566. Q&AF: Donald Trump’s Arrest, Friendly Competition & Employee Personal Development
What is up guys it's Andy Priscilla and this is the show for the realist say goodbye to the lies the fakeness and illusions of modern society and welcome
about the fucking reality of here my garage hey this is your first time listening we have shows within the
show all right this is Q&A F this is where you get to submit your questions and we give you the
answers you could submit your questions a couple of different ways the first way is guys you can
email those questions into ask Andy at Andy for solar dot com or you can go on YouTube go in the
comments on the Q&A episodes and drop your questions right there in the comments other times you
tune in we have real talk real talk is just five to 20 minutes and me giving you some real talk and
then other times it will be 75 hard versus 75 hard versus is where we bring people in it's what
you heard yesterday actually with me we bring people in we talk about 75 hard we talk about how
it changed your lives and then we talk about how you could change your life as well if you didn't
know 75 hard is the initial bootcamp phase of the live heart program which is available at
episode 208 on the audio feed for free it is not a paid program it's one of the most popular
programs in the world to get your shit together and we give it away for free so go to episode 208 on
the audio platforms get that program get your shit together come back and see us you get on our
level about that all right so you probably noticed a little different setting today but we figured
we do something a little different I have not only DJ here but we also have the pastor of disaster
Mr. Vaughn Kohler what's happening bro I can tell I've been on the show a couple of times you know
how I can tell that how's that because my follower number has increased but then I'm also getting
visits from the FBI oh yeah yeah they're not going to do it yet yeah they're not going to my door
I can tell you know they're surveilling me so it goes good to be part of the family it goes from
following to sending weird people to your house yeah to knocking on your door yeah so depending
on I don't know if you had any weirdos yet oh you know there's always weirdos okay well you might
be moving up good anybody that gets on real AF moves up on the list I don't have my own
I don't have my own 10 foil hat we can get you on yeah yeah yeah I mean what do you
don't really have enough now where I think you qualify I think so what do preachers wear on their
heads uh because like you got you got the crown people haven't seen my new one yet oh I got
a what do they got a new one yeah I don't know what that I should know this in some cap like
did you just do a coin that's called a bishop like a bishop like a bishop's hat yeah the point
to one yeah the point you yeah yeah we get yeah I can get one of those yeah yeah Tino hey we
got it we know a guy yeah yeah you know hooked it up bro you did I gotta show people I feel like
we got to have something do we send Tino anything back right you made me look like a ass right now
hey you know check your mail bro we're sending you some shit all right but not once you left pocket
yeah all right so uh it's Q&A off man yeah so yeah it is man I got I got some good ones for you
yeah you like that you got that trademark no I think you can't trademark that it's common words
oh that's true I mean Trump he tried to trademark you're fired I think didn't he he did yeah
I remember that and if he didn't succeed I'm pretty sure you're not gonna actually trademark that
no he tried it's common use oh yeah cuz then you wouldn't be able to fire anybody yeah letting
you go I don't know all right let's get into a man Andy I got some good ones for you brother cool
question number one Andy on the last episode of relay of trump turned himself in he was arrested
there was a mug shot that has been released um what do you make of his arrest well I have a lot
to say there I think there's a lot to say I think everybody has a lot to say about it apparently um
you know first of all I think it's a very negative thing uh for the government to weaponize
the justice system um because what they're failing to realize is that the pendulum is already swinging
back and by arresting him and it was a terrible strategic move for them yeah um it was a
I actually think the day he got arrested he won the election that's what I think that's a bold
statement I if if the election just statistically if the elections are fair yeah which they're not
but I think he got enough people I think a few things happened he had first of all his mug shot
is going to become probably the most famous photograph in the history of of culture yeah all right uh
trump already had the outlaw the outlaw persona right but now what we're seeing and what we
observed over the last few days is we're seeing people who voted for Biden come out and say
actively like I voted for Biden but this is bullshit and I'm not this is not what we want this
is not America and so the feeling that I think it's creating in the in the population is actually
very good for America because they're seeing how corrupt these people actually are and it doesn't
matter if you're Democrat or Republican when you see this sort of thing happen and then you think
okay well what's going to happen if these people get back in power that's a scary thing yeah because
now we're talking about a pendulum swinging back and ultimately who's going to win with the
pendulum swinging back and forth is the person who kills all the other people from doing it again yes
and everybody understands that we've seen that in history over and over and over again
and I think even the most asleep Americans are starting to wake up and realize holy shit
this is real I've seen I've had a lot of messages from people over the last three days where people
are like dude I fucking hate Trump but like I'll vote for him because of what they're doing to him
and so when I think they're making is a terrible strategic mistake uh and I think all the people
that are doing these things are exposing themselves to who the corrupt people are and who the
corrupt people aren't I think we're at a time right now where the actions of these people in the
justice system um whether they go along with the persecution or they go along with the defense
