This podcast time! You're so disgusting! You totally get it done. Did you know what you did this week? He did cool things this week. I did. No way. I went down south. You went down south? I went down south. Oh my god the bromeliads! The bromeliads, Steve Gwanas, the whole thing. I went to Miami Zoo. It was cool. Very cool. Very cool place. It is a huge place. Bro, that is... That's number one. I was like, and I go on hikes and I am okay walking miles and stuff. I was like, oh my gosh, I have to go to another enclosure. They do ride bikes over there. The rent in the bike was like $45. That's a lot. I was like, no I'll walk it. I walk it. I'm like, oh my god, never mind. Honestly, there were a couple we tried to steal too. Oh damn, dude, you are really Mexican! Because there are sections of the zoo that you can't bring to Charlie. Obviously the only people can walk. And so they park them and I'm like, can I just walk out with them? And I sit in one and I'm like, it's not working. I don't know how they did it. I was selling it. I was selling it. I was selling it this week. I don't know if it's because... Excuse me. I got him. Fuck. I was selling it because I'm from Miami, but I don't think Miami Zoo is a big deal. I was like, oh it's just a zoo for me. He was like, no it was huge. I'm like, I guess. It's super cool. They're co-hobbing all of their animals. All of them with green iguanas and red-headed gamas. It's crazy. How do they facilitate all of these animals living together? Oh my god, they're super shit. The bromeliads. And it's cool too to see, because again, I haven't been down south. I think since I was a baby. It's like, oh there's iguanas everywhere, there's ceguas everywhere, and holes, everybody says it. And then it was like, oh whoa, the thing. That's there. Like when you're driving, you see them on the road. You definitely saw iguanas. You saw red-headed gamas. What else did you see? Invasive. Honestly, I think that was it. Yeah. Those work just everywhere and they bask out in the open. So it was the only ones that I was like, I was trying to find an ole's. Didn't see any invasive birds. What was your favorite thing to see at the zoo? Honestly, they're coast of the coast of the region. They're Amazon exhibit. The cloud forest stuff? Fire. It is so cool. How they set up, because I'm a reptile nerd, so I really mostly like the reptile stuff. So it's really cool how they had the enclosure set up. There's certain elements that they put in the enclosure. How big they are. Actually, I wanted to show you. Dude, they have a caiman lizard enclosure there. I took a picture next to it because I was like, they need to see exactly how big this thing is right here. I'm about to show you a huge... No size? Yeah. It's somehow too personal. You see where it is. I know too personal right now. But yeah, the enclosure's huge. The animals, it's funny because it's like being in the reptile industry, you can see things like, oh, a Cuban false chameleon. Yeah. That's not rare. You know? And it's like, or boa constrictors they have with ATBs. It's like, whatever, I guess. It was very interesting. It was very, very cool. Especially the sea animals I don't typically see. So there was eyelash vipers, harlequin toads. What the fuck is the harlequin toad? It's like the big yellow ones. The big yellow ones. Do you know what they are? They're not harlequin toads. I don't know. It was... And this toad was pretty big and it looked kind of... It looked really lanky and thin, yellow, purple spots. It was crazy. It was crazy looking. It was crazy looking. It was close. What he said there. I was like, yeah. Yeah. Let me see if I can find the freaking picture. Yeah, I did. What's happening? Oh, Mexican cantils. Fire. What's that? It's a... Oh. Yeah. I kissed it on. Species. Very cool. I kissed it on Taylor. And then, apronia. They had like four or five apronia to an enclosure. Amazing. Whatever this thing is. That's the toad. Oh, that's what I call interesting. And then this is the... Holy shit. Yeah, I remember that in close. That's fire. That whole bottom water. A whole lot of his water. A whole bunch of plants and stuff. I would have liked, I guess, more climbing opportunity. So pretty much... So I could describe... So I could describe... That's the only thing it was... So I could describe what Tino's showing us. It's him next to a rack with a cave in lizard. This is a big tub. But yeah, it was cool. It was cool. It definitely makes me want to do like a... Because usually there's a lot more focus done on the mammal enclosures. The aviary was insane. Yeah. And so I would like to see a little bit... Not that there wasn't any much. Like, there wasn't a lot done for the reptiles, but like a zoo that really gives the reptiles section like some more or has more reptiles in general. It'd be fire. It'd be cool. Tell him... I don't know if you already told him or showed him. Tell him what you were telling me about the saltwater crocodile. Oh, yeah. So one of the things that I really like about the zoo is that they have... Like, they've put in place between the enclosures ways to kind of get in the enclosure to some extent. Where they had the alligators, you were like up on top of like some rafting. Like, kind of like how they have a gait-a-land where you can go on the top and stuff. And in between, like, because it's like a lake, a little like pond at the bottom, in between the rafting, you can go on like a rope bridge. And it's like, oh, that's cool. You're like kind of immersing yourself in the barren closure. They have like a little stump that you can go into and be in the enclosure with the bears, but like obviously with protection and all that. With the saltwater crocodile, they had a tube... They had a tube that, you know, little kids could like crawl through and stuff and see it. When I crawled through, I saw like the salty was like on top of the tube, so I took a picture from the bottom. I saw the underside, saw the teeth, the mouth. I was like, oh, this is fire. And I saw how thick the tail is. I was like, jeez, that thing is huge. But then pause. But then a couple of kids were being loud and just like boisterous and like tapping on the glass, whatever. And I guess it woke him up. And they're running through the tubes, like crawling and going really quickly. And it like, I guess, triggers a food response out of him that he's like trying to like bite through the tube and like trying to get to them. And like, I don't know, it's just super cool to see that. It was super cool to see them like super active and just like really trying. And obviously these kids are like screaming their heads off like, I'm gonna die. They're just gonna kill me. You know, they're losing their minds, but I'm over there like... Shiki pictures of little kids. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Hell of a while. They were like teenagers. AHHH! That makes it bad! Yeah, dude, bro. Fuck it. Chill, dude. No, but yeah, it was dope. I like that aspect where they're like, they give you a little bit like, further reach into the enclosure. In a safe way. So what sucks is their conservation center, like the house where they have like the actual information part of some stuff. They had none of the reptiles out on this way. I think they were talking about like, the enclosures are too stressful for them. Maybe kids are like, just too interactive with them. So I'm kind of like, dude. That kind of sucks. That dupos a lot of times like, how much people drop in there and then do surgery on the crocodileans to get like things on a plastic phone. Sometimes. Yeah. So you, and like, they do all this effort to like, put you in the enclosure and like, get closer and then people do something like that. You pay for that? Yeah, you pay with that. Like that's fucked. Yeah. That happens everywhere. Yeah. I've kicked out people for doing shit like that. Yeah. That's fucking wrong. You should. Yeah. So you were saying that it's one of the best zoos in Florida. What do you think is the best you in Florida? I don't think I know what the best. Have you been to Miami? No. No. No. I know like my friends have been, I know the area of it. But Jackson Vail Zoo has it like right now. That's what we do. We plan a trip to go to Miami Zoo. Yes. We should. Honestly, in May. So we can attend the FWC commercial meeting. Facts. I'm going to go to Rico and May. So almost it's not that week. No, it's the week of the 10th and 11th. That's the day that the meeting's. Yeah. I leave the 12th actually. I think. Well, we'll figure that out. We'll figure that out. There's nothing better than the smell of coffee in the morning. Okay. There's also nothing better than the smell of reptiles in the morning. Psych. Reptiles with coffee. That's the smell you want. The strongest coffee. All right. We have it for you. Head on over to the description or go to and use the code reptiles with to get your reptiles with coffee today. Brian Barczyk. That's what we're here to talk about. How are you guys feeling? I mean, we talked a little bit about it last week. It's just. It's sad. It's sad because cancer is one of those things where it's like so many people are affected by it for years kind of reasons and we're still fighting it. We're still there's not enough. Maybe there is enough, but maybe we're just not the technology. I don't know. But it's still a problem that we're facing and it's it's it's unfortunate. And to preface, we are talking about the fact that Brian Barczyk has cancer pancreatic cancer at that. It's a rough kind of cancer. So I figured that, you know, we just kind of sit here. Tell some nice stories about Brian, you know, promote his the Facebook group that's going on. I don't know if you guys are on it. I'm on it. I'm not. I don't really know. Yeah. Well, there's a there's a page. Is it for what it. So. Yeah, yeah, for sure. So it's a stage is called stay strong, Brian. Pretty much a whole bunch of people are following that group and just kind of like posting things about him. Because he's reading all the messages pretty much like all the posts and shit like that. And it's supposed to be just a positive like a page for positivity for you to post like memories with Brian, like how much he means to you pictures stuff like that so that way you can keep his spirits up because obviously this time is going to be difficult and he needs as much positivity prayers and just good stuff coming his way because you know, it's it's a battle and it's good to see a community that should be together actually being together because it's like the. That's where we all agree. Cancer is bad. Yeah, literally that thing. Yeah. Oh, this is a leopard guy goes. Oh, fuck. Fuck you. Oh. So. Shit. Oh, my God. Shit. Oh, shit. Oh, gambling. I'm going to fucking love this. God damn. But it's just it's just nice to see because yeah, everybody's like, no, no, the page, the page. Everybody. Because he for Brian for a very long time when I got into reptiles, he was completely polarizing like it was almost like you couldn't say. You couldn't say that you followed Brian or that you liked snake bites. You couldn't say those things because you would get looks. I mean, even I've had people outside of the community. Somebody they don't like Brian Barker. Really? Yeah. Well, when I started here, there was an employee that. To the name. Can I? I don't know. How about I going to do it? Whatever. Who is it? Oh, no, everybody looking everywhere like Spiderman. It was happening motherfuckers. They're not here anymore. They're not here anymore. Okay. We definitely. Girl. That'll be obvious. Boy, girl. That'll be obvious. Boy, girl. Tell me the opposite of that one. Ah, so both. Um, so yeah, so they were pretty much like shitting on Brian and I'm like, dude, like you legitimately wouldn't have the job that you have right now if it was a thing. And now if it wasn't for Brian Bartchak because he really popularized the reptile part of the pet trade. He really did a lot of effort to do these things, right? Which sparked an interest in a lot of people. One of those people, I mean, the owner of Imperial partially like, you know, followed him and stuff like that. And that helped him move on to certain things in his life and that the shop, the whole thing, the breeding and ergo were here. And you have a job. Like, if it wasn't for him, you don't have this and you're just going to like shit