From Surviving to Thriving: Joshua Smith's Guide to Succeeding in Turbulent Times
Welcome to Real Estate Uncensored, the place for actionable ideas to reach people online,
build your personal brand, and get more clients.
That is Greg McDant, the junior grandmaster of sales in the co-pilot seat.
And that is Matt Johnson, agency owner, author of Microfemus and Certified Greg Grandler.
Each week you're going to hear from some of the best coaches, leaders, brokers, top producing
agents and social media experts all with one goal.
Give you the sales and marketing tactics to up your game today.
Okay, now let's jump back into the latest episode of Real Estate Uncensored.
Hey guys, welcome back to another episode of Real Estate Uncensored.
We are super excited. We have a returning guest.
You guys all know him. Joshua Smith, GSD mode podcast.
One of the best podcasts out there. We're going to be talking about the market.
We're going to be talking about pivoting, adjusting, adapting.
What are you going to do? Where are you going to go?
How are you going to get new business in this changing market with technology
and different types of options for a lead gen?
Before we get into all this knowledge, we're going to peel back his skull.
We're going to dive deep into it and we're going to pluck out some knowledge
where you guys can put it into your business.
But before we do that, Mr. Nick Sankas, how are you buddy?
What's up buddy? I'm so excited because, you know, I mean, we always have a favorite ball person on this show.
But Joshua is somebody that I've looked at for probably a decade
when I first started getting into real estate, real geek site, getting into like,
when I first saw him doing his GSD trainings way back when,
and I'm like, why is this guy giving up all this information for free?
Like, why is he doing all this and then seeing the evolution of his business?
Like, I'm so pumped to have him on the show and you said breaking into your skull.
I hope we can extract as much knowledge as possible with Gene.
I'm sorry to tell you I have a new favorite ball person on the show today.
So don't take your fans, but you'll get over it.
I have a new favorite ball guy on the on the show today and it's not me.
So I'm on with you 100% bro.
I got it.
Love this, love this.
So Gene Bolper, you've got back from traveling Europe and doing all kinds of fun things.
So welcome back man.
We're glad to have you.
It's great to be back not really.
I wish I had other stories to tell you.
I wish I was back there and I'm not going to lie.
Well, is there a rumor or is there no ice in Italy?
I've heard there's no ice and drinks that they don't believe in having ice cold anything.
Yeah, no, mostly everything that you've got to ask for it basically.
You got to ask for ice.
What they have for the most part, like when they give you sodas and stuff,
just give you the bottle, they give you the can.
But you can get it.
You just have to ask.
Well, let's ask for something from our guest and let's bring him in.
Mr. Joshua Smith.
How are you brother?
What's new?
What's happening?
Now I'm still to be here.
Appreciate the kind words and having me back on.
Man, this is going to be fun.
So, you know, just cranking man just pushing through these, you know,
challenging times that we're all experiencing.
But, you know, I want to make sure that we're not just surviving but thriving.
You know, so many opportunities go out there and snag market share right now.
So, you know, as much as I hate seeing people struggle during these changing markets.
You know, on a personal note, you know, I love them because it creates so much of an opportunity to just go out there and dominate.
It really does.
And a lot of people, they, it takes a different type of an eye to see when that shift and change needs to take place.
And we were talking about some folks are reaching out to you and you're seeing a lot of folks kind of asking questions.
Like, what do I do?
How do I do it?
So on and so forth.
So, what is your perception?
I mean, as a team leader, as a top podcaster, as an industry, you know, veteran.
What are you seeing out there right now?
Yeah, dude.
It's, it's, it's a challenge for a lot of people and the reason that the challenge exists.
And I think that, you know, most of us know this.
I'll be quick on this.
But you know, we, we are currently amongst the most unaffordable time in United States recorded history just to operate as a human being.
You know, you got life is 35% more expensive.
If not more than that today, then it was pre-COVID.
So with inflation, you know, obviously that carries over to, you know, the most unaffordable real estate climate that we've ever seen.
You know, with almost record high prices, some areas record high prices, but most areas almost record high prices.
There might be down slightly from the peak in 2021, but you combine that with cost to capital.
Dude, it's just life is unaffordable, which is just removed about 50% of the consumer from being able to transact and play in this given real estate market.
So when you got almost half of the population that's unable and willing to transact in this given market, well, we need to make some big shifts.
You know, when you look at listing inventory, when you look at transaction volume, or down about 40 year lows, transaction volume alone is as low as it was in08.
So, you know, just some different adjustments, man.
But adjustments are always happening shifts are always happening, whether it's market related, whether it's technology related, whatever.
I mean, the step number one, I guess with this, and then we can take it whatever direction you want.
But step number one is just to, it's a mindset perspective.
Man, it's a philosophy that, you know, I have found that we need to operate by, which is just understanding there is no such thing as a good market, no such thing as a bad market.
There's always, the market is always good for somebody.
So us as real estate professionals need to be able to identify who the market is good for, meaning where are those biggest current opportunities at?
And then pivot shift and adapt our overall marketing strategy or focus or energy and our time to who the market is currently good for.
And right now it's not a market you want to go after the once man, you need to go after those people that need to sell that need to buy that have that true motivation desire desperation.
So you got to have a very targeted approach, you know, right now it's like working your ass off.
We all got to put in more hours right now, put in more work or at least most of us.
But then also a shift up of strategy, which we can get into if you guys want as well.
That's 100% yes, we're going to get into that.
And that was one hell of an intro. Thank you for that good guy.
And the show is over ladies and gentlemen, take those words of knowledge and be good my children.
Talk about pivoting a lot of folks are so truly petrified of a pivot because that's that's translated into going into uncharted territories.
Something I haven't done before some skills that I don't know about.
I'm personally doing it in two different ways.
I'm getting into buying properties on terms and then I'm going to work with one of my friends and start doing some wholesaling.
I don't know really much about either one of them and that pivot is scaring me, but it's also an opportunity to grow.
It keeps me my stretch zone of growth now my comfort my stretch and not my stress.
My stress will stress you off of your stretch is growth.
Josh and Jean and Nick, what are you guys seeing in the marketplace right now that is really kind of the one thing that's stretching agents the most.
Josh, let's start with you and kind of give me your insects. I know you have your finger on the pulse.
Well, you know, it's I mean to your point of you know, change being scary.
Look, change is the one thing that's always taking place always is taking place and always will take place.
