REPTILE BANS! Destroying our Connection to Reptile | Reptiles With Podcast S04EP27 (REPTILE PODCAST)
I was some of a manatees. How was that? It was fucking awesome. What am I freezing? Yeah, you know, it's crazy
You know what I was thinking about what so when the Europeans came to the Americans and saw them
They thought they were mermaids. Do you think any of them ever try to fuck?
100% 100%
So disgusting they saw a little hole and they're like here we go. That works for me in the man's just floating
Think the coolest thing that you saw there were the fucking loggerhead munters must girls
Yeah, that's cool. I was here. I don't I thought it was fucking sick. I've never seen a person. Oh really? Yeah
You don't go outside, but I don't I stay inside. I have a question. What's the bottom of my last turtle?
I think like the man where actually talking about today about the difference between a common musk and a stripe mud turtle and
So in the plastron the stripe mud turtles have two flips two
Lower half. Yeah, interesting. Is there only one species of must turtle? No, there's different species is razorbacks. Oh, that's right
Commons, okay, okay, interesting. Yeah, dude because I was like why wouldn't it be a loggerhead musk turtle?
Oh, yeah, and then there's all kinds of fucking mud turtles snapping turtles just big must turtles
Kind of I they inhabit like a similar niche side and the other one of the biggest differences wait
Wait, wait, it depends because the AST doing alligator snappers. They're there are different piece. Yeah, really are fucking
That's an alligator giant musk turtle
Like the Mexican musk turtles. Yeah, that might as well be a little snapping turtle
Yeah, we're looking for them and the areas where they're found are fucking insane. Yeah, like nowhere in the habitat looks like it
Mm-hmm. It was just little pockets of these places and we're like what though, you know, I love when people see like alligators
Simon turtles outside of the water like moving around a branch is like
Out of the water. Yeah, but they don't do that shit, but they don't even basketball
That's a bad thing about them and finding them. They don't fucking bass
Just and there and then it makes you think like oh this is this an animal that really needs that much UVB
It does. Yeah, I mean it goes to the water time. They spent in the water. Yeah, but it's like a water
Yeah, water. Yeah, I clear water. No, the water is full of tannins the bacteria plants whatever the brain
The thing that he was showing us today, they're there. Yo, literally you can see straight through that water
Yeah, but there's not me turtles there. Yes. Oh, I think it is nappers not commons alligator snappers. Yeah
Yeah, so the the commons move around they crossroads and shed a lot and
Bask they bring their shells back up that alligator snappers don't do any of that
But the water is fucking clear for the most part
So they probably just go to a shallow spot and just chill there in the place that you went to the day
Did you did you see any invasives? No, you can't
What do you mean you can't there's not much of?
Humans in that area
No, I didn't see one, but it's a cold so I wouldn't know it's too cold to see those
But you won't see like agamas none of that exists. No, right? Well for sure not the e-gamas. I wouldn't imagine
I mean the e-gamas is made up here. Yeah. Yeah, I got also make it
I got a muscle fucking make it. Yeah, we're just talking about that. There's so many pockets of those things like hide it up north
Yeah, they don't go fuck but like not much maybe brown and all I see that but other than that
Damn, they just think that I'll just all native shit. Wow. Yeah, just native fish native birds native turtles native
We were talking right before the podcast about apparently in pop-wa. There's a whole bunch of invasive issues
Yes, can someone inform me on this Dan Maleri post the video about your energies lowest
Yeah, who's Dan Maleri? Dan Maleri is DMXotics. Oh, he's the bald guy like a lot. Yeah, oh, yeah
Yeah, this is one
Actually, that is rep tell Vin Diesel it is
He lives in Indonesia, Thailand
Okay around that area and
He got a report of or like he heard that they had found like the the game
The fishing game, okay organization over there got a report that there was a blue snake out like outside
Yep, and so the they were like, oh, we'll go get it and then when Dan he actually went and he went to go look at it
That's a blue in Solaris if you know anything about blue in Solaris trim or esseus in Solaris
They're found all throughout Indonesia, but the blue specifically is a locale on Komodo the Komodo Island
Okay, and so it's not supposed to be on mainland Indonesia. Yeah, which means someone brought it took it left it there
Whether it escaped intentional whatever it's damn number of milliads
Well, it's not like anything's coming from Komodo. What are you getting from Komodo?
Mo to dragon imagine
But yeah, so there
He was like hey, you know pop was a beautiful area really really diverse a lot of wildlife could live in there. Yeah
And she's saying like this could be a potential like his dude
Oh, and it is you know it is because people are releasing shit and then like there the government doesn't know like
Right from wrong so they if they catch you let's say you're moving animals legally if they catch you with those animals
They won't bring the animals to a place they release them. Oh
They don't know any better well, it's like they release them in so Indonesia's because a bunch of I think they don't know
Which ones they're specific to like tree monitors for instance are specific to certain islands. Yep, and they will just like they have like blue tree monitors
And shit running around there was he was saying that there was a
People talking of King cobras in the area as well. Oh shit like it's a big shit, bro. Like they're just moving shut around so
Florida on to that's fucking crazy
Yeah, which sucks because that area is mostly like not mostly but like there's a lot of cool man inhabit
Yeah, it's a lot of cool native shit. Yeah, like out of all fucking places
And for a place to have invasive King cobras fuck like yeah
Yeah, that area specifically has amazing snakes covered in like white lip pythons. They've got lassus species there
King cobras eat their shit up. Yep. That's great. I mean
So are they like putting in efforts to educate the government? I mean what is there is a very poor country
Like it's like it's very hard to pull the people that know the stuff there are the biologists the Herpers
From there
Yeah, they're usually not from there. So now you have to put that into the government who eggs anything paying attention because they're worried about
Fucking hunger. Yeah, it would be like can you imagine someone's like hey?