on this man like that shit was black. Whatever my point was with that. Yeah. So there's that Facebook group. Anybody want to share a nice story about Brian? Chuck. I got one. All right. I got one. All right. It's a one's upon a time. Where? To closet. Oh my God. Pause. Okay. Okay. Okay. I don't, I'm having trouble inside my head with what's going on there and like other things in my life that are about to happen with like facing disease and detrimental things. Yeah. So I don't show a lot of appreciation for people sometimes. And I feel like Brian is one of those people right now. So it's like bothering me. Yeah. That's because I, when I started, I remember like, I've always been to reptiles. He did not get me into reptiles. Well, he did for me was a social media side of it. Like I did reptiles in Puerto Rico. Once I got here and I learned English, I don't know how the fuck I found him, but some how I found him and I remember, bro, I remember being like with some of my hood friends. Just with a laptop on a bed and looking at the snakes and learning shit and just being like, yo, I'm going to have that snake that he has there. I'm going to be doing that. I'm going to like, you know, me telling myself, this is what I'm going to do. Yeah. Right. I got older. Of course, I kept watching him every now and then. And as I got older and I started my YouTube channel again when I was like 19 or some shit. I started doing like, ball pythons. I wanted to be like, Father Yosh over here. I wanted to breathe and do things like that. And it's always like mimicking Brian to an extent. And I started doing YouTube and I got into this little circle with people. I remember those these guys like genetic hunters and like, who else was part of that? There's a couple that are still out, like still doing YouTube and some other people. We made that group and we were just small YouTube people doing ball pythons. Brian did not know of us that we had just said it all. And then one time, I was just on Instagram and he was coming down to Orlando and he was going to Gatorland. And then I commented and I was like, I lived 10 minutes away. And then he said, DM me and I DM him and he said, show up at 3pm. He didn't ask me anything else. He didn't ask me who the fuck are you? He said, show up. And that day I literally woke up the day he came in, woke up, showed up to Gatorland. And we got to walk around the entire park. I met Christian, which was just on the podcast. I met him that same day. I met Christian the same day I met Brian Barchek. I met Peter, my other co-worker. The same day I met Brian Barchek. I met a lot of friends that day I met him and he was super fucking nice. I don't know if we had a good time walking around feeding crocodiles and shit. And then a year passed and he hit me up himself. He reached out to hit up this young motherfucker who ain't shit. Like, yo, I'm in Orlando again if you want to pull up. And we went again. And then after that, Omar Ghosh came to do some YouTube shit. And it was like a big deal. I hope a bunch of YouTubers are going to come. And again, he began me like, yo, we're going to be a Gatorland pull up. And that to me, it did a lot for me. It opened doors. He doesn't fucking know that shit. He doesn't know how many doors had opened the fact that I was just there. And I met Forrest the one that passed away. I met him that day as well. And it's like, a lot of doors opened because of that. Like, after that, I met everybody else. That was my first celebrity meeting. That was my first. Brian Bartik is my first of that world. My celebrity. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Like, he did that. He was that. Now, he was fucking that. And I don't show it much. I don't know why. But that is, it bothers me in my head that I don't. And then I had to take something like this for me to do it. Like, that bothers me. So I don't really post about it. I don't like I just talk to him through the end because I'm like, I don't, I don't want nothing out of him. You know, like, I feel like a lot of people with somebody at his position want to take advantage of that. Yeah, I don't want to be that. I want, I want it to be fucking genuine. Like, yo, bro, like, I fucking care about you. Even though I don't say it and I haven't said it before, from far away, I fucking care about you. I appreciate the shit that you got me to do. Yeah. Like, no, he did not get me into reptiles. He taught me a lot because of his YouTube channels. I do disagree with a lot of things he has done. And that's fine. I disagree with everybody. I disagree with shit you do and shit you do. Like, that's just human nature at that point. But I never verbalized like, yo, you did this for me. It just happened. And I just kept going. You know, it was crazy. The same day I met him. It was a really tough day for me. My stepfather had gotten arrested and he got sentenced to 15 years in prison. And I didn't know if I was going to come back to a house. Yeah. And I just smashed that shit out. And I just did it out there. Like, that's just saved in my head, bro. Yeah. All of that is saved in my head and I don't really speak on it or express that shit. And like, it bothers me a lot. Yeah. But here we are. And now he has this fucking bullshit. Yeah. This is a repticulture comedy podcast and we're all like, yeah. Yeah. Fuck that. Alright, my turn. My turn. My turn. So I briefly put in that Facebook group, say Strong Brian, I briefly put, you know, he got me through a hard time. Whatever I owe him so much, you know, but I ended up DMing him through my personal and like really express the way I feel. And I'm just gonna say here on the podcast. I mean, I spent a lot of my life doing music. Music was the only thing that I was good at. I wasn't good at school. I didn't really have a bunch of friends. It was facts. Still virgin to this day. Pussy, not even once. Super married fucking virgin though. But whatever. So music was like everything for me. Everything, everything, everything. Got out of high school, pursued it heavily. Got to live the dream, accomplish the things, and then it disappeared. And it being the only thing that I was good at. It was a complete like identity crisis