FL Man BITES HEAD off Python & PETA Death Survey | Reptiles With Podcast S04EP24 (REPTILE PODCAST)

I get this message from buddy. He's like yo fucking I'm gonna have the Miami accent guys I'm sorry yo fucking take that shit down bro. I'm like why dude and he tells me He's like because you didn't even put his username like if I wanted to give this dude this a credit I don't want to give him credit I didn't I wasn't trying to make him famous because of what he did and everybody should follow him No, it's just like yo, this dude's a fucking idiot. So I'm like dude. What are you even fucking say? He's like hey credit where credit is dudes like yeah, I'm not trying to and then he goes yo bro fucking You know Kevin dog. He was on his Aussie Osborne shit What does that even mean? Okay, so here at this shop of course in this podcast there is a whole Situation that hates me or that thinks less of me because I read well who does right? Definitely this one definitely this one straight the fuck up like he'll like tell me things and like say things a certain way To belittle me straight up straight up like if I haven't done anything else cool Like if I didn't just stumble upon ball pythons. I did cool things guys. I've done cool things I respect her I work with all kinds of you turtles are cool this one straight up No, this is like an actual running fucking theme right now, dude, and I'm like, okay. I can't have this anymore Yeah, I breed ball pythons. They're I admit it all right there's a it's like a drug I think it was like last week. I'm pulling out like one of the large Yeah One of the big ratsix you have in the back of like and I was showing Yoshi Yoshi's like cool And I'm like who would put this over a ball. Oh my god Look at what happened recently. He goes to me this you can never tell me that this is Yeah, the ball python over this that anybody would you know you said that any anybody would think that a ball Python is cooler than this and I said no like they will right and then you know what and he's like no One fucking happen. You know what happened that day. You don't happen that day Somebody made a four thousand dollar sale guess who it was guess who it was this guy guess what he sold ball pythons ball Python so a lot of balls ball Python So, you know what my response was on the WhatsApp group chat I put and that's why they're cool I was really know who had nothing to say yeah that one I was thinking so long and hard to be like I shut up Tino this one the ball python breeder that has also got other cool things. Okay, okay Have you made $4,000 worth of all pythons 100%? Oh, I made multiples of that Yeah, so sad But more with blue tongues but anyway, so yeah fucking Ozzy Osbourne decided to come back in the form of or he's not dead yet The form of some teenage or young man and fucking In Miami right in Miami figures and so some kid gets into some kind of domestic abuse Situation and bites the head off of a python and then it goes on this Instagram page in Miami that's famous called only in date and I've shared it because I'm G. Smolso and that means I'm nosy and I apparently his brother follows me and went to school with my wife. Ha. Yeah, yeah, yeah So he said you know everybody down there related So I get this message from buddy. He's like yo fucking I'm gonna have the Miami accent guys I'm sorry yo fucking take that shit down bro. I'm like why dude and he tells me He's like because you didn't even put his username like if I wanted to give this dude Just a credit or fucking credit. I don't want to give him credit I don't know I wasn't trying to make him famous because of what he did and everybody should follow him No, it's just like yo, this dude's a fucking idiot. So I'm like dude. What are you even fucking saying? He's like hey credit where credit is dudes like yeah, I'm not trying to and then he goes yo bro fucking You know Kevin dog. He was on his Aussie Osbourne shit What does that even mean? That's mean this man's on his Aussie Osbourne shit. I mean was correct up Posses you to be like oh tank like that's that's what is wrong with your brain cool. That's cool That you did that that's insane. That makes you tough. That makes you like yo, I don't want to hit my girl right now No, I it's not cool Because it was a ball python you guys fucking what was he gonna do? What was the ball gonna do? Where if it was any other you like it's my tub he went in the mouth Did he bite it clean through? I didn't look into it. Yeah, there's no cameras be following this motherfucker easy. That's crazy Are you getting in here? Strong as shit. I don't know dude That's I feel like if you get behind the head a little bit and you do a little wait show me that movement again Behind the head one more time one more time dog. That was a So whatever So there's guys messaging me trying to argue with me and then on the side I'm talking with my wife I'm like yo who is this guy? She's like yeah, I went to we went I went to school with him You met him whatever and I'm like yo this fucking guy is being annoying So I'm like dude like I work with snakes like this shit isn't cool He wanted me to delete the fucking thing that I shared on my story that fucking a thousand thousand people follow me on my personal page. It's not like hundreds and hundreds