Bienvenidos a la Reptiles with podcast. Somo's Spanish. Me llamo Konstantino. Me llamo Chucky? No, Daniel. Me llamo Joshua. This podcast time! You're so disgusting. Alright guys, what's up? It's the Reptiles with podcast. The Pascal for podcast have been extremely negative. A lot of drama. Put this thing out real. There you go. So we're gonna try to keep it positive. Let's do it. Alright? Pussy theme. I'm not even wearing my dark, gloomy, rocker uniform. I kept it light today. Alright, look at me. Are we the same thing every podcast? Yeah. You're fucking working. It took out what I needed even so hard. So... You're awesome. So this is what we're gonna do. Alright, we're gonna play a game. The second that I see that there's a little bit of negativity going on, I'm gonna scream word association and a word. Okay, man. And then you're gonna tell me the first word that comes to mind. Yeah. For example, if I said word association love, Chuckie would say imports. He loves imports. Tina would say men. He loves men. I was thinking ball pythons. Okay, okay, okay. That's my word. That's the idea. We're gonna try to keep it light. Alright? How are you guys doing? Great. Tell me about your read. I've been to Pussy. Fantastic. Why? I need more money when I didn't. I'm gonna have to get a second job. Word association feather. Chicken. That's also like chicken, damn. Really? P-cock. Okay. It has cock in the name. Okay, okay. So here's, here's, here's, here's an actual cock though. You should use a different word for it. No, let's say rooster, that's a chicken you bitch. Oh, well half of them are cocks. What? Half of all chickens are cocks. No. What do you mean no? So we start the reptiles with podcasts talking about cocks. Alright, so yeah, so you have to get another job? I might, I don't know. I don't know. I don't know what I'm doing. I'm gonna put a week off Friday. Yeah. I come back, finally get a second job. I moved, so now I have other things going on building enclosures. I'm not gonna say much but it's common doing some business stuff. You guys already know. So it's as stress is hell dude. Hell yeah. I keep my meat three times and it doesn't go away. Yeah. I'm gonna go to Virginia. You're saying you got a trip? Yeah, I got a trip coming up to. I'm going to Virginia. My sister is. Why is that so funny? Why is Eric laughing back there? I'm going to Virginia. Virginia. Are you gonna hurt? My sister's graduating. I'll probably, I'll find time. You don't even hurt pup there. Wow. It doesn't matter. I just got to. There's nothing new. He's gonna go outside and flip along. Copperheads. I like copperheads a lot. Really cool. You're so lame. You're so lame. I have an announcement. Yes. So if you go on right now and you click influencers and go all the way down. You'll see me. Whoo hoo. All right. This is the announcement. Your boy is going to be at animal con. And also there's going to be like, they're going to send me information about staff or whatever like additional stuff so we can all go you need to figure out if you're going to want to go to that. Also, it's a good time to plug Brian's go fund me. It's still going on for the legacy aquarium. Yeah, I'm excited about that. That's the news. We also do I think it'll be bigger than. Are they going to allow the podcast in there? What do you mean? Like recording of the podcast? Well, that's something that I wanted to talk to you guys about. But we'll talk about that after because I can probably work something out maybe in a hotel room of the thing. But we'll figure it out. We'll figure it out. Yeah, it's going to be where you come to my room. Come to my hotel. You know what that is kind of weird. We got three dudes. So it was just me there with Dave Kaufman and Adam Wiggins and we're just doing stuff in the room hanging out. Pause. Pause. Heavy pause. Heavy pause. And then also there's a Facebook group going around. Yes. I started a Facebook group specifically for the reptiles with podcast listeners. So if you're a listener, you want to be in that group, you'll get like, I want to put some behind the scenes kind of stuff, some podcast prep. That's where I'm going to be posting like any kind of additional content and just trying to build the community. Yeah. So that'll be in the description or you could DM me and I'll give you more information about it. But we have questions on that. Yes. I don't know if you guys want to take over for one second while I pull this up. Whenever Peltus. Yes. Yes. Yes. Actually, I need your phone for that. I need your phone for that. We've been talking about King's name and how they've been separated and Tina's like, nah, nah, nah, I only have different colors. My only thing. Where association word association is spider lily. Girl. You did it. You did it. That was you. You're coming up. Put that. Put that. Yo, that's good. You saw my face. Yeah. Yeah. He got ready. He's home. He wasn't there. Yo, that's good. That's good. Holy shit. Holy shit. Holy shit. That's good. My word doesn't even matter. I don't even. I'm not even ready. I'm feeling. That was crazy. Jesus. Yeah. You know, it's just there's nothing better than the smell of coffee in the morning. Okay. There's also nothing better than the smell of reptiles in the morning. Psych. Reptiles with coffee. That's the smell you want. The strongest coffee. All right. We have it for you. Head on over the description or go to and use the code reptileswith to get your reptiles with coffee today. I just figured that this podcast, because we got a lot of a lot of viewers from the last couple of podcasts with all the drama that's been going on. They fucking hate me. Come here. Yeah. I figured that, you know, to keep it light on this podcast, you know, for the new people that have come on, they could get to know us a little bit more. We'll talk about ourselves and do the whole thing. So I put on the Facebook group. It's called reptiles with squad that, you know, if anybody had any questions for us, you know, stuff that we would that they would want us to. That deep pass one somebody would. Yeah. Yeah. We're going to do most recent. All right. Well, I guess because you, you, you commented on that recently. So that'll be the first one we do. Oh, do this. Yeah. We're ready for that. Okay. What's the biggest mistake you have made in your life and how did you learn from it? Now we're going to do one general life and then we'll do one reptile related. Okay. All right. So I don't know who wants to go first. I didn't think. I did a second to think. Okay. I made a lot of mistakes. Oh my God. He has no one to little teenos or fingers. Um, biggest mistake be born. Nice. I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. Biggest mistake, biggest mistake. Hmm. Not remind someone that I love them before they died. Okay. That's one for me. Okay. I would say I would. I mean, it's hard because it is a miss the way that I went about this whole thing was a mistake. I know. I know. But people are getting to know us. We're an association. Cloica. Dino snake. I'm sorry. Sloth. Sloth of Cloica. No way. Yeah. I hate that. Yeah. All right. Back to my biggest mistake. All right. So I dealt with a loss in the family and the way that I dealt with that was I became an extremely angry individual throughout my whole like high school like years. And I was a complete asshole to a lot of people. I treated a lot of people bad, but throughout that experience of me like being very angry, I put that a lot towards music and it propelled me in music. So it's like it was a big mistake, but with what came out of it, it was a good time. But the way that my music stuff ended because I was still attached to all that negativity was very bad. So I'd love to take that back. Your turn. Biggest mistake. I would say and see this