Is THIS the END of Florida Reptile Keeping? | Reptiles With Podcast S04EP37 (REPTILE PODCAST)

You know what? I will say this though. I don't like that stuff. Like with government stuff, this just shows that they don't care about people's time. For them, it's like, oh, I don't care what you have to say. I just legally have to give you this time. I've already made my decision. I mean, facts, but also like somebody- Wait, throw three fucking hours, dude! You played out the whole way up! This is not like- This podcast time! You're so disgusting. Welcome back to the Reptiles with Podcasts. How you guys doing? Right now? Hell yeah, well, you just came back from fucking Puerto Rico. I know it a few hours ago, bro. The plenty of hours I could show the two fucking bi-worms. And they're like, we doing podcasts today. I was like- Literally, this whole- I had this whole thing that I was going to say is that you guys got your way. Everybody that's complaining about Chuck, he's got fire. We sent them back to Puerto Rico. He's like, no, no, no. And then he shows up to the fucking shop today. And I'm like, well, we're recording today. You might as well fucking hang out. Yeah. How was the trip? It was fucking awesome. So I went to see family mostly, some sat-shit, you know. I did have a chance to quote-unquote, herb. My grandma lives in a mountain. And like, the woods I went into, like, nobody lives in those areas. So it's just like, no man's land out there. Yeah. And I found Puerto Rican racers. I found Tarantulas. I found Coquifroggs. And the coolest thing, this guy told me what the fucking was, because I just posted it and I just left it there. It's called a velvet worm, dude. It's like, it's own fucking thing. It's not a fucking worm, but it's not exactly what it is. It's not exactly an insect or some shit. It's not an insect. It's own thing. It's its own thing, somewhere in between all those things. Ancient, older than the dinosaurs. It's fucking, it looks like a fucking, what is that? You know what it looks like. The things that I want to throw in when it's wet. Like millipedes? No, not millipedes. No, the other thing. God, slugs. Like, slugs. It looks like a slug. So I look at it, I'm like, oh, shit, a slug. And then I see feet. And I'm like, what the fuck is this? And their feet move really weird. They move like this. And I picked it up. I picked it up. And I'm like, oh, shit, this is cool. And then crazy thing. I found two. I found this more. And there's a baby on top of one. I'm like, what the fuck? And then I recorded it. I was like, OK, slugs with feet. Ha ha, cool. Found the racers took pictures of them, videos. Very cool videos. And then after that, I posted a slug thing. And then this guy text me, oh, it's a velvet worm, I think. I Google it. They live in groups. And if another one from another group comes in, they jump on. And they dance. Bro, they get gangs. Literally, bro. They shoot this slime against their prey items. And they eat other animals, other insects and stuff. They eat them. And then after that, they take care of their own. Like their parents, they're the babies that are there. They're probably in British hell. But at least their father is still there. But like me and Tino, their father's are there. And those are actual worms. Those are fucking worms. Like my father is less than a worm. That is good. What's crazy is that because you saw them in PR. And I was like, wait a minute. They aren't from there. And then I'm like, oh, no, they're all over. They're found all over the world. There's not North America. They're like tropical areas. Yeah, in the tropics. In the Caribbean, southern Mexico, I think it was. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Born in my Sumatra. Yeah, it's so cool. It's a bunch of species. But then when you look into the specific species, there is nothing. No, there's no information on it. There is nothing. It's so cool. So now I've got to go back and be assigned to Israel. It sucks because there's no like. Tino, it doesn't suck. We can be them. No, but where are we going to funding? Who's going to fund us going over there and recording? Bro, science. Listen, why does somebody got to fund us? Let's go for fun and do it. I don't know about you. I'm poor. Bro, save some money. We stay on my ground. You literally volunteer. This is like a different kind of volunteering. Yeah. No, but I can't work. You see, we stay on my grandma's house and we be chilling. By the way, one of my cousins, bro. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. This bitch is stupid, bro. Oh, okay. This bitch is stupid. See, listen, she's in the US, like working and making money. And then over here, that money is shit. Like the money I'm making. Yeah, yeah. It's pretty much not shit. I go over here. My plan C was always to just take as much money as I could in the US, go to another country and just take English, Claire. And then you'll be like, all right, we good. Bro, literally Puerto Rico, I asked everybody pain right out there. 400, 500, 600 for nice houses. I'm like, fuck all of you, bro. If I go, my cousin works online, she doesn't have to be there. I'm like, bitch, you better stay here and not go back. Like, if I'm, I'll be studying fucking Bevelow worms right now. Fire. That ass. Fire. So cool. Okay. Well, let that out. Listen, the fish and wildlife meeting just passed. Wait, wait, wait. I got one more thing that can lead into that. Okay. He's got another thing. Okay. They can lead into that. All right. Invasive species, dude. You didn't find anything? Or you did? Bro, bro, bro, bro, but like the petroid there is different. So here is reptiles. Everybody like reptiles are big thing in Florida. Over there is a bird. Girl. I can't keep reptiles. Only like specific people can keep reptiles. No, not anymore. They can keep now. That's why the retics are there. They got the berms. They got berms. I sent you out the, the, the buying on berms they found in the wild. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. They could never be found in the wild though. A, a, a, a, a, a, a, a berm in the wild. But, and then retics too. Like more than shit. Found. Fuck y'all. You didn't find any beer? What? Retics. No, I didn't go out to the area to look for them. But I saw tons of birds, bro. Macaws. Quakers. Some of the type of parakeet. You know what kind of macaws? Pagens, blue and gold. Okay. There's some weird pigeon, Australian pigeons. There is parakeets. This is a bird from Africa. It's like a finch this big and the tail is this long. Oh, that's cool. Yeah. It's cool as fuck, bro. I took pictures of like, well, I, I, Google pictures after I saw them because they were in that clothes and it's like, you can see the effects that those things have in the environment, you know? Really? Bro. It's fuck. Because in the, there's a parrot. It's a, it's a, that's a Puerto Rican parrot and it has no habitat, habitat destruction is one. And everybody's like, oh yeah, it's all destruction, all destruction. So then within the habitat, now you have macaws, quakers and other parakeets fighting for that habitat and that's, the parrot. I mean, the macaw wins. Yeah, the macaw fucking wins anytime. So let me see, let me see, let me see. This is the one pigeon. Oh, wow, dude. Yeah. That's fucking cool. Yeah. It's just got a Mohawk. Yeah. It's, it's cool. I can't even lie about it, bro. This is the bird with the long tail. Wow. That's cool. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I put a vegan parrot. Nice. Yeah. It's like an Amazon. Yeah. It's a type of Amazon. They have their own broad winged hawk. I think it is. They have their own owl, whole bunch of, this is an endemic pigeon Puerto Rico. Wow, dude. Yeah. I didn't know about that. You gotta send me these pictures so I can put them on the thing. I will. I like these little, I forgot they all. Oh yeah. Yeah. I don't know what the fuck it is. That's so cool. It looks like a crow with an extra. A huge beak. Like a, like a, like a tight hat. Yeah. It's like a tall beak. You know, it reminds you of, it reminds you of the, the, the, the. Terrobirds. Well, when we went out. The face of the terror. That time, no, not this bro. When you see the ship flying, you see that. They're brought us tons of hummingbirds and shit, but you know, like, you see the effects of a Puerto Rican owl. Did you take these photos? No. Okay. I was like, yeah, dude. These things are fine. I was googling shit just cause I would be like, okay, what's endemic here? Let me see what I can find. Yeah. And I found so much. The, the, the, the invasives. They are mostly birds because that's what the pet trade wants. And you go to all the pet stores is like full of the birds that they try to catch outside. I got videos of Macau's actually one of our listeners. She sent them to me. She's like, Oh, I love seeing the parrots. And I'm like, Oh, here we go. Let's see what parrots they are. Macau's. Yeah. Blue gals. Macau's. That one went above. Macau's like groups of them, bro. And then like, yeah, we have them down in Miami also. Yeah. It's like, that's what we do within the pet trade that I don't like that. Got you. And in Puerto Rico is worse in here because it's such a small place with endemic animals that if they die, like that's it. Yeah. Do you think if you required people to keep like, obviously this is because people release pets. Do you think if like laws or the government