Welcome back to the Reptiles with podcast today. We're setting up at the Repticon located in Atlanta, Georgia But before we get started this podcast was brought to you by a repticon reptile shows premium crickets and reptiles express Let's get started. Hey guys, I'm Bill Albright from AHP Exotics and we are an exotic animal breeder and retailer Hell yeah, well, what do you got there going crazy right now? This is this is lemon drop. He is a three-year-old crutchfield albino iguana and like all albino iguanas His vision is not the best in the world. So he's just kind of randomly reaching out Nice dude That is something that I don't get to see anymore because I'm in Florida Yeah, you're in Florida. So you've lost your rights. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yeah, man. That's real cool So I see on your table you have a variety of things. Are you breeding all that stuff? No, we don't okay We breed probably this is a rough guess guys. I'm getting older But probably 60 species of animal maybe a little bit more Okay, and we buy and sell a lot a lot of the stuff we do and we still do with a lot of quality imported animals There's all that I really enjoy working with yeah, sadly just isn't brand and captivity right now Okay, so we're still we're still working with a lot of quality imported stuff Okay, cool cool cool and then as far as the stuff that you are working with I see that you have like the hybrids and stuff Yes So I I do like hybrids I am controversial top of it yeah, you have people you don't have very many people that are neutral to it Yeah, you have people that are very very much against it and you have people that are very very much for it I myself I like hybrids man. This is Now I've tried I've tried breeding ball pilots to like carpet pythons and I was never able to do it Is there like a trick to doing it? I know that people are like oh just put a little bit of bedding in there from others Yeah, there's there are so many different myths and wilds tales and tricks Yeah And in my experience and we've been kind of playing with the hybrid thing for since I was a kid 30 years And I really think it's hit or miss you can take shed skin you can take your rates or fecal You can move your male you can house your female of a species you're trying to hybridize into Enclosure that is the same species as what you're trying to hybridize it with okay So if you guys you're trying to do a berm retic cross yeah Yeah, you can put your female retic in with your female berm Yeah, and then put your female berm out and introduce a male berm into the enclosure And I but I really don't know if any of it has anything to do with it or if you just find the right pair of snakes That interact well together. Oh, okay. Okay. Interesting interesting now As far as the stuff that you are breeding like what is your favorite? Like I guess specifically snake because you got a lot of fucking snakes there. Yeah, and I My favorite varies I skip around a lot Okay, I'm doing it my whole life and kind of whatever I'm holding and playing with at the time I'm like oh yeah, man. This is my favorite. Yeah, and then I'll be like oh wait I really like this one so I'm I'm a true addict when it comes to it in a We read ball pythons of course because they are the best pets in my opinion. I agree You're not I'm not one of those guys that's gonna bash ball pythons because everybody's got everybody's got them for a reason Yeah, literally I was having a conversation with somebody yesterday and then we were all asking like oh like What is it that you're working with and he's like oh I got some bows I got some colubas and I was like what about ball python so he was like you'll catch me fucking dead by the ball Python I was like it's crazy right it's crazy and one of my one of my favorite stories and it was a local guy We read a snake show over in Augusta and he was there looking at I had a black dragon in a sulfur watermelon The table and we do a lot of water money too, so we produce both of those So they're probably my favorite one talk a small Yeah, big messy nasty take that much room not everybody needs them, but there's so much They're my favorite lizard. Yeah, but so he's looking at the black dragon telling me how great it is and how wonderful It is that we brought a variety and how it's a ball python festival and he doesn't even want to be there because of it And thank you so much for bringing this black dragon Yeah, and he's telling me this story while I am bagging up a blue-eyed We system all Python that he has just purchased from me. It's a little thing at the irony that he is buying what he's complaining about Yeah, so it's there's no they're so popular for a reason. Yeah, the best pet snake you can have I agree I definitely agree Man that is a cool fucking lizard. I'm honestly jealous. We were we went to a one of the local Reptile shops raining reptiles. Yes in place. Yeah. Yeah, we saw Just a green iguana in a cage. You were like, oh my god. I haven't seen this. It's so long, dude They are a fantastic animal. They're so overrated because they are inexpensive. Yeah, and that's one of it's sad But I really love iguanas. We have several green iguana morks that are my personal animals Yeah, we don't sell green iguanas are very rarely Yeah, because most people don't want to spend $20 on a baby green and then spend the $400 you need to decide it up properly Yeah, correct, so it's I love the species, but I don't really like Sometimes