598. Q&AF: Ole Miss Mental Health Crisis, Doers Vs. Talkers & Financial Insecurity

What is up guys it's Andy Priscilla and it's here to show for the real estate about our lives, the pigness and delusions about our society and the local motherfucking reality guys today we have Q and AF that's where you submit the Q's and we bring the AF's. Now you can submit your questions if you want to answer on the show, one of a couple different ways, first way is guys email them in to ask Andy and Andy Priscilla and guys I know you were probably expecting CTI today but I'm out of town and I'm doing some business stuff this isn't even real right here, yeah this is not even real, we're not even here, we're somewhere else, yeah so we thought it would hit you with an extra Q and AF episode today instead of CTI because we couldn't keep up with the current events since we're not here, right so yeah we're Q and AF, exactly. Other times you tune in though maybe like later on this week we'll have CTI, that stands for Cruz the internet, that's where we put topics up on the screen, we talk about what's going on, we speculate on what's true and what's not true, then we talk about how we the people can solve these problems going on in the world and then we have some other shows too, real talk, 5 to 20 minutes of me giving you some real talk, that's just some stuff I think needs to be said and heard, other times full length, that's where we have a guest who's interesting, come on and have a conversation and then we have 75 hard verses and 75 hard verses where we bring someone on who has completed 75 hard who was not doing very well with their life before and now they are doing well and they come on and tell you how they made that transition in just 75 days, if you're interested in the 75 hard program, go to episode 208, get it for free, it's not on YouTube, it's only on the audio platforms or you can go on my website, AndyForcello.com and get the book 75 hard, do the program, maybe end up on the show, so that's the show, now we have this thing called the fee, the fee is very simple, share the show, you'll notice I don't run ads on the show, the reason I don't run ads on the show is because I don't want to be beholden to other people's opinions of what I can and cannot talk about, so in exchange for that, I just ask very simply that you share the content, so when we say pay the fee, that means share the show, if it makes you laugh, it makes you think, it gives you a new perspective, if it's some good information that helps you, which you're definitely going to get here on this show, please share the show, we get shadow man, we get fucked with, we're not allowed to talk about a lot of stuff that we talk about on this show, so it's very, very important that you guys get the highest share of the show, so don't be a hoe, shut the show, no hozones, no hozones, what's up man, what's going on man, so I mean it is Q and A F, but we can cruise the motherfucking questions, okay we can cruise the questions, so I was actually, we got this question in, it's kind of a topic that's trending out there, so I was able to find this question from one of you guys, I submitted it just in the nick of time, and let's roll with it, how are we going to answer a question if we're not even here to answer the question, it's been answered, you were in the same clothes yesterday, so were you, wait did you change, you did change, no, yeah so were you, I know, I got the same draws, I bet you do, no man this is a good question for you, I got three good ones for you, all right, but this first one man, it seems like a hot topic, so let's see what you think on this man, so the question number one, Eddie, have you seen that video going around of Ole Miss Coach Lane Kiffin and his defensive tackle, well the kids suit Ole Miss, and Ole Miss just filed a motion to dismiss DeSanto Rollins' lawsuit after he mixed practices and meetings due to what he said was a mental health crisis he was having, I feel if anyone is credible to speak on mental toughness, it's you, I was curious on your take of the whole situation, so I got the video, you want to watch it real quick, for our listeners and viewers, and then let's see what the guy who's writing the book on mental toughness has to say, yeah. If you would have come here, when you kept getting messages, the head coach wants to talk to you, and you say, I'm not ready to talk to him, who wasn't, what the f***, where are you living? Oh, I don't see why you got me disrespected, why is that? Get out of here, go, go, you're off the team, you're done, see you, see you, because I'm see you, go, go, and guess what, we can kick you off the team, so you'll read your f***ing rights about mental health, we can kick you off the team for not showing up, when the head coach asks to meet with you, and you don't show up for weeks, okay, we can remove it from the team, it's called being a f***ing, it's called hiding behind s***, and not showing up to work. What a dose of reality that is, that's f***ing, dude, this is common sense s***, like the f***, dude, listen, we are reaping, I got a lot to say, by the way, we are reaping the results of this failed strategy of participation trophy, everybody's special, everybody has a victimhood mentality, when things are bad, we get, that's an excuse to do whatever to f*** we want, the real world does not operate that way, that's now how the f***ing world works, okay, so Lane Kiffin is 100% right, that's exactly how that should be handled, and this whole idea coming from the younger population that they can get away with whatever to f*** they want, because they can claim mental health is f***ing bullshit, okay, and we have an entire generation of people who, in a culture, in this generation of people who believe that they can get out of anything or do anything or get away with anything by claiming mental health, okay, and that yes, there are issues out here where people have very bad mental health issues, but guess what, if your mental health issues are that bad, where you miss a week, you miss two weeks of work and you don't even call in, or you miss two weeks of f***ing practice on a national championship team, or even a f***ing high school team, guess what's going to happen to you, you're going to get f***ing fired, bro, and that's reality, so I support exactly what he said, I think there needs to be way more of this, I think people need a tough enough f*** up, and we need to get away from this victim culture, all of you guys who have perpetuated this, and sympathize with this, and lend this, you know, your empathy, I can understand that, because I know what it's like to struggle with mental health, I understand what it's like to have bad f***ing stretches, where you really can't f***ing function, but never in the course of the history of my life have I been able to just f***ing get away from everything that I have obligated to me, and act like everything's fine when I come back, motherfucker, I have real responsibilities, and if I f***ing don't keep up those responsibilities, other people suffer, and other people suffer because of this man too, he's on a highly ranked college football program, which is top of the f***ing top, and your teammates are suffering because you're being a f***ing asshole, okay, and you may have mental health issues, the problem clearly was that you didn't communicate, and you think it's okay to just f*** the coach right off and say, yeah, we'll f*** you, and I'm going to tell you this, if that were me, I would have been a lot more f***ing mean to him, I would have said, hey, you're a f***ing piece of s***, we're letting your f***ing team down, and you f***ing ignore me when I'm trying to f***ing help you, and yes, you're off the f***ing team, and not only that, the kid brings his f***ing phone in his pocket and tries to record it to get a gotcha on this dude, which who knows what will happen, you know, maybe by the time this show airs, it's something what happened to him, I don't know, but if anything gets, if he gets punished for this, that's f***ing bullshit, okay, this kid's a weak, soft f***ing bitch that should be becoming a grown man, you should use this as a f***ing learning opportunity, that if you try to hide behind whatever it is you got going on in your life, guess what, things are going to happen you don't like, okay, we all go through hard times, we all have struggles, we all have days where we wake up, and we'd rather not do what the f*** we have to do, all of us, and sometimes that lasts for months, sometimes that lasts for f***ing years, in my case, okay, but the reality is the s***s got to get done, you make commitments, you stand by the commitments, you f***ing do that s***, it's called being a f***ing grown adult, it's called being a man, okay, and this is a little boy, all right, and this is the product of this victim culture mental health garbage s*** that gets shoved out in the society for likes, views, shares, comments, and personal clout and money by this predatory industry that makes everybody feel like they're f***ing something wrong with them, bro, there's nothing wrong with you, life is hard, it's very f***ing hard, and sometimes it's so hard, it's almost unbearable, but that's true for me, that's true for DJ, that's true for these guys, it's true for everybody here, and it's true for f***ing everybody in the human race, and to like victimize and label ourselves and say we're broken because we're going through a hard time, and abandon all our other opportunities, bro, you don't deserve to be on the f***ing team, a team is a f***ing team, you're supposed to be here, you're made a commitment, if you can't do it for yourself, you do it for the guy to the right and the guy to love you, that's what the f*** we do on a team, and that guy has no business being on a f***ing team, and I'm so tired of this victim s***, this is the plague in our society, and if we continue to go this way, and we continue to enable and coddle and f***ing try to get something like, bro, this guy's just trying to record that call, put it out, and get all kinds of support and sympathy. He's suing them now. Yeah, he's suing them. He's suing them. He's suing them. I mean, that's the typical s*** now, that's typical, bro. These young people think that they can, because you f***ing hold him accountable, that they could try to ruin your life, you know what I'm saying? I think that's the good sign, right, so like I mean, when Ole Miss, you know, file an emotion to dismiss, it appears as if Ole Miss is back in coach, they better as they f***ing should. Yeah. I've never understood any of them, maybe you can help me out here, but like, you know, the way I see it, it's like, okay, you find yourself in a f***ing two-foot hole. Got it. Right? Shits a little hard, right? Digging further down, or taking a two-week break, or take it, bro, listen, the two-week break this kid took just made it worse, because motherfucker, you're isolating yourself from the team, you're f***ing, now you know inside of your heart that you're doing something that you shouldn't be doing, which is adding to the pressure, the anxiety, the frustration, all the shit you're feeling, and you made a mistake, bro, and really, honestly, if you're a grown f***ing man, you should stand a f*** up and say, bro, I made a mistake. I f***ed up. Yeah, man. And I bet Lane Kiffin would f***ing have respect for this kid, if he said that. But bro, that ain't the culture. We live in this internet, got your culture from these young people that they try to f*** everything's a scam, everything's a fraud, everything's unfair. The man is out to get them, everybody's f***ing them, their mental health is more important than f***ing anything, when in reality, bro, they haven't built any resiliency, they haven't been told any truths, they haven't been told, this is what I've been talking about for 10 years on podcasts, talking about what's going to happen when these kids who were awarded participation trophies and coddled and not punished and not held to a standard actually became adults. And this f***ing sh** doesn't just happen on college football teams. It happens in the employment arena all the f***ing time, okay? Okay, take your mental health, motherfucker, we all got mental health, bro. Sh**t's hard. It's hard. It's hard to do things that matter. And if you want to play on the f***ing University of Ole Miss or f***ing University of Alabama as a team, I like to talk about it because I think Nick Sabin's the greatest f***ing coach I've ever played or ever lived, you're not, that's going to be hard. Like you don't, like, like, like dude, you can't hold a position on an elite program, whether that program be the University of Alabama, whether that program be first form, whether that program be f***ing Nike or any other elite program, you cannot hold a position on that team behaving like that. That is the ant in bro, by the way, let's talk about this. He did an amazing job kicking him the f*** out of his office because that f***ing kid will spoil the culture on their team and they're having a great f***ing year, okay? Example does that set to the team? Yeah, no, he set the right example, okay, if you ain't rowing the boat, you're f***ing out. That's the right example. Because if he would have let him stay, guess how many other two-week mental breaks it would have been? Oh, f***, dozens. Every time nobody wanted to run their f***ing gasters, bro. Oh, dude. You know, oh, I can't do my gasters because I got mental health problems, you know what I'm saying? What the f*** we end up with? So did I see this a lot coaching, too, because you know, I coach high school football. And like we saw it, and like I can guarantee, and I don't know this kid like that, but I know this type of kid, right? And you know, playing at Ole Miss, you're probably a pretty good athlete. You've done for that. This guy has got this kid. He's been past since playing f***ing little league football. This kid got where he got a natural talent and never had to work. He was always told he was great. He was always f***ing celebrated and you get to this location and guess what? The pressure was a little bit higher. Yeah. The f***ing JFL. I love how he says, too. I love how he said, yeah, no shit, dude. We're playing f***ing for a national tie. That, their team's a contention right now. Yeah. I don't know what they're going to do tomorrow on Saturday. But they're in contention, okay? This is weak shit. This is the f***ing plague of society. And let me tell you something. This is real talk. For all you entrepreneurs out here, this is a lesson for you. F***ing cut them. Yep. Okay, because they will spoil your f***ing culture. Doesn't matter what they go say. Doesn't matter how they run their mouth. Cut them and move the f*** on. Okay, because that kid will ruin the entire f***ing team. Yeah. That one kid. Yep. I think too. I don't know what to get to. I love how he says, too. He's like, the coach is trying to call you. You're asking coach and you're saying you're like, you don't show up because