So why have resistance to something that is just I mean, it's as true as gravity, right?
Like, you know, so it's going to happen.
And if you don't is is Darwin mentioned that it's not the strongest that survive.
It's he or she that adapts the most effective and efficient manner that goes out there and survives and thrives.
You know, so like embrace it. Learn to embrace the change.
You know, and I get, you know, that element of, you know, anything new can be a new challenge can be scary.
It's easy to get in that comfort.
But dude, if you don't get moving, man, you're going to be ran the fuck over, right?
So you guys are number one, you know, embrace it.
And then I don't know why I don't want to hog all the time here.
I can jump into specific changes, but I'll kind of shut up and let you read here.
No, man, that's what we're having you on the show. Nick and Jean, I want him to come back to that.
But Nick, give me some thoughts on what you're seeing on the tech side about changes and adapted and pivoting.
Well, the first thing I love what you said, Joshua, about the market's always good for somebody, right?
And I think, you know, in our pre show, we were talking about how we're having conversations with agents right now.
And you know, you on the coaching side, me kind of on the technology side, do a little bit of coaching as well.
But like agents had record years during the pandemic.
And now all of a sudden, the same things that they were doing at that point are not working as well.
And they haven't pivoted yet. And it's almost like the, you know, you put the frog in the boiling water.
And it doesn't know it's dead till like it's dead, right? So like, I think we had an excellent pandemic.
A lot of agents really crushed it and then they slow.
I mean, you know what I mean, an excellent sale is during the pandemic, right?
And then it started to slow. And then things, so things are starting to get slower and slower.
And so all of a sudden, it's like the past three months, all the conversations I'm having are like,
oh, shit, my business is falling in half and I just realized it like, what do I do now? Right?
So let's talk about that. Jean, when you see people do in your side of the business as well.
I mean, are they are they shipping are they changing? Where are they doing? Are they just sitting there going to be the frog and die?
Hold on for a second. Hold on.
I'm sorry for letting it pops.
video we both hope a video here listen I'm on ticket master I'm looking at
stub hub Josh anywhere I can get tickets for that fucking gun show you got
listen I got the freesteed
well listen this is why I asked I'm kind of pivoted a little bit I'm asking
this for a reason because I think I heard I heard some balls words I heard
some things that you're keep moving you said keep moving so
clearly I'm looking at you and I'm looking at the veins and I'm looking at
the guns and you're you're actually out there and hustling in a couple
different ways right you probably hit the gym talk to me a little bit
about that routine because I think for me I know when I'm at my worst
I'm not doing any of that when I'm at my best I'm doing it
12 times a week what what do you do in these days because I and I think
Gregus is kind of not it's not really where you were taken in the path
no but I think it's definitely something where
in in markets like this where things are changing let me pull together
and markets I guess when things are changing
people get in their own way a lot like you just said
you're as you said it like changes inevitable right like Darwin's law all
that stuff it's going to happen but it's how you react
and how you react is a lot a lot of times dictated by how you feel and how
you feel is dictated by what you're doing
talk to me a little bit about your daily routine tell me about what
what are you doing because you look different than when I like I was just saying
I was on your show GSD GSD a while back and you definitely look
in better shape not that you didn't look in good shape then
what you're looking better shape now than you were is there is there
something to be said about that let me leave that there yeah you know
you know I've always been well at least for the most part of my my adult life
have been a gym rat you know if you guys are in my back story I'm gonna used to
you know be morbidly obese almost got 300 pounds and
you know realize the negative implications of that create on my life both
physically and mentally and you know I decided to choose you know change things
around lost over 100 pounds kept it off now for over decade and you know
through there I've had different phases and different past that I've chosen
and health and fitness whether it be you know more the cardio side the long
determined during side and but as I started getting older I started just
assessing okay what's most important to me and what's most important
as I go into my older years so now you know not in my early 40s I'm 41 now
today just started really breaking that down
well well well well what wait wait wait you glossed the fuck over that
wait too quick it's your birthday today no no no no no no no
no no no no I got that too yeah you know my bad my bad
sorry so um you know so uh I meant like as it like
there's more not 41 years old um but anyway I should look at that it's it
it was like okay like what's most important for those longer years of
life okay when I'm 71 I'm 80 what hobbies do I want to be able to
continue to do um and then from you know to to increase
overall longevity um but then not just I don't
want to just live as long as I possibly can I want to have that
quality of life so then over the years I've really morphed in okay well what
what is the best diet what is the best routine what is the best you know
think for me to be intentional with that you know and
and with this you know so many people think that this takes so much time
you know but it doesn't man I mean I train you know yeah I mean I spend an
hour a day five days a week working out but outside of that I mean I've
worked for 15 16 hour days you know I mean I work a ton
you know um but if you're intentional with a die intentional with the meal
prep um uh which doesn't you know all the excuses people use or cost too much
money right like none do I probably spend a hell lot less than the average
person on food I'm not going out there and ingesting shit and I'm not going
out there and going to drive throughs or you know like if if you're meal
prepping it's it can be pretty damn expensive inexpensive you know if you
fall a diet like mine which is just I only eat one ingredient foods like if my
great-grandparents didn't eat it I don't eat it I eat one ingredient whole
foods you know I drink nothing but water you know so but you know to your
point gene of you know so many people don't
realize and unfortunately I had to go to the extreme to experience this but
you know the the negative implications of her health not just from a
physical aspect but from a mental aspect man I mean so much of
today's you know mental diseases when it comes to you know depression
anxiety you know a lot of a lot of the mental problems that people have
today is directly associated to to you know their health it's not
you know I mean some people have you know I don't want to say ever you know
there's not mental disorders that exists out there due to you know chemical
imbalance you know whatever yeah sure there's a small subset of them but the vast
majority you know so and I look at this and look I'm I'm willing to admit that
you know there's a you know an element of vanity that exists to me you know I'm so
do like I there's a certain percentage of body fat in a certain way that
also it impacts my confidence you know I just went out when I'm when I'm healthy
and I have the mental energy and the physical energy plus I'm happy with my
body I'm proud of my body like it allows me to perform on all different fronts
at a whole new scale I mean number one I can go out there and grind 18
hour days if I need to I mean I know 14 hour days more my my liking but you know
there's days when you're running seven businesses and going out and sometimes
that happens right well I can like I want to be able to just go go go 18
hours a day nonstop or that's work or family you know get my sleep but then
have an abundance of energy throughout that time mentally and physical energy
you know um to go out there and operate at my best so yeah I'm very intentional with it most
people are like oh my car is my vehicle now this is our only vehicle that we have to operate
this life by you know and it's your choice do I want to treat it like shit or do I want to go