the fact that people are buying it just because it's inexpensive understood understood now something that I love about your situation is your display I think that Displays at reptile shows is very important because you have a lot of people that don't know about reptiles coming to these shows And then they have like a shitty display, you know, they hardly have lights or whatever they have just random shit And it's not doesn't look nice. There's you know people might have you know animals literally sitting in their shit, you know And it's it's very refreshing to see a badass display like that Whenever I see you guys I might do this is the best display at the show. I really appreciate that Yeah, I know there is a point of diminishing return. Yeah, so you're putting more in then you're ever gonna get back out Yeah, but I I get bored easy And again, we've been doing this for 30 years Yeah, and I get bored easy and so I like to design new stuff and every two or three years I like to add something new to my displays. Yeah, yeah, but I we just was literally sitting around one night by the kleipon with a glass of Urban yeah, I was like, you know diamond cut aluminum look good. Yeah, so we started drawing it out on a paper towel And then went to my battle guy down the street. Yeah, hey Joe. Can you cut this? And yeah, so we play with it all the time and tweak it. I appreciate that It doesn't matter how cool the animals and if it's in a dirty Tupperware container Yeah, it doesn't look good people are gonna appreciate it And that's like the first impression that you're giving these people that are trying to get into the hobby So their standard is now all the way at the very low Yeah, you know where you know you have like a nice display and they're like oh like this is something to aspire to be You know, you don't got to cut the corners And then but it still leads to you still have to explain to people that this is not where this animal lives Yeah, because you've got a three-foot lizard in a 30-inch enclosure And that's obviously not where he lives, but it's perfectly safe for the weekend. Yeah Yeah, and you know people especially if you're like running a business You also got to remember like this is your brand like is your brand the guy that has a snake in a shitty like container Or is your brand the guy that has or girl that has just badass fucking displays and you you people are gonna remember the bad I says please they're not gonna remember the you know the Tupperware you bought a target. That's right, you know So for sure man, thank you so much. I appreciate this. Hell yeah, dude. Thank you on Tom why better known on social media as dreaded reptiles I work with all types of exotic wildlife from venomous snakes crocodilians All the way down to like emus and house cats so you say emus emus. Yeah First little baby. Yeah, they have one here. Dude. Yeah, like right over there. Yeah I just this is literally this first time I stepped in this building. No fucking way. I have super Slow, but yeah at the same time. Yeah, it what it was it was consistent You know like it wasn't like big big big rush and then empty. It was just like people were coming people were coming People were coming. Yeah Lots of questions. Yeah, dude. So as far as the venomous stuff like what are you working with? Um, so like as far as in-house goes like I just moved down here to Georgia from New Jersey as far as laws go there like You can't have anything like you have a western hognose and yeah, that's as close as you're getting anything. Well shit, but um Yeah, we just moved down. We're gonna everything set up. So the both of you guys are from New Jersey. No, so okay Originally from Chicago. Oh, okay. She is like spent most of her time down in Florida. That's where she just moved up from her on the other hand she She's been working with benefits as well. She works at Crocodilians as well. She has all her hours in on everything down there in Florida but Really been working with everything and anything Does that kind of shit transfer over like your hours and stuff for to get a permit? So Here in Georgia like we we've talked to dnr and they said specifically they do not want people having these animals. Yeah um So as far as the hours go like you don't need hours here you need to just like be valid under their standards. So like if it's not educational presentations or Really that as far as like the information they were willing to give us on what we'd be able to do to get the permitting and license for it but He basically says it's not gonna happen. I was like, well, what if we do like social media like if I use my platform, sir, educational platforms like I make money. It's my business like Can it work through that and he basically said like Unless it's 100% education on top of education He does it's not gonna fly. He doesn't want to see videos of animals and like okay anything like not yeah your education, okay, so As far as that goes, I don't think you're you have a good chance on getting the exotics interesting It's There's no real regulations on native to Georgia. Okay, so like any Georgian natives I can get and keep we've just We've been waiting. Yeah, okay. That's that's interesting. Yeah, I thought that you would get like like how it is in Florida He's just permitting process and then you do your thing and then FWC's try to take it away from you Yeah, Jesus Christ. Yeah, dude. That's fucking disaster Yeah, man, but I mean so How do you how does