Welcome back to the Reptiles with podcast. Today, we're going to be talking about what I'm calling the FWC massacre.
But before we get started, I figured I can let out some disclaimers, some warnings.
If you're sensitive to the topic of animal death, the first half of this podcast might not be for you.
Also, we recorded this around the time where the first like post was made.
So there's been a bunch of new videos, a bunch of new information that have come out.
So what we're going to do is we're going to record a part two to the subject matter as we wait for us to like
combine all this information and give some more thoughts.
What I did for this podcast is that I edited out all the irrelevant conversation that we had.
But all in all, it's the same show. We do talk a lot about it.
You know, we do different topics. We laugh. We argue. We do the whole thing. Let's get started.
You're so disgusting.
FWC officers showed up unannounced at a reptile facility and slaughtered 34 pythons and one pregnant Goa.
The pet Goa was misidentified as a python.
And according to the its owner, Bill McAdam executed via nail gun to the head, likely bolt, likely a bolt gun.
By four FWC officers, the officers also killed 29 reticulated pythons and five Burmese pythons owned by Chris coffee.
Under prior directive from FWC, coffee was forced to maintain the snakes and captivity for over a year
since a deadline had passed to rehome the animals.
All right, coffee had a large collection of retics and berms, which were possessed legally
with the CSP, the conditional species permit before FWC past prohibited species rules in 2021.
In other words, he got it before they were made illegal.
Yeah, correct.
Should I keep reading or I think one of them.
One important thing was that he he had con like he
they told them that, hey, you have a certain deadline to get rid of the animals and he had called after we see him.
I was like, yeah, I haven't been able to liquidate them all.
What do I do? He called them to let them know that that was happening.
I'm going to read one thing because I saw something that said criminal charges.
So I think this is important. Oh, yeah, he got mad criminal charges to purr, right?
So it's FWC responded by rating Chris, rating coffee's facility, arresting him and issuing him with two charges for each retic and Burm possessed for a total of 72 criminal charges.
Rather than seize the animals, FWC officers sold coffee to continue to keep the snakes in captivity
and that he could not rehome or euthanize them or he would be arrested again.
Yeah, coffee's life has turned upside down and is on probation for etc.
That was the end of the post.
No, there's definitely more, but yeah, I'm not right.
No, no, no more. But like, how did they end it?
Oh, I don't know with words.
And then I'm going to describe some of these graphic photos.
I'm not going to show them for obvious reasons.
The first photo is of a boa in what looks like.
Actually, don't know. It looks kind of like a freezer.
Yeah, it's in a freezer already.
OK, OK, it's a boa and a freezer. It's a bloody fucking mess.
The next photo is a boa displayed on the freezer, just like, I guess trying to like measure it.
Yeah, hold on the head.
It looks, yeah.
Then the third photo is a crime scene that is blood everywhere.
Then we have Officer Shipbag with a retook on the floor and a big smile on his face,
which just so you guys know, when this thing came out,
Chuck put a beautiful picture of me on this guy's face.
That's funny.
It was.
It was.
And yeah, I mean, that's, yeah, that's when Yoshi finds the frog readers.
All right, how we feeling about this?
Wild. It was insane.
And you know, OK, so I reached out to coffee.
He hasn't responded yet, but I was like, oh, I want to get the whole story.
This doesn't feel full to me.
For some reason.
Yeah, I'm like, for some reason, it doesn't make sense that some FWC officers would go to
someone's house to lose their jobs.
I'm kind of like, that's kind of nuts.
Well, not only that, like the reason why I don't see it, like the full story there is,
they allowed them to keep it.
You're not allowed to euthanize.
And if they're going to confiscate, yes, they euthanize them themselves.
Yeah, yeah.
And that's a form of euthanasia.
That is something that happens.
You that don't eat meat, you know pigs.
How do they kill pigs?
Exactly like that.
So that is.
Well, not nail gun the head, but.
That is a thing.
That is.
That is an option.
Usually they bloodlet.
Yeah, but that is an option.
I'm saying like, that's an option for euthanasia legally.
That's the, like a lot of people all this is like, yeah, it's a bloody fucking mess
inhumane, but legally that's euthanasia.
And we'll go more into that in a second.
So after BC officers just show up to kill the snakes, that to me does not add up right there.
Because what about everybody else that has them and his grandfather then?
Why isn't it like, why is he the only one?
Something is wrong here.
Yeah, it's like, why is he the only one?
Like we have those snakes.
The shop that I used to be at has those.
We just got checked and they literally were just, oh yeah,
you guys are grandfathered in.
Let's check that enclosure boom done.
Like it's not like whoever has these snakes get killed.
Why did his get killed?
Mind you, the boa's just fucked up.
Like that's fucked up.
That's fucked up.
Like I'm not saying, I'm not saying FWC is right.
I'm not saying this is wrong.
I'm just saying it is very incomplete.
And on the Facebook posts of that, in the comments section, they ask you,
sorry, hey, this is incomplete.
Can we get the full story?
Oh, really?
Oh, so someone was like, oh, can I see the news story?
Can I see the F?
And they got sassy with the dude.
Like, oh, we're still catching up with the story.
We'll update you.
Like, oh, you better update motherfucker because that's what I
don't like about them.
They always keep stories halfway.
They only tell one side of the story.
It's like, you know, like you're not wrong.
The boa shit, that's a point.
Make that shit a point.
Like you're good.
But to make it everything negative to,
oh, this organization is horrible because of all this.
Like, no, wait, some of those things are legal and then you get a.