of people are actually Yeah for sure, dude, so Whenever I got a lot of people in there like a boy put name on my credit boy My fucking name on my credit dog my name on your credit. I'm dyslexic Yeah, so whatever on the topic of me fucking working with reptiles for a living. I just came back from a rep That's right. They're right now fucking I'm on one. Yeah, let's run. I've been speaking with people for like 48 hours I've stood 12 hours straight for two days I'm on drugs. This is right now. I'm yeah, and when I get home. I will sleep for 12. I don't want anybody I wasn't it was good. It wasn't as good as last year. We all went last year and it was packed as fuck Yeah, but this year it was raining a lot So no lot not really like a steady line like random lines here and there But obviously nobody wanted to get wet on where I a yo pos where I was in the show It was Could have it could have been a decent spot I was pretty much in the first set of tables nice problem was is that people were walking by right when they walked in Yeah, I want to spend like I got to keep looking exactly the people that had didn't even notice my table Would see my table on the way out after they spent all of their money. Yeah, so, you know Very slim profit, but it was profit. Yeah other than that. I mean I Walk around I do I what I feel like I walked around the show so fucking much And I didn't even pay attention to anything because I was either Talk to all my friends Trying to film some things for reels and shit like that and like just kind of like doing work doing the networking thing You gotta have a crew for that. Yeah, I got to see some cool knob tails We brought some and we're just dope Eric checking them out Everybody's dumping their anterasia Everybody's dumping their fucking dwarf pythons because the babies are impossible to get feeding apparently Honestly, it was just cool to see friends those cool friends We were saying since we all stayed in an Airbnb. It was like like a family vacation Yeah, yeah, nice. Yeah, but We're the top five things there top five things the fact that you weren't there to complain about the ball python. That's fine. No, I'm kidding I'm kidding Okay, so check this out before we get into top five things I spoke with a show promoter. I could not sell ball pythons at the show. They told me I couldn't sell ball By the right yeah, that's why this shows fire. Yeah, I mean I give them credit next year I he told me he's like hey do it a little earlier. We'll book you for for ball pythons I'm like cool because what they were explaining to me is that to make the show a little more even and to give variety They only allow 10 about like 10% of only ball python beers like people that only have ball pythons And then they have five percent of people that carry some ball pythons So in total the show would only really be 15% ball python good. Yeah, that's why the show is good Yeah, it wasn't a bad show There definitely was variety there was some guy with a lot of nice pieces of wood so I went up to him I'm like yo dude nice wood. It was great Oh Bro, so there was an old guy with Reeves turtles nice so babies so I told him like hey man like Do you have any adults that you want to sell and you know what he told me? He's like I'm actually about to sell my whole colony Your boy is gonna get some fucking Reeves turnt. How many? Enough All those Reeves turtles they're like a small like black turtle from Japan I just really like working with small species of turtle. These are actually from Okinawa the locality. Yes, that's actually yes Eric's really nothing the original Lineage wise the where these animals came from was from a confiscation and these are like pure black Re So that would be in my top five. Yeah, okay. Yeah, that situation was in my top five. Yeah Do you want like top five animals or just top five? Top five animals. Oh fuck man. I Think it's actually was talking about a radiant what the fuck is wrong with you. What happened to you down there? I'm fucking I'm on one. Yeah, apparently there was a radiate. I didn't see it. I'll still put it on my fucking top five I guess I know what they look like Manny took his ivory blue tongue even though I have some it was cool to see it. So that's in my top five guys A glad there were Decently side I feel like I'm literally just gonna be naming things that I have because I was just excited to see it No, they had they had like decent sized rhino like they weren't big and Yeah, it was exciting cool. Um, I can't really think of like anything like I was saying dude Like I just was oh my god some dudes display Oh, I think I saw in the story house of dragon house of guy Dude, he literally had to drag in heads and when you would walk by you would press a button and they would fucking let smoke out of their mouth Bro, I was like presentation Yeah, that's fire. That's that it wasn't that's my top. It wasn't a tablecloth deli cups Some wooden frame with like Christmas lights on it more deli cups With like hybrid rat snakes inside and other deli cup Snake's in it. Somebody bought rhino iguana's deli cups those Borneo rat snakes. Yeah, everyone has them right now Really? Yeah, they're going around recently imported everyone. Oh, okay. They're going around. I stopped here for like I think 600 bucks