After we see just found a blue snake in Florida. It's like excuse me. They're no bush nakes here
What did they find you know like blue and salarish or someone goes? Yeah, it's all huge like
Calubrid it wasn't a rat snake not a racer not a not a dry mark on rather bigger. I'd be like it's happened. Damn
It's happened. Well with
Those are then you think but like actually establish not just not a status
We were actually talking a while back
I don't know if we've ever made some other podcasts
But like the worst possible animals to be invasive in Florida like if you were like hey, well, it's just fuck up an ecosystem
What would be the worst possible humans? Of course
Did it done I already did it second
And it's like my choice was like Asian water monitors Asian water monitors in Florida fuck
That's a bad thing to have out here. Yeah, you get rid of squirrels. You're getting rid of snakes. You're getting rid of birds nests
mammals eggs
Gators aliens. It's nothing nothing is gonna take out an Asian water monitor. Yeah, I feel like yes
These hands that are you insane? I think it's even worse with disease like bacteria and shit from the water monitors
No, no from any animal because we were talking about micro yeah, micro
Invasive exactly if you bring something micro
That is from somewhere else that none of our animals are used to like kick your fungus
Overhump like kick your fungus. Yes kick your fungus was spread through
Pecks raid they think through plants. They think through cane toads
Spreading everyone another disease that's found in some of the invasive snails. Yes, that's what my friend was studying the
Yeah, but the snails always have yeah, I saw the diseases are native. We're good
There's nothing better than the smell of coffee in the morning. Okay, there's also nothing better than the smell of reptiles in the morning
Reptiles with coffee. That's the smell you want the strongest coffee. All right
We have it for you head on over the description or go to and use the code reptiles with to get your
Reptiles with coffee today. So we're dealing with evolution which I've had a lot of arguments these couple of days
Danica actually got into those. Oh, yeah, because she was telling somebody because they posted something about the burns
Being here because of a zoo. So she made the same argument as I did
And then what's the name of the zoo? Yeah, exactly. So he was oh you'd be stupid
And then he I love how he was like yeah bermis pythons were here in the 80s
And then after andrew they were everywhere and I was like wait, who is he just a guy? Some guy some guy some guy and then I'm like
So the bermis were here in the 80s. You understand andrew happened in 92
That's 10 years before but yeah, you're making no sense. They were already established by the time andrew hit. Yeah, so how
Yeah, what are you saying? And then he was like well, yeah, maybe a couple pet trade
But after the hurricane hit in those facilities got destroyed
Then that's when it really happened and I was like what facilities with berms
Because facilities probably got fucked up during the hurricane but berms specifically for it to start
No, so
My point is with with that whole argument with the invasive
He they were also saying like oh things will evolve because that's on nature works everything evolves
With whatever it's with whatever you put in and that is completely wrong because evolution happens in hands
So the prey item for example venomous snakes
Snakes become more and more venomous
And the prey item becomes more and more immune with time. So it's a race, right? So possums for example
They don't get they get tagged. They walk it off like nothing
So it's up it's a process in which prey and predator evolved together from each other. You become more venomous motherfucker
I'm more immune
You keep finding my ass. I got more camouflage like it just comes
Like hand in hand once you introduce something new bro
It's it's evolved into a whole different ecosystem adding a ear
Nothing is going to evolve with it because everything's competing within itself now
You're adding something that's not competing because it's just perfect in the way they are
Yeah, they're just perfect for like the python for example to take over the king cobra eats snakes
Like it's a perfect case scenario
That's what we do what release cobras to eat the birds you're a genius
I saw the Everglades all right. He the indigos
You piece we don't need them. Oh my oh my god. Wait. Can cobras fulfill the niche wait wait wait wait
No because of venom uh wait why they're adding venom
To the equation instead of indigos no venom
So now you're adding venom into a case where snakes would not so and a king cobra a kreebo can never take down like uh
Like cattle or a panther or boar there you go. Can cobras can yes
Not on purpose not to eat them but i'll buy it but we'll take them out
So animals will get bit that shouldn't with a venom that is there not you too. So okay, but that makes sense
It fucks it up. I got into an argument with us like two oh that's right. Oh, oh
the same shit. Oh, it is same. Oh, oh
The same shit i had biologists on my back and he the whoever runs that bullshit
They're like well, i'm a biologist. I would know I was like where is the the evidence of indigos eating them
Oh, i'm arugan crocodiles american crocodiles
What else did they say possums all these things?
Where is the evidence of all that they also said that the pythons are the major
Is there now a major source of food for alligators?
Where's the data behind that nothing they were like did you even click on the article the article is a guy who writes about the photo
That he didn't even take
Like somebody else took the photo. He saw the photo and he said yo
Somebody took this photo and this is what they saw what us are left behind right after that first paragraph the second one is
pythons eating alligators
And i'm like you fucking pieces of shit you guys don't know nothing. So what did I do?