Something's not adding up.
Some of those things are illegal and they could get away with it.
If the guy did some shit, let's say, for example,
the guy did some shit get to rest in.
The permit's under him.
Nobody can take care of the snakes legally.
So they're going to euthanize those animals.
You know, let's say for example, that's like me guessing random.
Let's say you got them illegally.
They're not supposed to be there.
They would euthanize them.
And it's like, yo, I'm not for euthanasia, but like to say,
like a lot of the comments.
What's wrong with euthanasia?
What's wrong with euthanasia?
We have against young people in China.
That's so nice, dude.
That was fire.
That was fire.
We're trying to laugh at the death of these animals.
No, no, no.
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I will say, I will say, I do think that the story does seem incomplete.
It is.
For sure.
It does seem incomplete.
But regardless of the circumstance, I don't think that it was,
I don't think that that is a way to handle what we're doing here.
I don't think that, I mean, there's no humane way to do these things.
Everything that we do is inhumane.
Let's be honest with you.
But I don't think that a fucking massacre was okay.
Also, it was fucking glorious shit.
It doesn't look good.
No, it doesn't.
How is that different from the rats you end up killing for?
So, it's all fair.
Like if to us, it looks horrible to somebody that keeps rats.
What we do is horrible.
And then to the next person, it's all perspective.
Well, that's what I'm saying.
I'm not saying it's good.
I'm like, there's an every person.
That's why I'm saying there's no humane way to do this.
But something that really bothers me,
the thing that I saw and I was like,
it's so fucking annoying is how little.
Like if it is true that they thought the bow was a python,
like something that really frustrates me is that how little these FWC officers really
They can't identify every species.
So with that, their job is as FWC is, what does FWC stand for?
I knew it.
I knew it.
So, like their job is for the conservation of Florida.
They just got put the rest on top of them.
They're not supposed to know every single species.
They're not supposed to know because that's reptiles.
At that point, people keep all types of mammals and they don't have to know.
That is not part of the job.
But then don't you think that we need a different organization?
To be.
Because all like what organization?
USA will fuck.
No, I'm not saying one that's existing.
What we should do.
I'm not saying one that's existing.
What we should do.
But like it's always going to be the same.
It's the simple.
You registered the animal and under the registration,
you have to say on the outside of the enclosure,
the animal is...
You're like wildlife permission.
Absolutely not.
Because then with our organization like that,
they will go too far to the other side.
Where it's like every animal in cages and they say,
oh, they're for concept bullshit.
Like poaching like crazy for money, importation like crazy.
Like that's horrible too, bro.
Like both sides do not like the hobby itself.
I've always said like the hobby itself has more negatives than positive.
Because of that.
Because there's only those two.
Either horrible or horrible.
I'm so does government.
Government's even worse.
I mean, no, I'm saying like one of the horrible is the government.
What I'm saying is yeah, I'm saying not government horrible, government horrible.
It's like both things.
I think honestly just having a registration process
and then putting the idea of the animal on the outside can't be that hard.
Yeah, I don't think that I mean it's fucking grotesque what happened.
It is.
But I don't know like I just I...
Like if that happened with my animals, bro, there has to be a reason.
But it's I don't think to treat the animals like that is not just a fuck.
Chuck's gonna be like, you know, I broke the law.
To not know the animal, right?
Motherfucker broke another one.
I don't I don't yeah, I definitely don't justify FWC's actions.
But I do want to know what other people think.
So I fucking leave a comment and yell at Chuck for he defended FWC.
No, he did it.
We got my same.
I'm saying fuck both sides.
That's what I'm saying.
I will refuse to have a side until there's more information.
I'm saying I'm in the middle.
Something's weird.
I'm with you, Tina bitch.
I'm gonna read some of the comments from the from the post that I got from.
Is that a name soup point them up?
The motherfuckers.
It's kidding.
All right, so Carson dog underscore underscore.
You dog asthma fucking.
Sounds like they sounds like they at the very least need to be more educated on the whole animal subject.
This is just sad.
You know, I will say this too.
If they're like, like let's say the the up in command, the the higher ups are like,
hey, you're gonna go to this place.
I'm gonna shoot the fuck out of these guys.
This is a picture of a retake.
This is what one looks like.
That's how.
Here you go.
You can take it with you.
You get more.
Oh, this is multiple pictures of reticks.
This is what they look like.
That's a thing.
That's a great point right there.
Like they don't there is not their job to no more.
You're right.
That is hard.
Because then if they if they got to learn all the reptiles, they got to learn all the mammals.
You know how many species there are?
We don't even we're in the red.
So they don't know.
They don't have to.
If they're going to be dictating what the fuck it is that we're doing,
they should have to know some basic knowledge.
They don't.
They don't because they don't but they should know they do they shouldn't they deal with already
Like I will say that's all I'll say.
Maybe they don't be the ones that are dictating us.
I will say maybe they don't have the obligation.
They don't but if they fuck up, you you get on their ass.
If this is true, if they got a bow up on on this identity, that is different.
He should go after the government that is going after we should and he should and that is different.
But they don't have to know those things because there are too many species.
The excuse it is because okay, this is FWC wildlife commission.
They're supposed to focus on the wildlife of Florida.
Your shit, the pet trade.
You're right.
The pet trade is a privilege.
They're giving you the privilege of keeping these animals under these rules.
No, you're right.
And there's too many to do.
They don't have to.
No, you're right.
You're right.
But if that sector is supposed to govern us, they should have better education on what it
is that we're doing and the animals that we work with.