for me. Like it was, I didn't know who I was anymore. You know, it was, I was stuck in an office and don't get me wrong. I'm grateful for my dad giving, you know, getting me that job and stuff like that. But it was, you know, a kid that was on the road living his dream now stuck in a fucking office quiet nine to five. Wow. What do we want? You were a ball python in Iraq. Wow dude. I'm trying to be sentimental. He's roasted my ass. Fucking, so yeah. So I was miserable and a lot of other things were going on in my life. That like misery like really put me in like a dark, dark, dark path. I lost a lot of friends. My wife, which was my girlfriend at the time, her and I started having problems. We pretty much, this shit that I don't even speak about publicly separated for a little bit. And all those things put me in a place. But through finding an interest in reptiles, I found his channel. I actually, I found snake bites because I was like, oh, Ken is on there. You know, I was like way back then. And then eventually I had turtles and tortoises and then people started giving me ball pythons. Then I really found Brian and I just took like a big dive through there. And that whole thing because of snake bites, because of Brian, gave me a passion for reptiles and gave me a completely new identity. And I was like a person again. Like I have pictures of me like in that dark time, like starting to like to come out of it of me like holding a ball python and do like I'm fucking super fucking skinny. Like my eyes like like dented in from just like depression. And like those are pictures that I look at to this day whenever I start feeling like that. And I'm like, you're not going to be this dude again, because you have a future to look forward to. And all of that is because of Brian, you know, and I know that there are a lot of people that had no like, like no love for animals that because of his videos, because of that shit, like because of him, like they now know about these animals. And I mean, I do even with my dad with birds like my whole life, like I never thought reptiles was like a thing. Like people that had reptiles, I still thought it was weird, you know. But yeah, I mean that that's some shit that Brian did for me that I mean, like what you were saying, like he would never know. And I had to like express that to him because, you know, in the end of the day like that's that's the dude. And when he came, what well, when you took the phone call that yeah, when you took the phone call Tino that Brian was where was I was that at Daytona. It was a show. It was Daytona. It was Daytona. Yeah. So when Tino took the call that Brian, Brian called us to come to the shop the week of AnimalCon. He texted in the group chat and I was on one because we were doing Daytona, whatever I get that message from Tino and I'm like this guy's fucking lying to me. He's trying to like ruin my time right now. He came during AnimalCon, but he took the call while we were at Daytona. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. So like we'll do we're on when we're murdering Daytona, these fucking podcasts, Tino's texting me like Brian's coming the week event on like, yeah, dude, oh, Brian's coming the week of whatever. It took until I got back that you guys know, you guys were telling me Brian is coming and I was like, I look at the color idea. It says Brian, Brian, I'm like, no, say, like right now, bro, and it's like, Hey, my name is Brian, Brian, I'm like, wow damn. But I remember like, I like to this day, like the feeling that I was like, oh my God, like this is the dude. First off, I'm here. I'm murdering at the National Reptile Breakers Expo doing the thing that I've been working for ever since I was given this new identity. And then you tell me that I was like, dude, this is full circle for me. Like I was in heaven. I lost my virginity that weekend, dude. Everything was lighting up, dude. You were a 30 minutes ago. No question. No, no question. Facts. Whatever. I'm a born again virgin. But whatever. So, yeah, so then we take we do the Daytona thing. You tell me that he's coming pause. He actually shows up that week and he's just like there and I'm like, dude, this is the fucking guy. Dude, I remember we took him to the back pause to look at the ivory blue tongues and he was like freaking out about these. They're so nice, whatever. And then I reached in to grab it. But those things got an attitude. So I flinch and he's like, I'm not afraid of getting bit sticks his hand in there. And I'm like, this is funny because I show him a P metallic a tarantula. He's like, nope, nope. Yeah, he don't fuck with that. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It was just it was such a surreal experience like him being there with like. That's a fun beginning and I feel like that's one of the last people I felt up with in the first. Yeah. Everybody else gets like a dick. Yeah. Just because I've experienced people, which I met somebody else that changed that a little bit. But most of the other people I've met turned out to be shit. Actually, express that to him. I express that to Brian when I was telling him that thing that I was saying earlier, I was like, you know, I don't usually try to like reach out to people that I look up to. I don't do that because through my experience with music, everybody, the majority of people that I've looked up to. Yeah, that whole thing never meets your heroes. Bruh, as a matter of fact, like, I auditioned and almost joined a band that I listened to when I was in high school. That was a big band. Like, it was a job for me to have. And like, it was going to happen. Unfortunately, obviously things didn't work out. But like, it was through that process. It was a shitty fucking experience. You know, and after that, I was like, I never want to fucking meet my heroes because this is just going to take everything. You know, and like, I don't know, dude. He was not one for me. Yeah. Now I'm very skeptical when I meet people. I'm usually that these people are going to be bullshit. Yeah. Every now and then, I get surprised, like, the last person. But yeah, talking about that off here. Yeah. All right, your turn. How was your experience when Brian came? So yeah, I've only ever met Brian once. Oh, I met him the first time I met him, I guess. Also, wait, you, Crockfest, you met him at Crockfest, right? That was... Yeah, he was on the Crockfest. He was a gator man. Oh, facts. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Because I remember he came down to me. Yeah. Yeah, I was walking. He came down to me. Oh, I've been sitting here years ago. I talked a little bit about it last time I talked to him. He was at Crockfest, but it was like... Because I know Alex went up to him. Yeah, well, I was with Alex, and it was just one of these... Hey, man, nice to meet you. And the thing is, I was with my dad too, and my dad knows that I really look up to this guy, so my dad super embarrassing the whole time was like, God. Go say hi to him. Go say, go say, pop, stop it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's funny. But yeah, I met him at the shop. I didn't answer the phone call. And, you know, so for me, I... And this is a weird perspective. I didn't know who Brian was. Really. I didn't, in my, I guess, reptile journey. I was never into ball pythons. I never thought about keeping racks. I was never really into the... I was never into the club. I was never into the club. I was never into the club. He had videos just for them. I had, I had, I know the videos, it's just quick. It's just quick. He's like, oh, look, this is the thing. That's cool. He used to have videos based on the rhino rats. He was being the Brazilian rainbow boas. That's what I used to watch. When you guys, whenever they would tell me, like, oh, Brian Bartrix, ball python, I'm like, no, no, no, no. He's like a colubrid guy, and then he has like a ball python empire. You know, but he's a colubrid guy. Maybe the algorithm is the algorithm. Yeah. Yeah. You want to see, you want to see, you want to text my people. I saw, I would watch his colubrid shit. That's what I would watch. Like the rhino rats to me were fucking amazing. Yeah. What else did he have that was like crazy? The algorithm was always just like snake bites. Yeah. I would get it by snakes. I was like, well, it's not really my thing. So with Chewy, I remember chewing it in my head. Yeah, Chewy is chewing on my head. So I'm, I'm like, I don't really, I do really care. I was kind of like, I know he's a big figure in the hobby. I know he's important to all the people. I'd like to see him and like look up to him. I mean, he's influenced a lot and inadvertently influenced myself. The business side of him is what blows his mind. But I was like, okay, cool. And then meeting him, seeing him, I definitely wanted to see if he was who he was in his videos. And he absolutely is. He has a lot of that high energy. I will say he's a little bit like more down to earth off the camera. Like he's like, yeah, yeah, even better. Yeah, even better. Even better. Even better. The reason is that people expect you to shut off the camera and then be fake or just be like completely different. No, no, no. Exactly. And he's not that. Like yeah, he's toned down, but he's the same guy. Yeah, he's a cool guy. He was a cool guy. I saw his nipples actually. That is a fact. I saw Brian Barchick's nipples, me. Actually, all of us. Oh, it's almost the other one. Yeah, I can sell it. You know what I'm saying? Just a knowledge. He has a koala tattoo. Alex gives him, Alex gives him. Holding one of them? Like what? Yeah. That's just the nipples. The nipples are you can look this way. Alex gives him a shirt and then this guy goes, oh, thanks. Takes off his shirt and puts it out. You know, I'm just like, all right. You can just sell it by a barchick's nipples. It's a Tuesday. Yeah, it's so funny. Yeah, he's a really cool guy. And I appreciate the things that he has done for the hobby 100%. Yeah. It's unfortunate what's happening now. Yeah. And it's also interesting to see, like, because I didn't get it. But like whenever people were like, as soon as the video went out, people are like, oh my God, is Brian there? I'm like, yeah, it's happening live right now. He's the in the shop. Come. No, people. The video came out. He's not, obviously not here. They had to edit and post it. Come on. I don't know how people are still calling. Like, is he there? But we really- But like a lot of people- So a lot of- I have seen a lot of like the- from the Facebook page, from people's responses to the videos, from those calls. It's like, wow, a lot of people look up to this man and- Yeah. And what he's done. And it's also interesting to see the journey that he's had himself as well. As a person and as a- as a- someone in the reptile industry. How he's like, he's able to self-analyze in a lot of videos. I think one of the videos he even talked about having a- like a- what's it called? Not a TED talk, but like a- shit. It's one of a bunch of experts kind of get together and they talk about a topic. And they- a think tank. It was kind of like a think tank where he wanted to get a bunch of the reptile tubers, breeders, and like sit down and say, hey, should Rax leave? Are we done with Rax? That kind of thing. It never- it ended up happening unfortunately, which sucks. I would have loved it. But like even that he was like, yeah, I'm down to talk about this. I'm like, that sounds fire. That's cool. And then his enclosures for the- for the- for the reptarium, how he chose these animals in a positive light. He doesn't- he's not very like, whoa, whoa, whoa, scary, whoa, crazy. You know, it's like more like, yeah, this is this, this is what they do. This is why they're cool, you know, that kind of thing. And it's like, yeah, that's- that's the right way to do it. So I went to do it. I mean, and you could see like just like in his actual day-to-day, the evolution of like BHB is right next to the reptarium. The racks, the breeding mentality that that's over there, but like this is the future. It's the big enclosures that this and that. What's the vlog like? I've never been on the vlog. Or is the vlog his YouTube channel? Yeah. Oh, okay. Yeah. So I mean, when it started- I thought the vlog was- I literally started watching it when it started. I remember like watching the first couple of ones. Have