself so maybe y'all you guys are here don't tell her okay because I think I might actually do that I probably shouldn't have said it on the show but she doesn't listen so it's fine she's busy she's busy yeah she's busy she's you know crypto is stuff yes now time to listen to my podcast I think I actually got through everything that I wanted to really talk about we do have our gas wars segments which typically Michael and I both ask five rapid fire questions each not having to do with NFTs just kind of getting to know you a little bit more but since Michael's not here I have 10 gas wars questions so we're really gonna go for it here let's just get started so we'll start with an easy one are you an early bird or a night owl both really so you stay up late and you wake up early yes oh boy founders journey oh man okay um are you an introvert an amberbird or an extrovert I don't know what an amberbird is it's like a combination of both I think it's an amberbird because I get really tired when I'm outgoing too long but then like I'm not sitting quiet so okay who is the most famous person you've ever met the rock the rock oh my gosh wow what you must have met the rock through working at he was one of our underarmor athletes and I ran training so we did like five shoots with him and he's very personal and very intimate like hey guys come over like we're eating lunch come on and yeah there were a couple of other meetings but yeah him and Tom Brady actually both because of the category of underarmor wow that is awesome yeah um what is the worst job you've ever had oh star box I worked there for two weeks minus one Friday because I decided that that Thursday night I was not gonna go on Friday because I wanted my boss to realize I am gonna be able to like add value which was a little bit of a stretch like this would have been when I was coaching during the summer when you have summers off I was like oh I'll get another job and I go to starbucks and my boss was not anytime I tried to make the latte he would take the thing from me and be like I'll just do it and so after two weeks of that I was like I'm out you were meant for latte art no I was not meant for I'm supplying demand I'll you know I'll drink it but I'm not making it okay what is your dream country to visit Iceland I've been there for 18 hours once on a layover we got rerouted because of snow going to Sweden but I've always wanted to spend like two weeks in Iceland man so I heard Iceland is green and Greenland is icy correct okay so because when you think of Iceland you think maybe it's like really icy but it's apparently really beautiful there and really green luscious exactly all right what is one of your pet peeves chewing with your mouth open oh chewing with your mouth it would do not chew with your mouth open around jasmine do not do it do not please don't but if it's gum like if they're like chewing on like okay I'm saying all the same category especially on these ones or calls I'm like oh right okay what is the best piece of advice that you've ever been given or something that you kind of live by oh two different things because I don't advise that I don't adopt it you know from a perspective I think that don't sweat the small stuff is a really the rule to live by because really the big things are what end up talking about I guess but in terms of business the big moments are the ones that end to be the most durable and long-lasting I have never been able so the counter to that is I've never been able to live by that in particular with round 21 we really care about customer service and we want to get back to every single person and so although I've gotten that advice I do believe it's true I struggle with it because I believe the alternative is also true which is the small stuff can sometimes make the biggest difference so I kind of struggle with that that's interesting yeah like the minutia yes yes I'm so many people be like you have the best community service and I'm like that's awesome pay us for that big no but it does matter it matters in the long long term so we're gonna keep doing it yeah I think that's I feel like that's something like Gary V kind of is into because he claims that he kind of like runs his own social accounts and stuff and like he actually replies to people's DM I honestly don't know if I buy that because I like that's I don't know if you're really doing so much it's like I don't know I just know a lot of people that do not run their own socials that are really big and so I don't know if I buy that he actually does but but yeah he claims that that's the reason why he feels so connected to people is because he's like able to just have these little you know he actually replies to people he cares and him person too he really does seem like he cares when he's talking to you like it's like he gives you his full undivided attention for however you know 15 seconds that you have him so yeah that's just reminding me of that but okay what was your dream job as a kid my dream job as a kid was to be a coach oh and if I filled your dream let's go yeah yeah yeah yeah I actually thought if I couldn't couldn't coach I would be the best janitor where the or it's not responsible for would have the most stick because like the sticky you know oh right so I was like I'll be the janitor that makes the floor super sticky and I would always bake brownies for the team every game like I had that like fallback if I couldn't become a coach wait so you want the court to be how do you make the court stick so they have the brooms which get the dust you can't just stop there then you have to do a wet broom over it and then when you step on and you like squeak your shoes it's like the best feeling ever is that one of the players like they'll like right before they do like a free throw they'll like with their hands touch the dirty bottoms of their shoes to wipe off their hand actually oh yeah yeah yeah the lick they're that's just nasty yeah it is nasty actually but it's kind of like oh I feel like they're really doing something there yelling mental a little bit it is rituals rituals rituals okay if you could only hold on to one NFT which one would it be oh that's a tricky one wow that's a hard wow there is a lot of sentiment with the board eight and I'm one of