How to make a living Breeding Reptiles | Reptiles With Serpentera Exotics S04EP44 (REPTILE PODCAST)
Welcome back to the reptiles with podcasts. How you doing, bro? I'm exhausted. Hell yeah, well we're we're here with the man
The myth the local legend. So what I did was I fired Chuck and Tino and then I combined them to make the ultimate
Puerto Rican reptile keeper. We got fucking Eddie. Yeah
So how was the show dude you just came back from a rough day? It was great. It was actually it was exhausting
Yeah, better than better than Saturday. Okay, okay, so I mean you do these shows. I feel like almost every fucking I can
Is that like would you say that that's like the main source of income? Yeah, that's pretty much
I would say like 95% of my income is from reptiles shows. Okay. Are you doing anything online? I am not doing anything
I honestly don't have a need
100% of my my stuff is local. Yeah, whether I do wholesale with you guys wholesale with other people or people local to me
Honestly, I all I got to do if I really need to do why you laughing
I know why you're laughing
Anyway, all I got to do if I really need to to sell something if I'm in a pickle is just supposed to picture of it and
My inbox gets flooded
No, this guy's a fucking legend dude. There you go. He came here to flex on us. Why are you leaving?
Did you hear the story? Yeah, if I'm in a little bit of a pickle. I just put it on my picture online
Damn, dude, so okay, so a lot of the incomes coming in from the shows
Do you see anything like new at the shows? That's kind of like getting traffic is it always like the same shit?
You know is are there any trends going on with these shows?
Not that I'm honestly saying okay, honestly, it's been slower
Like for me at least for me at least. It's been a little slower. Okay, so it's not as good as it's been the last couple years
So but I'm still making by I'm still doing good so I can't complain
But honestly this time of years pretty slow for me as far as business because I'm in that time period where everything from last year's running low
And everything that's coming is still an eggs. Yeah, so a couple months. I'll be freaking flooded with animals
So how how is that like balancing it because the majority of the stuff that you're selling your breeding?
Yeah, or you have I guess like projects with other I do have you know sources of I guess wholesale
Re-sell if I if I really need to okay, that helps folding the cups
Okay, so what's that what's the balance like are you just every time you you
Every time something's ready for sale you just take it
Yeah, are you holding stuff back to be like no, I need this so that way when the times are slow
Yeah, well, yeah, you're that's actually pretty good
So a lot of like washing water dragons. I'll hold those back for like kind of like a
Justin cakes and emergency. I'll just hold those back. They're easy to keep they're easy to care for so
I don't mind holding on to them and then if I have to like oh the reptile shows
There's no reptile shows for like a month or two. Yeah, I'll sell a few water dragons. Oh, sure. I'm straight
There you go, dude. That's exciting. So
There's all this drama going on recently
With online sales right so the majority of my stuff my sales come from online
Something that I've been thinking about is doing more shows. Yeah
Seems that you know every time I do a show. It's a couple thousand dollars here a couple thousand dollars there, you know
Problem is is that I'm doing shows once a month, you know, and then
You know, we went we did the Atlanta one we have one coming up in North Carolina that I think about the time
This is how we it already passed, you know, and what I'm finding within myself is like damn dude like
The shows do good financially, and if I would want to do this full time
It seems like I need to make that the point like doing the shows every weekend, you know
But then there's also this online stuff. So like I had you know, I guess I was gonna ask you like
If you got the majority of your sales online or at the shows, but you're telling me I mean you do everything pretty much
I have no online presence as far as retail goes. Okay. I do have an account with morph market
But I just have it just in case I haven't used it. Okay
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All right, so you're getting the majority of your sales at these shows. Yes. Okay. You're doing this shit full time
I so I do work like
Some odd jobs if I have to when there's like huge gaps in between shows, but 90 what I say 95 99% of my income is all from these shows
Yeah, whether it's the shows or it's you know wholesale what like a wholesale or whatever I got to do
It's all 100% local. How do you how do you dictate? What?