you seen them all? I haven't seen them all. Like obviously after a certain point, pretty much once I got- Fake fan. No. Fake fan. Just the thing, I was watching the vlog up until I got pretty much my first reptile job. And then I just like watched occasionally. But it was like that was my routine. It was at nine o'clock every morning. I put a Brian Barchik on my desk while I was like there miserable. And I was just like, dude, thank God that I get to watch this for fucking 15 minutes. Well, I'm pretending to answer these fucking emails, you know? Yeah. But yeah, no, dude, he's the dude and- He was open and honest about mental health issues. Yeah. Open and honest about reptile ethics. And it's just- I'm like, wow, damn. Not a lot of people are- and maybe- I don't know, maybe it's because he has the- the attention of the audience that he has. But like, not a lot of people do that. A lot of people are open with- No, people have bigger egos. Like, hi, that's what I'm saying like- Like, maybe I have reptiles. Like, yes, no, that's literally it. Like, I feel like sometimes like I have more of an ego. He's like ego-less to like a lot of shit. Yeah. Ego-less. Humble. Humble. No, ego-less. That's what we're going with. Yeah, I don't know. If you want to support us, head on over to or in the description where you can find our merch. And the best part is, is that a percent of the proceeds from the merch gets donated to conservation. One more time, that's or head on over to the description. I want to know, okay, what the future of reptiles will be because of the impact that Brian Barchek has had on this whole thing. What do you think it'll be? Well, I think, I think for one thing, he's already influenced like people having their own private zoos. Yeah. Heavily. Heavily. And I think that- Everybody in the mother now has a private zoos. Basically. I want a private zoos. I think, and I think there's good and bad to that. Obviously, if people are doing it the right way, there's a good thing. If people do it the wrong way, it's a bad thing. But I think that's definitely an influence. I think people will see more eventually of people going ahead and having more animals on display in proper size enclosures or at least bigger, more interactive capabilities, that kind of thing. I also think that he's changed a little bit of the way the way the reptile YouTube functions. Yeah. He's definitely appealing to an audience that is outside of the reptile industry to get people more interested in the content that he has. Yeah. So I think definitely 100% because of the YouTube channel, because of the things he's done, there will be more people interested in reptiles. Yeah. What do you think, Chuck? Chuckie Wookie. Chuckie Fookie. What is the future of the reptile community because of Brian Barchek? He's not going to have as big of an impact anymore. You think so? You think so? But he's a big fan. No, it's actually a good thing. How so? Because he already has such a big impact he cannot even match himself. Okay. Okay. Social media, social media, reptile people came because of him. He started that. He did the biggest thing which was start that. Yeah. So he's never going to match that ever again. He already did the biggest thing he could have done. Anybody could have done. We did Brian Barchek, the movie star. No, no, but I'm serious. He did the biggest thing anybody could have done. He ever went to TV, this motherfucker did social media. Facts. Like, you can't compare that to because it's not- It's not the same thing. It's not the same thing. No, but when it comes to media, marketing, and the way they got across, they did the same thing. You don't want all that dude like a lot of reptile people, this is a fucking fact. A lot of reptile people are not business people. And you touched up on it a little bit. That man is a fucking business man. He's a brain for fucking business. And that is something that I respect so fucking much about, you know, like he's thinking steps ahead. It's not just like, oh, it's here and now and it's happening. You know, like, no, he's like, all right, we do this thing. And that's something that I liked when he started doing his podcasting. I used to like to listen to him just so I could like really get- Get in his head? Yeah, like see like where like he's thinking about these things, how he's thinking about these things. And then whenever somebody would like do a super chat about some shit that I didn't want to know about, I'm like, yo, shut off, let the man fucking talk, dude. I want to know what he's trying to say, dude. Yeah. That's where me and him separate. And what, a business? The business side. Okay. Just because he's- I was gonna say I feel like there should be less business in reptiles. No. That's of a business mindset. No, no, no. Just because it do can and it's together. And they do. Yeah, but- No, no, no, no, no, no. Stop it with your fake world. I think not less- Like better. Correctly, yeah. Because business can get you to do scummy shit. Business is about maximizing profits, always. That's the point. Yes, but you can do it at the expense of the animals, of course. Yes, yes. A good businessman will prioritize ethics, period, all the time, no matter what. I'm not even gonna argue with this. We're gonna get into a whole- Yeah, prioritize profits. So that's kind of why I prefer the- I prefer like the reptarium part of the whole thing. And he even wants to expand. He wants to do a bigger facility, a bigger zoo. And it's like, that's fire. That's awesome. Yeah. Is that the smartest financial decision? He could have another facility full of ball python racks. He could. He's like, I'm gonna get a lot of money. He's like, I'm gonna get a lot of money. I'm gonna get a lot of money. I'm gonna get a lot of money. I'm gonna get a lot of money. I'm gonna get a lot of money. I'm gonna get a lot of money. I'm gonna get a lot of money. I'm gonna get a lot of money. I'm gonna get a lot of money. I'm gonna get a lot of money. I'm gonna get a lot of money. I'm gonna get a lot of money. I'm gonna get a lot of money. I'm gonna get a lot of money. I'm gonna get a lot of money. 