596. Andy, Zoltan Bathory & DJ CTI: Democrat Voters Side With GOP, AP & Reuters Pictures Raise Ethical Questions & House GOP Subpoenas Hunter Biden

What is up guys it's Andy for selling this is the show for the real estate about it lies the fitness and delusions of modern society and welcome to motherfucking reality guys today we have Andy and DJ crews the motherfucking internet that's what we're going to do and we also have an amazing guest here today which I want to intro in just a second before I do I wanted to hit you with the housekeeping okay this is CTI what we do here is we cruise the internet that's what CTI stands for we put up what's trending on the internet the articles the news we speculate on what we think is true what we think is not true and then we talk about how we the people are the solution these problems going on in the world other times you tune in you're going to have different kinds of episodes you're going to have on Mondays Q and A F that's where you could submit questions and I bring you the answers now you could submit your questions one of a couple different ways the first way is you know guys email those questions in to ask and Andy at Andy for selling.com or you can go on YouTube on the Q and A F episodes which air on Monday and you could drop your question the comments will pick some from there as well other times we have real talk real talk is just five to 20 minutes of me giving you some real talk things that I think will benefit you that need to be said and heard other times we have full length that's where we get a unique guest comes on the show we have a conversation pretty much what you guys see on every other podcast that you've ever watched and then we have 75 hard versus and 75 hard versus is where someone one of you comes on the show who has completed 75 hard who talks about how their life was before usually a dumpster fire and how their life is after usually not a dumpster fire and how you can take your life from a dumpster fire to not dumpster fire for free and you can get that program for free at episode 208 on the audio feed 75 hard is the world's most famous mental toughness discipline calibration program is also the first phase of the entire live hard program and if you want to know what live hard about it's a lifestyle program that helps you sharpen the spear so to speak so if you want to get that program it is free you can get it at episode 28 on audio feed now we do have this thing here it's called the fee you're going to hear say pay the fee what that means is share the show all right one of the things about this show is I don't take ads for the show because I don't want to be told what I can and can't say or talk about an exchange for that all I ask is that if you guys get real value out of the show if you think what we're talking about needs to be heard which I think we can all agree that right now is a critical time where these messages need to be heard all we ask is that you have a little courage and please share the show all right so don't be a hoe share the show all right now we do have an amazing guest here today um you guys if you're if you haven't been living in a cave you have heard of five finger death punch and we have Zoltin Bathory from five finger death punch who was just here in St. Louis doing a show and he's uh graciously coming bless us with this presence on the show today what's up brother how are you guys good we just had a hour conversation about jujitsu before we probably should have done that on the show and I kind of think I think I'm going to start doing it now bruh I think you sold me he can't repeat it to you yeah yeah let's roll yeah so brother um that would you call him that yeah rolling yeah all right well you want to I'm telling him when I went to a grab my house in my yellow you ready to roll I'm like rolling not that time of roll though kick your ass let's go record so uh you know Zoltin everybody knows you know five finger death punch you guys have been one of the most famous rock bands metal bands in the history of the game um but not everybody knows what a patriotic you know uh anti-communist activist that you are um and I think that's cool man because you know during this whole time for the last three or four years where we've been getting just hammered with this stuff you know you've been vocal and you've been standing out at time where it's been very hard to be vocal and stand out especially in the music industry uh and first and foremost before we even get the show going I just wanted to say bro thank you for doing that yeah uh I mean I grew up in that yeah so for me it's not uh it's not a thesis it's not a a class in college you know I actually have been educated by communist professors within a communist system my basically my adult life I was I lived there until I was 21 years old so when when it's not just an idea it's not just something that remotely you learn about that you actually live it then you know then it's a then it's a whole different story let's talk about that I mean what what was that like so you know so basically basically the the whole idea there was the communism was about class wars right so so the so the whole idea is that they were trying to even the playing field right so they wanted that the worker class that they called the worker class the worker class would would be in charge with pretty much everything and um and they were trying to accomplish this through you know socialism to communism to this utopia that way they were trying to create and you know the idea is inherently faulty so it was just a thesis I mean it's it started at you know earlier than Marx and Engel so this this is that wasn't the beginning of this and it started back in the days in a feudalistic systems where you know you were either born as a as a noble and you had land and power or or you were not and you could not have a vertical movement within you know the system so understandably of the people would you know would look at this that we are this is our fate this is our future this is our present this is this is it right and and that was the time when it started to develop and later on you know Marx and Engels were you know had the most communist manifesto and you know the most famous work that we know today came from you know from them and um and they based on their society on these these ideas that that's very questionable and I think didn't take in count evolution and human nature you know and so there are just you know and so so we grew up in that that this was very real that you didn't have you didn't have our first amendment you know we couldn't just say whatever we wanted to say what happened if you did well you know there's there's this really funny story I always tell people when when you I was a little kid um there was a strike in America I think it was that maybe the transportation industry but but there was a massive strike and and so America's industry came to a screeching halt and you know we had one TV channel and started out noon and went until midnight you know that was that was it and it was mainly communist propaganda you know and um and so they were you know they were really happy about this situation and they were telling us like look the communist you know idea will win that the capitalist the bourgeois you know we'll collapse and look at the workers how they rising up and you know and so even I was like 78 years old and I'm look you know I'm watching this and I kind of understand and reading between the lines and I looked at my dad and I'm like listen uh in America you can go out on the street and and and say that you're not happy and you oppose the you know the the system and nobody shoots you it's dark hard because then I need to get the hell out of here yeah right so so you know like it's it's either you see that you know the object or its shadows right and I even a young age I was always reading between the lines so I was very much against that that whole idea this equalization that they were trying to do how they everything was owned by the state you can there was no private industry so you couldn't really just you know here you can drop out of college and build your own future right you build your own companies when everything is owned by the state then they completely control that you everything is bureaucratic so everything gonna be depend on how you how well you did in school and what kind of paperwork you have and that's it and that's your future and that's that right and there are these these very faulty ideas that if I give you the same tools right I give a couple of guys a hammer right somebody gonna make a sculpture and somebody's gonna be just bang around so if you give the same tools to somebody and it can be education if I give you the same education the the the results is not gonna be the same and because if that was true then you know Jeff Bezos classmates should be all billionaires they got the same education then they're not they're using the tools differently right and so this idea that that we're gonna you know we're gonna make equal opportunities and and and this gonna have an equal result it's a it's a faulty on true idea and that means there's this differentiation the difference between the classes will still happen so if everybody got the same education but somebody's using those tools better they will pull away from pull away from the crowd right and that will create this this gap this this gap of of um basically well the gap right which they were against right so the only thing you could do is if you eliminate the possibility for anyone to pull away so that means they you know they can't elevate the dominance is basically what they have to do is they have to chop down those who could succeed and that's very unnatural that's against evolution that's against everything you can't pull away your your your efforts are not rewarded and you basically you know they basically just uh limit the past your possibilities and and what's gonna happen is that you know that's human nature you want to succeed that's why evolution exists yeah right so once you take that away from people nobody was nobody was nobody was doing anything because why told the moralization yeah absolutely right and so you know and and and and then just a basic idea is like the world is to a degree you know they're you know obviously I could I could argue it for actually for both sides but you know but I'm gonna if I want to stay with reality the world was sort of distributed already right talk some people already have stuff houses this and not and some people are just starting their life right now but that's the reality we're gonna compete and you know and we begin what the point of evolution and we're gonna get where we get in life depends on our efforts right but if we wanted to equalize that if somebody has a big house and somebody has a small house how are you gonna equalize that unless you take everything from the people the state will own everything and redistribute but if one house is big and now everyone is small how are you gonna redistribute that so you have to destroy it and rebuild and you have to rebuild equal houses okay let's go with that idea physical destruction everybody gonna get the same size house all right I want mine on the beach now one so geographically you can you know you can't equalize us because or I want to live on the top of the hill same size house but I just want mine on the top of the hill but who gets that house right so you can't you that this doesn't work right and so basically the result of of of this you know this whole system was that I mean every single one of those countries collapsed like the last remaining ones like China and you know and and North Korea but both economically and socially all those countries you know collapsed yeah it never made sense to me like it make it only makes sense to people when you try to sell it to people who have already bought into the idea that they're not going to compete right they can't compete they won't compete or whatever reason they're unable to compete those people will hear this idea and they say oh well this is great right let's take from those guys and we'll redistribute right but but the other thing like if you look at it from the other side of the coin you know when you totally demoralize people with no upside and you rely on them to produce whatever it is that we need to live eventually they're not going to produce it because they have no incentive to produce it at all and that's something that you know we see happening little by little by little at least I see it here happening yeah well it's not by accident though yeah no I agree it was it this was an open conversation I mean like look if if you say that hey take down the man who who would say that somebody would say that who never gonna have the ability or doesn't have the ability or just the the trust in him or herself that I'm gonna be the man one day right like does the idea if you want to be in court the man we all know what what I mean by that if you want to be a successful person somebody who would be against that is a person who don't believe that they can right and you know so the and also generally this is sold for the youth right because you know as long as you in school you know like high school or or or college right at that point you know you never you don't have property you don't have you don't have anything yet so at that time it's a good idea like let's take somebody else this stuff and give it to me right once you are out there and