you're not ready. I wasn't. What the f***, bro? All you had to do was show up and say, coach, I'm having a hard f***ing tie, bro. How do you know that Lane Kiffin couldn't have f***ing helped you or how do you know he wouldn't have said, hey, bro, take a couple days off. I want you to go see this guy who's going to help you with this. Like, you don't just ghost people, like think of the disrespect to that coach, okay? That coach has given that kid a scholarship, which he could have given to another kid. He's, I guarantee you, he's f***ing worked his ass off whether that kid realizes or not to f***ing help that kid develop and become better and become a grown man and win. Lane Kiffin is very famous for being a winner and you may not like the way that he f***ing coaches. Just like most people don't, like a lot of people probably don't like the way I coach. I guess what? Here's the reality. We f***ing win here, motherfucker. Okay. So if you want to win, you come here. If you don't want to win, go play somewhere else. Like that you go, go play Juco, go f***ing coach little league, go get your itch somewhere else. You don't belong on a f***ing team. Yeah. Yeah. Here's the positive thing about this story, man. So like, you know, at least one of the places I've seen the comments. Oh, yeah. People ain't with it. People ain't with it. They're tired of this shit. Well, this one says, if you side with the player, then you're sponsored by Charmin. Yeah. That's a fact. Dude, can't go share employer for two weeks and not expect to be let go. Bro, people think that's acceptable these days. They think it's acceptable. They think that showing up to work is a f***ing like win. Motherf***er showing up is not the win. You have to perform. You have to produce. You have to be great. This is not like, this is a coach, you know, many entrepreneurs I talk to, which is thousands of them that tell me they can't f***ing hire anybody. They just under the age of f***ing 25 because they act like this. Like we have a whole generation of virtually unemployable people. What do you think that's going to do to America? And here's the thing, those people are going to lose over and over and over again to where it becomes so unbearable, it'll finally click for them. And here's the sad part about it. That might take 20 years for this guy because he's been told the wrong s*** growing up, bro. He's been told the wrong s***. He got told all this s*** that I've been trying to tell you guys for a f***ing decade almost now, which is this, natural order wins, the best s*** the rewards. If you want to be great, you got to do the work. If you want to f***ing get paid, you got to be a high performer. These are real things. And now we have a generation of children that believe that's showing up to the job to get paid is some sort of exceptional f***ing work that is not exceptional work. Exceptional work is that you're such a f***ing asset to the team that your presence legitimately moves the motherf***ing needle for everybody on the f***ing team. That's doing an exceptional job, not showing up for f***ing eight hours a day and acting like you're working. Most young motherf***ers that these f***ing young kids are playing on the f***ing phone all day bro. They're not doing s***. That's the thing man, the life, life rule. Listen bro, if you're an entrepreneur, you guys come here, all your entrepreneurs come through first form one way or the other, f***ing hundreds of you every year. And you always say the same thing. How the f*** do you get so many people that are like minded to do this? Because I don't f***ing tolerate that. You tolerate it. I don't. Nick Sabin don't tolerate that s***. That's why they f***ing win. Okay. It's real simple. If you win, don't tolerate that. If you f***ing want to, if you want to be mediocre and you want to kill yourself trying to get everybody to f***ing go, when nobody will go, tolerate that and be a quote unquote nice guy. The best thing that kid could ever have happened to him is what's happened to him right now because it's hopefully it will correct his perception for the rest of his life. So he doesn't spend his entire f***ing life in that mindset and ruin his whole life and waste it. So hope you have a moment for him. Yeah, it is. If he chooses to look at that. Yeah, but he ain't. He's going to f***ing say, oh, everybody's being mean to me. I have mental health, everybody's piling on and he's going to f***ing go in his little cocoon. You know, f***ing stay there, bro. Yeah. Look, bro, here, you got a f***ing fight. Shit's hard. It's hard as f***. You're going to have days where you don't want to do anything. You're going to have days where getting out of bed is the hardest motherf***ing thing you ever did in your life. You got to get the f*** up and you got to get in the f***ing fight. That's reality. The minute you lay down is the minute that all those demons and all that anxiety and all that stress and all that fear f***ing gets you. You have to keep fighting. You have to wake up and do your f***ing job. If even if you have to crawl through it, you've got to get up and do it because the minute you lay down, that shit's got you forever, bro, and you can't get out of it. I feel bad for this kid, but I do not feel bad for how he behaved and I think he got exactly what he deserves. And hopefully he'll use it as a f***ing learning lesson and move forward, but it doesn't seem like it's going to. This is why those of you with parents need to teach your kids reality. Stop teaching your kids bullshit. Stop teaching your kids that they're going to be okay if they don't try hard. Stop teaching your kids that they're ultra special because they came out of your vagina. Motherf***er. There's gazillion. There's gazillion. Yeah. And neither is your vagina. Okay. Let's keep on. Let's go on that f***ing top of two. F***ing. He got all these women to think that f***ing having a vagina makes some f***ing made a gold. Like bro, there's been trillions of people that have f***ing billions of people have lived on this earth all through history that had f***ing kids. You're not the first f***ing one. You know what I'm saying? And your kid, no matter how much you love it, is not special compared to all the other kids. Now if you want to make them special, that's a different thing. You want to spend hours and hours and hours and hours working with them like my brother does with his son who is dominant in sports. Okay. The kid goes out and plays soccer, scores, f***ing five goals, they got to take him out of the game and all the parents are pissed off. Like one of the parents literally took his shirt off and started screaming at my brother. And he's lucky my brother has some self-control because he would have f***ing killed this dude. Okay. But here's the thing. These parents are pissed off because they didn't do shit with their kids where South spent f***ing hundreds of hours with Enzo practicing over and over and over and over and over and he goes out and kicks ass and guess what they do on the way home. They laugh about the ass kicking. They just lay down and they have fun and they're happy. You think Enzo's depressed. He got his f***ing lost. Bro, he asked you for no mental break. That's because he's f***ing doing the work and he's winning bro. That's it, man. Like you want to cure this shit? Get out of your own head. Get out of your feels. Get the f***ing work and start producing some f***ing good shit for yourself. That'll fix that. That's real shit, man. Guys, jump in on this conversation. Let us know down in the comments. What you guys think? Yeah, I'll be real. I don't care what you think about this. I know I'm f***ing right. That's the rules. Yeah. It's natural f***ing order. If you're in a f***ing predatory situation in nature, bro, which we are, you just don't get it. We're at the top of the food chain. There's more competition in the human race than there's competition in a pride of lions. But I'm going to tell you this, the minute you're a f***ing lion and you behave like a weak little bitch, you know what happens to you? The other lions f***ing eat you and that's the same shit that happens with f***ing men. The minute you start pulling this shit, you're f***ing done, bro, because there's plenty of men like me and like all these people here in my building that'll f***ing kill you because they're so hungry to win and build for themselves. You cannot compete like that. It's embarrassing that a kid like this exists in a f***ing division, like a top division one program. It dude, get your shit together, bro. Stop reading f***ing memes on the internet about how you need to get in your fields and start realizing this is a f***ing war, bro. It's a f***ing real thing. You're ending. Yes. And whether you want to or not, you cannot opt out of the competition. You can f***ing say, oh, you know, I don't, I don't feel like do it. Okay. Cool. We're going to lose. That's it. That's eight billion. The game does not stop because you don't feel like playing it, bro. You are in competition, whether you realize it or not. You just because you're, you know, you're all, we're all running from the f***ing lion, bro. We're all the gazelles running from the lion and when you stop running, just because you want everybody else to stop running, saying, f***ing tired, guess what happens to you? You get f***ing eaten, the lions don't give a shit. You rest in the world. Don't give a shit, bro, that you're having mental health problems. I'm sorry to tell you that. They just don't. I've had them my whole life. I figured out how to f***ing get around them. You know how I figured out how to get around them by training myself day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day for years that I can win every single mother f***ing day if I try. And when I get done with my day and I wake up in the morning because usually in the morning is when I'm the most depressed and most anxious. By the time I get done with my day after kicking mother f***ing ass all day, guess what I feel like when I get home? I feel like a million f***ing bucks, bro. I feel f***ing amazing because not only did I win, I won in the face of the negative shit. That's powerful shit. You giving up and laying down and staying on your f***ing bed all day is going to f***ing kill you, dude. Stop it. Stop all this shit. Stop tolerating it. I love it, man. I love it. Guys, Andy, question number two. Let's build on this a little bit because this question I guess has a little bit to do with that. Andy, this is a question that's related to your Andy Graham from November 1st, where you talk about surrounding yourself with people who are doers instead of talkers. What strategies do you use to find the people that get shit done? I look at their lives. I look at how they live. I look at what shape they're in. I look at their habits. I look at like how they actually produce results. I look at everything. When I am talking to you, whether you work for me or not or even just like, I'm interviewing you every single time I meet any single every one of you that I meet in public, understand. I'm interviewing you. I'm looking at everything that I can observe from you right now. What kind of shape is this person in? What are they telling me? How are they speaking? Are they looking at me in the eye? They give me a firm handshake. All of this shit matters, bro, and it's not just to me. Everybody picks it up. Whether you think they do or not, it doesn't matter. They do. How you behave and how you produce and how you work and how you live can tell a lot if you pay attention. How do you find people that do shit by looking at people who have done shit? What is this person done? Oh, what can Zoltan do shit? From five thing? Oh, well, Zoltan came here from Hungary, communist country, built his first guitar and his coffee table. He went to New York City with a fucking, with nothing, learned a fucking, it was speak English by translating the Shawshank Redemption book, word by word by word. Then he became an artist who designed graphics for WWE and other big companies. Then he moved to LA. Then he became a black belt in Jiu-Jitsu. Then he became the fucking best rhythm guitarist in the motherfucking planet. Then, then, then, then. He's a fucking accomplished race car driver. He's a doer. Okay. The guy's a conduit shit. If I had to call Zoltan up and say, hey, we're going to fucking build this company together, you know what I know? It's going to work because that motherfucker is going to get it done. If we just observe people's past and in the employment atmosphere, look back at what they did in high school, look back at what they did before that, look back at what they did in college. Did they do anything or did they just get a degree? What do they do outside of school? What are the projects they've done? What kind of skills do they have? Do they have a talent? Do they have any skills? Like, dude, one of my, Tim, one of our best fucking designers here, he's the fucking main dude. You ever seen what he does outside of work? He's badass at fucking drums, bro, like fucking badass, dude. You know what that tells me? That tells me the guy has the discipline and the fucking, and the ability to dedicate himself to become great at something. Best time in on how honing the skill. So you have to pay attention. What have they done? What are they doing? Joe sitting right over there has done, worked in the hip hop industry for fucking 20 motherfucking years at the highest fucking level, bro. He's done all kinds of crazy shit and he's behind the scenes, right? But like, that's real shit that this motherfucker has done. And like if we go down like my brother, my brother was a tremendous athlete. He was a tremendous, he was a number one salesman at the con. He was fucking, you know, like all state, all fucking play pro baseball, like all the shit, like he could clearly do shit. So if we observe people, how they speak, how they look, how they talk, do they make eye contact? Do they shake your hand, right? Have they actually done things? You could find out real quick who's doing stuff and who's just talking about doing stuff. It's really, but that takes reps though, right? Because like you're finding the more people you meet, you're finding these common denominators. Like, how do you, what do you, I don't know how to describe it, right? But like they all have that same, like they have that, that it, right? Like and they'll just take reps to, to, to try to identify that. Yeah. But here's what you're going to find out is that most people suck at everything because they don't try nothing. They don't try it fucking anything they do. And they feel entitled just like this kid, you said we're going to build off of it. That kid is going to spend his whole life saying the entire world fucked me. The entire world did not fuck you bro. You were blessed with an amazing fucking gift of size strength and athletic ability. And you were not taught to work, put work behind it. And you probably could have been the deep, you probably could have been the