required people to keep the animals that they purchased, right? That people would use that. Yeah. Absolutely. But also the air like the caging. I mean, here too, there's no caging requirement. Yeah, if it's in proper caging or whatever. Yeah. Yeah. They can get out on their own. Yeah. Here, there's no no proper caging requirement, but it's a little bit better. It's still garbage for the animal, but it's more secure. But I'm saying when people like if they really didn't want the animal, they had no recourse because the government can track whether or not they let it go. Yeah. If they kill them, like you think people would just kill their animals? Probably. That's a dog. That's their. They're out of all places. They need them. Probably. Probably, bro. Probably. I had people argue with me like, oh, we should be eating sea turtles because they do it in other places. And I'm like, what the fuck is going on? Yeah. What do you mean, bro? You got to control the numbers of the sea turtles. Stop, bro. Stop. The turtle guy said I'm just slipping that part and I'm exposing your bitch. You and you as arc going out to kill turtles. I sent you guys a video where like I literally saw people like getting little deli cups and scooping out sea turtles out of the abandoned guy hat on the side of the road. And I was like, what is he doing? And then I was like, no, he didn't, they walk you to the beach and you let it go. I like passing through. Yeah. They're like, they're also being in the first half. They put up birds. They put up birds on the side of the road and the bird is on it. And that's how you're just seeing. So it's like fucked. Yeah. It's fucked. Yeah. It needs laws. Yeah. Needs FWC. Nice. FWC. Right. So look, I got fucking notes for the people that are watching this look. Good shape. I don't know if Eric noticed because what's up? Evidence. High five. The notes. Yeah. So when we were going through the, through the meeting, you know, I, you know, anything that stuck out to me, like I'd literally be listening and just typing, typing, typing, typing, who, who went? What do you mean? Who went? This guy and Eric. Oh, you too? Yeah. Nice. Very nice. I took him around Miami and he had a great time. Yeah. He gave good food. Good fucking. What the prostitutes, bro? He didn't see one. He didn't see one. I told him I would not go, but I would take him. Okay. Okay. Look at him. Look at him. I'm going to be quiet over here. All right. So in the meeting of the big thing was, obviously, whether or not this whitelist thing was going to happen, right? Yeah. Yeah. Mind you. I mean, you guys saw it. I saw it. Yeah. I don't know if things turned out the way that we would have wanted it to, but I'm going to hit something. I'm not going to lie. Okay. So I wasn't able to go because I was working. But I was like, oh man, I'm going to see it. I'm definitely going to at least watch it. But then when they didn't happen, I was like, I guess I'm glad I didn't go because they were running push to the vote. And what I was telling Eric that in like, it did kind of suck that the first thing this dude says is, oh, we're not going to decide this today because obviously Eric and I drove four hours, but that was known though. Yeah, but you knew that. No, I was hoping that it would have. No, because they could have. You know that it's a meaning to talk about it. It's not a place to make the wall. Yeah. That's how it goes. It just was really like pushed like you were going to figure something out. You were sorry, bro. So now Eric and I drive or rather Eric drives. I accompany him three to four hours down south. That's in your princess. I am the passenger princess. And you know, the first thing we hear is like, hey, we're not going to, we're not going to like decide today because we have a new guy that's coming into the, to the situation, right? It was disappointing, but throughout the whole thing, just to be able to be a part of it. And specifically for what it is that we're doing here, it was nice to be there to be able to take the information for myself and then also be a part of the community. Get to see a lot of my friends, people that I know get to talk shit for a little bit. We actually ended up going to Tiki's place on the way up, which was cool. And no, no, no, it was quick. They were tired. Yeah, they were tired. I was like, oh, we'll be quick. And it was just nice to be a part of the community. It really was not a thing about I support this person or I support that person. It was just about, no, no, I'm here for community. It's not about you, me, them community. But that was the first note that I made is like, the first thing they did was make up their mind, say that this thing wasn't going to happen. You say it was known that the... Yeah, that's known. If you watch, like the thing is everybody within the community knows about these things because they look at what USR is posting. And their head, mind you, USR is not saying, yo, they're going to tell us, but the way they portray things is very like, you need to show up and how do you get people to show up. This is your last chance, type of thing. That vibe that they give out and then you get there and then it's like misleading. It could. No, it cannot. Those meetings are not for that. They've done it before. Those meetings have been the exact same. Yeah, but they meeting will be named after that. There were so many things they had on topic on. Yeah. That wasn't the only thing. They did that for everything. No, all the commission meetings are like that. No, no, no, no. They vote on them. So whenever they're going to go for the thing, you know they're going for the thing. This was, they did the tag meeting first. Then they do this from the beginning. That's where I already knew. I already knew they were going to do that. Or not the last one, but the one where they changed the one concerning violations. No, the one concerning violations on the class, the affirmative. They were, they were, they had several, um, point of businesses before. The one right before was about certain types of weapons that can be used to hunt to alligators. And they voted for right there. And they voted for right there. I never thought they were going to make that decision that day. That's not what I thought from the beginning, bro. One day it's going to happen. Some day is going to be the day. Oh, for sure. Some days going to be the day. But I thought that is not, yeah, but it was pushed as is just like, yo, we're going to talk about all this bullshit. If you care about any of these topics show up, I legitimately thought, but I mean, the way that he even said it was like, oh, like we were going to be answering this today, but we have somebody new in office that's willing to work with whatever. And that was another thing. And that broke. That's the biggest save the community got that guy. Yeah. Assuming that that guy is going to be any different. Yeah, that's a little bit of hope. There is something before there was that all at least there's time. It's funny because we were watching the, we were watching the live stream and conception and I really looked at each other and we're like, well, we both still have our jobs. Yeah. So now I have here something that they specifically said in the FWC said in the meeting is that they are worried about like new populations of animals in Florida. They are not trying to shut down the industry. That was kind of like the gist of it where this new guy seems like they like he wants to be able to work with the community. They want to know what kind of like what animals to bend. The last person that spoke that day was a fish person and named something and named three types of fish. And then burretta was like, you see, this is what I want. Mind you, nobody in the fucking reptile community. Well, because they don't want any animals banned. USR, the right to keep reptiles that don't shut down the mentality is like, no, I have the right to these animals no matter what happens to the environment. And then with that sentence, USR uses it a lot and like, oh, they're not trying to destroy business. Well, that's what they're doing. That sentence is more of an attack than you think. Because it's like we're not trying to end businesses. We're trying to save the ecosystem. So if the businesses are in the middle of saving the ecosystem, what happens? They're going to run them over. Fuck the business. Yeah. So that's what that sentence means. That sentence doesn't mean nobody's going to lose business. That sentence means we're trying to get this done. If you're on the way, fuck you. Which is the scary part, right? Yeah. Now, something that did stick out to me throughout the meeting, I have here a note of self-governing or lack of governing slash staff to keep up with what is in the pet trade. When we do our permits, did you do yours already? No, no. So when I have to go apply for my permit, you did yours. What did you do? You gave them money and you listed the species. Yeah. Quantities? Yes. Okay. Specific or did you just say Crocodilians? It has to be specific. Yeah, exactly. So they should, by their standards, have every single animal in the state. And whenever things are coming into Florida, that is considered an import, right? Get those imports, whenever you bring something in, technically you are supposed to request for a permit, which honestly you just send them a list like, hey, this is