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I'm gonna get a lot of money. I'm gonna get a lot of money. Daddy Bart's a fool. Oh, fuck Daddy. Well, I've known about him since I got onto animals. I went reptile specifically. I've always liked the animals. But then you got a pet smart. See that leopard gecko? What does a little kid on YouTube do? Leopard gecko. And then I got through the whole rabbit hole with all the snake bite stuff. So he's always been a character throughout this entire reptile story. And then I was watching this stuff and then I saw him on... on animal planet. He was on Venom Hunters, which I thought was really good. I saw him. He's the YouTube dude. Yeah, exactly. So he's always been in the back of my... he's in the world of reptiles and stuff. He's like the reptile guy. And then it was very... I was a little like... that's when it hit me. I was like, oh, like I'm really a part of this whole reptile world. When he came to the shop. Yeah. You know, I don't really get excited for a lot of like, you know, celebrity type things. So I wasn't like going crazy about him being there, but it was really cool to see. Like you guys kept saying like I... That's the guy. That's the guy that's here. Yeah. And I really, really, really, a lot of respect was given there because the fact that he was talking to us like people and stuff, you know, because I had never dealt with anybody like that before. So I really didn't know what to expect, but to see him literally just like someone like you're talking to somebody at a reptile show. Yeah. And I was like, oh, wow. Like this is really, really cool. And he's over here shaking our hands and stuff, talking to us about the animals. He'll go back to go film for like a couple minutes. He'll come back, talk to us. I thought that was really, really nice. How efficient his team is in managing how he does shots and what he does. Yeah. Crazy. Yeah. Like wow, these guys are on their stuff. And then AnimalCon really cemented it because for us, being smaller and stuff like that, it was very, very nice to see him actually, you know. Take the time to say hi to us and everything and just being there in general was just a very, very nice experience. Yeah. Well, that was a big one. It was getting him inviting us to AnimalCon. We show up there and we're just like, we're like the vowel wise, like sometimes wise, we're just like kind of there. And we see some of the people that we saw like the month before at Daytona. So we're like trying to like fit in a little bit. It'll be fun to see him again. Yeah. But it'll, but that like he would just like show up, say, I do us some conversation with us. I was like, this is great. So like I am a part of the community. Very genuine. So I very much appreciated the time that we had with everybody here. That's cool. That's all he's always been to everybody feels the same way about that, man. I don't give a fuck if you got beef with him or not. Well shit, man. Well, like what you were saying, I look forward to seeing him this year at IHOCON. I hope he really does. And every year after because I would love, I would love to go up and see him, but I don't want to bother him. Go up to Michigan? Yeah. Like go up and see him because I could ask him that that motherfucker would not say no. But it was like, yo, like I want to go up. Like you, but I want him to be nice. I hope he good to spend some time. I don't want to or take time away from his family or whatever. Yeah. That's a that's a big one. Yeah. I just want to see how he's doing. And then like we could probably play on something if yeah, well, if that's on your mind, you let me know and I will take whatever time off I have to. Yeah. I will fucking go. It's definitely possible. I'm going to be up there before and I never taken it. Yeah. We'll figure we'll figure something else. Anything else we want to add about Brian? I'm going to say it for a brother. One more time. Go to the Facebook page. It's a stay strong Brian. Actually, you know, can you go on Facebook right now and make sure that I'm doing this fucking right? Absolutely. I can. Let's look for a stay strong Brian. It's a group. Yeah, it's a group. Oh, good. Stay strong Brian. Bar check. Join that. Put a nice memory there. If you're fucking Brian Barjakater, actually supporting Brian. Supporting Brian. Check has 13,000 members. What the fuck dude? Is that another one? I guess it's like and there's more. Oh, there's always been there's one that stay strong Brian, but it's now Brian. There's a couple there's a couple different ones because remember when he was getting like cyber bullied and stuff. Oh, yeah. Well, this one was created January 20. Yeah, that's because of that. Yeah. That's when he was getting all the cyber share everybody talking shit about him. Yeah. Well, fucking go follow that Facebook group. I know that a lot of people are on Facebook these days, but that's the place to be post something nice about Brian. If you're Brian Barjakater, get the fuck over it. Eat ass or something. I mean, that might be something that you're in. Do the opposite. They're like fine. Fine. Yes, I will. E. coli who. Oh my gosh. If you're listening to this, you're a reptile lover. All right. And what do we all need? We need supplies. So we got you covered head on over to imperial and use the code reptiles with to get a specific discount special to us and our listeners for your reptile supplies today. One more time that's imperial use the code reptiles with. Yeah. Just because like, it just reminded me of it, but that experience with Brian, I just had another one very similar. Okay. Yeah. Very, very, very similar. Yeah. So growing up again into animals, I would into them. That's weird. Yeah. Yeah. That's a little suspicious. Shut the fuck up. Let me tell them more fucking. Sorry. No. So I would just go on YouTube and just look random as animals. That's just the randomest shit you could. Can I plug something real quick? Whoa, bro. Are you sitting on dude? All right. I'm not going to say I can't say who it is. Fuck. Okay. So a member of my family used to love going on YouTube and searching like this like dolphin sex and just like watching and be like, it's so weird. Look at their weirder whale sex. I can't say who it is because he'll definitely lose a job. You cut me off for that. Sorry. I just had to say that publicly. I think that was what the fuck reason. That was important. Okay. Okay. So I would just look at random shit. You know, I was learning English a little bit. So so I would just look at the craziest thing. And then I started seeing Jim Fallon bring this guy in and this motherfucking guy will bring in bears like full grown bears. I know he is big. Something the animal guy. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. He's a random shit big alligators. I just and he's like super extra in there and then like, you know, I will just look up those YouTube videos like they will come out like once twice a year. It's actually and then I was I was very excited to see it. Now I never like looked up to the guy, but I always thought like, yo, that's fucking fire. What he does, you know? So a bunch of years after over 10 years after growing as man, as you see over here. My work gets us out my job is that guy, Jeff. And they tell me in Christian actually, they tell us like, yo, you guys have a TV thing and it's going to be with the albino alligators at this time. And I already knew I saw Jeff. So that means we got to do something with Jeff and I was like, cool, whatever. Like I said, I don't have any expectations good or bad from those people anymore because I met a lot of them and it turned out to be like previous strippers that then became shit. So I don't really I don't I don't really I don't really I don't really look up to those people like that anymore. So you know, he comes in like I asked you how many people are coming in? Like what are we doing? What do you want? What are you guys talking about? How do you record? Who's the camera man? Who do I got to back up like Christian staying with Jeff? Okay, I'm going with this for guys about here with the cameras. Like what do you guys need? Let's make sure the gators are good. Nobody gets grabbed whatever whatever. So he starts talking and I'm just next to the guy with the cameras and he's like talking to the camera and out of nowhere he says this joke and it just I'm literally looking in the water at the alligator. He says it. I look up and I'm like that's my joke. I'm literally like I've said that before. Like that's very specific. Then he says another one and it's like that's Christian's show. Like literally like that. I'm like in my head like very like I was like oh like coincidence but in my head I'm just like what the fuck dude mind you I learned from Christian. So the shit that I say is also Christian. Yeah, I'm like what the fuck is happening dude. Like I'm weirded out but I just don't say anything and started talking to the guy. Bro comes out to be dope ass motherfucking dude bro. He has animals at home like venomous sneaks. He has alligators at home. He's from New York. He has like he's legit like an animal person legit. Yes he keeps shit at home. He likes that shit. Does not post much of it. Like nobody knows that he just does TV stuff with zoos and things. His personal shit. So he's like very into it. He wants an albino alligator and I was like bro this guy's school is shit. He's doing another video and I tell Christian you all is bringing my baby albino so he can actually hold one. Bro this guy was so fucking happy whatever whatever. And then he comes up and he goes you know I've seen you guys before right. And I was like he looked at me and he was like you look very familiar you have a podcast right. And I was like yeah and he's like yeah I really enjoy you guys talk a lot of shit. Like I should be done. I'm like fire. Yeah I'm like holy shit like I know who you are and you know who I am. Like that feeling never felt before like that. Where it's like I appreciate what the fuck you do as a kid I used to watch you but I just I don't mention it I'm just there and then he mentioned and I was like oh shit and he looks at Christian he was like you used to work at Gatorland. Did you notice the jokes I said it's because you sat at my Gatorland and I memorized. He's a fucking, yeah he said I memorized no because now he uses them. Ever since he heard Christian he was like wow like that guy's performance is amazing. He saw Christian a long time ago and he was like I'm going to adapt to that. I want to do that when he saw Christian. And it's like it was just like this triangle of like we were stuck in each other's dicks right. I was like what's happening dude. I wish I was there. What? But like you know like that feeling was crazy it's like this guy I used to watch knew who I was. Well of course I know who he is. He knows who Christian is. Christian knows who he like we knew of each other. Yeah. It's like I don't know the feeling was crazy. That's cool man. Like he was there with the TV people he was like bro I want to hang out with you guys so bad. Now say bro come back with all these motherfuckers and we'll walk you through this bitch bro. We'll get you doing everything y'all all the animals and he was like oh shit I'm coming back with my wife. I'm super excited but that feeling is I think the only feeling that I can match to the feeling when I met Brian. Okay. That is the equivalent for me in that aspect. Hell yeah. And I just felt that a few days back. And that's what I've been on my head about the Brian Barchick thing. I'm like I've never said these things to him. I just hung out with him. Same room. We've eaten in the same place bro. We've sat down. We've literally spent hours together and I've never said these things out. And I'm like what the fuck is wrong with that? This is a whole ass therapy session. Yeah. I think we're learning that you should always tell the people that you admire that you love them. Yeah. If you truly admire them because some of them turn to shit like strippers and then turn into alligator bitches or something. He said alligator bitches. That's really sad. Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, I was literally about to make it so nice. I was gonna tell you guys. I love you. I was gonna be like yo I love you. I love you. Then he said that. I can't repeat it because fuck. Is anybody else want to add anything before it goes even deeper? