Jay Brewer gets a TV SHOW? | Reptiles With Podcast S04EP29 (REPTILE PODCAST)

Nominal We just had a music section so that was nice. Yeah, why we quizzed each other on songs like our favorite bands and shit We only play like a single snippet I think I was the only one that got them all right Right yeah, you're a music bitch though. Virgin actually is the correct term. What are we talking about? For the music the why you got them all right? Oh That was a question with Joe's but We actually park past How you gonna let me segue that into what I'm about to say how am I supposed to segue that into what I'm about to say So None of us went But they did talk in high praises Brian bar check they were able to raise I think that they were giving away the purple And then they had five black ones that they made One went to each of his family members and then the last one the last black one They auctioned and they were able to raise like fifty seven thousand dollars. Yeah, that's what's crazy That's a lot of money And then also recently he did put out in a video that they are gonna be getting rid of like the majority of their Calubrid so that way, you know, it's a little bit more of a comp process I saw the video and I'm not gonna lie. I was like man It would be kings and corns not that they aren't cool But I was like I was kind of hoping for some more rat snakes some more like different kinds of colubrid's like is that what you think about you Piece of shit. No, I mean he did a colubrid video. I'm like what we were just talking about on the last one I don't know him for colubrid's and I'm like excited for the Like I only showed the kings and corn because he's that's the shit He's gonna get rid of cool shit. It's okay. Yeah, can you think about okay? Yeah? So anyways, yeah, Brian Barcheque did his thing Again, we're gonna promote the Facebook page stay strong Brian Barcheque go and post a nice thing about him but on the topic of reptile influencers Your boy J. Brewer is getting boy You guys literally before this podcast already were so happy You guys were like You're like yo, where's my feature? I want to be on that show who do I call? No, but I think it's like it's getting done by roku. I don't know the premise, but I'm assuming it's like this dude has reptile zoo How do you guys feel about that? I'm gonna fuck I did not feel represented Why oh, I don't know. I mean I mean his experience is not mine. Honestly, honestly. Yes. Yes It's not mine, but I don't think that's gonna have an effect on everybody. Of course. My point is yeah who else? Yeah, Joe. Everybody's a little fucked joking aside. I mean, I'm kind of indifferent about it to be honest Mind you I did see a Facebook post of somebody like after it came out somebody was like yo Like this is my experience at the zoo and it wasn't a great review of the zoo You know and the gist of it was Too many animals in case in one cage small cages bad smells and what they were trying to really represent Was that are we gonna allow? I mean not that we can allow because it's I mean the deal is done You know, but people are gonna see this kind of like we were talking about the reptile shops and like the first time that you enter reptile Shop you want to be a nice clean shop so that way if it's your first Interpretation of what the reptile community is you get a good review of it, right? So now if this is what quote-unquote This zoo is about that. It's you know too many animals and small cages, etc Like that's gonna be the representation of the reptile community. Yes, and that's it. The thing is it already is Sometimes when I'm on Instagram those content that I see is not the content that people who aren't in the reptile hobby that are getting reptile content See they're seeing k-brewers stuff, you know, it's the most likes the most reposts whatever So they're like whoa cool cool cool and that's what they think it is, you know But for me, it's not that at all. That's why I said I don't feel represented That's not my experience with it ain't but he is Like a lot of people I stopped liking Clay when he started posting what we said his name like 80 times Clay Jay place over I honestly I stopped liking guy. This is frick Listen, I've actually met the guy super nice Super nice as a person, but I also know that he doesn't know his shit It's the definition of what I hate, you know, I love being it today There was someone who came into the shop who had never seen snake like she wasn't around snakes at all So I pulled out the big ball python that we have and I was like look here you go And like she was like look we've been over this conversation already, right? We've done this already So like that was her first experience. She's like this is cool But like but the way you you go about it is you want to be you don't want to be like You don't want to give them fear You don't want them to be afraid of the animal of course, you know You want them to see the animal as different than what they already are thinking about it, you know Like this is a scary animal. This is gonna bite me. It's violent. It's scary You know whatever and you want to show them like no no no you and I think that's part of the appeal that people say snack and Boobs and like she like that to kind of make it less scary and I like the appeal I don't use those words because I think it's stupid and childish, but I understand why they do it yeah with With clay he always like all his videos at least at the beginning We're about him opening tubs and retakes just coming out on top of eggs and he's like whoa whoa Whoa, you know, and I'm like I hate that I hate that that's that's your Perpetuating that your perfection bad stick boy, but it's exactly a lot of people that use support that we look and Send my support Support that as well and do some of the things that Brian Marching is not way too far from that. Mm-hmm First part of the reason yeah, yeah, I'm not even talking about the magic the caring of the animals very different for the two Yeah, the way content is created very similar, but it's appealing to Yeah, and then Bartik has talked about it. He goes yeah, I do those things he does get bit on purpose And he goes whoa whoa whoa every single fucking time But he says that's because it brings awareness and then he can educate after is there a excuse which I do not agree with I Honestly, I love Brian's. I'm not gonna make a comment on this right now Even though he made a comment. Yeah, I'm guys. I'm going to I'm talking shit So like the way I see it is like the oldest your generation doing anything they can to stay relevant Okay, which is like I got views because of this we all have to do this because it's the only way to make views Everything has a way okay, you can get views with whatever you just have to do it correctly I don't watch I don't watch this guy's content Chandler not do the same thing No, no, he is energy up the bites are not there. Well, he is But it's not it for me. It's not even about bites. It's about the the sensation like the over dramatic Yeah, yeah, he is not that over come out. He's over dramatic when he does not have a snake out Yeah, exactly. He's not a psychopath. He's just dramatic with the like dumb shit with dumb shit. Whoa Me ball. All right, he looks at a snake and goes down. She's thick. He just That's him. That's fucking chairman. He does it but you see once the snake is out. He's very professional He's not like whoa, whoa, it's it's out of control. That's crazy. Yeah, no He is talking late. He is funny shit. Yeah, we're a lot of people not in the older generation have to do all this dumb shit Because they ain't funny. They ain't fucking show almost a some fuck shit. Yeah, I would say some so so It's a God please forgive me. It's not a personal attack on Jay. None of this is But I do have the the question is I'm not gonna set you up for something bad It was funny. Yeah, it's not a personal attack. I mean what you said is true He is a nice guy. Well, when I didn't get to meet him at AnimalCon But when I was like watching him speak about certain things he was very educated I met him and I walked him around. He's a very nice person. I will talk to that guy. It's fine It's just that shit. He does is like But but he's also in Cali Cali people are like that. Oh Okay, Cali reptile people Cali people in general as it is. It's like Cali reptile people. No, no It's literally because the area where you're at well, it's LA shit. Everybody wants to be Hollywood Everybody wants to be seen like I met people there that are with outside the reptile community first and they're all like Instead of like yo, I like that. What's your name? Where you from? It's like what's your name? How many followers you got? I those were questions I got asked and then I'm like what the fuck then I met some other people and they like They're all about themselves like yo like did you know I do this and I'm like fuck motherfucker Like I literally ended up vibing with a group of people right and then when I found out they're all from Georgia I'm like, oh shit. That's why cuz y'all East Coast and we don't give a fuck about those things out there And it's not a bad thing is just like that's the culture. Yes. That's the culture there That is the culture there. So it's like I don't blame them too much for it. I just don't agree with it So there's nothing better than the smell of coffee in the morning. Okay, there's also nothing better than the smell of reptiles in the morning psych Reptiles with coffee. That's the smell you want the strongest coffee. All right We have it for you head on over the description or go to coldbloodedcaffeine Dot-com and use the code reptiles with to get your reptiles with coffee today Do we trust that this is gonna be a? A decent representation of the community or are we expecting tiger king 2.0? I'm expecting tiger king 2.0. I'm also expect well Okay, I never watch tiger king I guess I should at some point but was tiger king like a documentary just like without an opinion not really with an Agenda or where they like hey, we're gonna do this because we know it's fucked up and we're gonna show why it's fucked up The way that they started it it's fire So when they start documenting it when you're watching it It feels like a century ago. Wow They're filming Tom Crutchfield in his place because they were filming something for like it was supposed to be the same thing But for the reptile community actually yeah with McCarthy But that's the thing so in the middle of doing that somebody shows up with a clouded leopard Was a McCarthy I'm pretty sure so at that point the crew was like wait What's going on with this they were exposed to a new world and then they took the dive into that and then found all this crazy shit Which oh exotic yeah, yeah, I mean When you make a story like that Where I feel like the two stories will be different is where like when you go into tiger king and you go into Joe's story He's already in prison. You know what you're in there. Yeah, yeah, he recorded half of those things He had that footage. Yeah, they just took the footage put it together to tell a story But he recorded every day of his life. Mm-hmm. So they knew the end of this he goes to prison I see so they build a story from the end back. So where you can do that with Jay. Yeah, right Well, he's not like well, he's not a jail There's no there's no like so we think there's no ending to it because I feel like it's gonna be like a reality show I was gonna say like more like oh every well like an everyday in the zoo. Yeah every day. That sounds stupid See all our People know it's like the real lives of Bitches and shit What do you mean? I don't know what what you know? How are they gonna make drama how they gonna make something entertaining? They just make yeah, that's a thing they just you think all the drama reality TV shows is real No, yeah, but like they're not gonna be like oh, okay slept with this alligator But it's gonna be like it's somebody get bit on his at that zoo or whatever every day There was I think there was a Hospitalization like some guy did go to a doctor Big way to a car. Oh I think I like it here bro. No fucking way in hell dude. Yeah, there was an alligator bite. I know I feel like you talk about a really bad alligator bite, but not him. Oh, I'm not saying it was bad But I would have heard I don't know I don't know I don't have any talk about my ass We really really really got to figure out a situation where we can watch like take talks and reels and react to them Because I don't know if you guys saw the alligator bite that I sent you dude. We that's I think I send stupid people working with crocodilians and just getting a yo What do you mean not you but like I'm a I'm a care that real do better. No, I'm a share that real in our chat. That's what I'm gonna do So to the podcast like this fuck yeah, but man I don't know I guess I Mean Krista to see what it would be like yeah fucking whatever bro Let it go down then all their laws passed and then we could blame him whatever What I'm gonna do can you imagine like cuz He started with the pet industry right he was a big seller of retics right It'd be funny if they're like oh look cool as you and then they go like deeper into like the actual pet trade and stuff like away from The zoo and stuff. Yeah, they might Get in dark. Yeah, I would up hold here. Oh, I would have been in poor old. Where are they? You know you think that after all these years of selling retics people would have 32 foot snakes and they're you know What are you insinuating to you know they all die oh all the retics die no well a hundred percent of everything dies You're a man They die before they get big that's what I'm saying yeah, you know I was wondering still gets big pause you're Hey, oh don't say that You don't fuck out. I'm kidding Fucking kidding me. Yeah, that'd be crazy. I'm my first now man number one question. Hey you ever followed with customers. How many of them are still alive That's great, but I'm a fucking selling You know what sometimes I think about that too I'm like man all it takes is one person to be eaten by a retake for a retics to be banned like across the country You said the stupid shit. Yeah, why not that's all it takes one oversense sexualization of a media story That's what it takes. You know I was actually why was I looking into this? I don't remember Well, I think I had an argument with like some guess of some shit because alligators eat people Like according to them and then when I look into it from fwc 400 people have died since 1940 related to alligators or eaten by allia well bit bit Okay, and then like 30 of them or some shit like that are fatal With over a million of these motherfuckers, but I'm saying like it can you imagine and this is so bad But like can you imagine the story a retic goes into a baby's crib eats a fucking baby Okay, but not here. Yeah in the u.s. Yeah, where I feel like a few years back He feels like a few years back. No, no, no, no, no like before I even got into shit. That was a story I read about Yeah, yeah, it was a pet crazy. Hey somebody's pet type shit I don't know if I was a reticker berm. Okay, and it was a baby. I don't know Yeah, baby's not with us anymore bro Goddamn Yeah, dude, so this dude's just getting a show Okay, do you want to show? Yes Come watch me Right now like you can yeah with his brain If you want to support us head on over to modern reptile shop Dot-com or in the description where you can find our merch and the best part is is that a percent of the proceeds from the merch Gets donated to conservation one more time. That's modern reptile shop dot-com or head on over the description Yeah, like all right actually talking about racks the racks that I sent you bro. I was about to bring it up after Okay, so here you go with this bullshit. Okay, it's a rack with some substrate and like two more inches My wrong They got inside Like this Listen A lot of frogs yeah bigger tubs all right That is a good cage Heat it can be lights the idea of it. Okay, but tell me that's not but tell me that yeah of it Yeah, I do of it fine. Yeah, but tell me that on those a ring next thing goes in there No, but tell me that's yeah close to what I was asking for me personally racks have their place and for the most part like The only place I really think that they really really have a nation is babies Yeah, I don't think that if someone is breeding snakes for whatever purpose for conservation for Commercialization whatever they don't need to put their baby ball pythons in a four by two by two That's not necessary. It's not practical. It's not gonna happen ever in any reality, but babies and racks Yeah, it's only temporary. It's sanitary. We're trying to keep it clean until it goes to a new home. Okay, that's it Okay, now works and that that's fire for baby tubs like if you wanted to keep baby hog noses and something like that You want to keep the I said ring yeah, yeah like those stuff for a hog nose Dude, it was a smaller snake, but no bro like how knows is get like three feet sometimes in that little tiny shit Oh, I don't know how big they are. I don't I don't know how big you are I think that that one is oh, it's baby. Okay, that would be like maybe about the size of yeah And they were talking about or how knows is I'm like doctor you motherfuckers We have the adult ball pythons in here. That's how big that tub is. That's good for a baby hog nest Nick Yeah, yeah, I'm talking about oh, I'm a baby's for baby snakes or actual What would you say made of them for a baby hog nest Nick a baby? Yeah, no sorry on the dog my back and I don't yeah Something I actually fucking stretch a one foot by two foot is one be completely what one foot by two foot tub is fine For a baby. I can't stretch. Oh no Yeah, yeah over three feet. Yeah over three feet for two fully just yeah Yeah, at least three feet four foot by two foot by what sure you're lame Skinny four foot by two foot by two foot. Yeah, doesn't matter. Yeah, can we make racks like that? Yeah, you know, I was telling you like that indeed dude I was telling you about doing like and it defeats the practicality of a rat at that point I'm I still having closures, but I was like you oh can I do but raps you with 55 gallon totes you can Can I do rest with 50? I got so and like yeah? I could just get someone to craft the PVC out of it. Yeah, and I have someone put in lights and put in heat whatever It all depends on what you think. But then it's like I'm just defeating the purpose of it I might as well give them in closures. I can see into them You know they take up the same amount of space a 55 gallon of 40 four by two by two I'm like you're trying to figure this ball Bible situation out. Yeah, I mean no, it's not a bad idea It's an amazing idea I Almost had it for your babies. I literally saw that and I'm like wow they're gonna be so proud of me You know, I'm like yo for a hug. You know I don't want to I don't want to expose you and I don't want this to be like a shit on Yoshi But like okay, but like I know I know but you keep you keep blue-time skinks in racks. Yeah, right? No UVB. Yeah No, he well. Yes. He's like on the back belly heat no overhead heat In the dark basically their entire lives quote. Oh not really, but okay. Do you think that? Are there any other lizards that can be kept like that? Because obviously you think and have had experience the blue tongues can be kept like that. Yeah Those are all get goes all get goes they might as well. I guess Alright For the same reason why the first thing I did was put a ball python in Iraq is that that's what we knew to do the thing Right, that's why blue tongues was the same way, but you guys know that I'm like, okay. This is not what I want to do Yeah, you want to put them outside? Yeah, they're going outside But I mean as far as other lizard. Yeah, let's forget goes. I mean Miscellaneous get goes definitely not day get goes. I tried with no UV But do you think do you think the babies remember? With the name day get go I would figure it out for my fucking ball python rack having as No, but um do you think that we could get racks to a point where you could ethically keep lizards? Because if you can put lights the we have here That's not a rack that is a rack. Yeah, yeah, I mean like a tub on top of a tub Talking about that Those are those that's a rack you think that's a rack that is a rack all right all right well That's like a fine rack you bees the shit. I guess No light Do you think that that's possible they sell they sell those racks in a little bit more like the style that I have the more like the Metal and it's specifically for lizard breed That's a close that they've got to it. That is okay for the blue tugs that are staying inside That's my next step because some of them will stay inside you can hook up UVB tubular lights on in between yes tub You can set up heat lamps and each of them At that point it's like that's still only babies you can't keep like adult Asian waters or iguanas that way all right come on Yeah, that's insane good luck. Well you can't Ratic in a rack like yeah, I want to do that who puts three six racks. I know we'll see they're getting a reality TV People that racks keep them before by twos no he gives them a rack He gives me the tubs the little ones no adults and tubs he pulls them out on top of the egg But that's a that's a that's like an enclosure that you can pull out. Yeah, that's the bottom part. Oh really? 4x2, but they are it is like an 8 foot by whatever the fuck and then he has I think there's like a separator You sit in the background whenever you see those videos look at the background Yeah, I'm pretty sure Bartik has done a video there or somebody did a video there and he actually showed how the units work Mind you yeah, it's not equipped for They were staying those times. I was like dude. That's abuse. That's not technique and you know what those sneaks are so obese too For the fucking snake dog enough for the fucking that bitch is fat as fuck. Yeah, there are bees More bit little bees for real. Yeah, yeah, they're funny fuck bro reaches are not like that. No reaches are not this fucking wide Dude Thick snake the biggest Retaking the world Medusa is fat as shit The snake number who is that whoever? It's like I don't know if it's a museum or some shit like that. Yeah, it's alive. Huh? It's alive I don't know still bro. That's a fuck bro like this. Jeez like fat as shit. Yeah, that bitch is fast, bro Yeah, yeah, I like that I don't like Like worse than then jase yeah like way worse. I jase are bad, but that shit is bad. Okay. Okay. Wait devil's advocate Here we go. What do you want? You don't think that they look like that because I mean you're seeing them when he's pulling eggs Mainly so they might be in breeding season. Oh males look like that They're hungry. So what do you got to say now dog? I hate you. They're males not the males look like All of them look like that. I know that I don't shit about that A lot of people do it a lot of I think honestly a lot of snakes die Prematurely quote-quote because of a beat. Yeah, like people have because ball pythons of ease like people have like a lot of snakes Will be there was they don't understand what the body's to look the fattest corn snake I'd ever seen like so the Roasting these I know I know the clue is here. This is the tail right? This is the rest of the body the body was probably about that thick around right and then it's a little skinny Yes, heck. I was like, oh my god. Yeah, it looks like he's holding in the fattest shit of his life, dude huge and I've seen like Oh my god autopsies on snakes where they show like fat all around the organs covering the liver and like that fog That's so sad if you're listening to this you're a reptile lover. All right, and what do we all need? We need supplies so we got you covered head on over to imperial reptiles calm and use the code reptiles with to get a specific Discount special to us and our listeners for your reptile supplies today one more time That's imperial reptiles calm use the code reptiles with so the next section of the podcast There's a little bit of an audio issue Just want to give you guys a heads up because there's gonna be a way different sound But you know I figured instead of just deleting it we talked about some good stuff So might as well keep it but stay tuned to the rest of the podcast here. We go all right So Chuck's gone now out of here. He is going to South Florida. He's gonna be fondly Gators he's gonna be pillaging these invasive species and you just left a left. All right, so I don't know if you saw my story recently Okay, okay, so I was like oh my god. I was so emotional. I posted a bunch of Cool shit that I'm doing in my backyard I'm dude. I have I set up a fence over my turtles so that way the turtles can escape Those kind of though they're my prisoners. Yeah. Yeah, back for her. Um, and then I am getting ready for additional cages for some cool animals I am setting up a Situation for some blue suns outside um and about these fucking cages I okay, so In the space where I'm gonna throw these lizard cages. I have one for aloe the rhino one. I'm gonna have one for Cheggy the human rock I want him and then I'm thinking about setting up two breeding groups But then I'm packed in on 2.2 or 2.6 1.2 more 1.2 each cage What oh, yeah There's six animals That's math right yeah, so 1.2 each And I don't know we swoken that you prefer the pie Yes, I mean picked it on iguanas are my favorite iguanas period. They're so why oh, I like their size They're some of the fastest lizards on the planet. They're also Mexican and I'm racist. So that's like my brother On also the pie and it's one of the only animals that I really like them more better okay Simulus and pecked them out already come kind of black with white But the pie just really brings out a lot of white and like oh the thing is that animal is clean Yeah, so yeah eventually I will have a male I type not honestly I'm just waiting for these laws to kind of come down Florida and they'll be like all right you have this like time to get rid of Your stuff. I'm like all right party guanos are now a hundred dollars each give me like Okay, but why pie is over the bananas? How are they ugly so I Yellow dude, right there is a little bit of an appeal because the bananas are smaller They are tend to be nicer, but they're just there's I don't like the smaller. I like a little bit bigger Paul's Yellow is just not my thing. I prefer the white wire. They just look better really yeah For somebody who breeds ball pie done. I don't want the pie also There's no huge difference between males and females in the bananas that I said what do you mean like it more fully morphologically? Yes, but like in terms of color not really a yellow could be a female could be kisses pretty is like a male And the pies are different. No the pie is different. Yeah, I don't want a female pie They don't look nearly as nice as the males. Okay. Okay. Well, okay So the thing is with the banana because I think I'm gonna go with the banana, right? But so this is a process that I think I'm like do I set up 1.2 bananas and 1.2 pies? Or should I just do two gauges of 1.2 bananas? So We have access for some pure bananas. Yeah, right where because apparently Somebody some people have been actually like low key hybridizing now Publicly being like across is yeah, you know, they're saying honestly a lot of morphs come from migrants They did yeah, but so I think as they were I think as they were trying to figure out how to breathe the But the picnadas or while they were just trying to produce so many more bananas and stuff like that They don't just like whoa, we crossed it. We just make a whole bunch. Yeah, but what's happening is that they're cool Apparently they're coming out bigger than what their actions supposed to be but but the point that I was trying to make is that we have access to some pure Banana picnadas the actual size that are just really tiny through Ron C. Pierre so I think about getting a group of those to to set up to put outside because Of the big lizards, I'm gonna go with one or more that monitor because I mean do they're definitely a band For instance, they're gonna want us to I don't plan on reading the pies because I know I'm gonna be around Listen stop shitty on my dream Fucking god, I see could get into other ones. They might not ban all of one. I Don't know dude. I just Yeah, like you're a prosser. They do the right here Florida you like came in lizards. You like monitors. You like iguanas You like bows. Goodbye. You're gone. Jesus. Yes, but yeah, so I'm thinking about it. Okay the 1.2 pecked an otters I think I want to do one or two more cages with snakes. I know we spoken a lot about like different colubers that I can put out there Maybe a yellow-tailed prebow maybe but I don't know if you're doing a tall cage Yeah, I mean like not that they can't climb Yeah, I would hear the tiger rats may I want to do some kind of pipe on or some kind of though I don't really like these cool but I don't know I don't know And then I have to set up some new stuff for some turtles I have the reef turtles outside. I have different radio morphs. I have some math turtles I have obviously the blonde striped mud turtles. I'm gonna be Hopefully setting up a couple groups of red cheek mud turtles. Nice. I want razorbacks fire razorback musks again And that's kind of oh, I'll stop pick that least Like so crazy about that these days. So what what do you what turtles do you think I can breathe here in central? Florida year-round that they can handle the cold handle the heat. They don't get large. What are we talking about here? Southern penis turtles I think Aaron goes correct me kryptones Chris Emmys Chris Emmys Chris Emmys Doris Alice fire amazing turtles They're beautiful. They look coolest babies. So they attract attention Males only get about 46 inches long. I think females stay really small too. So it's like that is like a perfect turtle. That's amazing They can handle the cold absolutely these guys are found like up like past maybe not up to Tennessee But like Mississippi, Alabama at least they're gonna do fine here, Florida Only thing like yeah, like Eric was makes me something to me It's like oh if like let's say we we face out yellow but it's sliders southern painted might just be another turtle But people just release outside. Yeah, but then I was like oh, but if they're smaller less people would be released Yeah, I can keep it in a 40 gun. I have to get it in a 75 or a pond Yeah, I mean if I'd be honest with you, they need more But the biggest complaint about those turtles I get very big like the different kinds of sliders And they're it just got too big I put it outside. Yeah, so that can counteract that and then of Of the painted turtles We have Easterns Southern's Westerns Well, middle Yeah, what's what's the name? That's what they call what the four no Westerns Midlands Eastern Sun's okay, so which was the prettiest? Southern probably the Westerns the West Green they have the most colors so therefore a lot of people think but the Southerners I would say in colors are like an ox solid number two. Yeah. Yeah, I agree. Okay Nothing yeah, so and I think they're really pretty too. They've got the nice like red skirt, so yeah I don't know Midlands they're very similar to Easterns. They're like a hybrid they look like high mind between the Westerns and the Easterns because I read the middle center the right is right in the center. There's even an integrid zone with the Western Yeah, oh, so what even is it? On the on the flash runs actually so with the Easterns they don't have anything on the flash Yeah, the Westerns are very painted and in the Midlands are like a half. It's really cool They're like oh, I'm not all the way to the edges of the classroom And as far as like from a quote-unquote business standpoint I've noticed that the Southerners and the Westerns are the ones that have retained their value the most I'm kind of leaning towards the Southern because of the stripe right. Yeah, and it's cool And it does have of those three at least between Eastern Western and Southern a nicer color than the Eastern maybe not as nice as the Western The cool thing about the fence that I built so obviously no animals to get in I was a little worried with animals getting out because okay the fences in the background it doesn't go into the ground The different ponds are separated through pieces of Yeah, different pieces of lumber that create a barrier, but turtles and fucking climb Yeah, you know so I was like yeah, how does it they get out technically they can leave the bottom fence So I ended up creating another fence inside of the fence just in case I'm gonna put a whole bunch of cameras But that just leads me to think of like what other cool like turtle projects And I figured fucking Eric loves turtles. He can help your boy out. What are other cool turtle projects? So you already got one of them. You got Reeves. That's probably gonna be one of your best prospects I'm a huge fan of Japonica the Japanese pawn turtle. So that'll be another cool thing to take off. What if I hybridize them? What about boxers Chinese boys so actually I was thinking about either in one of the iguanas habitats putting Chinese box turtles Yeah, I Yoshi is there like I love Kennan Harken. Do you guys know? I'm gonna become them Do you know how far north they get the Chinese? I don't I don't I have the peacock day get goes outside Thinking about doing some more felt so much. I'm like maybe I just create a whole like section where it's all why don't you Resting all of all of what yeah, exactly one of us and the freaking fell so much I guess I'll go because honestly you're not naming any predators The only thing that would probably fuck out of things up are gonna be the turtles But like as I was the animals. I got the water what's gonna happen dude on a guano would totally eat a small lizard If they had the other but if you had enough lizard, they're just breathing and doing shit in there. That's gonna happen You got enough of these right guys, you know you sound like a customer How well do you think I mean obviously greeted one is good swim. How will do you think a rhino? Pretty good, so I could put like a pond in there. I guess yeah, it's why not he probably like it Yeah, I'll wax dude. That is something that I might do the other thing they really don't do is like climb a lot And I'll say I think it's just because they're what the right of a wannas. Yeah, dude all all who does is climb She literally was just a smaller if you're not holding on yeah facts, but you're about halfway there, dude I guess and she I put a What's supposed to be like a hanging Plant her mean from Home Depot, dude, she literally like that's the place that she's there in the morning and in the evening They're in the you know the middle of the day like she'll like stay up go on different branches She really doesn't spend a lot of time on the ground unless she's like eating something. Yeah, she's always awesome shit Okay, so with the animals that you're taking care of and the ones that you're like doing so much of this outside stuff for Would you feel comfortable selling an alley that you knew wasn't gonna go to a good home? Like if you know a hundred percent this person's not really not gonna get this animal fucking kid. I Mean I definitely wouldn't feel comfortable and I think that that's like the solid thing about being a breeder outside of a reptile shock situation is that I can literally cherry pick Who my animals are going to reach over to that. I mean they can but it's It's a retail store. It's different you get Okay, the necessarily like the the person who owns the animals or the CEO or boss or whatever Wouldn't get to individually cherry pick it would be up to like employees It's harder to dictate through that kind of process. I mean my you some days you can jump Yeah, but it can happen. It's not that it's impossible, but it's a lot easier for somebody like me Right that technically I have less customers because I don't have a store front There isn't hundreds of people coming in every day. It's conversations that I'm having with people people. Hey, you know I want to buy this animal if it's a breeder It's a you know, I could I can think I can look at the profile Because if I'm selling a quote unquote investment grade animal, I'm like well if you're spending this money I know you're gonna be taking care of it. Sure now if it's somebody where it's a pet owner It's usually at a reptile show where I can have these kinds of conversations like here You said over you this or you know, I'm a guy then we have a friend who you wanted to get another Colored with you and a male he was looking for a female and the breeder a breeder He was really looking to get them to because this guy's the top of one college. Yes. I wish I could shine on He he didn't want to sell it to him apparently because he wanted each of the collage was a sad 40 young enclosures, okay? Yeah, and A friend was like no, they can go to 20. That's why they're a 34 Whatever he had it. It wasn't enough for this guy This guy was like no they need to be an individual enclosures They need to have it this big or whatever I won't sell it to unless it happens and I'm like damn like not that that's wrong because I would be a historian So then we see what the fucking wants, you know, oh And at the same time it's kind of like a hey if you want that animal you have to do what he says You have to do it because he's not gonna give it to otherwise So I'm kind of like how do we convince people to do better by their animals? How do we get them to be like hey, you know what you should be doing better than this animal? People just gonna fucking lie. Yeah, they could we forget that people just lie I'll do it bro. Here's a picture of fucking 40. I'm a fool at my old job We had a policy where you had to either buy a turtle set up from us nor do buy a turtle Or you had to show us proof of the setup Which basically even just a picture and honestly if they just looked up a picture that was enough for us We're like all right here. Go, you know unless I recognize the picture Yeah, that's not your thing that thing about page three of Google you fucking liar. Oh, and so it's like I don't know I feel like if everyone did that like yeah a lot of that's would sell But maybe not because then you'd be like hey if you really wanted this animal you have to invest this much Yeah, you know, maybe people would be like oh, yeah, I'll find more I feel like on a retail standpoint policy is gonna be the best way to go like stuff like that Yeah, like with the turtle thing like at least in the retail standpoint that's gonna be the best way to kind of filter who buys the Yeah, to be like hey, you're not cuz it's not as much of a one-on-one experience as like a private breeder or private business Because it's a score I think I Wanted to say I don't know that I'm correct But I think Emily with snake discovery one of her policy is that in order to buy an animal or in order to get a surrender animal I think one or the other he has to have they have to have filled out like a quiz Yeah, basically like hey, do you know anything about this animal? Do you know what it eats? Do you know what it needs to survive to stay there? No proof of whether or not you have those things But at least proof of knowledge of those I've definitely denied a sale I definitely denied a sale or two because I know the animal wasn't gonna be cared for correctly And the animals not cared for correctly that's gonna be more work for me because I Deal they come back to my mother No, but what I'm saying what I'm saying is that they're gonna come to me complain. Oh Your foot the fucking animal that I bought for me died It's more work for me not if they don't know what to do like it Let's say you're a You're selling some of an animal and you're like hey This is what it means is what you should be doing by it before yourselves. They're like, okay I got the information and they're like, okay, I'll get it then they come back and they're like, oh with died Did you do what I told you to no you didn't so there you go? Okay, but this is the thing how many people in? like a Retail situation that don't have a proper setup call you to complain versus call you to be like well I'm gonna just gonna buy another one. What's the majority people usually call it complain? Honestly, they pick it right well and that's a point that I'm trying to make Like I rather deny a sale so I wait on to deal with that kind of bullshit I mean me too. Yeah, it depends on the mindset because there's all a lot of people that just come in with the attention It was they don't get the proper setup because they have the they don't have the intention of keeping the animal in turn They expect the animal to die. I'm not gonna lie to you. I kind of feel that I Don't know if I'm shooting myself in the foot by saying this, but I kind of feel that the person who might know a little bit more It's more likely to go to a breeder than they are to a retail store Right, I would say that the people that walk into a retail store are people that don't know where else to get an animal And they're coming into this expecting to be fed Information they should be fed good information. They should be fed good information I'm not saying that they shouldn't but I'm saying like if somebody's coming to me of breeder It it seems like they've taken a lot of steps to come to me right right in mind This is a pet person my my personal general audience is not pet people my real audience is brother breeder. I have never No, that's my true. I have I have purchased an animal from a retail setting My videos think I'm a retail setting everything else fucking 100 flower I Guess technically yes, but I that was a difference there because I did an animal. Okay. I was kind of like oh, I know this animal Oh, gosh, it would have gone to a separate home and a whole ordeal with it. Yes. Sorry. I did buy it from a store But I never run out from a reptile Expo all my own was basically here from breeders or were surrender rescue Situations. Yeah. Yeah, we go So yeah, I don't know I think it's more And I agree that there are multiple ways to keep reptiles Yeah, I'm not gonna be a stickler and be like like you