He said i'm a biologist. I know better. I was a i bet i got a whole bunch of biologists friends boom to the comment section stopped
Bileages who are out there yeah studying who are the ones writing these papers down
Who are the ones seeing the damage that they're causing stopped
Do you ever okay this but he keeps ball pythons on the racks he knows shit who oh yeah for sure for sure what the fuck
Wait who i don't know who is oh yeah i don't think he's ball pythons. Yeah, whoever it is whoever it is
Whoever you ever think you ever stop are you with us heart no fuck it
Fuck them you know i have a question for you yes when
Will we all be able to be on the same page
When they actually have data behind whatever the fuck they say and they do shit right
And what do you mean by do shit right i don't actually think
Us arc will i don't think there is a solution because us are based on the premise that we have a right so the right
Exactly and i agree you have a right to your right property if there's ever a law
It's like hey you have to
euthanize your animals yeah that doesn't render them that's never gonna happen and if it ever
That's not a surprise happen i hope us arc would be like hey no
That's different but the the sense of like oh the hobby should continue we need to keep doing this stuff
Yeah, yeah, yeah two things two things you're not gonna do when the hobby fucks up
Everybody quiet because if you say something you're putting light into something we don't want because we're too little
We're not we're too smart of a community to get that heat i don't like that shit
You gotta call out the people that are fucking up one two the invasive shit
Don't put it under the rug like it's nothing i call them out because they're like you know what's way worse
Cats cats should be the first one to be taken down i said no no no no no i said not first
Both at the same time you can't argue
You can't argue like to defend your problem you can't go well
I don't want to solve my problem look at that problem but if there's a priority being made it should be cats
There's no priority there's two different there's a priority there's two different groups but they are prioritizing
There's two different groups doing two different things
The ones running the cats is not fwc fwc is running the berms yes now there are facilities organizations running for the cats
That is a thing uh i don't know the names but i know it's i don't think they're calling for cab bands
No no no i i mean they're not calling for cab bands
No no no not bands but people go out and kill cats like there's an organization for that
That's one that's why there's also we know what they're not doing in the government taking out our quote unquote rights to keep cats
That's way harder they would try i mean they could do it like that no they cannot
No they cannot because at that point you're fighting with a whole country good luck no you just stay low
No you cannot just make you cannot just make laws just because
The president just but the president can't come out and just say this is law that's it no right they cannot do that
Right so same thing they can go and say yo we want a bandcat
You have the whole state to fight against they're not gonna let you
What no all you would need to do look it realistically all you need to do you get a lobbyist
The lobbyists here we go it makes a presentation to the after we see commissioners
They go ahead and vote on it boom it's law that's basically the process
Yeah good luck good good a lot of voting in that good luck you're such an idiot
Good luck voting in that good luck voting in that never fails good luck good luck
It doesn't happen because of the community itself
That's a hard part they want to but good fucking luck
That's not what i found myself doing recently i found myself as a hypocrite recently
Why because i was like you know how like i've said that i haven't been a fan of like the videos
Of like uh that nerd does when they call like somebody out
Yeah, and then also at the same page i'm always like you why why didn't like us or say something about the operation
Vyter and like say that it's different is different is way different because sometimes i realize that i'll tell you why i'll tell you why
Because sometimes whatever nerd does it there are some times where it's like okay i get it
Sometimes it's out of pettiness
That pettys shit is what i don't like
That pettys shit where they go for channeling
Whole video about channeling and then they're up his dick like yo we should talk about this and channel is like no
Fuck you like that's pettys you were just being petty because he didn't want to fuck with you
Got you and then after that that's that's a version of it
I don't like if you're just calling people out over oh you keep this this way and i don't like it
You know it's like
Yeah, weird okay, i got weird
I guess what the process of calling people out who do you how do you determine which people not to call out
How are you like this person?
Like i can't as a person i have my own opinion they have their own opinion there's no
Yeah, there's no right or wrong in that perspective
It's just like person fucked up you should say something about it's what you're saying
Depends what the fuck up is yes
Like if it's a little stupid fuck up then
If it's a big fuck up, yo, let's get it
Especially if it's like within for me specifically my own opinion if it's within keeping i honestly don't give a fuck
Like personal keeping yes, oh because you want to keep your animal like shit you keep your animal like shit
That's you that's yours. I can't do anything about it. You're right
It's your property. You already bought it. Yeah, and i'm not gonna change your mind though
I'm not gonna change your mind. I got you now when it comes to
the industry fucking with the environment that i get on because
Those actions affect everybody else
Okay, because the bands are because of that so that i'm like, oh no put it on
Let's get to say you know i've said this before after we see here some ideas
Um, obviously like you know what if fwc just wanted to destroy the hobby. Why don't they just ban the feeder and sex?
Okay, he just
And the hobby guy's
all right, so
What would you as ark and this is not because i'm trying to put you in some kind of corner or
I like because it's just that okay
I do think that we all need your side of this things and the usr side of this thing
The problem is that we're not on the same page
So what does a company or an organization rather like usr need to do to get on the same page as
Your side of this hobby run shit with true data instead of just making random posts
With a link to a random motherfucker talking about a photo
Put out the data what you're talking about without the fwc in data if they put out better data and they were more public about
In re in real fucking real like they're just don't just go berms are not that bad
Like you know the fwc in bad and you know they gotta because what they do is like berms are not that bad
You know what's worse the forestation whole different problem whole different problem
That's like like you are deflecting the problem that's being pointing at you and just deflecting it somewhere else
Okay, yes fuck you don't do that in school. You don't do that in college. You don't do that in court
You don't do that anywhere that's professional. You does not suck you don't do that
Some of us professionals that is that is yes. Yes, but guess what politicians within themselves are doing that in a scummy way and they can
protection because yeah, yeah, but because that's what they do that's the cops which
What does that make you a sark then?
A political government a political government it makes them scummy
It makes them scummy at that point so I cannot agree with them if they're gonna do scummy shit like that
And when they say there's data behind this and I get all this biologists that are down there down
With data telling them exactly like bro. There's but you don't think you don't you don't ever think about the perspective that like
you know
If you don't look at us arc like if they're evil right and if you look at us arc like there's a bunch of very passionate people
About their sector of the hobby that are just trying to do what they're passing people about animals and cages don't give a fuck okay
For me, I I disagree that they need more data. Look every day everybody lies. You don't like evidence
I don't give a fuck the data stuff for interpretation every single time. That's what it's for what data is up for interpretation
Yes, I think I think there is no middle ground
There is no way for us arc to go ahead and align itself with actual like
Apologies you can't proper proper way because of this
They care about animals and you are based on the foundation of a right to keep a reptile
And the people that are doing the conservation of people that actually care about the animals that they have in captivity
Don't think it's a right that like hey, it's a privilege and I want to do the best by this animal
Yep, that's that's the divide and until they can find like until you're sorry like hey
It's not a right to keep a reptile ultimately dissolving the entire
Yeah, but but not only that we're only not only that we brand like the whole thing with the data
I think that's all about data as well because like if you're gonna come out and say like your berm
Ain't doing that bad, but this is much data saying that they are
You have nothing to argue other than opinion, but that's just convenient based on your interpretation of the data
No, let's say no, what do we interpretation of the data if animals are going down?
Let's say if they're dying out. That's real fucking data for instance. Chuck. Let's say let's say that that's not the
M that's not what the data but that it is but it let's say it's not what that is
Let's say it's not for argument sake. It's not okay. Would you say hey?
U.S. Arc is doing correct information. They're a good organization
There if there's no data, I would need the data. No, no, no, I'm not saying no data
I'm saying if they do a study on berms, uh-huh. I'm not saying this is the case
But I just for a sake of example
Hey, the berms aren't doing that bad and then they say and they post hey berms aren't that bad
Would you be like, hey, would you have a problem with that because that's what the data says?
