How Ali Garced Went From Military Major To Real Estate Rockstar

Welcome to Real Estate Uncensored, the place for actionable ideas to reach people online, build your personal brand, and get more clients. That is Greg McDant, the junior grandmaster of sales in the co-pilot seat. If that is Matt Johnson, agency owner, author, microfamous, certified, Greg Garandora. Each week you're going to hear from some of the best coaches, leaders, brokers, top producing agents and social media experts, all with one goal. Give you the sales and marketing tactics to up your game today. Okay, now let's jump back into the latest episode of Real Estate Uncensored. Welcome back, boys and girls. Ladies and gentlemen, this is another amazing show of Real Estate Uncensored. Now we have our trusted co-host, Alyssa Glatt's aka Color My Credit. Rock and hard in the co-pilot seat today. But we got a guest, guys. We have a major. That's right, a major, awesome human being. She got out of the military as a major. She knows how to fly circles around clients and just make the plane land so that you guys get more success. She's going to break this down checklist. We're going to walk through protocols. We're going to see how she's growing her real estate business, which by the way, she has zero regrets walking away for prior careers. She loves real estate. You guys are going to get a lot of knowledge. Make sure you take notes. Get a pen and paper out. You millennials get your thumbs warmed up. Get your iPhones ready. Take some notes. Before we get to our awesome guest, Alyssa Glatt, how are you? I'm good. I'm so glad to be here. I can't wait to hear from Major Alley, man. This is going to be great. Come close. Guys, what you don't know about Alley, she actually runs two other very successful podcast plus a crew of agents. And she's going to come in knock socks up. So Alley, welcome, my dear friends. So glad to have you here. Greg and Alyssa, thank you so much. I'm honored to be on this podcast. Well, let's break down for the folks who don't know you yet. A little bit of your back history, your story. So people can kind of get a grasp of who you are. What you're going to do in this show to make their businesses better. Besides just being able to see your strikingly awesome face and wonderful personality. Thank you so much. I love Greg. Yeah, he's great. I know. I feel great. Yeah. Yeah. So I a little bit about me is I was in the Air Force. I was active duty for a decade. And I've lived in eight different states originally from New York. I joined a pay for college. I didn't join for any sort of sense of maybe I shouldn't be saying this. But I didn't join it because of Go USA. I joined his college was fucking expensive. So to pay like and my parents were cash flowing it. You know, my dad is in real estate as an investor, not an agent. And I just felt bad because I went to college in 2008 to 12. So that was kind of the worst time for two kids to go to college. So I was like, you know, what what can I do for my parents as a thank you. You know, like immigrant parents from Peru from Puerto Rico. And I was the first one to graduate from from college. I was like, you know what, let me just as a thank you. Let me sign up for the service. And it's a four year commitment active duty. Then four years, you know, in active duty. And I thought that that four years would end there. But I kind of just strung along, you know, it was a good career because 2012. A lot of my friends in, you know, a lot of my peers weren't having success. Getting jobs even with their bachelor's because having a bachelor means nothing now. But yeah, so fast forward. I did a serve for a decade. And that took me to where I am right now in Tucson, Arizona. I separated as a major and as you, if for anyone that's served in the military, I, they know how what this is like. As you serve and you get the automatic promotions, we just come with time, right? As long as you don't kill anybody, they come with time. And, and then you get those golden handcuffs. Like you really feel the sense of holy crap. I only have 10 more years. And then I can retire and get a pension for the rest of my life. Another that pension is enough to live off of, but it's still pretty significant, you know, $5,000 if you're an officer, that's, that's pretty good. So I started to feel that more and more as the longer I stayed in, but I was miserable. I did not enjoy it. I was moving every two years. I couldn't hold a relationship because of that. It just affected all areas of my life. I had insomnia, I had anxiety, I had depression, do everything. And I was on, I was on every pill. Dude, it was, it was bad. Yeah. So what was, what was really the most, was it the countdown in your head? You know what I'm saying? I'm going 10 more years, nine more years. You know how we kind of go? Well, I can make, I can make it until this point, you know, and then you start back down in your head. Yeah. Yeah, no, absolutely. And it's like, oh, man, I can't wait until the next ring. And then you make the next ring. And you know, it comes with a pay increase, but it's still not too crazy. You know, I just, I was so stuck in a W2 mindset that I entrepreneurship, like, I hadn't really crossed my mind. And specifically being a real estate agent, I thought there were all bimbos with high heels. And I'm not like that. You know, I wear, like, this is what I wear. I usually wear a backward hat too. I'm like, I don't, this is, I have a lot of men like that. That's just the way it is. I'm just kidding. Bimbos goes for men too. Absolutely. I've seen some heels before. I'll tell you. No. Yeah. So I don't know. I just started like digging into it more, you know, being at like the depth of my depression, while I was active duty, I was like, what can I do to just gain autonomy over my life? I need time freedom. I need, I want to choose where I want to fucking live. I want to just go on vacation whenever I want so much. So I had made the decision to leave four years prior to me leaving. And I didn't is because I wanted to make sure I was set up financially because they paid me well after two weeks. Cool. Excellent. As long as Congress gets their shirt together. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So I, I was investing, you know, into my 401k, which is the TSP, the Roth IRA. I was investing in real estate, doing everything that I could. So I separated as a major and as a millionaire after a decade of service. And at that point, I had some runway, you know, I had cash in the bank. I had some runway to be able to play with this thing that is being a realtor. I had been a realtor. I got my, I got licensed in 2021. So I've only been a realtor for two years. And the first year of me doing it, I was still active duty because I am not the one to just jump in with both feet. I very, I'm very analytical. I'm very risk averse, actually. So I figured my last year. Yeah. Yeah. I figured my last year in the military, I would be also a full time agent. I did 20 transactions. And at that point, I started getting too many leads to handle. And I know how that sounds, but I was working my ass off. Like two full time jobs. I was still traveling with the Air Force and separating is. Like anybody that's ever separated, no one knows how to guide you through that. But to learn because obviously there is no like separation crew. Hey, you want to separate figure it out. See you later. Right. So doing that. Yeah. Plus like the buyers and sellers. So at that point, I was like, OK, I just want to match my, my income that I was making. And I matched it by month of me being a realtor. Wow. Wow. Yeah. My entire annual salary, which I felt so, you know, golden handcuffed to. Like, I can't leave this. I'm going to be leaving $5,000 on the table in 10 years. And everyone that's up to in the military was like, oh, my gosh. You only have 10 more years. Like, do you know how that sounds? Oh, more years. Horrible. So when you, I actually want to dive into that psyche, thought pattern a little bit. Because a lot of people, they get pigeonholed and go the golden handcuffs quite a bit in the W2. And in entrepreneurship, there's a way to dig yourself out. You didn't have a crew to walk you through a step by step. How do you decangle