Does Age Matter: Is It Okay To Shoot BIG Young Deer?
You ready?
All right, welcome back to the raised hunting podcast.
And today, I'm the special guest along with Easton.
We're both special guests,
because Warren is going to actually tell us.
So for whatever reason, we don't know what the topic is
of today's podcast until Warren tells us.
And he wasn't telling us until we start.
So I can't wait.
This should be quite interesting, considering he's the one
that has Warren's whatever facts.
Warren's wacky facts.
So I can't wait.
No, it's called.
It's a separate segment.
No, that's what's called.
I thought so too.
All right.
So take off.
Let's see what we're doing here.
Okay, first off real quick.
I have to apologize to all of you guys,
because I absolutely railed this.
Easton was correct.
Oh, I did not know if he's going to admit that or not.
Good thing we're filming that.
I always, I don't hear that.
You are recording, right?
That is false.
I always take ownership of it.
We're going to make one of those remix,
like music videos of Easton's right.
Easton's right.
Hold on, don't go.
You're going to jinx it if you keep going, go on, go on.
There is in fact, from what I can find,
no way to figure out who left us reviews on Spotify.
So I thank all of you guys, but like I said,
I screwed it up pretty good.
So as what we're going to do is we took all of you guys
that have responded, which that's the other thing
that we don't know.
The thing we've told you guys, tons of episodes
that we don't know how to respond to you yet on there.
And so that's why we do it on here.
I assumed that you guys probably left reviews.
And so I took your guys' names and put you in a pot.
And then we took the Apple people and put you in a pot.
And so like I said, this is my fault,
and I apologize, and I screwed this one up.
So you guys let me know how you want to do it next time
because it was not the outcome that was intended.
So shout outs real quick on Apple people.
CM272, Kentucky Spain, NICNOT, and D-Michael P.
NICNOT is consistent.
He's the man.
Yes, lots of you guys are being consistent.
And Apple people are getting after it now.
So we really appreciate you guys.
So Spotify, Chef Scott, you won one hat.
So please shoot us a message on Instagram, Facebook,
email, whatever's easiest for you.
Just get ahold of us, or you can reply on the thing
because you know how to do that.
But you're going to have to give us information for us
to get ahold of you because I don't know how to answer
on there yet.
Chef Scott, which is weird because I'm technically inclined.
And then Apple, Cole, underscore Courtney, one the other one.
So with that being said, I think we
have our household items out of the way.
You got it, man.
All right, so the topic that we're going to cover
is one that I was presented with on a podcast the other day.
And I won't say their name because I don't know
if they want me to throw them under the bus or not.
But it's two really good buddies.
And they're kind of in a conflict.
Are you saying that you're on so many podcasts
that people couldn't do process of elimination?
Oh, no, they did.
But I just don't know if those guys want me to chuck them out
I think it was 100 advantage guys.
It was one like that.
So anyways, if you go listen to the 100 advantage podcast,
you might hear what we're going to go ahead and throw them
under the bus because I had to try to mediate for them.
So what he was, what the question I was presented with
was if you had, let's just say, never kill the deer bigger
than 120.
And but yet you've been fortunate enough
to kill quite a few deer.
And now you have a place that is supposedly a really good
quality place.
But there's other people on that place,
meaning like a lease type situation.
And you've had opportunities at deer of equivalent size
or bigger.
Like as in the lease situation, like you and the couple
of audience leases, yes, OK.
And it's in a really good area and they're
trying to manage it well and get these deer to a certain age.
The question was at what point do you
pass a deer bigger than anything that you've killed
for the premise of age?
So if you've never killed anything bigger than 120,
at what point do you pass a deer that's 130?
Even if he's three, that was my thought.
Now the only thing I'll say that I think you have to keep
in mind there is what about in the event
that this is a really good piece of property
and you have other people on this same place that are
leased, that are also on the lease that are trying to manage.
So is there some type of rules or guidelines?
Because I feel like that every person would be different
in this situation.
I mean, but if there's something that you've kind of set
yourself into that you got to follow,
well, I think that's what makes it really interesting is
because you have two sides of this one.
I think a lot of us hunt places with buddies.
And there's, I think a lot of times,
there's like imaginary lines drawn there, right?
Where it's kind of like, hey, we're not going to shoot this one.
Where the other person may not necessarily agree with that.
And so as friendships, I think you have to be really careful
with your friendships on sharing properties
and stuff like that.
But basically, what is one buddy was saying is that
he really wanted to see him kill a good deer.
A deer bigger than anything he'd been able to kill yet
and that he didn't think he should be worrying about the age yet.
You know, if the biggest deer of your life,
130 inches came by shoot that sucker
because it's bigger than anything you've ever killed so far.
I have an opinion somewhat.
Hold on.
And what about the guy that would be the shooter?
He's thinking he has to wait for something bigger.
He's kind of in two places it sounds,
look from what I was able to gather.