one get into these venomous reptiles like that's something that Because I wasn't like straight the fuck up. I wasn't like born into this I didn't like just from a kid go out trying to catch snakes I just came across this kind of thing and I always told myself I was like that is something I would like just not do so That's where we're different. Yeah Ever since a little kid I've been just absolutely an all over wildlife. Yeah, like it's been everything like I knew carol basking was when I was a child. Yeah, it's still disliked it um Like I've always been on like the wildlife scene since I was a little kid Uh catching them all types of snakes skaters things like that Like I have a picture of me as a little kid like I'm eight and I'm my mom's holding my hand on an embankment I'm holding the tail of a gator. That's hilarious. I love that I've just been gung-ho since I was a little kid where I always got into it and that's where like It really shows it's a dangerous like Career choice if you want to do a career choice or even as a hobby like It's still venomous snakes like they're crocodilians like this stuff is dangerous like we can't take that away from it and that's where Going out and doing stuff like I did I honestly I don't recommend because I only knew what I saw off tv and in videos and for my age demographic, that's steve erwin. Yeah stuff like that. So I didn't actually know what hooking and tailing a snake was until I started like Working with stuff in private collections. So when I told my friends like Can you like teach me like what have you been doing? Like I see pictures of you like yeah, yeah, wow like I was like Dude, I've just been like when I go hurt me like I just pin him and neck him and they're like What I was like yeah, I just been necking him this whole time and like I've been like going all over from like basically all the way up from PA down to Arizona and stuff like that and Just catching what I think that's that's interesting. Yeah, that's something that that I do get concerned about when I see A lot of people like posting like venomous shit crocodilians on like social media is like damn What are these kids gonna think like when they see that they're like oh, I could just go do that Uh, but I you know an important message is like how dangerous it can be I was so I'm so I have family here in Georgia and I was talking to my godson And he was talking to me about like that he goes and he catches frogs and stuff and salamanders shit that I would never do Because I'm terrified of frogs Yeah, yeah, yeah And he was telling me he's like but you can't touch venomous snakes And I was like oh, that's interesting like why he's like because you need tools and I was like This kid's like seven years old. Like he's educating me right now Like what's up? And he had like this whole thing about like we gotta have the tools because if not you need this kind of thing You need that and then he made up this thing where he was like you have to have like a suit that the fangs can't get to you And I was like yeah sure man, whatever you say But yeah, dude, I think I think kids over time are going to be more and more educated with that shit And you know as long as we can keep working with them from putting more and more education out there of course why it's like I've talked to people and they've been like they've told me like oh I just I don't feel like I have the almost like degree to put education out there and it's like If you like actually know something like you did your research like it's facts Like it's still a fact at the end of the day even if it's just you regurgitating Yeah, like you're putting that education out there and You're gonna reach people that I'm not gonna reach like I might not have some of your family members on my social media But if you posted education about something now they see that and now they're gonna learn that share that to their friends Where that's why I would always encourage like to get more education out there to put the education out there Because it's only just gonna lead to more educated people making the right decisions and actually knowing what to do Hell yeah, dude. Are you gonna be at animal con this year? I definitely plan on being at animal con again It was an awesome experience and I hope it pulls through again and I can make it um Definitely prying on Brian. Yes, of course for sure. I really hope He gets through everything loving man. Hell yeah, dude. All right. Thank you There's nothing better than the smell of coffee in the morning. Okay, there's also nothing better than the smell of reptiles in the morning psych Reptiles with coffee. That's the smell you want the strongest coffee. All right We have it for you head on over the description or go to and use the code reptiles with to get your reptiles with coffee today Uh, my name is erin plennigan. I'm the owner of erin's reptile specializing in leprechaun Cool. Cool. So how did you get into this? Um I got my first leprechaun leo was him when I was seven. Okay. Um and did from there I started to actually breed fish. Yeah, and then um from the fish I got I started to uh breed turtles. Hi, and what kind of turtles? Uh, like Radio sliders. It must hurt. Okay. Okay. And then um from there Uh, I started to breed leprechaun goes and then from there. It's just growing growing growing Cool. Cool. How old are you? Uh 14 That's crazy You got your own table here and everything dude. That's so awesome. Is that is that your mom