You know, to be a cop, you only need to be up to police officers.
The back and the whitelist things are coming up.
Like they're going to have to know these things.
Bro, bro.
They're the ones that are dictating us.
They're dictating us.
They should know what the fuck they're doing.
But no.
What do you say?
Here's the thing.
Here's the thing.
Yes, but no.
To be a police officer, you only need six months in the police academy.
That's it.
And there is actual laws that protect police officers to say like,
Hey, it might not be illegal.
But if it feels illegal, the law protects you.
Kind of.
Kind of.
Kind of.
That something wrong is happening.
The law, there are laws that can't protect you.
But the thing is, the cop, I don't have to.
A cop needs only six months, but a lawyer needs years and a degree.
The thing is this, the thing is this.
You know, that's the thing is this.
That's crazy.
There's thousands of species.
Let's say we push for them to know more.
You know what they can do?
How does that help conservation and what we actually work for?
It doesn't cut it all out.
Fuck it.
Because they don't have to know that shit.
Yoshi, they don't.
You might want them to, but they don't have to.
They're like definitely want this.
I'll give you.
I'll give you one more example.
The thing is, it doesn't matter what their focus is.
It does.
It does.
This is the governing body.
If this is the governing body that's supposed to dictate what it is that we're doing,
they need to have a better education on the thing.
You work at a reptile store.
And we don't get cell reptiles.
We also sell invertebrates.
If I told you, hey, Yoshi, here's a nail gun.
You have to shoot every single particular species, this particular species,
of the arachins that we have.
Do you think you can do it?
If they were not labeled.
I think I can do that.
No, but I definitely would try to figure it the fuck out.
But you work at a reptile store.
You should know.
Oh, I'll do you one better.
I'll do you one better.
I'll do you one better.
I work.
I am physically located at a reptile store.
My job has nothing to do with selling reptiles.
My job has everything to do with online marketplaces.
So if you tell me, hey, can you take this off the website?
And I'm like, I don't know what it is that I'm doing.
That is different.
Hey, the office of this guy was just to go to places.
Yeah, I'm going to go.
That's like saying, hey, dude, you hire a fucking web developer.
And you say, hey, develop me a reptile website.
And you expect him to know the fucking.
You just from my point.
FWC, their job, the main job from the beginning was to focus on
This shit was extra shit they got put on.
It's extra random shit.
But then what are they doing to educate their fucking officers?
They don't have to.
They don't have to because they're governing us.
They should know.
They will have to know every species, every morph.
What you're breeding, they will have to know too many things.
They don't have to.
All they have to do is watch some videos on YouTube.
You think you how to read both of those new TV shows.
Listen, listen, listen, listen, listen.
We got it.
They don't have to.
Some of them.
I think that they should.
I'm going to be honest with them.
Some of them, you know, and because you think that,
let's say you push for that, they can take all your shit away.
And then they end.
But you got to say that.
When I'm not saying.
Do you remember when they were going to raid Area 51?
They had to train.
Like officers had to train and educate their officers,
their officers, their soldiers.
Whatever the fun.
They're supporting us.
They're supporting us.
They're supporting us.
Like Anaru to run was.
They're like, hey, you have to know what this is
because it might happen.
They might do this shit here.
And you need to know.
You need to know.
You need to know people though.
It's different.
You're dealing with people.
This is the duty to learn.
Anaru to run is easier to learn than the retake boards.
That's what I'm saying.
It's impossible to know at all.
It is definitely possible.
Maybe I know it all.
Do you know for tents to know it all?
This guy.
I know most of it.
Right now, let's tell you we put you on the Everglades.
And I tell you find me a specific species of state.
But I don't work out there.
But you're in the reptiles.
Let's say we put down the top of you.
No, that's different.
That's different.
That's very different.
That is very different.
That's so broad, dude.
That is very broad.
Knowing all the species is broad.
No, no.
It is very broad.
No, no.
First off, I'm not saying,
yo, you have to.
You're going to tell me that the FWC that's supposed to be
fucking dictating what it is that we are doing.
Does it get the difference?
By the way, by the way, by the way, by the way, by the way,
that they say are all over the fucking Everglades
and a fucking common bull.
By the way, by the way, though,
the ones that's governing you,
it's not the same ones that are checking you.
Those are two different things.
They can check these nuts.
I don't even know.
Those are fun.
That's the thing with like,
sometimes USI goes after FWC like straight up like that
and say, yo, like there are different parts of the,
if W.C. is a huge organization,
they have the top dogs that are running straight
and making all the fucking rules.
They really have the officers
that just want a fucking job
and just get it just to do it.
Just do it.
Those guys don't have to, like they don't know what it is.
We definitely have to figure something out
because I definitely think that the-
You know what?
What if they get screwed out?
They're going to take everything away.
No, what if they just bring an expert?
What if they just bring an expert?
And they're like, hey, Chuck,
you know, reptiles come in.
Yeah, yeah.
Would you be okay with that?
Like they go to your place and they're like,
we're going to shoot every ball python.
Some guy comes in and he's like, that's a ball python.
That's a ball python.
That's a ball python.
Bring the experts.
Because clearly, FWC doesn't know what the fuck they're doing.
That's why-
That's probably what they'll probably have to do now,
if they really didn't miss identity.
That's another part that I find silly sometimes,
U.S.I. posted like whatever the fuck his name is
from after U.C. talking shit.
Also, allegedly, whatever we said, allegedly.
Yeah, allegedly.
