The Economy Is Collapsing And He Doesn't Care w/ James Colburn
Welcome to Real Estate Uncensored, the place for actionable ideas to reach people online,
build your personal brand, and get more clients.
That is Greg McDan, the Junior Grandmaster of Sales in the Co-Pilot Seat.
If that is Matt Johnson, agency owner, author of Microfemesis Certified, Greg Wrangler.
Each week you're going to hear from some of the best coaches, leaders, brokers, top-producing
agents and social media experts, all with one goal.
We'll continue the sales and marketing tactics to up your game today.
Hello boys and girls, welcome back.
This is Real Estate Uncensored.
We have Mr. Nick Saka's Mr. Gene Volpe and Mr. James Colburn.
By the way, guys, he is a huge author of Re-Sick Seed.
This is a phenomenal book he has definitely had to read and kind of dive deep into it.
But we're going to be talking about all kinds of crazy stuff on today's show.
But before we get super crazy, Mr. Nick Saka's, how you doing, buddy?
I was doing okay until James came on in the back.
We were in the green room and he was just ripping everybody's backgrounds apart.
He told me I looked like I was in a vape shop.
Not everybody's back.
Every single guest has come on to this show, has given me praises.
I feel a little ego sting right now from Mr. Colburn coming in hot.
But other than that, I'm doing fantastic.
I'd like to create rapport.
And by the way, you say everybody, as if he took a shot at my background, and he did
He did.
No, I know about it.
But speaking of your background, Mr. Gene Volpe, the evil Paul Ninja, how are you, bud?
I'm good.
I'm just going to actually get an upgrade pretty soon.
I got the smart TV that's going to be launched in there.
I can play other episodes of Real Estate Uncensored while we're doing this episode of Real Estate
Very meta.
Very chaotic sense of like, what the hell is going on in this world today?
And to be clear, Greg McDaniel, when you're talking about how deep you are into that book,
you looked at the table of contents.
No, I've actually read it, bitch.
Oh, yeah?
Dude, I'm.
I'm right here.
I've been reading his book and he is listening, you know, listen with your eyes, not just
your ears.
That one really hit me, listen with your eyes and not just your ears.
And it kills me because that's a really true comment.
I'm listening to my eyes right now and I'm calling bullshit on that.
He's marking up the crayons.
He's trying to get rid of me.
So James, welcome to our show.
We're too dipshits are going to be put into the penalty box because they're bean assholes.
Oh my God, that's great.
No, but I'm really serious.
I mean, I have read your book.
It is amazing stuff and before we bring you in, James, Mr. Nick Saka's, how are you?
And tell people where people can find you and who you are.
Oh, well, I haven't read the book because James didn't give me a copy yet.
I'd like to add it to my bookshelf.
But we are doing just fine here in Tampa, Florida.
It's a little bit chilly.
I was in a pool two days ago swimming with my kids and now I got hoodie on.
So we got a weird wacky weather going on, but I'm interested in hearing Mr. James and
all of his fancy pictures and his background about where he came from and how he got to
We've had James on multiple times.
I thought 2023 would be a perfect time to have him back on.
So James, please tell everybody who you are, where you're from, what kind of brought this
book around.
And then I'll show and share some of the stuff that you brought to me on one of our first
So welcome to Stage My Friend.
Oh, well, thank you.
My story is finished college, worked at a nonprofit.
Soon after that, back in the 90s, went into real estate.
I grew my business to about 150 sales a year and kept it there until our wonderful great
It went back to grad school.
I was writing a thesis.
I wrote the book that you're holding.
So I was kind of a bit of a super senior through my master's program.
And then went into brokerage leadership, took a major pay decrease to go into brokerage
But I really wanted to work.
My kind of mantra was to work with influencers that influence others.
And worked with a large regional brand in the Seattle area, oversaw their franchise of
100 offices and then relocated back in 2021 to beautiful San Diego, California, where
I oversee five offices, top producing offices here in this area.
So yeah.
That's awesome.
A lot of people need to pay attention to kind of what you're doing.
The one thing I really love about this book on RUSIC SEAD is that this is a book that
it was built around the mentality of going and doing something when you're not active.
And correct me if I'm wrong, James.
If I'm speaking out of turn, then please smack me.
But you said take a card and write down a question or anything else and then go into
you know, go into REM and sleep on it.
And then you can come up with the question.
I mean, Einstein was famous for that same thought pattern.
Is that kind of where he came up with this book?
Well, how I came up with this book is that I really, unfortunately, and most of us do
this, assign my identity to the accolades I received and the money I made and essentially
the ego had.
Well, tell us your story though.
Your story is very fascinating.
So give people a quick review of your story.
Well, I mean, the rise of my real estate business all started with a decision that I made to
grow my to double my business.
And what I did to do that, what I realized is that it has nothing to do with activity.
So the agents that are on this show, I'm going to give you a breath of fresh air here and
tell you that activities is not number one.
It is actually probably number three or four on the list of things to do to grow your business.
And I made a decision by taking a two and a half hour drive from Seattle to Canada.
So it's just it's only two and a half hours.
