How to properly use AI to scale your real estate business
Welcome to Real Estate Uncensored, the place for actionable ideas to reach people online,
build your personal brand, and get more clients.
That is Greg McDan, the Junior Grandmaster of Sales in the Co-Pilot Seat.
If that is Matt Johnson, agency owner, author of Microfemesis Certified, Greg Wrangler.
Each week you're going to hear from some of the best coaches, leaders, brokers, top-producing
agents and social media experts, all with one goal.
We'll interview the sales and marketing tactics to up your game today.
Thanks for watching., and thanks for watching., and I'll see you guys in the next video.,
this is an amazing show., this is Real Estate Uncensored., I have Mr. Nick Saka's sitting,
shotgun with me.
We're going to be riding and diving and just going deep in all kinds of things, Real Estate.
Now, here's the one thing I want you guys to understand.
Nick Saka's his legend.
He's an absolute myth.
Like, you don't know him, then you don't know what you don't know.
He's going to be bringing hammer like nobody's business.
So Nick, tell everybody who you are, where you're from.
What's up, buddy?
This is our Real Estate in and out, right?
On REU in and out, new episodes that were dropping that are shorter, 15, 20 minutes,
we're answering your questions.
So if you're seeing in the comments, there's a link there where you can actually submit
a question to us to play on the show.
We have a question from our buddy Adam.
It's the first thing that we're going to do, but I'm doing pretty good today.
We're in a buck shirt.
I hope that this year, we have Baker Mayfield coming, that everybody's kind of hemming
and honing about and I'm not really sure what to make of that, but I'm hopeful for the 23,
24 season for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers.
And of course you would love your East Coast sports teams.
Yeah, man.
Unfortunately, Gene isn't here.
I was all pumped up to tell him how excited I was, even though I'm a Bucks fan, that I
will be coaching my son's flag football team here in two weeks.
And since I'm the coach, I got to pick the team.
And of course, my six year old is an Eagles fanatic, just like Gene Volpe.
So we are going to be the Eagles.
So I might have some Eagles swag on here pretty soon.
All right, let's see what you got, but let's go to our first clip of our show.
Let's play it and let's answer it.
First question from our buddy Adam.
I think it's Adam House, just Adam.
So here we go.
Hey guys, I had a question for you.
So I had an idea of going through red X and going through all the Fisbos and the Furbos,
pulling up their Zillow listings and basically using chat GPT to enhance their listing descriptions.
And through Vortex, it does have emails, not all of them are accurate, but if I do it enough
time, I'm sure I'll find some that are accurate.
Basically the plan is to offer them my services for free basically and update their listing
description and then letting them know that if they want to contact me for anything else,
they can do that.
But I do mention in the email that I am using artificial intelligence to help me do this.
But I just thought this would be a really good idea and maybe I'll get some people that
really appreciate it.
So what are your thoughts?
All right, Nick, I'm interested.
Let's go first on this one.
Yeah, dude.
I absolutely love this idea from a reciprocity standpoint, right?
So our first reaction, our gut reaction, which kind of leads into my question for Greg here
later, which I'm not going to spill yet, but our first reaction is just to call these
people, right?
Call these people, hammer them like, I'm the best realtor in town.
You should be choosing me like all that kind of nonsense where this is a totally different
approach where you're giving value.
So these people are on the market and you are telling them, hey, I am a life-changing
license realtor.
So I am a professional in this field.
I know I can write a better listening description than you.
This is not what he's saying, obviously, but then utilizing artificial intelligence,
which obviously I love to help him scale a little bit more.
So now we can take a whole marketplace of people and give them something from goodwill,
reciprocity, the law of reciprocity would stand.
And out of, I don't know, a hundred emails sent out, maybe he'll get a couple that come
back and maybe get a couple appointments out of just sheer doing something different,
which I absolutely love.
We're in a completely crowded marketplace.
There's way too many agents.
These for sale buy owners and for rent buy owners are getting hammered every single day
and they absolutely hate it.
And then they get a nice email from Adam saying, oh, well, this is a nice gesture.
Like, this is, this is nice.
This is a good, good listening description.
I think I would appreciate that.
So I love this tactic.