I was like well this guy was talking to me. He's like well. I already breed blue beauties I just I want to use whatever the fuck and then he was like so these are the next thing Yeah But I'm excited for next year. Hopefully next year we can maybe get like just like a whole island and Just have our friends all venn together. I got to see the guys from teakies, which was fun I got to spend a lot of time with them money and David. Yes. Yes. They were cool Take him taco. I got to meet Ron Kudo, which is another blue tongue breeder. Cooler. Yes Ron Kulo from Miami He's actually in Kendall And I kind of got what was it? What was the term that you said the other day that somebody gave you your what your flowers? What does that mean? It means like like they give you your props like respects. I got a little bit of that and you got flowers I got my flowers dude. Nice. I feel like I got my flowers and shit and then No for blue tongues, dude crazy, and I actually got a picture bit with me Ron Kudo and Manny I'm gonna post it this week and I'm just gonna put Powerful and I'm gonna put it out all of the blue tongue groups Because we're the three kings of Florida Wow as of right now as of right now listen Somebody needs to start talking because I'm gonna start saying some outlandish shit I am failing. I don't know what's happening. I love this. I love this. I'm tired of shit, dude I'm gonna let you speak your shit. I'm failing. What about the people that stopped you over the podcast tell them that Okay, so there were a bunch of people that that stopped me for the podcast a lot of people commenting You know that that they're like yo, you're the fucking mediator dude Like you do your thing and then yo fucking Chuck. I saw him one time and he's the fucking you would never guess It's that kid that fucking curses up a storm and says all this shit and Tina's always arguing and you do your whatever It was great. It was great to to get our flowers Some fans it was nice. Yeah And Yeah, it was very cool. It was very cool. So I did a couple podcasts or rather I spoke with some people for the podcast there and you know whenever we do that at shows It always gets people to look you know a lot of people would You know like we're because we have the banner with the QR code So people were like oh you have a podcast to add somebody read the sign it says reptiles with podcast and let it go Oh, you have a podcast. What's it about? Reptiles Says it about Funko pops. Yeah Because those set up a reptile extras well actually before we started doing this no don't tell me there were any Funko pops at the sex No, actually it in the rules. It's literally says like no like Funko pops. No crystals. Yeah Like You know what your boys had fucking crystals, but they were like snake crystals I don't know if that counted, but I'm gonna tell you right now. I don't appreciate it crystal meth. Yes That's what Python boy was on Maybe no it's in Miami. Oh, that's all Yeah We're eating faces dog There's nothing better than the smell of coffee in the morning. Okay, there's also nothing better than the smell of reptiles in the morning psych Reptiles with coffee. That's the smell you want the strongest coffee. All right We have it for you head on over the description or go to coldbloodedcaffeine Dot-com and use the code reptiles with to get your reptiles with coffee today, but any hootino. Yeah, I sent a A picture in the cuz I saw it on Facebook It was supposed to like the expert that was going on. It was like a lot of it's like cool people Peter Let loose a little photograph of a Chinese water diagram and they said just this is literally just what they said 75% of reptiles die in or in the home die within the first year and That's it and I'm like that's kind of a broad statistic. I don't know exactly what it is You know got them well, it's about right When you think about it when you think about it, I'm like, okay imports the numbers probably gonna be higher right wild-caught imports that number probably higher And then you have the 75 already a high bucket number Imports alone still count. Yeah, it doesn't matter what they are But I don't know what they're talking about because if they say 75% of captive born animals bought at like, you know That's not the point. I'm like, oh, I don't know if the 75% are They're not period. They're going for pets period reptile pets. Yeah, so they're statistics is probably fucking right Mm-hmm. I know it's alone I know a couple years ago Then you bring in bearded dragons or like try to cancel bearded dragons as pets then I mean Let's start there. Let's start there. They're the dragons people take bullshit care of them turtles right after that Like how many things die every year everything dude, but is you think 75% is accurate? Yeah, it sounds about right That's a random fucking number. How do you even get the statistic? Bro, that's a good question You could probably look it up But if you think about how many things die within the industry, so I actually I actually did try to look in so they did release a Couple links I didn't find the study. I didn't find a study where they were like this is how we got those numbers I'm like, okay in one of the articles that they sent the One of the environmental agencies of South Africa was saying that like 90% of African exports died within the first year that that was his statistic Of African exports from South Africa. I'm like alone that makes sense. I can believe that because number That's the guy go to every single shot check the freezer. So I'm saying that's what that's the guy But the freezers are stacked with animals for like the past year Exactly and they have hundreds of other animals. Yes. How are you gonna get? 90% of animals bro from imports alone. How many end up dying most of them? No, not most of them from a lot of animals for a lot of animals absolutely Depending on the species savannahs how many savannahs go out sold and make it barely any bro. Go ahead alone That when we say something else like a fucking euro mass that does fine. No, that's different Animals in general so people kill them. Yeah, absolutely people kill people can still kill your planet. You're a planet. Okay, okay, okay? Okay By the breeder's off no, okay, but this is the thing right so we have yeah Classifications of animals that are more sensitive or people don't know how to take care of them And then we have some that really do thrive because people do not if I could take care of most people don't Okay, setting up to the it counts. I mean I would say it just accounts the public I know dude. I would take 60% as a number you hear that 75 but 90% bro if I heard 90 I would still believe it How many people how many people how high would you not believe it bro? You're saying dude. No way because most of that shit dies. How many people keep animals for their life span? I have a question. Go ahead cut wait first off a hundred percent of animals die All right, well 100% First year in the first year alone in the first year none of them make it to the life I have a question ever because people don't know how to take care of them Have you savannah monitors include have you ever had an animal died with you in the first year? Yes Have you ever had a go ahead and lie bitch in the first year go ahead and lie? Yes, go ahead. I've been a beginner. I'm here in the collection. Uh-huh is it 75%? Ooh, no, what do you mean? No, right is in your own collection? Would it be 75% that died in the first year? What do you mean from what I have? Yeah, yeah, like the rest of the time and that would that's 75% of the animals you've kept has 75% of them died in the first year No, because that's a crazy stuff. I've only had one I mean no I've had a couple I mean I grew up keeping animals so a lot. I would say no, but at the same time No, I kept shish ins almost very little so like bro I had a lot of shit die on me as a little kid because I didn't know what the fuck I was doing Which a lot of those kids are the ones that Parents buy for them those people count you are a breeder experience and shit has died on you Imagine on people that are not experienced those people still count. Yeah It's okay, so 75 I don't believe Because I feel it's like 30% No, this was his point. This was his point. He's like where did PETA get that statistic? Where did they get that number? That's a good question So I'm like fuck up without like you know what that's about a question I get it you right? I mean a really bad this weekend boys bloated my guy, but then then Alex goes oh 30% I'm like, okay, where's your number coming from exactly? He's like there's no way I'm like what 60 I'll tell you right now broke. Have we looked this up? I'll tell you right now. What would we ask? Because I said so It's me, you know what okay if you had the kangaroo number then what do you think you think 60% okay? I'll take 60% because I would say the majority Of people that come into a reptile shop are beginners Therefore they are more likely to kill the animal in their care if they don't really know what they're doing So that for me isn't 50 50 okay because the minority are the people that are you know experience Yeah, you know those are people that stay long term But I would not say 75 that's some bullshit Science alert don't believe it means we need a Red doll pets die in the first year, so maybe humans don't deserve where they're getting that number listen I don't even believe in science. Where are they getting the number? They are the ones that make the numbers Who are they how they have to have Fucking Google That's the case Because I do want to like did they did they knock out people? Last year another one I don't know dude this one is a study this one is a whole study from who and it says the same exact thing It's a dot gov. It's fake fake news two three four five scientists here here here I don't believe in scientists. What's their names? Janine E Robinson Freya a whatever the fuck that is she doesn't exist That's the most basic name ever they made that guy up you know, you know, you know now I'm on their side more than yours Because I said so here's my question If I told you right 60% of the reptiles that you sell will die No, but you continue to sell my customers are better than everybody else You cubit ass bitch I'm feeling it. I'm feeling it today. I feel like a Miami feel like a Miami ass bitch And I don't fuck you like that shit I had so much fucking to stank I think I'm gonna let you like It's 75% of reptiles that go to their little t.D. But duties Right now concaten. I know I'm sure a