I didn't go over the border, but I had two yellow pads, no pads that one was titled success,
then the other one was titled failure.
And so essentially I drove to Canada and I wrote down exactly what I would need to do
to sell 120 houses a year.
About five minutes into that drive, I realized that the only way to do that is to imagine
working with 10 people a month, which means, as you all know, working with 10 people a
month means working with 15 people a month of which 10 of them actually buy or sell with
And so the only way to really properly imagine working with that many people, I actually
just created fake names, decided where I met the person, the family, if they're a buyer
or seller, how much house they bought, what inspector title escrow, you know, whatever,
what was the closing gift and ultimately what was the commission made on every single person
that I would work with the next year.
So when I got to Canada, I kind of cleaned up that list and then I drove home and on the
failure list, I just wrote all the things down that I would do to screw that plan up.
And then I decided I needed to viscerally make a decision which had I was going to go
So that was the genesis of the real growth of my business, which, you know, I guess the
reminder here and really kind of the sound bite that I've been living by is that everything
has created twice.
So it's first create like the desk you're sitting at, the sweater I'm wearing, even us
as individuals, we were first created as a thought, even the building that you're in,
someone dreamed it up and then they hired an architect.
So every single thing in this world is created twice, first by a thought and then by an action
that follows up the thought, right?
So yeah.
Yeah, let's back that up really, really quickly.
Because that mean you gloss over it like it's like nobody's ever thought about that before,
but that's so deep because that's true.
Like the vehicle I drive, the home I live in, the microphone I'm talking into right now,
the screen, the camera, everybody had a concept about that product or process.
And honestly, this is not to fluff your feathers.
That is really interesting to if you really think about it.
So if you guys go to your supermarket and you pick up a bag of salad, a lot of folks
don't know this, my grandfather and his team, they are the ones that actually created the
packaged salad.
And that took a lot of work, trust me, I've heard the stories.
But think about it, it's so convenient for us now.
It's like buying our son, it's so convenient.
We have Zillow, we have Redox, we have Redox, any other online portal that's going to be
out there that they just provided for you.
So I guess James, I want to hand you in there for a second, but how would you speak to
a new or different agent that wanted to reinvent themselves in today's day and age, knowing
that you're pretty much a male or a bride, weighing regards to the consumers mindset,
but how do you stand out?
Because I know you, I know your story, I know your backstory.
You sat there on Christmas morning, you had the white shirt, starched, ready to rock
and roll with the tie, you're just waiting for the call, you're like an assassin, you're
going to go out there and make the call, get the deal, close the deal.
How would someone do that in today's day and age?
What's your mindset of resucceed?
Well, I want to back up real quick on that everything is created twice.
A really good podcast to listen to would be Hal Elrod, who wrote the forward for my book.
And it was wrapping up the, I think it was at the end of the year, if not the first week
of January, that he did a podcast with Mary Morrissey all around this whole, everything
is created twice concept.
So credit where credit is due.
I love the concept.
I could go way deeper on that.
But what I would say is that the problem with us Americans is that we are really good at
knowing what we don't want.
And we're really, really not great at knowing exactly what we do want.
And we're a breath of fresh air when we're finally clear or what I call complete and
knowing exactly what we want.
When I took that drive, I essentially was kind of understanding that the completeness
of having what I call full color thought of exactly what I wanted was the very start.
That was that everything is created twice first by a thought concept.
So if you want to reinvent yourself, then you need to figure out what that is.
But isn't that terrifying though?
Imagine actually knowing what you want.
Yeah, well, it's interesting because we'd like to wallow in our suffering, right?
We talked about that before we started the show.
There's a lot of comfort in suffering because we've usually typically been there before.
The success that we have not had, but we really want to have is much more uncertain, right?
Like Tony Robbins talks about that.
Like the uncertainty of success is actually more frightening than just wallowing in our
current kind of situation, our current scenario.
So I say that's why I kind of push pause, took this drive, right?
Allowed myself that reflection period just to dream the dream, right?
And I mean, how many people are scheduling in a two hour drive just to dream the dream
of what they want?
So actually funny that you say that I actually took a drive about two years ago.
I drove up to a piece of property and I dreamt the dream of living in this hypothetical
And now keep in mind it was about a $30 million home.
So I mean, I'm way the fuck out of my league when it comes to pricing.
But I went there, I sat there, I felt it.
I could see it, I could smell it, I could smell everything else.
Even it was one of the most gratifying moments of my life to sit there.
And this is a blank lot on a hill overlooking the Bay Bridge and San Francisco and everything
But I saw the plans, I could see where my podcast studio would be.
I saw where my pool could be.
I saw my neighbors and everything else.
It became real to me at that moment.
When's the last time, and I'm going to ask everybody this right now, James, Nick and
Jean, when's the last time you actually went and made a thought become a potential reality
in the physical realm?
James, back to you.
James back to me?
Well, you're only James on the show.
Well, I thought for a second that I said, Jean, back to you, but then that wouldn't have
made sense.
I mean, these thought, these games that we use with thoughts, which I call them a game.
In fact, the book I was considering writing second was called Game of Fire, which is the
idea around taking these thoughts and creating reality out of them.
It's not woo-woo at all.
The book that I wrote talks all about, instead of just trying to slam an answer into place,
like, oh, gosh, I want to work with more clients.
So you immediately, how can I work with more clients?
You immediately slam in a typical answer that really is just you trying to fill in the blanks,
like mad lips.
The challenge here is to actually take the pause to allow those answers to come, and
you had mentioned also using the power of sleep.
So instead of writing a to-do list down every evening, right before you go to sleep or before
right before I go to sleep, I threw away my to-do list just because at my age, I know
exactly what's on that freaking list.
And what I spend most of my time trying to do is make that list look like it has less
things on it.
So if I wait long enough, things on that list become irrelevant, and then I get to cross
them out or rewrite the list or have less items or whatever, right?
And so what I realized is to remember a list of the things I don't want to do.
By me throwing away my to-do list, I immediately started doing things, by the way, before I
forgot them.
But the second thing that I did is I no longer would clutter my mind with to-do list items
right before I went to bed.
Instead, I would take a three-by-five card, which you can order extra thick ones because
I wanted them substantial.
And you could write down some great questions that you don't have the answer to and actually
resist the kind of innate type A desire to answer those questions, ask the questions,
and then let your sleep and the miraculous kind of take over for those answers.
So this is leaving the space in your life for the thought.
Because remember, thoughts become things.
So this is leaving space.
But by asking a great question that you don't have the answer, it's amazing how that answer
will then come.
So the same thing, obviously, in defining anything we want, whether it's clients we
want to work with or the person we want to become or whatever, we have to first get
clear on that in a full color way on what it is before we ever can move to the next
part, which is the action part of it.
So a question from me that I want to go to Jean and Nick.
The first couple of times I've interviewed you on this show, you've said the same thing,
and I took it to heart and I was truly terrified to ask that real question.
Like what am I really wanting in life?
What do I really want out of this relationship?
What do I really want out of business?
Like, could I really ask the universe for what I want?
And it was astonishing when I just let myself go, I just ask.
It doesn't matter.
I mean, if I want a cheeseburger or if I want something small, like a stick of gum or if
I want a bit of a trillion dollars or if I want a successful business or a faithful,
wonderful, incredible spouse.
Can you actually think about asking the universe for what you really want?
James, have you found it to be terrifying or gratifying?
No, there's no terrifying about it, but I think it's really interesting that you're
using the word terrifying.
But then again, I've watched you cycle through relationships for years now.
So give me your heart.
You have.
So, but I look at it as like a chapter turning event in our lives, right?
We have this opportunity to have a chapter turning event and we should give ourselves
a few hours to kind of define how we want that to look.
And then it's way more possible when it's no longer black and white, it's full of color.
Nothing terrifying about that amazing, huge opportunity because you know, we're only
we're hurling on a ball through an endless space, right?
So I'm glad to hear you.
Why not?
Oh, Greg, calm down.
We're not going.
Are you flat earth guy?
So I am not.
But here's a really dumb example.
So when anyone can try this, I have two great examples.
The first one was that someone borrowed an umbrella out of my car.
Now I keep an umbrella in the passenger side door and I don't want it used.
Basically, it's just there for clients, but I really don't want it to ever leave because
it's super cool.
It's like an Eddie Bauer retractable umbrella in a really, really cool case that's like
that rubberized case.
And it's extreme.
It's extremely small and someone borrowed that umbrella.
The case was left.
The umbrella never came back, right?
So I was cleaning my car and I noticed again that the umbrella wasn't there and I said
to myself, you know what?
I want a new umbrella, but I want it to be identical to that umbrella and I don't want
to pay for it.
I just wanted to show up.
Curiosity is killing the kitten here.
What happened?
So then that same day, I went over to a listing to pick up my lockbox and my flyer stand and
my client left it inside the coat closet.
The house was empty.
The only things that were left was the lockbox and the flyer stand.
The entire house was empty and cleaned and the booties, right?
So I opened up the coat closet and I looked up and there's a shelf at the top.
The closet where there was a flyer stand, lockbox and the booties and there was a black thing
up there as well.
And I grabbed the black thing and it was an Eddie Bauer umbrella.
Get out of here.
Yes, it absolutely was.
It was the same day.
Now, when that, when that, and I was really in, so you would say, well, come on.
I mean, this is just weird stuff.
And I'd say, well, but there was a different kind of feeling when I, when, when I did, when
I was cleaning my car and when I challenged myself to get this umbrella without buying
it, it's stupid to say like I can go and buy a $20 umbrella, right?
But it felt different when I had that experience.
And so I decided to try it in acquiring my next client.
So what I did is I got extremely clear.
This is the example number two.
I got extremely clear on exactly what I wanted.
Now during that time, it was the great recession.
You did not want listings because if you listed it today next month, you'd have to lower it
by 20 grand.
I mean, it was, it was a falling knife situation during, during that period.
So I wanted a buyer that didn't need to sell, but had to buy, right?
Like it was not optional and needed a house to live in.
They sold in another state.
Maybe they had a bag full of cash.