greatest defensive tackle that ever played in the NFL. If you would have just had a work ethic to go with it, the fact that you are at this level with that attitude speaks to your athletic ability. So think if you took that athletic ability and put it with a work ethic and align those motherfucking things, you know what I'm saying? But he'll never know that. Nope. He'll have to, the whole, this guy will end up dying. He'll say, Lane Kiff and fucked me. The world fucked me. No, the only person who fucked you was you. And that's reality, bro. You guys fuck yourselves over by not learning basic shit that you can learn really through the live hard program of 75 hard, which is discipline, you know, overall mental toughness, the ability to execute, persevere, have grit, have fortitude, learn how to build momentum, build self-esteem, build confidence for yourself. If you would learn that these things were actual skill sets and they are not traits that people are just born with and you could actually pour into them and develop them in yourself, you become unlimited in your potential, unlimited. That's why the program's so fucking good. That's why I made it free because more people need it because we got so many people like this dude out in the world that we got to fix it. So you know, how do you know the difference, man, yeah, it's reps, but the reality is is like it's out of every hundred people, it's five people that hear the doers to the not doers, it's five to five percent doers, 95 percent bullshitters. That's it. And here's the thing, the world needs fried cooks too, bro. Some people, some people are going to be fried cooks their whole fucking life. That's cool because I need french fries. I like them. You know what I'm saying? Just make them extra crispy. Yeah, you know, like not everybody's going to be talking. Listen, bro, this is reality. Not everybody's going to be great. Most people aren't and most people aren't going to be great because they're going to tell themselves a story that it is even true about why they are where they are, okay? The reason you are where you are is because in the past, you either listened to someone who was telling you the wrong shit, you bought into the wrong ideology, but certainly at the end of the day, you didn't make the right decisions. You made some bad fucking decisions and because you made these bad decisions, you take the power away from you when you deny the fact that it's actually you to change the future. Let me give you an example. If you're sitting where you are right now and you hate your life and you say, fuck, I fucking hate my life. It's my wife's fault. It's my husband's fault. My girlfriend's fault. My parents fault. It's my job's fault. It's the world's fault. Fuck the world. It fucked me over. And you can't identify that the decisions that you made in the past have led you to this point, okay? What you're actually doing is you're deferring responsibility to outside circumstances, which means you are telling yourself and the world that you have no control over your own outcome. And if you have, if you can't understand that your decisions have created the situation that you're in, you have given your power away, okay? So now, if you want to change what you have from where you are to where you want to be, you don't have the power to do that because you've already bought into the idea that your life is dictated by outside circumstances. So if you want to actually change your life, if you're in this frustrated point of life or you're in pain or frustration or any of these negative things, you're where you don't want to be, you have to take responsibility for where you are by saying, I made those decisions so that you can admit to yourself and tell yourself that I have the power to change that. And that means I'm going to make better decisions now. And then the outcome later will be the way I want it to be. Because people fail to take responsibility and they blame everything on everybody else, they can't have that power because they're giving it away, okay? So you have to say and tell yourself the truth. I'm where I am, whether it's good or bad, I'm where I am because I made certain decisions. And if I'm in a bad spot, guess what? That's okay. I can make better decisions moving forward. But if you constantly talk about how everything fucked you over, how can you ever admit to yourself that all you got to do is make some better decisions? No, you're going to continue to float down the path and be a fucking victim bro and get your dick stomped in your whole life. Is that what you want? Do you want to get your fucking dick stomped in for the next 60 fucking years? Because I assure you you probably don't. So it would be who you to admit to yourself that where you are is a product of your shitty decisions and to start making some better ones so you could actually live some good life while you're here. I love it, man. I fucking love it. Guys, Andy are third and final question, question number three. Andy, I'm in the beginning of building