is hard. I've lost a lot of like relationships with friends. Like a lot of good friendships. I was able to cut you up. I'm like, I'm perfect. Go ahead. Go ahead. I'm always right. Yeah. I've lost a lot of good relationships. And I think I chalk it up sometimes like, oh, everything's temporary. You know, people come and go. People change all that stuff. I guess what I've learned from it is I guess it's just that people change. You know, it's okay. You can just let them go. Hopefully they're doing good. Yeah. You know, you try your best to do the good. Or maybe that. Yeah. All right. Biggest mistake. Reptile related. I don't mind. What's your? Getting racks. No. Getting too crazy when I first got into turtles. When I first got into turtles that I just went like balls deep, had god knows how many species. And then I dealt with like a sickness that happened. And you know, I was like, why did I have so many? I didn't need so many. You know, I would have, yeah, I would love to redo. Well, I'm in the process of redoing my turtle situation. So that was mine. Yeah. Okay. I would say, I would say my white lip python. Not that I wasn't prepared, but I guess I wasn't. I didn't think they needed it as humid as, you know, they really did. And I just, I had it in a 55 gallon tank. So it was just clear top. All that humidity was leaving all the time. I would put like aluminum foil over the top to try to keep that humidity in because it didn't work and it actually, she did die. So it was like, damn, that's, that's the first, like, oh, actually my sokada as well. My first sokada. But to be honest, okay, 10 next time, I was six years old when I first got it. So I wasn't like that knowledgeable on it. It was like 20 somebody years ago. So it's like, you know, but here and there. And then one day we were like, oh, let's put him outside because he's getting big. We'll put him outside. And then the second we put him outside, there was no hides for him to hide under. We put him on some straight sand. I'm pretty sure he died. Yeah. Cause he's crazy. He killed him 100%. They don't have hides in Africa. Oh, you're right. Right. With like within the reptile rum things. I've had like multiple stories like that, but they taught me some shit. They taught me that I'm a fucking dumb ass, you know? Okay. You got too many ball pies on. That's actually, yeah, that's a huge mistake trying to get into ball pythons. That was a mistake because that wasn't my passion. My passion was everything else. Wouldn't you say that that actually helps you though to get to where you are now or no? No, gotcha. They had like, I could have just like breeding wise, they met the amount I had. Like there was, there was no freedom. There was you saying there's no point to what like how you went about it? Yeah. Well, no, like I wanted to be a breeder. So I had a whole bunch of shit and I was, I wouldn't had a whole bunch of racks and shit. And you could have gotten to the same point without having as many. No, that, that wasn't my thing. Okay. I don't know why I did it. That wasn't what everybody does. Yeah. That's the thing. Everyone like when you're into reptiles, like if you have pet reptiles, people are like, breed it. Yeah. Make a business. Make money. Yeah. Like my thing was everything, not only reptiles, like I got to volunteer and work with lemurs and I was like, oh shit. I love every reason. Can I keep these in terms? Yeah. No, like I love everything. You love everything. I got in, shut up. And then like with, started working with alligators and crocs and I'm like, oh, this is fucking sick. And then like, now birds of prey, bro. I'm like, yo, like this is fucking cool where I wanted to be like, at that point, I thought I wanted to be just a ball python breeder and that wasn't me. That's crazy. That was somebody else. Yeah. That was the dream that was ever bred. Exactly. That was somebody else's dream that I was trying to achieve. Yeah. Had you ever bred ball pythons? Yes. Okay. Interacts. So we have another question here. Who is the shortest person that works at Imperial reptiles? His name is Alex conception. He's four foot five. You can look him up on Facebook. It's crazy. Who's the shortest for you? I don't know. I don't know what we're talking about. What are we talking about? All right. Okay. What's the best piece of advice you can give to a new reptile enthusiast who wants to go that want to get into the industry, both breeding and or working with reptiles in general. And I think that that's a good tag for what you said. Yeah. I'm not an actual passionate because a lot of people think that it is. Oh, I have to be a breeder. As a matter of fact, I thought though you I thought there was a formula is you had animals, you bred them, you opened a reptile shop and then you grew that red crop. Yeah. That's how I thought that you're supposed to do like the reptile experience. I've learned that that's not what I want. I want to breed reptiles. I like doing this. I want to grow whatever it is I'm currently doing now and then move on to the next thing, you know, fighting who you are. That was more for me too because like shit like this like podcast like social media. Like media like it doesn't really involve the animal much. Like I don't want to just make money out of the animal. You know, it's like I could actually go out and people are watching because of me. You know, people are looking at me instead of like using an animal over and over again for shit or like for either breeding or showing it off. Like people can watch you for you. That's a lot of pets and breeders. They like get more animals to make the more money because they're not like that. I don't like that. Like in this podcast we have not brought a fucking reptile once and we didn't like that. That is a fact. Yo, we can realize that right now. I got you. Like and people still listen people still watch. Yeah. That's because you sell your personality instead of the animal. Yeah. You might not know like there's no money coming in but like at one point there could be a lot of money coming in and then we put that energy into this instead of putting energy to having a thousand animals in a shitty situation. Yeah, for me, I guess the advice I'd say is like, and I said this to more than Morellias Instagram, I was like wild caught animals are not pets. They're not pets. If you're looking for a pet, you want a captive foreign animal. You do not want anything wild caught. Those wild caught animals could be going into the hands of people who are going to breed them to make a captive foreign population. They are not for first time pet keepers. You should not have wild caught animals for your first pets. Yeah. But what the fuck does that have to do with giving this guy advice about it? Yeah. If you're not breeding them, you don't need wild caught animals. If your goal is to breed, then breed. Find something that you want to work with. And then so as far as advice I'd give you if you want to be a breeder, invest or rather get a pair. See if you can produce it. If you enjoyed the process, if you can keep up with the feed, see what's reasonable for you outside of your day job until you grow that to go full time. As far as going full time, you're thinking about making the right investments. That's heavy in your females. Let them grow, get close to maturity, then get your males of whatever species that you're trying to do. I think quality over quantity, you don't need 100 snakes. You could probably make enough quote unquote money with 10 very high quality animals versus 100. You know, you don't got to be a hoarder. A lot of people these days have that mentality where just like, I need one of everything. It's like, no, you need one very good of this, maybe two or three. So don't forget males, sometimes males take off a season, get a couple extra males. That's what I would give if you're going to be doing it. I'll also say, learn from all sides. Don't just have that cult mentality of this person and say this and this is right. If you learn from multiple sources, you can make your own. Get perspective. Research is so important. For me, my first pet reptile, besides the one that I bought for myself, the one I wanted, was Vietnamese Blue Beauty. That is not a beginner snake that most people suggest. You know, most people say, oh, corn snake, ball python, king snake. You know, it's like, yeah, those are the, but we do enough research and you have the passion, you have enough money to enclose that animal. Yeah. You get to get whatever you want. Don't drink the Kool-Aid just because it's what the popular people are saying or doing. Try to find your own way and go about it ethically and morally right for you. I think that that's kind of the future of the industry. Yep. Yeah. Maybe. Where does that say? Where does that say? Racks. Bad. Horrible. Horrible. So yeah, I think that just follow your way. And also, if you're not trying to be a breeder, if you're trying to get into like the zoo sector, if I'm not mistaken, like it helps to volunteer first. There's a bunch of different avenues that you can take. And this is also a very good tag. There's going to be reptile business related podcasts going out specifically on the streaming platforms now on YouTube. So if you want to hear more about reptile business stuff, stay tuned. That'll probably come out next month. Oh, if you can too, do it TSA survey. If you can find a way to volunteer for a TSA survey, absolutely do that. What is TSA survey? The total survival alliance. That's where they go out. They take you to a certain area and then you find turtles. Yeah. And they record the numbers. Size is the title guy they didn't know. No, I knew what it was. It's just not everybody. The turtles I had to ask. I didn't know. You didn't know, bro. You didn't know. You didn't know. Where's the station? TSA. I don't know. So this next one, I'm going to kind of like, because it was this question, it seemed like it was more towards a person, but I'm going to try to make it a little more vague. No, no, no, no, no, make it. What they're trying to say is how to introduce like your love of reptile to a partner. A significant, yeah, a partner or a significant other. You don't. You find someone who already likes reptiles. Honestly, I'm going to give you, I'm not even going to give you advice of that. I'm going to give you advice about picking the right partner. The right partner is going to support you. And even if it's something. I'm going to give you a card. No, the right partner is going to support you. If they support you, they will believe in what it is that you're trying to do. And they should welcome it with open arms. If you are like, Hey, I want to venture out into like this reptile thing. And they're like, Oh, that's weird. That's whatever. And you're very passionate about that. That's something that you should question yourself. But I mean, that's kind of where I leave that. Yeah, that's fine. Yeah. Like for me, like you find them on Instagram. For me, I everybody knows what I do already. Like, that's just part of me. Like that is. I do. We're association right now. Penis. Where does the patient penis? Penis is that the word? Yeah. Who said that? Me. Giant geoduck clam. Go look it up. I don't even know what to say. It don't mean there's too many words coming in. Coming in. Oh, shit. Okay. Okay. Back to it. Back to it. Yeah. I'm already in that realm of animals. Like you that's like part of my personality. Sadly now. All right. So what reptiles do you guys think are super underrated? Now first answer or something that's like readily available and then we'll go into like something rare. Readily available. I'll go first. I'll go first. Bomb pine thongs. Everybody should get one and get them from you. You know what I'm going to say. Yes, it's a blue tongue skinks. Blue tongue skinks need to be as common as bearded dragons. How many people? How many random like moms come in here? They're like, I want to get my kid a bearded dragon. All of them. Yeah. I want that to be like, I want to get my kid a fucking blue tongue skink. They make a better pet. They're much fucking hard here. I don't think- I'm heavily invested. And you should- I'm heavily invested. Excuse me. Is this a good word? I don't think they're- Chucks have dead. I don't think they're underrated. I think they received just enough hype for them. I think that they need to hit the mainstream. I think they're bearded dragons did. You don't think they are mainstream already? What's the person? He wants it to be just like bearded dragons. MBD. The fucking blue. They need to look like this. Dude. Literally this is the thing. This is the thing. If you are right now, if you have no reptile food in your house right now, you have something in your fridge to feed a blue tongue. If you have a domesticated pet like a cat or a dog, you have something to feed your blue tongue. It's fucking that easy. They're hardier. They're more forgiving. I don't know. I guess I'm the better. I think this is not hyped up enough and it's your amastics. I think your amastics are so cool. But you shouldn't have wild caught animals as- No, no, no. They're a capture for an animal. The homo-kick capture for your amastics. All right. If you can automatically pass three laws that have to do with animal keeping, breeding and conservation, what would they be? Word association. You know what's coming, Nuke. Word association, Captain Bread. Good. Like Captain Bread? Yeah. It's supposed to be the first word that comes to your mind. Bro, white noise. Yeah, nothing. I like Captain Bread. Good. Perfect. Perfect. There we go. All right. So three laws that we would pass that have to do with animals. We'll do one each. No, no, no, no, no. You want to do three? You have three whole laws. Bro, everything on the permit. Okay. Everything under what permit? What do you need? You need a permit every animal. To have any- anything. Okay. Yeah. To have anything? Okay. I fucking permit. Okay. Everybody under momma. Yeah. Okay. Fuck that shit. If you release or escape $10,000 fine. Holy crap. You're gonna escape? Ain't nobody gonna- That's probably- Bro, let me try this. This is gonna be fired. How would you track- oh, this came from this person. He just asked three laws, not the whole process of the law. Okay. Let me imagine for you piece of shit. So- oh, it- just to put on to that. Everything has to be chipped. Everything has to be- Teena, you got laws? That's crazy. That's fire. You know what? I like kick-slaws. I would say a reggae star. Like when you get your permit or license, you have to list the animals that you have. And if at the inventory of your fingers, you have to update it. Obviously make it easy for this to happen. You know, but like then we know exactly how many animals are in the state, who has them, where they're at, all this stuff. You know? Then the micro-tripping at that point isn't 100% necessary. Although if you do have an escape, then it's like- All right, at least we can find it now. So I get it, I get it. So I do the reggae star number two. I would say intentional release of animals is a heavy fight. Is a heavy fight. Ten thousand. Sure. I don't know how many- I'm gonna get it. Ten thousand and five years in prison. Yeah, yeah. Ain't nobody raising your fucking kids. Fuck you. You're looking at everything in the doors. You're one of the fuckers? Yeah. I have one thing that I would say that I would like to do. I would say that there should be like- Oh. There should be like mandatory like specifically when we're paying for these permits, that money gets donated to conservation. That's what I would say. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm okay with these like the permitting- I do that too. Like a portion of proceeds have to go to like the FWC or conservation organization. Not FWC, but conservation. A conservation organization. I mean it goes- No, no, no, no. Our taxes go there anyway. Our taxes go there anyway. Word Association, FWC. Taxes, no. Our taxes go there anyway. So I guess our conservation organization. Yeah, but technically if they got to do this work, the money goes there. If you want to support us, head on over to or in the description where you can find our merch. And the best part is that a percent of the proceeds from the merch gets donated to conservation. One more time, that's or head on over to the description. How would your parents describe what you do? Chuck? My dad left when I was five, so. I don't think he has anything to say. I was hoping Chuck would say something about it. That's why I gave it to him first. And if he has anything- If he has anything to say, it's only going to be in Spanish. And we know how the people in the comments don't like the Spanish. Oh, you're right, right, right. I won't say it. I won't say it. My parents. Yeah, describe what you do. So my- My father's in prison for life and has been for the last 25 years. So he doesn't even remember what crocodiles look like. We're just sitting there inside this photo. So in his head, I probably like, I'm like the guy from Jurassic World. He just has a T-Rex in his head. My mom, don't give a fuck, honestly. My mom is very supportive. She was very supportive right off the bat. And they're cool with it. Wow. Good for you. Having great parents or something. What's it like? My parents. Father. I'm not going to lie to you. A lot of fucking pressure. Yeah. Because I actually thought that the other day, I'm like, yo, I'm really grateful for the support that my parents gave me. Yo, but I wish it was less than- No, but oh my God. I wish one of them went to prison. But oh my God, well, I wish my dad killed somebody. I'm kidding. I'm kidding. I wish one of them just went to get some milk. I never came back. I'm sure my dad thought about it. Oh my God. We're so sick. All right. Favorite childhood memory. Chuck, you can't say when your dad went to prison. You went before I was born. Oh my God. I was still on the stomach side. It's not a memory, dude. Okay. Favorite childhood memory. Everything with my great-grandparents, every day with them was fucking fun. Nobody gets- most people don't get to live with their great-grandparents and see what the fuck that's- Yeah. Yeah. It's different. It's a whole two generations behind. That's crazy as fuck. Yeah. Like I met people from two people ago. Yeah. That's fucking crazy, dude. Yeah. My great-grandmother was alive for the first four years of my life. I remember her a little bit. I remember her as a favorite childhood memory. Do you know? I don't know. I never really had a child- no. You know what? There was one Christmas. So, my family's not super traditional. We like having our own family traditions. But one of the ones- They're all like you bro! Like, now that's not right. That's not right. One of them was the Christmas tree. So, there was one year that we were like, oh, we don't really want to set up the Christmas tree. It's a lot of work, a lot of hassle. I know a lot of families do it together, but for us it seems like- Yeah, everybody's at their house. So, that year we had a Charlie Brown Christmas tree. Okay. And it was basically like, you bought- it was a store-bought, so it's like a little limp thing with a big ornament on the end. Oh, that's- Anyways, that's how we did Christmas. Oh my gosh. It's called the Prince Albert to be specific. Oh my gosh. That's how we did, uh, that's how we did that Christmas. And I enjoyed that. It was really nice. All right, so my favorite childhood memory. So when I was, I think in like elementary school, my parents had gotten separated. That's my favorite childhood memory. I'm just kidding. I'm kidding. I'm kidding. I'm kidding. What association? Sad. Okay. No, so they had gotten separated. My dad went and he lived- he was living in an apartment. And I just spent a lot of time with my dad in the apartment. And he had a- he had a guitar that one of our old neighbors gave us. And I had- I always had interest in that. My dad raised me on like rock music, a lot of like the Beatles and stuff like that. So one day just like bored, like one of my dad's weekends, I was like, pops, can I play your guitar? And he's like, what do you mean? And I'm like, yeah, can I play your guitar? And he's like, no, no, no, no, that's your guitar. And that's the first time that I picked up a guitar. And I'm trying not to cry. Sorry. Yeah. Yeah. What do people misunderstand about you the most? Dude, they think that I'm so short. I'm the tallest person in the shop. I'm not- Tino stand up. What are we talking about? There you go. Let me just- What are we talking about here? Don't be doing that. Don't be doing that. All right. What do people misunderstand about you the most? I would- You mean to say I real one? Oh. I know I look happy, but all right, you Tino. Cheers. I'm not even gonna lie. It's usually the happiest people that you know. I would say a lot of people, so- Oh gosh. A lot of people think he's brown. So he's caramel. I'm actually light skinned now. I'd say a lot of people say that I'm arrogant and I am. But for the most part- That's why- That was the most arrogant thing you said. But I also don't think I'm shit. So- Okay. Okay. At the same time, I think I am the shit and I'm also not shit. No. All right, Chuck, take it over. You're not hating that so much. I literally want to punch him. I do think- And they're right. What the fuck? Okay, so something that- Now what? That people misunderstand about you the most. Oh, that I'm a piece of shit. Like that guy. You know what? Actually, this is a good time for people to get to know Chuck. Yeah. Yeah, because everybody hates on him in the comments. Yeah, yeah, yeah. He thinks he saw everybody thinks that he's against the pet industry. What? Not even that. It usually comes across like that all around. Like I usually come across as a fucking piece of shit. How do your other friends like think about you? Like, because do you have a lot of friends that are in the reptile industry? Do they also like think that you're a piece of shit? No. I don't know how to say that word better. I don't know how to say that word better. I don't know how to say that word better. I love that. I love that. So also think you're a piece of shit because I usually at the beginning, yes, but then once they get to know me, they're like, oh shit. You know what it is to- You like change their ideas? What? You know what it is? This is the- and I have this experience with Chuck. So the first time that I met Chuck and I know that he gives off this impression because even though he's loud with us, he's quiet at first. He is quiet at first. So you- because you- if you're in the reptile thing, you kind of know who Chuck is. I'm sorry. I'm not just saying it. I knew who Chuck was before I met him because I used to see him all the time on Instagram. So I was like, yo, this guy is quiet maybe because he thinks that he is either better or maybe he's trying to be a dick, but you quickly find out about Chuck- That he is. That you quickly find out about Chuck that he's not. He's quiet at first because he's trying to feel the situation and he does not want to. Yeah. And he's trying to adapt. He's trying to like not give too much of himself and he's trying to like figure out where he stands. Yes, I value me. Who's a threat? Stupid. He's more like- I sound like a robot to his side. So yeah, most people think I'm a piece of shit at the beginning, which I'm not. I just have different experiences than most people and that's like with everything. But if I care about somebody, I care about them very fucking deeply and I don't give a fuck like if somebody does something wrong, I'm still like- You're with them. Yeah. Yeah. Like, I know there's some like some shit going on with like Mr. Beast for example. You guys know like his friend is becoming a- It's transforming. Yeah, it's switching into a woman and people are like bitching about that. And it's like the way I look at that is like that's his homie from the beginning. I don't give a fuck what the viewers want to say. Yeah. Like if any of you guys want to be a woman, I'm in for it dude. And if anybody like if you turn into a woman, bro, somebody has to say something about it. I'm a smack the fuck out of them. I appreciate that though. Yeah. Then I assume that you know why? You know why? Because from zero, you guys have been here. So like why the fuck do I give a fuck about anybody else? Like is there something wrong? And I'm like that's the homie. I'm gonna give a fuck. It depends what it is of course. But like for the most part, I care about my people like that and most of my friends. And I have things that we do not agree with what we can be in the same exact. Yeah. Kind of like this podcast. Yeah. So these motherfuckers. Yeah. Stop it with the with the culty stuff. Biggest challenge in your life right now. Damn. Just keep it. Skips. Biggest challenge in my life right now. Yeah. I would I'm not gonna lie like and this is very transparent but growing my business. Trying to figure out directions. That's part of me. Get on indeed. Get on. Get on. Listen. Business and living. Just living bro. Right now. That's just a fucking mess. Yeah. Yeah. I got it. Fear. Fear. Okay. Not necessarily a failure but like fear that like I'm not good enough. Bro. Oh I got that shit. Word association. Listen. Listen. Fuck that. Listen. Listen bro. Last night I cried for like four hours because of that bro. Because I'm not good enough and I think I'm gonna be a failure. Even though. What's supposed to be the positive vibe? Even though I'm doing so many good things. You see I'm actually going. Ask Kira. Ask Kira. I'm literally just texting. Fuck. I'm actually going through a similar thing and I didn't want to say it so I was just like growing my business. Yo I broke down yesterday bro. I fucking lost it. Damn. Who asked that? What's the word association? What's the next one? I'm just gonna go for the next fucking question. What do you think about as you fall asleep? I'm not going to lie to you when I'm in bed. I think of myself. I think to myself did you do enough today? Yeah. Yeah. Fuck. Yo what's up with this? What's up with the sad shit? I'm not gonna lie I'm a nerd so I just calculate how many hours I left. Not so death but. Oh oh. Let's just leave to sleep to sleep to sleep. Oh my shirt says everything hurts. Keys dude. Oh you were ready for this. Yeah. Oh my this shit was coming. Yeah yeah. It was a live and a whole time. Jesus. An experience that really humbled you. I'll tell you right now. Another sad one. No I'll tell you right now. So the band the quote unquote bigger band that I was in it was a band that was signed. We were touring. There was a career that was set for us. I got kicked out of that band. I got kicked out of my band for my personal reasons that I'm sure eventually one day I've been public about it before but on the podcast I don't talk about it. And even though I was I understood why it happened and I was very angry when it did because of how much I did for that band but it made me realize like it just made me realize something about myself something that why I got upset and why I got upset was because my ego was hurt and I learned that at that point about myself that it's that it's the me that wants to be the best and that guy shouldn't be a part of me. Like I shouldn't identify myself with my success. I should be okay with the person that I am. So at that time I realized that fuck man. Do you know? Well I'm obviously not a very humble person. Yeah I'm really not. It sucks. I'm sorry. I'm really not. I'm working on it. But I love it. I love that you know it. Yeah so but I would say that every time I see when I'm driving either to work or wherever I see a homeless person I get very very like grateful for my situation and I always give money. I always do. Yo I can't. Chuck Sayers right now. What do you mean? How's that about? Yeah. The same. Yo do you know what I'm just like yo I feel bad for you roasting the shit out of him. What do you mean? Let me give you five bucks and now I'm better. No no no it's not it's not that it feels better. It's more like I'm just you know what. It could be worse. Not even it could be worse I'm like I have so much. I'm trying to help you with being a child. No no no but like for me to get to that state you know a lot has to go wrong in my life. A lot. I have to have lost everything. I will say there was. You know and it's like wow I have so much to be grateful for. One time in between one of the tours that I was on I went to go eat pizza with my with my family it was like everybody was there because I just got back from the road and. And you spit on a homeless guy. No no no. Jesus there was there was a homeless guy that must have been a little bit older than me. And I mean I nobody noticed it. I did. Yeah. And I looked at him and I realized at that point I'm like that could be me because I know what it's like to be in a different state with zero dollars and you're thinking about yourself you're thinking how the fuck am I going to get to the next day where I need to play the show. So I literally put the window down and gave him everything that I have. I was just like dude good luck I hope that it works. So what what helpful do you chuck. For me I'm not going to say. It's like every time I look in the mirror. No I'm not going to say specific person because there's multiple versions of this same exacting that keeps fucking happening to me. But like meeting certain people certain people that I meet and see some people that I've even looked up to and then I meet them and then I see their. Like in my head they're just like oh they've accomplished all this they're fucking perfect and then I meet them and I see their flaws. And they like very recently. Would you say that you get to realize oh it's okay to have these flaws. Yeah. Yeah like recently like one of those people in this person like hang out a lot now and in my head this person is happy perfect and treats everyone with respect. Talking about me. No and it's no listen this person is so loving and all these things and I'm like wow like this person has so much love to fucking share. And then we hung out and this person told me how he is his passion for business which is where I think he's the greatest is exactly what's breaking him apart. Because of business he missed like his kids' birthdays growing up. First words graduating. Like all these things and I'm business is bad. I'm literally about to tell you why I got kicked out of the band. I got kicked out of the band because I started missing tours and I started missing tours because my grandpa was in and out of the hospital. And I like I mean the thing that happened to me when I was a kid that made me angry was my grandma died. So my grandpa was in and out of the hospital I was like I'm not going to experience this again. So I started missing tours and I was like no guys like I remember we did three months and then we were going to get back home right before the holidays and the record label was like hey we just booked you on this tour with like new metal bands from like