that's with you? Dude, that's great It's great when you have a Parents that uh support you and stuff like that Is that something that like your mom was like comfortable with and you had to like work your way to it? No, uh A lot of my animals are at my dad's house. I have a A bedroom or two of animals at his house. Yeah, my mom. She really wasn't like, you know, they can't you know She doesn't really like that. Yeah Okay, cool. So what's what's the future? Do you have any like cool projects that you're working with? Right now I'm working with uh About this here a lot of hyper-identics and um, I'm actually starting to breed blue tongue skins Oh Okay, okay cool cool. What kind of blue tongues uh north earth? Northerns. Yeah, okay. Where'd you get your stuff from? Uh, some of them came um from show. Okay. Um, I got some from billy Okay Cool, man. I'm from other places as well. All right. Well, I have some cool stuff here that I'm going to show you Okay That's where I've seen them right here. Yeah, that's really cool. That's really cool. I I I like that so as far as like I guess who like gave you like the influence like who was like who did you look at and you were like, oh like that's what I want to do um Gina and mik friend. Okay, my parents. They just brought me to a show just because of it Um, um, like I was just seeing I sat with them for a while and they really influenced me to like yeah start That's funny breathing in celery. Yeah, my first uh I'm gonna try to get mik also on the podcast my first repticon I ever vended I only bred turtles and I was next to mik. So mik was the first guy that I vended next to you and he was he was a real cool guy They are they're really cool. Yeah, they the ones they got me started with shows for like a year or so I was actually on their table like I had a chunk of their table with Yeah, dude. That is awesome. I'm really excited for you. So what is it? So is that like a normal leopard gecko? Uh, he is a yoku He is a uh black knight murphy's pattern black knight murphy's patterns. So you really like the black knight stuff? Uh, yeah, I like a lot a lot a lot of the black knight stuff in the hybrid and thick stuff. Okay, okay I have a buddy of mine that uh that he breeds leopard geckos Uh, he's like really invested in a lemon frost. He's like, oh like we got to do lemon frost We got to figure out a way to uh, you know take away the the the gee that it has and whatever is giving it the tumors or whatever How do you feel about? Breeding something like that is known to have those kinds of issues. I don't work with them. All right. Yeah, Facts. Um, it one point. I've only been breeding for about two years Yeah, and I was going to get into lemon frost, but everybody told me don't get into it So I should never I'm going to dive into it. It's tough because visually it's a beautiful Yeah, it's a beautiful animal. Yeah. Yeah, you know and everybody likes to compare it to like uh, I don't know if you know about ball pythons, but like the spider ball ball But it's like at least with the spider. It's not something that's like really detrimental to the animal like yeah Your animals gonna wobble, you know, it might give you some kind of issues. It's a wonky animal Yeah, it's a fact, you know Uh, but some of them show it less than others, but then when you have the lemon frost is like no, no, no like dude like that's kind of It's like it's like those skin cancer pretty much, you know, it's tumors cool. So Is this something that you want to get into doing full-time? Yeah, this is your future. This is the whole thing. Yeah, pretty much Dude, that's awesome. Are you close to here now? Yes. Okay. I'm an uh, dictator Okay, and it's just how many shows have you done so far? Oh I've been doing shows for two years now. So wow so since pretty much you started. Yeah, dude. That is awesome I'm really excited for you. This is so cool Thank you. Yeah, so what where can people find you? You can follow you can find me on instagram at errands.reptiles errands.reptiles Well, I'm gonna go on and follow you and everybody should follow. So I am alana stepaddy Also known as alie. I'm the owner of adventures and exotics. I've been dealing with exotic reptiles for I don't know. I want to say 11 years now professionally. I started when I was 14. Um, I'll be 26 in june So it's actually we're approaching 12. Okay. Um, yeah Hell yeah, so basically, yeah, how are you feeling about uh, what's going on in florida? I know that you guys are going to go down in may for the hearing so uh, the stuff in florida Very very strong feelings about the stuff in florida. Yeah. Um, I think this has been an issue ongoing Um, basically since the csp stuff went down with the bermis and retics. Um, I think at this point it is Honestly, my true opinion is it's complete political overreach. Okay. It is basically being done by the land development As there is nothing going on that's in regards to animal welfare and actually regulating any issues in florida Yeah, yeah And here in georgia, have you noticed like any approach? I know that they did a ban on like specifically argentine tag who's I think it is Correct. Yeah, do you see like any approach for like local? I don't know what your fishing game is called here So it's dnr dnr so have you noticed that they're starting to take a similar approach So the one thing that they did do is right now bermis aren't legal Um, however, the bermis have been banned to be bred. Um, they are allowed to be