working and and achieving something and then somebody comes and what trying to take it from you that's gonna be a fight right so it's much easier to basically indoctrinate the youth because they don't you know they they've been told like hey you're gonna finish college and you're gonna owe all this money and the man rigged the system and you know and you need to fight against it and you know and this is where we get these teachings like version of race theory or these these teachings that teach these kids that they can't be successful because they were born a certain race the complete opposite of reality correct yeah right complete your brainwashing them to be receptive to the ideas that that Zoltan is talking about here but this hurts your personal development 100 percent it's for it hurts you know it hurts your personal evolution you know and but this was an open conversation so this is kind of you know I saw some videos already um some xkgb guy was talking about it but that was never a secret like this was an open conversation in our society that you know the only way that communism can be the dominant system if the whole world is communist right because as long as you have something to compare it to you're not gonna accept it right well first and foremost the you know what is the first rule of slavery right the first rule of slavery that you have to you know what any more slavery is that I have to stop your ability to get away from me that's number one because as long as you can get away from me I can't and sleeve you so what they did is they close the borders you can escape those communist paradise right not the way we want some close boards right yeah the other way yes so you can leave right that that's the requisite of you know the first requisite of slavery so now you're gonna stay here and do this otherwise everybody would have escaped if it's so great then we would have stayed but you know nobody wanted to stay obviously and and so so basically the whole idea was there that you enslaved nations and slave countries and forced them to to do this right and as long as I can see that there's an alternative then I don't want to stay here and so they didn't want an alternative they want the whole world to be communist because you know I could see that we're driving around cars that are basically made of glue and paper and you know and sawdust like literally some 27 horsepower two stroke engine ridiculous things that if you hit something you die that's what we're driving and and you know and the neighboring countries have Mercedes and BMW and a much better living and you know and they see movies and all the stuff that we were you know we were the outside you know the periphery we were the poor kid looking into the restaurant you know people are eating so we were aware of western culture we were just not part of it time stopped for us right and so if there's an alternative you want to escape and so they knew that so they needed to make the whole world communist so there is no alternative because otherwise you're just not gonna accept it man that makes a lot of sense right and so so because of this it was an open conversation for how to make the whole world communist right so they poisoned the well what we what we're seeing right now today in in America which is so crazy to me because I escaped this right and I'm here I am dealing with this shit again right and so you know but but it was an open conversation that okay that way to get the whole world to be communist is that we have to infiltrate the educational system of the because you can't sell this to adults you have to sell this to you know to that the youth right so either turn professors and teachers buy them or turn them into communist and then in a couple of generation this will automatically destroy itself because if that's what you were taught when you were told in school that hey you know the world is against you and you can't succeed on your own you never be the man the man already took everything from you and you know and you're gonna finish your school with all this debt and you don't have a chance and you need to take it back and you know I mean then then that's your reality and so that's what's happening right now and the craziest thing that in the meantime communism collapsed in this country so they poisoned the well right and so it plays itself out so this is happening this is this was implemented you know 40 years ago right and it's playing itself out while the very system that implemented it is not even existing so it's really strange that those former communist countries are the ones that kicking and screaming and say guys stop stop stop on the breaks we did this don't do it you know and nobody's listening to it was listening you know the Cubans that Russians the Hungarians the Romania's all of us who lived this and you know and understand how big of a slippery soap this is how easily that your rights are taken away and they're not coming back once they're taken away how the first amendment going away is is the end of society you know you don't have anything to compare it I lived it I know how it feels when there are there is no constitution there's nothing to protect me the government is basically army police you know it's a police state army and police and the government is the same entity there's nobody to complain to there's no you know that's it that you can't hire lawyers and sue the government are you kidding me you just disappear it was a very real thing my parents were scared shitless telling me all the time because you know I was a low rebel like we're gonna grow up and we're gonna burn this to the ground and it works shut up kid you're gonna get us arrested this was a real thing yeah you know like this this this was not a joke and it was you know it was very dangerous to the people that just you know talk about openly the disagreement I kind of caught the end of this but you know I mean my parents my grandparents I mean it was embedded in them and and to me I was born into that era when it was changing and I was there when it collapsed so so watching that how my my parents and my grandparents were so beaten down that they couldn't even understand when I said like oh I'm I'm gonna go to America and I'm gonna be a rock musician they looked at me like I was an alien like you're crazy kid you there's a mind field between us and the West and there's no way you can get out of here and there's not a chance you know that you can do that there's no hope yeah so I mean and they couldn't see that they couldn't understand that because once your spirit is broken you know it's over it's like you know that experiment you put the fleas in a glass right and then you put a piece of paper and then you're jumping and jumping and they keep hitting the cover right and after a while you take off the paper and they will never jump at they got used to it that this is the height they can jump it so that's that's kind of how it looks like if they broke your spirit and you don't even think outside of the box right once you were born into the system you just accept it like well this is it this is how it works and this is it right how did you get out so I was there when it was collapsing and you know when when when when so I lived the communist era and then I lived the post communist chaos where it was sort of a hybrid and turning into a semi capitalist system and you know basically what happened all the people who were leaders in a communist system just snatched up all the factories so now they own those factories and banks and whatever you know so on a very beginning that that's what has happening we were getting passports finally and and I was in the first wave of getting a passport and you know and that is the truth when I came to America man I mean but the statue of liberty hit me hard when I saw that like man because we were actually well educated you know education was even though it was somewhat a miseducation but but it was available and it you know so so American history and what this country was based on and you know I had to learn that right and so the statue of liberty I knew what it was and why it's there and it hit me hard like man I can't believe that I'm one of the people but seeing this and hitting me emotionally like man yeah I'm here now nobody can tell me anymore what to say what to think what to do and I have I have finally an open runway that I can accomplish it's gonna be a weird feeling oh yeah it was yeah and then you know and then once I was here I'm like man I'm off to the running it's you know sleeves rolled up and let's go you know and so so that's why you know I always gonna look at that flag and the symbolism of America that I understand what it means and I came here for that right you know that American flag had a a couple of meaning you know again it's coming from somebody who grew up on the other side you guys were that enemy in court well nobody believed that only the politicians believed that even if they did or or maybe they had to paint the boogie man so so that the crowd would be you know um controlled yeah basically you know basic manipulation behavior right like when you know someone when you know someone's gonna expose you for what it is that you're doing they're automatically start to paint them as the enemy right and that I mean that's that's a form of crowd control you know when everybody's guys like oh the Americans are coming right then then you know then you're gonna accept the rule of the government because the if if this illusion that they're protecting you that's what they're doing over there in North Korea right and and so but but I don't know anyone who believed that you know I mean like as we were you know I grew up there so we didn't believe that that was we were aware of American culture we were aware of the system we were aware of you know the constitution and what it was and you know so none of us really believed that what they were telling us and um so so living without those rights and and coming here and and yes of course I'm gonna I'm gonna look at it like yeah is this system perfect no but at least it's an attempt you know it's an attempt everything else was sort of a either a totalitarian government or communism socialism right or the remnants of over feudalistic system or monarchy right and and this was the first attempt like well let's see the end and let's think about it how we're gonna create a society that's you know somewhat fair right and so this was the closest and the best system to to that what we can call you know free right and um and so so the so the so the symbolism like like both us power if if something had an American flag on it like a building or vehicle anything it's easier everybody know don't fuck with it man because because Americans will defend that if you fuck with that flag or anything that is own and it represents they will keep coming until they winning then this is not gonna stop they will come and come and come until they win don't fuck see what I mean so that there was a reverence for that you know the same way like you know in some to some degree I mean to make it balanced like you know the Russians always had this modern Russia kind of thing right that they were willing to die for the country without a question it's you know they so so there was this reverence of that's modern Russia we're gonna die for that yeah so but America had this this thing that well um what it represents if don't fuck with them you know because they would not they they would not lose America can't lose a war and they want that was always the the vision of what it is and what it represents everybody wanted to come here why because we all understood that this is a free as society from the societies that they want a piece of that yeah no it makes complete sense like thinking about the flag flag supposed to represent the people so it's not the American government that's gonna come get you it's the fucking people and it makes perfect sense when you look at where we are as a society today and what they are trying to attack and dismantle and it's an idea and demoralize it's the people separate us divide us get us pissed at each other right like because to get I mean bro I think that's an important concept to continue to reiterate when it comes to that flag you know I saw some people on the internet talking about how we shouldn't even support the flag because that stands for the government is corrupt no motherfucker that's our flag that is our people's flag that is us that is us that is not them and just look at it this way the danger of this like you know imagine if we can just you know and we can in fact we can roll out or or your history in a in a linear manner right like if if we accept our civilization when we can call it a civilization let's say you know Mesopotamia five six thousand years but but let's let's make it ten as it ten thousand years of human history that's what we can call it civilization right not at least what we know right now yeah that's what they tell us don't believe that the history books are not necessary true everybody except like oh history is fact because it isn't a past no who wrote the book people who won who wrote the book yes right I can tell you right now I can read stories and events that happen in the communist system right in Wikipedia that's 100% not true I was there I know right I mean so so the history books are you know questionable but let's say 10,000 years are you going to say 10,000 years let's say 10,000 years okay in this 10,000 years right you're gonna isolate this you know almost 300 years low you know segment that will be that a tiny percent of this right where there was a democratic somewhat democratic free society right everything else was you know pretty much monarchy kingdom feudalistic systems right so so these were kings and queens all the way or dictators and you look at this entire line of history and there is boom there is a low spike of of there's a free society of the democrat democracy there's a a moment of freedom which is believing right now if this disappears right and we go back to what it was for the majority of our history it will be just a bump in because you can you can find a bump like okay there was a moment in Greece there was kind of a democratic society for like 40 years 50 years right so there are moments in history when there were free societies for you know but in the big picture when you look at the whole line right it would be just just a little tiny tiny like line that right here there was a little bit of freedom you know so this is very real you know this is really very real that this can collapse and we can go back into a dictatorship or a this society in this system can be lost this is this can be you know even like look at history we are we are amazing not learning from history amazing look at what happened before and completely ignore it right like on every aspect of like man so we just we just keep making this mistake and and so you know so this is something definitely to to fight for because this can disappear yeah man look at the 10,000 years this is this is only 300 years not even 300 years you know a little segment that somebody about free society you can see it too you can see why it's that way like when you watch the way that most people react to what's happening in the world right now and how they're kind of waiting around for someone to come fix it you can see why for 10,000 years people have been ruled over by people who are willing to step up and rule yeah right you know and it is dude it's why there's some leaders and a whole bunch of followers and the problem is is that you know the good people people who have good intentions they they don't want they don't necessarily want to lead like that you know what I mean like when we talk about solar right the the first dictator of Rome you know this man was a soldier who was a common person who joined the Rome army and went around on crusades for years and years and years conquering land comes back and finds out that their government has been overthrown by some of the senate and our total tyrants right then he uses his army kills those people and everybody sets everybody free and sets everything right and the people say hey you're a lifetime dictator of Rome and he rules for one year and then said no I'm I'm setting this right so that this can you guys can continue to be free and I'm going to go live my free life I know and those types of leaders are so rare because once you get a taste of control or power or wealth it can corrupt people almost instantly when they've never had it before right and and so dude like we have to be very aware as as a group as a community as as a people and this is not just an America because like you said this is they're attempting to do this globally and uh well I think what we're about to see is a war about this and and and guys unfortunately I think we're on the wrong side of that war um that's my opinion but uh it's very dangerous man because we what we have here is special what we have here is an anomaly and if we don't have capable people to step up and I don't mean just a few people I mean the capable men in the household standing up and setting a standard in society that we are not going to fuck with us we will lose this and this will this will fail and disappear yeah and your kids will be slaves and they will be growing up exactly as you were talking where there's no hope there's and and their hope is to get a few generations deep so that they don't have to explain what freedom was anymore you know that point there'll be no other alternatives to see either dude they want to erase it from the history dude here's your big problem I had a place to escape to right where you're going yeah where where we're gonna go where you're gonna go so if this is lost this it's all is lost right and then what what you were just saying the interesting thing about that but what is a king right um if you want to be king you're not you're not cut out to be a king that's right because you want to be a king the king is the servant of the people right and so you know so when it comes to comparing you know comparing systems political economical systems you know you have kingdoms and let's say there are totalitarian dictatorships like which communism was or democracies and you know a corrupt democracy or a totalitarian communist system is actually worse than a kingdom with a just king that makes perfect sense to me so that's pretty sad yeah yeah I mean if you have a just king who treats people fair and lets people be like if we had a dictator here in the United States quote unquote that let everybody be free and live their lives and build what they're gonna build and and create situations where it's favorable for them is that not better than 600 people that are stealing all our tax dollars and making life miserable intentionally for their own greed and any shouldn't be that's what I mean like it shouldn't be like if if you have to pick between these systems and you pick a kingdom that which is you know there's you have an absolute power over the people which you know right there you know that's that's what the entire history rebelled against right when you when you when you started leaned over not because other systems are so corrupt that's pretty sad yeah right that's pretty sad yeah man that's crazy so dude just changing gears when did you start music so you know music is is is something that I was always interested in obviously this is a calling kind of you know I um my first guitar right that when I wanted to be a guitar player so my first guitar was actually again communist system I you know I couldn't afford one my parents couldn't afford one so I I made my first guitar out of my parents coffee table true story like I had a second hand guitar that was a piece of crap broken you know the neck was good and then some of the you know the machine heads were good and and I basically made a guitar out of my parents coffee table put it together and it was an unplayable piece of crap but it was a guitar and I I copied it was a BC rich you know BC rich warlock shape guitar that's what I you know that's why I mean that was my first guitar when I was 12 it was barely playable I mean imagine 12 years old kid making a guitar so it was it was a beauty but but that was my first guitar you know I always wanted to be a guitar player and and I obviously did a lot of other things like a still interest I have many many interest and I'm you know we talked about it I'm doing a million things but yeah but but I was gonna be a scientist right so it's it's an interesting thing because the in the communist systems um what what they had this idea that you know like the utopia requires that everybody does what they would like to do in life or what they good at right and again the failure of that is like nobody's gonna you know want to be a sanitary what is it janitor janitor or whatever right so so there's so so when you look at it like well in utopia we all will do what we good at and what we would like to do this is what was sold to them to us right but yeah but who wants to be the janitor right so whose dream is done right so so but anyway but they still this was a system so they came to the schools and then they would put you to all kind of test and if you're physically strong they would throw you in a school that was you know for athletes and then you know and so they separate us and and I was picked for a school that was advanced math basically so I went to a school and I had two three math classes every day so it was just you know jamming it down and so I was gonna be a scientist I was super interesting not working on observatorium by the time when I was 14 and you know and so that was my jam it was you know I will do we are astrophysician particle scientists that was my you know and but music was to me music was always interesting because I thought well I'm manipulating the source code right everything is a vibration and everything is is everything you see everything you know it's all vibration this is this is like the spectrum of light right it's about you know that we have a spectrum that we can see but it's it's a waveform right and if you elevate this waveform right then that's radio waves and everything is waveform everything everything that matter is basically waveform right and I thought well a musician is manipulating the source code the waveforms we are creating harmonies and melodies you know and so so that was always even as a scientifically attuned kid I was always looking at music that way so I was about 12 when I made the guitar and then this this was always a thing like this is I can't even explain why I had this this this um this attraction to to music so it wasn't never like oh I'll be a rock star you know and it was it was that it was the music how you can you can create this piece of again it's vibration harmonies and I can create this harmonies and is this we call them songs and music but these patterns right that I can change somebody's mood I can change your that your how you feel physiologically so I can manipulate how you feel and what you think and and and because if I say if I tell your story right I can tell your story and it change your mind about certain things and you feel a certain way that is not as serious as I play your piece of music so actually change how you feel so you're not intellectually coming to a conclusion so if you intellectually came to a conclusion because I told you a story that's one thing but it's much deeper if I play the song and you actually feel a different way that's so much more so much deeper right and and I felt like that's that's that's the real magic you know what musicians do um imagine that you know I can play a song that gonna make you feel like I'm gonna go to the gym and or I can play your song that you're gonna feel melancholic about you know and there's a songwriter you know just imagine this I play a guitar if just to make it into an actual example I play a guitar if and I put a drum beat to this guitar if right and what I'm gonna do in the drum beat I'm gonna make it it's called Shuffle so that snare comes a little bit late not audible really but it's just a little bit late it just feels late so it's not obvious but it feels late and so that's gonna create kind of this groove you kind of just chilling you know and I'm gonna give you this feeling of relaxation like oh me just chilling that's just physiologically you feel like oh yeah you're jamming you know island music or you know now same guitar riff and I'm gonna quantize the drum so it comes exactly no time it's supposed to be right you're gonna feel and power oh I'm going to the gym like smart you know like it's I'm feeling diesel right that's a feeling I get now I'm gonna speed up the drum a little bit so the snare comes a little bit early right it's got I give I'm giving you a feeling of urgency and anxiety and this is just a feeling I didn't talk about you know minor chords that are generally sad major chords that are happy right and the color and the tone of the music right these are just the basic philosophysiological physiological feelings I'm giving you with music and I still didn't put lyrics on top on it that will also affect you that's why right so I so even as a young kid I understood that like man this is this is incredible it's an incredible tool of communication where you know when I can give you much more than just tell your story I can make you feel my story like a classical songwriters right when you know when take Vivaldi four seasons right famous piece okay if I play it to you 100% that you're gonna be able to tell me which one is spring which one is summer you will know how how do you know how did you feel that that's to me magic right and so I always looked at that and so this classical songwriters would write this music without vocalists right giving you a full story right and so like all these guys like the chikofsky's that you know if you if you look at you know uh Wagner right so almost like a war music music right so what what's there how how do you how do you how do you how do you communicate this through music just music and not to me was magic so that I wanted to be a musician I wanted to be a person who can you know paint the world for you and put you in a different mood and communicate stories because that's what this is so cool that's what I want you to be like can we just go in a room and just play me music man I just want to right but you don't say anything about the world like what is what is our world really about because because we have a very sophisticated and complex society right but really what this world is about we're living all our lives around a fireplace that was replaced by a television set but really what it is we're living around a fireplace and the elders telling new stories what are movies those are the stories but in a modern way what is television that is replaced the fire on the in the center you know the camp and you know and telling you stories everything is about telling you stories and everything else we do is just because we have to feed or stuff we have to feed or bodies we have to survive we have to defend and protect or or lives right but really everything revolves around the stories this is the human story that's what everything is about and be part of that be able to give you stories in a sophisticated way when you're not just being told the story but you feel it that's music fuck dude that's so awesome Joe's over there loving it that's so cool man well fuck we just stop the show yeah that's it right there yeah fuck yeah man I love that so yeah so yeah so that's how I started I was 12 and you know and then because I had so many just so many things that I wanted to do that's my biggest problem in life I don't have enough time man I need to read the thousand more books you know I need to learn a thousand more skills it's like my biggest strife in life I do I 100 years is not enough for me you can see that in your life you know you can see that I can you can I mean look at you dude you you you're look what you guys have done with five finger look at what look at look at what you've done with your education look at what you've done with your jiu jitsu you know look like you have an it's very obvious like right away I noticed this when we were talking before the show I was thinking I'm like this dude is ravenous for skill set and learning right like that's with a sense of urgency yeah right just think about it like I can relate to that yeah we have we have this limited time yeah this is a thing that pissing we don't know that cotton spire is either two things that pissing me off in the world but because nothing piss me off unless other than these two things right everything else is superficial but these two things I don't have enough time why am I limited to this 80 years 100 years whatever we can live that pissing me off and the other thing that pissing me off that doesn't matter how far I educate myself doesn't matter I could you know either go dance on a scientific intellectual way either pound of mushrooms doesn't matter I will never understand what the fuck is going on what is the universe is infinity and and what's happening like it's it's you know the human mind is not the device to deal with this like on the end we'll never drive on a car right it's you know I mean like we are not we're not evolutionally not there to even scratch the surface of what's happening what is this experience most of us are not even aware of our own ignorance right yes and these these are two things that just drives me crazy and so basically what I'm doing in life is like okay as many checkmarks I can you know so I have a I would say kind of a bucket list of both you know materialistically in some way intellectually and and and and I guess achievement wise like I want to achieve certain things like we were talking about cars earlier right yeah like okay we both have some cars yeah we go like you know nice cars and and even with that like okay do you really need this right like do I need a Ferrari to go to wherever I don't I can go to I can go to I can go to I can get a smart car and do whatever you know but but because when I was a kid right as a kid I looked at that and I wanted that right then when I look at those things I'm like okay I believe in this thing called that I call it that the cycle of fulfillment right I dreamt that that I want to be what I'm doing right now I dreamt it I wanted to do this I have a band to the world play music for millions of people right or in materialistic way I wanted certain things I have to check that I have to check market because what happens if you wanted like let's say go back with the car you wanted the car when you were a kid right as a kid we want everything right said because at that point when you're a kid you don't have the the adult hoods seriousness and some burners didn't see pin yet right like oh you can't have this you can't have that so as a kid you dream all these things and so in life you're going toward it and you try to achieve these things and then come get there get me a moment in life when you could actually do that right if you worked hard and you you know you know you pushed yourself you will probably get that right and there's that moment when oh I could actually get that car right or whatever it is and at that moment as an adult I have a million reasons to tell myself like I really need it is it you know I mean is it you know but I'm gonna get it because then I checked market so I didn't like to the little kid that I was me I didn't look the little kid's proud of you right that look it I was I didn't like to him I said we're gonna get that yeah so now I got it but most importantly what it did I trained myself that the ridiculous and impossible is in fact possible because because your mind can't make the difference like if my whole life I worked for something or I wanted my GGSU black bat I knew I'm gonna be a black bat it's not a question of if I will be just a question of time because I'm not gonna quit right so I know I'm gonna get it so so anything that I ever wanted I look at it in that way if um it was a ridiculous dream according to my surroundings right and then eventually I get to the point I achieved it I trained my mind that you believed in something that seemed ridiculous and you achieved it right eventually it becomes automatic so now you know I look at anything in life and I think oh yeah yeah I can do that whatever it is like I don't have I'll save that because there were so many of these things that I achieved that normally people would tell me that no no that's not possible right so that's why it's to me it's important like if I wanted that car I'll get that car check after that I can sell it but if I didn't get it then what did my mind learn my mind learned you dreamt it you worked hard for it and then there was a reason doesn't matter what reason there was a reason that you didn't get it right was it a right reason an intellectual reason like you don't need that to go to their grocery store or whatever driving around still you didn't get it right you find yourself an excuse why you didn't get it so I'm gonna delete the excuse I'm gonna get it just to make this cycle fool so now I fulfill that that the cycle nagging at rid of it if I wanted right because I did it most importantly I train myself that when you dream something it is in fact possible doesn't matter how ridiculous the dream is it is possible right and the most dangerous thing for for for anyone is you're so running telling you that it's not because they you know a no everybody wants you to be successful just not as to not more successful than they are that's a fact yeah it's not and you know and and they losing you you by you succeeding you become a different person you're not gonna be on the same vibration anymore than they are so you're pulling away so they losing so it's not not even necessary malicious when people tell you like oh you can't do that you can't become you can't build on right it's not even necessary malicious it's somewhat ignorance right they're own reflection of lack of self what would you call it trust in themselves right and and the fact that they're gonna be losing you because once you elevate you know they they have to hold their own or you're in a different circle right yeah man you know and so that's why I do all those things I think that's powerful that that's powerful point you're making bro that not many people talk about which is completing the cycle you know because if you if you do make these promises to yourself and then you get to a point and then you don't follow through on the execution of the goal that you actually set out to get you are definitely reprogramming yourself to think a couple different things one that you know it's your goals don't get fulfilled and if your goals don't get fulfilled how can you set new goals and be enthusiastic about them you see what I'm saying precisely yeah like dude that's a that's a great fucking point I mean look like it's very rare that I hear things for in a new way that I'm like damn that is fucking good that is awesome dude if you think about it like you look at you know like your mind and what that is right you have the most powerful computer known to man at this point my change but at this point the most powerful computer that is known to man is your mind and and you let it run and it's not it's unchecked right so there's there's this Eastern thought I was massively into you know and still name the book I read it Eastern philosophy right or Meso American philosophy but that's kind of my jam and so there's this thought of mindfulness right what mindfulness mean and and and how you live your way your life mindful and what it really means is that you know you know when you say like oh you know we're just popped in my mind okay nothing just pops in your mind your mind is a bullet train it's there's there's a thing called the train of taught the train of taught doesn't stop right you were just not aware of what you were thinking so you have this computer running in your head that you actually not aware of there is a because the structure of we have the body a mind and the watcher that is really you that the creature that drives the meat puppet right that's we can call it a soul or whatever we want to call it right and and the watcher is has a power that's a programmer that programs the mind and sets the goals and tells you what really to do which is the true Seth the mind is separate right because the mind can run around and do you know whatever this is how people get depressed what what happened you just let your mind go somewhere and then maybe it went through your threshold is almost too late to get it back right when you say like oh something just popped in my mind well where was your mind before you know you were not aware of how many times you drive home and you don't remember the way you drove home what happened like you were totally not aware of that you the way you drove home so your mind was wondering about right so this practice of mindfulness is is really that it's a spiritual practice where you are watching your mind and what it does right and try to gain full control over it right dots I think that is that that is a goal in in life to gain that kind of power to make you know to not let this powerful computer just just do whatever right and what we were talking about right now is is that but the mind is learning and it's extremely clever right and so so when you let it run unchecked or you training it certain things like what we talked about right now the the the cycle of full film and when you train it like dream work hard but then you didn't get that result or didn't get the the present on end of that you know you didn't fulfill the dream then you just you just you just train the computer a process that is that is detrimental to your future right you just trained it yeah and you reinforce it every time you don't follow through yeah whatever it's right 100% well man that's good shit you want to dip in the show yeah let's get it you want to go and do some cruising some crazy shit going on in the world there's always yeah man I'm trying to I'm trying that was really that's a lot that was awesome stuff yeah I love it yeah um guys remember if you want to see any of these pictures articles links videos go to Andy for seller.com you can find them there so with that being said let's just get into our first headline headline number one let's cover some of these abates so we had a third GOP debates here there's some interesting stuff going on there so let's let's let's talk about a little bit at um so this headline reads Democrat voters side with GOP candidates messages of strength on border national security quote tired of this really seems to be a very uh if someone say wake up really I wasn't aware of this really yeah I know I did I've been doing my stuff yeah bro like these last two weeks I've been you know she's been switching yeah really she's been switching yeah um so uh Democrats surprising reactions to the explosive third GOP primary debate raised eyebrows Thursday as voter dials indicated liberals resonated with messages of strength projected by Republican candidates um so for example Ryan DeSantis Republicans gave him an A independence gave him a C plus and Democrats gave him a C minus it's the highest grades ever received from Democrats at all usually they give us all F's but um Tim Scott um he talked about the uh invasion in our southern border and how we had sleeper terrorist cells inside the country um Democrats gave uh gave him a C the independence gave him a B plus and Republicans gave him an A minus um you got uh Chris Christie uh he talked about taking down TikTok removing that from society um shockingly Democrats gave him an A well that's not shocking now that makes sense yeah they gave it he is a fucking devil is a Democrat yeah sure I gave it um we get Republicans gave him a C now here's the interesting thing because there was some heat coming out of these debates um that had been going around a little bit so one of the first ones I thought this was was interesting this how line reads uh the vague Ramaswami slams Ukrainian president Zalinsky with Nazi reference now this is in some left-leaning news articles okay um so let's talk about just a little bit so the vague Ramaswami slammed Ukrainian president Vladimir Zalinsky in blistering remarks at Wednesdays Republican presidential debate making a Nazi reference