of Trump we're very clearly going to be able to identify who is who who are the criminals who are
the tyrants um and who are the regular people and uh you know I think that can only help Trump
yeah let me ask you because you know what what frightens me man and we talk about this obviously
we know this isn't CTI but uh let's let's relate it you you are an entrepreneur your business owner
you have multiple businesses it's safe to say that you know strategy right and and you're very
conscious especially when it comes to brand equity and and and marketing right you're very conscious
on those things and when I see this it's like they don't care about the optics it's very obvious
they're all in bro they're blatantly they don't care about the optics right and so it's like when
you're making strategic moves like this as bold as they are not caring what the optics look like or
whatever the public perception is what can like what what does what what conclusion does that bring you
to looking at that uh well it tells me very clearly that they are all in yeah like and that's
something that the conservative base and the common sense base for America is figuring out um you
know for the last three years as we've talked about these things um you know a lot of people you know
as you know uh where's your tinfoil hat right you know and if we're selling DJ they're fucking
domestic terrorists they're conspiracy theorists they're irresponsible right um killing grandma's
yeah right and and now people are like like dude how many messages are we getting of people like
the one that we put on last CTI where the guys like dude I I didn't listen to your show because
this and I realized I was wrong specifically the CTI dude look I'm getting literally hundreds of
those messages at this point in time so first of all I'd like to say welcome back uh to you guys
you know now now all the people who said fuck you you're only good for personal development
you're only this and that you stick to this those people are now coming around to realize that
like I actually wasn't off base and uh you know so welcome to the CTI shows guys that's the first thing
I like um but that's a that's a snapshot of culture right that's showing that across the board
even the people who detested that sort of talk because those people were not nice to us
they were very mean you know fuck you you you deserve to be in jail right you're irresponsible
you're killing people you're a piece of shit all those people are now apologizing not all of them
but the ones that with integrity are um so that's a snapshot of culture waking up
that's how I see it and so when I think of like how it affects the brand and how it affects brand
equity for Trump um I think it solidifies him as an actual patriot and people are starting to
realize that this motherfucker is like somebody that we need to vote for we're gonna lose America
and you know to you guys who say the vote doesn't matter I actually agree with you in a lot of ways
I think there's a 10 to 20% fudging of the votes that they're able to get away with but I think
with the momentum that this man is building behind him uh there's no way to be able to overcome
that that deficit and that's why like those views I don't believe in voting it's necessary for
you to vote in case they do try to steal it because that way they'll be evidence of their efforts
so I mean there's a lot to unpack here dude um but ultimately this is gas and Trump up just like
we talk about on real it or on CTI all the time it's putting the juice to him uh and these guys
who are running against him you know they don't have an option but to persecute at the highest level
because they understand that if they don't get their way the accountability that's going to
occur from that is going to be severe I think they're also trying to like it's almost like they're
poking the hornets nest right like because he's facing like over 700 years or something like that
facing the death penalty potentially right and if they go through with that wouldn't that be the
perfect uh the perfect play to get the reaction from the American patriots well I think that's
something to note dude I think it's very important for people to understand that it these people
are trying to instigate a violent reaction or a mob reaction from the patriot community in America
and uh we'll know when it's time yeah we'll know when it's time ain't time right you know what I mean
we'll know and everybody needs to be smart everybody needs to be peaceful and everybody also
needs to remember that like all your fellow citizens and your relatives and your friends who are
you know more left-leaning than they have been right those people are all starting to wake up
and you guys have to make room for those people to wake up like like it doesn't do any good
for like these people to to come to us and apologize right it doesn't do any good for us to be like
hey well fuck off bro you're an asshole like it's like it's like no dude well great this is awesome
welcome to the team you know because that's what this is this is us versus them all the humans and
all the citizens are on the same team and the top level tyrants are on another team and the top
level tyrants don't just exist here in America they exist all over and they're organized they
organize themselves and like sit in organizations like the world economic forum and NATO and these
different organizations that have been typically seen as good organizations but the only reason
they've been seen as good organizations because we've had people representing our our office
that are affiliated with them yeah and trump is the first guy that actually isn't trump is the
first guy that went in and said hey fuck you guys we're not doing any of this stuff and this is
the reason that he's being persecuted and I thought one of the best clips from the last uh cti
that we did besides india landing on the moon all right was uh was the clip uh by the black
gentleman in Atlanta yeah with the shirt yep that new my new favorite shirt yeah what's it say
niggas for the trump 2021 i can't say it i'm sure you know what you said it anyway
these listen here's here's what i actually think it's gonna happen dude um by the way i'm
smoking cigar it's not weed uh the i actually think the shirt of trump's mug shot and then that
shirt the that guy wore are gonna be worn everywhere yeah i think we're gonna see people and dude