my business. I am 24 years old. I do not have very much money at all. I see a lot of content around being a man in today's world. I sometimes feel demoralized and insecure about my financial situation since it's a man's job to provide for his family. Am I just not long enough into the game or do I have a valid reason to feel this way? All right. It's good that you feel this way. Okay, because you feel this way, this is called awareness of self. First of all, let me start here. You're not supposed to have shit yet, okay? You're fucking 24, bro. You know how broke I was at 20 fucking four and 24 years old I was making $695 a month. Okay, I was not setting the world on fire. I was broke as fuck. All my friends were laughing at me. They were all telling me to get a fucking real job, grow the fuck up. You know, are you still doing that little vitamin shop? All the shit. I heard it all. You're not supposed to have anything at 24. You're supposed to struggle. That's the reality, okay? So understand that first off. You're not in a bad spot. But it's good that you think you are, okay? And this is called being aware. Most people would never question like, am I providing or am I doing a good job as a man or am I, you know, building like, am I doing okay? Nobody asks themselves that. Because they don't ask themselves that and never changes, right? They continue to fucking live a broke ass life. So while you are justified in telling yourself, well, I'm not supposed to have shit. I think it's a great thing that you feel the way you do and that you feel frustrated about it because that frustration and that awareness that you don't have shit is what's going to drive you to take the actions to make sure that you do, all right? So don't beat yourself up. But keep in mind, you're doing okay, bro. You're 24. You don't have shit. You're aware that you want some shit, which most 24-year-olds don't even, most people don't think like this young man until they're 35 and it's way too fucking late, okay? You understand? So it's not way too late. It's 35. You realize it, you know, by, by 40, you waste it, 10, 15, 20, 20, so I don't want to moralize anybody that might be 35. Yeah. But it's better to realize this when you're young than when you're older, okay? The older you get, the harder it becomes. So an amazing thing about the world that we live in is that you can build success pretty quickly because of the internet and social media as much as I hate social media. It does provide, it does cut off many years of the curve of trying to build something. But no, I think this is, I think you're right where you should be. I think you're supposed to struggle right now. You're supposed to learn the lessons that you're learning. And I think it's important for you to continue to be of the mind frame that you're not doing good enough because that's the mind frame that produces progress, okay? Where I'm at in life, which is a pretty good place, I still feel like I ain't shit. And that might sound weird because like sometimes I say some cocky shit and I pop off sometimes. But like, dude, do you think I feel that way? Absolutely. Do any of you guys in the studio think that I think I'm so good? I don't have to fucking try or do you think I come to work every day wanting to win really fucking bad? Every single fucking bad. Like I want to win so fucking bad, it drives these motherfuckers insane. True or not true? Sometimes. True or not true? Just tell truth. Tell truth. All right. It does. But, but you know what? Because I want to win so bad, these motherfuckers are going to win too, okay? So it's okay. Yeah. You know what I'm saying? Like I like the fact that this man is frustrated. That's a great thing for you to be. The problem becomes when you don't have shit and you're not frustrated about it. So yeah, that's the best way to do it. Don't beat yourself up. Don't beat yourself up too bad, brother. You're doing good. You're right where you're supposed to be. You got the right mindset. Continue on the path, bro. I love it. Yeah. I fucking love it. Guys, Andy, don't make no fucking excuses about your fucking mental health. You'll be okay. All right. Don't take two weeks off. Yeah. Whatever you do. Don't take two weeks off. Dude. Dude. And that. Dude, and the funny thing is good back to that topic one is those motherfuckers will then go online and try to make this guy look like a villain. It's like my job is the fucking win, dude. My job is to fucking build this program into a fucking. That's what I'm getting paid to do. That's my job. My job is to take you and make you a product of the truth that can go out past this football and do well in life. And that kid bitched out of that. I hope he fucking comes around, dude. It really bothers me that that happened. Yeah. Yeah, man. Guys, Andy. That was three. Go pay a fee. Never sleepin' on the floor. Now my jury box froze. Fuck a boat. Fuck a stove. Counting millions in a coat. Bad bitch. Booted slow. Got a own bankroll. Can't fold. Just a note. Hit shot. Case closed.