lot of reptile producers like store owners Breeders, you know, whatever retailers. I'm sure sometimes They they come into that thought they're like I wonder how many of these animals are so live like I remember this Not only that no, I'm not like you work at a place with a whole bunch of animals shit dies You see the numbers of shit dying you send more animals somewhere else There's shit dying out there too. I worked at a couple of reptile shops 75% of the animals that come in don't die Not not in the shop, but when you remember right, but I know I can't know well Actually, I guess in this in that sense the number is all I know is the customers that people Continue to come after the year. Yes, they keep coming. I'm like you still have your upper get cool awesome Yeah, but I know if they never know I don't know yeah a lot of them No, cuz I shit dies they don't have to come back or they go to pet smart Pekko they go to other stores They don't know where they're going. No, that's nothing not it, but I can't tell I can't tell all I know is that read This I'm not really right. I'm not reading that shit. I didn't know the chat But I'm not gonna read it. It's too fucking much, but the point is I wonder if they all justify it or if their numbers are just low Like the so like if I'm a reptile breeder, right? Every ball pythons and I think oh I'd say about 50% of the animals that I breed die within the first year I wonder if they justify it in their heads because they have to in order to keep reading it or if they're like no The numbers probably like bro 5% bro alone Savannah monitors, you know how many people still import those shit How many people have a full-grown one that is old enough? You have to compare it you have to compare that to your sliders your tortoises your bearded dragons that don't die Don't they die they die, but it's hard to kill them. It is hard to kill them. You gotta be I've tried Nah bro people gonna easily kill them if they don't just take care of them It's so fucking fast but for your beauty I left kept like animals in ten-down tanks with red bulbs. I read the carpet. Okay, if you can keep those animals alive at least that That's the year. Yeah, but not all of them make right not all of them make it So those almost 75% of all the beardies that go into red bulb tanks with carpet die Well, it doesn't have to be the beardies is not by species is reptiles red tiles period. Yes all of them So yes, all together But the amount of beardies and ball pythons that sell is not it like that number is Insanely bigger than any amount of reapplytuses of animators that come in The numbers those animals still get killed right right but those animals paris that numbers pathetic and number is tiny I I bet you that's 75 I need a little bit more to be like, okay, where's 75 of right now. There's a paper you got zero wrong Like Savannah monitors it does it for me because people still think it's right to import them and do Just insane because in like people try to keep them and it's I will do it and all of them die Nobody can breathe them wrong You know something barely barely People had an adult I didn't happen I didn't raise it. No, it's a line dude. What happened? We gave it a still life exactly. That's usually what happens it gets Somebody else take it got too big. It's still alive motherfucker. You can't take care of it Gotta what do you mean it was it was given to me so I could find it a home Because I was the man past the first year. It's past the first year. It's already I'm not even counting that is that but it like whether it's big or not bro people either make a mobile He's feed them what's not right like not many people are able to breathe that shit, but it's surviving the first year That's that's the point. Yeah, it's not thriving. It's not doing well, but it will ask the savannah's on a 1% of the makes it I Don't know. I don't know we have to see what that no 0.1% Savannah's are also pretty hardy. They're also pretty hardy dude. No, they're not I've seen people Basically, oh, they're not a savannah and I think it's still alive No, they're not dude it savannah's are rough No, they're not they're tough. No, they're not tough. It takes a lot and I agree they die. I agree they died I was in the first month and motherfucker be doing that. No, not the first month bro Bro, I've seen it. I've seen it happen fast dude, I've seen I've seen abuse with savannah monitors and people keep the damn things like sexual no Sometimes I even have customers that come in whoa whoa if you want to support us head on over to modern reptile shop Dot com or in the description where you can find our merch and the best part is is that a percent of the proceeds from the merch gets donated to Conservation one more time. That's modern reptile shop calm or head on over the description And that happens that means all the no in reptiles make it no it doesn't it doesn't you got it surprising You got it. It's a pricing how animals can stay alive. It's fine. Thanks study. You're the discer. He's fine. I get my experience I did I texted I texted my customers right now. Yo, is it live? You know what though that would be fire that would be fire readers are like hey, how's it doing? Are you still satisfied? It would be too many of you I do everyone's