Yeah, allegedly.
Allegedly as shit.
That motherfucker talking about curly tales or something.
They were like, oh, he doesn't even know what curly tales are.
Look at him. He doesn't have to know, bro.
Like he's supposed to know Florida shit.
This whole podcast is allegedly.
We are allegedly.
We're allegedly here right now.
Rep does with a legend.
I'm going to read Wesley Knight Jensen's comment here.
Legal authority should not have this kind of seizing power ever.
They can't be allowed to do that.
They do.
They do.
They do.
You know what?
They should.
They should.
I wonder.
And they should.
And you're going to hate this because it's like,
oh, it's diverting the problem.
But if they would not do this with like dogs or cats,
not that dogs or cats are illegal.
But if they were like, let's say it was a health hazard,
there's too many cats or there's too many dogs,
they would never, ever euthanize on site.
They have on site.
Not them.
Not them organizations.
Or some organizations.
Yeah, but not them.
Not them.
Not FWC.
Not the government.
Yeah, never do that.
They would be like, hey, we're going to take them away.
Yeah, but that is.
I'm going to pound.
Yeah, but that is because.
We might call them.
Yeah, but that is because on site like that.
Because they're going to have to fight the whole fucking country.
But if you think about it, they.
Oh, look at this.
Like, hold on.
Hold on.
You'll sometimes mention like, mention any mammal
that they do that with.
Wild pigs you do that with.
Like, in bad, bro.
Yeah, especially I know with farms for malpractice
or uncleansing this condition.
No, no, I'm talking about hogs.
I'm talking about hogs.
Like wild hogs.
Oh, they go out there and mark them, bro.
They put them in a trap and you know, like,
that is the way it works.
Yeah, that's the way it works.
It's like, oh, they only do that because of reptiles.
No, they do that because of hogs.
But it's different if it's inside.
It's different if it's my pet pig.
Yeah, and I'm saying, I'm saying like in general,
I'm saying in general, like, they do that with donut.
If you want to support us, head on over to modernreptah shop.com
or in the description where you can find our merch.
And the best part is, is that a percent of the proceeds
from the merch gets donated to conservation.
One more time, that's modernreptah shop.com
or head on over to the description.
Last week's podcast, you guys weren't fucking here.
It was me and Alex who spoke about morph market.
And we have, hopefully, a new fucking audience
from that guy.
That shit fucking killed.
I, so if you are watching us on YouTube
and you did like the podcast,
please go and check out us on like the streaming platforms
because we're going to be adding a show to the week
on Mondays through the streaming platforms only.
That's exclusively the streaming platforms.
You and Alex.
It's going to be me and Alex.
We're going to be talking pretty much red and tall business stuff.
It's going to be an extension of this.
And we're going to be talking about what it is to have a business
in this fucking community.
And we'll talk about different things to do
as a business owner to win and thrive in this ever changing market.
But the reason why I bring that up, morph market,
they posted this on one of their blogs.
And I wanted to see if you guys had any opinions on this.
I'm going to fuck.
I'm just kidding. Go ahead.
Actually, I think you will.
I will.
This one you will.
This one you will.
We are now offering dogs and cats on our watch.
All right.
What is, or rather, I'm going to preface this.
What is something that we always ponder on this podcast?
That we always debate.
Hybrids. I know what it is. I know what it is,
because you already mentioned it earlier.
The ethics and morality of keeping reptiles.
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, whether that's happened at all.
And after the morph market podcast,
Darien, the person who bought morph market, called me.
And we spent about an hour on the phone.
And this was a very big topic that we spoke about.
It was the ethics of keeping these animals
and what it means when we sell these animals.
You know, and the changing of the structure
and the way that we see these animals.
As there's a fucking moth trying to keep them.
Thanks very far.
I'm sorry.
I'm trying to eat it.
But the ethics of keeping these animals
and selling them without really thinking them
specifically as a commodity, because that just makes it.
As an object?
Yeah, exactly.
Of course it's alive, right?
So it reads,
Position on ethics of animal keeping and business.
Morph market believes there is a responsibility
to all keepers to uphold certain ethical standards.
These ethics apply to private collections and businesses alike.
As a part of our efforts to maintain a healthy and responsible community,
Morph market supports USARC as a platinum member.
I knew he was going to do that.
And requires our users to commit to this code of ethics.
They made a code of ethics?
The US government hasn't even done that.
Check it out.
That's awesome.
All right.
The kind of is, it's just not called that.
And it's a horrible one.
It's terrifying.
All right.
Conservation of wildlife and its natural habitats are the cornerstone and responsible.
Oh, sorry.
Are the cornerstone of responsible keeping?
Our beliefs.
Captive breed, captive breeding increases natural populations
by decreasing the market for wild caught animals.
Captive breeding builds a sustainable population of endangered animals.
It's all population.
Yeah, all population.
But logically that's both right there.
We're going to dissect them.
We're going to dissect these things.
Positive experience with reptiles help more people care more about the environments
they are native to and be more vocal and advocating for conservation.
In fact, that I'm for.
Our actions.
Morph market focuses on captive bred animals.
We respond seriously to any complaints about ads which violate laws of conservation.
I mean, I like the end.
Yeah, I mean, I think legally you're obligated to.
Of what?
Like, okay, let's say someone is selling a plowster towards an on morph market.
You cannot put that animal on morph market.
Like, I think the law says you can't.
You cannot sell that animal.
So, oh, I guess.
I guess that's something they have to do anyway.
Like, uh, I'm going to read.