You're going to wholesale and retail them
So if I have first off if I have a ton of it. Okay, so um, so like
Exant again the washer and water dragons. I am getting hit up left and right for them
So that's honestly probably going to be a straight retail animal
I'll probably wholesale a little bit just certain people in pet stores in Orlando
But other than that's that's pretty much it, but um because that's a high-dollar animal for me to sell yeah, but other animals like assertus
I already have like over a hundred eggs in the incubator
And I'm going to get more so that's going to be a wholesale animal
And if I need to hold some back just to raise up for myself or whatever
Again, that's a backup animal. So I can always wholesale afterwards
And then of you know then there's specific things that I breed in smaller quantities
Specifically for retail that I know that's going to go you know go quick
Okay, like what like leachies
Bearded dragons leachionis geckos
Some smaller species gargoyles all that red fruits. I breed a ton of redfoot tortoises
Um, you could usually those go pretty well lately the prices on those kind of crashed, but
Yeah, but again, most of these animals are animals that really don't cost me that much to take care of
So if I have to keep them I'll keep them cost me nothing. Yeah
Okay, yeah, because I've always
so I have this thing where
For modern reptile I try to only sell
As far as like the ball pythons that I produce I try to only sell
high end animals because that's what I want
Like the company to be known for just you know the higher end, you know a little bit more expensive
But and you know I'll go and also like single gene double gene whatever the fuck the
miscellaneous hits and stuff like that
But then I like sometimes I think about at the end of the day I'm like damn how much like
Money am I missing out on that like taking these to shows and selling them
You know because I do run out of animals to sell. Yeah, you know, and I myself that when I'm trying to figure out how to
Run my own numbers. I'm like how the fuck am I ever supposed to do this shit full-time?
You know when there's like there's no road map to be like no do it this way. No, there's no room
Do it that way and I'm over here trying to figure things out and I'm like I feel like I'm
losing out on this side now. Yeah
You know, so I guess
What advice would you give somebody who is trying to do it full-time dude?
What I want no, there's room for everybody and if you do it right sometimes it's just luck
Yeah, I can't tell you an answer because sometimes it's even I'm like slipping. Yeah
Maybe I've actually been doing pretty good, but I don't know
There's really no again. There's no formula for it because there's so many different variables and like are you ball python only or you this species?
Are you I don't know? Are you your master's only guy? I'll do you one better?
I mean you've been doing this long enough you've worked with a bunch of different kinds of animals
Would you say that the route that you've taken now is the best approach as far as like the variability
having specific projects that
breed in like
Access yeah, you know, and then having your like more specific projects
That's like okay, these are the ones that I am going to be better known for retail and stuff like that
That's a good question
So I do better with probably the retail side of it with like the
Beater dragons the common stuff. I do really well with that and I'll kind of focus on that for a little bit
And then again the high dollar stuff is stuff that you just if it hatched I don't count on it
But if it hatches and it's all it's all luck. Yeah, there's no formula. God damn it. I came here expect
Okay, but okay for example though again. I'm sorry to keep bringing them up. No, you're really a water dragons
Fucking boring. They're not boring. No, no, I'm saying no, no, no, I'm saying me always bringing them up. All right. They're cool animal
The people in South Florida and there's about several of them
Have not been producing any this year they have either they're getting slugged out or they're just not getting eggs or the eggs are just all
messed up and the thing is that animal is very
It needs to be cycled up a certain way. Yeah, it needs to drop down in in temperature
So we're in central Florida. Yeah, it did get into the 30s a couple times right
South Florida didn't really get that much
So and those dragons are out or those those animals are outside just like mine and they weren't cycled the same
I believe that played into that would it but what if that happened to me
I would have been fucked
Financial that's you know right now. I have about like 30 40 eggs in the incubator of that species
You could say 30 or 40 pairs. Oh, no, no, no, I'm not trying to crash my market. All right like other people
But uh
Damn, what was I even saying okay, so again if I didn't have those 30 eggs and they you know those third again
It's still in sure because those eggs haven't hatched yet, but they will
If something were to happen to that like that's a lot of money that I just missed out on yeah
Remember we're either way no matter who you are or what species you're working with we're going to live animals
They're not always gonna go everything we do regardless of how we think it's gonna go is all luck
It's all chance. It's all coincidence, but people who work at a normal job
They're good no matter what happens. They can depend on an actual solid check
We can't always do that. Yeah, that's a fact. I'm over here like hey Eddie
How can I do it? There's no he's like well you might lose everything. Yeah, you might lose everything
Your facility might burn down. Yeah, your animals might get a virus
There's so much we're dealing with live animals everything could happen. Yeah, it's all risk. Yeah
So would you say don't do it don't go full-time?
You know what this is the thing I think that
The difficult thing is breeding reptiles full-time. I don't think the difficult thing is
Buying selling reptiles. I think that that is a little bit more of a formula because it's like you're buying this
You know what it costs now you have to sell it for this
And if you're able to do that you just were instant repeat yeah with breeding reptiles
It's not the same thing because you are
You know just waiting for these animals. Yeah, you're waiting for the animals and again if they don't hatch in time for your
financial reasons your screwed or
Did you get to
Making the decision to go full-time was it that you got to a specific number that you were doing that you're like no
This makes sense now like I don't need the job
So I did have a job for a while and it was basically like a security blanket
I kept it for a while was an easy job
um, so again security blanket, but I was doing so well at these shows that I was doing better at that time
I was doing so well that I was just looking at my check and it was a good check
Fuck that I don't need that why am I stressing out over this and then I actually decided to go a hundred percent full-time
A few months before COVID and then when COVID happened everything shut down
I said oh fuck I fucked my entire family over who's gonna buy lizards during COVID
Everybody everyone
World's burning down and they're like we need fucking animals. Yeah, I sold out of everything. It was a good year
Yeah, but it was a it was a huge risk who would have predicted that yeah, I thought I was fucked
Yeah, so I bought my house because of COVID. Yeah, no
My my wife killed it during COVID like she's a tattoo artist and she fucking killed it
We did really well. Yeah, I haven't seen those numbers since then
But it was a good start especially for doing it is what it was it was a deceiving start because the a lot of those people who started
Or was inspired by COVID or some of them are actually kind of fucked right now. Yeah, no for sure
I'd I really remember
Selling some adults. I remember selling some like specific project animals that people are like
I'm just gonna buy a whole bunch of the ship now that it's available now that we have free money every fucking
Monster whatever and then they couldn't rinse and repeat they couldn't do the difference between us and them is we were already
Establishing what we wanted. Yeah, and then the luck came our way those people started because of what they were seeing
You know those every reptile ship was packed in boxes were flooded. I mean it was crazy
Yeah, every animal was marked up regardless of what it was for everybody
I look forward to the day. I look forward to the day and it's not that I don't like my job. I do like my job, but it's like
I kind of give myself like a lot of pressure to be to like
The the dream is always gonna be
Have my own thing
You know like when I when I like lay my my head to rest at the end of the day
Like I need to make sure that I did that
You know dramatic. Yeah
I'm about to say something more dramatic. I need to make my dad proud. Oh, okay
Get daddy issues. No, I love my dad. Oh, okay. I love my dad, but he did a lot to get here
You know, so it's more like I want to make sure that he gets to be proud of me in a good day
You know, so I'm always like what's the number that I have to be at for me to do is at the end of the day
How do I get to that number? I'm always juggling that
Low kia hopi's like nah, it's not enough
No, no, if I my I think it's about my job. I brought you to this country and you're breeding lizards
The how do I tell your family and and the problem I ain't gonna say that word
Yeah, no, I mean he's super proud of me like it's it's not that he put it's not that he puts pressure on me
You put pressure on yourself. I put pressure on myself. Hey, no matter what I do. He's proud. Yoshi. I'm proud of you
Oh my God.
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You got a bunch of anoles, you got a bunch of day geckos, how are those day geckos?
What was that?
Do you not know about these day geckos?
Oh, okay.
I am not a part of this.
I am just a guy.
I am not a part of this.
I just want you to know that.
I was not a part of that.
I was just, you know.
I know, I know.
But I will say, I was breeding, I've been breeding Felsumma for years.
So that's nothing new for me.
I actually sold.
I used to breed a shit ton of standing eye and I sold it all.
So I'm getting back into all my Felsumma's again.
Is there anything specifically that you're looking for?
Nothing too crazy.
Things that I like.
I'm not looking for crazy stuff that doesn't have common names.
And I'm just looking for things that people want to buy.
And things that I want to keep.
So you're grandest, you're standing eye.
So to breakfast that a little bit.
So once upon a time, I'm not going to go into detail.
Once upon a time, this happened two months ago, three months ago.
Once upon a time, I was supposed to have standing eye.
And then when I came to pick up my standing eye, Eddie had standing eye.
To be fair, I had standing eye beforehand already though.
No, you're going to do it.
You were established.
Yeah, I was already establishing my colony.
I mean, so as far as colony, how many are you keeping together?
So with standing eye, I've always had luck of a 1.2 up to a 1.3 without fail.
You see zero aggression between the theme.
It's usually never the males within.
It's always the food.
It's always for me.
It's always, you always got to worry about the females.
So like, grandest, I always see aggression with females to each other.
I don't really see aggression.
I don't see the male doing anything except for breeding.
But standing eye are actually pretty, they'll actually kind of protect their eggs.
Almost kind of toque-ish.
I mean, that's all based on my experience to someone.
You know, tell me I'm wrong.
But I've been breeding standing eye long enough that, yeah, they kind of,
I, that's one species that sometimes I just leave the eye again there.
And they kind of raise it up a little bit, so.
Are you, are you keeping them in screen cages?
Yeah, heavily planted screen cages.
Well, not heavily planted.
Like, well, do you have like somewhere for them to nest?
So I use that corn plant that everyone uses.
I don't know what it is.
I was going to ask you to tell me what it is.
I don't know the actual name of it.
Like the corn, mass plant, something like that.
It's a generic home deep.
It's basically like an indestructible plant.
You really have to try to kill it for it to die.
But the way the leaves are sometimes the, the flesumole egg,
they lay their eggs in between the leaves and the, and the, the stalks.
So you just take them up and take them.
So I, the first flesumole that I was breeding were the peacocks.
Um, and I had, uh, like a bot, not a boss in front, like a house front.
You know, I had that in there.
And what I was noticing is that when the, when the, some of the leaves would die,
they would just kind of like, jumble up in the, the, the potter.
And that's where they would lay the eggs.
They would lay their eggs wherever the dead leaves were.
So finding that was super fucking easy.
I've never had a flesumole like high eggs on me.
It's always dead set.
Like I opened the cake there right there.
They stick out.
And that's all so far.
That's several of the species I'd bring.
Just like that.
Now I'm up the ass with fucking peacocks.
I have like 12.
Added that turning into something else.
It went over my head completely.
I thought you did it on purpose.
No, no, no, no.
I was the ass with peacock.
We're all inclusive here.
There you go.
Um, so other than the day guy goes, um, how are the annals going?
What, what kind of annals are you working with?
So I'm working with the Alice and I, which is like I call it the poor man's poor,
it's the blue head.
It basically looks a, it looks like a green and all, but on steroids with a,
like a royal blue head and then the green body.
And that's actually that's pretty popular.
That actually funded my entire Daytona trip.
My hotel room.
And I was even vending.
I just, I was that guy with a book bag walking into Daytona and that funded my entire trip.
What the fuck, dude?
How much of these fucking annals sell for?
75 bucks.
What the hell?
But people, let me tell you, I was like a drug dealer at Daytona.
I showed up.
People wanted these animals and I was just in front of people's tables just,
75 bucks.
Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom.
And at the end of it, it paid for my entire vacation.
That's crazy.
A family of four.
I mean, the water dragons helped as well and some of the other stuff,
but I was surprised.
I thought it was going to be the other way around.
I thought it was going to be the other species, but it was when I tallied everything up.
It was pretty much Alice and I.
A little annul.
It blew my mind.
That is crazy.
My wife thought I was like flying.
She thought I was like other things.
I don't know.
Is she into the reptiles?
Not at all.
Any of your kids?
The thing is, I think they're just, because they were brought into it.
It's day one.
I've been doing this since I was a kid, so to them, it's like, oh.
That's the boring thing he does.
But then they're friends and they're like, well, it's so cool.
And they're just like, oh, whatever.
Listen, I breed thousands of frogs a year and one of my daughters is deathly afraid of frogs.
I am your daughter.
You are my daughter.
You get all emotional.
You're my daughter.
I'm proud of you.
That's great.
So, I mean, yeah, on the frogs.
But also, I will say, like, I kind of, like, when they were younger, try to push them into it.
And I think that's what made it worse.
So, I have a toddler too.
And she's actually pretty into it.
And it's because I don't, you know, I don't put her into it.
So, she's always like, what's he doing?
What's he doing?
I want to do that.
I want to find eggs.
I don't want to do that.
So, she's always around me.
Got you.
Different approach.
Completely different approach.
So, on the frogs.
How are they doing?
They're unstoppable.
They are.
I mean, right now it's fucking rainy as shit.
So, you're probably getting it.
It's a massive orgy in my backyard.
What does it sound like?
It sounds like...
It sounds like...
Picture like a war with a bunch of ducks.
It sounds like ducks.
It's like that many.
It's so loud that my neighbors one time asked me.
They're like, I have a redneck neighbor.
And he's like, Eddie, what is that damn sound in your yard?
And I was like, I don't know, man.
We had a like a forest in my backyard in the city like Bulldoze it.
And I told him, I say, hey, ever since they Bulldoze the forest,
I think all these frogs came in my property.
And they breeding.
He has no clue.
He thinks I'm just a tortoise guy.
He has no clue what I have.
That's crazy.
I doubt he's going to wash this.
Can you imagine?
God damn it.
Eddie, what the fuck?
He wanted...
No, he's nice.
Actually like him.
But yeah, they're loud as hell.
So many.
How many do you have?
So I have several hundred babies.
Oh, can't.
I thought you were going to say adults.
No, no, no, no.
No, as far as babies, we'll get to the adults.
As far as babies, I have several hundred.
I have about a thousand or so tadpoles.
And then I probably currently...
This is just me guessing I haven't checked yet.
But I probably have a couple thousand eggs right now
because of the couple days of rain.
And that all came from probably less than 30 adult frogs.
And I doubt all of them are breeding.
So it's probably a handful of them breeding.
Why do you doubt that all of them are breeding?
Because I would probably have millions.
The numbers that I'm seeing,
it just makes sense that it's a smaller amount.
Got you.
Sometimes the way I see the eggs gathered,
I could tell it came from one female.
And then since they produce...
Being that they produce so many...
Do you see any side effects?
No, no, no.
Do you see like...
How strong are the babies?
Do a lot of them die off?
No, that's the scary thing about that species.
They're almost bulletproof.
Jesus Christ.
I don't really see...
That's like my worst nightmare.
I don't really see any failure with that species.
There's small clutches of like a lizard or whatever.
And sometimes I'll see like failure to live.
I mean, I'll produce...
You've seen it online.
I've produced a couple with one eyes.
Sometimes those are the fattest, healthiest ones I have.
Like they don't care.
You could chop their legs off.
They'll still like kick ass.
They're like...
They are like the superior frog.
White street frogs.
The white street frogs, yes.
They're just so resilient.
There's almost a hundred percent hatch rate as long as you feed them.
Who lives in a fight?
White street frogs or Cuban tree frog?
Oh, that's good.
Because they're just as resilient.
They are so...
You think so?
You know what though?
Cuban tree frogs?
They're fast.
They're like...
Yeah, they're more agile.
They're very clumsy.
Man, that'd be a good one.
I'm not going to lie to you.
I'm getting...
I've been telling Yoshi that as far as a challenge goes,
it would be good content too.
You get all the ticked talks and whatever you kids do.
Get inside my frog cage.
It's eight feet long.
It's four feet...
Four feet high, you just sit down.
And I have a giant feeding platform
that I put all the insects
and then they all just come out of the woodwork.
And then just start eating and going crazy.
I'd sooner jump off or...
If you can stay there for five minutes,
I'd give you like a hundred dollars.
I'm not going to do that for a hundred dollars too.
Man, what I will.
What a bitch.
You will?
Yeah, but you're...
Are you as afraid as he is?
Well, no, he...
But white tree frogs and human tree frogs
are happening to be two of the three
that will put me in a coffin.
All right.
A hundred percent.
He said he will do it for a hundred bucks.
We're going to do it for a video.
And you're going to donate it.
You said it.
We're going to donate it to USR.
You said it.
There we go.
You did say it.
No, he wants a hundred dollars for himself.
You're going to donate it to fucking his...
What is it, the Puerto Rican Bullock?
You know what?
I like that species.
Are you broke or something?
Did you?
Is there anything that like...
You want to start working with?
Man, I'm kind of overwhelmed as it is.
But, um...
I mean, I work with a lot of different species
that we're not...
That we're not even mentioning.
Like what else?
I mean, just in general.
Like, I don't know.
I don't even know what I...
I mean, last time I was here,
Tina was telling me what I was breeding
and I was like, oh, yeah, you're right.
I do a lot of the rankings.
What else do I do?
All right.
I'm going to name them.
What are you guys doing?
I'm going to...
I'm going to...
No, I don't know.
But I'm going to name them
and tell me where I'm fucking up.
All right.
You have the rankings.
You have the bearded dragons.
Apparently, some different Loserdos
and the different Loserdos.
You have your leachies.
You have the standing eye.
You have grandis.
You have...
Wine Blues.
Wine Blues.
You have your red foots.
Did I already name it?
Did I ever say red foots?
Let me tell you.
Rareest things you'll ever see.
Alice and I.
I think that's it.
That's all I know.
What else?
Oh, I sure only water dragons.
You said it like 30 times.
Yeah, I did.
What else?
I have more things.
Oh, um...
I do the Translucin or the Pied Camelians.
Oh, really?
The cone heads...
Well, I had bad luck recently,
but the cone heads are one thing as well.
Oh, man.
I don't know.
There's a bunch of different micro geckos
and things from my own enjoyment,
where it's small enough where...
the group that I have is small enough where...
If they hatch, I keep them for myself
or there's always somebody wanting them.
You guys also got some other like annoules.
I don't know if you guys want to say what they are.
Alex, what do we got?
Alright, we're not going to say what they are.
But a lot.
Is there anything like...
It's out to you that you're like,
maybe I should start doing this.
Anything that you're like...
No, there's several species I actually regret missing out on.
Or selling.
Okay, yeah.
I remember I was offered a group of the giant Canary Island.
It's basically a Lissurda.
It's a huge animal.
It actually quacks like a duck.
Yeah, it's very interesting.
I'm blanking on the scientific name,
but the Canary Islands have their own group of Lissurda's
and they're fucking wild.
And one of them is the largest in the world.
Oh, that's what I was going to say.
I think I remember seeing like a video or something like that.
It's like a...
Like a tannish darker brown.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
And it squawks like when it's happy and stuff,
it's weird.
It's crazy.
And I was offered them...
This was like 20...
This is 2005.
Are you even boy, Eric?
Yeah, he was.
You know, he wasn't alive for 9-11.
I know, that's crazy.
I was in high school.
I was in elementary.
They shut the high school down.
I was in Florida.
But yeah, I was offered that...
I was offered that species a group of them for like a stupid price.
And now they're like nobody has them in America now.
That's crazy, dude.
I actually have like a whole list of species I've either had
or was offered and now they're just non-existent anymore.
Which sucks.
Because part of me kind of declining was like,
oh, someone would establish that.
I don't need to do that, you know.
And now they're gone.
Damn it.
Musubi geckos.
I used to do the Musubis.
Boring gecko, but they're gone.
They don't...
I don't think they exist in America anymore.
All the Europeans are doing them.
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All right.
So, in this first video, we have some guys that...
Some guy.
...putting his wood in front of a...
Some guy who hates the sword.
Like a crocodilian or something like that.
He loves racks, I hear.
This guy clearly keeps this dwarf coming in a rack.
Like, I don't understand what he's doing.
I'm going to hit play real quick.
Release it.
Yeah, the worst.
Dude, what a loser, dude.
Who the fuck is that guy?
My dog does that, so.
So, ooh.
I've got a fucking dwarf came in with me.
Damn, look at his cocky smile too.
I know, dude.
No, that's pretty cool.
All right, let's chuck.
All right, this.
I was offered those a long time ago.
Yeah, I said fuck that.
And I was stupid.
All right, so what is this?
That is a colored loser.
It has a fancerny in it, but that's basically...
How does it get that blue?
No, okay.