They were approved and they needed to buy in a certain area, right?
And so it would be a quick sale.
And I even decided what they would be like.
I wanted them to be cool as I put it.
Because I had a run of like not cool people, right?
And so I decided, well, that's the one thing I'm not doing is also clarifying that I wanted
to be nice people.
So the next week, I thought, okay, well, I know exactly what I want, right, Greg?
So this is me being extremely clear on exactly what I want, a buyer that doesn't need to
sell, that's cool, right?
But that has to buy.
So then the next week, I decided, okay, who am I going to tell that to?
Because you can't just keep it inside your head, right?
So I decided that I should meet with a couple of different people and just tell them about
my perfect client.
So I went to lunch with a guy that is an influencer in the area, he knows a lot of people.
And at the very end of the lunch, for the last three minutes of the lunch, I said, oh,
by the way, I just want you to know, because you might not know, this is my perfect dream
And I described that perfect dream client to them.
And I also described why that would be a dream client.
Like the dream part is that, you know, I don't need to wait for the sale to happen,
because it could take months.
They would be picking something rather quickly.
There's a huge amount of listings on the market.
And they're already approved and they're nice people.
And the person I told was like, oh, wow, well, I could, you know, I'll definitely get my
eye out for you on that.
Like, yeah, thanks for explaining that to me.
And the next week, he said, hey, I just met someone, they're just moving to the area,
they want to live near their, you know, grandchildren, they've already sold.
And I think it was Minnesota.
And they, they're approved.
They've got, you know, the money ready to go.
And I was wondering if you could help them.
It seemed like really nice people.
What happened there?
I mean, it's not woo.
This isn't woo, woo, stuff.
What happened was that I said what I wanted.
So then I thought, well, what if I just did that times like 120?
And then that's what happened.
Okay, guys and gals, let's take a quick, quick break from our show.
Thank you for watching and listening to everything we've put out there.
Let's talk about exp.
Let's talk about how to build legacy wealth.
Let's talk about how to put money in your pocket without having to do with the work
on a daily grind.
The grind is what kills all of us and it hurts our souls.
Let us help you and show you how you can take that out of what you do consistently right
Go ahead and reach out to me at 9.25.
And just in case you didn't get that, it's 9.25.
And I, a person, look forward to talking with you.
And now, back to the show.
You know the funny thing about that James, is the fact that
people are so afraid and I'm talking to myself right now.
I'm not going to anybody else.
I'm talking to myself.
What's the last time you really, really, really honest about what you really want?
I mean, let's take a sugar coating off of it, right?
When you say, look, I want a pop blonde with blue eyes or I want a smoking hot dude with
great abs, great job.
If I want a $2 million, $10 million home, I want a job, fill in the blank.
You get where I'm going.
When is it really the last time?
Nick, I'm going to you on this one.
James, I want to go to your body when it comes to weight loss for you.
When is the last time when you said, you know what, enough is enough?
I'm fucking down with this bullshit and I'm going to lose weight and I'm going to change
my life, but people don't fucking do that.
So Nick, what was that transition mindset wise in regards to saying, look, I want something
and I'm going to go after it.
I think there's a lot to unpack here.
What James talks about, I think the key part to this whole thing and when you see, like
the first thing he said was really interesting about how agents activity doesn't necessarily
breed success, right?
What that really means and what I'm seeing that he is accomplishing and doing very well
is it's not just a dream, right?
It's making it personal to you.
And so when you watch a podcast of somebody and they're like, oh, I did 200 transactions
last year, I bought a Lamborghini, I got all these investment properties and you watch
that and it's like most agents would think that that's their version of feeling like
that's what they want by watching somebody else's journey.
Somebody else's success and they go, oh yeah, I kind of want that.
What James did is he made it personal.
And so when you realize what you want in visualization and you make it completely personal to you,
then your brain doesn't know what's real and what isn't real.
And so when you plant those seeds in your own mind and you had the visualization and
you make it personal to yourself, you are just planting the steps in place for you to
be aware enough in the world to follow the path to the thing that you really want.
So I think a lot of it has to do with, and this can go backwards into meditation.
And James said woo woo a bunch of times when somebody says they meditate, a lot of people
think it's woo woo.
But I think what actually happens with meditation is you're able to sit back.
You're able to say, this is what I want.
These are the reflections.
These are the things that I want to happen.
And I'm going to take 20, 30 minutes to talk to myself every single day so that I can be
aware enough in the outside world to make these things happen.
And so before I got into business, like when I got into business 2005, when I first got
my license, that's when the secret was kind of a big thing and everybody has the vision
And that was kind of the cool thing for a while.
I just viewed it as I had a vision of what I wanted to do every time I stepped on either
football field or baseball field.
So my version in my mind from an athletic background was when I'm on the on deck circle
and I'm watching the manurism to the pitcher and I'm getting the timing down, I'm visualizing
what I'm going to do when I step to the plate.
And so when I got into business, I had that same type of mentality where, okay, I'm here
in my business right now, I need to visualize exactly what I'm going to do in order to make
it personal for myself.
And that was just what I kind of how I started rolling.