and calling Zalinsky a quote comedian and cargo pants uh during an exchange on uh about whether he would support sending additional support to Ukraine Ramaswami an aggressive critic of USAID and the war between Ukraine and Russia said he was quote absolutely unpersuaded by Zalinsky's call for more help before he launched into a sharply worded broadside uh against Zalinsky in his government quote Ukraine is not a paradigm of democracy Ramaswami said quote it is threatened not to hold elections this year unless the US forks over more money that is not democratic it is celebrated a Nazi in its ranks the comedian and cargo pants the man called Zalinsky doing it in their own ranks swamaswami continue that is not democratic um and the article goes on trying to get him you know I don't think what he said was was outlandish at all um but here was the interesting the article finishes the last line of the article it reads Zalinsky who was Jewish has said it's great uh his great grandparents were killed when the Nazis set their village on fire during World War II now I thought this was just interesting because obviously there's a lot of interesting things going on in the world with picking sides but this main theme of like anti-Semitism keeps popping up um and I saw this video I thought was super interesting from Matt Gaetz I saw this right all right you know Matt Gaetz Zalinsky yeah so here's the video let's watch this real quick I think it was Dr. Nadel is it possible to criticize George Soros without being anti-Semitic I don't know all the all the tropes the people used to associate with George Soros but when they talk about oh no no no no no no no not when they talk about some else it is is criticism against George Soros ever not anti-Semitic that's the question um Ms. Burdett is offered to answer no no but you mentioned Mr. Soros I want you to answer this is there's no phone a friend here in the judiciary committee what happened what has happened in the United States is that we use different code words right no I'm not that's not the question no wait I'm answering your question we use different code words to disguise anti-Semitism and so Soros has become the code word that replaced Rothschild but is it possible to criticize and without being anti-Semitic yes or no I don't know the context I'm not going to talk about knowing that that is just an astonishing thing and similarly you said any critique of globalism is anti-Semitic now that really is an Austin Powell no what I said was that the word globalist I didn't say any critique of globalism what I said was the word globalist had become the new code word but it's not I'm the internationalist code word from the previous but it's you you ascribe that motive see when I criticize globalism I'm often criticizing the UN which then in turn goes around and criticizes Israel so if if critiquing a globalist entity that criticizes Israel is anti-Semitic why use the word globalist instead of the UN what because the UN's goals are to have a global order over things that deprived countries of their sovereignty one of those countries is Israel that is that is the great hypocrisy of what I think is frankly a reverse trope that any criticism of sorrows or any criticism of globalism is somehow anti-Semitic sometimes they're just criticisms of sorrows and of globalism I see my times expired now you'll bet yeah I just don't like and people can't really explain it doesn't mean you can't explain it it's very easy to explain these people try to control the language and they use the language to use their defense system so you can't criticize them for what the fuck they're doing that's it's very easy what they're doing now he's called this is what I've been saying for years on the show this this this situation of you know if you criticize me your anti black people or if you criticize me your anti-Jewish or your anti this talk about crime you hate black people that's right and this is this is the fact that she's up there saying that these are code words shows you their intent to control the language and that there is direct intent to create a certain outcome based upon the words that are used all right and so when you say oh the sorrows has become a co-word for Jews that's that so we can't criticize anything this person fucking does right like that that's bullshit all right and and do it so I can't say statistical realities that 13% of black Americans make up 50% plus of the violent crime how can we solve the problem if we can't speak the actual facts it doesn't make me a racist to say hey we've got a violent crime problem uh inside the black community all we do well who's committing it oh we can talk about it right that makes sense or you're you're you're just racist yeah this is how problems continue right and these people are very aware of how they use language to defend their positions and then commit crimes against everybody else and really who should be the most mad about this situation when it comes to anti-Semitism are the regular Jewish people that have no idea that these criminals hide behind them and and hide their evil crimes and the corruption and the things they do behind anti-Semitic labels when in reality those crimes that they're committing are hurting the actual Jewish people and we're seeing it in society right now we're seeing regular Jew people get fucking beat up or are hitting the head with bricks and shit and the reason this is happening is not because of you know it's not because the the anti-Semitic people are doing this it's because evil motherfuckers are allowing regular Jew people to take the fucking brunt of the evil that they do because they're calling any criticism of their evil anti-Semitic so then the people hear that and then they attack regular Jewish people does that make sense absolutely that's how I see it man it's just the language what you know the war on language man it's all time have you ever I mean like look this there's an irony to this already because you know like he's you know it's already verbal digit you could just easily say that hey can I criticize George Soros with that you know without connecting him to any sort of race or you know created religion yeah I have a problem if I had a problem with what he's doing then I could can I just say hey man this is not cool that is not cool right and then with that doesn't matter who he is where he came from what read what race whatever right but instead of that it's kind of like a gotcha thing you know I mean like the even these guys sitting in in Congress or sitting in the house and then they kind of doing verbal Jewish against each other that we both know that one one a set of the other one right and like so so the communication is already money it's not clear because because it became like oh I got you I gotcha instead of like okay let's talk about what you know it could have been not simple hey we need to criticize somebody can we just it doesn't matter what race what create the criticizing what he's doing if you know in this case and and I think a lot of this this is you know bread and circus is man that's theater yeah yeah do we have to be able to say what the problems are without these racial undertones or attachments or yeah dude otherwise the problems can't get solved and if we really say that we care about these problems then whenever like for example I the the black crime problem is a problem that I care about because I live in St. Louis which is one of the highest crime cities in the whole country okay when I look at black Americans I don't think of them as black Americans I just think of them as like fellow Americans man these are American people and if we're looking at a group of people and I can point at them and say hey we got a crime problem over here with this segment of the people and I get called racist for pointing that out when in reality I just want to fucking solve the problem well how can we ever solve the problems you know what I mean we have to be able to say this is what this is this is what that is this is who's doing that without being these these big generalization identity identity politic labels man yeah no none of them none of this is accidental you know oh no for sure not accidental America is under attack um American democracy American ideas and ideas are under attack I mean this is in a textbook divide and conquer you know so this is financed you know these these these things are planned and financed so I think that's the biggest issue that there is a there's an economic and an ideology ideological war happening right on and covered war you know and they're definitely the dollars in it is under attack right and so most of the things manifest this way right a unified country is is very difficult to take down so this is this is as I said textbook divide and conquer this is this is we are busy with with some you know some some made up stuff like for some racism you know that's that I think is a way way overblown and almost artificially created you know it's no doubt it's it's definitely something that it looks like a a side up right I mean the order is these people yeah yeah but the day every race have races people the real data supports what you're saying you know but but that's definitely not not the major it and definitely not the vast majority so we you know so this is just amplified to create a division right again divided people are easier to deal with this is again textbook america and america ideology and both what this is and economically it is under attack and and nobody you know if you're not openly talking about what the real problem is you know then this is exactly what's happening we we're dealing with this got chalk questions who's you know who can get who you know there's a lot of theater to this right more and then more likes and you're busy with with with with some made up problems and some problems that are amplified to look like problems versus what is really going on yeah that's great man I agree with you a million percent yeah you know that was a couple other hits I don't know if you guys saw the his attack on a random manual yeah it was a video yeah it was fucking great yeah do you have it I do have it yeah you know they are like I mean we we so we've had Vivek on the show right and it's just like I mean there seems to be like this like resurgence of him because he did disappear for for a little bit like I mean whether it was the polls or it's just kind of seem like he kind of well he's like he's he's coming back out swinging like Vivek is a smart dude yeah we both met him we spent time with them the guy's smart he's not dumb when he's doing is responding to the criticisms of what he he's been plate would have been placed on him yeah you know everybody kept saying to him he's too polished he reminds me of a finance politician he reminds me of a Republican Obama and you know what I think he started to realize that was hurting him and you know he hadn't said this to me or anything but I'm just making some assumptions from observation sure what he did last night was go up there and say it what I think is exactly what's happening and what I think everybody is observing what's happening which honestly nobody's saying and he said it in front of the entire world on NBC which was you know that's the liberal audience of the United States and I think he realizes that the only chance he has is to be real and to say the real shit and he said it and it was awesome there's fucking great here's the video guys Swami let me turn to you please make your case why would you why should you be the nominee and not the former president I think there's something deeper going on in the Republican party here and I am upset about what happened last night we've become a party of losers at the end of the day was a cancer the Republican establishment let's speak the truth I mean since Ronald McDaniel took over as chairwoman of the RNC in 2017 we have lost 2018 2020 2022 no red wave that never came we got trounced last night in 2023 and I think that we have to have accountability in our party for that matter on if you want to come on stage tonight you want to look the GOP voters in the eye and tell them you resign I will turn over my yield my time to you and frankly look the people they're cheering for losing in the Republican party think about who's moderating this debate this should be Tucker Carlson Joe Rogan and Elon Musk we'd have ten times the viewership asking questions the GOP primary voters actually care about bringing more people into our party doing the Democrats and we've got Christian Walker here doing the Democrats would actually hire Greg Gutfeld to host a democratic debate they wouldn't do it and so the fact that matters I mean Christian I'm going to use this time because this is actually about you in the media and the corrupt media establishment ask you the Trump Russia collusion hoax that you pushed on this network for years was that real or was that Hillary Clinton made up this information answer the question go Mr. Rogan this is how we get our country back look at that fucking smile we need accountability because this media rigged the 2016 election they rigged the 2020 election with a hundred Biden laptop story and they're going to rig this election your time is up let me turn to Governor Krusty why won't you even answer the question no because our pieces shit won't even answer the question man and then just follow notes on this you know they've been trying to get Trump off the ballot in a few states this headline reads Minnesota Supreme