have to do it like this This is the way but if it's almost like I think I was breathing something And so again This is what I plan to do for this thing close to that half a word if I can make some suggestions Like hey, I did this and this and this day. I'm gonna do better with you here. Go send it. Yeah, you know rather than You know animals go to people like this shouldn't have and this will not put any so they get the question is How do you convince them? How do you convince the people to? Yeah, that's not saying yeah To you how do you think the way is to convince these people? I mean you could deny the sale right all day right right if you're responsible and there's the thing is with some animals Let me go somewhere else again. Okay, but now How do you convince them? I think raise the price You raise the price I for a lot of animals where people have to actually debate whether or not to get the animal They're like hmm. Yeah, I should probably research this a little bit more. I should think more about it rather than oh, it's $25 What's $25? I spent that like a burger yesterday. Yeah, so it's like I Can't allow you I am 50 50 with that because I can see the logic you think it would work I yeah, I'm 50 50 with it like I think it'll work, but then also like it's a surprise Yeah, first specific animals. It isn't practical in a really salt like a business setting you have to stick to What what because the market dictates the price? Yeah, you have to kind of stick to what the market is mind you There are some animals that we may know in those specific store that are priced a little more expensive Because of that reason yeah, you know so yeah, I want anybody to get the same yeah like we will price a little bit more And people end up usually buying the money to buy that one anyway But I feel like if you raise the prices so like market I guess Supply or the demand just makes the other you like that we had Lakes monitor for a while. Yeah, if it was priced at $500 anybody got that yeah I was priced for a few thousand dollars. Yeah, and you did green and holes if you did green and holes for like fifty bucks No, what happened? Okay, no, what happened? Yeah, so does anybody have dinner? Yeah Yeah, I mean they're the worst one of the worst pets you can have because a lot of people will not like yeah Give them movie be or he could like oh, I just keep it like a nice put it in a box a box You know, I think how do you think Eric? How do you think we could bitch people to take? Have the proper care for their animals. Well definitely raising the price helps to an extent because I saw where you're going with With how it can be kind of a double I saw at that point Yeah, but it's also just showing them what it is that they're spending the money on because at least from a perspective of selling a turtle with a setup It's pretty difficult compared to everything else because of the stigma that turtles have Just showing them what it is that they're spending the money on because I can sit here and tell them all about what they need But they see these exo terrors with the hood and everything and it's like I can see how that can be daunting to someone as Care for their own exactly, but what I'm being talked about it's the visual It's the visual they need if I can just show a customer Hey, this is what a 10 gallon baby turtle set up looks like 10 gallon tank The basket platform the lights the plant in the water That's maybe a filter. Yeah, if you can just show them what that is and what what they're spending that money on set up It gives them a lot more kind of like oh, okay. This is what it is But that won't make people care more. It'll just be like oh, this is less daunting You know and we can do that like we have In retail settings a lot of people would just put snakes and rats thing is we go there you go That's that's about it. I was about to say that I was a bit out of it Fuck I can't even speak how do they have it happen? So I was about to say that I mean that's the bad thing about Bacial public about snake rats that thing you should be private about it But then people are just gonna be like oh that's okay by keeping it in the top And I'm just like dude like that is a breeder setup Yeah, that is a setup for you to find your pet You know, but you should maybe try to you know to give a little bit more with the animals Yeah, but then the other argument is like why is the breed or not? Yeah, so I don't think this is just a vicious fucking cycle I always goes this around and around and around. Yeah, I fucking waiting so I I really want to stand by my position though I think that if Yes, I guess consumers go ahead and drive the markets for but they determine the prices for things But if I had a guess of businesses just to go upon something like hey, it's a time They're worth it like for people to be doing this stuff with it Then they can do like the cost analysis. Yeah, this isn't work. I don't want to do this anymore I want to raise that's a yellow is either so on your box there a hundred dollar turtle now All the people that buy him actually want them and actually care about them But it's the convincing people to care about it because honestly that's do you convince people to care about it? Don't come up with the money you can miss people to care about them research it Here's why hey actually give a shit about the sound it's tough because at that point you're you're changing the way someone believes about something Yeah, that is throughout history. It's been impossible to get people to change. I'll leave the question with the listeners of the viewers Where at what point do we question our businesses when we're talking about ethics and morals with these animals? Because at the end of the day if we're strictly speaking business We got to keep the prices where the market is but then the animals suffer from them And we only go with the ethics and morals that there may not be right on business. So how can we do the quote on quote Commercial conservation through commercialization. How can we do that? You You ♪♪♪