each like I got one of each the artifact prof pfp that I invested in is a good one round 21 it's like the era of us in 2021 22 we've actually done for three years straight our personalized proof of attendance product has come to life at coin base events that we've been doing like with the nicks and the liberty those ones personally so I've got like I have allegiance to our own and then some of these other communities that honestly I'm just like you guys did it you have to ever win and did it like you have to be there shouldn't be jealousy in the space like there should be admiration for sustainable positions and then there's of course if you ever rocked one of them as your personal identity I mean that's that's tricky but I actually have been bouncing around a little bit my pfp on twitter is a I made that decision and I don't know if it will change or if it does it'll go back to a regular picture it's from an artist Hank Washington who was our first round 21 artist ever in 2019 and his his NFT project is fuzzi's fuzzi's andko or dotko and he's just an incredible human being so I look you know I look to support artists when I came yeah you're you're you're pfp does it really cool and by the way we'll have from jasmine's twitter linked in the show notes but j j this is how you spell it as you want to search her j a s m a i e t t a search up on twitter and make sure you're following her and round 21 honestly we are round 21 that's their twitter account okay so it also did you ever rock your board it because I feel like I fully you didn't you know like I did maybe for a hot second on linkedin when that arrow is okay thing for a month networking perspective I was like wow all these people are like doing business with each other you should know I'm here to right and why didn't you ever kind of like just have your board a b your brand on on twitter like why does you are building our brand okay you know that's tricky and I learned this actually it's less to do with nfts but more to do with just brand management is who you associate with can become who you are right this is yeah brand is about often the company you keep and so I never wanted to just because I can't control what's happening in other communities want to have that like big rigid allegiance and plus we're building our own that makes a lot of sense here okay last question here you're actually doing great with these gasware amplifiers what is a book that's changed your life um what got you here won't get you there oh clouding on your shipbook and I don't really think you need to read more than the title to be honest oh give it but what got you here won't get you there is kind of a rule not even my martial goldsmith yeah it's just an insight that is very healthy in life to keep you growing and even like I'm sure I'm not a parent but I'm sure even parents like well kid doesn't respond to like that anymore like we got to it's this constant expectation of reinvention um and also growth and never assuming you know everything because there's like a whole other but like introvert amberbird extrovert so yeah that's the one okay great three I appreciate that yeah I do really enjoy reading books so I like asking that question last time the last interview we did born Elon Musk I don't know if you saw him on Twitter he recommended the Medici effects yeah I got that at Reebok they gave us they gave everybody at Reebok to read oh yeah wow that's actually really cool yep well that ties in really well yeah and I and I just was on someone's show yesterday and I was actually talking about how because he gave a little summary of it and he was saying like how if you have it to be creative like all the great creatives in the world they don't just like nowadays everyone's like oh stick to your one thing and be really good at your one thing and and the great creatives were good at many things and they had many interests and they kind of just tied their interests together and that's how they were able to be creative and that was like whoa like that's really cool I really like that a lot um because I always feel like I've had my hands in multiple pots and I'm like is this bad you know is it is it good like I don't know like judge this and and now I kind of feel some type of validation like yes okay it's a good thing to have different interests so that's a good one that's a really good one yes did that off in my memory bank too that was good yeah I love I know that's actually so crazy too like man the stars are lining that you're like oh yeah Reebok they made us all read that book yeah that's incredible okay so yeah that's all I actually have for you Johnson for today um this was really great interview I really appreciate you for for finally coming on the show it's been a long time coming but really happy you came on thanks for sharing your and keep going you're doing an awesome job your voice is like one of those that people look forward to can't wait to see where our paths cross next yes keep your eye out for Monday yes okay yes definitely guys keep your eye out around 21 um and Jasmine thank you you're always you always like give such nice compliments to me which I always like I'm just like so nice thank you just always so nice so thank you really easy but yeah thank you all for tuning into this episode of the NFT catcher podcast and we will catch you in the next one peace thank you for tuning in to the NFT catcher podcast we hope you enjoy today's episode and learn something new about the exciting world of NFTs if you enjoyed today's episode please take a moment to subscribe to our podcast on Apple Spotify for wherever you listen to your podcast and if you really love what you're hearing please leave us a rating and review when you're paid a bottle if you want to stay up to date with the latest news and insights from the NFT space be sure to follow us on all the socials at NFT catcher podcast you can follow Jennifer at Jennifer underscore studio and Michael at NFTicket I'm your producer Andy and I'm at AJC 254 our theme songs by it's just loose we always appreciate your feedback and support which helps us reach more people and bring you informative and engaging content about NFTs we look forward to bringing you more great NFT content in future episodes thanks for listening peace