out there and optimize it and treat the best I possibly can to go out there and allow myself
the best experiences and it does make an impact when it comes to your business when it comes
the sales when it comes to you know all that stuff carries over I mean there's and then we can
get in that stuff you want to but it was perfect it was perfect I think because right now we're
in a space where I think I know for most real estate agents businesses down and you're and when
business is down and you and you're forced to reflect and look at all the things that aren't working
you know you get you you tend to make it worse right I'm in that space and when it happens
in me all the time but when you're so now take that dead time where you're laying in bed looking
at the ceiling and go take a walk get on the peloton go hit the wet hit the gym go meal prep
whatever I mean I think there's there's time and space in there now for a lot of people because
of the way the economy is and what what the housing market is like to fill that space where typically
they'd be hostile to show and open houses and run and buyers around to to maybe make yourself
a little bit better and healthier mentally and physically well and I even you know argue that
in a slightly different way of of look I think that everyone should be filling their schedules
much of the possibly can of taking action and making deals happen right now um uh but then from
there you know a lot of people think oh this you know health journey takes so much time no it
creates time right so I mean if you know and again dude it's I mean five hours of my week right so
it doesn't take a lot of time like I don't really do much cart like when I'm doing my cardio I'm doing
that one doing sales calls right like in my office you know so I mean I'm you know hitting the gym
resistance train which I found to be the best for me and the best overall for longevity especially
as we age you want to have as much skill to muscle that you can maintain and retain as possible
going to your older years you know um uh you know but with that it doesn't it doesn't take
years much time as most people think and then it also creates that time because I mean I can get
more done in five hours than most can in 12 or 14 hours because I have an abundance of mental
and physical energy to you know not focus and you know and so I mean right now yeah I mean I would
I mean you can't impact one element of your life without impacting another element and price
something that all of us experience maybe not everybody hopefully everywhere but a lot of us have
and I know I've been in this category right like let's you say okay your marriage is not doing well
you're you're you're you're you're you're you're you're you're an important relationship to you is
not doing well um well it's very difficult for me to go out there and perform at my best
in business when in the back of my mind I don't know if I'm coming home to divorce papers or not
because maybe I'm just being an you know an asshole douche neglecting my wife whatever it been you
know I've been there I'm not proud to admit it but I've been there right so but it's very difficult
like if shit wasn't good at home it's difficult for me to to be laser focused in business
same thing with my health I've just found man I can't impact one area your life without impacting
the other area of your life you know um it all comes together so let's let's let's talk about that
when it comes to mentally impacting your your your health you're your personal your business
you know every kind of health folks right now like we've talked about now toward the third time
to show that the business is down that's impacting people's mental health when people what are they
doing or what have you recommended to folks to kind of get back on the track get back into that
prosperous mindset not the defeated mindset and allow them to get back on track get it back on
the treadmill get back to doing cardio you know air quotes on that but in in the business world
what's the first step for somebody who just got kicked in the taint super hard and they lost a
hundred grand on a deal or something or two deals or 10 deals but the money's not going to come
in how do you get someone like that out out out out out of the swamp in their brain because that's
a pretty deep swamp yeah I mean the number one step is is okay I'm gonna you know break that down
we're gonna reflect on that right so you know step number one where I'm down or anytime I'm going
through down spot and I did I've been there and we've all been there right and oh yeah all
different aspects you know um I haven't met anybody that's achieved great success that hasn't been
through the insane amounts of shitstorms right so it's a great employee and Hill says the
amount of success that you create in this life is gonna have a direct direct proportion to the
amount of temporary defeats that you experience so you know that being said you know step number
one is I'm going to assess the situation that created that pain right and and not from you know
I'm not gonna self sabotage not gonna be like well I'm a loser from this I'm gonna take an
objective lens from this as I reflect back okay here's what happened I'm gonna take 100%
responsibility how was this my fault what what could I've done to prohibit this what can I do
now and going forward in the future to ensure this doesn't happen again look though I think the
biggest issues that I've had when it comes to business and financial is when I've allowed myself
to get complacent within the element of success that I've created so I allowed myself then to when
I got complacent there I mean there's always an element of mediocrity that you can operate and
even though that maybe your you know maybe the average is here you're above average but you can
operate in an element of mediocrity within that you know that level of success that you created
and I mean I've done it right where then though it's inevitable that that momentum is going to
break right so then okay well it's like then I'm gonna break that down well why did I allow myself
to lose that momentum why did I allow myself to get content and operate mediocre you know mediocrity
so then what can I do from you know reflecting on this and learning from this and growing from
this to put systems processes and things in place to ensure that that shit doesn't happen
again so I'm not repeating the same mistake we're all gonna make mistakes right but if you're
repeating the same mistake over and over that then becomes a choice so number one is I'm
gonna learn from it and grow from it right but then from there you know I mean in the past is
dead right like I'm not gonna spend any time in the past I use the past to just learn grow reflect
that's it you know because otherwise we keep living in the past we get guilt we get self-sabotage
that's not serving us you know then from there I'm gonna regain clarity on what I want why I want
to why it's most important to me but I find that most people go wrong when people need accountability
you know what I did it's it's a they have an issue with self accountability because they're not
extremely clear on what it is that they want you got to get extreme clarity on what we want
why you want it why it's important to you then from there we identify the right proven plan
to get you from where you're at to where does that you want to go with the net element of your life
right and then with that extreme clarity it's like I got to keep I can't just go out there you know
goal plan and put this stuff together I know the stuff sounds a little woo woo but it's like
this is why I'm doing vision boards dude you know I write down my goals every morning with first
thing I wake up I write them down I write them down again right before I go to bed you know I'm
visually going through you know five minutes a day of just visualization manifestation of those
I'm keeping that ship front of mine all throughout the day to keep me focused on that thing you know
so then now I know what target I'm aiming for and then I'm gonna go out there and craft that plan
to get me from where I want to where I want to go and then it's just execution time dude right um
no why did you stop don't execute I didn't I said I can go for like 90 minute strips
we talk all this in this show every single week yeah I want you to talk about the execution but
this is a little book I keep on my desk it says yeah it works and it stands for yeah you know if
you know what you want you can have it and there's three little steps Josh right to your to your