Well, you got something before I read the next one.
I just hope it's not a front because everybody could say this out loud and not.
So as far as I know from Darien, he posts a lot on
Instagram, sorry, on Facebook and he's, you know, pretty much public about that.
He's like constantly like donating to like conservation and stuff like that.
He is the real deal.
Uh, he, what did you say?
Yeah, he is the real deal.
He seems like the real deal.
I mean, I had one phone call with this dude.
He seems all right.
It's not like he's like, yeah, yeah.
And people always have to say that's the best interest in this.
I just hope.
I think that.
Morph market is in better hands as a dance right now.
Healthy and healthy environments with thriving diverse populations of native species are critical
for the overall health of our entire planet.
Our beliefs.
We believe non native species should never be released into the wild.
There is never a circumstance that justifies this act.
We believe it is wrong to collect native species from the wild without specific
government approved permits.
Even with permits, the collection of wild animals should only be done by those with
the experience and resources to properly care for them and acclimate them to captivity.
Our actions.
We respond seriously to any complaints about sellers who violate local, state, and federal
or international laws regarding the collection, trade, and transportation of native non and non
native species.
How do we feel about that?
That part like the end of all of that.
Yeah, I'm for all of that.
And it's very doable.
And like, yeah, sounds great.
I just hope it's not a front.
There's a lot of people can say it and be a front.
It's like a hope.
Because this thing, you could write that down.
I could write that down on a piece of paper.
How do you normally doing it?
Of course.
No, I hope he shows it.
I hope there's a way to show it.
Yeah, of course.
It's the beginning sellers.
I'm more for you.
I'm not going to say, oh, you're doing this?
Our band.
I'm not going to say one of the organizations just yet, but I'm going to make this a topic very soon.
But there's an organization that like collects money and then like, you know, like tons of money.
And then we go, what did the money go for?
And we don't get showed.
That's all organizations.
That's the government.
No, I'm talking about something very specific.
And then we go, okay, we're not donating money into that anymore.
And now they're trying to show shit.
And we're like, no, like you did some dirty shit with $100,000 over there.
That disappeared.
I hope that he can show, hey, this is what we've done.
This is where this amount of money.
I'm not saying like, even if it's 1%, you know what I mean?
Like, doesn't have to be 10%.
It could be 1% of whatever you make goes to whatever this.
This is where it went to.
And like, let's say he does, because you can say, I don't need to conservation,
but in reality, it's a sanctuary that keeps exotic animals for non-profit.
That counts on paper, but it's not conservation.
And like animals in captivity, even, yeah, you can make a population.
People are going to in-breathe them as it is, because that's what this fucking industry is known for.
And the animals biologically dead, you're not doing nothing for conservation in that aspect.
Got you.
So I don't like the wording of that there, but who knows?
And there are some animals that can't make it back to the wild, some that can't.
I don't have a lot of hope for businesses being transparent about the finances.
I am very, very, really-
Well, private businesses do not need to be transparent.
They don't need to be transparent.
No, they don't.
They don't.
No, they don't.
They don't.
They don't.
Absolutely not.
They don't.
I'm not saying he has to.
I'm just saying like, these could just be all words.
I don't know, they do.
I don't know what he's about.
But we have to wait and see.
No, but I'm saying he could-
Like there could be a lie to say, oh, we donate this much to conservation or to this organization.
You also can show though.
If he-
But that means being transparent about your finances.
I hope not everything.
He could just be-
No, maybe not everything.
No, he could just be transparent about that aspect of it and I'll be like, okay, money is going here.
I'm fine with it.
You know what I usually-
I think that the point of-
I mean, at the end of the day, this is-
The idea is great.
It's a set of standards, a code of ethics for ourselves from now on to be able to use this file.
Which is awesome.
So the next one is-
I like it.
The next one is animal welfare.
Every living creature in our care is dependent on us for their well-being.
If we cannot provide them with what they need, we should not have them.
In fact-
Our beliefs.
We believe all keepers should commit to providing the care needed for their animals to remain healthy
and thrive in their captive environments.
We believe all sellers should commit to finding good homes for the animals they sell.
Our actions.
We support education and the re-homing of animals through our reptile rescue program.
We maintain-
We maintain an active community forum providing education and information from a multitude of
experienced keepers.
We encourage communication between buyers and sellers before a transaction for a live animal-
Transaction for a live animal can be completed.
We respond aggressively to any proven allegations of ongoing gross negligence or abuse.
Then they have a summary which I'm just going to read.
I'm going to read just a part of it.
Morph market continues to do all we can to support these efforts and will always have an eye
toward future projects that do even more.
Which are provide more care information per species.
Additional support for animal adoption, rescues and veterinarians.
Give sellers more information about the experienced level of buyers.
On paper is great.
On paper is great.
Seems like this dude's doing a lot.
Seems like this dude's doing a lot.
I hope that we can self-standardize and hold each other at a higher regard.
I think that that's something that we've spoken a lot about.
And if everything goes well to the changes that Morph market is going to be doing,
I think that it's going to have a positive experience all around.
And I hope none of the sketchy shit that does happen in the community.
Try to switch it.
For sure.
On a different note, check this out.
I'm going to show you guys this picture.
Knoxville Zoo gets called out by customer for having a pit bull disguised as a lion.
Snoop Dogg posted this.
Look at it.
Look at him.
Look at him.
That's amazing.
Look at him.
That's amazing.
I love that.
Don't be me, brothers.
I don't know if that's real or not.