in a long yeah, I did I like talking or even like and you don't even necessarily have to reach out to them You can give them the option to you guys the fun. No, but like you give them the option to reach out. Yeah, be like hey You send an email to everyone that's been like bought an animal from you and you're like hey fill out this survey You're almost alive. It's still good whatever and you can now you're making your own study. You see yourself that That is an idea that's fire That is an idea that man is better customer service you get more reputation as a business Everybody wins and then we see that the number is 75 You want because can you imagine all the Google forms you guess like oh, yeah, I died Listen, I just got a notification from my vet for a fucking so-called a tortoise that then I had that died Like it was like hey happy birthday Dennis Dennis is dead for years. That's funny the first year You had it though, and it wasn't even my father was damn fucking neighbors with the rats Did you guys ever get the calls from Jeffrey from Toys R Us? Oh, I was like Epstein the fuck what like the giraffe He would call you on your birthday. No, I'm the only one there. Yeah, I miss that You know it's Jeff Free exactly what it was. That's exactly what it was dude. Put your hand on your part Reach more. Yeah, you want to go to the island it did stop when I turned 18, so it's kind of like damn Jeffrey the giraffes Close your eyes Tina But like you know like checking up. It's like hey, you're still good. You doing all right? That would be annoying. Oh, block your fucking number dude for the rat house once a year You'd be like yeah, it's still good. No, I'll block somebody's number. I'd like that I get I get I used to get Halloween better about the and the person that I got it from I used to get Halloween pictures of like a snake and like a Halloween ornament I used to get those. Yeah, I don't get them anymore. Maybe it did die Maybe you guys are right 75% Psych 75% that's crazy dude. I think so you think so yeah, sadly You have to count everything They count including the balls and the beardies. There's a lot of balls and the tortoise You know how many balls end up dying coming out the fucking egg as it is a yo dude, too People that try to breed. They don't know what the fuck is going. It does that doesn't it does an animal is just born I don't think that counts it does count because that number would be the same in the wild that number would be the same in the wild No, no, yeah, yeah, it's like oh this will fail to thrive. No, I guess incubate wrong you could you're right You're right. You're right. I'm saying everything's you could do so many fucking that can happen in the wild no You bro that happened in the wild improper incubation happens all the time. Yeah hatching too early. Are you listening that shit happens? I don't understand what's happening you're actually too early happens in the wild. Yes like something opens in the mouth Oh, no, no, I'm like that people hatch them too early you sell them to people that are like not experience get something too Hogg and I'm saying something that's just born like yeah, birth birth after Nothing that was something straight out of hatching within the first few days It might die because you take wrong care of it. It wouldn't live in the wild not enough humidity because it then it can't okay You're right. Those are things that you're right. Who's a fucking right? You're gonna be against because you always are but that can happen that can happen in the wild You're not saying anything that can't happen to the other than So opening the eggs too early somebody opening the eggs too early not applying enough humidity all of those things You mean there's enough humidity outside motherfucker There is there is So you're saying there's no birth like All the eggs in the wild packs and they're perfect. That's not what I'm saying But you're saying in captivity that number is worse than in the wild dude. You're stupid Snakes That doesn't happen to kept you not listening if an animal dies if it hatches out and it dies on linear care Yes, it's probably your fault. You're right That's what I said, but I'm talking about the instances where it couldn't have been your fault It's like oh it just happened of course it builds a thrive. It was not incubated at the right It moved it is different that is different from what I'm pointing out if you're a professional You know what the fuck you're doing a lot of those animals shouldn't die because of those things they don't know you Yeah, yeah, you're a professional breeder I tried what percentage of all the eggs that you produce are just some birth defects or some The I never hacked whatever what percent I'm saying okay to answer the question It's I don't have a percent, but it's minimal. What are you trying to put that? I'm saying like that is different. Let me deforms and shit I just fucking different from what I'm saying animal born hatches out healthy dies Why would it die People cut the eggs too early because they don't know what the fuck they're doing. Okay. Okay. Okay. He's saying human interference raises the probability of the animal That's all he's even if the animal's fucking healthy. I see what you're saying Yeah, that's all he's trying to say the