It sounds like one, he's partly feels as though
he doesn't want to do that and irritate other people
on the lease and loses opportunity to hunt there.
And then the second part of that was he feels as though
be more fulfilling to kill a bigger deer that was old.
Is he okay with a five year old deer that's 125, 130?
If it's five years old, I mean,
or I don't know what they're maybe it's four.
I mean, but I think they were trying to shoot for five.
And supposedly the whole neighborhood and everything is
managed well, like there's like if the deer makes it,
there's a good chance he's going to, he's going to make it.
Meaning, I guess if you pass the deer,
there's a good chance he's going to live.
He's probably not going to go get smoked right away
on the neighbor's property sounds like.
I put it in perspective of types of hunters
because I think there's a good general rule of thumb
that there's three types of hunters.
And I don't think that there's one better than the other
or not good, like it's not okay to be,
which is kind of surprising for some people.
But out of the three hunters,
the only thing that would be a commonality would be
that you're hunting for the right reasons,
such as conservation, you're getting meat, whatever else.
But the type of three type of hunters,
there's somebody who's going for age class.
There's somebody who is going for the size of the antlers.
And then there's somebody who doesn't give a crap either way.
Like they're, they just want a hunt.
Meat hunter.
So meat hunter.
So you have three types of hunters.
They're all good, they're all fine.
I mean, there's nothing wrong with any of them.
You have to ask yourself at what stage you're at
because if it sounds like for him,
it sounds like he's got plenty of experience under his belt
but maybe hasn't necessarily experienced places
where there's larger deer, maybe this is the first place.
So in my opinion, you would start with the antler size
as opposed to an age caliber.
Because, and I'm just going off kind of what I've done
because I was the shoot anything.
Like, I wasn't passing anything.
Anything that I got my heart going,
that's what I was good with it.
Okay, once I got past that,
then I was like, okay, well, I've shot 134 inch deer.
I would like to kill 135 inch deer.
Like that's the next step, you know?
And so as I took my steps into the size of them,
I went into the antler size.
So I went from not caring, just to shooting whatever
to antler size to now I'm to the point of not necessarily
just age range because in the places that I hunt,
I can't necessarily control that very well.
Other people have pretty dang good chance
at killing those deer too.
But I'm still going to try to find,
like if I have a three year old that's 150
and I think that there's a chance that he can make it,
I'm going to take the risk probably.
I'm going to sit there and be like, okay,
let's hopefully he's there next year.
So in my opinion, for him, he's got to just weigh
whether or not he cares more about an age deer
or cares more about the size of the deer
because an age deer is a whole another,
I mean, in my opinion, depending on where you're at,
150 inch deer could be a heck of a challenge,
depending on what is on your farm.
Well, they said he said that the top end on this place
is it seems as though for the most part is low 150s.
Like that's your big head.
So they have a lot.
Well, I mean they have that big deer.
Like for us, like I'd say our top ends
for the most part is 170s.
You know, we may have a few outliers that are over that,
but for the most part, like 170 seems to be our top range.
And there's 150?
Okay, well, it doesn't matter.
My point was that wherever your area is,
that if it's 150 inch deer, like you're saying
that might be the biggest ones or 170,
if you select that, like I want to kill
between 140 to 150 inch deer,
whatever that eight or that size range is,
is a pretty big or a pretty tough challenge in my opinion
because it's the fewest amount that are there
and you gotta hone in on where one or two of those deer are at.
But I think it's even harder for an age caliber.
If you're going for specific deer that are five to six,
seven, eight years old,
they've obviously made it that long
and whether they're really, really big or not,
that is gonna be harder
because not only is there gonna be less of them,
there's gonna be less of them
and the ones that are there are gonna be incredibly intelligent
or unless you get really lucky
and they are just a really lucky deer.
But the chances of that,
they typically aren't gonna last that long if they are there.
So in my opinion, he's gotta step up the ranks.
He's gotta understand if he wants,
if he wants to just jump to that extra challenge, go for it.
There's nothing wrong with it either way.
But when you're on a lease with your buddies,
you better be open to each other.
Like this is my goals.
Like this is what I wanna do before you even get into the lease
because if you guys aren't gonna be on the same page,
you're gonna have friends either.
Well, to me, the one thing that makes this question
actually interesting is because otherwise,
I don't feel like there's any discussion,
is his experience.
Cause I think we would all sit here and tell you
if they're not experienced and you,
yeah, you need to be shooting deer.
Yeah, well it sounds like he's killed quite a few, huh?
Okay, so let's take somebody now.
Well, yeah, he is.
Well, let me, cause I was in that situation, okay?
I grew up, not, I didn't even see a Pope and Young deer
until I was in my 20s.
And then when we moved to Montana,
I still had not killed a Pope and Young deer.
And that was kinda, the only reason Pope and Young
just stood out was it was a number that I marked.
It was something that I could clarify.
I didn't really, you know, when someone would describe
a 10 point buck or an eight point buck,
I knew what they were talking about.
It was Pope and Young or not.
And so I moved to Montana and I can tell you right now
at that point in my life, if someone had told me
that I needed to hold out for an age class deer,
I would have been like, I'm out.
You know, I mean, I was trying to kill a good deer.
What I've considered a dream buck of mine.
Now, at that point though, I didn't have the success
that he had had.
I had killed lots of deer with my bow,
but I had not killed a Pope and Young white
to hadn't had an opportunity to even hunt one.
So once I killed one, then it was, I didn't necessarily,
like you're saying you went from 135 or 134 to 135.
Mine was 125 or bigger each year.
Now, I just wanted to repeat that, keep that bench consistent.
Yeah, consistent and so, and at the same time,
I would say it was hunting something similar
to what he is, my high end mark
where I was hunting in Montana was about the 150 mark.
You know, you didn't, it wasn't like I was like,
well, if I don't, if I, if I shoot this deer,
I'm not going to kill one of the big ones.
I only had one or two of the big ones to hunt, you know,
and gosh dang, when you hit the rattling antlers
and one comes running in and he's what you've been dreaming of
for and it's going to be your third one in that.
So therefore, I have a wall full of 125 to 135 inch kind of deer.
And was there even a 150 there to hunt every year though?
Not every year.
I don't think I'm in 40s was probably the biggest deer that you have.
You'd see one, you know, but, but for the number of deer
that there was, yeah, it was few and far between, you know,
and once in a while, you'd see one that would wander through
that was bigger.
You know, I saw 160 some inch kind of deer once, I think.
But not that, not necessarily that were there
where you were getting to hunt other than MJ.
Well, that was later on.
I, I, now I, okay, so then when, when I,
when we moved down and started to hunt,
you were saying that was just where you were first started.
Yeah, I was hunting a place up by Shodo, Montana.
And it's not, you can't hunt it anymore.
It's used to be a bird preserve.
So it was archery only.
And so anyhow, that's where I killed a lot of these deer, you know,
which is where like now you have just a good chance
of having a gris walk with you, right?
I have better chance.
I'd be out screw that.
So anyhow, that I'm just, so my hat's off to the guy.
If the guy who's saying he's going to make that jump to age class,
that's a big, that's a big deal.
You know, my hat's off to him because he's going to,
it's going to be hard on him.
But if he's willing to do that, that should be okay.
A buddy shouldn't be pushing on him to say,
no, you need to shoot that 130 inch deer.
It's bigger than anything you've ever shot, you know?
Well, as far as that goes, but it was all for me
because I was like, yeah, he smoked it, you know?
Like, no, I mean, but I did say too, you got it.
You got to take in consideration that situation, meaning,
because I told him to, at the same time,
it's different if there was no other,
that's where I do think the experience thing is the only thing
to me that makes that an interesting topic is because
he does have the experience too, where maybe a three-year-old 140
wouldn't make him happy because he's killed lots of other deer.
Where for, we all agree, a newer hunter,
you need to be shooting those things.
But they also were saying that, you know,
that he's saying that some of the younger deer
are in the 140 range or so.
High 30s, 140s.
And to me, I was like, well, if the top end is low 50s,
I'm torxing the three-year-olds too.
I mean, but at the same time, maybe those guys are stepping
into something where they could end up increasing,
yeah, and you can end up with a 160-inch kind of deer.
If your buddies are on a lease with you,
the person that you want with you would be an age-class person.
Because no matter what, whether they're...
Yeah, the buddies probably would rather have him not shooting,
but, you know, everyone, I'm sure that that...
I've heard anything.
But I would think that they would have had that conversation.
I know that there's certain things that, for instance,
every place that I ever took someone that was public land
when I lived in Montana, I had the discussion with them.
Hey, I'd appreciate it if you don't come back here
without talking to me first, because technically, you can.
Yeah, I can't.
That's an unwritten rule.
Unwritten rule, but I made it a, like, not an unwritten rule.
I wanted to verbalize that, hey, I'd share a appreciate
if I show you where I'm about to take you elk hunting.
I don't want you coming back here without me.
And don't take your friend.
Why can't blindfold him?
I wouldn't have.
I would either blindfold him or not take him.
Yeah, but it's public.
And you can't stop them from going.
Yeah, so you don't.
But you can make sure you don't ever take him there
and they know where it is.
That is, I do not agree with either of you on that.
Oh, dude, are you kidding me, bro?
Dude, when you work as hard as I did to find the places
and these guys that can't...
Then if that's not the case, I take somebody.
Because I've had found the place, you know,
I'm like, okay, I got a spot.
I want to share it with, so I took several different people.
You do agree with that.
And I will stand on the hill.
Because Joey could have killed your deer last year.
And he didn't do it because of respect for you.
If Joey took you to an elk spot, that was public.
And he'd worked his ass off to find it.
And it was really good and really consistent
on producing elk.
And he asked you, hey man, I'm gonna show you this place.
You know, please just do me a favor
and don't come back here unless I'm with you.
Sit there and tell me that you would go in there
without Joey.
I would respect it.
I'm not saying that I would not be the one doing,
saying that.
If Joey asked me to do that, I'm gonna respect that.
But because you're a good friend,
so otherwise you're a piece of shit friend.
No, I'm saying that I wouldn't tell somebody
that in the first place.
Well, you're right, you shouldn't have to.
It should be, because I can tell you right now,
anyone that's ever taken me to a public place,
I've never gone back to unless they invited me back.
Or because there's, it's just that tough.
And maybe it's elk hunting,
that's what I'm thinking of when I'm thinking about it.
I think it's different out west a little bit,
because there's so much ground that is public.
And, but there's so,
the elk are only on certain parts of that public.
You can waste a whole lot of time
on the other nine million acres
and not focused on the 1,000 acre chunk where they all are.
I thought, if I walk back into the spot,
I ask the boy not to go to, we're throwing hands.
They ain't no doubt about it.
Okay, so little off topic, sorry.
But anyhow, that there are some unwritten rules.
And I would think that in this particular case,
it almost would even be written that,
hey, this is what we're trying to do.
If he's paying his part, you know, here's what,
we're not telling you, you can't shoot whatever,
but we would, you know, we're trying to manage
for five-year-old deer and trying to see if we manage,
you've stepped into that.
I, you know, again.
So let's take this situation.
What should the person be doing that has killed,
that they killed one deer,
and then their second deer was a 150 plus or 160.
Should they be passing now?
Not a thing.
You should still be shooting anything.
That's like, we've already had that.
That's like the kid that accidentally kills
a 200-inch deer.
Not accidentally.
You know, well, I mean, got lucky, you know,
dad put some down in a tree or whatever,
and deer walks by and he shoots it.
Okay, now you don't shoot anything but 220.
Yeah, you know, not, that's...
Okay, so now let's take another instance, okay?
Another one for us.
This will be really interesting, I think.
Your biggest deer is 180.
George is 167.
Mine's 176.
So let's say that...
Hey, I'm not actually that far off.
Let's go.
That's the first time I've put those numbers together.
So let's say that...
Dang, I'm proud of that.
That is...
And if you want to get down to brass tax,
I'm actually 179 and 78.
I'm 176 and 58.
Yeah, so...
You said 176 though.
Yeah, but what are you 167 and 88?
Two eights.
Yeah, you didn't round up on any of your guys,
so you can't round up on mine
and put me into a whole new spectrum.
We can't...
We haven't broken one though.
We don't care.
We don't care the count the numbers of them though.
Do what?
If we don't count, you say that you're close.
You are of the top three.
But then if we start going to our number twos and threes.
Yeah, but if we go into those, I'm even closer.
With your number one.
Yeah, you hold on to your number two.
But you also got to take into account
how many years of hunting, especially Iowa.
Yes, it's great.
Yes, several years less.
That's true.
That's true.
Okay, go on with whatever you...
I don't know what you're going with that.
This where I'm going, okay?
That's what I'm asking you to continue on with.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Because this is gonna be good.
This is gonna be good.
You have...
He is referring...
He's looking at David right now.
Yeah, so I'm looking at David.
You have a 187 show up.
And you're about 95% sure he's three.
And where he's at, there's a 50-50 shot
that he makes it if you pass him or not.
What are you doing?
I'm probably shooting.
He's three.
Although, who cares?
Well, I can shoot.
Well, but I've had this situation
with the Boone and Cracket deer on...
What's his nuts?
Nuts is what?
Cage would have been my biggest deer.
I still think he would have outscored any deer
I'd ever killed at the time.
Well, is your second 170.
I was at 172 or something like that.
He shot all 172s as well.
You two both have like 5172s together
and then he's got 1179 and you have 1176.
But when he came...
So you...
172 splits.
Splits is 172 and something like that.
They all go twos.
They're all 172s.
They're all 172s.
So we have...
You have 3172s.
Yeah, I have 3172s.
And he has 2.
So that's 5.
And then you have a 176 and he has a 179.
There must be something wrong with my tape.
Same number.
Did you just not realize this?
Well, I didn't realize it was quite that bad.
You guys did it back to back to back to back pretty much too.
But so in that case...
Here walks in biggest deer that I would have ever shot.
I believed looking at him.
Yeah, he's probably mid-70s.
And you took a little bit of talking me out of it because I grabbed my bow.
I'm grabbing my bow.
But here's the difference.
That was in the tree with you.
Because I would have been saying shoot.
Maybe that was the difference with that one though.
One, most of those deer had been making it not the case anymore.
But they had been two.
That deer was...
He could have gone 172.
I don't think he did.
But he was probably not much...
I think 175 was the top.
He was there.
But so my point is now we're only talking three inches from something that you've accomplished
and done it with mature deer.
So now we're going to go...
I think that you could say that...
What'd I say, 187?
187, yeah.
187, it would be notably bigger than your biggest so far.
So let's just finish.
Let's just finish your thought and we'll go to his opinion in my opinion.
Which you're making your opinion very obvious.
So I don't know that we'll need to do that.
And much as I would like to say I'm shooting...
If I think he's three, I'm going to probably take my chances.
Oh, if I'm filming you this year, then I will be practicing with your bow for the rest of the time.
Well then that makes me shoot because...
He's going to die.
He's going to die, sure.
We have a neighbor...
Well that made that decision.
We have a neighbor that muzzleload hunts and he leaves food.
Everything he does is legit.
And I have no problem with him killing the deer.
But I know if certain deer...
If they get by us, they're going to get killed by him or one of his buddies.
And so, you know, they're...
But I...
It's going to get mad at you for sure.
But as I was going to say, at the same token, if it was a three-year-old deer, he would let it go.
Okay, so now...
Let's say this...
Let's go.
Let's go.
Let's go.
Let's go.
Let's go.
It's an absolute super freak.
And it's a 200-inch three-year-old.
Let's tell you the answer for him.
You take...
You shoot him or you pass him?
No, I'll tell you...
He just doesn't hunt him.
Yeah, that's...
That's what I tried to...
That's what he does.
I just doesn't go out there.
So I don't get put in that situation.
We've had two...
Dude, we have had two deer that...
Maybe not 200, but a bit big.
Mongo I avoided like the play.
Oh, three.
There's three.
I wasn't even thinking of that.
I think if we didn't know what we know about deer...
When we had Mongo though, we'd have been trying to kill him.
He was three, 100%.
But he wasn't on us so much at all.
Yeah, he was.
He was right at the one camera several times during the day
in the middle of the rut.
He was only once during October 1.
Yeah, we had multiple...
I saw...
There was no one that was 100.
Yeah, Sean.
That was avoided, not even 100 the year before,
because he was shot.
Yeah, but he wasn't 200.
I said, or big, like 180, 190s,
but we're in a different number category when we had 200.
No, when they get over 180, they're all freaking insanely huge.
I quit counting.
200 is a question.
We know this deer is 200.
I agree with Eastern.
What I do is I avoid hunting them.
I don't go there.
If I think the deer is off-limits and it's going to put me in a...
Just hold on.
I'm not done.
I'm not done.
You have one farm and you only two hunt that farm.
And there's a 200 inch three-year-old on it.
No, no.
No, no.
There's a six-year-old in the same place.
That's probably 160 or something.
But he's in the same place and you really want to try and kill this deer.
You really like this deer.
Actually, he's seven.
The dude needs to go.
He's old as dirt.
He's in the same place, same farm.
And there's a chance that the two-hounder is going to walk by.
What are you going to do?
I'll probably hunt there.
Try to kill the six or seven-year-old deer.
And then what happens when the 200 bucks in?
You've got to let him go if you're going to...
If you really truly are...
If you're...
If you're truly...
The place where this comes from, I can tell you where I think that...
If I can't kill it on video, I don't shoot.
Well, I've never had that problem.
I know that.
But I have had many arguments on this one before.
But that's the same thing.
Do you pull the trigger or not?
And I have definitely not.
So do we need to ask me then?
You're shooting.
I know, you're shooting.
Oh yeah.
However, I will say this.
The 180, the 185 or whatever.
If it's a deer that is just one of those spindly deer
and he's just got so many points,
because he's only three that get him to 180s,
I'm not shooting him.
Now, if he's a...
If he's a three-year-old that is just a...
There's something crazy about him.
He's just a freaking mass monster at three.
And he's 180s.
And he can't be like 181 or 182.
He's got to be sold 180s.
How many situations did you just give him?
I don't know.
Okay, well, number one.
If there's any deer that size,
he could be one-years-old.
And I'm going to target that deer.
Number two.
If there is a 200-inch deer and a six-year-old
that's a 160, I'm calling Joey.
And I'm saying Joey, come sit with me.
We're going to double up.
As long as that one comes in, he shoots that one.
And I'm shooting the big one too.
So I don't give a crap.
The six-year-old's still going
and one of us is killing the 200.
He's been...
Everybody's sitting there thinking,
man, I hope he's not my neighbor.
So what about...
What if he's four?
200 and he's four.
It's all the same.
Change it, though.
No, the only thing that changes it for me is where.
Where is it?
Is it a place where I feel like
that I have a good chance of...
That definitely has a goal, I think.
That definitely has a goal, I think.
That has a good chance of making it.
Then I probably am...
I'll let him go and take my chances.
Even at four?
Even at four.
Two years ago, I passed up two boot and crocodile deer.
Yeah, but you'd done that before.
There's a difference to me between, like...
I killed one.
Like now, like I can go shoot a three-year-old
or a four-year-old 170-inch deer,
I would feel guilty about...
Not guilty.
Because it's okay if I wanted to do that.
It wouldn't fulfill my...
What I'm trying to do, what I'm trying to achieve.
And I think that's because I've been fortunate enough to do that.
With some mature deer, the first one I shot was four.
I told everybody, we're not shooting that deer.
Then I saw that deer walking towards me.
He's 20 inches bigger than anything I'd killed.
And I'm like, oh my God, I am stupid.
And I shot him.
I got smart real quick.
I think there's got to be different levels.
Now, like, if it was a two-hundred-inch three-year-old
and it was somewhere where we really thought
this deer could make it,
that one I'd probably be doing the same thing
as you in trying to avoid the area
and it's like, oh my Lord, what could this thing become?
And what that becomes is...
Because we don't have places that are big enough to harbor a deer
and keep him there.
So you got a neighbor and the neighbor says,
hey, we've decided we won't shoot him either.
Let's all let him go and see what he becomes.
Then someone comes in from out and nowhere and kills him.
So be it.
I mean, it just wasn't meant to be.
But if you get that kind of...
And that's what I'm talking about, the one neighbor we have,
he would do that.
He would let that deer walk.
We have a four-year-old this year, though,
that if he goes...
If he does what we think he does, I think you might chase him.
I do believe everybody's gonna chase him.
But he's in a place where we've got very little chance
of him making it another year.
Oh, the neighbor is pretty good.
The one neighbor.
Not the other three.
Here's one for you.
Warren, if anybody knows Warren Holder,
you know that the only competition anybody has on his girlfriend
would be Bowwinkle.
And Bowwinkle...
Is that me?
As in, if it wasn't for, like, you're not being able to marry Bowwinkle.
Well, I definitely wouldn't be marrying Bowwinkle.
That'd be kind of weird.
He would consider it.
Anyways, I like the deer.
If you had a deer that was clearly his jeans,
that was younger than him.
And let's say he's bigger than what Bowwinkle was at four.
No, what was Bowwinkle?
Yeah, four.
At bigger than what Bowwinkle was at four,
are you shooting or passing?
And this is after you've known what Bowwinkle did and everything.
And I know the deer and how he's out-walled.
He's four.
He's four.
So he's bigger than Bowwinkle was probably.
Whatever Bowwinkle was when he was four,
I can't ever keep track of what he was at.
But he's bigger.
Not shooting.
No, I got Bowwinkle, so I don't need that one.
Let's get some bigger.
Well, I tried to shoot him the year before.
I can only think that there's a lot of people out there.
There's a lot of people out there right now thinking,
man, I can't...
The numbers they're throwing around, that's just crazy, you know.
But it's relative.
So if it's a 130 for you, then that's what...
That's only because we have those available here.
All chunky monkey was going to get narrowed.
Oh, yeah.
Junk monkey was definitely a Bowwinkle baby.
Bowwinkle baby.
And he was like two.
So he wasn't one, two.
He was two.
He was 140-inch-two-year-old.
I was in there drawing rocks.
Don't look correct on their bodies,
because they got these little pencil necks
and these little gangly legs,
And they're 140 already.
Which we knew him from one...
When he was one year old, he had like 16 inches of mass
on either side.
And he was just this little tiny rock,
and it's freaking just...
I'll bet you.
I'll bet you his mass measurements were more than his beams.
Oh, he was.
His beams were like 11 inches.
But he had this just flipping mass.
If that would have been two years later,
he would have gotten the arrow.
But I didn't.
Well, it would have been better you anyways,
because he...
Someone ended up dying anyway.
Well, we don't know where,
So anyhow, I mean,
I think that the...
That guy has a...
Challenge ahead of himself,
I mean, as far...
But if he's okay with it,
you know, if he's okay
with letting a deer walk
because he wants to better the group of people
that he's hunting with
and wants to make sure,
you know, in the long run,
he's helping everyone.
By doing what he's doing.
Including himself.
Today's question for yourself would be,
what hunter are you?
Are you the meat hunter,
the age hunter,
or the score hunter?
The trophy hunter, you know?
And take the negative connotations
out of all of those,
if you know of any,
because they're all okay.
So that's our question for you to think
and reflect on yourself for today
and today's podcast.
Well, but here's the whole thing though,
because I guess to give all three of them a name,
you have a meat hunter,
a manage hunter,
and a trophy hunter.
I've qualified as all three.
You know, and granted,
if I still lived in Virginia,
I probably would not be...
I know I wouldn't be killing the caliber of deer
that we're killing here and I,
well, like we were just talking about.
Which it looks like they're killing some big deer there now.
They are starting...
I mean, a lot of the three and four point rules
have gone into place,
different people are starting to manage
and when you get a whole group,
like this guy,
it sounds like two,
that it's not just them,
it's a...
It's a whole block.
You know,
and so when you get that kind of stuff going on,
it can have a huge effect.
Well, and I think two that it's okay
to keep a moving scale.
Like you can't,
I think,
and I think you learned this lesson
the hard way last year,
that if you go into something
and you said that this is the only way
that it can be and it's absolute concrete,
they're in certain situations
in life in general,
I believe that's okay,
and you probably should do that,
meaning that I'm going to achieve this
no matter what it takes.