And then I found out about the secret and the visualization from the business perspective.
And so fast forward that to now my personal life.
Yes, Greg, I am doing, I've been on a health journey for the past couple of years and I've
made it personal to myself and I see myself as a different person.
And I have steps in place and I'm aware enough to be the guy that I want to be in the next
two years, three years, five years, whatever.
But it's, it made, I made it personal to myself.
So the vision without the personal part is, you know, it's not going to happen for you
because it's not personal to you.
So there's a lot of agents that are running around doing all these things, having a lot
of activity in a reaction mode.
And I viewed this personally as a selfish thing to do.
Like I'm not a selfish person.
So I'm always, I'm always the fixer and the healer.
And so that goes back to business.
And I think a lot of real stage can feel the same way you get into business because you
like helping people, a lot of agents are high, high personalities.
So they're always like putting their own needs and everything last.
In order to achieve what you want, you have to be selfish.
And if that means taking 20 minutes out of the day to have these visualizations, to put
this yourself in a situation where you can get to that point of having those things, it's
all about making it personal to you.
So that's my, my take.
Jean, back to you.
What are your thoughts on this?
I've been offline, brother.
I don't have any thoughts on that.
Good talk.
No, sorry.
Listen, I kept bailing out of this real quick because I had a friggin thing blow up on me
right in the middle of this website.
So I was actually handling that real quick, but you kept pulling me back.
Well, that's what I do, my friend.
Yeah, pull me back.
But no, no, I'm caught up now.
I actually just got off that.
So I'm good.
So give me some thoughts of what, what James was saying.
Do you meditate, do you visualize?
Why are you saying the secret, right?
I'm a secret guy.
You know that for sure.
I don't meditate.
I should.
I talk about this on multiple episodes with us, I think.
And this is going to sound like an excuse.
I know James is going to rip me to shreds for this.
I just don't ever sit down long enough to be able to get my head into a space where I'm
not, you know, oh my God, a squirrel.
What do I got to do next week?
Taxes are due.
How about dinner tonight?
What am I going to drink for beer this week?
My head just never stops long enough.
And I know that there's practice.
I know you can do things.
I've just never taken the time in my world to sit down and do that.
My meditation for the most part when I need it is, and I know he was talking about this
early on too, or this might have been in the green room is music.
So when I, and truth be told, you're going to laugh, but I do certain things with the
TV that help me get into a space of not in my world is not meditation.
He's just refocusing on something other than what my brainwave activities are doing.
So, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa,
back that up a little bit.
So when I, when my brain, the way my brain operates is if there's quiet around me, I'm
thinking of eight million things.
Like what's next?
I got to do this new business.
What am I doing with Brian?
You know, James is on the show.
What three questions am I going to ask him?
There's never any silence in my head.
But when I, when I go to bed and again, I know people are going to be like, that's
so bad for you.
I know I'll throw the office on because it creates a white noise for me that I can either focus
on or not focus on.
It doesn't matter, but it stops me from thinking about all the what ifs and it allows me to
roll into a space where I can actually fall asleep easier as opposed to staring at the
ceiling and worried about all the things that are coming.
That makes sense.
It makes sense.
James, back to you.
I mean, what are your thoughts on that?
Well, I love, I absolutely love the what Nick reminded us of is making a personal personal
and that also the brain doesn't know what's the difference between what's real and what's
And that's why the full color thinking matters.
You can do nothing but move towards your goals or your dreams if they're full color.
So you know, why not?
Why not get better at this?
Why not get better at painting that?
That picture.
So it's kind of like going on a vacation.
I use this example of when you go on a vacation, oftentimes you know, you've Googled like the
hotel, right?
So you know what the hotel looks like, what the jacuzzi looks like, what the spa looks
like and what the beachfront looks like.
So in a way in the room, right?
And the restaurants and whatever.
So in a way, you have a full color image of the resort, but you don't have a full color
image of anything else.
You don't know what the zip lining looks like.
You don't know what the taxi ride to the hotel looks like.
You haven't created a full picture of that vacation.
You've created a full picture of a resort, right?
So if you were to really, really create a full picture of that, that vacation, that's
what I'm challenging us to do in our lives and our business and our relationships.
I'm not saying, you know, plan and can be a control freak about things.
I'm just saying allow yourself the permission to create a full color, I guess, thought or
image of what you would like first.
And then once it's as real as it possibly can be, then you decide what actions you will
put in place to get there.
So here are the best examples.
This book, the one that you held up earlier, I actually created a business plan to finish
this book because I kept on figuring it a way to not.
So I kept on self editing, I kept on, you know, basically writing a sentence, then deleting
a sentence, then rewriting a sentence, then deleting a sentence.
And I wrote the book like three times.
At one point, I wrote created this business plan to kind of force myself into an outline
to completion and the business plan was called how to finish the book.
Well then guess what I did.
Greg any eye?
So Nick, guess what I did.
Finish the book.
Yeah, but here's the problem.
Here's the problem, the business plan.
I didn't have a business plan on how to publish the book.
I just had a business plan on how to finish the book.
So when I finished the book, I closed the Google Doc.