I think Adam, it's your responsibility now to do this tactic and then report back to the
show of some of your results to, to let us know how it went, right?
Well, but there's also a different take on that.
I mean, I completely agree with you, but there has to be some sort of human interaction
and reaction to comments, thoughts, theories, concerns, everything else.
You can't just let chat GTP just run your world.
I mean, that's a wonderful way to go about it, but it's just, just not reality.
So in that, again, that's my, my opinion.
I would go back and I would let it write something for you, but then edit it and make
it your own.
Don't just rely on AI and AI is phenomenal.
It's phenomenal.
It's changing our lives.
And this is the baby stages of this thing.
So take this with a grain of salt, but go out there, put it into the AI, but then go
with then edit it for what is actually specific about the property or whatever you're trying
to build because it's only as good as you, you, you say, right?
It's not a specific, it's not super targeted at this point in regards to getting the results
you want.
I have found that with using AI, it's been, how do I say this, Nick?
I've been, it's been very, it made my life very easy, very fast, but it's not perfect.
So go out there and use your own brain, ladies and gentlemen.
It's really as far as I can throw the football on this one.
Everybody, when you're a nail, everybody's a hammer.
They're going to try to find you and pound you out on the stuff.
So just don't allow the easiness of this to define your professionalism.
You're a human being.
You sell real estate.
You buy.
You sell.
You represent other human beings.
Yes, use the tools.
Yes, please do that.
But do not fall into the trap of just going, oh my gosh, this is where it is.
I can let everything be done through this AI program.
Guys and gals, that's a really easy way to fall into a, you know, something that's not
Just go out there and use it, but modify it and then oversee it.
Yeah, Nick, your thoughts.
Yeah, no, that's perfect.
And we've talked about this before where, you know, you should view yourself as an editor.
You're using, instead of being the producer, you're using artificial intelligence to do
more of the production, do more of the heavy lifting, and then you come back and you're
the editor.
So you're actually fact checking.
And that's the one thing about chat GPT right now.
And this is one thing we're working on at, right?
We are infusing large language models with real factual data from MLS is from big data
that we've collected, which is why is the real estate artificial intelligence
But our prompts that we're using inside our platform are actual and factual, right?
Actual and factual.
That's a weird thing to say.
Whereas chat GPT, it's just, it's imagining things, right?
The prompts for chat GPT and all these cognitive AIs are all imaginary, right?
Let me imagine these things.
So you put the house in five different times, you're going to get five different things
because it's imagining different things every single time.
When you infuse large language models with actual data like we're doing at,
which everybody's going to be able to try here very shortly.
We haven't officially launched the page yet, but we're going to have a page where you could
actually go in.
Adam doesn't even know this yet.
He'll be the first one I'll send the link to, but you'll be able to go to the page and
input and address and then get a real listing description in real time based on factual
data it'll pull from the property.
So we're infusing that and we're making it the next step, which is like what Greg said,
you can't rely on large language models or chat GPT to do the work for you.
So you have, there has to be an intermediary in there in between and likely is that intermediary
right now for real estate.
Yeah, well put, my friend.
I appreciate the compliment.
This is a quote that I got out of a great book called Bluefishing by a guy named Steve
I highly recommend everyone go out and read this book.
Very short read, very easy to read.
Fuck if I can do it, then you guys can do it as well.
I'm just like, so can ADHD.
So trust me, if I can stay tuned, you can.
One of course I got out of this thing and Nick, I'm going to get your opinion on this
is this don't be afraid of change.
Be afraid of standing still.
Once you read that and you hear that, and I'm going to say it again, don't be afraid
of change.
Be afraid of standing still.
What does that mean for your life, Nick?
What does that mean for all of our listeners and viewers and everybody else?
Are you afraid of change?
Because it's fucking terrifying.
Nick and I were talking off here about some certain different aspects of our lives.
And then how does it do with change?
And then be afraid of standing still.
So which one is the biggest fear?
Not doing something or doing something?
Because I have my answer, Nick, I want to hear your thoughts.
Is this my official answer?
Is this my official question?
I hope so.
I think we have to add the timer.
Let's add the timer.
So the official question is, am I more afraid of standing still or what's the actual question?
So here's the question.
Don't be afraid of change, right?
So are you afraid of change?
Or be afraid of standing still.
So you're afraid of standing where you are or you're afraid of moving forward?
I guess it's a real question.
What's the biggest fear for you?
Moving forward or staying still?
So I would probably say moving forward would have been a bigger fear for me before until
you unlock the capability of moving forward.
So if you've stood still your whole life and you've never done it, that's people suffer
from the paralysis analysis type of thing or something that you're really afraid of.
Like even though you guys might not know it, I was terrified of public speaking.
I'm still not great at it.
I can hop on a podcast like this.
Hundreds of thousands of people doesn't bother me at all because this is my element.
Put me on a stage in front of a thousand people.
I'm getting really nervous.
Which is a good thing.
Nerves are okay.
But once you do that thing and you realize you didn't die from it, then you're like,
oh, I can do this again.
But what you have to do is just do it again and keep going and going and going.
So for me, that initial fear, I think is paralyzing for most.
And that would have been my first thing because most people are afraid of the fear.
They're not afraid of what they're, they don't know what they're losing yet.
So by standing still, you don't know what you're losing.
But the fear is there from the get jump.
It's true.
The fear of change.
Here's the greatest thing about change.
Change is profoundly terrifying.
But the exact same time is liberating because it's like you ever seen the part of India
Jones where he takes a sand and he throws it across into this, into the abyss.
And all of a sudden you can see the walkway where you're supposed to walk and the camera
shifts probably 45 degrees.
And all of a sudden you see where you can walk.
That's life.
That's your perception.
And so I'm afraid of standing still, get my fucking countdown on motherfucker.
Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
There we go.
Man, you blew that one.
All right.
Standing still is going to kill you 100%.
I don't mean physically.
I mean, it could be physically, but I'll tell you one thing.
If you stand still, you will die.
Whatever that means for your life.
My parents have a beautiful home in a very, very nice neighborhood in a very luxury,
like mindset area.
They gave it all up and they moved to a ranch and they're bought chickens and sheep and
Because they were standing still.
They were bored.
They were, they were, they were done with it.
So they made a shift in life.
And guess what, guys and gals?
They are the happiest that they could be.
So I challenge you right now.
Go change in whatever that means.
I mean, for me, that is the dumbest thing.
When I think about it, I could say, but I'll tell you one thing.
I've been more empowered in the last three days because I've done three small things.
I've done 10 pushups per day.
Now I know that sounds pathetic, but it's better than doing zero.
I'm walking miles and miles and miles.
I'm getting an in better shape.
I've lost weight.
You know what?
I've cut down a lot of things in my life that are bad for my health, but those are small
These are small things.
So for your business, if you're going to stay exactly where you are, you're going to die
where you are.
So stop doing that.
Your business is demanding that you do something different.
So put a mail around, put an email out, put a text out, put a, do a couple of phone calls,
do a couple of text messages.
Does not matter, but don't stand still where you are because you're never going to progress
from the exact place you are.
Here in my voice, listen, looking at my face, then you are today.
And, Matt, we, oh, sorry.
I thought you were doing.
I wasn't, but it's okay.
Cut me out.
Go ahead.
Go ahead.
Go ahead.
I lost my train of thought.
Go ahead.
My parents, from May, she was, or yeah, she or he, I don't know, May, when May, May, May,
May is a lady here, May.
So sorry about that.
My bad.
But drop in some comments here.
So, meaning, so change is happening.
Is it a force change, death, house burned down, et cetera?
So I look at that when she's talking about what is change.
I think like what we're talking about is the choice of change.
So you're choosing to change.
You're choosing to do the hard things because the thing that you want is always through
the hard thing that you don't want to do.
Like flat out 100%.
So what she's referring to like death, divorce, house burns down, I view that as adapting.
And so like even though they kind of what would be considered the same thing, when you're
forced to do something, you're forced to adapt when you're, when you're choosing to
change, you were doing it for yourself and your, your, your, so one's reactionary and
one's proactive.
Does that make sense?
It makes total sense.
One hundred percent sense.
And then she also says about peace and gratitude.
So is change always necessary?
What about peace and gratitude and comfort?
Well, everything, yes, changes the hundred percent necessary in life.