No, there's animals that are like that
There's animals that are invasive that cause pretty much
We're talking about berms the berms. I'm talking about in an instance where they did the data
There's no data that they did bad with the berms
I have to say no because I know because you already have the data exactly but we could take it out to another animal
We have flamingos that are invasive and now they're
Native because they've been here for so long fine boom flamingos whatever the animal does
And the data shows that they cause no harm or no change. Okay, so and if they were like, hey, that's completely bad
We could have painful lingos. You'd be like, hey, that's okay, and that's completely that is a thing
You're okay with that. Yes, I'm not okay with that
Why what because it's not for me. It's not about
Misimperters with that one with that one addiction of data with that one's very doesn't matter
And that one's very specific every day lies with that one's very specific for me. It's more
The the illusion that it's the right. Yeah, that's what it is. Yeah, I'm with that to say something
Is it right? Yeah, if you're right to a gun
That is like that to throw it out. I'm with that to do whatever I want with it
I'm with that too, but that argument does not count anywhere wherever you bring it for what would you start for somebody like you
Have to do for you to be just change a word on their side
Change a word renounce that we have a right to keep up. Okay, say hey. It's a privilege change a word
It's a privilege and we need to be this guy no evidence change a word and I'm fine us app K
Yes app K
Yeah, look this is the app of us arts support support, but I would
really like to see
effort that we can all see
Like what you're saying though a little bit more of the data a little more of the accountability of what what has been done
I would like to see
Some more cooperation with different kinds of organizations
Those are things that I I think as a ppr perspective that'll do very good for us art
Uh, but they're as far as I know there is none of that
But when you talk to some people they're like, oh no, it happens, but where is it? I have a question
For the amount of money that us art raises and I told them that but let's say this let's say this
They were like model their money us art says hey guys
We're going through a new economic change 50% of the donations will be going to various conservation organizations throughout the United States
Would you be like you know I'll shut up? No 60% no 75% no 80% 99 99
99 100 no they're giving more money to conservation because you could even fathom yes
But fuck the money to conservation at that point what they want to do is fucked long-term
So you're a good me what the purpose of the organization
It doesn't matter what they do it doesn't matter how much money they raise it doesn't matter the data or what they say
Listen what matters is the point
What matters is why are you gonna fix this at all?
This guy is such a fucking idiot it pisses me the fuck off
It pisses me the fuck off
Why would you be okay with that because I said let's say they get the data right?
They push things they don't need it push things without the data
As of right now if they were to donate that money
They're trying to push things away from the data
Bullshitting away from the data which causes or they're trying to push for these things to be seen and that's not that bad
So if they donate all the fucking money they fucking want but they're still pushing for that that's still not good
Because they're supporting or helping or keeping the quote-unquote rights
Which yes that words fucked the rights to the people that are doing the fuck shit
So let's say they stop posting they stop posting entirely about it's not about misinterpretation of data
Would you be fine?
They're running no because what they're running with is shit against the data regardless of if they say nothing about data or
Yes, like hey, we have a right to keep right because that's all they do the purpose is against the data regardless of
What data says it's not a right to keep a reptile what do you mean? It's not a right it's a privilege first of all but no no
But what's the where is this?
Because right now you're talking about the whole organization we can talk about
Because when when shit goes down it goes down by species group or whatever when they came for you
Tagus and iguanas and they try to defend it. I'm like pussy you stupid. No, they just defend the right
They're not saying hey tagus and iguanas are that bad? They're just like no, it's my right to keep the threat. Yes. Yes
They that's all they do you would get a problem with that. Yes. No, I will have a problem with that because that's against the data
There is a
They're not saying anything against the data. I hate this guy, bro. I fuck. They're just saying hey
We're not gonna talk about whether or not iguanas and tagus are bad for the environment. Yes, we can say we have a right to keep them
No, but that's not what they say though. You keep saying I'm saying if they did that we're talking about you
No, no, no, no, no, no, but
You're in that meeting with the teguin of the iguana thing. Yes, do you I remember it was a
I was on the
One as far as I remember correct me if I'm wrong, but the general consensus of the actual people not the random fucking
Yeah, yeah, yeah, the general consensus as far as I understood nobody said oh no teguis are fine
Nobody said iguanas are fine more than anything. They were just like yo
Don't take away our
quote unquote right I'm gonna put it
Yeah, that's what I said. I said my our right to keep these animals and to have our businesses and whatever
And we will work
We work to do to take out the things from the for the Everglades. There's efforts there. Let us work together
I would say open conversation over I would say my journey were where the the other way yeah more we've heard people were like hey
I think I'm a go to the people were like I have an iguana. Can I keep it?
And then the other part of it was the the ones oh iguanas and teguis aren't that bad because in the slides
I will agree they compared them to berms and it's like you know what?
The data doesn't say that they're as bad as berms even though that was the point of the can you can okay?
So without data you can because what do teguis do naturally what is your main diet fuck? Oh?
That is data
That is data, but you can't compare that to how bad the berms are no, but they're both inviscid species right?
Right, I'm not saying one's not bad once bad. Yeah, yeah, but that's you can use you can use data from where they come from
What is this animal like what do they do? What do they eat? Oh shit?
Introducing this animal may cause this this this and this right, but you can compare with the data you can compare a
worse one
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I would say berms are worse than teguis and iguanas what is I would say even combined what does we get?
Berms are devastating they can take out apex predators within ecosystem takers
Yeah, take out eggs take us could take the eggs so the babies never hatch the big ones never come out
But if there's enough of the apex predator
Doesn't really matter how many there are if they're producing enough eggs no cuz if they eat enough eggs the population within the years
It gets small and small as it is the take as it is out of all those babies of alligators or crocodiles
Which is even worse. Yeah, like one or two percent survive
What if we get all the endangered reptiles and release those in the effort leads let those become invasive?