sold until december 4th of 2023 And they've actually instituted this csp approach as far as the caging regulations the pit tagging and everything like that So I very much do so believe dnr is going to follow suit With what's going on in florida because they are approaching that Now i've talked to a few different people in south carolina as well as in georgia To where there have been studies done where there are not any known populations of tagu's and stuff like that Yeah, it is solely based on the precedent that these animals have the potential to survive And they're doing that base off of florida's rules and regulations as their studies Yeah, so I personally am not somebody that's against permitting like I think that everything that's going on right now with fwc Is a bit of an overreach? I think that as long as we can figure out a way to have a solid Program so we can continue our businesses continue educating people Continue getting Specifically giving kids pets, you know because that that's the future of this whole thing, you know Um, so if they're able to give us like hey, this is what we're doing. This is how we're going to do it And we're going to be on an even playing field whatever It just I feel you know the thing that I get worried about is that when they say, you know if it can live in florida You know, we don't want it here and that's almost everything if not everything exactly. Yeah So as far as your business goes like how exactly did that get started? So the business actually got started kind of on a fluke Um, I was working for a company before and I quit working for them. Yeah Um, and I ended up at day tona the week up day tone. I ended up with a table So I just kind of rolled with that and it went really well And then I ended up with my partner We're both very passionate about animals and very good At what we do and we kind of decided to take a leap and start doing shows and we did that and it has become what we do now Awesome. This is like full time for you guys. Yeah. Oh my god. They're so excited. Yeah, this is what we do full time This is not a hobby. I know for a lot of people generally that's what it is. Yeah, um, it's not the easiest thing in the world I mean, this is something we live, you know, as far as us getting started and established We're very young. Our company is only four months old at this point. Um, So there is still a lot of growth to do Um, and we're still establishing a lot of different connections and everything like that But it is an absolutely incredible experience to be able to Be a part of the reptile community and it be our lives Man, that's so exciting. I think that that is like the goal like I don't I don't do this full time I mean, I guess technically I do it full time, but I do it full time for somebody But eventually like the goal is like I just want to do my thing, dude So I will tell you I mean, that's kind of what I was planning on doing Yeah, I was honestly doing it for someone else that way I didn't have the responsibility and the finances Everything like that but truthfully speaking Um, you know, if you have the opportunity to go ahead and put yourself out there a little bit more and start pushing that Yeah, and it's something you're passionate about I very much so recommend going that route because at the end of the day It's about you being happy with what you're doing not what you're doing for someone else because it's what you have to live with Hell yeah Yeah, you guys lived through one of the scariest things for me, which is the fucking fire of your car What's going on with that? Um, so we were out. Um, thankfully Um, our power while our power steering was out and we were told it was fine to drive it car started making a funny noise We went home. We were supposed to go out to another place. We heard a boom and We ran outside and the car was exploded. Oh my god We learned number one don't park your car next to your house Uh, we almost caught our house on fire and potentially would have lost everything Um And if you have issues mechanical issues always get them fixed don't listen to people go to a mechanic and get them fixed I always have mechanic issues. Yeah, so cars scare me. I wish like horses were still a thing and we can just ride them around That's not you know, it has an issue. It's gonna let me know. It's not gonna explode Yeah, I'm always like super concerned with like fires. I mean obviously we're in this reptile thing There's always a light on there's always heat tape whatever, you know, it may be so like I'm super paranoid I'm always checking my heat tape like every week. I'm like, oh my god. Is everybody okay? You know, I guess so worried with that. Well, I mean, did you guys get a new car? Everything's good. Everything's solid Yeah, so we have we have a temporary car right now, but yeah, we're working on it Um getting one that's ours fully and everything like that But we're good. We're solid. We're gonna be you know, marietta next week We're still playing on doing all the shows and everything like that So that one that we lost was the only setback hopefully that we'll have over the next few months So future projects anything cool that's coming So there's a couple of cool things Up and coming over the next year. Um, I have some Lucy gray stuff that I'm working on so Um, as far as crossing the wild things Exanthic lines for the manatees sun coastline and creating um the lily white Exanthics out of that and a couple of that stuff some