And again, this is my, my opinion, not the world's opinion, but my opinion is much as
it burns and hurts and it's just heartache after heartache, after heartache change is
I mean, I've had business partners leave.
I've had, you know, different things fall apart, but then at the exact same time, I've
had something that comes into my life that allows me to grow in a different part of my
I didn't know.
Oh, good God.
Where are these things coming from?
Where are they coming from?
They suck.
Okay, guys and gals, let's take a quick, quick break from our show.
Thank you for watching and listening to everything we put out there.
Let's talk about exp.
Let's talk about how to build legacy wealth.
Let's talk about how to put money in your pocket without having to do with the work on
daily grind.
The grind is what kills all of us and it hurts our souls.
Let us help you and show you how you can take that out of what you do consistently right
Go ahead and reach out to me at 9.25, 9.15, 19.78 and just in case you didn't get that,
it's 9.25, 9.15, 19.78 and I personally look forward to talking with you.
And now, back to the show.
But they've all I've made a grow.
So how do I say this?
Don't be afraid of the shifts.
Don't be afraid of the ups and downs, the hills and the valleys.
The hills and the valleys are great.
The hills, when you win something, take it as a win.
When you have a valley, take it as an opportunity to learn.
And then you put it back into your life cycle, whatever that's going to look like.
And you say, oh my gosh, well, this happened or that happened or I won this or I lost
that, whatever it's going to be.
I'm not a psychologist guys.
I'm not trained in this in any way, shape or form.
I am trained and I'm going to school you in a second.
I'm not trained at all.
Oh, God.
I'm like, really?
I've known you for years.
I didn't know that about you.
My point is this is as realtors.
I mean, Nick and I both have been doing this game for a long period of time.
Opposite downs, it's going to happen.
Take it or lose it.
I don't care.
If you want to stay in the game, great.
If you want to get out, great.
It doesn't fucking matter to me.
My point is this as a human, just go out there and enjoy the ride because when you get done
with the ride is over.
But at least you can say I tried or I gave it my best or fill in the blank or whatever
that's going to look like.
And I keep going back to what I said earlier.
Don't be afraid to change.
Well, I'm going to challenge you on that frame.
I'm afraid of standing still.
Okay, challenge me.
Instead of saying don't be afraid to change, right?
Because everybody's afraid to change.
And if I say don't be afraid to change and then you automatically go, well, I am afraid.
So fuck you.
I'm stuck, right?
Instead of saying don't be afraid to change, say it's okay to be afraid.
It's not okay to be afraid and not move forward.
That's exactly what this whole thing says.
You have to move forward.
You have to continue to move forward.
And there's a very thin line between being nervous and excited.
Well, don't they live together?
I mean, when you're nervous and excited.
If you tell your, again, your mind doesn't know the difference between reality and not
reality, right?
So like here's one of the things I bring up public speaking because it's a big deal.
I mean, I'm talking about like, I don't know what a panic attack is.
I've never claimed or said I've had a panic attack.
But when your heart is beating out of your chest and you're involuntarily sweating and
you can't catch your breath from speaking because you're so afraid to get out on stage
and talk to people, like maybe that's a panic attack.
I don't know.
But in that moment or in those moments, I can't really think of anything else I'd be quite
as afraid of unless you dump a bunch of snakes on me, which that's a whole nother thing.
But anyway, that's not natural fear.
But in that moment, I'm really excited.
I'm not nervous.
So I literally told myself, I'm so excited to do this thing and to share my knowledge
that this is why I feel this way.
It's excitement.
It's not scared because I'm not going to die, right?
So if it's you picking up that phone and doing the calls or if it's turning on the camera
for the first time and recording videos so you can make content for your business,
if it's going on that listing presentation that you're absolutely terrified of, you're
putting too much emphasis on the thing, it doesn't matter what happens during that thing.
It doesn't matter if you completely bomb in front of 100,000 people, there will be 100
million more people that can still hear your message years later.
There's going to be another seller around the corner that wants to hear your listing
There's going to be another for sale by owner that you can talk to the next day.
You put too much emphasis on the thing and feeling stupid.
So it's okay to be nervous, but change that nervous to excitement and then just move past
You got to just come once you do that a few times and you start building that muscle,
then you know how to react and you know what's on the other side.