And so then I was like, well, WTF, why is the thing not published?
WTF mean, well, Jesus.
So I went back and I created my business plan to include publishing the book and then that's
how I finished it.
So it's yeah.
So in a way, it really matters what words we use.
Like one of the things that really jumped at me is this whole, you know, $30 million
is way outside of your whatever.
I don't know what you, you know, like stratosphere, right?
You know what I mean?
Like, like, you know, it doesn't really, I mean, it's really just a function of the
largeness or the smallness of your life.
If that's really that important and it's really, it kind of like what Nick, you know,
you know, mentioned, it's that personal.
If it's that personal that you could do nothing but move towards that, right?
My challenge is, you know, when I was making a lot, a lot, a lot of money selling 120,
150 houses a year, right, I didn't actually need that money.
Like, I was making way more than I needed.
So then I had to create more reason to make the money because if I was making the money
and didn't need it, you know, I just, I check out, go on an endless vacation.
And for a while there, I was, right?
And I caught myself and realized I had to create more meaningful reasons, personal reasons
for the, for the purpose of making this kind of money.
So the same idea with this 30 million, like, hey, listen, so that you get a podcast studio,
it's not a good enough fucking reason.
I mean, you're, I'm sorry to see the Bay Bridge, right?
Because, you know, I got it.
You felt it visceral, right?
But is it, is it so large and so like you, like what break down in tears of it didn't
occur, right?
That at that moment, that's when that's the different kind of like experience of declaring
and designing that I'm talking.
I have so, okay.
Greg breaks out on tears all the time.
So I do don't challenge them there.
And I'm going to do it again.
My grandmother passed away two or three years ago now.
And there's a photo of all of us putting our hands on her, on our casket, right?
And everyone's saying prayers, everyone's saying they're saying something into the universe.
And I said this, because at that point, it was about six, six, seven years ago, give or
And I said, and this is going to get really weird.
Trust me.
I told, I asked the universe, I said the universe, I was talking to my grandmother, her name
is Jackie, was Jackie.
And I said, grandma, I'm tired of being alone.
I don't want to be alone anymore.
Like I really want to partner in life.
I want someone who's going to support me.
And I want someone who's going to kick me in the butt.
And I want someone who's going to be able to be by my side, no matter what.
So I put my hand on her casket and I didn't know what to expect.
And I was on a day there.
And I funny thing happened.
The girlfriend I currently have her name is Jackie.
And she showed up one month after I had that talk with my grandma.
And she kicks me in and nuts every day.
And this is the most powerful thing because I know to my core that my grandma's sitting
up there going like, look, bitch, you asked for it.
You got it.
And I love it.
I hate it.
I appreciate it.
I'm afraid of it all the exact same time.
James, back to you.
Well, you knew what you wanted.
But one of the things that you said is the very reason why your relationships have ended
in the past, which is being held accountable and getting your nuts kicked, right?
That is why the relationships have ended.
We all know that, right?
So you asked for it.
You got it, right?
So buckle up.
I did.
I've sacked up.
Trust me.
Nick and I talk about this all the time, you know, in different, well, I'm not going to
go into that.
But Nick and I talk about this a lot.
And the fact is that when you have what you ask for, don't be afraid of it.
Embrace it.
And that is business as personal as professional.
That's every spectrum of life.
I know we're running a little bit long on this.
James, I want to go back to you.
I want to go back to Gene and Nick and get some final thoughts because I just love having
you one man because you're such an intelligent human being.
You're so successful.
You're a published author and you're a good friend.
I mean, we banter about bullshit, talk crap to each other.
It's fun, right?
So give somebody who doesn't know you, who has not interacted with you, doesn't, has
not read your book.
Give them something.
One thing that they can take and put into their life today that would change their lives on
whatever level, doesn't matter.
Well, we were talking before we, in the green room, as you call it, we were talking briefly
about and then you mentioned the music.
And it's kind of like, give yourself that time.
Take the drive, right?
You can schedule some time for yourself.
It reminds me there was an article I read once about a really high-powered CEO and between
a certain time frame every single day, he would be staring out his window from his desk.
Oh, you know the story.
And I forget exactly where I read it.
So you might know better than I, but it was, he felt like it was the most important hour
of the day looking at the window and reflecting.
And I just don't see as a habit us doing that, humanity doing that.
So it's a gift to allow those feelings to come.
You had this brief moment, powerful kind of moment in time, casket moment, right?
Where you could just get real.
And so what if we got better at getting real with ourselves, what we want, from a faith
perspective, whatever your faith might be, and just spending some time in that realness.
And then from that, obviously, that's the thought that creates, you know, things.
So I just challenge that for all of us, you know, and the book for me was just an outpouring
of that concept, that idea of creating a space, pushing pause a little bit rather than just
running around with my head cut off, a friend of mine calls it, you know, being kicked off
the treadmill.
All of us will be ultimately the day kicked off the treadmill in one way or another.
And the question is, what happens after we're kicked off the treadmill?
You know, so that's the challenges to kind of preemptively plan for that.
You know, I went into a coma last year and I got a CT scan.