that's gonna create a cultural phenomenon potentially that changes the entire landscape because
why did trump actually why were they able to cheat the election well the reason they were able to
cheat the election is because of this thing called the silent majority the silent majority was in
vocal the way that they should have been right so they were able to convince people that not as
many people were with trump and what we thought there were yeah because a half of them were
fucking quiet because they don't want to offend anybody when the mega hats were too divisive too
at that time yeah i still don't like make i still i mean i don't like the mega slogan dude i don't
like make america great again and by the way trump didn't come up with make america great again you
know who came up with that Ronald Reagan that's a Reagan slogan all right so when we talk about make
america great again the reason it didn't resonate with a lot of fucking people was because for a
lot of people america's never been great right like there's a lot of people black america who says
what do you mean make america great again well when was it great was it great when we were slaves
was it great when we were persecuted was it great when we were getting firehosed right and now black
america's waking up like that gentleman in Atlanta and he's like look dude this is the justice system
they've been using against black men the entire time and that's that's a valid point and so like dude
over the last three days i've seen more black americans start to stand up and realize that trump is
actually fucking the opposite of what they've been told and i think what these two these two shirts
specifically i think a year from now you will see white people black people and everybody wearing
that shirt and both of those shirts to create a fucking movement that we're like dude we're all
getting along we're all like fuck all these people we're back to america we can laugh at each other we
can make jokes about each other but we love each other and we're friends and we're gonna work
together yeah well what did you think when you saw that well yeah well this is what i thought about
all this is that uh you know anybody familiar with the end of the movie brave heart knows that
William Wallace is of course captured by the english and Edward Longshanks and uh they're gonna
they're gonna execute him but instead of just executing them they put him through this pretty
rigorous torture uh cruel and unusual punishment and when he first is carted out the crowd is
completely against him right they're they're mocking him they're jeering him but over the course of
the the execution when they see man this guy is really being uh cruelly treated but he's bearing
up under it in this really heroic and valiant way all of a sudden the crowd starts shifting and
instead of them jeering at him they start saying mercy they start saying mercy mercy and he ends up
inspiring everybody now i am not saying that Donald Trump is William Wallace but it's the same
effect is happening that's correct is that people are looking at Trump and they're saying wait a
minute like there are people who hate him there are people who are treating him uh way beyond what he
deserves there's all sorts of foul play going on and what it's doing is it's it's kind of generating
some sympathy they're seeing how he's handling it and they're going okay maybe this guy's not so bad
and they're saying if if he is being treated this badly what are they gonna do to me like what are
they gonna do to me and who is he threatening and so again i want to emphasize i'm not putting
Trump on the level of of William Wallace but i am saying that the same effect is happening you know
oh you know what's interesting uh for those of you that are gonna ask this is a Pedro
64 uh torpedo it's good to go yeah it's great to go and i got onto these because of my friend Derek
Barton thanks Derek um i think you're a hundred percent right i think that's the social phenomenon
that's gonna that's being created right now he's being made to be a martyr it's a terrible strategy
by the left uh by the communist okay let's be real and you know a lot of people who don't like
Trump are being like oh yeah i didn't like his fucking tweets and he definitely wasn't
presidential but what the fuck right and that's that's the narrative that i'm hearing and seeing
observing yeah and i'm hearing it from people that don't necessarily like what you and i do on
the show every day yeah so i think that's a big thing uh interesting point um so do you know
Dean Stott is the name seems familiar but yeah he had him on the show uh a few talk he's
known twice yeah um last show he was on we talked about the kilts because he's uh from
england and uh his wife is from scotland and we talked about the tartans i didn't know what a tartan
was so they actually went and did read this is i got to tell the story because i was hoping you
would yeah because it comes up and it came up in the conversation so they did the research on
the tartan for my heritage all right forsella and what they found is fucking incredible
wild shit so they found that my name forsella came from a tribe in Rome that actually went through
France and went up to scotland in in in the year 1100 and they were actually called for zilly and
Rome went through spain and their name changed and eventually when they got to scotland they were
called the phrasier clan and the phrasier clan was one of the most vicious warrior clans in
scotish history and the phrasier clan the leader of the phrasier clan was actually executed with
look at me with william wallis by king edward the first yep and the phras this is my ancestor wow my
fucking ancestor the phras you've heard laugh your head off comes from when they executed this guy
with william wallis because when they executed him he fucking laughed in their face and it started
the phrase crazy yeah that is crazy let me do it even go to your your grandfather your dad's dad
like i mean like your bloodline is full of fucking it's probably why don't give a fuck it's dude it's
pretty i mean you talk about universal purpose man like i mean i don't know how many other clues
you need other than that but that that's some pretty crazy stuff well look man
um i thought that was incredible you know what i'm saying like i could read the whole story it's