yourself from this last part of your life, a very significant part of your life? And people that are in the real estate world, both agents and investors. There was a trigger point that I have found for most folks, not everybody, but for most folks is either positive or negative event that really push them right over the edge. And they said, forget about it. I'm going to change my life. I want to do something different. So was there a trigger in your life as you said, you know what? Enough bullshit is enough fucking bullshit. I am going to make a shift one way or another. Now, you don't have to share that. I just want to, if you want to, you can't, I would love to hear it. But if you don't, that's fine. But was there that moment when you said, you know what? Fucking them out. I am more than happy to give specifics overall. Overall, she's name and name. Well, I'm not going to name it. But overall, it was just the, the, whenever you work for a huge corporation or, you know, the DOD, there are so many layers and it's at. Something that comes from the top down doesn't make sense by the time it's at the bottom level. If that makes sense, you know, like there's communicate. It's, it's the game of telephone. Like, hey, great. Like I understand your intention with XYZ, but by the time you're doing it, boots on ground, it doesn't make sense. So there were, I don't know, some things like for example, I was talking about the exit plan, kind of like the exit plan from. What triggered me to be able to, yeah, yeah, to call it quits is, is I was. Employee. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I went to Afghanistan. And at that point, I had finished my four year commitment, which is all I needed to do to pay back my ROTC scholarship. And I did an extra year and I volunteered for deployment. I'm doing all the things that I'm told to do, right? And I was like, you know what? I don't think I want to do this. This is year five. I was like, I think this is going to be it. I think I'm going to separate. When I get back to the States, I think I want to separate from there. Just, I don't know what I'm going to do. I just, this not feeling it. At that point, I had been receiving a ton of like inbound from higher up requesting, hey, we really want you to go to this specific assignment in Tucson, Arizona. So you know how that story ends. And I was like, no, I have to speak Spanish there. I don't speak Spanish. I understand it. But like you're setting me up for failure. And it's not good for the mission. And they're like, yeah, well, what can we do? And I was like, well, first of all, if you want me to speak Spanish, teach me Spanish, you know? Yeah. So they said, okay, let's do it. We'll send you to DLI in Monterey, California. You spend a year there at the program. Yeah, I was like, okay. For one year in Monterey, I think I could do three years in Tucson. Let's do it. Yeah. So I verbally said yes, but I purposely did not sign the official documents. And fast forward two months after that, I'm back in the States. I was like, you know what? I still have, I'm still about five months away from actually moving. I didn't sign anything. I want to step away. And I even want to step above. And I found someone else to replace me that wanted to go, that wanted to do the mission. And I was like, hey, just trying to make this as easy as I can for the Air Force. I found someone else. She wants, she wants to go. She has family in Tucson. The whole thing. They were like, no, you verbally said yes. It's like, yeah, but that's the purpose of the contract that I did not sign. Yeah. And they're like, no, well, you said yes via a nipper email, which is not on the secret side. Just regular email. That is binding enough. I was like, wow. So, okay. You know, it is what it is. I get it. So I went over to California, which is supposed to be a year long program. And month two, they said, hey, we're going to move you to Tucson now. That's what our agreement was. I would learn Spanish. You would teach me Spanish. What's up? So I called, I called Tucson. And I'm like, hey, I'm supposed to be moving there. And I guess in two months, I don't speak Spanish. Just so you know, I guess there's a mission for me to do. They're like, no. First of all, there is no mission in January. We don't want you if you can't speak Spanish. I'm like, this is a prime example of the DOD. This is it. I'm getting out. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And then at that point, yeah, I made my decision. And then of course, after that, once I have that negative, you know, I'm just mad. There were just more and more things that happened after that. You know. Yeah. So you made the shift after that after that interaction with that organization. You said, okay, my mind is made up. You made the shift. Once you shifted into real estate. Um, what was that like going from W to 10 to 1099, babe in the woods, but naked going like, what the heck do I do now? Because I don't have a chain of command. I'm going to do it. There's no missions. I got to figure out my own shit. Did you land on your feet? I'm know you did because we're already talking on this podcast. But the mindset is what I'm really interested in because so many agents go out and they want to be successful. But their mindset stops them on a consistent basis. Uh, walk us through that process really quickly. And then I want to jump into the leads and how you started generating them from different sources. How you can then how you kind of worry when you got overwhelmed, how you handled that overwhelming. I knew I know you've built a team in a crew. Walk us through that because that's that's super interesting. Yeah. But man, I was on such cloud nine like that day that I decided I would separate as I was getting my license. Oh, my, I went to my car and I'm driving. And I am like screaming with joy. I like, I'll never forget it. I know exactly what crossreads I was on in here in town. And like, oh, no. I really so. Yeah. Yes. It was freedom. I got my autonomy back. And I could do whatever I wanted to do with my day. If I wanted to just sleep all day, which I don't think I could, you know, I could. But just the option. If I wanted to smoke pot. I could, you know, it's anything now. So yeah. Yeah. And. And. But that. So I think because of the amount of anger, it really stem from negativity. That is what drove my mindset to just be like, hey, I can't. Disappoint myself. But I definitely can't embarrass myself, you know, in front of everyone else in the Air Force. That was telling me. Stay in. You only have 10 more years. I'm like, 10 years at my prime. No. That sounds terrible. Send me to Africa when I'm fucking 80. Not now, you know, like, I don't want to go now. And then realizing just the uncapped potential of how much I can make. It's only dependent on me. No longer is it dependent on my boss. And my boss's opinion of me. And their boss's opinion of me that they didn't hear directly from me. That didn't see me work. I just knew that I. Could provide so much value, but I felt like I just didn't belong in the military. And I'm so thankful that I spent that time because I think that that's still. That's definitely still feels me today. So. I spent some time with that overlap. The Air Force and the military has a program where you can start transitioning to do work outside of the military. The military still pays you. So in that way, if. If you decide that you don't like it, then you could just kind of find a new career before you just bounce, you know, before you go all in into that one career. Yeah, and something that Obama implemented back in 2012 or some show like that. Anyway, so I took advantage of that. Yeah, it's it was to prevent homeless. The increase of homeless vets. So I took advantage of that. So I was being paid by the Air Force. And I am, you know, starting off my realtor career and anything goes, right? Like I joined the correct group, which was all across the country. Mind you, nobody was here local in Tucson. But I was I just have the mindset of just I'm going to figure it out. You know, before I even bug you, before I even go to you, Greg or go to you, Alyssa, I'm going to YouTube it myself. I don't want to sound like an idiot. I think that's my biggest fear is like looking stupid. So I'm going to prove to you that I have done the research. I'm, you know, I have worth. I don't know. It's probably an internal issue for sure. But Daniel, she's a parent yet, you know, I know. It is hard though. Yeah, to go through just the mindset change, the belief like I bet you. The free, the freeing feeling of like, oh my gosh, I put all these limits on my life. I put all these limits on how much I could make and what I was capable of. And what I was doing and I don't know, somewhere along the way, we kind of feel that we're not worthy of it. In some way, we lost kind of our worthiness of being a queen or whatever the word, you know, whatever that queen means to you. But it's amazing. When you get that feeling where you're like 100% committed to you and seeing what you are capable of. And like that feeling inside of going like, let's go. You know, it's exciting. It's hard to get that hard to find that. And sometimes I would say it usually does come from every other trauma. You know, like, I don't care if I've got daddy issues because that motivates me to try to prove him wrong. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. 100% That's okay. Listen, we love you. That's why that's why we love your energies. We like have alley on both you two beautiful ladies are just balls of knowledge. And you're awesome. That's why they're hanging out with both of you. I think you mentioned something alley that's over looked a lot. And you verbalized it very well. You said you were afraid of being embarrassed in front of the people at your last career that said you couldn't do it. That alone overcoming that alone is something that's more powerful than most agents or anyone really understands that my mental fortitude to say, you know what? Bob Stacy Rebecca Phil, whatever name is Bob for remax. We know we hate that fucking guy. But when they talk shit, you use it as a fuel, as an energy, not as a detractor from your mental stability, how strong you are mentally. You said, you know what? You guys might you guys are wrong. And I'm going to show you we were wrong and you didn't look around. It sounds like you just put blinders on. And you said, knows to grindstone a accomplished mission, nothing else matters. Let's go, right? And I love that mindset. I respect that mindset. And that is what that's why people respect you from our so far in this conversation. What I understand about you in your past is that is a powerful thing. Because when you said that, your countenance shifted. I don't even think you even saw it shipped, but your tonality changed. And that was where I was like, okay, there it is. She found her trader. That was amazing. But resourcefulness too is so necessary. Like I feel like if there was one skill that I want my girls to know, my daughters, you know, more than anything else, is how to figure out your way out of a hole. You know what I'm saying? Like really that thing you said earlier about just, I was going to figure it out. That there's something in that grit that is so necessary that if you have that ability to figure it out to be resourceful. Like I feel like the best skill you could have right now that's needed everywhere. Yes. I agree. Yeah. I agree. Yeah. Sorry. Go ahead. I'll catch you off. Oh, no. I was going to say like how this translated to like overflowing leads that I couldn't handle is. So I had purchased a couple of properties on my own, not just in Tucson, but you know, throughout the states that I've been living in with the military. So I knew what the process overall was like on the by side, not on the sales side. But even even within, I joined the right group. They had like the canned emails and you know, everything to like set me up for success. It was just up to me to just implement, which I can implement. You know, I don't need anybody telling me, and did you make your calls today? You know, like, no, come on. Do I want to put food on the table? I'll make my fucking calls. Yeah. So. Love it. So, yeah, I had the foundation, which was perfect. And. And then it was just a matter of telling everyone. And it was very easy for me to tell everyone. Because I'm on like this big middle finger, you know, up in the air type thing. Like, hey, I'm leaving. I'm getting to real estate. I've already made more than I was making as a major. And that's, that's a lot for military life. And you know, I thought like, oh man, I'm a major. I'm making pretty good money. And, and when I make the next rate, I'm going to make another 10k. It's, it's, that's what I was trapped into. That was my like limiting belief at the time. I can, I am worth only $108,000 or, you know, whatever it was. So one of the biggest, so I was telling everyone I knew, even before I got licensed. Hey, I'm going to get licensed. When you PCS, when you move, please let me connect you to a realtor. And then I got licensed and it was just referrals out the gate and people moving in here. People spreading my name because they see my excitement about it. And then it, it got to the point where I had so many leads that I could not handle it. Because I was still active duty. I still had a job to do. So at that point, I was actually forced to create the crew. And could I have just found a referral partner here in Tucson? Yes, absolutely. But I had built out the checklist. Because I didn't have time to think, you know, like I didn't have time. I just needed to do. It was just all action. And the last thing I wanted to do was think about where this person was. What was what else was needed to be get the inspections back? Did we get the appraisal back for this person? Oh, we forgot about that person. No, like everyone had a checklist. And it was the same copy and paste checklist for the buyers, for the sellers that I personally created. And it was like, I didn't, I wanted to take the thinking out of it. So because I had built these checklist from start to finish specifically here for Tucson, Arizona. I was like, hey, I have this. And I doubt that anybody else in the brokerage is going to be like, okay, here. Fine, send me your referral. And I have to use your checklist, you know, but I wanted my clients, which were my friends being taken care of the way that I, that I wanted. This is, I guess, my type A coming out. Although I consider myself type B, which is funny. Really? Yeah. Yeah, every single time I take the test, it comes out type B. I don't know. It's so weird. Probably so talented. Yes. Or maybe multiple personalities. Who knows? Yeah, we're not going to take that out the table. What's going on with that? Okay. So I'm like, making, I'm really big on on social media. And 94% of my business has come from social media. Awesome. So I'm putting it on social media. Like, hey, I'm a realtor. I have so many leads. If you're a realtor in this area, please let me know. I'm drowning. And like, I am behind me. I have a green screen of just phone calls after phone calls that I, that are all red in my iPhone. You know, like, I have not been able to even answer. I'm like, these are all of the leads. Like, this is not a joke. Guess how many people responded to that? How many? Nobody. What? I was like, is how else can I screen this from the rooftop? I have so many leads. Like, please help. And I don't know what people thought I was like, you know, just spam. I have no idea. But maybe it is. Maybe it's like, it sounds like anything that sounds too good to be true. We've almost like, you know, can't believe it or can't. But I know, girl, like, there's so many things I can think of that relate to that. Where you're like going, I'm giving you gold. I'm giving you something that's like real gold. It's real. Like, you know, missing money. Greg, how many times I've gone like, it's not. It's really your money. You know what I mean? It's like, you want to screen it. But nobody responds to you. Nobody. Like, there's got to be a way you say it. I don't know. Maybe they just don't trust us. I don't know. How do you build that? You know, but you're getting calls, though. Right. You do get call. I mean, nobody in the beginning. Yeah. I was getting a lot of calls. And mainly there were people that were not in my specific sphere, but those in their sphere. Right. And that's how social media came into play. So. So yeah, I ended up going to more in person, realtor events. And I was talking to agents. And I'm like, hey, if you're unhappy, please join. Because I have checklist. I have this. I have that. Just plug and play. You don't even have to think you just have to do. So since then, I've grown the crew to like a little over 30, 32 agents. And I fell in love with the, with the prospecting part of it. That's awesome. You should be so proud of yourself in this. And then this isn't a really what a year, a couple of years now. Two years. Two years. Fuck, dude. There are team members that will dream of that in a 20 to 30 year career. And you, like you said, double Michael middle fingers up in the air going like, look, bitches, I'm going to show you how it's done. Yeah. Just follow the path all the way it out in front of you. Just do what I've done. And you know, that's just unbelievable that people just didn't even take you seriously when you're sitting there going like, guys, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of dollars in your pocket. Let's like, I can do this. Like quit your W2. Like follow my path. Let's go. And you got a whole assembly line. Ready. Like the assembly line of what you, you do. I love the way that you were like, look, let's just like cut paste, make it a template. We're not going to do this again. Like it's once I've done something one time, it's got to become part of the checklist. You know, I'm saying that that was really smart of you to just be able to just. And then step back because so many people spend their whole life. Like then managing details, managing people. Man, you can't go on vacation. You can't step away. But it's like, you can because you set it up that way. Yeah, I can. I have. It feels good. And I think that's definitely one thing that the military taught me is the SOPs, right? Like the checklist. And so not only did I build out the how to help clients, but also the onboarding because onboarding is very overwhelming. It is. It is so much to do. So every single time I had a new link to save or anything to an action to take or somebody to talk to you about, you know, the next step. I put it on a checklist. Now that checklist is 200 items long. It's. It's a lot. I mean, it covers everything. Like there are no questions like 200 step onboarding process. You're fucking set. That's for exp. Do you use like air table or does exp have certain like type of tools you guys use for those type of checklist? Or is this just straight up Excel or marker and pad, you know? Definitely not. Markers. Yeah. I use air table. I've seen a lot. Yeah. I've never even heard of air table. I have to look into that. You better check that. I think you would really like this sounds like your thing. Yeah. Yeah. Okay, guys and gals. Let's take a quick quick break from our show. Thank you for watching and listening to everything we put out there. Let's talk about exp. Let's talk about how to build legacy. Well, let's talk about how to put money in your pocket without having to do with the work on daily grind. The grind is what kills all of us and hurts our souls. Let us help you and show you how you can take that out of what you do consistently right now. Go ahead and reach out to me at nine twenty five nine fifteen nineteen seventy eight. And just in case you didn't get that is nine twenty five nine fifteen nineteen seventy eight and I personally look forward to talking with you. And now back to the show. Yeah. But yeah, no, I use Trello because it's free. Yeah. Trello is really good in that. I guess the real question is why hopefully you're looking at opening a brokerage or just staying a team and being becoming really independent. There are more agents than you can possibly shake a stick at once they hear about this stuff enough times they'll come running to you and droves because you have the missing magic key to success and it's the knowledge of what the blink to do next. Like yeah, what do I start? How do I begin? What do I do when I get one? Like what's my follow? What system should I use? And you're like no, no, don't forget all the chatter out there because there's so much white noise of real estate agents and all the products they're going to try to sell you in vendors. Their stick is going to be only one deal a year is going to cover the cost of my program like motherfucker. How many program? How many deals have to do to cover my cost first off? Is it true? Yeah. God. But second of you, if you get with a team like Allie's team that it's already built in. You have a supportive organization and group of individuals around you that have similar goals and you guys get along, why would you not want to explore that more often? Because that is something that there are a lot major brokerages will say they have it. I was the head trainer of my brokerage. We said we're a family. We were a dysfunctional divorced family who never talked and when we talked, we yelled at each other. I'm like this is one fucked up organization. I desire not to be a part of it. But it sounds like you're definitely not on that path. You're on the path of success, light and bright, you know, encouragement, financial freedom for the individuals. And that is what's needed in this industry. So I want to bump back really quickly. So you're getting these leads, right? And they're flowing in. You can't get them. And people are starting to call you now. What was the first experience like when the first person picked up the phone and said, Hey, Ali, my name is Greg and I saw what you're offering. And I would love to help you out. Was that astonishing, you know, gratifying? What that feel like? It was actually outbound instead of inbound. Outbound, excuse me. Yep. It was. So I was on Facebook groups of like study groups to pass the Arizona license. I was on. Just read the comment that I'm OCD. Maybe I am. I should probably get checked out. I would make it work for you. Just make it work for you. Girl, absolutely. Just function. Make it work. Although ironically, it's all digital. Like if you look at my desk right now, you'd probably barf. It's pretty bad. But digitally, I am organized. It's, I don't know. I can't make the switch into a real room to real life. But. So I was outbound. I was like, Hey, you're. You're an agent. I'm like, join me. You don't have any bad habits. Uh, this is, you know, what I offer. Um, and I, I will say the, the word team. Would be technically incorrect because team, like implies there's a split. There is no split like the if I had a lead or a client to give, then it would be a normal referral. But other than that, like I'm not taking anything. Because I saw like I was looking at and listening to podcasts. I was hearing that a lot of agents would get trained up. and then they realize that their getting paid the same as when they were brand new, they don't need the assistance anymore, let me bounce and get a better split somewhere else. So yeah, so instead of getting like a 50, 50 split, I'm only, instead of 50%, I'm getting three, three percent, like three point zero. And that's just off of the revenue share from EXP and that three percent doesn't even come out of that agent's pocket, because that's how the model works. So it pretty much, we're giving you everything, it's like so abundant mindset. We're giving you everything because we pretty much know that there's no reason to leave, you have everything at the best price. You, you have no idea how intelligent that move was. You have, I mean, you do now, but that model will sustain you through the worst markets ever and people will be thankful for the fact that you believed in them and trusted them and you're not gouging them. When people come and come to me and they're saying, well, I want to join your team, which is what I'm like, nothing, you just join me to EXP and you just, do you run you and we, I make money out the company and we drive together that, well, my other, there's other groups that they want to take 25 to 50%. I'm like, well, they're being an asshole. I love to be honest. So I love your mindset, love it. Yeah, thank you. I'll send out, continue. Thank you. So yeah, it was a lot of outbound. I'm like, hey, this is legit. These are the people, like here you go. If you make it work, then it'll be referral, if not whatever. So that's how I started to gain more people than I realized that I became the trainer, the everything for brand new agents. And at that point, my business started to go down. Everyone's business started to go down because I am now the one educating brand new agents that are like, okay, sweet, I'll join. So at that point, let me see where would I be? This is like my first five months in. I kind of need to switch because I realize, she'll be, what's up? Maybe I should, okay, I should not read these out loud. I lost my train of thought, man. She'll be. But the shift, it was just your shift, you know, from going, did you get distracted by almost what the organization's selling you and what they wanted you to do, leader, not organization, I should say, but where you saw a need for you, you know, takes away from you being able to, you know, get the leads, right? For your group? Yes. Yes, thank you. You were putting me back on track. Yeah, so. I was a listen. So I started getting revenue share. And that is when I realized the revenue share that I was making was more than all of my rental properties combined. And I was like, this is a thing. I want to go after this. And I want to show everyone in my crew that they can too. Here, I was spending so much time like renovating properties and talking to contractors and just wasting my time. For a, yeah, for a small ROI, when I can do something that I like better, which is investing people, talk to people, help them with their business. And the revenue share paid off way more than any of that. So, and the return on time was a lot better. So at that point, I went all in on growing the crew. And it sounds, I don't know, like maybe like very EXP, but it's, I'm trying to tell everyone I know, but there's a reason. There's a reason everyone's so like gun hoe about this. So let me back that top pattern of one second. It's not an EXP thing. It's a real estate brokerage thing. Every manager is a recruiter. That is a fucking job to recruit as many butts into seats as a matter of how much they produce. Hires better lowers fine because you know it. I make you coffee. You do a couple of deals. I still get paid. You are thinking as a broker. You're thinking as a business owner. You're thinking as a manager. You're thinking as strategic business woman. You, it's not EXP. You are a mentally, are you a broker and agent? I'm an agent in Arizona. I have to be reared. So I'm not even there yet. So why do you broker? But you already have the broker mindset. You have the success growth mindset. I feel fucking bad for the rest of your competing agents. When you go to a broker status, you're going to go from ultra successful now to mega successful because people are going to come to you and they're going to see the gratitude that you have towards the agents. They're going to see your big heart. They're going to see your success track pattern. You're going to be a legend in this business because you have revolutionized something that has been monetized for so long and agents have been just taking it on the chin saying, okay, yes, it's just the way it is. And you're going, no, there's a better way. Follow me. You will be a household name in the business if you keep on this path. I will make that proclamation right now. Thank you so much, Greg. I really appreciate that. He's the best. I just think he's awesome. I need to ask you guys. What did you guys? I agree with him, though. Yeah, thank you. Okay, so let's get back on to the storyline. Where were we? Yeah, so as I'm getting revenue share, I realized very quickly, this is half, this is 50% of what I would have made had I in retirement in the military, had I stayed in another decade, you know, I made 50% of that in one year. God. Like, of course, we can't call it, we can't call it residual, but what? Like that, that just, even if we're making the same amount, it's like thinking about what it does to you, your health, your mental health, when you stay in a situation longer than you need to. And you know it. It just, it just grains on every part of your life. So it's like invaluable, you know, like what you did. Priceless. Yeah, yeah. So I mean, it was, it was awesome just being able to just grind, you know, just hustle. And then I blew past what I was making. I made double my first full year of what I would have made had I stayed in the military with benefits and everything. And then on top of that, I have the revenue share. And so I'm just like now showing my, my crew, the agents in the downline that they can do the same thing. And it's, and I love that they're also investors first. So we're all like a community. Pretty much all of us are investors first. So we already have that mindset of, it's not just active income until we die, you know, we are going to step away from the business at some point. I think that that's a healthy thing. I've met a lot of agents in my career that, I mean, there's this one lady, an older Asian girl. And she was, I think in her late 80s, and she kept coming in the office every day because she had to. And I saw her every day and I'm like, oh my God, dude, when are you going to stop doing this? Because she was never trained or taught to do that. It was just keep on grinding through, keep on showing up nine to five. And the younger generations like you two are really embracing the, let's work as a group hive mind towards a common goal independently, but yet support each other as a group. And a lot of folks just, they just never got that. They just never got it. So that's awesome sauce. Grinding is the key. No matter what it is, just keep on keeping on. Don't stop. You'll never fail if you don't stop. If you fail, if you stop, you're going to fail. That's simple. That's what I was going to ask you too, Greg, and Anne Major Alley, but what are you finding right now with everybody? I'm going to call you Major Greg, and I'm just kidding, you're not majoring. I know, but I'm saying, what are you doing right now? What do you do on the daily to keep your mindset exactly the way you are? I mean, I know that it is just probably so innate, like for you, and it's routine, and it's, I'm going to be this way, but everybody, everybody goes through stinking, thinking time. You know, you go through times of going, maybe I'm going to be one of the realtors out of it. Maybe it was just a fluke. Maybe it was a good year for me, and maybe I'm going to be out. But what do you do to keep yourself grounded? I'm sure that it's a series of things, but is there something you go, you're kind of go to to keep you mentally strong? Yeah, so a couple of things. One I would say is sleep. Like back when I had insomnia, a ton, you know, when I was in the military, I really realized how much sleep plays into everything, every aspect of your life. So I go to bed at 9.30, like, typically no later than that. I'm usually asleep by 10. I wake up and I, you know, wish I could say that I just work out every single day and I get my pump on and I don't, you know, I did for a while, I go, I go, you know, I have my highs with my workouts and I have my lows right now, I'm in a low. But what I do every day is I fucking work, you know, like my, I don't have like an entire miracle morning routine. I just, I wake up usually around 5.30 to 6. And it's starting to become natural now, ironically, instead of when I was in the military. But so I get up naturally like around 5.30 and I just sit on my coffee and I open up two things, which is my checklist to make sure every buyer, every seller, every agent is on track with the onboarding everything. And I open up my tracker, which is how many conversations I have a day. So I analyze every single day of the week, how many outbound attempts am I having, how many inbound, like actual conversations, appointments. I don't track how many closings I've had, how many agents have joined. I only track the leading indicators and because otherwise, it's, I think if you're only focused on the lagging, it is easy to get off track and think, oh my gosh, I only had three closings this month or whatever that number is. And then you can easily spiral, be like, I'm going to end up leaving the industry. I'm going to be homeless. And so if you just track what you can control, that will make you feel better. Yeah, yeah. Plan the effort. Yeah, yeah. OK, so you're tracking everything and you're progressing nicely. You're seeing some successes. What do you think your next step is going to be? Are you going to continue on this role that you're currently in, this great, you know, forward path that you've forged for yourself? What's next for Ali? And kind of, what are some things that maybe an agent could should hear from you right now? They would give them a word of encouragement and maybe have them reach out to you. We're not ending the show. I'm just really curious about this. Like, what should somebody do to reach out to you, say, man, I've listened to the podcast. You are an inspiration. I totally want to be like you. If they don't, if they're too nervous to reach out to you or they don't feel they're worthy to reach out to you, what would be a couple of pieces of advice that they could lean on until they do muster up the courage to give you a holler and find out that you don't bite and that you're very nice and that you want to encourage them? This is what a good question. OK, thank you. I would say everyone has negative thoughts, everyone. No matter if they come on to whatever podcasts and they say that they don't, they say that they're all hardcore and every day is just go, go, go. In the back of their mind, they're probably fueled by negative thoughts. I know I am and I'm just vocalizing it, you know? And because I don't ever want to prove myself wrong or again, going back to my fear of being embarrassed. So knowing that you having negative thoughts, top producers are having negative thoughts too. You just have to, yeah, every day. Yeah, you just have to just do what you can. You have to implement. You have to take action. There is nothing worse than the analysis paralysis when you are an entrepreneur. That will kill you. That will make you go hungry. I have a tracker, you know, and I'm happy to share the tracker that I have every single day. I'm happy to share the checklist too. So that's, yeah, that's pretty easy to do. I've already made it pretty easy to share the others. And I don't know, I'm happy to talk to people as long as I've seen that you've put in the effort. Going back to, I would never reach out to you guys with a dumb question. I am gonna say there are dumb questions. If you can easily YouTube it, you know, like, and maybe this is sounding me sound like an asshole, but I know this is like my personal thing. I'm not gonna say, I don't know, I can't think of a question right now, but if I can tell that you put thought and you have taken action prior to, hey, I tried this thing. It wasn't really working. How well, where should I pivot? How should I pivot? That's a great question. I know that like a really good way to get a mentor is doing that, you know, like asking a higher level type question, doing what they say. That's a great deal. And then step three, going back to them after you've seen the results and say, Alyssa, thank you so much. I don't remember if you remember me, but last year I asked you a question. I implemented that and these are the results. I just wanted to say thank you. Alyssa will love me forever, you know, like it's, I will have her as a mentor. And so it's so funny you say that because sorry to jump in here, but I do say that to, when I consult people, you know, with credit and stuff across the country, I do say at the end like, look, here's the deal. You have an open door to me now. We've bonded, we've connected. Like you, you can treat me like I'm your nosy older sister, okay? Who has no life? You can text me at two in the morning. I'm as seamless as it gets. Like I will be never reject you. However, if I don't hear from you for another year, and then suddenly you pop up and say, hey, I need some help with my credit again. We don't have that kind of relationship. You got to go back and set up another fee and pay another fee and book another appointment. But I'm not going to ever charge you again in life if you treat me differently, if you are here, because so that's, and I didn't even realize I was really doing that, but exactly what you were just saying about being a mentor, if you want someone to mentor you, show up, you know? Listen to what they say. If you really, you know, I mean, some people don't even want to give that kind of respect to somebody, but I'm telling you, the mentors in my life have made my life. The people that have stepped up and I, that I showed up for, that then took me by the side and said, you know, I'm willing to get, there's people that are willing to give, but exactly what you said, you've got to do the work, you've got to listen to what they say, you've got to show that you did the work, you've got to come back and say, look, I did what you told me to do. I'm still here and I'm still, I'm, you know, I'm listening. And I'm telling you, you'll get people to jump over, do anything for you. You know what I mean? I know I would bend over backwards for anybody who tries, if you like me, I already like you, because you like, so we are going to have a good relationship. Anyway, yeah, but I love it. Yeah, good stuff. All right, so Ellie, sorry, go ahead. And so I'm just, I want to keep going on this, on the spot pattern with you, so you're bringing people in, you're not charging them excess amount of money, you're encouraging them, you're giving them the, the blueprint and the playbook. They're reacting positively to it. Now, you guys said that you both, you all, everyone kind of goes mentally into it as an investor, secondarily, you're a real estate agent, right? How have we seen that grow in each individual independently with, instead of saying, I need to have my face in front in a yard sign, or otherwise I don't, I can't pay my amics bill or put food on the table or put clothes on my back to building generational wealth potentially through the investment side and then parlaying that into their own deals and then 1031 in exchanging and just growing their portfolio. How does that mentally, that mental shift in the agents, do you find that to be a more powerful mindset or a more lack mindset? I already know the answer, I just want to hear you say it. Um, definitely powerful. Like it's, I have seen agents join the crew that were, that did not have an investor background or even too much of an entrepreneurial mindset that have joined the crew, jumped in on our trainings, seen what other people are doing, spoken to other people within the five pillars crew and now they have a goal or they've already achieved the goal of purchasing their first rental and seeing, you know, what passive income looks like as passive as it can get for properties, which isn't, but still, you know. So I, yeah, I've seen that and I love it. So that's, that's, I don't know. And by the way, just in the, in the very beginning, you mentioned like where it's something that I charge some very little, there is no charge at all, but it's zip. Yeah. Say, yeah, I misspoke. I said that I'm not gonna shit, I screwed up. But yes. Yeah, there you go. So keep, keep, keep walking us down this path. Yeah, so what's, what else is next for me is growing on the, on, on YouTube. I, if I were to have one regret with social media, it would be having, having focused so much time on Instagram and a little bit on Tech Talk as opposed to YouTube because it's a search engine because it's the number two website in the world and it's owned by Google and Google owns everything. How could I have not been on YouTube? But that's okay. Yeah, I've started, I've just started now a couple of channels. So that is where I'm going. And to, yeah, I'm super excited. And especially since I will be moving out of Tucson at some point. So I might be going back into production wherever I, my wife and I end up moving to, don't know. Yeah, we'll, we'll see. Is your, it's always your wife, not from Arizona, then? No, she's from Minnesota. I'm from New York and she is, yes. Yeah, so I love DC. I'm trying to come to New York. Really? Yeah. I know. That's always the reason that I can't. Like, get the hell out of DC. I love it. What do you like about it? I'm curious. What, what it draws you? Okay. So being from New York City suburbs, I'm used to like the huge, you know, New York, right? DC is cleaner than New York. It's more, parts that I've been to, I've seen your face, I saw your face face right. It's cleaner than New York. It's smaller. It's like slightly less overwhelming. And it's just young. It's, it's our age. So right now in Tucson, I'm with all the college kids, U of A and the senior citizens that are looking to retire. There's barely any between. So I just want to be around more. Yeah. That's a little bit, yeah. It's a fascinating shift because with you mentioning that you and your wife want to move to the East Coast, go back to roots, right? And that you want to get back into production, I would be fascinated to follow that track, track with you behind the scenes because, I mean, talk about something that's so interesting as a case study. You know, an individual started the business in Arizona, grew it to 30 plus people and expanding, right? And in your company, your training program, five pillars, by the way, phenomenal organization. I spoke with their group the other day. These are wonderful, wonderful driven agents. I mean, if you're driven and you're young and you're aggressive, you've got to check these, these ladies out. But I mean, making that a shift to go into active production after not being in production is a place you don't know in that realm of real estate, to the extent that you know Arizona, right? That would be such a cool thing to study and look at. So cool. Yeah, yeah, I thought about the same thing. I will be my own case study, especially starting a YouTube channel in whatever city I'm going to be moving to. And then therefore I can confidently say to the agents in the crew, this is what you need to do to get leads. I started getting leads when I moved there. So I'm interested to see how that goes because I definitely do not preach anything that I haven't done myself. So another thing is with our trainings and back to the agents and they're growing into an investor mindset if they didn't have that already, we had Adam Carroll on, have you heard of Adam Carroll? Why don't we know that name? I know that name. He's a motivational, he's a speaker and I'm pretty sure he's written a book. He's a founder of the Shred method, SHRED, pretty much like shredding your mortgage. And he spoke at one of our trainings within our realtor community. Oh, and I also want to say our realtor community, the 30 that I've grown in all over, we're not just in Tucson, we're in Pensacola, we're in a lot of states. So reach out if you're, it doesn't matter where you are. But yeah, you don't have to be in Arizona, that's good. Yeah, yeah, the checklist still apply. Adam Carroll spoke and he was talking about the Shred method, which is a way to get rid of your mortgages by using a line of credit. And I thought it was a really interesting training that we had. And I was like, I don't know, this sounds too good to be true. So I kind of put it in the back of my mind for about a year. And then a couple of months ago, I decided to start it because I heard from somebody else in five pillars that they did it. They paid off their mortgage in four months. I did it. I paid off one of my mortgages in four months. It's crazy. So it's just like the mindset that we surround ourselves with. It's just like, here's a training. You have everything available to you. Just implement, just do it. Right. So that's the hardest part. That's the difference maker, I think. Yeah. What was the feel of it's a fear of failure, which you already have overcome, Ali. But these folks are going to fight their own battles mentally because everybody's fighting something you don't know about. And I mean, I'm in the same way, like I'm stepping into buying properties on terms. And guess what? I'm stuck on the mud mentally on this because it's not my wheelhouse, right? I'm afraid to step into this. I mean, I'm just an agent. I just have a platform. I go to the same bullshit we all go through. And I know there's a fuck ton more money over there. I know what I've seen the deals. I've seen the structure. I've seen the payoffs. I've seen it. But I'm like, no, I'm just going to stick with my $20,000 deal. And I could make $150,000 to $200,000. I'm like, what is mentally blocking me? And I've really thought about it. And I want Ali and Alyssa, I want your thoughts, ladies. If you, excuse me, as a case study, stuck in mud. Knowing there is a crap ton of gold on the other side of that mud pit. But you have to learn how to walk across the mud pit. How do you help the people walk across the mud pit? And you, Drew Alley, you're going to have to be our therapist because I have the same exact question. Speak to us, my goddess. Yes. Well, great. This, you didn't know. This is therapy for Greg and Alyssa. Not with for all right. Welcome to my classroom today. Alley, I think this is it. So I would say usually, not usually, for starters, there might be too many distractions. Even though you have an end goal, like the journey, might be thinking about too many different paths to get there. Would that be the case? No, it's the fear of unknown. So my personally is different verbiage, different protocols, different expenses, different things that are not in a traditional transaction. And so for me, understanding that, I'm like, OK, I know that I'm worth over $3,400, $3,400, and now we're doing my prospecting calls, right? So I'm just, my wheel is uncomfortable there. Now I have to step out of that and I have to say something. I'm not sure how to say. And that's what freezes me up. That's what I'm sure freezes a lot of people up. So it's not the multiple channels to get in. I'm in the channel. What do I do now? No, I know what to do. I'm just not doing it. That's my fucking problem. But it's that part. So I'll let you take it from there. Yeah. So then going back to the more of the, you have a mental limit. I'm not saying you, but people might have a mental limit. Like, hey, I am worth this amount. And not yet truly believing that you are worth more. You actually are worth that higher amount and internalizing that part. It's thank you. That's your payments in the, in the mail. It should arrive never. But I'm really glad that I was able to pay you. I know what I, I'll tell you what I feel like I took from you, though, is that is your big. To track what you can control is such a major good line. I mean, I want to make t-shirts, right? Check what you can control exactly. And to focus on the lead prospecting. If you do nothing else, but just focus on the prospecting, on the leads, on the beginning game, it's that, you know, plan the effort, not the outcome, okay? Then you're just, you're seeding, you're seeding. It's like you got your garden out there every day. You know, you're just literally planting and planting and planting. But what you've done is taken your emphasis completely off of the harvest. And what most people do, I feel, in wanting to get rich quick or in wanting to be successful and having so much passion them, they are solely focused on the harvest. And when they don't almost see something sprouting, it doesn't take long for them to start kicking back into, it's not working, it's not working. We got to go to back to the store to get new water and new planting. And they end up focused on the, the getting ready to again. And so anyways, they have this cycle, I know I do, where I get like very focused on the leads and the prospecting and the beginning. Then I have too many, I'd say like negative thinking, too many negative Nancy's, you know, too many calls where they're the same call going, yeah, nothing's going on. Nothing's busiest, I guess the rates are high. And it kind of starts getting into that flow. And before you know it, you know, you end up going, maybe I just need to go back to the beginning and focusing on all of these things that are going to help me get leads. Anyway, you end up being focused on all of these other parts of the process that you can't do if you don't have leads. If you don't have real leads. And so I just felt like we do a lot of dancing around all the other areas. Instead of what I hear from you, which is you wake up with a lead tracker in mind of what conversations am I having? What conversations did I