the early 2000s that are not shit anymore. But you're going to be on the road for Thanksgiving and for Christmas. And my grandpa's life was like half and half at that point. So I told him like straight to the whole band I was like I am not going to miss what could potentially be my grandpa's last fucking Christmas and Thanksgiving for some bullshit ass bands. And so I ended up missing that tour and then throughout the whole tour obviously the band was fucking like awkward with me and then after they finished they were like yeah you're not doing this with us anymore. And I was like yeah no and that was a great decision. Because look at this person he did the opposite he followed what his business was and he didn't realize how serious it was until COVID happened he had no business. And then he was like oh I've been missing all of this. Like I missed all of these things. Now he's stuck at home and he was like oh shit. He saw time passed by. Yeah. I experienced that on that three month tour when my family came to see me in Jacksonville and when I saw them they looked different. And I was gone at that point for just two and a half months and I was I was broken. I was like what do you mean I'm not used to seeing you and it looks different. You know that I really like learned the passage of time. At that time. Alright so yeah yeah yeah for real positive podcast right. What's the next word I ran out of. No we had so many words. I picked the best 12. I didn't think this one. Word Association monotreme. Cool. Eggs what the fuck yeah I had to learn about that today that's why I was like I don't even know how to say this. All right. And the kidneys. Okay if you had the world's attention for five minutes what would you say. I would say success doesn't happen if you don't speak loud enough. So you know how to start talking like this. Five minutes. I don't need the rest of them. I don't need them. The frog liked it. The frog. Do you guys have one or can I do the next question. So listen there's so many people on earth right now. We destroying all this habitat and ecosystems. Yani more water Yani more food Yani more land Yani more fucking spaces. So who wants to go first. Check us five minutes. These are shooting people. I got five minutes. No he's. Oh oh he's five minutes. This is why this species is not exactly this species but this species. No honestly. This is why Tino is the greatest. No there's so much there's so much I would want to say. Where is my father. Dad. Dad. I know you're listening. You see you see his dad running from the crowd to the front of the stage. No he's. Everybody's looking at Tino. Oh Lee Brown mother fucker Rodney. Dad I see you. Did you cut the milk. It's his dad in the crowd with the milk like oh fuck. Alright so the last one was a habit you used to take care of your mental health. You're really trying to figure that out. Crack. Crack. Yeah I learned it from a nerd. That's funny. What is it. I learned it from a nerd. You did crack with a nerd. Just let him have it. Just don't worry about it. Nerd. I understand. That's a good one. You said that up. That's a good one. Yo that was so good. That was so good. Yeah. Give me some props. I'm ready. Give me some props. I'm not saying nobody's doing crack okay maybe I'll let him play. Honestly I do so much. Crack. Crack. Yeah. No I've had fur my mental health. Cause my. God. My five minutes are not going very well. Honestly you know I think if you have to do one thing for your mental health it's not enough. You have to be doing multiple things. So proper diet, exercise, go to sleep. Oh my god. Thanks for the water. Go outside. The thing you want to play is not me and all that other bullshit. The worst part is that he's so right but fuck. You know it's you have to do all of it. You have to do all of it. No one thing is going to fix your mental health. If you're listening to this you're a reptile lover. Alright and what do we all need? We need supplies. So we got you covered. Head on over to and use the code reptiles with to get a specific discount special to us and our listeners for your reptile supplies today. One more time. That's Use the code reptiles with. Alright so this is going to be a new segment that I really want to make a regular thing on the fucking show. We're going to watch some fucking videos and react to them. Okay. I hate them. Alright so the first one. Oh my god. What a fucking idiot. So okay okay okay. What the fuck is happening here? I have fake idiots in like bandages. He's alive. Yeah. The gators alive? Mm hmm. Why is your blood everywhere? Because he got stabbed. Yeah. Stabbed of the spices. I understand. But I don't want to fucking inflate that. He's the one more thing. Baa motherfucker. I love this video. And you know well you know when people like kill snakes and they like will chop the heads off and then like every video for someone will pick up the head and then it's like oh my god and then it bites them. Yeah. That's happening a lot. That's what happens. I'm just a lot of times. I'm so glad whenever it happens. Oh my god. On the snake side? Huh? I was like on the snake side? Alright. No but when it does bite them back I'm like yeah get fucked. Oh yeah I seen this dude. Alright. What do you guys think? Oh is this the one where we smell the...oh my god yeah. That's so funny. Is that insane? No that's great. It's pretty cool. I do the same thing. I would have never thought you're in it. What are you doing? That's so funny. Yeah. That shows you how much they... How good is this sentence? They deal with the world differently than us. We use so much of our eyes they deal so much of like everything else. I think with like especially tortoises they have one tracked minds. Like not that they're not intelligent but when they're dedicated to a single thing they're like this is the thing I need to do and sometimes they miss a lot of cues. You hit that mind like well I should do you. They miss a lot of cues. Oh thanks thanks. Alright so before I press play what do you think is happening? Well definitely molesting that tiger. They're trying to find the Closaurus. The Closaurus. They're trying to find the Closaurus. Do tigers have coagos? Alright then you actually called it that one time. The Closaurus? The Closaurus and I lost my shit. Alright ready? Alright. Easy there. Still getting... Still getting... Oh my god. That's pretty good. Me too. That's pretty good. Alright alright alright. Alright. Alright. I feel like I'm gonna show like like ridiculousness. Yeah right? That's it. Okay check out this fucking dumbass shit. What did they do by? Alright so what the fuck is it? Yeah that cat is beefed up. That's no what is a cat eating? That's the only way that I could see that happening cause it's eating something. Yeah of course. People if only. Okay how do you guys feel about seeing content like this? Or it's like for the people that are listening let me or the people that are only listening let me describe what's happening. There is some chick looking at herself in the mirror then giant fucking cat eating some shit. How do you feel about this? They normalized like pet keeping of these animals and I don't fuck with it but what is that? I don't know what she's doing. I don't know what she's doing with the animal. I would say the animal looks lean too. The animal does not look unhealthy at all. No it's insane. That motherfucker look good. Yeah. And see this is a weird thing for me like it's your pet you can record show it off do what you want but at the same time it's like aren't you promoting something that's a little bit unethical because not everybody will do necessarily what you're promoting or like up to the standard that you would want them to do it. I mean it all depends too like if that bitch is doing something