it's a long story but like that's fucking incredible yeah so anyway yeah so my long lost fucking
relative from like 1500 okay was one of the dudes that was killed with fucking william wallis by
king edward that's crazy yes wild why it's fucking insane yeah yeah that's speechless my people
were pretty cool too when they we weren't always slaves because they did one on me too it's actually
pretty cool i mean for the record the reason i was looking down was because um you're telling this
great story and it makes me think of uh when i was going through my cancer and i was watching this
documentary uh reality tv show called men and kilts and uh it's really great if you guys should
check it out but they told the story of apparently the reason that they played backpights back in the
day was that was like a that was meant to get the i'm gonna get it wrong here so some of you who
are Scottish or Irish are gonna hate me for this but i think it was it was meant to get the Scottish
isn't isn't bagpipe Scottish or is it Irish i'm not sure i believe you're Scottish okay so it
was meant that it was like a it was like a a a a war anthem you played the the bagpipes to get
people psyched up for war well on d day there was a guy i mean you know the normandy invasion
there was a guy who i guess was one of the Scottish regulars and he didn't even have a uh he
didn't even have a gun or any sort of armina he just played the bagpipes and he was like
trying to inspire everybody else around him it's kind of like how in revolutionary word it
played drums yeah but it's kind of crazy like what kind of you know what it's going to be this time
fucking young doll fucking right it is to have that kind of like a confidence and and and and i got you
it's just amazing to me that there will be somebody who would like literally storm the the beaches
of normandy with nothing but a bagpipe and made me think of that some people are just have that
kind of moxie you know we all have it it's been suppressed hmm let me read you this email
so this is the email that a lot of uh stop sent to Emily describing this this tartan
the for selling name descends from the frisilles who come from the clan phrasier the first recorded
in the scotland around 1160 Simon phrasier own land in east lathian and Aberdeenshire giving
the name to phrasier berg Aberdeenshire this is about 40 minutes from where i was born this is
what she said but i might mispronounce some of this stuff guys the phrasier clans motto is
zezouc pressed meaning i am ready and the clans crest is a bucks head they are descended from the
the normenites originally crossing the angio district of france and the name comes from the
french phrasier family who themselves originated in savage tribe called the friselli in roman guard
the name comes from the french word strawberry frais so that the strawberry became part of the
tribal badge and then on to the phrasier coat of arms sir Simon phrasier fought with both
William Wallace and Robert the Bruce before he was captured and brutally hanged and drawn and
quartered by king Edward the first that's crazy that's fucking insane dude okay the phrasiers
at the battle of 1544 suffered devastating losses with only five phrasiers surviving the battle
and it was named the battle of the shirts due to the heat causing the men to remove their
kilts so they fought with their dicks out sounds about right all right the phrasiers rose to fame
during some of the most important battles in scotish history including the battle of
pulladin in 1745 so they were killed down to five people and then in 1745 have reestablished
themselves and helped them win this battle there are many cool stories about the clan including the
phrase laugh your head off which comes from the execution of Simon phrasier when he was captured by
king Edward and and during his beheading he kept laughing at his captors that's fucking insane that is
all right my bloodlines a bunch of bad motherfuckers real talk I mean listen yeah well listen and they
get me I'll be laughing too fucking laughing dick off yeah I'm gonna have no fucking pants on
and I want to be laughing all right oh anyway that's what I think no that's what shit man that's all
story that is a very cool story that's real shit man guys in the comments let us know what you
guys think about the chump arrests let us know down in the comments let's get on to question number
two got it question number two Andy I was curious about your thoughts on competition with all the
free advice you give out do you ever worry that someone will use it as a blueprint to move in on your
space or do you welcome competition and know that most people simply won't put what you say into
action or do you think about it in a completely different way altogether I would love to know
your point of view on this um yeah that's a great question uh my my views on competition have
evolved um when I was a little bit younger I think what back when we were doing the original MF CEO
I wanted to fucking cut everybody's throat and step on their fucking faces um I realized
that nobody likes you when you act so uh you know I I felt very alone and I started like really
examine how I looked at people and looked at competition and how I look at it now is very
different than I looked at it even 10 years ago or eight years ago or even you know maybe five years
ago um I see us all as being on the same team and I do not believe that there's a limited amount
of success I think there's unlimited amounts of success and I do give away all of my secrets either
on the show or if you join rite I give you the in-depth shit and there's a lot of guys who own
companies competitive to mine that are in rite and to their credit real talk there's some some of
the biggest nutrition companies that are out right now those owners have sent me emails or letters
or messages and and thanking me for the information because it's helped them build their companies
and the reality of of that I think is amazing because I think they're that's creating a situation
where people are going out they're uh creating good ethical companies um they're employing people
they are you know helping people they're doing business the right way because you have to remember
when I got into the supplement industry in the nutrition space it was very much
an offshoot of the porn space it was just a bunch of hot girls with you know uh
jacked up to yeah with like a bottle of protein right and and people saying you know to do hard work
or to work hard that was not a thing it wasn't it wasn't a thing to say hey you're going to have
to fucking work really hard we we started with that back in like 2013 and now the whole
industry is like that everybody understands that if you take a fucking supplement you're
not the fucking work hard which isn't an ethical viewpoint right because the reality is it doesn't
matter what you take it's not going to do the work for you there's nothing out there like that
so one I think it's it's created and pivoted the industry in an ethical way which I'm very proud of
but two I think at this point it's actually it's actually pivoted in a business culture as a whole
to that line you know we have thousands of people in the artisanicate and all these people
are running similar types of businesses to the kinds that I run but in their spaces so we're
now we're changing business culture and when I look at competitors some of my very best friends
own competitive companies you know like honey rambot is my very best friend that I talk to on a daily
basis that's not related to me you know I talk to him every single day I've talked to him every
single day since you've been around me I've been around every single day he owns a competitive
company called Evigen he fucking helps me with my physique and my training and we talk business and
I help him with his business and we talk back and forth and trade ideas and there's other guys like
that too in the industry that have a ton of respect for and bottom line is how I look at it now is
this like look dude I've done I've done very well I've made myself a very successful human being
it's it first of all when you're the only person that's winning it's not that much fun all right so
it's more fun when your friends are winning all right and unfortunately who you're going to
become friends with in your business is probably your competition because they know the most about
you they're in the same fight they understand what the fuck is going on and you know a lot of people
hesitate to be friendly with their competition because they're afraid that they're going to share
their secret listen dude you don't have any fucking secrets bro there's no secrets it's real simple
do the right thing do the best you can work really fucking hard find the little things here and
there that work and go with those things and they're not secret and so the first thing is is I
like to help my friends succeed that are in the same industry as me directly like I will get on
the phone with people who own other companies all the time and fucking be like all right well
how can I help you know that happens every single week not honey you know other people and
um and by the way honey reciprocates that like he has ideas too I'm not just saying there's not
there's a tradeoff yes so so the first thing is is you know you want to be you you want to be
friendly with people and help them win because when you help them win then you're not the only one
winning all right and then there's the karma aspect when you help other people win even when
they're your competition now you're putting out in the universe that you fucking love winning and
when you know when you put out in the universe that you love winning that's what happens to you
win more all right so there's that but here's the most important part of that of my thinking on
competition I enjoy being friends with people who are like that push me that are getting good
that are being better that are doing great things and it inspires me to like go hard you know
what I mean and like do when you're already successful and you have a lot of success the the amount
of drive that you have it's just not the same as when you had nothing it's hard to find that
it's correct so like when you look at your competition as a as somebody that you're going to make
better so that then you're going to get better that's a healthy way to look at it and it's also a
fun way to look at it because now your friends there's a healthy competition you work together you both
win more and and when you both win more you both win more and that's how I look at it and I think
um I think if the I think of American culture and business especially small business was more
like that we'd have a lot more success across the board so uh and of course I want to fucking win
like dude I'm in competition with everybody I'm around bro there's not a human being that I'm
around period that I'm not trying to beat in every single way like I'm trying to be prettier than
you I'm trying to be more jack than you I'm trying to be funny I'm trying to make more money I'm
trying to fucking I'm trying to do everything better but that doesn't mean I don't want that for
you that just means I'm trying to do the best that I can and if someone else is also pushing now all
the sudden we're in this dynamic where it's like and you're leveling up with someone right so like
you know that's kind of my that's my overall view on it I think I think it's healthy to support people
I think it's good I think it creates uh relationships and I think um I think ultimately you're
way more fulfilled and way happier in that scenario when you approach competition that way
because here's the reality the reality is you're not going to get everybody you're not going to
get all the customers you're not going to get all the money you're not going to be the most jack
you're not going to be the most rich you're not going to be the you're not going to be the the
you're not going to be the biggest dick like that's the fucking reality of life but that doesn't
mean shouldn't try right so um and it's cool to be around people who are also winning because
you learn from you get better they learn from you and it creates great friendships and and that
was something I didn't understand it earlier part of my career you know yeah I agree with everything
you said the only thing I would add would be that you know urban mire can teach me everything
there is to know about the spread offense but pretty sure he's going to do it better than I am
so we can you can give people the ingredients but you're still going to make a better cake than
most people yeah but but if I'm saying like yeah no totally dude but if I could teach somebody