possible cup of chino for apochino things and then Peruvian boas, which I'm really really excited for I've been growing those guys up for a little while And then genetic mutations of uh, no lacy questioner. Yes, so human night and all okay, um with different I believe may fingers crossed. I don't want to Curse it, but I'm gonna speak it into existence rather. I have a pied possibly human. Oh, hell yeah Um, it has some white spotches on it that is not scarring. It's full natural scale So hopefully I'll be able to prove that out with some of the turquoise and yellow coloring Cool. Cool. How do you feel about the price drops of the cappuccinos? So price drops and cappuccinos, um I'd say that's how everyone a secret right now. Fuck it. Um, that's what we do Anyone in the reptile community Anything that comes out unless you have a lot of money in your pocket don't invest into it Especially with your geckos because within a year the price drops, especially with your co-dominant style Yeah, yeah, yeah So that's something you can have one and put it to anything and you have the potential to get another one out of yeah So with an animal that has that turn around your market drops significantly even with your recessive animals with like your ball pythons Within a two to three year range. You have all your hats people don't want to spend the money on the visuals now They want the hats because they can make those If you have it and it's really something you're passionate about it go ahead and do it Um, but the cappuccino stuff I kind of seem coming and that's why I didn't really like it Best into it. I have some stuff that is potential that I'm working on proving out based on the different traits and characteristics that people have Cool. Yeah, I did it. I had a I bought ivory blue tongues Yeah, like they're cool though. They are so I have a couple When they were full price And um, I mean they're doing great I'm not too worried about it because I know that it's gonna take some time for other people to start reproducing them I know that the company that led them out has even more Um, I overheard the number and I was like, oh fuck Yeah, that one. So I will tell you that he has everything anything that's coming out that man has like a million of them Yeah, yeah, but I think it's so exciting because even with something that's all white like an ivory blue tongue Believe it or not. There's still things that can be done You can put it, you know start working with it and put it into the different sunset lines and making you know, like a super Orange sunset eye there even you know potentially putting that with an exam thick and making like a cool, you know Like slate gray ice blue. Yeah, so I believe in australia I mean it's for for obvious, you know reasons We can't call it a white northern because smuggling but it's pretty much a white northern, right? So the white northern super melonistic is like an all gray uh blue tongue, which is they call it like a platinum Okay, yeah, so it's it is pretty cool. Yeah, but tag yourself over time, but we'll get it going So i'm elana stapati. Um, the tag is app ventures Exotics on instagram and you can just find me on facebook under elana stapati Thank you guys If you want to support us head on over to modern reptile shop dot com or in the description where you can find our merch And the best part is is that a percent of the proceeds from the merch gets donated to conservation one more time That's modern reptile shop dot com or head on over to the description I'm mick friend owner of Jurassic friends llc Hell yeah, so what are you working with these days? Uh right now? We're doing some weird colubrid hybrids and ackee monitors, we also produce bearded dragons sugar gliders and occasional just other weird stuff so sugar gliders. Yeah, why sugar gliders well Honesty is a virtue. Um, they pay for every other weird reptile thing. I decide that i've got to get into okay, okay, okay Mammals constantly sell really yes, do they do you so they made I know a lot of people have them Would you say that they like honestly make great pets? I had no no No, there so you've got to be you've got to be almost nocturnal Because they are and um they make a lot of noise um Yeah, personally, I don't think they make great pets. Um, which is odd for selling a bunch of them Yeah, yeah, yeah, but um, yeah, my wife loves them me. I don't I don't really care I get into the genetics of it and the genetics of it. Oh, yeah, just just like the reptiles really recesses codons dominance But what's great about them is that they only have it it's a um It's harder to track because they're only having one or two babies So instead of being able to say okay a quarter of the litter is going to be Lusistic and a quarter of the litter is going to be albino You literally get two babies or one and with that what it means is that every time they get pregnant You're getting one of the hats that they have and then the next time you get something completely different like I have a pair that look completely normal They will throw albinos strawberry albinos and this other one called a super mosaic, which should be all dominant genes But it just it doesn't work like that you can't swear not accurately guess what they're gonna have Wow, I didn't know that I didn't either I thought that I could just run upon it square When we got him and started bringing them and then the first time they threw i'm like, okay, so we're gonna have Um, we're gonna