animal should have made it But people get too excited cut the egg boom then the and the credit too early that snake actually comes out wrong humanity Guys, but you do realize that in the wild stuff happens that kills just Right, but I'm saying you I don't think you should count that number in there you can because but the person that would have Naturally the person did it we're talking about a cat for a year. Okay, so question that question then let's say Let's say this is the statistic we do the study whatever 10% of all eggs hacked right in captivity die from human causes Right, that's the that's the story right now And then we look in the wild and we do the same study and we're like wow 10% of all the eggs that hack die Different in the wild why is that different the numbers are same? So it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. Why would it matter? It does matter like if I have a clutch of crocodiles and I have 10% fucking die I'm in the wrong it happens in the wild, but I know how to prevent those things because I'm a professional I know what the fuck I'm doing not a fucking idiot So okay, so I wouldn't bother you if like let's say the 75% is right of the reptiles that died in In the first year that that's true And we do the study in the wild and we say hey 75% of these reptiles died within the first year of life period for an Octo causes whatever let's say it's the case you would be like that doesn't matter It doesn't matter because this isn't captivity even though in the wild that would have happened regardless Because now you're talking about every single animal how many retinas retinas? Yeah, oh, yeah, but animals within reptiles Whatever seven hours alone almost all of them end up dying in the wild no, no, no, they don't there's populations of them No, also man is that all animals die But in the first year I could get in the first year listen listen listen The fact that y'all making jokes about this I know y'all fucking wrong for it because you know savannah's in captivity fucking dead in the wild they thrive over 10 years Over 10 years Born to all the ones that are laid there's no way no, of course not exactly turtles No, none of them make it you're not wrong They do their they're not wrong in that but in captivity. There's barely any that make it at all No, no the number has to be hired dude. There has there. Okay. Would you think that there are more ball pythons in captivity than in the wild? Do you agree with that? I don't know Yes, Burmese python's there are more Burmese pythons in captivity than in the wild. No, I don't know I Really don't know. I really don't fucking know. I don't want to I've got it There are more bearded dragons in captivity. I'm trying to pick an animal that's like it has to be there has to be more I can't you know than in the wild take it as a yes. I don't know take it as a yes run with a yes Okay, okay, both by tons Yes, then that means that most of the animals that are born and like Our bread in captivity survive and are doing well quote quote because they're still alive But in the wild with ball pythons most of them die in the first year Because then you have to take in pretty much pet trade itself taking them out of the wild that counts us biologically dead minimal sure Minimal but sure yeah compared to predation. It's not close. Oh you compared to the skin trade also not really close both together pet trade and skin trade together Okay, they're from the same place fine. It's not the same reasons Right, right everybody collects them who pulls up pet trade pulls right by but you think It's a lot these thing more ball pythons are taken out of Africa from people taking them out then animals taking them out I don't know if you're listening to this you're a reptile lover. All right, and what do we all need? We need supplies so we got you covered head on over to imperial reptiles calm and use the code reptiles with to get a specific discount Special to us and our listeners for your reptile supplies today one more time. That's imperial reptiles calm use the code reptiles with Chuck do you think that the pet trade or your minion trade? hmm in what way I Feel like the skin choice fucked up ethically just ethically do you think they're both fucked up the same way How But you know you get shipments of this big with four turtles on top of it shit all over the place. That's not cool either There that's not Being boiled alive and eating Both of them are fucked up. I don't know about you I'd rather be in a ship covered it with people and shit then to be all alive and eat Yeah, you know what that is back to you know what that brings us back to you don't say Let's ask them What they thought of it go ahead The turtles Yes, what you're saying when they come if they come like how many of them die in the process if they come like that now Mind you there are some people some kind of right regulations does it happen? Go ahead and like I'm not gonna lie to you. I'm gonna be I Would say it is a depending on where it's coming from it is a toss up I'm not gonna lie to you and be like no dude. Everything's fine. It's sometimes it's fucking not I'm gonna I'm real with that shit. I wouldn't say most I don't know Most if you point out I'm not gonna say no because because I didn't pull up the