like look man okay like Nick Saban had a situation where his uh his the guy at Georgia I believe
used to be on Nick Saban's crew yeah Kirby smart right and Kirby's beat Nick a few times right
and Nick's Nick's like like you could tell when when Kirby beat him oh Nick was fucking happy about
it yeah he was he he was emotional about it like bro that's a fucking huge deal and like you when
you're winning at a level of like when you're talking about like you don't have any fucking like
thing to worry about you don't have any like you're not starving you can look at it differently
you know what I mean and and the key is to look at it differently when you don't have anything
because then you actually rise up with people yeah so oh I want to I want to go back because when
you first answered this question and you said that that's not how you were and I want to actually
this like do you what was that mentality that you had early on where it was fucking it's killed
everybody right like would you say that that was necessary though right like was that a necessary
part of that journey is to have that type of drive at least in the initial beginning yeah I do
I think that when you don't have anything I think it's really fucking your desperate ready like had
you been just open cool I didn't know anything then bro like now I know shit right you know when I
when you don't know shit you're insecure about what you don't know so you're more aggressive towards
a competition when you know shit and your confident your abilities I mean let's look at my level
of success that I achieved being like that versus where I'm at now completely different right and
I don't think I'd be here right now had I not made that evolution so I think it's important for
people to recognize the competition is an amazing thing it's actually what drives all innovations
what drives all developments what drives all growth and if you could be friends with those people
you're competing against it drives you you make amazing friendships because they all know what you're
going through you can all relate and then ultimately those people end up making you stay on the path
and get better and better and better down the path yeah that's beautiful because I what I'm
getting is like basically like that mentality of the aggressiveness fuck everybody that's going to
get you gonna get you pretty successful but there is going to be like a governor restriction on
that limit as far as how much further past that you can go with that mentality and I talked about
this when we did my show really when he was on real AF a while back um yeah it is going to limit you
if you maintain that type of personality yeah because you're going to get on a level you're going to
try to level up and there's all these people above you on the ladder and you've got a poor attitude
where you're like fuck you guys I'm gonna fucking kill you and what happens is you know the people
up on the ladder because you have to network and you have to work with people and you have to use
resources together um and they can't just be fuck everybody they'll kick you off the ladder bro
you'll get to a certain point and the people above you will look down and be like yeah and then
I'll look at each other and be like that guy's not one of us and they'll kick him on two three
kit yeah I know I'll kick him off the ladder and so that's that's what people don't realize and you
do see this with a lot of young entrepreneurs I see this on the internet now talking all this crazy
shit and it's like bro the problem that you're talking all this shit yeah you might be able to make
you know you might be able to build a hundred million dollar company like that but it'll never be
a billion dollar company you know what I mean yeah and just one more thing and you'll be lonely yeah
and you'll be pissed off all the time because all you're looking at is every single fucking
body's move and you're like fuck that guy fuck that guy fuck that guy and it's you're pissed off
all the time it's just not a way to be I want to I want to actually this too because I feel like
because I've seen some of those moments where people are getting kicked off the ladder right I've
seen those moments I remember that ring I go into detail but I think what's always funny at
least from the few times that I've seen it those people that are getting kicked off they have no idea
why that they were kicked off by who yeah they think it's just they think the shit's just
dude no nobody ahead of you wants to help you and they refuse to help you because you're an
asshole how ignorant is that of awareness like is that a lack of awareness thing what is that
yeah I think nobody ever said like they never came to a realization of like oh shit I got to
actually work with people to be successful look dude people talk shit about Obama right like they
say oh Obama's peace and I agree I don't like dates a man yeah okay but um you know he said
something back when he was in office that everybody got pissed off about including me and he's
like he's talking about your business and he's like you didn't build that business and he's
actually right because you could only do so much as one person you have to have people to help you
and those people that help you are not just your employees they're not just your family they're not
just your friends they're also your competitors and you have to get to a certain level to understand
that and most people never get to that level and it's sad because a lot of people will build a good
business be angry doing it then get kicked off the ladder and be more angry because their business
progressing like it should without the awareness of like dude the reason your your business is not
progressing like it should it's because all the other guys that hold the key for you to keep moving
up aren't giving you any access to it there's your fault yeah it is your fault yeah so don't be
addicted man I like that my observation is that the truly successful people are really able to do
that that godfather distinction between its personal or its business like in the political realm
you look back in the 80s and you had Ronald Reagan conservative Republican president
and then you had Tipo Neil who was you know left-leaning Democrat house speaker right well
in their personal lives they were really really good friends in their political lives they were