I said, I do that, bro.
I just sent out a dog running around with the tigers and with the lions somewhere.
Did you?
That was sent to us by one of our listeners.
They were like, you got to talk about this.
That's a lot of us.
That's true.
But that's fucking hilarious.
That's fine.
That's fine.
This is like the episode we talked about with robots.
It was like, oh, you can just have an automaton out there.
No one would know.
Tina's shut up.
Who would know?
Who would know?
Who would know?
No, no, no, no.
Happy stories.
That's obvious.
A freaking pimple in a mane.
Everyone knows that.
If you're listening to this, you're a reptile lover.
All right.
And what do we all need?
We need supplies.
So we got you covered.
Head on over to imperialreptiles.com and use the code REPTALSWITH to get a specific discount
special to us and our listeners for your reptile supplies today.
One more time.
That's imperialreptiles.com.
Use the code REPTALSWITH.
All right. So I wrote in the on my Instagram, modern reptile shop.
Follow me.
I wrote things that we could talk about in the podcast.
People wanted to respond to.
So I'm going to read a couple of these things.
All right.
As you can see, the setup is different because our engineer, Eric's not here.
So I have to be pushing buttons.
All right.
Fuck you, Eric.
I'm just kidding.
I love Eric's.
But that was when I pushed this one.
Don't, please.
It's awful.
All right.
So I have a question here.
Do you have a favorite sock brand?
That is a question.
I'm wearing a D from a Canadian home.
I don't.
Is that count?
I don't know.
What did you say?
I'm wearing a D does right now.
There's a, I don't know if this is.
And it just dropped Kanye, so we're good.
There's a, my wife bought me a brand.
I don't know if this is the brand name or just.
Victoria Secret?
It just says this on the socks.
It's actually a panties, dude.
It's called Sockamy.
That's funny.
I sweat a lot, so it helps your boy out.
All right.
The next thing here is, oh,
top things you hate that customers do in reptile shops.
Oh, yes.
I do, I do it for the, I could do it for the zoo.
All right.
Do the reptile shops that you do?
Honestly, I would say,
I would say taking an animal and going ahead and being like,
like you, you hear me do the whole spiel.
I show you all the things that you need for it.
Daily care, all this stuff.
And then you, you think that I'm lying to you.
You think that I'm like trying to sell you some shit?
I do know what they think.
Cause, cause they, they don't believe me.
Cause they don't like this.
They don't believe, like, especially turtles.
They'll be like, my, my fifth cousin, dog,
kept the turtle in a shoe box for like 10 years.
He was fine.
And like, okay, we don't do that anymore.
We know better now.
You need, it needs to have a water at least.
Come on, bro.
And so things like that.
Honestly, it's like,
dry enough as a tortoise.
Like how it works.
And I understand.
It's like our turtles that have never seen water.
Yeah, right.
If you go to like,
We're never blessed with rain in Africa.
If you're like, PetSmart or Petco.
Yeah, they're probably not going to tell you all the information you need to know.
But we're a reptile specialty store.
I'm a professional.
I'm paid to help you out and to take care of these animals myself.
I think I know a little bit of what I'm doing.
That's what the job description says.
What are the things that you hate that customers do in zoos?
I want to say a few really, really fast.
The first one, they throw rocks into the crocodile pools.
That's crazy.
This is the Christian fucking hate.
We're in Florida.
Oh, yo.
Christian fucking hates that shit the most.
Like Peter kicks people out.
Like, just we all fucking hate that shit.
I have an answer for that.
Have less rocks at the zoo.
I'm all for it.
We're all for it.
We've been trying to argue for that.
Where are people getting rocks?
The floor.
Like they're bringing their own rocks?
Is it dark road?
Oh, that's a dark trail.
Oh, that's probably,
I'm not going to lie to you.
That's probably a pain at the ass when you're trying to dig for eggs.
Oh, it's different.
Yeah, because like,
and then closes, we put our own substrate.
Oh, yeah.
Yeah, so.
Just put a scientist.
Don't throw any rocks.
We've tried.
Oh, that'll work.
We've tried, bro.
Yeah, people can take it to the wall.
No, people can take it to the wall.
No, bro.
No, bro.
You can't even spot cap.
You see, I have an FWC officer there with like four guns.
Yeah, literally.
No, bro.
With a bull glass.
With a finish, every rock is in the venomous thick area.
Has literally a sticker that says don't tap on the glass.
Everyone does that.
I'm like, bro.
That's legit.
Why not?
And then kick out.
You know, and not going to lie with the tapping on the glass
that happens here too.
It is annoying because it's like,
yo, the animal's trying to sleep or yo,
like you're annoying it.
But that's like something that's like,
what is it?
Like, I'm not going to lie to you.
How are you going to stop that?
Whenever I go to a fish store,
I definitely go one time, one time.
Just because I know like the address of thoughts,
like bang on it.
I don't bang on it, but I do like real quick.
Because I know I just have to do it.
Oh, hello.
You're a bitch.
Or like when people do like the turtle thing,
where they're like, oh, follow the food.
My finger's good.
That's kind of good, right?
I guess.
This next one is enclosures.
I don't know exactly what about enclosures,
but we all know that prime reptile keeping is done in racks.
Oh, actually, oh, you just hit it.
I almost forgot.
You stupid.
You stupid argument.
Oh, you just hit it.
You stopped.
You stupid.
I have to go.
I'm excited.
It's excited.
Bits and listen.
Listen, go for it.
African country.
Can you name one that?
That a few, but I don't know.