When it comes to hunting,
there's so many variables
that you can't control.
You can, in life,
you can control how hard you work.
You can control who you hang out with.
You can control where you work.
You can control the skills you learn.
When it comes to hunting,
you can control several of those factors
but you can't control
if somebody else kills that deer.
You can't control where that deer is going to go.
You can't control the weather.
You can't control what the farmer does.
And so then you end up
putting yourself in a position
where you're putting all this weight on yourself
and you have a goal that's unattainable
because it may not even be there anymore.
Sounds like a tough goal.
Look up on your phone,
see what I would agree.
What a...
Pope and young coos deer is.
Hey, that's not fair.
I was like,
because he was there.
I was going to have to get you,
I'm going to have to get him a psychiatrist
by the end of the season.
I thought so too.
Me too.
I mean, I think the whole family
was ready to have an intervention for Easton.
It's just a deer, bro.
Well, we should make that a shirt.
It's just a deer, bro.
We should.
I want to see what he comes up with
because I can't remember what the number is
because I don't know what exactly what he scores.
It's 70, I think.
I'd sort of...
Or 67 or something like...
Are you saying Pope and young?
That's an animal.
Pope and young coos deer.
Pope and young coos deer.
Well, he'll look at that.
That's all of them.
While he's looking that up,
we have...
I think I missed his last week.
So Warren's wild facts.
And I'm going to give you two today.
Warren's wild facts.
I thought it was a wacky thing.
One, mosquitoes are attracted to people
who just ate bananas.
So do not eat bananas.
So throw bananas at people you don't like.
Just drink a cover of bananas.
And if you want me to have mosquitoes...
Well, I think they have to eat it, though.
And then...
Bowanthropy is the psychological disorder
in which patients believe they are a cow.
I think they literally think they're a cow.
Yes, it's a medical diagnosed
psychological disorder in which patients believe they are a cow.
So I think that has three things
that are interesting to it real quick, though,
is could it be a major benefit
if you had, like,
elk andthropy or something?
Or you think you're an elk.
Because now you can think like them.
That doesn't mean that you can actually...
You know what I think?
No, that means that you have a mental disability
that you think you're something or not.
You're getting so in that space, man.
You'd know what grass to eat.
You know, where...
You could put yourself in that position anyway.
And every time a girl walk by, you'd be pissing on your neck.
That would go over really well, like parties and stuff like that.
Hey, whatever.
Speaking of the devil, that makes a lot more sense as to why.
No, you know what I'm wondering?
Is all the horse people
that run around on the horse...
No, the furries.
The furries?
Yeah, the furries.
Maybe they have this.
No, that one's just a horse girl.
Yeah, but I mean, it ain't that much different than...
The ones...
No, because they don't fit in the layer of hearts and stuff in schools.
It's just freaking...
That's a fine...
That's a furry.
You have to...
Horse grows.
How do you guys come up with this stuff?
It's not us coming up with it.
I'm so happy.
I'm so happy.
I've heard of all that.
The guy that has a crush on you from Subway.
That's where I learned it all.
I forgot about him.
Anyways, which dad is super respectful
and was always really nice this guy.
But boy, he did have a crush on him.
Man, he hit on dad harder than...
I wish he was higher up.
I wish he was higher up in Subway
because we would have absolutely had a Subway sponsorship.
No doubt.
70 is typical.
80 is non-typical.
70 is typical.
Okay, so I killed a...
It's technically cows deer, too.
Oh, it isn't?
Yeah, it is.
I don't think so.
It is.
Warren's already got that.
Minoba, blah blah blah.
Whatever that word is you just said.
It's amazing for an out.
Go find a new Mexican and ask him.
Goose cows.
Whichever, my point was going to be is
we're talking about a white tail deer.
He is kind of over the white tail.
Yeah, it's just about species.
Oh, species.
And he doesn't even make 70
because he missed Pope and young by half an inch.
He was 69 and a half.
And I was freaking about to pee my pants
when I saw him.
I was like...
And we're talking this little tiny rack
and it was so freaking cool that I was like...
First of all, I didn't even think he was close to Pope and young
because I'm used to seeing the calories 150 inch deer kind of here.
And here comes this little thing with this little rack
and but I know that it's smaller
but he's got a rack.
I mean, he's basically an eight point with an extra kicker.
And I mean, I just remember
how my heart felt and I'm shooting.
You know, I'm shooting and I'm extremely excited about it.
Well, it probably helped too
that you've been sitting over a bucket for three days before that.
Yeah, not seeing any.
I hadn't even seen a bird.
So I was pretty pumped when I saw the two doves and then him.
Well, I think that always is consistent though
because when we go out to Montana,
occasionally stuff still,
I see 140 inch white tail out there
and I'm like freaking out.
That's a giant.
You know?
I do know that out there, that's top end.
You know, that's a big, big deer.