what is coming in. They can either approve or deny. The only exception is when you drive in with something. But then you're supposed to go through like a department. Yeah. There's like an agriculture thing like, hey, you got to pass through here, right? Take it for it to get quote unquote inspected. Mind you, not everybody does the import permit thing, right? But a lot of companies do therefore they're, I don't know when the class, the ESC permits, whatever the fuck they're called, the wildlife permits, when they started, but throughout all these years, they should have some kind of list of what's going on. And then, but that means they're not keeping them. They're not keeping track. I don't think they're not. Because their thing, their whole thing was what you should do with those things, right? So the way I see it without organization is they've been having, okay, you put your papers and you put my paper on papers and you put your papers in. They have those documents. They do have them. Yeah. What they don't have is a list. They didn't. Exactly. All of us input it in a second. Yeah, but that is not an us problem. That is a thing. Yeah. And then, yeah, they can do it. I said that. But no, no, but before, no, in the beginning, he was saying, oh, I thought there was only 3000. Now you're telling me that there's probably 20,000 species in the trade. How are we supposed to know whatever? And then somebody finally says, we send you this information. Yes. Why don't you have this information? And then they're like, well, now we have to compile this information. Why were you as the organization that's supposed to be governing us, not keeping track of things? I also pointed out, because I was listening. He was pointing out he was pointing out. He's a little bit of a bitch because I would have called him on how it is. Yeah. He took out all the current officers. He was like, it's not an attack on you guys on the officers. He said that hasn't been kept track of. Like no, he was before he was in office. That there was no track of that because it wasn't a problem. Because it wasn't a problem. So now he wants track of that, but he's the leader now. He wasn't a leader the whole time. He can blame him for that. No, I don't blame him. I blame the organization. Oh, for sure. And that's what he wants to fix. It's not even necessarily like we can blame them for like not having done it. But for them to say we don't know what's now like, but you have it, you can easily acquire that information. Mind you, mind you, you have to blame them because they should have been taking the precautions to do it. And you can be a who. Then who? FWC. The government. But who as a he's trying to fix the organization. No, the organization. No, the organization. But that doesn't mean that you can't be upset, especially because the people that comply. Yeah, I don't know. You can be absolutely upset. You just got to know who to be upset about. Yeah. But for them to say, oh, we don't have any kind of idea what's in the pet trade in Florida is some kind of bullshit. Mind you, they might not know 100% because some get in the basically they don't know. There are bad seeds and of course, little by little things like that. But we all put our permits in. Yes. We all send animals, even things that come in through other countries go through customs and we have a list of everything that comes in. If it's done legally, they should have information. Absolutely. And the fact that they have information, well, they don't have it as a comparison. They just haven't done it for the organization. And that makes you question like, is there a staffing issue? And that's kind of what I gather. I think that there is a staffing issue. Maybe they didn't realize it. Maybe my buddy, when the individual said that, they were like, oh shit, we do. Yeah. And I know that you guys might not agree with me. And that's why I think it is important. I disagree. You're so dumb. And for there to be, mind you, it could still fall in FWC in like that thing. But there should be a section in FWC that specifically handles. They might do that. Bro, what do you think happened now? That might happen now. When he was talking, he was trying to push for that. That might be a new thing. That's what he's asking. You're always the list. There's no list. What the fuck have we been doing? Let's make a list. Yes. But that's what I'm saying. There needs to be a section in FWC that specifically handles pet trade stuff. If that's going to be the organization to govern us, they need to have a handle on that. I didn't know if you made this a designation or a note. But I did take note of this. Barreto made a distinction between class three animals and pet permitted animals. I did. I did. I did keep a note of that. We're not trying to take your pets away. Look right here. I know that guy had a class three permit. Those weren't pets. I have literally right here. I have a commerce versus pet permits. And I'm going to... There is a distinction. You have a right to your pets. You don't have a right to your class. We'll even like touch base on it again. There's nothing better than the smell of coffee in the morning. There's also nothing better than the smell of reptiles in the morning. Psych. Reptiles with coffee. That's the smell you want. The strongest coffee. We have it for you. Head on over to the description or go to and use the code reptiles with to get your reptiles with coffee today. The malicious or accidental mass event slash one off animal escapes or releases do not cause invasive species problems. That's something that somebody said. They're like, oh, Jimmy's ball python that gets out is not going to cause invasive. Because my whole... Yeah. That's literally evidence. That was my whole argument. It's like one person releasing a blue thing that says it's not causing an invasive. You have to have a... It's multiple people or... You're the same person. One person releasing a bunch. But I would even say it's closer to that. It's like... And in the right area. Somebody's facility. Got one better. Let's say you're a daygiggle breeder. You have them all outside. Oh shit, one escaped. Let's put another one. Oh shit, another one escaped over there. Let's put another one. Oh shit. Yeah. That's what it is. Yeah. And it happens all the time. And if the temperatures meet year round for them, yeah. Of course you can get a population whether or not it spreads or it doesn't, whatever. So that is the pet trade. No, no, no, no. I'm not saying it's not. I'm not saying it's not. But to say like we have to govern like random individuals with pets. You have to govern everybody at the same time as the problem. Right, but to like say oh like everybody's the problem when it's not like there's individuals or situation. How do you point them out? Do you point them out? You have to register the animals. You have to register the animals. As soon as you say hey I have three ball pythons and they come to your house and you don't have three ball pythons. You think you think you think you would start once that? No, of course they don't want that. Yeah, they don't want that. And then you get into the thing about commerce and pet permits. I didn't know there was a difference. No there is. The new guy that's the director of P P touching. The corona of the video. What the fuck is it? He touches FWC's P P's. That's what we understand. All right. Allegedly. Allegedly. Whatever. So he I guess came up to speak and apparently you're not supposed to do that I guess if it's not part of the agenda like you're not supposed to do it. So the fact that he did that was against what you're supposed to do as far as the rules go. I don't know. I don't make the fucking rules. People were upset about it. I don't know. It's not against. It's not with the rule. Who was mad? Some people in the Red Talk community. Government people with sticks up their ass. No people with the Red Talk community were upset. With sticks up their ass. Yeah. Like what? So you want to hear the guy the new guy that might save you dude. Like what are you talking about? So they were talking about the Chris Coffey thing. Pretty much. Right? Yeah. And he like made a point that he's like oh they were not pets. They were in the yeah in the commerce permit like the classroom but then like nobody can. Okay I have a class three license. Yes. Okay. Aloe my rhino gona that's my pet. Is she under your class department? She would be because you have to label all the species of exotic animals that is for sale and exhibition or that you keep well I take videos of her that's exhibition. No no. If I want to travel with her period if I want to take her to do that. That's a division. Yeah you can do that with a permit. You can do that with a permit. A peppermint. Yep with a permit. Okay okay well regardless like let's say I put her in my class three. Okay. And then I have to apply for something else. Right. Then she's not my pet anymore. No. Legally no. There's this. If it's burrito made that distinction. I didn't know there was a pet permit. There's two class three. There's one for exhibition and all the other bullshit and there's one class three to just keep. If you have that class three you cannot sell. Yeah. Okay. That just means you have an animal on the right. You're gonna meet yourself Eric Eric you could hear actually has a pet permit. Yes. I was gonna say that's pretty much what I have for