for conservation of the cat I'm a shut the fuck up. Gotcha. I got nothing to say. Alright next thing. Alright. The videos to raise my. Most of my free roaming snakes are pretty predictable they'll find a spot to settle eventually and they'll be there all day. Echo found this cloth hide that I made for her and she's in there for the first time. Demara came out early this morning and found her spot behind the couch like she. So big enough enclosure though. You think big enough? Not for a retake. So to describe what was happening. Farley tick. For the whole house. He was showing. Yeah he was showing that he like I guess has his animals like free roaming. You saw this on video. What do you mean? No I'm going to it's going to be all the video. I think it's a people only listen. Yeah but now the people on the video got to listen to. I know but I need to describe to them. Audio motherfuckers bro. Yeah. I'm kidding. Honestly that's super weird. Super weird. That's a ball python by the way. The second one looks like a ball python. It does. I thought it. No they're not. Yeah well he has he for the video this one video that I saw he has that retake out. He has his ball python and also I think he does a boa. You know I okay. Are most tanks not adequate sizes. Yes but at least can in a tank can you give them like their their humidity can you give them their heat all this stuff. As Nick doesn't know to go back to the tank for that heat or for that humidity and you know something could happen to it outside of the of that enclosure. That's my thing. Like if I had if I like a white white python right white like to start to free roam a house. No it would develop an hour I would then a week. That's why I saw this and I did think automatically of Dina. No this one. Oh my god. Oh god. Beautiful non-venomous snake you probably saw me freaking out about this snake last year. They're just absolutely beautiful. Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa. Due to the rare nature of these snakes. Oh was it sure but I was ever going to see another one. They're non-venomous and this snake is freaking out because I was being so wild. It depends where he is. Yeah I don't know where he's at. That's far. If he's just saying melanoluchus I would say it's a northern pine. A melanoluchus melanoluchus. But I mean I don't know how common they are there but like in Florida to find a Florida pine I like Northern for what I hear is way easier to do than. At least in certain spots. New Jersey I would probably have the same reaction. Right there's my ship. I'd be like oh that's crazy. That's fun. I like that you know like you know people like losing their shit over a snake. It's nice. It's definitely better than the opposite reaction. I literally saw that and I was like oh Tina. Alright this next one. But he doesn't go out to find anything. Look at this. Oh perfect. Oh my god. Isn't it great? I know it's my dream. I know. I know. I know. That's all I'm looking at. That snake is so ugly. I'm sorry I don't like Anaconda's hair at least. Stupid is enclosure. Yeah literally. Those animals. Literally. I've said this before. I've said this before. I think big constrictors especially retake sperm's African rocks. They get this big because of their environments. You know they have large trees to climb on. They can exercise their muscles. I come back up. Or water. They're basically weightless in that water. They're through screams. Scientifically let's prove that real quick. Everything something that everybody knows. Red Tails. How big are the ones in Mexico? Small. Central America. Bigger. Why? The rainforest. Land. Space. Time. And pray. Oh. Yep. Yeah. I mean yeah yeah yeah. Central American ball. You're right. Yeah. But water is a huge one. Retics and Anaconda's are next to large bodies of water most of the time. They can get that weight and they can you know they're very athletic because of the water. It takes away a lot of their weight. When they're in a PVC enclosure no matter how big. They're that has to be pulling them down. I mean has to be like I can barely move. You know that's stocks. And then when you're fed like mostly rodents. I don't know about the gravity part of that. I mean that's with anything aquatic. Yeah. Crocodilians. I like it is moving land like fucking. Yeah so this is the last one and this is going to be in a positive note because this is a positive podcast. This thing is fucking badass. If I'm not mistaken this dude is in Australia. Check this. Grasses greener reptiles. Oh fuck. Dude. That big ass cage. Look what one of them. For one green tree? Yeah. That's fire. Yeah. And then look what he does. So he's pulling out the green tree and he puts it into a cage next door that's also fucking huge. And look at that dude. I think it's fucking awesome. Bro. That makes the animal like ten times better. It's like yeah and then look he has the other one there and then they start fucking. Hey. Hey. Hey. Family friendly podcast. Family friendly podcast. Hey. Hey. Hey. I'm hard. Erect. Erect. Erectal dysfunction. Dude. Tell me that that's not fucking bad. That is super rare. That is just so fire. That's cool. Jesus. That was fire. That is dope. Thank you for that. That was fire. Yeah. I found that should the other or an MJ or another one of the podcasts. But he posted that and I was like dude that's insane. But isn't it crazy whenever you watch an animal in an enclosure like that? It makes the whole viewing experience for me ten times better. Not compare that to a wreck. I would say. You're not going to keep a truck. I'm running up. I'm running up. I'm running up. I'm seeing it with snakes though. No. I'm exactly with snakes. Let's say you have a ball python enclosure. There's a red bulb, a hablahut and a cypress mark to the bottom. You're not going to enjoy that animal anymore. At that point it's just the animal that you like. There's nothing aesthetic about the thing. That's why I actually like eating. There's nothing to display. But imagine with a fish tank, you just have a single sponge web house and you have a beta fish. But, you know, fine, whatever, the beta looks pretty. But now imagine like a huge freshwater tank. Really nice like live plants, LEDs, the whole thing. Then you have a beta in there. You know, like that's fire. That's like okay. This is nice. Something about fish things, right? Big ass fish tanks, plants everywhere, like tons of species in it. And you sit down and you lose your mind in there. Like you literally just watch it. And you go, oh shit, there's a shrimp in there. Holy fuck. What's happening? This is the same thing with reptiles if you actually let them do what they do. Like if you see, if you have a big enclosure and you see your ball python moving and you go, all right, let's see what the fuck is doing. It's climbing. Holy shit. They told me they were only on mounds and shit. I had a guy come in today and he was like, he keeps his boa in an extra tera large low. And I mean, it's not like a huge boa. So it was a fine size. But he was like, oh, my boa never climbs. And I'm like, oh, well, he doesn't have room to climb. If you get a bigger tank and then he did get a bigger tank, you get a bigger tank. You put some nice branches in there, that boat is going to be all over it. Yeah, the the breadels are literally all over their enclosures and they they have like, it's it's nice to experience them because they have habits. You know, like the FEMA will do something and then the mail might fall over around, but then the mail will be over there. And then maybe at this time of the day, they're, yeah, you can predict the time of the day. Like, oh, it's six o'clock. I know where they have. Yeah, like in the morning, if I come out at like eight in the morning between eight and nine, the females