I name one.
Because of what I'm about to say.
There's an English of you.
And that's an English.
Listen, listen.
Listen, listen.
Or see, listen.
Because I have to say this, I don't want to just point out
one country.
Oh, okay.
It's not through that shit right now.
Don't do that to me.
African country.
That collects ballpoint.
Why do they do it?
Why do they need the money?
Because they're for families.
Because they're what?
Or do you agree with that?
Not the whole country, but like the people that do it are for.
I just said, I just said those people.
Because the one with Lamborghinis is collecting ballpoint.
Come on.
Because they're what?
They're definitely breeding them.
Let's get started.
Well, because of what?
Because of lack of income.
Yeah, lack of income.
I'm not going to call them fucking poor, but.
I mean,
blowing up is another way for poor.
It's not.
It's not about the lack of income.
It's not about the, I'm not trying to roll.
I'm not trying to roll.
I'm trying to be serious.
So. So since, since they're poor.
And they're collecting snakes to make a little bit of money.
Probably a few cents that we pay them.
And then we make, we sell a ball python over here for over 10,000.
Yet they don't see a penny of that shape, or somehow we help them.
Pay up the money.
It's worth like 10,000 for our family.
With a few cents?
No, it don't.
No, it don't.
Shut up.
You don't even know the math.
You say do like it be an SGA commercial.
Well, okay.
Because look, here's the thing.
No one is buying, no one is buying a ball python from Africa.
It's only for $10,000.
No, no, no, but then the industry itself makes that much money.
It's one point with the snakes that we get from those people,
but they don't get a cent out of the thousands of dollars.
They get like less than zero percent of whatever.
Less than zero percent.
Less than zero percent.
Yeah, negative.
Negative percent.
But if you cannot have a hundred percent.
If you're small, you can go like a kid.
Point is, point is, point is.
Therefore, they have to keep these snakes to be able to sell them.
Why do they keep the snakes on?
Is that a new ice streaming?
The enclosures.
What are the enclosures?
Actually, we are.
I'm not going to lie.
We are a country with more money.
We are a country with more possibilities.
I'm not going to lie.
We're a country that is growing.
More technology.
Look at all the stupid buttons you can press.
Don't even know what those buttons are.
Listen, listen, listen.
We got food.
We got water that you're drinking.
Your piece of shit.
We have all these things.
And you keep the snakes the same way as a poor person.
You poor fuck.
Oh my god.
I'm going to say this.
I'm going to say this.
Racks are expensive.
So honestly, I would probably it would be lucky if they were Racks.
Bro, bro, bro, bro.
Bro, bro, bro.
I would be surprised if they don't know you would fit.
No, no, no, no, no.
They don't know.
No, no, no, no.
And they just put the balls in the hole.
And they just grab them from the hole.
I would not be surprised if that's right.
Chug, chug, chug, chug, chug, chug, chug.
First one.
I don't doubt that at all.
They haven't always been keeping them in Racks.
They have not always been keeping them in Racks.
They saw the US wing.
Second off.
That's one of the Lamborghini owners.
Look at that.
Look at that.
Look at that.
Look at that.
You got to show your face.
Listen, listen, listen.
Hold on.
Hold on.
Hold on.
I'm going to tell you.
This is the dumbest argument in the fucking world
that I can't wait to go.
You set up.
You set up.
You set up.
What's the difference between that rack and his?
What it's made out of?
The end.
That's the whole.
But that's the end.
I mean, yeah.
That's the whole fucking argument.
That is the whole thing because it's just like dude,
like first off, that is a wooden rack.
Filmed with fucking mines probably.
I'm using the labyrinthine.
Assuming they can't take care of it.
I got ARS fucking Cajun.
Get the fuck out of here.
I'm loading with these derpies.
Now fucking wood over there.
It's made out of something different.
That is still a rack.
It's a whack rack.
It's a whack rack.
We talked about these fucking animals in plastic.
Our plastic is just different shapes and different sizes.
Yeah, but some of them have more space for the snake
to stretch out.
We're inclusive on this podcast.
We're inclusive.
Because it's a whack.
I don't think, see, of a closer thing.
You use a rack if you're breeding the animals.
Maybe for the breeders, they keep them in the rack.
Listen, listen, listen.
But the imports, the ones that they're describing
are the, like I said, I would not be surprised.
They just dug a pit, jumped them in the pit,
and then just grabbed them out.
I wanted it to be a joke, but now we got a series over here.
I wanted it to be a joke, but we series in this bitch now.
So the point is, the point is, the point is,
you allow the, like it doesn't matter what it's made out of.
Like you said, it might be made out of the same thing.
But you give these animals the same amount of space
as the people over there.
It's one, two, two on top of that.
Just because they're breeding them,
does not change the animals experience.
That is all in your head.
It does not change the animals experience.
It's like euthanasia, just because you do it behind the doors,
does not change the fact that the animals gonna die.
I'm gonna say.
Uploading that.
Okay, but the logic is the same like this.
They're a low, we were developing country.
And so because of that, they drive cars.
Why are we still driving cars in the United States?
We have more money.
It's different.
It's not different.
Yeah, it is.
It's the same thing.
Because low developing countries barely got cars, got donkeys.
Oh, and fucking camels and shit, dude.
That's a really good donkey in pressure.
Thank you, dude.
Thank you.
But like, it's like, oh, if Rax is the best way to do it,
yeah, the only difference is gonna be the materials.
It's not the best way to do it.
It's not the best way to do it.