Because if you experience what's on the other side, which is complete relief and joy and
like, oh my God, this wasn't, I made this out to be so much worse than it was in my own
We get trapped in our own head, then you can really start excelling, right?
Yeah, I agree with you 100%.
Last year, I went to the hospital.
They thought I had a brain bleed and they rushed me into the ER and into all kinds of
scans and everything else, right?
Dude, I went through, I know if it was a stroke or something else that I had, but I'll tell
you one thing, I came out of a medical procedure and I just collapsed on the ground.
I was just lights over, just done blackness.
Oh, there was nothing there.
I used to be really afraid of fear, really afraid of fear, of death, excuse me.
And I learned something that day when I potentially almost died, that death is absolutely glorious.
And when I realized that death was nothing to fear, then rejection is nothing to fear.
I know it sounds trivial, trivial, excuse me.
But that wouldn't be trivial.
That sounded pretty heavy.
I wouldn't say trivial.
Dude, it was, I think about it almost every single day, because I think about the fact
that one minute I was standing in one of those retarded little gallons they give you, we
can see all my jibblets when I fall down, right?
And all of a sudden, the next thing I'm waking up three or four days later, knowing that
I fought off, I got told that I got, I have fought off, you know, three different, you
know, four different security guards, two different nurses and my own girlfriend.
And I sat there, I'm like, why are we so afraid of hearing the word no?
When I went through potential death, if I wasn't in the hospital, but I wasn't afraid
of that, but I'm afraid of getting told no on a phone or getting told no to door, therefore
I'm getting told no of doing any kind of prospecting in real estate, does that sound
a little bit off?
I mean, that's kind of upside down in my personal opinion, because I lived through it.
And I literally, Nick, at this point, I've never told anybody at this point what I'm
going to tell you right now, I actually welcome death.
I'm looking forward to death.
I can't wait for death, because it's what I have experienced.
It was peace, just, just, there was nothing.
It was just so silent.
It was, there was no, there was nothing there to irritate you anymore.
You're just done.
So I guess the reason why I tell the story is the fact that everything that you put into
your head right now about a fear is ridiculous, because it means nothing.
You make it have power.
So stop giving it power and allow yourself to, you know, the best life you can possibly
Nick, what is anything that you've come close to experiencing close to death that could be
relevant for somebody to kind of correlate kind of what I'm saying?
I mean, there was at one time in high school, I did the Taco Bell Challenge.
That's probably about as close to death as I've ever come.
It's a large, a Nobel, dude.
I think we got to get Jackie, stop putting glass in your food.
Like what's going on over there?
We got to, there's got to be something, I got to call it a private investigator or something.
This is crazy.
No, I haven't had any near death experience.
I've had a couple surgeries, sports related, as far as getting knocked out and stuff, but
like with anesthesia, but no, I haven't had anything panic attack, like getting, trying
to get on stage and or actually getting on stage and doing a big speech in front of a
lot of people was my biggest thing.
I'd say fear related that once I got through that, then I realized, oh, this isn't a big
But all the little steps up to that, right?
I mean, I did cold calling.
I didn't, I've never done door knocking.
So that's one thing in my career.
You never got neighborhood wise and probably, I don't know if it was from the, if it's from
the fear of door knocking because I think cold calling is just as bad, right?
It's literally the physical, we live in Florida.
It's a hundred degrees.
I would make it halfway down the block and I'd be an absolutely sweaty puddle and there's
no way in hell that anybody would say yes to a giant fat man sweating on their front porch
for business.
Like that's just not a good look.
I never did it.
But, but, but that, that is exactly what people need to do because of the fact that I'm not
going to be rude, but I'm going to be rude.
If you're, if you're a fat man and you're sweating on the, on the front porch and you're
asking for business, you're a hustler, you're a grinder.
You're the guy out there that I want to have worked for me.
There's a gal.
Well, at this point, 10 years ago, she was a younger Asian gal and she took a couple of
months playing class at my old brokerage and she went out on Christmas day and knocked
on this three to $5 million home and she's like, Hey, I want to list your house.
I've called you multiple times, blah, blah, blah, you have to be smack.
Yeah, you have to be smack.
You have to be smack.
When you say you have to be smack, everybody says, okay, you know, it's a good story.