point number one read the list though you want three times a day morning noon or night number two
thinking about as as often as possible number three don't tell anybody except for the greater power
within which will unfold the miracles uh of your future success and it's true it's been taught
everywhere but nobody utilizes it because we get told that we're dumb we're too ambitious we can't
achieve it we're not smart enough we're not tall enough we're not in bed and the best shape we're not
skilled enough whatever everyone beats us down but when reality all we have to do is change
our mindset bring us into our different state of thinking and your the things in your brain people
will manifest in ways that you cannot imagine in a time frame you cannot control that will blow
your socks off and so Josh I want you to jump right into action plans and take us right into action
plans from there yeah so then then let's talk about okay well why do people not then continue with
the action plan you know like you know I mean it's it's it's easy to go and maybe go to an event
and you get fucking fired up yeah I mean how often is it like I'll do I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna
get in the best shape of my life I'm gonna start to gym Monday you go get the supplements you go
get the workout clothes maybe it's Thursday like you're fired up and then you know Friday you're
still kind of fired up Saturday then by Sunday you're like eh I'm good right law diminishing intent
exists you know um so you gotta learn how to keep yourself fired up each and every single day and
then this is just and some people have this innately I don't you know I mean I went through
paired in my life where I was massively depressed contemplating suicide each and every day like for
me that this has to be an intentional thing you know because like the second I get away from it man
I start veering the other way you know um so then from there I've learned to not rely on
willpower not rely on discipline you know like I I'm a we you know I'm a human being I'm weak I
have limited discipline limited amounts of willpower now most people when I say that to them they're
like you you're the most disciplined person I know you know and I'm like yeah but yeah I'm not but
it may appear that way because I create systems of process and create my environment to allow me
to win the clarity clarity on a routine that you've built right then the routine becomes just
that's part of your life yeah yeah so it's like okay well okay I need to be working out right so then
from there it's like okay well why won't I work out what are the reasons well man I gotta drive
to the gym you know and then there's certain hours where I gotta work later I gotta be an
earlier the gyms maybe not open you know okay let me just you know if you have the means to do so
you know I just created a home gym so now I've eliminated the excuse it's right in my hand like
I walk two feet I'm in it I have no excuse or reason to not do it like I've omitted that excuse
you know right um so I'll give an example when I when I decided to quit drinking alcohol because
there was you know um uh you know years back when I discovered I had a huge issue with alcohol
you know I couldn't make it till noon without having a drink you know I mean I built my real estate
business essentially drunk oh yeah man I'm just in that and I mean for you know decade plus
of time you know I mean I was drinking like dude a case of beer was like a light day form you know
right yeah drink a 24 30 plus beers every single day for a decade plus you know I really I mean
it was creating I mean I was a very functional alcoholic if you will but it was obviously creating
tensions in my marriage you know I had young kids I'm like okay this isn't gonna be me leading by
example for my kids you know and then we'll impact that relationship um and then it was prohibiting
certain growth within the business right so so you know I recognize and knew that I had to give
this substance up but I knew that I was massively weak and that this was going to be a massive
challenge because again I couldn't fucking make it till noon like I was counting down the minutes
each and every day yep you have that first drink right so then from there I'm like okay I discovered
the problem I committed you know I understood why I needed to give it up why it was important for
me to give it up so again what you want why you want why it's important to you and then I had a
craft the plan so then I'm like okay well I know you know just dealing realities man like what are
your strengths what your weaknesses I'm like dude I'm gonna cave into this shit so I just
identified and I wrote out okay what are all the ways that will allow me to to fill in this endeavor
so I'm like okay at least how long it's gonna take I didn't know how long it would take but I'm
like I cannot be in any type of a setting where alcohol is involved it's gonna be hard enough
to just battle to fight myself to not drive to the store drive to the bar so yeah I went and had
a conversation with my wife I'm like do we can't have any alcohol in the house anymore I didn't ask her
to stop drinking you know you know with me but I was just like I can't have it in house now she was
obviously supportive and knew that I didn't quit too she was like you know but then I'm like okay
no I can't go out to eat I'm like babe like I if I go to dinner like I realized you know as I was
reflecting on this I'm like okay when I go out to eat like well the restaurant I pick is like
based on what their beer list is like I'm like I'm just gonna be too weak I can't so in any get
together's family reunions anything that alcohol is involved I cannot be around it at all right
until I developed that strength and that willpower you know um so that was setting up my so I was
you know creating a plan understand where my weaknesses threats would be at and then creating my
environment to go out there and when I had a conversation with all my close friends you know that
because I again they all like most people go out there and drink but they can handle I couldn't
and it took me six months I'm out live like a monk whereas essentially you know working in the
office going home by just making sure like not having any social interactions until I got to
the point where I developed the habits where I know I know I know I then I could be around that
substance and not drink and you know haven't touched a drink ever since you know right you know
something with your business like something with everything it's like I want to set up my
environment okay like yeah man I mean there's certain vices that I have when it comes to food I just
make sure that shit doesn't exist in my house and exist in my world you know right like I make it
very easy I pack my meals every day I make it you know where it's just all here it's prepped it's
ready to go so same thing with business you know like what are those distractions what are those
things that distract you and prohibit you from taking action on your necessarily you know
necessary action plan that you need to do you know and a lot of this is the people right like
okay I'm not gonna you know surround myself with people that are fucking lazy that aren't action
takers that aren't you know it's like I'm the health of fitness journey like I don't have any
friends that are personally hang out with that are like oh man let's just go to fucking get pizza
and then ice cream and hang out and drink beer like all my homies it's like let's go hike
this mountain right like six hours down the river you know so whether it's you know business you
know friends or or health and fitness friends you know I'm just you know making sure to surround
myself with like mine of people that have you know the same value same goals same you know whatever
it's like you know those that I roll with in business and that are in my teammates and those
that are surround myself with like if I ever go down to them and if I ever go to them like oh man
I need a break they're gonna slap me and be like you post to get back to work you know right
leading that environment and part of environment too a lot of people realize this is having
that self-awareness of knowing when and how you operate at your best right so you know I get a lot
of crap from people because I'm you know I wake up between two and three a.m. every single morning
you know um but I've just discovered like hey look I'm really good and I'm fresh and I have
much more discipline and willpower early in the morning but if it goes on like that just starts
to wait and for me I'm just shit in the evenings you know so now I'm in I get sleep I need sleep