the diamond back and it's literally like. It's pretty much like the base model of the. Yep. It has to do everything that you would have done on the. Yeah. I have. Yeah. I will say but you can you exhibit it with the peppermint or no. I don't say anything about. No but that is. But not. That is a little bit. That is a little bit different because that is a specific permit for. No that's all class three are. For the diamond back. Yes. But you have to have that. It's a pet permit is what it says. Yeah. Okay. Like the peppermint can be for any specific one. You can do that for a leopard get go bro. Yeah. The class and then class two same thing. Each class has that. Well except class one because class one you have to exhibit. You kind of just have to have so class two. Let's say a venomous permit you can have a venomous permit that doesn't mean you can exhibit. Yeah. That's your pet. Then you have to get the class two to exhibit. Yeah. It depends what you want to do with the animal. Okay. So. It changes. Also how you keep the animal. Yeah. Which for me. Yeah. I'm not sure about the. The fiction because you think that your class three animals aren't necessarily like assets or parts of your business. But because he made that distinct. And you can have both. That distinct. And you can have both. Yeah. Yeah. Of course. Yeah. But I'm like I mean I'm being honest with you. I feel like at certain points it's kind of like grasping at straws to kind of save their ass. I mean mind you it's an organization. That's what they literally need to do. You are saying does the same thing. They're both. It's part of it's part of the politics of the thing. They have to protect their ass. I mean they're going to say whatever you think about it. Let's say you're not that I agree or disagree. You're a business that's doing things illegally right. The government or the banks or whatever can come and seize your assets. Okay. If something happens with your class three and under the law those are determined as assets. They can seize them. These are the. Okay. Permits. So class three they're all class three. Yeah. All of them class three. So what do you want to do with the animal in class three? Yeah. Exhibition. Uh huh. Seal. Personal pet. Importation. Foc and rehab. Mm hmm. There's all class three different versions of the class three you can apply for. Interesting. And that's like look at that. I just wanted my phone and looked at that information. Yeah. There's my problem with a lot of the problems going on here that people don't use the power of the phone or like computer like you can find that information. I just want to my phone and got that information. Why are they arguing that way? Let me go on their page and check this out. Oh shit. This shit is separated into different shit. Yeah. Yeah. And mind you obviously this is not to protect FWC. We all agree that. No. I just think that was something important. Yeah. No for sure. For sure. You know where it's like oh it doesn't count. You can go up there. If you go up there which a lot of people in the comments are still doing like fighting with emotion you're going to lose because all that information has been right here the entire time. That's how I argue. I argue a lot and I'm not on either side because the information has been here and I've looked at it and I go oh shit they're fucking up because this says it right here. I have a question. Now because the distinctions mean are you going to get a pet permit for your animals? You don't have to. You don't have to but if that's the way to protect the animals that you have because if they were just under Class 3 they are not protected when you get a pet permit. I mean I'm going to get permits for all my stuff. Yeah. Me personally I am because you know what I'm starting. I am getting those permits. At first I was like oh it's bestiality. When I heard that I was like I should get a Class 3 in case I ever do want to exhibit but I will definitely be getting pet permits for all of them. Yeah. And even if you don't have the permit you can still get Grandfather Daniel. And so they give you the permit. Of course. Yeah. It is what it is. Interesting I didn't know that. Other than that is there anything else from what he said about the Chris Coffee situation that stuck out to you? I didn't I wasn't I only watched the beginning part when they were determined like the public comments and whether or not they were going to vote. I didn't stay till the end to see open for public comments. I watched too much. To see like how many people would talk about that. I watched too much. I got one. I listen I like the way some things like the way you were started something. So you're sorry like the actual you're sorry the guy. Weakest fuck. Daniel. Yeah two sentences weak as fuck but there was no because they're part of a huge organization they could have had a lot more to speak. Daniel did Daniel spoke his shit. Phil God's did not. There was like what is it called what they call them like a resident fuck like a regular motherfucker went up there and had better points. A civilian. Yeah a civilian. No it has concerns. Yeah concerns citizen that's what they call them on the on the thing when you watch it. Oh really? Yeah that's what they call them. So there was some of those that had better input than Phil God's but Phil God's is also you a sorry he probably was a yell let me let Daniel have his shit because they also said don't repeat yourself too fucking much don't waste your fucking time with us. So before that they did so there was different talks or what they was that talk. Thursday. Thursday. So 10th. Wednesday. Wednesday they had a whole agenda of things that we're going to talk about. Daniel from USARC gets up there to talk about the terrapins and the traps. Okay. They're getting drowned. Yeah yeah. Right. Bro I'm in talk your shit bro if that's what you want to talk for. Talk your shit. He's like yeah I see says something like like he cared that like he understood and appreciated that they cared so much about like animals and how they're dying and euthanasia and whatever and then he switched the fucking subject. Really. Two. The Boas. Coffee. And they in the beginning of the of when he started they tell him yo we're talking about that tomorrow and he keeps going they're like we're going to talk about that tomorrow. He keeps going we're going to talk about that tomorrow you're gone. Then he goes where the fuck edits their shit edit it out the parts where they're telling him we're going to talk about it tomorrow and they just posted his part talking and when they're trying to cut him off. I saw that part. I saw the part where he said hey we're going to talk about this. I'm not going to let you go have to see any of this. In the comments everybody said all the didn't let him talk because he's talking facts. No because they were going to talk about that shit tomorrow. Yeah. I didn't like that. I didn't like that. He took advantage of another subject. Yeah. Of people that cared about a specific situation and he took their fucking time to make it about you. You know what I will say this though. I think I like that. Like with government with government stuff this just shows that they don't care about people's time. What do you mean? Like for them it's like oh I don't care what you have to say I just legally have to give you this time. I've already made my decision. You're wasting my time. I don't really give a shit about what you're saying. I mean facts but also like some. We drove three fucking hours dude. You played out on who I am. This is like if there's an agenda there's a list of it. No and I agree. I agree a fucking percent. I agree a fucking percent. Professional that you're supposed to be. Yeah. You give that time to those people that care about the fucking turtles. Of course. Of course. They're talking about some other fucking topic. Oh because both have animals that died. No there's a subject for each. The other one was the next day. Just wait motherfucker. Why are you there taking other people's time bro. I did not respect that. That shit. So you did like what he was saying about the Terpents and then you're like oh no no no no no no. Because you said that you like something the next day. When he spoke the next day I was like okay you could have said that you could have waited a whole day to say this shit. Like you know but the day before he had me pissed with that shit. Like don't take advantage of a whole other topic. Take time from other people that could have defended their point on a whole different issue for your fucking own issues. That's disrespectful. Fuck an unprofessional. Got you. That's fucked up. When he spoke the next day and he had time to fucking speak then yes you had the time to speak. When he questioned them whether they were going to stop euthanizing which they never said that he said that they did. Wait I have that's like the next day. Okay yeah. I won't say it but that part I was okay question yes you're doing good. Question them on things. Push for that I'm in but the day before he had me fucking heated bro you don't do that shit. Yeah go go. Barreto also emphasized that he was like yeah because some people said that coffee did not ask for them to euthanize this thing that's why they did because otherwise they usually don't. A lot of people are like why did they do this they usually don't and they say after we see part