It's a great story.
The guy looks at her and goes, if you're knocking on my front door on Christmas morning, this
is the agent I want to hire.
And so he hired her and she sold the home.
So that's the thing.
I mean, Nick doesn't want to do it or won't do it or hasn't done it, but he will do it.
Any of those, you know, ideas in life, do the thing that frightens the crap out of you.
And just see what happens.
I mean, if you haven't done it, you don't know the answer yet.
Just go say, Hi, my name is Greg.
My name is Nick.
I'm with ABC Real Steep and I would love to help you sell your property, get you into
a new one.
What the fuck are they going to do if they say no?
I mean, what was the worst response?
Well, appreciate you.
What you tried and nobody else did.
Paul's got a motto for you, Greg.
Oh, yeah.
Can you smack?
Don't look back.
That's what you say when you get ready to do something.
Can you smack?
Don't look back.
And I'm going one, two, three, go.
All right.
I'm using that from now on, Paul.
So by the way, if you guys don't know who Paul is, Paul is a very good dear friend of mine.
He is a cold caller.
Like you wouldn't believe.
He lives up in the hills above Los Angeles.
This guy, he got snowed in over 17 feet of snow plus some.
Anyone out and help all of his neighbors dig him out, mark their car so the plows wouldn't
hit him.
He is an incredible human being and he plays a mean guitar, by the way.
And if you guys are looking for a guitarist or a jingle or something very, very cool that
he couldn't make yourself like me, Paul is your man.
So Adam, Adam house says he already has an update that he got no emails.
Now I will, I will ask, because he, I think he posted on YouTube that he sent 40 emails
So I would say keep going.
40 emails is not a lot of emails.
If you have a decent click through rate, I mean, 20% of people actually clicking it much
less like you have to send that sample size needs to be bigger.
So don't don't say I sent 40 emails and nobody replied yet and get down on yourself.
Keep going, bro.
You got more, more ground to cover.
Keep going big, big, big, big, big, big, big time.
Let's do this.
We're going to wrap it up.
We are at 30 minutes on this one.
Do we want to do one more question or we out the door?
No, we're out the door unless somebody on live can ask a question right now or go to
the link, click the link, submit your question on the show.
We'll post you on the show, give you some praise like Adam, our boy.
We love to hear your questions and we want to answer them live.
We do.
And if we don't get to them on time, ladies and gentlemen, we will get back to you guys
in the post show.
I guess Nick, one last question for you.
You're a new agent.
You're just getting to the business.
You got $5 to your name.
Where would you start right now?
With $5.
You're broke as a joke.
You just got out of college.
You see this guy driving a Lambo driving down the street.
He does real estate.
He sell multi million dollar homes.
How do you compete with someone like that?
I have my answer.
I take that $5 and buy yourself a double espresso to keep you up for 24 hours and take
every single contact that you know from your phone, from your Gmail, from your outlook,
from your social media and put all those people into a database and create a system
around contacting those people and letting them know that you are in real estate and
having the Ford conversation is Greg loves to have, which is what Greg.
What are the family occupation, recreation and dreams?
That's right.
That's right.
Yeah, guys.
Get in touch with people.
Let them know who you are and what you do.
Ask about their family.
Ask about their occupation, recreation, what they like to do and how you can help them
do those things that they like to do like a.k.a. I love to be on a jet ski on the water.
Let's find you a water for house.
And then that ties into dreams too, right?
It does.
It does.
It does.
So Nick, if you weren't living in Florida, where would you move?
If I wasn't in Florida, I want 100 acres somewhere.
I want to ranch away from all you people.
He means that not to the people listening to the people he does.
I mean that because I live in Tampa, Florida, and I want you guys to understand that 1000
people a day are moving in Florida.
And we are like this whole landscape I grew up in Tampa.
Our whole everything has changed in the past two to three years since the pandemic.
There is just so many people I'm talking about, even basic stuff.
Wednesday afternoon going to chilies and there's a 40 minute wait, like ridiculous amount of
people at ridiculous times of day for no reason.
Everybody's here.
There's too many people here now.
It's too much.
It's way, way.
So I'm, I used to want a big waterfront house and that was my thing.
Like been on the water.
Now I'm like, give me 100 acres.