but I'm just I'm passed out by eight nine o'clock every night usually by eight o'clock you know um
but I know how I operate you know another example of this is you know I'm battle with this
for several months but it'd be like you know um on the let's just say it was a weekend but I
needed to get work done and I'd be like oh well you know today I'm gonna actually go hang out with
the family in the morning and then I'll go in later in the afternoon and get the work done
I never fucking would so eventually doing realities of okay like I'm just gonna get in the office
at 3 a.m. be done at noon so then I have the rest of the day with my family so just you know
dealing in that reality is having the out of awareness setting up your environment to go out
there and win and then the plan is simple when you talk about the plan itself it's like you know
um all we got to do is identify what is the proven plan to get us from where we're at to where
we want to go that in the big keyword there is proven like none of us are Elon Musk trying to you
know you know invent interstellar space travel and revolutionize you know rebranding twitter
interstellars like we're trying to do shit that other people have done you know right so like
why go out there and try to read you know the quickest hack to create success is find somebody that's
done it that that's mastered it that's done it that's done it right that's done it well and then
you know let them spend the decades figuring it out where I can reverse engineer what they've done
in like a week you know and just have the plan to execute on you know but the hard the easy part
is identifying the plan the hard part is executing on a day in a day out that's why I talk so much
about the you know mindset and then also the schedule and the environment and all of those things
to keep yourself you know just little shit it's like okay when I when I started getting up early in
the mornings you know um uh this is when I started having little you know my wife and I started
having our kids I'm like okay dude like I just need more time because I didn't want to be a
absentee father so Michael but this was also really important because I don't like to live in this
world of well I can be a great father or I can have great businesses no like I'm on a mission to
build a billion dollar business portfolio and be a great father and be in great shape and do all
the shit I want to do right that matters most to me so as I'm assessing that I'm like what do I
need to do okay well instead of getting up at 5 a.m. every morning I need to start getting up at 3 a.m.
well I was very difficult for me in the beginning you know I'm not naturally that early of a
morning person so when my alarm's next to me I'd hit the fucking snooze button every single time
and I wouldn't even know I would do it like I wake up and back I'll shit my alarm didn't go up my
life like no you didn't feel me punching you like one of five times like okay what's the
solution I know that having to sit next to me isn't going to work I can't just you know I'm going
to be stronger tomorrow like okay I can do that three times and then realize okay I'm not going
to be stronger tomorrow yeah right I went and bought the biggest allowed us long clock I possibly
could I set up on my master bathroom so when it goes off at you know two in the morning three in the
morning I got to run my ass out of bed turn off otherwise it's going to wake up the whole family
well at that point I'm up I'm awake you know so what do you need to do to set up your environment that
greatly enhances your ability to go out there and succeed but at the same time makes it as
hard as possible for you to lose okay guys and gals let's take a quick quick break from our show
we thank you for watching and listening to everything we put out there let's talk about EXP
let's talk about how to build legacy wealth let's talk about how to put money in your pocket without
having to do with the work on daily grind the grind is what kills all of us and it hurts our
souls let us help you and show you how you can take that out of what you do consistently right now
go ahead reach out to me at nine twenty five nine fifteen nineteen seventy eight and just in case
you didn't get that it's nine twenty five nine fifteen nineteen seventy eight and I
personally look forward to talking with you and now back to the show
you know a couple things I want to jump in on you're I hope everyone goes back and just watches
that entire awesome part of the show right there there's a lot of knowledge we can't break down all
of it too you know there's not enough time in the show but the number one thing that you
identified is the is the problem with the alcohol right I had the same thing I wasn't doing beer I was
doing vodka I was doing a handle vodka day I mean I was pounding that shit you know you got to
the point I'd be hospitalized and I saw the tears on my girlfriend China for cries by the way she
was pouring tears down and I made that decision I'm like there's no fucking win hell I'm ever
gonna put her through this again so that was my why that was my reason so I shifted and stopped
that negative activity immediately because the ramifications of a continued on a certain path
was gonna be a outcome I did not desire a lot of folks have not or it has not been kicked in the
in the rear end enough or hard enough to understand that is the driving factor like Josh
you and I lips very similar lives I get up ask crack early go to bed pretty damn early
had some alcohol issues and you know what we've all we both come back from it because we found what
we won was better on the other side so ladies and gentlemen when you're making a pivot or a
shift right now figure out where your trajectory is heading if you like it stay on it if you don't
like it ship now Josh is talking about how it's not simple it's not going to be simple but it's
very easy to do with the right motivation so when it comes down to seeing your significant other
sad upset your kids the same way unfortunately maybe you can ship all of your outcomes everything in
your life by a simple decision of yes no oh I would walk down the alcohol aisle and I would look at
the vodka and I say fuck you you've ruined enough of my life not no and I walk past that I take
ownership of my situation so if you guys aren't door knocking cold calling networking open houses
videos social media if you're not doing something right now that scares you but if you keep
when you're saying true trajectory you're gonna end somewhere you don't want to end Joshua didn't
want to end up without a wife without a kid without his beautiful kiddos you know in a in a place
that he wouldn't want to end up because it was simple easy and convenient fast the majority
of people's mindsets it's simple easy convenient therefore I stay there therefore you languish
therefore you die therefore everyone forgets you exist not to be brutal that's a fucking truth
so shift your life today by one by one degrees so Joshua if you shifted your life
by one degrees today which way would you go what would that look like for you um well you know I mean
the the situation that I'm in you know because I've done the work it's like um you know families
doing good relationships are good you know knock on wood um health is good like all of those are
you know so right now it's my biggest focus is to go after the opportunities that are existing
today and it continued to open up with the current market changes that we're experiencing right
I mean massive massive opportunities to go out there I mean if you look at this right now okay
I mean if you if you're an agent going out there and looking for buyers and sellers right I mean
you've got about 40 to 50% of our industry right now that's either you know getting out of the
industry that's completely disengaged I know in our predictions of 15% net loss by the end of
this year but you know if you look at this compared to like the great financial crisis right which
this is as challenging as a great financial crisis right if not more challenging right at least
you know from somebody that's been through it and you know not just got through it but thrived
during those times as well you know um but we didn't have all this gig work you know so the numbers
that that I mean now people go drive over drive lift maybe think that they're going to do a couple
deals so the actual true numbers may not signify you know the actual reality of this situation but
I'm just telling you right now dude fucking half of this industry right now is mentally checked out
now when I say that they might still be showing up but they've given up on just what you talked