I was saying we're saying coffee said this and then Barreto confirmed well he's also after we see what he was like yeah hey he asked us to come euthanize. Yeah but it was more of a situation like yo like this the property belongs to you you're not feeding these things these things are just here. If they stay here long enough I can get arrested I'm gonna get charged with shit. He was charged regardless. Yeah. He was charged and they made him keep his animals for a 14 month. That's the problem with coffee is like he was already charged. Yeah. They say like oh you know what's not the problem with coffee. The rep tells with coffee. You're a bit. Look at you taking time from other people. So like he was already charged. He's been charged. Yeah. The euthanization happened way after he was already charged. Yeah. You cannot take charges away after you're being charged unless you go to fucking court. Yeah. Right. The euthanization happened way after. It was not to not be charged because he's charged anyways. He's been charged. That's not he did not do it to avoid being charged. Yeah. He is charged. Yeah. The end of story. After the charge he was probably like why am I even feeling these animals. Exactly. It doesn't matter why it's still here. Please come and just kill him. Exactly. And not even that. He probably let's say he didn't know that we're getting euthanized them which will be stupid you should have known because now they're illegal. That's another thing. I mean after we see says that he asked. Yeah. But that's not the truth. He can say hey no there's no way. Fucking take them do whatever you want euthanized them whatever. All right. That's what you want. Just get them out of my place. I think we kind of fucking shelf this Chris coffee shit until the next thing comes out. Because it's just like I'm not going to lie it's kind of redundant at this point. It's just the same shit. Yeah. It's the same shit. Once the things get but once he starts doing the suits and stuff like that I'm sure more like informational. I don't think there's anything brand new coming out about it. It's not. Yeah. But the thing that they did say the new executive director of Fish and Wildlife whatever the fuck it is. He did say that they are they are putting a halt on euthanizing animals because of the lack of training. I mean they they did admit that like what happened you know it was a fuck up. They're acknowledging it. They're working on it. I don't think that it counts the same for like like wildlife kind of things. It's more like in the captive bread thing. They're not going to be euthanizing in this manner. Which that is us. That is a small win. Yeah. Small but that's probably going to happen the same thing people are going to have to let say somebody gets caught with something they're probably going to have to keep it and be FWC's property. Which is what they do. Yeah. They did that. Yeah. Yeah. Which the problem with that as well is like people are like oh you could have rehomed them no there's a deadline and once it becomes illegal it's even legal. No you can't. After we see. No no no no it's even legal for them to do so. No they've done it before. They have to go through a whole different whole bunch of loops to get some 30 something snakes out they don't have to do that. No. No I'm saying they have to. I'm saying they've done it before. If it's one thing yes 30 something no. They can do it. No absolutely not. They can. They can. You don't have to. They're asking for too much for an organization for somebody's fuck up. That is the person who's who made that fuck up. That's on you. What's his responsibility? Yeah that's the person's responsibility. But they also have they don't have to euthanize the animals. That's not a requirement. Why not? Why are they gonna send it to? What zoo once 30 something we take go ahead go ahead. Why are they less than 14 months? I would say probably one in Miami that we don't know the name of and then a hurricane has to pass by. I mean because I mean I got some motherfuckers right here. I was roasting in my head. I was roasting bro. Yeah keep going. Yeah no no okay let's let's I have I have something else here to say on the small victory thing that I said earlier. It is a small victory but I feel like it was like beaten down to a compromise right that the fact is that nothing happened. Yeah we're considering it a victory because the white list is still up in the air. They kind of seem like they're leaning towards like let's have this white list and then assess as there's a problem. That guy might save it. And then some people that's the thing some people still want the blacklist you know but that we want is that what we want a blacklist no but like I don't give a fuck you don't care. What about the environment zone rules huh you wouldn't want a whitelist for the environment. Bro listen whatever works works I don't know I don't have the answer for what. Apparently according to data that I don't have so I'm at the expert. Apparently some evidence apparently whitelits don't work that's what everybody was saying this is word vomit at this point. Yeah whitelist apparently. And then with some people I respect up there as well saying the same thing. Yeah some people were saying they're shit. Yeah yeah for sure but I don't I don't know what the answer would be something has to be done though so I know something has to be done I just don't know what that is. So the one of the last notes that I have here is can you as our Florida make public approach when the community makes their errors. Because that is throughout this process as I was there and I did shake hands with Daniel I said hi to him there was you know no no problem man I mean we fucking do what we do here. That's how it should and you know the same thing with other people in the community we're all there but you know we in the community we know that there are bad actors. How do we take action on those people is it is it. I mean is it should I mean span new to for what you are least for what you are sorry Florida is does it make sense for an organization like that to they would lose so many people. Yeah but and that's hard because but don't you think that like specifically for people like like us and mind you we are not the whole rep talk community but like I would like to know like hey like we don't align with this person's values these are our values. Let's say I have a bunch of apples right and then they all have the right the garden. They all have the right to be apples. Jimmy has two apples. No you ate one. You got apples they all have the right to be apples that's what they all believe you know that's why they group together right one of them right is a bad apple they start to rot okay then because they're rotting they start to spread their rot to the other apples because that's how fruit work. The rot spreads and then all of a sudden the ones that are on the outskirts the red apples that are the good apples are like hey if we don't stop this. We're gonna die just like the rotting apple. I'm not gonna lie to you that was dope and so no he set that shit and I was like yo do you know how it's faxed. And so the people with the that are still not rotting they're like we need to get rid of the rotten apples the bad apples but they're already because they're rotting the rest of us. It's the same thing USR should be getting rid of the bad actors because they're making USR Florida. USR should get rid of USR and call out. Yeah the entire entire United States. Yeah the people that think it's their right to keep reptiles ought to be calling out the people that are doing fuckship because they're gonna take your right to the day. There's people think and they might get scared of that because they're like if I fuck up I'm gonna get called out. It's like no no no don't fuck up. You're allowed to make your mistakes but the problem is that your mistake. Some people make the mistakes on purpose so it's not a mistake. They make the mistakes on purpose and some people make the same mistakes often. And so you start to question was that a mistake or was this negligence. And I think that there are specific people that have high statue in this community that just get a pass. Yep and some of them are right there talking in front of the mic. So it is some of the things are questionable and where I do have respect for the people that came before me and the industry that they built where I get to reap rewards from. How do we move forward with a positive view because I feel that if we don't put light to the things that are bad then those things will just continue to happen. And then as all these things that are positive these things that are happening are positive what you're saying is that that rotten apple still in there even though we keep adding new apples. It's gonna rock the rest of them. It's gonna rock the rest of them. So we got to start poking out these the rotten apples. I love that. I love that so much. I never heard that before in my fucking life dude. Yeah I agree. That's the way it should and I've been saying that for a long time and nobody listens bro. Why? Because how do you do it? Sometimes, no but people would say oh cancel culture. Not even not. You can say hey don't buy from this person. Don't support this company. Not even that though some of them are friends with those people some of them benefit economically from those people including