Court dismisses insurrection clause challenge to keep Trump off states primary ballot so yeah the high court just ruled it yeah no he has to stay on the ballot because there is no no claim for their for their calls so yeah so I mean that's wrapping up the debate calls man you final thoughts on this topic I thought the vape did awesome I thought you did great I don't care where anybody thinks about him I thought he did awesome that's what needs to be said that's the real shit because even that alone you mean what honestly though like what we really need is a revolution yeah let's be real these guys are gonna fucking cheat again that's what I think we got we got to have a Zoltan playing that uh that made the monster me the monster when it happens that's right that's gonna be me the monster is going to be a theme song for the revolution fuck yeah yeah we know doubt man we're playing that out enough speakers in my tank the the biggest issue is you know you don't see the hands you don't see the players that these are not the players right what you what you what again circus and you know this is circus you don't see the real causes of things you don't see what is finance and why you know you don't actually even see the reasons why things are happening I mean the intermediary it can easily easily you know manipulate the public opinion that this is this is a you know 21st century media is it like dream come true for you know people who want to rule the world because it's the easiest thing anything can be light about you and the public we believe it nobody will dig deep enough to see if it's true or not we live on headlines true or not accept it as fact so the real problem is that I think the real players are not visible the real reasons why this is happening is not visible even you know we talk about like say globalism like what is that really about right or the southern border why is it really open you know and what countries have what interest you know what what is uh you know what's the situation in Russia and in Ukraine really you know like it's you know can you really put a country under embargo when you're still buying oil for them you know right you know there is you know that the real the real questions don't really come up right so so the biggest issue is that I think it's just simply nobody knows the players nobody knows what actually is happening so the only thing you can do is really is is grab on to what you do know right which is your first amendment rights your second amendment that makes sure the first is in place right yeah so you know the the constitution was was created for a reason you know this this is not an accidental you know and it was amended obviously so you know people talk about this right and so so in this chaos I think the only thing you can really do that that you have to look at the things that you know and can somewhat control as a society right and you have to ensure that like I think the biggest issue is why this is happening is because the first amendment is already eroded absolutely that's why nobody can tell the truth how it is so once people can't tell the truth what we end up with this circus this this this this hazy idea everybody's guessing what's going on because because people are not going to step out even journalists investigative journals they're very careful about what they're going to say what they're going to write everything investigative journalists exist anymore they do but you know some of them are dead now you know because they were good so that's the game so so what the most important part is really that that's the absolute number one and most important issue is the first amendment I should be able to say anything I want doesn't matter who with upsets right and how it makes you feel yeah like fuck George Soros dot whatever you want to say you should be able to say that without the punishment right and if that is eroded then the truth slips and then we end up in the circus then nobody can point that like what is really going so you don't know the facts yeah none of us you know we kind of you know and if you start digging Nana you are a conspiracy theorist right and the difference between like you know the joke the difference between truth and conspiracy six months six months right that's that's that's the meme now and unfortunately becoming true right and and that's so you know us people of this country as people who who believe in this country and believe in what this the future of this right what you have to do is is reinforce and fight for the things you know for a fact and you can fight for these are conversations that we don't necessarily know we don't know the hands we don't know who plays who pays for what you don't know the players there are so many nasty like his chess right his chess games and you don't know the players you don't even know the rules but the things we know is this first amendment and the second amendment and our entire constitution really but the first amendment is what's slipping that is the absolute cause of all this and you cannot really say what you want to say can you go right now and treat something that you really want to eat or X now whatever the name of it can you really do that you think twice you definitely think twice but no it takes courage right you know like we're at that we're at the cusp in my opinion and I agree with what you're saying like let's say between my hands here is the first amendment right and it exists it's healthy this is this is how it's supposed to be and what what I see is the the internet social media technology and cancel culture political correctness and a lot of these social initiatives have squeezed and squeezed and squeezed and squeezed and we still have a little bit left right and to your point yes we have to think about it right we hesitate but we still have enough left that if enough people start to speak up we can push the gap back to where it needs to be and that's been the message that I've been trying to share for years now a lot of people hear people on a podcast or on TV or Elon Musk or Joe Rogan or whoever right speak and they think because those guys speak that they don't have to speak but what they don't realize is that you because you guys are not participating you're not sharing the message you're not like I have so many people that tell me you know I can't share the show because of so and like look dude that you're part of the problem and I might say and share the show but at least share the message if you believe it and if we if we don't get everybody to stand up and fill this gap and push it back out this will collapse and we will have to use our second amendment rights and and that's how I see it that's what I've been seeing the whole time I think we're still in a position where if enough people would just speak up we could push this back out to where it needs to be and we do have politician standing up for free speech you know we've got Eric Schmidt here in Missouri Andrew Bailey here in Missouri that are running the lawsuit that's been accepted by the Supreme Court that bans the government from dictating to the social media companies what they can and can't say and also I think it has some limitations section 230 as well which you know is what allows these companies to do these internal censoring but if you think about it bro we haven't had the social media but for 12 15 years and it's a new technology right and and there was never any real rules put in place with that technology very similar to what the internet e-commerce was when the internet started you know a lot of people look at Amazon and they say holy shit Amazon bezos is a genius I'm not saying he's not a genius but he also had 15 years where he had to penny tax okay so he he's being what you grow without that well exactly so you're giving a company I'm just using this as an example of what's going on free speech the technology so new that nobody thought out to how to regulate that technology and because they became so successful and had so much money very quickly they were able to pay to keep these regulations from actually happening and so like do when I look back at Amazon because I've been in business you know not as long as Amazon but close to it you know I want to retail brick and mortar business that employs real people all right and this entire time you know and then we've expanded into other companies but that entire time here I am a small main street American trying to grow a business and these guys back in the day Amazon didn't compete on on convenience they competed on price and so that you could literally order anything off of Amazon back then and it would be 10 to 15 percent cheaper because they didn't have to collect tax or pay tax okay so they're employing less people because their shit is all automated all right then main street America and then the government is allowing them to have a 10 percent price advantage over the rest of the economy and that that now that's changed now now they have to collect and all those things but for 15 years what kind of gap could you widen out if you didn't have to pay that extra 10 percent well the answer is when you look at Amazon you could see it because they yes Bezos was a very smart dude he's a brilliant guy he's built an amazing business I he worked within the regulations of the law totally get it totally get it not hating on the dude but what I'm saying is because there was no regulation to to put in place in the beginning to compensate for that now we have a disproportionate advantage that those companies have over small businesses that I don't really see how can be corrected without deregulation like we had deregulation of the phone industry in the 80s right right where they break it apart we have monopolies forming because these these things are not they were not regulated from the start and so when we look at free speech it's very similar free speech these guys were allowed to basically censor on their own platforms and as they've grown and become bigger and bigger and bigger they've captured more and more and more of the conversation and so while while free speech exists outside of social media where the actual conversations are happening they're free to censor however they want and the government's been free to do whatever they want to dictate to them how they do it and these guys in on top of that use their own technology like bots and people inside their companies to prop up social narratives that go along with the narratives they believe I mean there's no mistake that mark why Mark Zuckerberg gave you know what was a four hundred four I think four hundred million dollars to the democratic campaign in 2020 so he reflects those viewpoints inside of the rules of his organization not the not the standards of what American culture should be and the problem becomes when the culture shifts into these technology platforms and they're able to basically operate as a communist country inside these platforms well it is it certainly looks like it but you know a couple of things that that you were saying one yes we did not yet reach critical mass yet so so there is still some free speech and and so there is still some room communism could not exist if there was free speech you know that's just no way that was one of the requisite of for you know any dictatorship can't really exist if there is free speech so at this moment we didn't reach critical mass there is you know we still have some room so the social media I think it's not that the social media caused it it's it's more like the social media was the first time where sort of everybody kind of had a voice and then it very quickly became obvious like do you really have a voice right because before that you know you had you had you know like a semi-dia so you know we not necessarily were aware or many people were not necessarily aware of the operations that was going on that there is like a semi-dia controlled right because with like a semi-dia before you know television radio or you can you know what day whatever they say is the truth right and yeah we don't really know you don't you know yeah right so but with social media I was suddenly instead of controlling you know a handful of corporations that own that like a semi-dia now you have to control millions of people that's very difficult right and so then the social media was that kind of some some a blue the lid off of these things because obviously everybody immediately started you know tell their truth and then the information and a lot of information is now out there and so in that moment what you're gonna do you have to control the company is that control the platform yeah so when we talking about you know again I don't want to get into too much in that conspiracy theory but just just but just for the you know just for the conversations say right so we we we we view for example like you know let's say Facebook or Zuckerberg does this and not okay well that's one guy with a family that is this easy to threaten you don't know what how he really figures how do you know that he wasn't threatened well you see that too no bro or back to go back to 2000 I think that's how they control all these people I think that's at my point yeah yeah Facebook stuff a little different go back to 2004 did you know that there was the the CIA operation life life log or yeah yeah it's what's called life log and the very next day after they stopped at Facebook started right right so that does make me like again we don't see the hands you don't see the well you can