If there's a lake on the property with water, that's my jam, but that would be.
So my boy, Raymond in North Carolina, I got my own North Carolina, Winston Salem area,
or anybody else has got 100 acre ranch for your boy.
Let me know.
It's going to happen sometime.
Maybe not this year, next year, whatever, but like that would be the ultimate goal for
Dude, I got, I got you back on that one.
I looked at 117 acres for $615,000 in Colorado hunting, fishing kind of area.
And I'm like, dude, give me like a couple of containers and I can build my own house
out there.
I got enough guns to supply a fucking small army.
I'll go out there, I'll hunt, I'll fish and I'll just do my own damn thing and just leave
everybody the fuck alone.
I'll still do podcasting.
Don't get me wrong.
I'm never going to stop doing this.
This is fun.
This is my jam.
But then Nick and I can communicate through a shortwave radio and our bad phones to be
Our bad phones, exactly.
But all jokes aside, guys and gals, really figure out kind of what you want to do in
Dude, the thing scares you.
That's it.
End of story.
Scare the fuck out of yourself.
Don't get me.
I'm not going to, swimming with sharks.
Not doing that.
But besides that, I'm good to go.
Nick, final takeaways.
Give me your final thoughts.
That's it, dude.
I just did like the thing that scares you the most is what you have to do to get to the
other side.
And you know what it is.
That's the thing.
Like you already know what it is.
You already know what you should be doing in your business.
The people, so like the businesses that are successful, that are hyper successful and
or ultra successful, that you admire are doing all the things that you know you should
be doing flat out every single day without exception, rain, sleet, house burns down.
They're doing the things that you're not doing.
All right.
There it is.
That's your takeaway right there.
Let's go out there, put on a giant pair of man balls for all you ladies and for all of
us men as well and just go on do shit.
The fucking scares you to shit.
Here's the reason why Nick just said it.
Go back and listen to it.
But it's you know what?
It's because nobody else is doing it.
And the one thing is that we love you guys the most for us.
The fact that you guys listen to us and we hang out together.
We keep subscribing to the stuff we put out there.
So thank you so much.
We appreciate you more than you can possibly imagine.
We couldn't and could not do the show without you.
So Nick, they have to get a hold of you because they want to help you buy that ranch.
Where can they find you to help you buy that ranch? and I see K S A K K I S dot com.
It's got all my links to all my things.
So many jokes.
All right.
Go find Nick guys.
Member is Nick Sackers.
S K S A K K I S dot com.
Or what I'll find is Nick Sakeese.
I got that a lot.
Oh, Sakeese.
Nick Sakeese to the plate.
It was like a Japanese sumo wrestler.
Well, and he's not a sumo wrestler ladies and gentlemen.
He's a very thin, you know, fit human being that is gosh, his goals and you all we ever
live in.
Listen to the podcast.
I am extremely jacked and lean.
He actually is.
Anyways, boys and girls, go for Nick Sakeese.
Everywhere that he is, go follow me at Greg McDaniel, R E U for real.
They've done censored on Instagram and just go to Facebook and just type in Greg McDaniel.
Look for my beautiful handsome face, the big guy with the glasses and you know, interact
with me.
Send me a message of love to be friends with you guys.
Have a blessed and powerful day.
And until the next show, peace out ninjas, we go.
Thanks for listening to today's episode.
I hope you take action immediately with the tactics and the takeaways that you've learned.
Now, if you'd like to take the relationship to the next level with me, which I strongly
encourage that you do, by the way, I want you guys to go ahead and shoot me a text.
You know, it's 925 915 1978.
A lot of times people are feeling stuck or they just need a third party.
But listen, the kind of personal idea is that I would love to be that boy.
You take the McDaniel challenge.
Well, over 400 people have taken the challenge.
And you know what?
It's the positive result.
99.9% of the time.
Nah, I'm kidding.
It's about 100% of the time it's been a blast.
I would encourage you guys to reach out to me.
I really would love to talk with you.
If you feel a little stuck, you guys need a third party to kind of just bounce my ideas
I'm here for you.
Getting that numbers 925 915 1978.
And as always, peace out ninjas, we go.
I'm going to be a little stuck.
I'm going to be a little stuck.