If it is, cars are the best way to get from A to B.
I'm actually going to go with cars.
And we have cars.
I'm actually gonna read this one next real quick,
because I think that it's gonna revolve the same thing.
What could help reptile keeping progress?
What could help reptile keeping progress further,
but also be a profitable business?
I just had a...
I got the answer.
Wait, hold on.
I just...
This is gonna change the subject just a little bit.
I just want to forget it.
I just saw this guy.
I followed him.
I don't even know why the fuck I followed him.
Like, I don't know.
I don't know.
I love him.
I don't know the guy.
I can't find him right now if I tried.
So I guess I followed him.
He was live.
I press it.
You know what they were talking about?
There are people in the UK talking about the unethical,
keeping in the US in rats.
It was like...
Look it up.
No, no, no.
It was on Instagram.
So they have to go live.
Like, bro, they were like going in.
I was like...
That's crazy.
That's what they think of us.
And it's like the guy was talking about the way he makes money.
We were just talking about...
We were just talking about Quoke-Mo-Aphric.
We won the war.
No, we were just talking about...
Terrapinans don't matter.
Guys, guys, we were just talking about Quoke-Mo...
We don't have the fuck out of here.
The fuck can we talk about?
We were just talking about...
We were just talking about Quoke-Mo-Aphric.
We did the same thing that the UK just did to us.
You know what they do on the thing?
What they do over there?
Drink tea.
We have coffee here.
The reptile's with coffee.
I'm kidding.
I'm kidding.
But look, I'm not going to lie to you.
Another part of that ethics issue with the racks is...
I think what we have to ask ourselves is...
Because I don't think the problem is the rack.
It's not the rack.
It's the size of the enclosure.
And the lighting and heating.
Those are the actual two parts.
I think that that's what we need to tackle.
Just saying.
I think this is how you do.
I think you're able to figure those things out.
I'm going to agree.
Where we could be at least a little bit more ethically and morally there.
Like if you had a rack for small snakes, I would not say shit.
Nice thing for everybody.
Look, I'm going to say...
Sit up.
If the racks have any place, it's with baby snakes.
That you don't intend to keep.
There's no reason to have them...
Like, there's no reason to give a baby corn shake.
A four by two by two.
That in itself is morally weird.
Because you should offer what you can for each animal.
That's just morally weird.
So you have 20 ball pythons.
I'm not saying I...
You should give them all your rooms.
No, I'm not saying I disagree with you.
But just morally, it's still not there.
I see what it is.
It's just morally not there.
Oh, because this one's for sale?
I do it not for sale.
But also because it's a baby.
You don't intend to keep the animal.
I'm not going to say it.
It's also because of this.
I'm not going to say it one other thing.
It's also because this.
If it's there for a short amount of time,
it suffers, say it's suffering.
It suffers for less.
But your breeder animal is going to be there
for probably at least 10, 10 years.
You know?
It's not my mind.
It's going to be in this rack for a long time.
Whereas the babies don't have to be.
We have to be too much.
Oh, I was going to say how you do the frickin...
How do you make money with reptiles?
But increase the care for them.
You produce higher quality animals.
Instead of producing, let's say...
All right.
Go for it.
Let's say you produce a high-end fucking pseudonym.
He's played a lizard.
That shit doesn't exist.
He's got a couple.
He's got a couple and you bring...
Okay, this one is 75, but that one?
Because it's high.
It has a speckle right there.
That's a might.
It's a speckle.
I don't disagree with you.
I don't disagree with you.
I don't disagree with you.
You are right.
If you...
I'll do you one better.
If you're producing higher-end animals,
I feel like you should put a...
You do have the money to have a little more effort in your game.
I think that makes a little more sense.
You know what I think about sometimes?
Wait, that's weird because of the thing
that we spoke about with Africa.
I think it just became a hypocrite.
We're like hypocrites here, right guys?
That's what we do.
How does that feel?
All right.
So this one right here says,
Get rid of the loud guy who works with crocodiles.
I can't get past five minutes of the video without him talking.
Sorry, guys.
I gotta go.
I'm just like a dick.
And then the other one is,
Do you think I could sustain myself off Banana Reposci?
Can this person sustain themselves solely...
Did Crescent get rid of that?
On Banana Reposci?
I mean...
You need a lot of Banana Reposci.
If you like diarrhea,
do you need a hand?
It's gonna be a fucking ice cream.
I think that that just said come on like this.
Oh, I don't think that's FDA approved.
Yeah, I don't think so, dude.
I don't think Reposci would like his potential to that so...
Allegedly probably.
I don't know.
I don't know.
You know what?
It says not for human consumption
because they don't want to let you in on the secret.
They don't want you using 100% of your brain power.
Stop, dude.
What if this person really believes in...
They're like...
They don't even put water in it.
They need to drive.
I'll show you guys who it is.
I'll show you guys who it is.
I'll show you guys who it is.
They speak.
They need to drive.
We know this person.
We know this person?
Yes, you can.
Girl, what the fuck you can't?
But she does like the taste.
That's why.
Yeah, she does like the taste.
The banana...
I don't know.
Artifiction bananas.
We may or may not be doing a Reposci pancilla taste test in the channel
eventually so keep following along.
I think that you guys want to see real quick.
Because I'm going to tag something real quick.
I'm going to be super focused.
No, you're going to do good.
Go ahead.
My music's out right now.
It's going to be in the description.
But sometimes this is out.
My music is out and...
If you like rock and metal music.
It's just a right touch with pockets.
Good night.