kind of see that from Zuckerberg to brother like when you watch him watch what he's doing now like when I because dude you're an observer of people I'm an observer of people you know when I when I watch Zuckerberg for the you know the outside of the last two years okay his whole life up until the last two years he's just a computer nerd tech geek like billionaire right he's he's fucking Mark Zuckerberg now all the sudden like people have started to identify the damage that has been done by his platforms and they really fucking started hating them and then you see him come out on Rogan and he does that interview with Joe Rogan where he's like yeah man the FBI called us dude and they told us to do this and this and this and and then out now all the sudden he's in a jujitsu and he's doing all this like these are things that you would do to kind of show the world more of yourself and like he can't come out and be like guys I actually agree with you they're threatening me or they're blackmailing me he can't do that but what he can do is he can show sides of himself then make him seem more human and more real and and one thing that you know I have empathy for any human I mean dude like this guy was a billionaire 23 years old how the fuck do you even deal with that like that's a that's a hard thing for people think of all the success that you've had and think of having that at 19 or 20 years old right like that and then multiply it times billions of dollars like that's a big that's a lot of shit to shoulder man as a young man and you're highly like dude you know how many times in my my journey of life I've been taken advantage of by people who I thought were there to help me I mean dude I could make the I mean you've seen it the list is a fucking hundred miles long this is why I stayed at home census list dude if you want to go for a conspiracy I mean like look you know whatever I'm gonna say gonna be used and against me and twist it into different headlines so I have to be very careful by might put on that the hand myself look here's here's the thing like because again we don't know we don't know the hands we don't know the players right but if you think about it the backbone of America the reason that this this economy then this society exists the way it exists is because there are millions of millions of businesses holding this economy up right so and then you start looking like what's happening lately all these small businesses we don't have to even get into if you all know what we're talking about these all these small businesses were taken at and disappeared and restaurants close and you know so if the backbone of America which is millions of people who have the private sector holding it up if that private sector disappears what's left you're gonna have the Walmart's the Amazon's that the big ones right that means only a handful of companies exist now right if the middle America and the private business owner goes away and everything is constantly dated out of a sudden you have let's say a hundred companies not running this country I can myself alone I can try to a hundred people right so if you can you know you can't threaten the million American business owners but if there's this if this is boiled down to just a hundred companies now I agree with you can go to every single one of those company owners and say you're gonna do this now or else right you control the country yeah so if I want to be a conspiracy theory that's I was you know if I was a if I had you know aspiration to become some kind of a warlord or you know what I mean to take over a country that's why I would do it right then I have to consolidate the powers to small groups that I can control I can't control millions I can't control the other something million people right and millions of businesses but if we knock out the backbone and it's only a few companies right how many social media platforms are there and that matters right how do you know that jack Dorsey you don't know anything about jack Dorsey right it was that head of Twitter right you don't know who the guy is how he feels like you don't know was he threatened did he have to do about he did or was it his you know I can tell you yes you don't know that that's me like we don't see the hands well what I here's what I would do if I was gonna take over a country I would invent a virus that was pretty benign and I would get all the businesses to close and I would allow the my friends businesses the ones that are important to stay open okay and then I would destroy those businesses and then before I destroyed those businesses I would come up with a little operation where you know I found this really rich dude who was like good looking and like very famous and had his own island and then I would like go around to these people and I would invite them to my island and then when they came to my island I would have underage girls serving drinks and hang out with them and do whatever they want and I would videotape all of it right and then what I would do is after they left the island I would call them back up and I would send them a little video of what they did on the island and I would say guess what you're gonna do what I say and then when the public caught on to what's going on with the island I would never ever ever release the names and I would start wars and start division and create problems so that people forgot about this thing that's what I would do right again that's yeah you don't you don't know the hands that's a crazy idea right now you know right now like most people are gonna go like oh that's crazy conspiracy right but there are many you know like operation marking that was denied it did it exist right MK Ultra was denied did it exist yes you know paper all those things operations existed so you know and here's the thing that's just America yeah you have no idea what's happening on that on the road scale dude I talked to some high level dudes that I know from three letter agencies that are out of three letter agencies I'm not gonna say who but they flat out you were there flat out told me and him to our fucking face that the reason that Epstein the island is not being known public is because they have more of them and that's how they use them to extract information from other from the assets of other countries right like you just straight up to our face fucking told us that and this and that's those are two dudes they fucking know so and you know you never you never know the names you never know who is who are the people who really own this planet and who will run the show yeah you'll never know yeah well guys jump in on the comments let us know what you guys think about this conversation so far use hashtag round three fight let us know down in the comments so with that being said man let's keep this show moving and number two reads broken borders AP and Reuters pictures of Hamas atrocities raise ethical questions now this is something that's been trending it's it's very very interesting let's dive into it and let's see what we got on this so this is from the honesty project okay or honest reporting okay put this article out it says on October 7th Hamas terrorists were not the only ones who documented the war crimes they had committed during their deadly rampage across southern Israel some of their atrocities were captured by Gaza based photo journalist working for the associated press and Reuters news agencies who early morning presence at the breached border area raised serious ethical concerns what would they do when they're so early on what would ordinarily have been a quiet Saturday morning was it coordinated with Hamas did the respectable wire services which published their photos approve of their presence inside enemy territory together with the terrorist infiltrators did the photo journalists who freelance for other media like CNN and the New York times notify these outlets judging from the pictures of lynchings kidnappings and storming of an Israeli caboose it seems like the border has been breached not only physically but also journalistically and so they've been putting out this stuff right and so they send the four names appear on AP's photo credits from the Israel Gaza border area on October 7th Hassan, Islam, Yusuf, Mesut, Ali, Mahmoud and Hatim Ali right and these are some of the pictures we've all seen these pictures going around how did these journalists how were they there the very moment this thing kicked off inside of enemy lines that's the big question that honest reporting went after and sought after and so the internet's on fire right now with all of this honest reporting is obtained screenshots of as lia's now removed tweets on x and which he documented itself standing in front of the Israeli tank he did not wear a press vest or a helmet and the Arabic caption of this tweet read quote live from inside the Gaza strip settlements now shortly after the publication of this article the article continues says we were alerted to footage of Hassan's lia next to Israeli's tank in addition a photo has surfaced showing as lia with Hamas leader and mastermind of the October 7th massacre yayas and wa is the tweet of that so this guy is a freelance journalist who works mostly for AP news Reuters CNN New York Times and here he is seconded picture you know with the leader of Hamas kissing him on the cheek so this is going around net and yahu jumped in on this conversation net and yahu demands answers from CNN New York Times AP Reuters on embedded Hamas photographers in a statement the national public diplomacy directorate of the prime minister's office demanded action by news agencies they said quote the national public diplomacy directorate in the prime minister's office views with utmost gravity that photojournalists working with international media joined in covering the brutal acts of murder perpetuated by Hamas terrorists on Saturday October 7th in the communities adjacent to the Gaza strip these journalists were accomplices and crimes against humanities their actions were contrary to professional ethics overnight the government press office issued an urgent letter to the bureau chiefs of the media organizations that employ these photographers and sought clarifications on the matter now of course the AP news they had no knowledge of any of it Reuters jumped in on the same conclusion and no one else at this time of recording has responded on it we got anything on this yeah I mean look with that defending any sides one of the most famous picture in the world is in 1962 pick one Duke is a monk emulated himself it's a very famous photo everybody seen it probably right it's on it isn't it on the cover raging against machine it was yeah it was it was a very famous photo it was on every you know newspaper at the time very very famous right in fact I think um was the reason that the I think Kennedy um passed some some kind of an international wasn't a law but sort of an ask about human rights or something like that happened because of this picture but you know a lot of people journalists two pictures of this event right now um why he did it and what this monk did is a whole different discussion and we could get into it another time so do you think that the journalist that show up to take picture of this even knew what was about to happen they were not told right so yeah I'm not defending anything here I definitely want to stay away from that but it is it a possibility that somebody just told this journalist like hey be here some you know some respected or or a higher ranking officer or a person in this you know organization in Hamas told them like hey be here because there's something important we want to tell you and they would be there yeah that could be a million thanks right so it can meet us I mean so before before anybody jumps the conclusion that's I mean like we never see the hand yeah who's doing what and why so so just like when in in the in the case of the emulation there were the journalists they had no idea what was about to happen they were told to come here something important gonna happen and there was the emulation would would this try to stop that or you know there's no idea so you know this is this is this is the problem in the world everybody's jumping to conclusion and unfortunately we just don't know the truth right so these journalists maybe just what told like hey be here something important gonna be done and they were there they probably didn't know what was actually what is actually gonna happen so there's that's one possibility now you know there's obviously other possibilities where they cohorts in this maybe but we don't know that right but there's just that other side like I learned this now you know in in life that that so many times what you're looking at most of the times where you look at it is not actually what is happening it's it's most of the things are theater and and you don't see the hands you don't see the lines you don't see the powers that you know the makers and the movers you don't see them right so you know so there is that explanation that could have happened that these guys were just told be here something important gonna go down and they had no idea what what that was that's one possibility yeah it's also a possibility that you know Netanyahu ignored calls from Egypt tell him that there was an imminent Hamas attack for 10 days before it actually happened in the most secure border of any country in the world and that's possible too I mean there's I mean no we don't know and there isn't enough information