And when I went into my CT scan, I just, my brain, I don't know what happened, I just
shut off.
Dude, I was essentially dead for three days.
I was in a coma.
I was nonresponsive, but my body fought back and I was fighting with the nurses, the security
guards, my girlfriend, everybody.
I was fighting to keep myself alive.
So I guess where I'm going with this is this.
I'm not saying anybody should have that experience ever, but I'm very, and I mean very comfortable
with death at this point.
I'm fine with it because you're very calm and jeans look at me like, what the fuck are
you talking about?
My point is this, when it comes to business, be comfortable with death, be comfortable
with losing, be comfortable with not getting that deal because you know what?
Once you're comfortable with not succeeding in every venture, because not all money is
good money, your life is going to be incredibly more enjoyable because at that point, you
just don't care about the people who don't care about you.
So why not come out there and go meet the people that actually care about you and have
some fun and just enjoy the experiences that you have, the opportunity to have right now.
400 million to one is your expectancy of actually showing up on this earth.
400 million to one.
You already beat the lotto.
Why not just take it over and just crush it?
Jean, some final thoughts.
I don't know if you want to hear these final thoughts.
I'd love to hear your voice anytime you want to say anything.
I'd like to say first, this is why I think it's important that you get a baseline on
your brain activity.
I got to imagine that the amount of brain activity you had in your coma was shocking
to the doctors, but it probably wasn't very different than what's on a typical basis,
So that's the one thing.
And the other thing is I want to know why are you standing at your grandmother's casket
with one hand on the casket and the other hand on a dating app?
Is that how I heard that?
I was about to circle back.
I wasn't sure, but thank you, Jean.
I don't remember about this episode as Greg is banging his grandma.
And that's it.
There's nothing.
All right.
All right.
All right.
Dial it back their body shwinker.
I just told you you were going to be happy with it.
You like me?
Rupert, you want to go eat some flesh?
We're going to go fly the fucking floor right now.
Very fair observations.
They were.
I mean, listen, I didn't say it.
All right, James, Nick, Jean, fuck all you guys.
I was trying to make a profound point.
You guys always took a weird way.
You pedophiles.
No, wait, wait.
Here's what's great.
No, that's not the way I took it.
I didn't take it like that.
I took it as if your grandmother was dead.
You're here.
And then you were swiping on Tinder with your other hand, like at the casket.
No, that's literally not what I said.
What I said was that I was single.
I was probably single and I wanted to ask my grandmother, hey, grandma, please help me
shut up.
And I said, look, I want grandma to help me out.
I didn't think it would work, but there's a girlfriend.
I'm dating his her name is Jackie, my grandma's name is Jackie.
You're going to put my daughter on her casket.
It was a wonderful story.
It was a wonderful story.
Why do you get to make this so weird?
Harrison's great about the whole thing.
This is what I love, Greg, because in the moment when you hear it, you're like, yes,
And then when you go back and look at it, it makes for an amazing clip for our next show.
Nick is going to cut out.
Every once to it is going to make it look like you're a psycho.
Poor James is never coming back on the show.
The grandma from the Titanic with the little red rose and the diamond.
Yeah, it's going to be a great clip.
It's going to be a great clip.
Oh, gosh.
I'm not even asked for your last thoughts, Nick.
All right.
What's your last thoughts?
James, we got to have you back on again.
I love everything you have to say.
I do think that the idea that your brain doesn't know what's real and what's fake and really
diving deep into what you really want as a person, it's all about just your level.
We call it awareness.
Some people will call it your frequency that you're reverberating out into the world, right?
But if you're not aware of the things that you want, then how can you ever receive them?
It's like, I mean, it's not quite as simple as that, but it is kind of as simple as that.
You have to be aware of what you want in order to backtrack it and have the steps for it.
It's like going to a restaurant.
If you don't know the menu, you find out the menu and then you order what you want.
Like that's a simple task, right?
It's a menu of life.
What do you want?
Order it.
And then you're aware enough to actually see how to get it.
Maybe maybe too simple.
I don't know.
It's not.
I mean, it is that simple.
It's just a matter of getting clear.
I mean, maybe you won't find an umbrella the same day, right?
I was a boss.
Or have a referral the next week, right?
Sometimes it takes years for these things to paint it off.
Well, I actually was challenged.
My system to get to 10 a month and 12 months was really was instant and it was based clearly
on totally on meeting with people.
It was a volume game, but meeting on being very clear on exactly what I wanted.
Then people knew I was looking for red cars.
So then when they saw a red car, they told me about it.
That's basically what I was doing is just igniting in people the need to help me.
So yeah.
Training people.
How to treat you too, right?
So yeah, it's been wonderful.
You can go and grab the book on Audible or Kindle or paperback.
I also would be happy to do a little giveaway thing on this show and mail one out.
So you guys let me know on that if there's any system for that.
So appreciate having me out.
I didn't expect for us to be so serious.
I didn't expect.
I used to make great cry and all this stuff.
I do want to finish by just reminding Greg and backing up Jean that the Greg did say
that his hand was on the casket and he happened to also be on a dating app.
That is clearly how it was described.