USARC. But USARC is not gonna do that because then money stops going to the pocket. But you can be friends. It's not a thing about I don't think it's a thing about being friends with these people. It's about especially for an organization that is supposed to be publicly specifically helping our rights to keep quote unquote reptiles right. But it's about like an organization like that being like publicly like hey we align ourselves with this. We do not align ourselves with this because we represent clean keeping. We represent positive experience through the pet trade. We represent the breeders that do positive things and they can do that and also say we don't. We don't represent that guy but it's more like these kinds of things that happen. They do say that but that's not enough bro. Who does that stop? What you need or you need is a separate coalition right a separate organization KFC. I'm gonna say to that protects. Get rid of those members that can protect its members and say hey like it's the same as with AZA with the big cats. It's like hey the AZA people the people that the AZA represents or is a part of their member organization are not the people doing this. That's a good one. You can separate AZA versus not AZA. If you want to support us head on over to or in the description where you can find our merch and the best part is is that a percent of the proceeds from the merch gets donated to conservation. One more time that's or head on over to the description. But then what do we what do we do what's the solution? How do we how do we separate good apples from the bad? Listen to me it's game over. This is a pair over here. He's the man is a pair. He's like I started a new book. I was never an apple. I'm outside. I'm on the I'm on the stone the step. Listen I'm not in a group for me is game over because of shit like that. It's game over. That's the only organization you know I know where I came from. I think it'll go a long way. I think it'll go a long way if instead of promoting some of like the older people that might have done some sketchy things and not that I'm with or against whoever the fuck. But it's more about like hey look at this new person that's doing it the right way. Let's promote this and even though this gives us a little bit less of a public image because this might be a smaller person but no this person does align with this. The problem is this because yeah you have people on YouTube and granted I don't know every single thing about these individuals but you have people on YouTube that are the good apples you know you have like snake discovery you have Clint's reptiles that are putting out good information you know for good people that want us get into the pet trade you know. The problem is that it's too easy to get into this industry. It's too easy it's not expensive enough and you can find it everywhere you know. So when people come into the industry yeah they might find the snake discoveries that Clint's reptiles the good you know sources of information at the same time they have equal access if not more access to the bad information to the keeper animals to the fuck. But that's kind of like with anything. There's always bad animals that should be different because with animals there should be a line to prevent people from entering easily. That's the point of like some kind of self-regulation that we need to have within our own community. Listen I regulate my fucking self what I got. I regulate my fucking self. Show me show me how you're ready yourself. I know I know who I fuck with and who I go. It's my same argument with like plastic bags you know plastic bags and shopping centers they're like the corporations Walmart Target they're like no why would I get rid of my plastic bags I don't care if it's bad for the environment my consumers use it. It's up to the consumers to choose to stop using plastic bags and then I'll no longer buy them I'll no longer provide them in the store you know versus consumers are like hey you guys are the ones bringing the plastic bags you should not be bringing plastic bags and we will have to buy force all the way. I sell fragulate all the time I do this podcast with you guys but after this I don't want to see you guys. I don't like to. But with the industry who does it fall on. Okay. Is it the people who are sellers is the people bringing in the animals is it the people that I can the consumers everybody everybody everybody everybody and their mom everyone is not swallowing them motherfuckers. That's what I meant. Listen listen listen I don't know I got a funny as wonder so I don't know if you have noticed with it was some reptile history in that meaning. Oh my god. Hey somebody was gonna say something. I don't need some reptile free history shut the fuck up shut the fuck up let me talk because I love this. He's going up and then one of my friends goes oh shit he's about to talk about himself and he and I'm like no please don't do it. He goes on the mic well everybody knows who I am. I'm like no yes let's go with this bullshit and then he goes I'm seven to five years old. He's older than the reptile community or fucking self this motherfuckers ah shit give birth. Let's start there but blah blah blah blah blah. That's who is funny as fuck just because we predicted that he was just gonna talk about himself for like two minutes and then after two minutes they're like yo be done and I was born in 1999. I'm just getting that too early. Listen when he said I've been here before there was any permitting before there was any regulation before anything he knows he just answered where their problem. It started there was nothing nothing to stop him or the other motherfuckers when they were bringing in Komodo dragons when they were bringing in Chinese alligators and that's something nobody talks about but if you Google it it comes out it's called what is that the Viper one what is it called operation Viper. Tom Crutchfield was called Operation Chameleon you look that up and you're gonna find out what these motherfuckers were doing back in the day and started getting caught. He's one of the first he brought Cuban crocodiles and all types of shit he is the origin of all the problems not him by himself but that generation is the origin of all the problems that we are paying and he is paying for it today. He literally told but if there was no permitting what was illegal that's what I'm confused about those things. That's the fucking thing. What was the operation Komodo? That's when they started bashing down. Once they started bringing in shit shit started whatever something happened. So technically he didn't do anything illegal. At the beginning. Once they saw okay so Petray comes from allegedly. Not listening to them. Petray comes from the drugs the cartels and shit. All that shit that's why the petray starts all around usually. Florida same exact thing came with the drugs right. All these motherfuckers bringing in these animals illegal or illegal the government doesn't know about these animals they don't give a fuck they don't they don't understand what they don't see the problem they don't see the problem coming from it. Now once problems start showing up. Laws have to pass because they're gonna be like yo this is going outside motherfucker pass these laws. Yo somebody get a hold of this the Karens then they start passing laws or whatever including a endangered species like Komodo dragons have been fucking on paper like protected for fucking years and then these motherfuckers that was their business. So what are they what are they gonna do? Backmarket now they're gonna do it illegally and they got caught doing it illegally as laws were passing they probably started when the laws were not there then they caused problems the laws passed and they had to keep doing it to make their money. I have to look into I don't know anything about it operation Camillean. Camillean I can read the lizard king. Oh you don't read my bed. I don't I don't read well I have to read this shit so I might as well read that shit. Okay. Can't have me read the book the lizard king. It's a book. By what? About what yeah. About that about operation Camillean. Oh yeah so is it good or is it bad? I'm ready. Oh look at this look look look look. There was that one tour tour these I think from Madagascar that behind your tour just from Madagascar. Like all types of shit bro. Maybe we'll do like in Orlando and talk about what happened. Yeah yeah. Operation Camillean. Yeah I started here. Yeah it all started here but we had ground zero did I move to ground zero? He thought it was Miami. He thought it was Miami. He thought it was Miami. He thought it was Miami. He thought it was Miami. He thought it was Miami. He thought it was Miami. He thought it was Miami. And the law shit was over here. I like how I like how you like describe Tom Crutchfield like if he was reptilian Jesus. He was the one that came first. They resuried. He died in prison and came back with a bigger nose. You're so dumb. You're so dumb. But that's that's just when he said that I was like that's just gonna go over everybody's head. No yeah that's not. He just spoke aloud and said I will see her before anything. I was here when everything was possible when everything was legal when there was no fucking problems. I'm about to give a fuck about nature. And now we're paying the aftermath of all this. I don't think that that was the