usually in the like the middle purge, you know, but if I miss it, she's already going down, going back to the high to, you know, stay away from the heat. But I love it when they surprise you to like it. Sometimes they get a little predictable. So like my white lip python almost always out only a night. I never see it during the day, but at the end of night, like around maybe nine o'clock p.m. when the lights go off. Man, that snake is all over, but this morning, literally this morning, I'm about to leave the door and I see him basking. And I was like, no way a rig recurs. I even I even take a picture every single time I see it during that because I'm like, wow, out during the day. So we have some very important things coming up. We don't have to talk too much about it because, like I said, positive podcast. The day after this goes out, we will be in Miami dealing with the FWC meeting that. Is that the correct date? Because there's two days. There is two days, but the Thursday is when the red stuff is happening. Allegedly. Allegedly. So we'll be there dealing with that. We wanted to release one positive podcast before that happens because obviously the podcast after this, we're getting back into that. We'll talk about that. Chuck's going to be gone. And then the week after that, Tina is going to be gone. So pretty much you're going to see a U S arc, FWC kind of related podcast. We're going to do a podcast talking about like the wholesale stuff. And then, you know, we'll be back to regular schedule programming in a couple of weeks. But I want to start reading some of the comments from the last podcast where we the last time we spoke about the FWC massacre kind of thing. Macka sir. Macka sir. So we have a comment here. Fire. Maybe FWC is Spanish. Maybe me some of them. Oh, that's good. I love when people pay attention. All right. Then I have here, I know that we're trying to be positive, but they are supposed to chemically euthanize unless it's an emergency situation. It's about obviously the sensation of the book guns. The book guns only use on site. So I guess they felt it was warranted. Okay. Another comment. Honestly, I don't understand how you can have an organization that claims to be an animal conservation killing of exotic animals like that here in Belgium. Retics are illegal as well. And if you get caught keeping one, they will take it away and donate them to a local zoo or ship it across the border to Holland where the animals are legally kept. I'm not sure. We'll have to look into that because I'm not sure. And here's the thing with that too. I sent this is podcasts ago, like maybe last year, honestly. I had sent a video about when they confiscate animals in China. A lot of the time, sometimes they go through the local zoos and they display them, but that can't happen for every animal. No. And a lot of people say, hey, why can't you just rehome these animals to the... And it's like, no, because that drives the market. Yeah. And you can't allow it to happen. And you can't send it back to their own countries. You can definitely not do that. You cannot do that. Like, it's just... This is the only way. Because the zoo... As you can take one retic, as you can take one ball python, sure, why not? Yeah. But they can't take every single one. Yeah, no. Bro, like there's over 100,000 in every glades alone. So every time they catch one, they have to send it somewhere. Who's gonna want them? Like you can't just send it to a zoo and they have to take it. No, who's gonna want them and put time to every single one of these animals? Me and Mar. Alright, next comment. Better be grateful for USRKFL. They might not be perfect, but who else is fighting for us? Gonna be sorry when they whitelist all your damn animals. I'm not gonna be sorry. I already told her. I'm not gonna... They're gonna whitelist period. Yeah, like, I'm not going to be sorry because this problem came from within the trade already. And I've been saying what's going to happen. I don't care that USR is trying to fight for something. They're not trying to fix the problem. So we're gonna lose. I already expected. I already know what my life is going to be like. I'm good with it. So people like that, that their only thing is the pet trading cages and shit. Like, you are going to feel like shit because that's the only thing you look up to. You're gonna feel some type of way. I'm chilling. I'm outside. Alright, so next comment is people are really out here upset because Chuck spits the truth. Damn! Whether you agree with him or not, he's not wrong. Chuck has the most empathy for the animals' humans. Who said that? Was that sex mom? No, this is that in prison. Oh my god. Oh, that's good. That's good. Yeah, and my point on all that, people think that I'm like 4FWC type shit and in reality no, in reality I'm like what's the- Where did the problem come from? You said that you're not anti-petray. Yeah, no. Where's the problem come from in that specific situation? Where does it all start? The person owning the snakes did not do his own fucking research. Did not- He was not prepared for the commitment he didn't want. Yeah, he wasn't prepared. And then he blames all I called and you guys didn't answer. You didn't get back to me. Bro, I knew these deadlines. I knew all of these things and I didn't have those animals. How did I know? Because that shit is all over social media once that shit's going down, bro. That shit's online. You can go online and find that information. How do you think, for example, found all that information because he did some research and he fucking found it? You know, for me, one of the big reasons I don't support- Well, one of the reasons I initially did not support USARC is because they said they're here to protect our rights to keep reptiles. And yet, if you live in Florida, you can't buy an iguana. Yeah. Where two, three years later, you still can't buy an iguana. Yeah, but you can't. You still can't buy a tagu, still can't buy a berm or a retic or a scrub. You can't- You can't- You don't even- No, but I'm saying like, even if that's your opinion, you know, I'm of the same opinion. A lot of people shouldn't have those pets is that they aren't doing anything. You know, like- Well, you can't say that. I know, I know, I know it's not like an organization for some reason. No, there's no outcome. They're doing things but there's no outcome out of what they're doing. Exactly. But you can't say that they're not doing anything. That there's effort that they're trying to do something, yeah. And then are they getting turned down at every corner? The day that I can buy a green iguana, maybe I'll support yourself. But no, fucking- You're an idiot. But if I can. But you know why they're getting turned down because their arguments are fucking trash. I will say that it is very important to have an organization that fights for what you represent. So in that instance, yeah, it's important to have that, especially because we don't have something else. I agree in something that fights government overreach. Yeah, I agree in that. But that's the justice. The way they're doing it is just just whack. Well, hopefully- Misinformation is whack. And then using this story, trying to make it seem like this story, they're using it to make it bigger. That way they can get all the other things they want. And then no results. Yeah. And we'll hopefully- Because let's say, sorry, let's say a whitelist comes out, you can no longer keep any reptiles. What is USR Florida going to do about it? We'll find out soon because it's going to be over on Thursday. Yeah. Hopefully, good things happen. But I think we're pretty much done here. Does anybody else want to say anything? No. This was the Artisan Podcast. No. This was the Artisan Podcast. Thank you. you