It wasn't like I had my hand on the casket and then a month later I happened to be on
a dating app.
It was in the same moment.
And what's weird on that is, you know, it's like, what were you just like?
Do not even go there.
It's there.
We're all going to go back and listen, right?
Can we put that time in the narrative?
I can find it.
That's not a problem.
We will find it.
So the way it was actually supposed to come off as is the fact that I was on a dating app
at that point and I did put my hand on the casket not at the exact same time.
So I'm like, ooh, I'm hunting Poon Teng.
Oh, yeah, grandma, give me some goodness.
No, not that was not that was not the way it was supposed to come across.
Okay, they call back in a half.
Well, I gotta say something.
We find out if anybody here is looking for real estate on censored gear, use the code Poon
We'll know you've made it all the way to the end of the episode.
We'll get this 2% off.
The special place, right?
And this is where we end the show.
How do I know?
Gene, thank you for making weird.
I really appreciate Nick.
Thank you for chiming in.
That was awesome.
I got to go in the chat and then maybe Gene type in Poon Teng and see what it spits out.
Oh, I'm trying to be what you're thinking this.
I'm going to shoot both of you.
I still know what it is.
No, I know what it is.
Hey, hey, hey.
That's not what we say on this show.
We don't talk about that stuff.
James, where can people get ahold of you?
At Poon
I got a little look at it up, actually.
That might take you to Pooty Teng.
Wasn't that an actual video?
Oh my God.
That was a joke.
Yeah, go ahead.
So James, seriously, man, where can you get the book, reseceed, phenomenal book, very
There's ways to connect through there.
And, by the way, guys and gals, I have taken Gene's advice and I have bought the thick
cards and I wrote down different ideas, thoughts, theories, concerns, whatever it is on that
And I put them under my pillow and James, I have to tell you this.
When I did that, like when I woke up in the morning, like I had clarity on my face.
On these different thought patterns that were going through my brain.
So it really does do something.
If you guys want to test it, try it.
If you don't have the ability to buy anything, go get a piece of paper, go get a newspaper,
go get anything you can write on, write down your question, write down your thought, put
it underneath your pillow or underneath you at any point and just try it.
You should get James to mail you one of those nice Sotheby's $30 million house that's put
under your pillow.
James, can you send me one of those?
He's scratching his head in the manner of like, that's not ever fucking happening.
But okay, sure.
Thanks for having me on your show.
Guys, James Coburn, absolute expert in real estate, best-selling author, great book, reseceed,
go get it right now if you guys value your life and your mental mindset.
Gene Volpe, working to get ahold of you.
If you don't value your life, contact Gene Volpe.
He'll help you with that way.
He'll help you.
He'll help you do it.
I'm starting a new thing here.
If you want to help me out, get over to the YouTube channel, check out all the great content
and next splicing up for real estate uncensored, subscribe to that bad boy and then join us
every Friday.
When we bring on great people like James, where they talk about all their ideas and successes
and tricks and tips, so that's the way you can help me.
There it is.
Rock and roll.
Nick Saccas, S-A-K-K-I-S.
Last name.
Nick, where can people find your beautiful face?
If you need anybody or have a referral for a Tampa Bay market, we help our people save
up to $25,000 when they move to Tampa Bay.
So we have a very active artificial intelligence group.
So if you're looking to harness the power of artificial intelligence for your real estate
business, go to AI empowered real estate agents on Facebook and join our group.
We are doubling every single month so far.
It's month one, so we've doubled.
So I can say every single month we're doubling, but we're doing some really cool stuff in
there and I'm happy to share my knowledge of artificial intelligence and how it can
help you in your real estate business.
There it is, boys and girls.
Go figure it out.
You know.
Hey, guys, this is not going away.
So figure it out.
Get your head screwed on straight.
Go check it out.
James, is there anything where people can go get in personal contact with you?
The I think is the most current access.
Guys, go there to the Bay.
Do it.
Resyce community.
Resyce community.
My apologies.
Go there.
Get involved with James 100%.
Trust me, guys.
This is why we've had him on so many times on the show.
He brings value on every single aspect of life.
So Nick, Jean, you know, guys, I love you.
James, I'm unbelievable.
Until next time.
Thank you, everyone.
And he's out of the name James.
We're going home.
Thanks for listening to today's episode.
I hope you take action immediately with the tactics and the takeaways that you've learned.
Now, if you'd like to take the relationship to the next level with me, which I strongly
encourage that you do, by the way, I want you guys to go ahead and shoot me a text.
You know, it's 925-915-1978.
A lot of times people are feeling stuck or they just need a third party, but listen,
a kind of personal idea that I would love to be that boy.
So you take the McGaino challenge, well over 400 people have taken the challenge.
And you know what?
It's the positive result of 99.9% of the time.
Nah, I'm kidding.
It's about 100% of the time it's been a blast.
And I would encourage you guys to reach out to me.
I really would love to talk with you.
If you feel a little stuck, you guys need a third party to kind of just bounce my ideas
I'm here for you.
Getting that number is 925-915-1978.
And as always, peace out, ninjas.
We got it.
We got it.