about Grego pivoting and shifting with those strategies right so right now is a time to go out
then don that market share is going to need to be it's going to be taken up by somebody right exactly
you know so so you just need to make that decision it's going to be you or is it going to be any
but you know you're somebody else now you know for me today now that's what I'm coaching and
training my agents to do now I'm on you know the the brokerage you know slash team side of things
now so my job is to go out there and recruit as many you know talented agents that possibly can
in my organization and you know make sure they have all the tools training resources in support
they need to go out them crush it so what I'm looking at right there is I'm like do there's a
massive lack of leadership that that brokers and teams are providing to help their agents navigate
through through these times they don't know how to do it they haven't been through it I'm seeing
a record number of team leaders and broker owners having to position back transition back into
on productions so they're neglecting their agents yeah all right so again it's just like
fuck dude like I'm going to go clean how not only I'm going to we are you know but we're going to
continue clean house and I'm going to get mine man right like during this time yeah I'm here to
get fucking mine because I think that this will be I'm confident this will be the biggest growth
opportunity that I've seen yet in my 41 years here on the planet of what we're facing right now so
when you ask that 1% growth question right now my my focus that one there's an area I'm going to
improve 1% which I'm you know doing everything I can to you know I mean 1% better each and every day
you know that's you know 365 growth year over year you know I don't know but I'm going to do
everything I can to hit it man I mean it's it I'm the fucking slate right now to the compound
effect kicks in super hard you take off from LAX in Los Angeles California you're flying to
El Angel flying to New York you're off by one degrees you're landing in Boston yep so I mean
you're not going to get where you're landing jump and make that 1% ship Jean you have you've
been working in the tech and the marketing side for quite a while along with with Nick what do you
seen I know you work with a lot of mortgage agents right now are the a mortgage broker is
seeing the same type of thing you seen that fall off or what do you guys see in that side of the
business you for me 100% yeah I was actually just talking to an agent about it the other day and it's
it's funny it's reminiscent of like 2000 2001 when the Patriot Act came out I was in I was
actually in tech at the point at that point and before that I can remember like I worked for Verizon
at that time and they would fly me all over the place and they basically gave me a black card
they were like yeah just do whatever you want to do like take take clients out here's
stakes why no no problem and then when all that stuff happened they squeezed the coffers big time
and it was like okay so you get $12 a day to eat there's no alcohol on that and I was like dude who's
gonna eat like we're going to eat more weighty nuts and let us like what do you suppose to eat for
$12 so but I think what they did was they looked across the board they were like here's a
cost-cutting measure we can that we can use to keep our keep the lights on while we're going through
this trouble and I'm seeing the same thing in real estate and the I mean they're tied together
so it makes sense right if you don't have if there's nothing for sale there's no buyers if
there's no buyers there's no mortgages for the most part I mean there's Helox and stuff right
but yeah I'm seeing the same thing it's two and a half years ago it was you know lavish dinners big
parties you know everybody out with 30 people in a room and but now it's like well what's this
$11 charge you're gonna make sure you know you know what I mean like right everybody's really looking
at everything so I would say same thing I can't I can't really compare and say if it's worse or
better than the real estate space but yeah we're seeing the same thing Nick okay yeah Nick what about
you with growing lead Max the way you're growing it you know I what are you hearing from agents that
are signing up with or with you guys it's the same story man the people that are coming to lead Max
are saying my business is down I need to implement this feature right I need help and so I think
what Joshua said like going back to just ultimate accountability everybody wants to be saved but
like at the end of the day when until you have that like flip the switches in your head that like
nobody's going to save you and you need to take ultimate accountability and put a plan into place
like Joshua said a plan into place so you can't fail right like that that's such a powerful statement
put a plan into place so you can't fail I'm gonna take that's like the quote of this podcast because
I think he lives it you can hear him talk about it the past and he has he's been doing this for over a
decade right I mean I I met him over a decade ago like with everything that he's doing and he's
been consistent this whole time and so go back and listen to this episode but now's the time
like he said 2008 happened if you were in this business but there's a lot of people that didn't
experience that that are in this business right now right and so if you have an experience
of 2008 you're in that like boiling frog scenario where you're just looking around and everybody
that you're talking to is saying the same thing find different people to talk to right that's a
true point that's like a number one pivot like if if all of your friends are saying the same thing
and moping around and oh poor me and all that get away from those people find the action takers
of people who are doubling down who are looking at this as an opportunity and not a setback like oh
maybe I should go drive Uber because I haven't sold a house in two months how about maybe you get
with a top producer who sold 12 houses in the past two months and see what they're doing and get
on that side of the equation instead of where you're at well because Nick it's it's much simpler to
mentally masturbate to the idea of what could be a really fun thing to do aka make get a deal you
know get a big paycheck everything else but the grit the grind the hustle the sweat the blood the
tears the long hours that she didn't shown on TV okay so why do I have to go through it Nick that's
not fair save me that's what everyone's mentality as in reality gentlemen no one's ladies guys
when Josh went to the drinking thing I went with the drinking thing we we found our own
way out we built our own plan because we wanted it bad enough figure out what you want
that is so as such a draw to you that you can't live without it whatever that is it'll pull you
in a positive direction take one step do one thing don't don't don't look for a billion trillion
dollars Josh was on the path that actually said a goal for it he said a plan for it but start one
thing maybe lose a pound you know go for two walks in a week do 10 phone calls knock on one door
start small it won't bite back you'll figure out it's much easier than you're than the what you're
coming up with in your brain so great can I can I just add something well I don't know how can people
you know I do want to tell people what to do in this market you know can talk a lot about the
high-level stuff but it's like like look anybody that's watching listen to this could go out there
and start you know listing a house a day if you wanted to right now in this market right like
there's so many opera yet transaction volumes down with the pivot strategies but there's no reason
for you that your volume needs to be down in this market you know so and I'll just share a few
things with you few few tips you know for right now so you know number one I said this earlier but
you got to go after those that have a need not the want you know so what most people got to
custom to is just casting this white net to the general public you know um um and there's
enough people in the general public like we just got the longest bull market recorded history
I go we probably won't experience what we just experienced from 2012 till about 18 months ago
again in our lifetimes maybe we won't maybe won't you know I don't know for sure but probably
that's low you know um so we're coming out of a climate where the economy market was just
great for everybody you know um things have changed with that right so now we have to operate