It's the species.
What species is it?
Dickerson's color?
Like Dick?
Are they around?
But the ones that we get here, they don't get like that, right?
Oh, okay.
Well, that shit is fucking cool.
That's like selective breeding right there to help out.
That is a lot of stuck eye caps.
Now, geckos, like this crest of gecko over here, and the leopard gecko in that video
that you're watching to the side, have something called the brill over their eyes.
They're also known as eye caps, and if the environment is not correct, for example, it's
too dry, too wet, or if the animal is sick, then they can't effectively shed, and this
shed can stuck up and cause a build up as we can see here with the eye cap.
But the veterinarian is obviously being very, very gentle in removing the eye cap.
The relief is going to be amazing, and the best way to prevent this from happening is
making sure that your husbandry is correct and up to date.
Dude, that, I don't know who that is, but I like your accent.
That video, like, I have a hard time watching that.
That's disgusting.
I mean, that doesn't go.
It's fucking disgusting.
It sucks for the animal.
I have to ask you, Eddie, why are you doing this to your crescent gecko?
Let's help this male gecko to put away his prolapse tummy pain before he dries up and
falls off.
No, I'm not joking.
Yes, that can really happen.
Have the same person.
The most important thing we noticed, a hemipin, as prolapse, is to keep the area nice and
What are you doing?
I'm going to go into a sterile tub, and I've just sprayed him down with some cool water.
This will hopefully help the inflamed area to shrink, and then he can go into his business
by biting and gently nipping and looking at the hemipin to put it away.
Would you ever try to lick your hemipin?
Maybe I have.
I don't know.
Maybe I took off my ribs and did it, I don't know.
All right, we got one.
There's no bug, I don't know.
Yeah, it's fake, though.
That's not real.
It's fake, it's fake.
You're old enough to get that.
Yeah, yeah.
It's an old man's thing.
Yeah, yeah.
Oh, that's armen.
Yeah, yeah.
I know armen.
I'm cool with armen.
Mmm, that's kidding.
No, no, I'm saying this.
I'm kidding, I'm kidding.
I thought you were showing me, like, controversial stuff.
No, no, dude.
Show me, like...
I thought you were going to show me, like, bad things.
Why did you think bad things?
You think that's the fun fact?
No, I thought this was, like, what do you think about this video?
What's your thoughts on this?
No, dude, we just look at it.
We laugh.
We talk about you licking hemipines.
All right.
And then now we get to see something cool at the end.
I accidentally hatched out an albino.
No, no, no.
I had no part in it.
But, of course, I'm going to do my absolute best to keep him healthy and alive.
He is sensitive to light, so I'm going to choose an enclosure that has lower amounts of
He still needs UV for healthy growth, but the light disinfects his vision.
I'm going to add in moss as a substrate, this whole humidity, and doesn't mold very easily.
And then we're going to add in some sticks from the climons in different areas.
And lastly, I'll add in some fake plants, just so if he wants to get away from the light
or hide more, he can use that.
Time to add him in.
And he seems to be doing okay in it so far.
You can see he is sensitive to the light, but he does have red eyes.
He is a true albino.
Some of you didn't think so.
We will see how he does.
Hopefully he thrives.
It died.
Next video.
That was the last video.
It didn't really die.
Yeah, it did.
Oh, I thought you were saying to cut it.
I was like, no, no, no.
Cut it.
Keep it in there.
So he's not the first to do that.
Several people actually have hatched albino green anoles, and none of them have survived.
What do you think?
Just because they're so, like, so diurnal?
I'm not up to date on that type of knowledge, because there's other species of anoles.
And a lot of diurnal species are albinos that do thrive.
Who knows what could have happened?
I'm not just, I can't say.
I did have a little bit of a question on the setups, actually, if you can help your boy out.
First off, what is this?
Okay, so that's like glass cylinder cups.
They actually work pretty well.
So it's got the screen mesh at the top.
It's actually very easy to maintain.
So he's got the UVB hang.
So it's basically getting over everything without going too crazy.
Okay, but.
But remember, he's a breeder, so he's not, you know, sorry, people, but he doesn't have these giant cages.
No, I'm asking because I like it.
My question is, I mean, is he, as far as, you know, like, anoles going there?