ardent enemies and people used to like scratch your heads going like how is this even possible
and they asked Reagan about it one time and he said oh cocktails in the evening pistols at dawn
and i think i think that's the mentality that successful people have like
i can be personal friends with somebody i can i can wish them well i can do whatever i can
to to contribute to their their success but when it comes to going head-to-head yeah
it'll be a battle i'll tell you this the top 10 people i talk to on a regular basis
eight of them are competitors among that's reality in some way shape or form and you know what
we don't give a fuck we're all out and then when i win and i fucking text them i say yeah do
listen what happened they're happy when they win i'm happy it's it's fun dude it makes it way more fun
no i really want to access this follow up i don't think i've ever i know i haven't actually
this before but when when that that the whole phrase like going back to violence point the whole
phrase business like it's business business is business right like what what what what situation
was there where like you first learned that that like that that came to be a true saying for you
like it you know this is just business when when did that come for you there's very few situations
where i think that's actually true hmm i think that's a uh a viewpoint of people that actually
have never experienced it i i think i think when you make a decision in business
there's always a personal aspect to that like like when you have to let go of an employee right
um there's two different perspectives that you have that suck they they they both suck
all right here it is this person's not doing their job they're they're hurting your culture they're
not they're not rowing the boat the right way they don't deserve to be here okay but you also
know they have three kids at home and you also know that they have bills to pay and you also know
that if you fucking fire them they're they're fucked okay on the other hand you have to look at all
the people who are rowing the boat they have to look at all the people who are on the team doing
what they're supposed to do and working as hard as they can to get ahead and if you don't let go of
this person you're hurting these people over here all right and that's a very that's a tough
spot that most people in business or as an employee of a company they they assume that that
thought never actually happens and the reason that you know a lot of people have their jobs is because
there's grace given to that discussion in the business right yeah and so like I've you know
I think there's guys who run their business as a business like hey just fuck them let them go
fuck I agree with that but I think if that's how you bit if you run your business that way
you're never going to get the bottom culture of true human potential of creative buy-in amongst
your amongst your movement whatever that might be yeah so I think it's just you know I think
and sometimes you get burned by it sometimes you give somebody too much grace and they fuck you
that's business yeah that happens a lot but at the end of the day the net positive is far greater
in my opinion yeah I love that man I love that guys Andy are third and final question question number
three Andy this is a question about employees leadership Andy does it pay off to take employees
to leadership or personal growth seminars or is it better to just teach leadership from within
the company I think both I personally think it's better for you to learn the information and then
be the teacher of the information because then the values coming from you which means they reciprocate
the value right so what that means when I mean by that is if you know I learned something from
urban buyer right about leadership then I go teach whatever I learned and I might say you know
I learned this from urban buyer but I teach it okay I think when you outsource the I think when
you out you have to be careful when you outsource the personal development and a lot of people
like to outsource it because they don't want to put the time and energy into actually learning it
themselves they say oh I'll just send my guys to Jaco's leadership school right and they'll come
back perfectly but here's the problem when they come back perfect leaders they don't want to lead
for you right okay so there's an elite you actually or they're going to go somewhere where they
respect the leadership who actually taught them that right so like you have to think of it from that
aspect I think there's definite value in sending your team to learn from certain organizations
as certain people but I think that should also be coupled with you becoming the best
teacher of personal development and skill set that you possibly can be and I think the reason
that a lot of people like to outsource their employees to other people is because they don't
want to do it themselves it's very hard it's very difficult it takes a long time but what they're
short-sighted in seeing is that they're creating they're missing a big opportunity to create some
reciprocating value with your employees and your team you know what do you think I think
influence isn't just what is said it's who is saying it and I to your point like you can get
information from anybody like anybody can can watch videos from Jaco or Tony Robbins or whoever
happens to be the guru but for you to actually exercise influence over your people you have to
be the one who's providing the influence you have to be the one who's teaching because you're
teaching within the context of a real relationship I mean I would argue that as great as those guys are
they're never going to have the impact that you do as the leader of your company because you're
going to you're going to not just provide information you're going to provide incarnation you're
going to literally embody it in your day-to-day actions and that's going to exercise infinitely more
power and influence over your people than any guru ever could why do you think it is that so
many people instead of learning the stuff themselves want to outsource to other people do you think
it's just laziness or do you think it's incompetence or do you think it's lack of confidence like
what do you think it is I think it's a little both I think I think people don't want to work hard
sort of by nature you have to force yourself to work a little harder but I also think it's probably