as a sniper not going out there and shotgunning so again I talked about earlier the market's
always good for somebody so you need to identify whom the market is currently good for who has the
motivation who has the desperation who has the desire so I'll go just a you know a few different
strategy that you guys can do right now that are crushing it so on the by side if you're going
after buyers and this is going to be a combination of because I like to be as strategic as possible
because it allows my you know time to be most efficiently used and I also cost per acquisition
if I'm doing marketing you know to I can double my car you know half my cost per acquisition
cost you know quickly with this um but okay and this works great for this market right now so if
you're looking on can the by side like what where the prime buyers right now you know okay so for
most markets right now and you can do them you know look into the demographic reports for your
market but most markets right now we're talking to gin exurs you know right um you know the 45
plus you know really the 45 to 55 you know subcategory there that are looking for that are move up
buyers you know I said he's been in their house been in their house for you know 10 plus years now
having abundance of equity and they they've outgrown that property or they just want something new
but again they have that that equity to go out there and play ball in this market they can afford
the down payment they can afford the the you know high interest rates they can go out there and again
they you know they're sitting on let's just say half a million or 300 grand of equity whatever
that is in their property you know but I'm talking to them is move up buyers right so um in
the why I like these is because they have a house to list and we're able to capture that by side
so then with that okay I'm going to be very strategic when it comes to okay like I'm still
crushing paid Facebook ads today like we're burning the paid Facebook ads but we're making sure
that paid Facebook ads that we are we are extremely specific and said to just saying oh here's
all the homes for sale my market click here maybe some general style ads like that work before in
the past today it's not again you got to speak specifically to who you're trying to target so for
me in my market you know that is this 600 and 900 thousand price point and so my Facebook ad
as an example would be something like you know wow check out all these amazing homes currently for
sale in pure air zone all featuring sparkling swimming pools 24 hundred plus square feet four
plus bedrooms two and a plus bathrooms you have all currently listed between 600 and 900 thousand
dollars for more information photos uh you have info photos monthly monthly monthly monthly
mortgage payment amounts more click the little more button below right so but what I'm saying with
that is that is speaking their language anybody that's not interested in that specific type of
property isn't going to engage in that ad you know um and then from there okay like I'm in Phoenix
Arizona so a decent size reload market okay well then I'm gonna I like I go to my city I find out
okay what are my city department I go out there and find out the 2022 demographic reports where
are people coming from right so so not just okay like dude we have a ton of people from California
that are coming here to Phoenix however within California California California is a massive state
there's really only three places man you got San Francisco Bay Area you got Riverside and you got
San Diego so not only do I know the top states I know the top metros within those states so I can
get very targeted very specific with my ads to adopt those same thing with open houses when I'm
doing open houses I'm only doing open houses on the properties that they're looking for that they
want why so then now let's you know flip it over on to the list side because right now I think all
of us want as many listings as we possibly can you have of course you got Fisboz you got expires
those have always been great always hot hot still today issue that most of those are experiences
there's lesser of them so okay who else today has that motivation has that need has that
desperation can look at absentee owners man there's 12 million vacant single family attached properties
right now throughout the United States and a lot of the one I'm speaking of absentee owners who
are like targeting as boomers baby boomers that are the vast majority of now in retirement a phase
of their life they're on fixed incomes yeah they might have little to no mortgage on this second
or third or fourth home however many homes that they've acquired now that their you know this home
applies for you know under this absentee you know niche here um um but you got taxes going up you
got you know H.O.A.s going up you got insurance going up you got life 35% more expensive today than
it was three years ago so they're feeling the pinch a lot of these you know quote unquote snowbirds
or people that were experienced you know having vacation homes they're they're having to start
making that decision of we need a primary home so that's a great target to go after today
then investors when I say investors we're talking about investor health properties so look at
your short term vacation rentals right now man you got about 50% of all you know your Airbnb
is only short term vacation owners were acquired post covid right and then if you look at just
Airbnb as example your occupancy rates are the lowest they've been since inception of that company
so in my market short term vacation rental occupancy rates are down 52% so they're cash flowing much
less than they thought much less than they anticipated they're filling that pinch they're filling that
squeeze then also when you look at I'm sorry about the roads going a little bit on me then also when
we look at long term rentals right so you're your typical investors buying holds you know a lot of
people think all men these institutions swap all these properties that's about 20% of you are about
80% so you have you have 17 million single-family attached rentals you know throughout the US so
there's an abundance of these you guys right so we look at 80% of those are owned by just
mom and pop people you know I just regular people that just you know have a couple properties or
one property two properties three properties out of the well portfolio right well 57 to top 100
metros throughout the United States 57 to top 100 metros friends are down year over year so
where we're now we're most markets if not all markets are are I mean there's going to always
be an exception to the world but most are starting to experience cap rate compression these investors
are feeling it you know so now the great thing and I know you're doing a similar strategy bred with
with renta owns but the great thing with them going after these investor you know sources is like
look what I'm reaching out to them and it's just you know hey Joshua Smith here XYZ real estate
company you know I know your time is valuable I'll be quick the reason for my call today is I
notice that you own investment property one two three west main street and I wanted to reach out
a lot of my current investor clients are choose to unload portions of their real estate portfolio
due to the local rip what's going on with real market and do with the local economy and just wanted
to reach out to see that's something that you're considering and if so I'd be more than happy
to shoot over the numbers and we can further discuss what that looks like right so I'm just kind
of planning that see them based on what they say usually because they're hearing you say that
you know my other investor clients are unloading their portfolio you know it creates curiosity
so now I can get into more education of of cap rate compression what that means like you you know
you got to you know do your due diligence to know your numbers for your market um um you know
but then from there here's the cool thing either they're going to list or they're not but if they
don't list then from there it's you know maybe they're just like oh no this property is doing
amazing for me it's performing amazing for me well then from there I can like oh that's so great
to hear you know a lot of investor clients that I have and a lot of investor I'm speaking to
with aren't that positioned so I'm really glad to hear that now hey just out of curiosity if I
can find you other potential investment properties that perform as well if not better than this are
you open to looking at new investment opportunities right so then I'm adding them to my investor list