have? What's going to get them moved on to the paper of down that assembly line that you've created, to get them to closing? If you're only focused on that, that funnel, that beginning, you know, I feel like you can't go wrong. And I feel like that's where Greg and I might be, you know, getting thrown off right now is, we got to put almost all of our energy into that. And I know in this, in the last couple of years, the way that the business has changed, I have less people to turn to. I have less team, it's kind of all on me. So the good stuff that I am and the bad stuff that I'm not good at, I don't really have as many people to turn to and say, hey, I'm not good at that here. I'm doing that too. So I don't know, I feel like we're getting too stuck into other parts of the process that don't allow us to do what is necessary. I don't know if that makes any sense at all. Yeah, no, no, I totally get that. Yeah, because at a certain point, you, whatever that bottleneck is, that's when I know that I need to hire out, you know, like I, or just expand. So, you know, there are some agents on the crew here and Tucson that are just more, they like buyers more, they like sellers more. Right now I'm having a ton of seller leads as opposed to buyers. And so it's, I need to focus more so on, you know, just whatever the problem is, I want it to not be a problem as soon as possible, you know, I want to find a, even if it's a temporary solution, because I can work on that temporary to make it, make tweaks along the way, to make it permanent. And I feel like what a lot of people get stuck on is, I want a permanent solution right away. But because that gap is so big, you know, like I need to hire full-time assistant or any full-time whatever, they just see like the bigger, the bigger, I don't know, it's just more of a divide. It's more of a gap, as opposed to just making tiny little tweaks along the way, just baby steps, if that makes sense. No. It does, it does a lot. You know, I want to end on one thing here. My girlfriend lived to me the other day. We're doing something in the backyard. We're putting in irrigation as some shit. I am not handy. I'll be real freaking honest with you. I don't know. And she's like this handy girl. I'm like, what the fuck? I'll figure it out. Yeah. She's like Greg, I'm like, Jack, how the fuck do you know how to do all this stuff? She's like, Greg, I just think about the dumbest person I know. And then I think if that person can do said, said, you know, project, I can do said project. And I'm like, I got some people in mind. Okay. She's versatile though. Yeah. Yeah. And that's what Ellie, you've done so well. You're resourceful. You're a grinder, which is awesome. And you know, that simple little tweak of knowing your true value, what you're truly worth, not what you're told your worth. Yours was 5,000 minus 20,000. But we're no, we all know we have a higher purpose and a higher level and a higher ability to bring value to the world and to the industry and to our lives, to our spouses, our significant others, our children, our friends, our colleagues, by living your true self and not being afraid to shine brighter because you're afraid that you're going to make someone else feel bad because you will inspire them silently because they're going to want you push past boundaries that they haven't been able to do yet. And they will follow, they will, you know, they will completely understand what your methodology is. And then they will build it into their life because you, Ellie, you, Alyssa, have taken action. And I admire this shit at a both of you for doing that. So that is fucking cool. Ellie, we love you. You got so much shit to do. You got like 50 million people in your downline at EXP. You have 200,000 properties around the country or managing all with an app. And you're going to go out and make 200,000 phone calls today. So if people are going to get ahold of you to get into your ecosystem, get into your realm, right? How would people reach out to you? What would be the best way in do you have any products or programs or any courses you're offering? How can people get to know you? Yeah, the easiest way is text. I do not answer phone calls. I don't answer any phone calls ever, unless it's from a family that's pretty much it. Or unless we're already under contract. Anyway, so the easiest way would be to text me. 520-341-2552. And if you want to text, actually, if you want to book a call for the checklist, you can go ahead and text checklist to that number. And more than happy to share that with you after we jump on a call together. Maybe if you think that we're the right fit, if you think that you're like, or rather, if you know that you're driven, you're ambitious, you take action, you're probably like the perfect fit for us. So let me know if you're looking to switch broker it is. There it is. I love it. Training program, do you guys have anything generally for the open public? Or are they just behind the scenes with your crew? Yeah, thank you so much for saying that, actually. I don't even know if that was a leading question or not. But we have free trainings for all realtors. Free trainings for all realtors, no matter what brokerage you're in, they are Thursdays. We have script practice at 11.30 Eastern, 30 minutes, and then followed by a different Zoom link, which is a more formal training that Greg, you were on last week. And that's at 12 o'clock Eastern. And it ends at 1 o'clock, no later than. We respect your time, it's 1 hour, and that's it. So 520-341-2552, that's my QB core number. You'll just go straight to there. Or if you want to ask them my personal number, that's 914-318-4918. Perfect, there it is. Alyssa, how can people get a hold of you? Where can they get some of your book, or maybe copy of your color on my credit book, and where can they follow all of your information and videos? Thank you. OK, so my book is on Amazon. It's called Color My Credit. And if you just Google Color My Credit, you'll find me on TikTok and YouTube and Instagram and all the social, also And I'm a mortgage lender for the last 20 years. So let's group is where you can find me. I'm over at Guild Mortgage. There it is. Guys, we have two of the most incredible young ladies I have had the honor to be on this show with, and or meet as a team. Go back and rewatch this, send us to a friend or a family member, someone who's thinking about getting into the business, need help with mortgages, and or their realistic career. These two ladies will help you out. Trust me, I know Alyssa for quite a while now. I'm getting to know Aly, she and I are going to get to know each other more, because I think she's amazing. So that's me, your Aly, the real estate agent. She crushed it today with us on the show. I want you to be a regular guest. She does. Are you free every Wednesday by chance? Because now I'm super. I could be. Don't you tease me at the good time. But I want to thank you, Aly again. Thank you for coming on. Alyssa, thank you for being an amazing human being. You are everyone who's out there listening. We cannot do this show without you. So thank you for watching, listening, and spreading the word. Reach out to these ladies. They will help you in your career. But most importantly, until next time, peace out, Names is we go. Thanks for listening to today's episode. I hope you take action immediately with the tactics and the takeaways that you've learned. Now, if you'd like to take the relationship to the next level with me, which I strongly encourage that you do, by the way, I want you guys to go ahead and shoot me a text. It's 9.25, 9.15, 1978. A lot of times, if people are feeling stuck or they just need a third party to listen and kind of throw some ideas at them, we'd love to be that boy. You take the mechano challenge. Well, over 400 people have taken the challenge. And you know, it's been a positive result. 99.9% of the time. No, I'm kidding. It's about 100% of the time it's been a blast. And I would encourage you guys to reach out to me. I really would love to talk with you. If you feel a little stuck, you guys need a third party to kind of just bounce my ideas off on here for you. Getting that number's 9.25, 9.15, 1978. And as always, peace out, Names is we go.