Where here, you know,
at least in the summer,
140's, you're probably driving past.
You know, like, I don't go to another one.
Yeah, it's all relative to where you live.
And we happen to live in,
if Iowa is not the number one,
it's in the top five of best places in the world
to live for white tail.
You would know.
You would know more.
Let's see how you say,
who's deer?
Who are you asking?
Somebody that looks like they know history.
That's Google.
I tried.
Google doesn't know.
You would know more about that than him or I though
because other than,
I found it here, Missouri,
one time in Montana,
which I will say,
the one...
The two days I spent in Missouri,
if my buddy had been
a little more astute on his cameras and stuff,
I think the neighbors just killed a 200
that the day we ploughed,
and they go,
look at this piece right here.
I got it to pronounce dictionary for me.
You don't need dictionary.
It's okay.
It's not a big deal.
All right.
Well, we're good.
We got several words that we all argue about
that how they're pronounced.
See, it's not even like a word.
Like, if you type into dictionary,
it doesn't even know what coups is.
Are you spelling it COU?
It doesn't know what it is, man.
It's pronounced cows.
It's the only reason I remember that is because it's so weird.
I don't know.
I've heard people arguing
how you pronounce aluminum now, too.
No, that's just depends on if you're British or normal.
I don't know,
but they pronounce it differently.
I can't even say the way the other way.
That's what I think people are saying.
That's a debacle.
That's the correct way.
A debacle.
You've come a long way.
A debacle is correct.
I meant to say.
A debacle.
You used to be saying.
Was it a debacle?
I mixed them up now even more than ever.
I meant to say the wrong one.
I used to say the right one.
I didn't know it.
What's funny is several of the reviews that people sent in.
They started with debacles.
It's all they said just so you would know.
And then they wrote the review.
Well, see, I thought they were making fun of me.
And so you were putting the wrong one.
No, they were putting the right one.
That's why I'm so confused.
I'm, I'm so all sorts of screwed up.
I took that out of my dictionary.
You just have a dictionary.
My vote vocabulary.
All right.
Well, I hope that we have not confused you anymore than we've confused ourselves.
I think, but I do think that today was fun as far as posing the question.
Where are you?
You know, where are you and your hunting career?
I think Easton's probably correct.
There might be someone might correct us and say they think there's more than three classifications.
But those three cover the night, the big gamut of people.
And it's okay to be in any one of them.
You can be a meat hunter.
And you'll hear them all.
You can't eat the horns.
You know, or eat the antlers.
That's, yeah, because it's not horns anyways.
So, but.
Well, I think you'll know too when you get to a different level or, or.
You'll know when you, when you want to try to accomplish something new or different.
I think it'll make it pretty apparent.
The only thing that we get really, you got to be careful of is when you throw in that trophy
connotation is the outside not hunters.
Because I think at heart, everyone's got some of that trophy hunter in them.
They're all, look, everyone's sitting there hoping the biggest will walk by.
There's two versions of a trophy hunter's issue.
Well, you have like, like in Africa, the amount of poaching they have is they call those poachers trophy hunters.
So that's a really bad one to be related with.
The other one is.
All of them trophy hunters over there.
A lot of them were because they're killing them solely for like their ivory.
And that's what that's what we don't want is someone that was the Chinese do not know the black market
and stuff like for right.
Oh, they're all in on it.
They're the ones behind either.
But Africa.
They're not the one shooting.
Oh, no, it's a lot of.
Most of the locals are the ones that are killing them.
But that's still poaching.
But they're, but they're a trophy hunter because they're only taking the tusks or they're
taking the hand of the gorilla or whatever it is that they're.
That's a legit thing.
It's a legit.
It's not kidding.
That is a thing.
What's the benefit of a gorilla?
They were like, I think it's like tens of thousands.
Lots of money for whatever reason.
I don't know all the benefits of why they take the things they take.
There's some kind of history behind it.
There is.
I believe I think a lot of it is Aphrodisiac is driven.
Some of it.
Some of it is Aphrodisiac.
Meaning it's a sex.
That is the rhino horn.
We need a rhino horn.
That's what all the others are.
That's what all the others are.
That doesn't answer.
Now the gorilla hands get real weird, my man.
Dude, the rhino horn is a weirder.
One of them.
That's discussed.
We need to end this podcast.
The rhino horn got me, man.
That is.
Think about the gorilla hand.
Warren, the rhino is a lot worse.
Today, I will be doing the one to sign us off.
We talked about a lot of things that were very beneficial and maybe we just sound dumb.
Maybe we don't.
Maybe you have a different opinion.
So, whatever it is, do us a favor.
And Apple guys, go ahead and catch up with the Spotify guys.
You're very close on our reviews.
And Spotify guys, if you really want to stick it to them, you know, keep it rolling.
And the next time we do a giveaway, we'll leave it to me or dad because Warren can't figure it out.
So, with that being said, I don't see you giving stuff.
This is the raised family.
The raised hunting podcast signing off.
We out.