scientific document. I'm not gonna say I agree with you I say most all right, but But the skin crate is intended to kill the animal there the point is that animal is supposed to die there the pet trade is This animal is supposed to live straight up with what they're doing Like yo, we're bringing in for the pet trade show the animal can die. That's not what we're doing No, we don't Want to see a variant I'm confused I'm confused like the yeah in the pet trade animals do die Yeah, and the process you said you asked me what's worse They're about the same no, but one of them is for the animal to die The other one is for the animal to go to hopefully a pet and you know what that means And 75% of it will die Then it's not the same as physically dead, but it's not But it's not It's not the most physically dead. They're both biologically dead. Yes. Okay, so after the same so pass pass the biological Dead to the environment. Yes, that's what exactly to the native environment. Yeah, so he asked me what the individual animal No, listen, he asked me what's worse? Okay, they're both Biologically killing animals out of the wild that environment gets fucked up right no matter what so they're both about the same But you can compare right I agree that environmentally speaking. It's the same equally bad To the individual animal. It's not equally bad No, it's not equally out of them it is a lot of them dying anyway Yeah, I'm like a fan of dying any way temperature change 75% of them actually in the first year no probably science told me Probably I would love I would love you to do that what I don't know if you're willing to do that And I know where I'm ever right now Well, like if you could reach out to people who like have bought from you I'm still alive. Are you doing well? Even if you did like Like a post I'm gonna say something right now. I legitimately the first reptile show I went to I Only had turtles for sale and I got asked if one of the turtles was for food. Yeah, that is a fact Yeah, they did not proud of it and I did not sell them not animals Yeah, I Did not I Explained to them. It was a pet. I Had an explain in games. Well, I had one guy come in we had soft shells and he was like, oh, they do these You know these taste really really good and I was like bro. I did not know that I'm gonna pass on that I was watching a take talk. Oh, yeah I was like the fucking turtle and then the next clip he killed the turtle he cuts its head off And I was like wait what and the thing is I had to like process it and I was watching it And I was confused and then as it happened my dumbass was like I'm gonna send it to Eric And he traumatized them But yeah, yeah pet trade skin train Environmentally equal equal individually not at that point what does it affect other than the animal itself that Well, yeah, the animal itself the animal itself is meant to be in the wild Affecting its environment living it's exactly. Yeah, I'm both sides Biologically alive in the place where it should be I agree Environmentally it's equal individually. It's not equal Individually there's value in having the individual animal alive. Yeah, not much They'll never get back to the wild. So what's the value only emotional? I was actually gonna ask with with like in terms of like a little bit of reptile intelligence. Do you think like? So snakes and this I've heard this argument before it's the tub argument. Let's like oh if we keep them in tubs We give them everything they need in the wild. They wouldn't leave the burrow that that's the pot Okay, if they have everything that they need it's clean in there They got fresh water. They would never leave the burrow the truth of the matter is if you leave your tub open They're gonna leave no, they're not have a snake To this day open air Open air tub, but ball python Whatever the leaf they'll leave the tub. They don't care that everything that they ever wanted is inside the the freaking enclosure Yes, so leave so I was I'm wondering like do you think animals like not miss the outside, but are like Understand that they're in a cage understand that they're in a box somehow some I think some do do you think? Well, I mean at the end of the day if you're like cleaning the animal you're taking it out Like it knows that there's things outside of that. So yeah, it will know that there is outside They're also like different behaviors that they will perform that are like by instinct They might be like I don't understand why I do this. Yeah, the pacing is something or like rubbing because like Why can't I yeah? I can't I do the bridles when I when I had them in the rack while the cages were being built Like what I would so what I would tell you guys that I would open the fucking rack and they just know They would literally climb they would just try to go up and if you put your hand in they would use your hand to get up And keep just going up up up up up up up up imagine how much your back hurts from trying to do that inside of the spinal Yeah, I was in a tunnel today It hurt What were you doing in there? Where were you going? Where was he going looking for school? No Look at the frogs where pictures of what? Of frogs no, I think that's the thing. Yeah, I was looking for us. All right. That's the reptiles with podcast You You You you You