No, the no longer
You know what I did a lot I go fuck yourself
Every time you decide we'll come back or like anybody will come back in the comment section
I will come back with like actual that I would the
Boy you volunteer for was one like the parasites like everything they're doing I would just bring like actual data
They showed nothing but opinions
That's where I'm like this is the thing man
It's hard to argue with some people because the end of the day they're coming for passion and passion seeps through emotion passion to keep animals
Cages doesn't matter. No, I understand you understand that mentality. We're gonna lose I
Yeah, I get what you're saying cuz the day. Yeah, yeah, I get it my point is this
Even if it because my point is the mentality that that's what's wrong
It doesn't from like I said it doesn't matter what the data says the point that someone thinks that hey
It's my right to keep whatever I want I can take it out of there while and I can just put it in a cage
That's wrong. That's us. That's the mentality behind us are yeah
That's just one of the problem, but that's but that's what makes it incompatible
I think I think a bigger problem more than anything is the
Unacceptance of new information and other information
You gain other perspective
And I feel like people just want this one thing and don't want to hear the other thing and don't get me wrong
Sometimes I think that you come from that side but from the opposite right where we're like yo like we're
You we can have this and this if you want to support us head on over to modern reptile shop
Dot com or in the description where you can find our merch and the best part is is that a percent of the proceeds from the merge
Gets donated to conservation one more time. That's modern reptile shop calm or head on over the description
Speaking of bands and away from us arc. Let's talk about Spain arc Spain arc spark. Yes
This past I don't know it's past week a huge animal band past in Spain
No, no pet stores basically no breeding unregistered breeding no unregistered selling
No unregistered training. I think it's I mean they were like no
Nothing define registered like only a couple people can breed animals are allowed to breed animals. Oh, okay
Yeah, I'm assuming farmers are yeah. Yeah farmers dogs and cats are fine. Yeah
No exotics no it's not exotic zodiac, but you can't you can't buy dogs and cats from pet stores anymore. No
That's gone you can only get the animals and balconies or outdoor like yeah any kind of like thing like that
It's our now rehab centers. Yep. Wow
There's no animals anymore pretty much there just no
It's odd it's just native shit and shit that they want to work with like shit on their ssp's and shit like that
Got you guys from that. Wow. This is crazy. What come? It's crazy in the world bud
Yeah, it's insane. You know what is gonna take a L. It's happening everywhere
You're gonna take it out. I want them to take an L. I want to say I told you so we gotta wait
I want to sit here. I want to sit here on this podcast and tell y'all I fucking told you and I'm fucking happy for it
You think this Chuck wants my business to go down so bad. I don't I don't but y'all don't fucking listen to me
Y'all ain't maybe a middle ground fucker middle ground. I want them to lose
There is none. I think they're gonna lose but um they're gonna lose they lose every time
With uh, we want it one as we want it again third time boom took it out. Oh shit
Wait a fucking minute. Take it was gone. Oh shit. Burs wait up. Fuck like
Guys we did it. We get it. Can we what is the turtles you want to breed?
Which ones the ones that they told you no
Diamondbacks. Hold on. I got you guys. Let me protect
Tell me what are they doing? I'm laughing because it hurts. Yo, what are they doing? Tell me every time
Oh, they're protected. They'll be like yo, we won. We won this one three months later. Bam
Us us artists kind of like all right. We're gonna forget about Florida right now. I'm like a recandered
Oh, they they want no smoke over here, bro. So any who's spain
I don't want to be a fucking
I was reading articles and a lot of people a lot a lot of people are
Upset that this law did not target working species. It doesn't target um greyhounds
That race and it doesn't target uh shepherding dogs
It doesn't target any of that stuff and that a lot of people are like hey that's fucked up like this is an animal rights
Law, okay, and you don't even include the amount of abuses that happen against dogs
Okay, like the point kind of facts. No the point of the fact no the point of the law was never targeted targeting at that
It was never part of that the target was a dotting so why would you add everything? No, they added dogs
Yeah, as a as a as a cells as a cells you can still sell almost a breeder
Which is the same thing that happened here. That's why petland closed down. I don't know
So a whole lot of petland the same thing that happened here is what they did over there
Over here. You cannot sell a dog anymore. All right, that's part of petland
No, but I don't know if breeders can sell because you can't do this can
Dog can't find they're like hey, you can't breed unless you're right then within the mills and shit like that
You can breed your own and have it you can't have a puppy mill or nothing like that. No because that's unrighteous of breeding
Okay, did they have a red dog?
Did they have a reptile community in spain? Yes. Yeah, they have it everywhere bro
I don't really get any off specifically targeted reptiles. No, this was blanket. Yeah, this is blank. Everybody. Fuck y'all
Yeah, fifth birds mammals the whole thing is good. Yeah, they didn't even make I think they said they reacted to this
Where this wasn't I don't know we're fine. The only articles I found were the ones that were upset that they were in target
The but that's because this is the thing because you keep pointing out that out
That was never part of the law the people that I'm mad about that are the same organizations that are like pita like
Like oh if you want to do this do this again
They were never part of that fucking argument from the beginning. They just want everything to be added
to it. So that's an argument that has nothing to do with the actual argument of law. But it should be versus
That's your opinion and theirs, but that wasn't part of the law and the argument within it
But it should be but it wasn't but it should be it wasn't that should be a whole different law of anything
Why and because it's two different things it's odd eggs versus animals that are
Uh, no, it's just dogs. It was just working dogs
It was just working dogs because they did target domesticated animals
No, they didn't not horses and shit like the barns and shit. I don't think they target horses
Yeah, no like all domesticated shit is fine. It's just the breeding part of it. Yes
How do you think half puppy meals or anything? How do you think an animal ban like that?
Hear me out follow me for real effects
in the long run right in the sense that
You ban reptiles gone
Okay, everywhere anywhere Spain. Oh very reptiles are gone right now the people of Spain
They don't have the same access to the animals
Because I would say like there are a lot of people like you Chuck
That spent a lot of time outside fell in love with the animals
But then there's also even more people the majority nowadays that follow me, please
That's because of pets and stuff like that and then they get to better understand either the ecosystem
Yeah through keeping an animal on a cage, but they better understand what the thing is right in front of them
But now you take that away disconnected
And we just build over these things now. We just keep destroying ecosystems because now there is no connection that'll happen
100% that happens regardless. No, I don't think that happens right now with that many people like talk that care about the environment
Yeah, but now there's there's a little more efforts now through all the time that has passed by to be like wait a second
We should think it might be worse. No, it doesn't matter. No, listen. Listen. This is
This is why argument gets canceled for me
The pet trade, okay animals in cages for the most part. How many people with animals in cages?