I'm adding them to my network right with that so it's you know it's a it's a double double win
then from there the last tip I'll give right now because there's a massive opportunity right now
and these are all of these are just continuing to grow and expand as far as niches like we're an
infancy stages um as far as the opportunities here you know with these with these you know but
again this is where the need is the desire is you know and so forth NODs right so like right now you
got 2.8% of all mortgages throughout the United States that are 30 plus days default so we got
what 85 million mortgages so you got about you know two almost three million homeowners right now
throughout the US there at least 30 days plus and default you got the average person in middle class
getting fucking crushed right now with this economy you know um yeah they might have equity in that
property but if they had like the common thing I hear from realtors is well I wouldn't they just
re-fi well dude if you can't afford life as is you're not going to be able to re-fi pull up money
increase your mortgage rate increase that note plus you're probably not going to be able to qualify
you know now if you're going to go out for NODs my recommendation is to be verse on short sales
because what we're finding now is anybody that's really bought since late 2020 early 2021
is going to be in a negative negative equity position you know so there's going to be a contingent
of them that you need to help with a short sale and then there's going to be contingent that have
enough equity to pay a sell it come clean with the bank and then you can help them go find a rental
property but again these are just examples of okay that I mean there is demand out that there is
desire yeah you might have to go work the phones four hours a day to go out and put great these
opportunities but if you do that like if you're if you're pounding the phone man every single day for
three four hours there's no reason why you're not listening three or four properties there
because microphone is smoking right now so I know I'm just going to shut up and see if you
are going to reload and breathe good lord that was awesome I know we were going long that I felt
bad a little bit bad because we were talking about it but I'm like people are probably wondering
like what do I actually do so I wanted to make sure we added a little bit of that that was awesome
then that was really really good Josh because I mean you you obviously are a practitioner and you
know your numbers you know your market you know where to look you know how to grow you look at
at different angles you're playing four to five D chess set of single D chess when you're just
looking at one dimension ago no well I should just do this well why don't we tack on a few more
things you don't really understand the entire picture so guys I want you to do number one I want
you to go and subscribe to GSD mode you're going to get a lot more of Joshua his phenomenal
gasses I've been on it to be on the show I think two or three times I think three I'm not sure
I think at least two anyways I think Josh is your third time on our show and the knowledge I try
watch his show I watch our show that he's got great guests go follow him you have a boot camp that's
ongoing on a consistent basis how do people plug in how do they get a part of be a part of your
ecosystem yeah so I'm in GSD you can really learn about me you can connect to the podcast
you can learn more about you know my my coaching mentorship program schedule calls me to talk
about it there's also a video on that you can check out with that you can check out my software
I'm a GSD mode you can kind of see everything that's going on in my world. Okay GSD
go there guys immediately Jean Volpe give me some thoughts here buddy.
Perhaps I would go back and watch this again check out the GSD podcast I mean
dude dude spits fire it's not anything that we haven't seen in the you know the last four or five
years so okay with that endorsement everyone's going to go listen to that show you know it's
honestly phenomenal guys go do it uh next seconds give us some of your final thoughts. So many takeaways
uh you know from the beginning of the show put a plan into place so you can't fail take ultimate
accountability know yourself and self-awareness is something I think Josh is excellent at
right so knowing that he had the drinking problem um you know I don't have a drinking problem I
have a food problem it's a it's a very similar thing it's that when I first lost 200 pounds a
couple years ago it was that same scenario where I had to remove myself from situations
wasn't going to family picnic like you had to do certain foods couldn't be in the house um so
that's powerful and then adapting with the market and the last 10 minutes of this show where he just
basically gave you guys a playbook on what you should be going after for the next 12 months
was phenomenal absolutely phenomenal and uh I uh I approve his message let's put it that way
does nick approve yeah especially with the Facebook ads right I live and die with Facebook ads I've
been doing that for over a decade too um and everything he said about targeting the people speaking
exactly to the person with the exact offer that they want to hear like all that stuff is exactly what
I do uh in my software that he's teaching people so uh definitely I can definitely uh again approve
that message so nice all right uh Josh final thoughts from you uh and then we're gonna wrap this
thing up and I know that you're running close on time for your next meeting yeah I would just say
that look man you know now is the time to get to work I mean this is what I'm preaching to my agents
every day all day man is this isn't a time to seek balance this isn't like this is the time like
you've got to make a decision of the hit man I'm going to make this thing or I'm going to become
a statistic right like this is not a market in a time for the interested I'm not nearly as optimistic as
most uh about this I think that we are looking much more like 19 damn 38 versus 2008 you know so
now I don't know I have a crystal ball but I'm going to hope for the best plan for the war so I
am planning and prepping for something at the same magnitude size if not worse than the great
depression now hopefully it doesn't come to fruition but I'm just telling you right now from
everything that I see in behind the scenes and shit that no most people have awareness of that
aren't looking at we don't want to look behind the scene you know answer unpacking the financial
system and unpacking shit that's going on behind the scenes dude um again they like you need to go
out there and get to work so work your ass off put the right strategies you know commit to going out
they're dominating this industry there's no better industry than ours like like what else can you
take a loser like me and within six you know call a dropout loser like me and within six months
you're making as much as doctor or you know attorneys like I've never seen an industry where there's
more opportunities available to be had than are amazing industry that we're all involved in so
you know go get yours yeah guys go do it go we want to thank you for watching and listen
this has been an awesome show Josh but thanks for coming back and spending some time with us you
have dropped knowledge bombs as per normal so appreciate you my friend thank you so much
Jean and Nick you guys are legends in my mind thank you for always being here being incredible
co-hosts and always doing an incredible amount of stuff behind the scenes three of you guys stay put
for the rest of you guys until next time peace out and just
thanks for listening to today's episode I hope you take action immediately with the tactics
and the takeaways that you've learned now if you'd like to take the relationship to the next level
with me which I strongly encourage that you do by the way I want you guys to go ahead and shoot
me a text you know it's 925 915 1978 a lot of the time is if people are feeling stuck
or they just need a third party to listen and kind of throw some ideas out and we'd love to
be that where you take the McDaniel challenge well over 400 people have taken a challenge
you know it's been a positive result 99.9% of the time now I'm kidding it's about 100% of the time
it's been a blast and I would encourage you guys to reach out to me I really would love to talk
with you if you feel a little stuck and you guys need the third party to kind of just bounce
my ideas off I'm here for you getting that numbers 925 915 1978 in as always peace out you just
we got