point of what he was trying to say. No it isn't. It wasn't the point. That's not the point of what he was saying. The point was that when law started passing and he got in trouble then after that he started working with SWC trying to help them because of course he didn't want to get in trouble. The point that went above everybody's head is that he was there when it started and he admitted how it started. And another thing there was some, what is it that the guests, the concerned citizens, concerned citizens there was two months ago. I would have gotten out there and they'd be like concerned undocumented. They'd even like a citizen questioner. The baby. No another way from another one. Talking about the burns. What are you doing? I'm talking about the burns. And you're like we didn't even bring the burns. They came through the skin trade. And I was like oh the other one. You should have seen Eric when he said that he was like oh my god. Literally I was like yeah man. The other one goes he goes if Chuck was like no. I'm like how about this? I am tagged. The other one he's talking about the zoo and the hurricanes. I was like somebody sit this motherfucker down right now. One of us should have said that we're like what's the name of the zoo? What's the name? What would we have done if they named it? Everything would have changed from there. He said the skin training. In Florida. That's it when those two were talking about somebody sit these motherfuckers down. There was definitely some fucking parents. You can talk to them. There were definitely some parents that went up and they were like there's a guanas in my yard. Yeah but. But what's funny is when fish people go up and I was like what the fuck. And they named fish and I'm like there's a reptile. This isn't though with the Karen's with the Karen's. You know what the problem is with the Karen's? Most citizens are like that. At least one of them. No that's what matters. You know why? Absolutely. Absolutely. And they have the right to live in a place without those animals. Listen. They're going to have animals. They have the right to live now. They have the right to live without these are the type of people. The people that complain to the government about iguanas outside are the same type of people that would complain if they were in an island and iguanas. They're like there's too many fucking iguanas leading my flowers. They do that. They have the right to live without those things. Listen. All I'm saying. They don't complain about cabs. There was definitely some kind of FWC seed in there. I saw the conspiracy. Oh my god. I saw it. I knew that was happening. I saw the conspiracy. Anybody, anybody, I saw some posts like nobody was clapping for nobody else because nobody gives a fuck other than you. The only one being affected really is you. They clap for the people who are grandstand. The people that are like. I've been in this community for 20 years and I've never stopped it. I've been here in 185 years longer than any tortoise. I'm a fucker older than any socata around. I bet you how much you want to bet and the lifespan of them is longer. He brought them all. He has to be older. He's so dumb. He has a socata right here. Leave this man alone. He's like this here alligator snapper older than the pectarine. I gave birth to him. I do got to get a little bit alone. He's an old man. I do respect the fuck shit but I do look at what he's done with his life and been able to do it with reptiles. I'm like I want to live a life with reptiles. I got to shake his hand and I was like this is history. So I actually have a question. We think. Look at this. Look, I have a question. We think that bar tech changed from his early YouTube how he used to be. He's changed from now. Do you think Kurtz Feller is on the same? A little bit. Actually, yes. If you look at the things, because I do follow him on Facebook. I like, you know, he's funny and shit. I'm not going to lie. I'm not going to lie. He's a funny fucking character. But when he talks about the interactions he has with animals, that is different. Because he understands there are different connections. He's older than any animal in the pectarine. Yeah. Yeah, the connections he has and like he's getting better with enclosures too and like I support the budget. I have nothing against the man other than the stuff with the invasive species. If you're listening to this, you're a reptile lover. All right. And what do we all need? We need supplies. So, we got you covered. Head on over to imperial and use the code REPTALSWITH to get a specific discount special to us and our listeners for your reptile supplies today. One more time. That's imperial Use the code REPTALSWITH. So we're about to get into some comments from some of the last podcast that we did. Dude, I can't read that. I'll read them, bro. Don't worry about it. I have this up for the fucking videos that I'm going to play. It's a local. Dude, would be. Oh my god. No, I can't. All right. So, something that we spoke on the last podcast was that we do not ever showcase animals here. Somebody did write would be nice if y'all would hold a snake sometime or another reptile like Chuckie did with the dude pod. I'm afraid of snakes. I can't. That's actually pretty cool that somebody even watched that. Yeah. Like somebody from this community. Yeah. You should hold a frog. Bring one out right now. I will never do it. Yo, dude, sit the fuck down. I look at you. You got me nervous. I'm sweating. All right. That'd be cool. That'd be cool. One day we should. Invasive species that are legal. Wait. Oh, invasive species that are legal. I was like, wait. Where the fuck are we going to get a berm? We got to drive down to the illegal. No, legal. Oh, legal? You want to go to prison, dude? Yeah. I thought the same thing at first. I was like, wait, wait, wait, wait. I mean, we have, we have Rhettobas there. We get. We can get one right now. I need to tell the Gwanas, night and alls, red ears sliders. Yeah. No, red ears sliders are illegal. Red ears sliders are illegal. Come back. Is that legal? Yes. Wait, what? No, not that red ear. I'm talking about invasives. Yeah. Actual invasive. We go outside and we get them. Yeah. That's what he's saying. Oh, yeah. That's legal. You can do that. We can literally go down south, catch some shit and come back into the podcast. I think we found a friend of some. That's fire, bro. That's fire. And they be like, yo, we did it, dude. He's going to need someone to put him. Reptile show. A box. A tub. A rack. A rack. Perfect. We put the rack on here in the middle and we got over the rack and take out a monitor. Oh my God. Oh my God. We can definitely do that. That would be fire. The basil is, night and alls, spiny tales. You ever caught a basil? Those are fast. You got to catch them sleeping. Night. Cold. Sleeping. Okay. That's why I caught them in Mexico too. Sleeping. Interesting. All right. So this one is about the morph market podcast that we did. If you're not up to date with it, morph market is changing rapidly and a lot of people are fucking complaining about it. A lot of people are complaining about it. It looks like Craigslist. I see some photos. No, no. I saw that one. That was funny. I saw that one. That was funny. That was funny. That was so funny. I like him already. That was funny. He's funny. Because things are changing. I want Fauna and King's thing to look the same forever. No, it's just that I mean, he's doing a lot of things that he believes are in the best for the ethics and the morals of pet keeping and he's promoting a lot of different species that are not just ball pythons. Mind you, some of the ball pythons people might be taking a little bit of a hit where some people are doing better, but that's okay because if it's for the better of the community and like what he's doing to reach different audience like a general pet market, I mean, I'm getting messages a lot more than I used to before, but I don't just sell ball pythons. You know, so I don't see anything so wrong. I'm into a SIRAT snakes. So for me, it's the same. Right now, there's nothing that's happening at Morph Market that's completely affecting my business style except for the fact that I do still want a reason to have my own website where I could have my own brand identity. He's going to be like, bet, delete. I'm on a website top, delete. That doesn't affect me. Yeah. So if somebody commented this platform will be obsolete in no time, something else is coming to completely replace the system. Like what? Fauna. Fauna comes back up. Fauna is going to receive an update. Fauna is great, bro. No, Fauna is my space, bro. Fauna is my space. Good luck. Yeah. Well, yeah, this is a good time to tag that you guys got to be following along on the streaming platforms because we are going to be doing business related topics. And also, there's a fucking Facebook group that I forgot to tag earlier. We have a Facebook group called Reptiles with Squat. We need to get more active there. Yeah, we do. I've been trying. I just don't know. I don't want to step on toes. No, no, you're an advocate for a reason. Just do whatever you got to do. But we're going to do- Why do you guys hate Tino? Yeah. It's me, bro. It's definitely me. We're going to, we're hanging out there and I really do want to help build this community that we have going on here. It's a lot of people with different opinions that