Health conservation. No, no, but you're not
But you didn't listen to what I said. Yeah, I did I did I'm gonna go all around. I'm gonna
I'm just gonna start it with the bullshit ship. How many barely any
Okay, but they're awesome
It's a whole it's not even about some it's like the pet trade in general. Don't even count anybody. Okay barely any boom
That's one they don't help much as it is
Invasive species where did they come from?
No, but I don't think you heard what I was trying to say
Because I'm talking about the connection itself
But it's the connection worth bringing all these animals in making them invasive making people flip these animals around
Taking care like shit. It's not worth it. Okay, but if if we if we have that side of it
Wait if we have that side of it and we have some kind of awareness now versus the other end
Where now where there's no connection to any of these animals and we just have concrete jungles everywhere and the ecosystems destroyed
That's a whole different argument, but that's what I was asking. That is a whole different argument
That that was that that was that that's what I was asking those are those are two different argument
No, that no that no that he thinks that with pet species people can have a better connection to nature
And therefore a better appreciation and a better care for it
I disagree of those little few people some of them will donate to conservation do
That look not enough does it matter?
Is that if that goes away my argument those people go away
My argument literally comes from experience because I see this thing especially in Miami from people of
Cut from my same cloth that don't understand these animals that I've gotten to show them these animals
Yeah, but they look at what people people but now they look at a lizard and they're like, I'm not going to kill this lizard
And then that happens to be on iguana or a tegu. I'm not going to kill this lizard
But that that's how I get every animal you're saying I get what you're saying because the the thing is not perfect
The thing is not perfect, but what I'm saying. I know but what I'm opposite that you're literally saying the same thing
I'm saying I know I know the keeping thing is not perfect. It's fucking yeah, it's rough and it has more negative than positive
But but but but but but but if that keeps us aware and have a connection to animals versus complete animal ban
Three more generations of humans then all of a sudden we have no connection to the to animals
And then we just throw concrete over everything and build as it is people within the petry don't have a connection with animals
All they know is animals in a cage. They don't know about the yeah, but now I can ask you right now about species within our state
And you don't know but right now we can change that
Yeah, yeah
Yeah, bro
Fuck man. What I'm trying to say is okay, you're right
You can tell me a random species that I won't know but because of my experience through the pet trade
I know that I'm not going to step on on whatever the fuck that random shit is that I'm not gonna just
Oh, I want to build a house. So let me throw concrete over these five fucking acres
Just because I want to make some money
I'm aware of no pet trade
But because there is some kind of something there that we get to have where's the data that supports that
There's none it doesn't exist. That's not real. That's not real. You're right. There is no data right now
My whole situation. I'm a data sample my whole thing. My whole thing
It's not real you don't have enough money to buy land and put a house over it, right?
No, but I could kill anything that I see
Not really what do you mean like not really you're not gonna do it?
I'm not why not because you love animals from the beginning. It's not the pet trade. I love animals before I kept
This hypothetical is beyond us. It's not us people. I'm saying yeah
The audience if I I really do think that if we just completely ban these fucking animals
There will be a disconnect because there are people that don't this is I'm sorry, but this is like a thing
People don't understand what something is until they see it. Yes first hand
Okay, so if heffesito jimmy down the street, whatever the fuck comes to the store is like
I didn't know any of this thing was a thing and but three months ago
He was just killing lizards in his backyard left and right now. He's gonna think twice. I've changed people were we're sitting right now
Listen, listen, listen, listen, I'm saying people walk in here like hey
I'm terrified
I'm terrified. Thanks. I'm like, yeah, I'm gonna kill her right now the negative shit. It's not but I understand
I understand it's not it does worse for conservation
What you don't understand Chuck is that the negative happens regardless
It does worse for conservation illegal pet trade will happen with or without you, but that's way less
It's gonna happen with the last Yoshi. It's gonna happen with that legal one and the illegal one I connected as it is
Want to know yeah, I just want to know yeah, I just want to know I just want to know
Are we willing to lose
Are we willing to allow the pet trade to die
And potentially lose the connection that we have with these animals through the next generations of humans
That's all I want to be fine. Yeah, you will be fine because you live this one life
But you're if you have children your children children children
Maybe they won't have a connection
And then they just build over the fucking world that depends on how you raise the kids if you raise them in concrete
They stay in concrete if you don't okay, but this is a reality and you're one person versus a million that don't go outside
You get me and this is the as it is they don't go out
So they did there is no difference the outcome is no difference the pet trade does more bad than good to conservation
Okay, fine
That's okay, but you would cut out any good that it does huh you would cut out. It's not good enough
But there is good there is not good enough everything has good everything has been good
The problem is the bad happens regardless. Huh the battle happened anyways. Not as a high rate. Yeah, no way won't
Yeah, well team. You're right. You're right
Right, right?
You have a store on a plaza. Yeah, you're right. You're right
And a broad
Doesn't come into the states anymore
Don't go to China plow share tortoises don't go to China pangolins are killed on that is dude
That is it happens with or without you that is way happens with or without me. Yes. Yes. Yes. There's two pieces
There's illegal and legal put them together way bigger ball like right now anybody no permits could buy any of those turtles and release it
However, the fuck they want to right?
Cut that legal one out. They can't no it now. It's all illegal illegal
And you think you think people stop keeping and who's gonna do the illegal shit me only this coming motherfuckers
Go ahead only scum you ban reptiles. I'll still keep them
What else you ban?