Anoles, dwarf geckos, anything small?
Would you be able to keep felsilins and something like that?
And without heat?
I mean, what's your, like, room temperature and all that?
That's the thing that I'm trying to figure out.
I had a lot of issues with the felsuma when I first started getting babies.
And I tried keeping them different ways.
The only way so far that I've been able to keep them, like, going is with both heat and UV.
But I've seen a couple people keep their felsuma without heat, just UV.
So that's made me wonder, like, do they need that?
I mean, depending on the setup and how big it is, sometimes the UV is efficient enough to warm up an area.
I know he heats up that room is heated.
So he does, he's not doing anything special as far as, like, heating the individual.
So the room itself is heated.
And the UV's putting little to, I mean, you also see the height that he's doing.
So, I mean, how hot, or how, what temperature would the room have to be for you to do something like that?
That's, I don't know for sure what he's doing there.
That's probably in the low 80s, I would say.
Because he's also, from what I understand, he's working with several species, like, you know, multiple species in one room.
Who knows from what, you know, island or what country?
So it's got to be kind of a general...
Yeah, I've been just trying to figure out, like, a much more streamlined way of keeping the baby day, the baby day.
For me, I kept him in, I kept him in small, like, the really small, rough debris with, like, the plexiglass.
I've kept him in that for, like, a lot of months, just to make sure they're doing good, they're hydrated, they're eating it.
They're eating, and then, from there, they go outside, in a big, good way, cage.
All right.
Yeah, I actually have, in those same nanos, I put a pothos in there, and I have, like, three in each cage.
That's kind of what I've been doing, but I just kind of want to keep them indoors, because I could better, like, watch them.
The thing is that my house is fucking cold.
The only, like, warm room is a snake room.
There's no fucking space in the snake room.
But I saw this, and I was like, that's obtainable.
I mean, you could probably get those at a wholesale price, too.
Those containers.
Because I also saw, like, in some of these, I'm scrolling through right now, and, like, these cages, the same thing.
Like, it's mainly UV lights.
You know, it says he has so many annals.
I'm like, oh, they don't need, like, a basking temperature or anything like that.
But okay, no, that's...
No, he has...
I mean, I'm...
Yeah, that's what I was wondering.
But I'm like, oh, they don't need that regulation kind of thing.
And I'm not trying...
I'm not saying anything bad about his care or anything like that.
That's not what I'm trying to get out.
I'm just trying to get information for me, specifically, with the Felsuma, you know, because, you know, I mean, I am offering them a basking light.
And I'm wondering, do I need to?
If I were to keep 30 in a row like that, would I be okay?
Would they get enough basking, quote unquote, heat from the source of where that UV is?
Those are just things that I'm pondering.
Honestly, if you're trying to produce a decent number, you're probably going to want to do outdoors.
I mean, in a shade...
In an area where they're not just 100 percent blasted with the sunlight.
Yeah, of course.
So my setup for outside is they're on a waterproof Bakers rack.
I actually have...
Each row has five of those nanos.
And they're turned the other way.
So their front is the back.
The actual screen.
And then where I feed them is the back, which would be the cage's front.
But they're in my screen porch where it's somewhat filtered sunlight.
Every cage is getting sunlight.
And they're getting hydrated.
Everything's, you know, planted.
So they are getting adequate, you know, light, shade, all that stuff.
If I were to do that indoors, my electricity bill would be insane.
And my wife would yell at me.
That's a good information, my dude.
I'm just trying to figure out, especially with the fell swim of these days,
it's just like, what's more streamlined?
Because now I have...
I mean, I have the same pair of peacocks.
I'm growing up a bunch of babies.
I want to raise up like four females.
I have a pair of the lined.
And then I have a male and three female granders.
And that's kind of where it's going.
Maybe one day I'll have standing eye.
Who knows?
You don't have any?
Oh, no.
Maybe when I produce them out just, you know.
I'll trade you for the cocks.
We'll give some charity.
Give us some charity.
All right, bro.
Is there anything else you want to say?
You want to tag yourself?
Eddie Soto, Superintendent Exotics.
Hell yeah.
You'll see him out of a local floor to show near you.
Thank you.
All right.