are able to sit down and have these conversations that a lot of people do not readily want to have. Be friends with me. All right. Oh, no way. Yeah, dude. This was roasting Chuck. No, no, no, no, no. It says, great podcast. I met Chuckie on Craigslist since then we became good friends. Male looking for companion. Whoa. You can see, though. Yo, what were you guys doing? That was a big story. Okay. Okay. Let me tell you this story. All right. Oh, God, tear. Mad bio reptile. I'm going to start doing YouTube and all that. I promoted it on Craigslist and that's how I got most of my people. No way. Yeah. That's all. What did you do? What did you put? Like you just put like random ads? Ad Pop. Bam. Yeah, do you think your boys where is that? You're welcome. There you go, man. That's cool. People are selling stuff. I'm like, yo, just watch my shit. Yes. Whatever, bon python. That's free advertisement. It is. I fucking killed it. Well, I was killing it on Craigslist. That's right. I'm killing that shit, bro. Get that club. Whatever the fuck you. I want to look at where I'm at. Fuck y'all. That's funny. Yo, fuck you. I was killing that shit on Craigslist. That's going to be the new fucking show. Killing it. I was killing it on Craigslist. That's great. That's right. Dude, that's tight. All right. Another one. I love listening to your guys podcast while working. Keep up the good work. Soon enough, your guys' names will really be pushed out there. I'm Craigslist. You guys, I'm out of time. Let's do it. All right. I'm making Craigslist first. Bro, I'm in bro. I'm in. We should, we should. We should. We'll do it. You guys are amazing at what you do, not just because of how entertaining you are, but you guys have a ton of knowledge. I mean, I'm just making things up. I'm not going to lie to you guys that you're willing to share. You also give a variety of different perspectives on a lot of situations which you don't see much anymore. It's always good to look at things from another perspective. That's what's up. That's the thing that I respect more. That feedback for me is always the best. That's what we're trying to do. Yeah. It's just what we're trying to do here. What the fuck is this? No cult mentality out here. It speaks to my phone. Oh, did it break? Yeah. Oh, okay. But yeah, it's a little bit of that. You can, and that's a point that I was trying to make earlier is that you can be friends with somebody, with somebody that you don't see 100% eye to eye with different values. Mind you, if this person is doing fuck shit and constantly and is an evil person, yeah, maybe don't be friends with them, but three different people, three different opinions, we could sit down and do this. That's what's important. Everyone goes through life thinking that they're right and then at least to entitlement, that is the self-righteousness, that is prejudice. If you don't have people to check you, constantly checking your opinions, looking at YouTube video, reading books, then you're never going to. That's why I always challenge. I don't think I'm always right all the time. I just think everybody's wrong. I fucking hate it. So like there, but you need that. You need people to check you so that you know you're right or you can learn if you're wrong. So we had an opinion. I was like, listen, listen, when he was born, he told his dad, you should have never came inside. Oh my God. Yeah, I'm not like, I'm not married to 100% of my ideals and I'm not married to that because I want to be the best version of myself. And I know that the best version of myself will only come if I test the things that I might believe in. I'll test them all. I'll test them all. Yeah. He tests them constantly. Constantly underscore, underscore, Tino. All right. So, all right, we got some videos, little reels and TikToks to react to. Lip blocks. Lip blocks. All right, here we go. What's he doing? He's periscopating. He's doing the thing. Look at that. Because his neck hurts so much from the fucking man. Oh my God. That boy's like this the whole time when he comes up first and he does God damn. Yes. So we're watching a ball python periscoping, which Chuck believes that ball python is doing. This is a rare occurrence. I've never seen any of my ball pythons doing this because they're in rights. They're like this the whole time. These next three are from the same guy. It's some dude in Australia that I feel like we should just enjoy his videos. It's releasing a beautiful female black hair python that we rescued today. Absolute stomach. These guys are just absolute. Check out the face. Those are actually eight venomous species. Absolute. We mean to the venom. Drop it down here because they get too big. You can't sweet out. I think they're crazy. Look at that way. I wouldn't keep it. They're badass. They just wouldn't want to keep it. They're just cool. If I saw one in the wild, I bust a nut. Absolutely. But I want to keep one. Yeah. All right. Oh God. That's awesome. We are releasing a parenty. This is a male browns gigantic. My favorite reptile. We just got this guy out of some mud and some pipe so the construction saw. And he's ready to go. Check out his face. These guys are just the best looking reptile ever. Yeah. They can get the same area. Ready for what he wants. So good. You don't want to go outside and do things like that Yoshi. Of course I do. Where are you at bro? You guys got to invite me out. Yeah. I'm not going to do that thing by myself. Because I have a very bad compass. I will get lost. That's what you have the phone for. Yeah. You have to call it. What are you going? Were you losing signal? We're full of the forest. What company you had. Also AT&T. I've never. I feel more ballsy going with people than going by myself. I'm just going to be terrified the whole time straight. Fuck up. I'm a huge plus. Anywho. You go with more people, you have better success. Okay. There we go. We got to make a trip. What are we doing? We're doing. Oh my God. We're doing something like that. That's fine. Yeah. We got to go and take another fucking trip soon. I got to spot. There's more people that work here. So we got to make them work on the same day. Make them. Make them. That's cool. Now this one was specifically for me. Hey Q is the season shingleback skiing. Thanks sweetie. Just rescue them from on tour. It's a bit of a back into a safe spot where she can go about her day and do a bobtail thing. Water and absolute beauty. All right. So we'll set it down here. She's safely tuck herself away. There you go. That's one of the ones that are blue tongue. Blue tongue is her taliqua. All blue tongue. All taliqua are blue tongue. Yeah. They're not blue tongue. You're just making things up now. I'm Tino. Texan is done. Yeah. Texan, he's stupid. It's a blue tongue with armor, dude. He's a blue tongue that went to war. Where's the tail, dude? Yo, why is Australia so red? Everything's right over there. From all the blood. Of what? The native populations. You're so dumb. Why? All right. So this one, I know that Chuck's gonna like, cause he's into this. That's crazy. Did you see it? Jesus. The emotion completely shifted. Holy cow. I was like, whoa. I was like, oh, yo, yo. Nothing was long, dude. He was like, oh, hand. Oh my gosh. I'm not gonna describe that video. You need to go on YouTube and watch it because I think that if I describe it, YouTube will take it down. That's so great. Oh, man, dude. Don't realize why. I think today's the thing with USR. Oh, really? Well, we'll probably we'll tune into that for a little bit. What's next, guys? We have coming up. Oh, you're going. They said that he's not here. And I don't know if I am. Yeah. I'll be straight the fuck up. Okay. I've got a trip to Virginia, my sister's graduating college. So I'm gonna be out there. We're driving. So fun. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. But nice. But I will be going outside 100%. We'll see if I find anything. Hey, I know. I've never, I've been to Virginia a couple times, but never to say that I, oh, 100%. Am I kind of Belver warm? I'm not. Jesus. Oh, yeah. So the next episode that comes out will be one about dealing with like wholesale and importing reptiles that we did with the two Alexes from Imperial. Then after that, I'm going to be in fucking rally. And before we get off, I want to know from you guys, because we might be planning something. The people in the fucking comments, right? Do you want us to do a podcast with us? Arc, Florida. Do you want to see that debate? Do you want to see what happens? I'm nervous. I'm kidding. I'm kidding. I'm kidding. Yeah. I feel like if we do that, that would be the thing that separates us from a lot in the perspective like I am very like, I'm a fucking disrespectful shit, especially like here into the camera. But if we're having a debate in a conversation, I'm going to treat those people like humans. I hope that shows people how to deal with different... The opposition. Yeah. Yeah. Like, I would love that. I would love that just to show that because, yeah, it's like... Believe me, I'm the only one that makes Chuckie angry. It's just me. My full of things, he knows everything. It's fucking annoying as shit. I don't know nothing, but not the same way else. If you don't know nothing, then you know something. That's a double negative. You're a double negative. This was The Reptiles with Podcast. ♪♪♪♪ I'm going to go ahead and get started.