Keep an honest but less people less people would know less people would I just right now little kids can buy them
What are you talking about? Yeah, if you're listening to this you're a reptile lover
All right, and what do we all need? We need supplies
So we got you covered head on over to imperial reptiles calm and use the code reptiles with to get a specific discount
Special to us and our listeners for your reptile supplies today one more time
That's imperial reptiles calm use the code reptiles with
I just wanted to know were we willing to risk the connection that we have in the animals if it means the end of the
Pet trade that's all I want to trade man. No. Yeah, this man's answer. Yes
I think that there is some kind of regulation that need to be done
But that's a fucking I'm not some kind of monster that thinks that this situation is perfect
That is not the fucking case. Okay. I think that there's a lot of things that need to change and I think that
Um, we need to become more aware that this is not a commodity
This is not a commodity. This is something that lives, breathes, eats and shits. I had to talk with
Askata, Alex Askata of the owner of impure reptiles and he was saying he was like, hey, do you think you could write me up something where
Whenever someone buys an animal we could give them a heat
It's not perfect, but it's a start. It's something give him a heat where it says hey
It is illegal to release your animal
And I said, hey, would you be willing to go ahead and
If someone has an animal that they want to relinquish that they bought here
You know, let's make it let's make a small that they bought here that they would
We were you could bring it back that we would keep it and take it back in that's hard and he's like, yeah, absolutely
And I'm like, cool. That makes it a lot better
That way when someone sells us a cot of tourists to give me sheets is hey
Do not fucking put this thing outside if you have a problem with it if you don't want it anymore bring it back
Yeah, we'll go ahead and find a home for it. That's gonna take care
I used to do that a lot when when I used to breed a lot of turtles where I would I would give them my card after a sale
Like I had a reptile on and stuff like that and I'd say if you don't want the animal anymore
Call me and yeah, I'll get it to ship back
One thing that I would love to do also
Um is for reptile
Resilize anyone with a website. I guess that they can buy at reptiles from
Is that hey a portion of your and for reptile shows to do this to actually mention it with with candor
I was like hey a portion of the proceeds at least
You know as much as can be done
Should go towards conservation organizations to go towards specific people that'll do the right things by those animals
I also am a firm believer that wild cot so anyone that's an importer should not be giving wild cot animals to
Peckkeepers those animals like if you're bringing in radiated tortoises legally
Those should go to specific turtle breeders that are have the intention of making sure that those animals now that they're out of the wild
At least that they have an impact their problem is now they have to hold on to the animal longer because not many people want them
More animals, they're floss. They're a lot of but then the less animals are imported. Yes, but to them to the this is how you cannot
Convince them for that they have to hold on to the animal longer more animals end up dying
They make less money right more animals die because you have to keep holding on to imported animals themselves
No, they shouldn't import animals unless they already have people lined up for them. That's not gonna happen
You know that it can it doesn't make that it doesn't happen money wise money
Yeah, it's tough, but the law can make it happen bro. This guy's is you live in a fantasy world
No, no, you know the fantasy world thinking that's just gonna be illegal that people don't do it anymore bro
You're right people don't bake Rob. Yeah people don't kill people people though. It's a bores listen listen listen
People kill less people because it's illegal lies
The people that are gonna go people. I'll be I could open bodies. You're old. You're stupid. You're stupid. You're stupid
Nothing stops you
That's what he tells me you're stupid enough to get caught bro. No
You're coming up to get caught you hear this guy right now. You're so fucking stupid
Let's do this on a positive note. You sent us a video. What are five reptiles that conservation saved
Someone that fucking video why I want some positivity. Oh my god. Did you see the video? He sent us? No, no, no, no, no, no
You can watch it. What is he what is it like he was saying about like he
So the back they actually started the video with like you guys here so many sad stories about
Species that are going extinct. They're functionally extinct
We have to you know develop ssp's for them because of how bad they're doing in the wild whatever
And he's so he's like you know what guys i'm gonna give you guys some positive
Conservation stories with reptiles
Um, I think the first one one of the first ones was the money to get go
Uh, no first one was american alligator. You're right the first one's the american alligator
First one's ever get under that law. Yeah, uh, six x story for me. We've been over this not a success story
Second thing was the money to get go
You know so fucking stupid and annoying
That makes a nice real
The ad hominom's on the american alligator thing right?
Chuck you're okay with farming for me
Yes, yes turn his mic off. He is yes, he eats me. You mean me. Yeah, I do eat me
Yes, that was farmed yes, and no yes, and no, okay, so yes
I'll tell you why i'm here. Okay with farming
Alligators crocodilians the only thing that could have saved them. Yes, okay
He stands by and we're still
Bad with the pet trade. Yes. Yes crazy. I know and say here's the thing here's the thing
Farming farming totally not farming only affects the animals within that facility
On that law as well. They had a percentage of animals that had to be released as well that helps conservation
Where is the cons to conservation there? Go ahead. I was just asking you go ahead. I was just asking you
No, you're you're comparing the two go land needed to farm what the land needed to farm for alligators
Are you fucking stupid? Yes, keep them in tubs this mother keep them in tubs great mother fucking great
This mother you're telling me they don't use any land to reproduce
It's not like a fucking cattle ranch is no, no, I'm not comparing it. It's not what you think about land
Yes, you was wild before you're used to be wild as well. Yes, it saved the fucking alligators
It brought them back past how you asked for how they would be negative to conservation
I told you how I get in the 40s how else go and I told you how else do you save the i don't know
I'm answering your previous question. I'm answering the question you already asked
What negative impact to conservation does farming alligators have I said the land used to farm the alligators how much
And I'm right comparison to their I'm not that's we don't have the data. That's another question. Oh, the data is out there
That's another question, but I answered your question. What's your new question? It's a small piece of land with a new question
Hold up that saved a whole bunch of alligators within the entire fucking state. Let's start there. Yes, hold on
The entire state now has alligators now back in the 1940s. Tell me another way to save the alligators
Go ahead. What the laws that were back then and I'll ship ran back then go ahead. You do it. Go ahead
Go ahead. You guys are so smart. Go ahead with your you go ahead
You give them the pets and then people become aware of them. No more concrete jungles. You're so stupid
You're so stupid. You're so fucking stupid. I am conservative. That's the only reason I've changed my last name
Only reason only reason I can support that to that extent. I don't like the farming
I don't like that anymore die. Huh? Why do we still do it?