people people probably assume that leadership is having all the answers which I think you would
agree is is not true leadership is not having all the answers no it's being willing to find all
the answers or to work on it until you get the answer and I think people just need to give
themselves a little bit more credit and say okay um I don't have to I don't have to have all the
information you know in my head I'm a work in progress but if I show people and you're good at
this what if I show people that you know just because I don't have the answer doesn't mean I
can't find it I think that's incredibly inspiring because you're taking people along on your journey
and and that's when inspires people I think another thing too and I agree with that I think another
thing too with this is that a lot of people think that leadership is almost like an authoritarian
role like you're like a dictator role when in reality leadership is not about having any of
the answers it's about being able to understand what are the answers and so when you're sitting
with the team and you've got 10 people in the room and you have an idea well those other nine people
have an idea too right and your job as a leader is to have enough humility to let all those ideas be
heard and then pick the one that's going to benefit your movement or your company or your team the
best regardless of whose idea it is and ultimately I think that's where leaderships either gets
respect or doesn't get respect based upon how well they navigate that dynamic because when we think
about traditional bosses or CEOs or leaders what do we think of you know we think of that meme where
it shows like all these people pulling that big brick and the guy sitting on the brick is yelling
everybody or and then and it says boss right or the the leaders up at the front of the line pulling
the brick right and then that one says leader that's the truth the leadership true respected leaders
are people who do not have all the answers but act in what's in the best interest of all the people
in the organization and organization's goals regardless of that comes from their own brain or
other people's brain and I think a lot of people when it comes to this topic of sending an
outsourcing their their skill sets I think you know a lot of people have boss mentality I think
they think that they're going to you know check out on Thursday and come back on Tuesday and
you know because they sent all their leadership people to you know echelon front to learn leadership
which by the way is an awesome fucking program they they think that they're just good and you know
that'll never work that'll that'll never work without your piece of it and so
you're either going to learn how to lead and you're going to learn how to teach and you're
going to learn how to create reciprocating value amongst your team recognize the best ideas
or those quality people who are also who want to go win they're going to go win for somebody who does
Andy I'm so so let's say I'm a business owner I'm listening to this and I actually just
filled out the fucking invoices in my team to you know this offsite training right like I don't have
the the leadership skills I understand there's a void where do I start I would start by going with
them mm-hmm why don't you sign yourself up too yeah because I was going to the lake right exactly
okay exactly yeah okay I love it man look dude reading to man like there's a lot you can learn
from reading you know people there's plenty of people out there who are read books I don't read
books well you're a fucking idiot right because let me tell you something there's only two ways
to fucking learn two the first way is you go out get your brains beat in you learn from your own
experience you know what the second way to learn is you learn from other people's experience
and you have books that have thousands of years of human experience in every single aspect of
reality that people are unwilling to tackle or look at or you know read or absorb because they
think there's no value in it because you have some of these dumbasses on the internet saying
books are outdated or I don't read books well if you don't read books bro I'm gonna crush you
correct it's gonna be it's gonna be brutal crushing all right because I'm learning from
17 other fucking leaders who have all been through the same shit I'm going through business guys
CEOs I've heard all their experiences of it and you're just going off of what you think
did you think might be right bro you're gonna get your ass beat that way okay so anybody anybody
who says books are overrated I don't read I don't do this bro don't ever buy anything from them
don't listen to them don't fucking nothing those are egotistical people who are trying to pretend like
they have all the answers when they do not all right which is a third part of this discussion
because that's the third part right the third part is the people who capture all the information
and then decide it's all theirs and they didn't learn it from anybody and they're Jesus
nobody likes that leader either all right so my advice is and I don't care who this offends if
someone tells you that they don't read books or that they don't fucking look at books that's not
someone worth listening to because they're they're only giving you 50% of the available
information which is based off their own experience and I bet probably someone who has that most
in most cases doesn't even have that much experience so that's why we talk about reading 10 pages
a day of personal development in the live hard program it's a massive massive massive tool
that most people don't utilize you know there is no difference between someone who can't read
and someone who won't read there's no fucking difference it's the same thing okay so you
most people are here are going through life as an illiterate person because they're choosing not
to utilize the available resources around them think out ridiculous that is I'm choosing to go
through life illiterate it's it's not a good idea no guys I love it man I love it this was nice
yeah yeah nice nice little change of pace yeah that's cool I mean it's all right yeah well guys
hey listen thanks for joining us on the show we appreciate you guys we love you guys do not forget
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