have super mosaics through an albino. I'm like wait stop. How did the recessive pop through two dominant genes? No Interesting and how are the ackeys doing for you? Um the ackeys I've got some that breed like Right away. I mean, I've got a pair that's probably seven months old and already produced Oh, wow, and then I have another I have another trio. That's a year and a half and haven't produced viable eggs yet. Okay Interesting. Are you breathing them indoors or outdoors? Oh indoors indoors. Uh the weather I live about an hour and a half south of itlana And the weather here is I mean It's like a bipolar woman. It's one day. It's 40 the next day. It's 80 So trying to keep anything outdoors is really you've got to watch, you know, you got to have the alerts on on your weather app Uh, okay Yeah, I'm so used to being in florida that I just assume everybody's in florida You know, I was I did that almost right away. We moved here Um going on four years ago from south florida and uh, I was like, oh man. Look at this Um, I sold a really tiny house and I got a little clip of property Uh a couple of acres and I was like man, I'm gonna build all of these outdoor pens Psyche it yeah, I was totally psyched and then like the next day it was um It's I think I moved here. It was like may and when I got here it was in the 80s And the next day was seriously like 39 degrees and I didn't even own a coat. I'm like, oh no Dude, that's great. So I don't know if you know well I'm pretty sure you know this but you are a very important part of my history, dude I did not know that I was a very important part. Yeah, I do remember meeting you So you sat next to us or you had the table next to us at my first repticon Yeah, and what did I have only turtles? Yes, you were um, you called yourself half show ranch Yes, then yeah, somebody remembers. I do I do Yeah, yeah good stuff man, but yeah, that was uh, that was fun. Um That what was that? Was that in uh, lotta dayle? I think it was yeah back then we had only done two I think it was four lotta day and then we did like a tampa like a couple months after and then complete hiatus from the shows Why was that um? I started getting into ball pythons. I started getting into ball pythons And I just changed my focus and I built that up I started working with the blue tongues built that up and then now I'm finally at a place where I'm like, all right We're getting this going. Yeah, cool. I have the availability. Well, thanks man. It was good talking to you. Hey, you too buddy. Good catch up Hey everybody. It is Alex from imperial reptiles and I am the guest host today on the reptiles with podcast Super excited to show the tip of the spear. What's up guys mr. Yoshi West what's up? I'm the tip of the spear is nice to meet all of you guys so for those of you who may be watching for the first time After the atlanta repticon you found reptiles with podcast. Yoshi tells who you are and what you do So, uh, my name is Yoshi. I breed blue tongues kinks, uh turtles, tortoises and ball pythons I believe I leave ball pythons for last because if you start with ball pythons people judge you right away Yep, and they'll turn it all they'll be like ball pythons. Yep Yeah And then i'm a host of the reptiles with podcast. Oh my god, dude How does it feel being on the hot seat for the first time? Um, it feels all right. All right feels all right. I like to see it. It's warm It's nice. It's good for my hemorrhoids Pause All right. So how was your first experience traveling out of state to do the podcast and then the different show out of state? How was that? um Honestly, like a big thing for me is I have family here So it was good to see them for like like it's been years since before covid that I've been able to see it my god Since here so that part has been amazing the show has been steady uh, a lot of the vendors had said that The show is usually bigger and not that it's been a bad show But if this is like the basis for what could be a quote-unquote slower show I mean, it's crazy like that. It's just so steady and stuff like that. Yeah. Yeah It's been steady and compared to like the shows that we do down in like florida Yeah, this was what we would consider a busy show for like the repticons and for them It's so it's nice to see that this could even you know do more. Yeah, yeah Um, well, I'm gonna take the seat real quick and I want to ask you the same question like how are you feeling? I'm feeling pretty good. It was not the most refreshing part was listening to people say oh, I know who you guys are Yeah, I bought animals from you guys. We had people bring a bearded dragon that they got from us last week Yeah, yeah, people tell us when they go to Disney world they visit the shop Yeah, people with ball pythons that they got them from us So that's really cool and I think that these expos are really important for that type of outreach Um to be hitting those customers so you can meet them do face-to-face. I think that's great Um, the traveling is also fun. I love to travel. We went to the Georgia aquarium. We did do that That was cool. That was fun. So and the show's been good man. We've had a lot of fun Yeah, it's good to do like family events just like go out like do the aquarium We got to see whale sharks. I see a fucking turtle. Love turtles two whale sharks. Oh, yeah facts Yeah, was there only two there was two there? They're just swimming around now. They're just swimming I thought they were like four in there. I