Because the same thing would happen again. You have to avoid this impact from farming again
Every single reptile no avoid no extinct. No, that's what you're saying. No, that is listen
The reason the alligator was almost extinct right is because of its meat and its leather the skin cream
What other animal
Has that a lot of animals what other reptile Florida has that go ahead Burmese pythons ball pythons
Savannah monitors. No, those are all used for this game trade. You don't mess. I got you look. I'm okay
I'm okay. I'm okay. No, they're not fucking native. It doesn't they have nothing to do with conservation
Yes, they do in their countries. They do not here not here. I was in their countries
I'm talking about here your knowledge your application of what an instance can apply to other countries
No, you know that right no there's a whole different world different laws different people the way they live is different, bro
You cannot sorry there the two all right. So look this is a thing
So I I definitely look not that I love the skin trade, but I definitely think that I don't love the same
But I definitely think that it serves its purpose because of that because it did help the alligators and stuff like mind you yeah
Morally that's separate from the skin fit the farming in the skin
Yeah, it's different is different, but then trade is taking wild caught animals. No, no, no, no, no
Not anymore. That's what the farms are there for it's yeah
It's the reason the farms worked
Because once the farms came out the hunters weren't making no money
Why because now we have hundreds of alligators yeah, pretty back to back
But I don't want that as skin trade you want yes, it's for the skin
But the skin trade is like taking one of those and killing it
Because he doesn't count it Chuck you lost it because he doesn't count it
You're comparing skin trade for alligators from skin trade to other animals
No, no, no, no, no one in skid in here in here. Yes, yes
And no
No in Florida within with the alligators. Okay people were
Hunting them farming only works with this specific and you know can you shut the fuck up and listen bro?
I am the same thing you've said every time for the meat another right yes farming them
Now where do they buy from the farms not the people they stop hunting them the alligator numbers come back
Now everybody gets the skin from this side alligators are fine
They don't do that shit with most other fucking animals
The reason why they wanted the alligators because it's a large fucking animal a lot of meat and a lot of leather that you can get out of them
Most reptiles here that doesn't happen to within other countries they have other laws other people
A lot of people are very poor and that's something that they have to do for money
You have to take that into consideration when talking about these things now
Everything is fucking black and white you've stupid motherfucker like not
Saying the most basic shit that you say every single time
We already understand that we already know that they're really so stupid because why are you so stupid?
Okay, why can't you understand this if farming works for the alligators why won't farming work in other countries?
It does and it can but it depends how you go about it. You think we should
For this second conservation it depends how you go about it. You do not think we should it is different
Why it is very different what makes it different because if you're gonna do that
And the reason you're farming is because of the pet trade is not gonna work
Skin trade it all of those things come together. They buy from the same source
You need to understand that sure sure from the farms. No at the beginning it comes from hunters
Right, right. So if they come from hunters skin trade comes from there
Uh meat comes from there and even pet trade sometimes come from there next what's next? Yes
All of those things come from the same place. Yes, correct
So depending on the animal if it's an animal like the american alligator. Yes farming them can help
If it's an animal, let's say like the two otaro that takes many years to be able to reproduce
It doesn't work because the line to breed from baby to adult
It's too long even if you try to farm the animal it's not going to work
You need to think of lifespan or how long it takes them to reach sexual maturity
All of these things work matter whenever it comes to farming. You need to think of those things as well
All right, so we should do that for all of them
I want to know the rest of these fucking animals that we can't save and if you can't it doesn't what happened to the animals we saved
Why the other fucking four animals other than this damn alligator?
I was trying to
I was trying to
Alone he's on this stupid. I was trying
You're the one that stupid. No, you're justifying farming. I wanted to try to
Did it work
Find another solution go ahead find a
If you were back in the 40s with the lost in the things work, how would you serve?
We can't have why do we continue? How would you solve instead?
We continue it because you get us are doing fine
Right because you learn from your mistakes and you don't want to go back. They're doing so good that now open season on them. No
Basically, that's not even a thing. What did they say?
Tags no you need tags everybody's counted this bro. They're literally bitching about the tags. What tags like you need tags to be able to do that?
I don't think you want alligator. Oh
I'm done talking about the other
So this get your little
Hold on
First of all, I'm a teacher. I'm not talking about the other
I'm done talking about the outside my mic off. You know nothing about this fucking alley. You're not in this world
You're not in this world. You know nothing and you're just always talking about your
So I'm in this world. You're not not the one
I'm in this world. I'm not I'm in this world. Yo. Yo. I'm in this world
I'm in this world. You're not I didn't testify farming. Shut up vegan this guy. This guy. Vegan this guy vegan
This guy did this guy did I did so what other animals did we save the conservation?
What did the video say American alligators
I'm a gecko
Mandarin what is it the one you know get go how did they say that one do you know
It was
There's not enough to coast the Puerto Rico. It's commonly know hence why it's called the minute a gecko
So I'm just rad or you know fucking rock. Yeah
Rock that is a floating rock
They introduce rats. Yes, I don't know who but rats were introduced into it
And then the rats were taking care like just destroying everything really just doing really really bad shit to the silence
The minute get goes one of the casualties
They sent expeditions to go ahead and remove all the rats and I guess they did there's more rats
That was it and now the new guy goes to come back is what it is the rat's weren't allowing the birds nest there that brought the bugs
Exactly, so you take it rid of the rats birds come back poop shit bring worms and other things there shit falls off
No flies come in all these other shit. So that brings the food to the get go. Yes
I don't remember the next one, but I know the fourth one was the
Blue the oh my god like wrong on us the came in came in I know oh yeah came in island iguanas
How was a frog in there a lot of tourists or a lot of just people living there would kill off the iguanas?
With cars or just out of whatever eating whatever
Until the fact that they were functionally extinct. I think they were only like they said two dozen left in the wild and like fuck
Through captive breeding efforts of zoos and private individuals
They released some back and now they're making a comeback and they are
Educating the people they're like hey when you see a lizard don't just fucking kill it because you feel like it
You know don't eat these will give you guys chicken
You know
So that was another effort and then the last one
Was the eastern indigo which yes to the extent
I don't know if I call it a success story yet
They still have a lot of issues especially with deforestation of the low leaf pine long leaf pine habitat so
Still not a success story, but there are at least people working on
Hard on that fucking trying to keep that speed around yeah
Well, there was a success quote quote success story. They found a wild
Like fully wild like the genetics are not
Like it's not one of the animals they released in the panhandle
Uh-huh so they've been releasing animals in the panhandle that where they used to be where they're not anymore
And they finally found one that wasn't one of the original releases. Oh, that's awesome. Yeah, and like that's pretty cool
That's pretty cool. We did it. No, we saved reptiles
You know we didn't do well farm them for meat and skin that's what we did is to hold the friend animal
This guy has no you have no knowledge on the this subject. You have it. You have it
This was the reptiles with
No, I don't stop you