here to fucking say so definitively yeah but it is it's uh it is weird to see like real press like right there as they're like fucking killing people I mean do they're at the like there I mean there's some of these pictures there literally at the gate yeah like moments before it gets going yeah yeah there's not enough information no here I mean I still want to know how they were informed by multiple different information sources prior to the actual attack and these people were allowed to hang glide in like I would I would I'm more interested in that answer yeah you see the journalist there's there's a there's a weird you know there's a weird blur line there you know any morality and your job it's really really bizarre like if you look at you know if you look at the guys who are shooting I don't know national geographic right and then animals softer and die front of them and they don't interfere because they look at I'm a journalist and this is nature and it will happen the way it happened and there was that very famous picture of a low african kid that was really thin and and ended up dying of starvation right and the journalist who took the picture of this kid won some massive awards and in the eventually ended up committing suicide because like bro you were right there and you didn't do anything so if somebody falls in the water are you gonna jump and pull them out or take pictures you know I mean so this you know so journalists have already bizarre position in the world because you know are you telling the story or are you interfering and so are you part of the story so are you part of the story so so this you know they they've been taught their whole career that you you're not the story just record the story and then somehow in there it's a possibility that the morality slips but you forget that hey hey hey you know you could have saved this kid you could have saved it anymore you could have pulled that guy out of the water you could have interfered and and for some weird reason you something in your head was misaligned and and you were consenting on your job and forgot which one is more important you know so there there is that to like there's a weird that's a great point you know there's a weird you know alignment with in with journalists like how they see the world yeah yeah guys let us know what you think on that topic jumping on that conversation yeah I'm curious to see what you guys think yeah I am curious so let us know for sure yeah well let me say let's get to our third and final headline headline number three headline number three reads house GOP subpoenas hunter Biden in a impeachment inquiry it could you finally game it's here yeah so house Republicans have subpoenas hunter and James Biden the son and brother of the president a dramatic escalation of their impeachment inquiry oversight committee chair James Comer on Wednesday issued the legal demand that the two Biden's appear for closed door interviews with his panel Comer also subpoena rob walker a hunter Biden business associate and requested voluntary interviews with five other people such as Sarah Biden who is James Biden's wife and Haley Biden the widow of the president's late son bow Biden it's the first time house Republicans have directly tried to compel testimony from members of the Biden family as part of their months long investigation which former speaker Kevin McCarthy escalated to an impeachment inquiry in September while Comer has previously held closed door interviews with hunter Biden business associates much of his investigation so far has focused on gathering and analyzing bank records so comers demanding that walker appear behind closed doors with the panel on November 29th James Biden on December 6th and Hunter Biden on December 13th according to copies of the subpoenas and comers suggested he's willing to try to hold anyone who doesn't comply with the summons and contempt so here's the thing so his lawyers Hunter Biden's lawyers agree to it but it's a little it's a little weird so they made the statement they said uh this is from ab low uh lowell one of uh Hunter Biden's attorneys he says quote this is yet another political stunt aimed at distracting from the glaring failure of representative Comer and his MAGA allies approve a single one of their wild and now discredited conspiracies about the Biden family nevertheless hunter is eager to have the opportunity in a public form and at the right time to discuss these matters with the committee little said but it's weird because it's like you know they're saying one thing but then there's they're doing other things behind so we got this that came out White House you know obviously they're gonna try to smash it down now the White House immediately objected on Wednesday to house oversight committee chair James Comer issuing subpoenas for the Biden family to testify under oath in December calling the subpoenas quote nasty personal smears so this guy one of our favorite guys this is Ian Sam's who in his ex bio says that he's a White House spokesman for oversight and investigations okay so he responded to this tweet where this person tweeted out any grayer said as I scoop scope the subpoenas to Biden family were coming today here's the full list of subpoenas right and reads off all the names he responded this he says quote Haley Biden is the widow of the presidents to see son bow Elizabeth secundi is her sister Melissa Cohen is the president's daughter-in-law they're all private citizens he won't be but Comer should be ashamed of desperately resorting to nasty personal smears like this and just you know I remember when they put family on trial and there was no issues with that from committee cabinets you know like they did Trump's family and Trump's daughter they're still doing it they're still doing it yeah is that a nasty personal smear right like I mean there's maybe it's just both sides but here's the whole it's not both sides it's these fucking people think that they can do whatever the fuck they want and then when someone else does it to them it's a fucking travesty it's a problem it's the problem dude it's the problem with victim culture as a whole in this country right now it's okay it's cool the vibe it's cool for me to call you every name in the book but when you call me it's abuse you see what I'm saying right safe space right but here's the weird thing so you know that that a hunter's attorney made that statement but at the same exact time he made that statement apparently he wrote a 12 page letter to the new speaker of a house to ask him to pack off I like it doesn't scream desperation doesn't scream desperate yeah well don't really do it please don't make us do it yeah yeah the words that he used to were very interesting so in a 12 page letter date at Wednesday lawyer ablox Johnson to use his quote newly minted leadership post responsibly and to quote think twice about stoking the spectacle taking place on Capitol Hill over the past year now I'm not one I'm not a lawyer but I mean that that sounds like a fucking mafia threat almost let me tell them people to think twice I mean I mean that's what you're dealing with that's what we've been talking about we've been talking about people that are willing to do whatever they want at whatever expense threaten whoever they want blackmail whoever they want do whatever they want this is why when I continue to say like they're not going to let anybody else take power from here on out because these people have committed such grievous crimes that they know they'll be held responsible so when you know that your ass is on the line what are you not willing to do to stay in power you're willing to do whatever it takes that includes blackmail that includes threatening that includes murder that includes anything that includes burning the fucking country to the ground that includes creating a covid fucking pandemic and actually you know I mean dude listen nothing's off the table I I've been saying this for years I don't think that they plant I think they're getting they're coming to the conclusion that the only way that they can maintain power and escape accountability is by somehow creating a situation that's so bad that we don't even have elections that's my personal opinion which is war yeah right exactly if you're getting to award then right yeah and you see that happening over in Ukraine right now it's it's like Solinsky saying this is no time for elections they're gonna pull the same play here dude it's exactly what what what you said it's like personal you know a lot of personal things are going on it's war right it's basically a political personal chess game being played at front of the people and nothing's off the table this is about the real power you know and if that tale has to back the dog then that's what's gonna happen yeah guys jump in on this conversation let us know what you guys think down in the comments hashtag please don't make me let me know what you guys think that's what that being said man so that was a third of final headline it's time for a final segment of the show as always we have thumbs up or dumb as fuck this is a great one we gotta go down south and we're heading to Florida all right all right Florida is my favorite place for it listen I think we we we're actually got to go there huh we got to go there we are Florida man but from Missouri yeah so just not cracker dials is like pit bulls and shit yeah yeah and little snakes right well yeah right so I thumbs up or dumb as fuck headline reads first ever Florida man games will feature beer belly wrestling and evading arrest obstacle course this is a real fucking thing oh I mean dude we could do the evading arrest obstacle course right here in St. Louis that's where you should come train that's where you guys should come train bro yeah yeah so this is the real thing so so it ain't the the zapy article reading it ain't the Olympics but a group of Floridians plan to host competitions themed according to the collective antics of the beer loving gator possessing rap sheet heavy mullet wearing social media phenomenon known as Florida man organizers of the Florida man games describe the competition as quote the most insane athletic showdown on earth that's a hell of a statement the games will poke fun at florida's reputation for producing strange news stories involving guns drugs booze and reptiles or some combination of the four among the contest plan for next February in St. Augustine Florida according to organizers are the evading arrest obstacle course in which contestants jump over fences and through yards while being chased by real police officers the category five cash grab in which participants try to grab as much money and a wind blowing booth and the self explanatory beer belly wrestling quote this isn't just a competition it's a one of a kind Floridian spectacle organizer set of the games the Florida man concept crept into the nation's consciousness a decade ago with the at underscore Florida man Twitter account the account with the tagline real life stories from the world's worst superhero has been home to headlines such as quote Florida man fire bombs garage that impounded his car hits his own vehicle and quote Florida man tried to pay for McDonald's with weed now tickets are 45 bucks that's a fair trade what's that McDonald's for weed oh 100% I give you a McDonald's for weed all day yeah I give you weed from McDonald's fucking we got a deal bro this is capitalism this is how this works man so so tickets are 45 bucks apparently they got two farmer American gladiators are serving as referees and it's supposed to be pretty pretty pretty big deal this is their logo it's actually pretty sweet logo they have a mullet contest which I didn't even know I guess that's a Florida thing I mean I wish we would have known ahead of time because we could have like grown some good mullets well I can't be shit bro yeah well I can I ain't got it I can't help you all know we have beer belly floor to sumo wrestling Joe said he'd be good at that one no he said I'd be good at that I know you that me oh he said he'd be good at that one motherfucker gay to wrestling all this other shit man anyway guys I mean what we got on this I really want to see the qualifiers like how how do you select you know like it's like state prison or how do you you know what's your talent pool where they coming from all I know is natty it's bored it's both dumb as fucking yeah and thumbs up it's awesome that's right it's both it is both that's what makes it awesome yeah the dumbest fuck factor makes it thumbs up we got to go huh we got to go oh yeah I don't know man I'm I'm like 30% no way I will go 30% I got to go 30% I got to compete man yeah they left out this sand snorting contest you know right yeah shit no shit yeah no doing something wow yeah so so a little bit of both yeah yeah yeah it's great I agree guys Andy Zoltan that's all I got yeah Zoltan thanks so much for coming on the show man this has been awesome next time you guys come through the area you got to come back on I will yeah my big my little hat yeah yeah that's right see that's what the hats for if you say it with the hat on nobody could say anything right right yeah you know that's kind of like I think it works for your pineapple too right it hides it yeah that's right yeah that's right because just put my on that and then we can go all right well thanks so much bro absolutely great conversation I'm so happy that you came on all right guys that's the show don't forget to pay the fee don't be a hoe show the show