was like look look look So as far as out-of-state shows, are we gonna be doing more of these? We will be doing more. I already signed up for shamburg Okay in Illinois. Yeah, um, I think you're doing Another one in like rally or something like that. Yeah, I think we're gonna piggyback with you Yeah, yeah, I think next next month is rally Then the next out-of-state went when the fuck is shambered June or July So then it would be literally like rally Shonberg and then probably another Atlanta back-to-back. Okay. Cool. Hell. Yeah. Well, I want to keep doing this show. This is great No, I'm gonna keep coming back. Yeah, it's good. It's right close to home and it hits the market Yeah, and then did you see when you walked around the show? Did you see anything cool? I saw blue tongue skinks I thought those were cool. Those were honestly that I'm not I'm not just blowing smoke. Yeah I was super excited when I saw your baby blue tongues. Oh, I think baby blue tongues is like that exciting thing I told you I'm like I saw the blue tongues. I'm like man now. I want 20 of them You know, it's just there's nobody here with baby blue tongues Yoshi was the only one And I think that was one of the coolest animals that we were able to see it. Yeah, um Bro, well bermies and yeah, that's what I was about to say bermies bermies and reticks Yeah, we got to see a bunch of berms a bunch of reticks a bunch of iguanas tagoos I was like, oh my god. I'm back home. I mean I didn't see a bunch. I definitely saw more reticks and berms and uh, yeah And the tagoos. Yeah, but yeah, I didn't see any tagoos. Yeah, I saw I saw a few Um, I did see a lot of well. We went to a reptile shop here raining reptiles. Oh, that's right We did I forgot. Yeah, we stopped by there and they had a tegu there. They had a green iguana green iguana Yeah, it was so beautiful. Yeah, oh my god. It's an irreptive breeze. Look at it go Yeah, um, it was it was cool. It was cool. It's been a good time I'm excited to do it again, but I'm also excited to get home Um, I literally like I mean I have all these blue tongues. I'm pretty sure there's like one or two litters waiting for me at home I'm expecting At least one clutch of ball pythons to have already dropped the incubators been on So i'm low key stressing. I'm like, oh my god. I hope everything's okay back, you know back in my quote-unquote facility Yeah, well, I'm sure everything's gonna be great dude. Yeah, the show so far has been pretty smooth Yeah, you know in the ride home. God. Hopefully will be yeah Will be smooth too and we'll get home making some money recording some cool content Yeah, and back to doing the same thing. Oh, you know, we have to fucking promote bro The monday podcast the monday podcast So if you haven't heard or if you didn't for some reason see our morph market video Um, we pretty much decided that we're gonna be doing more business podcast now. They won't go on youtube where this is at Um There's gonna go specifically on streaming platforms. It should be every monday It's it's coming soon and we haven't decided on a date to release yet It's gonna be every monday. We're gonna talk with the ins and outs of the reptile business as far as we know We'll be talking to guests. We'll be doing a bunch of cool stuff on there Yep And i'll be kind of excited to help people out answer their questions if they're thinking about starting their own reptile business Or you know, they just have questions about what it's like or what it's like do man I'm super happy to help people get started or you know, just better their business. Yeah, yeah for sure Now is there anything cool coming to imperial reptiles coming to imperial reptiles? Yeah, what what's going on there? But I know he went to puberty on the podcast Uh, we do have a couple cool things. We've been remodeling the shop for a little bit Um We have a customer appreciation event that we've had to push back because we've just been too busy Yeah, so customer appreciation will be coming one of these days real soon The remodel for the shop will be done. Um, the whole sales kicking off and doing fantastic Um, and we're working on doing like a media day that you can help us out with yeah So we can be start recording more content Uh for youtube instagram and tick tock so we can do a little bit more outreach for you guys that are out there I know you guys really like to enjoy it. I just haven't decided I really don't know which route I want to go with that yet Okay, I don't know if I want to do just more behind the scenes more educational more for I haven't I haven't found my way. I've been doing youtube for a long time. So I was a little kid Yeah, I started doing youtube in my garage and that was different than what it is now So I just don't know which route I want to take it, but I'm sure we'll find our path I vote everything everything there you go. Um, and then also there will be a podcast coming Out of the future about the imperial wholesale stuff But we go like really deep on how to you know if you're a vendor if you're a retail shop If you want to join the wholesale, we'll be talking a lot about that very soon definitely All right guys it's been reptiles with podcasts with Alex as the special host and Yoshi as the special guest I am a special guest later Thanks so much for listening and also thank you to repticon reptile shows premium crickets and reptiles express for having us out You can check out everybody's information in the description below Oh.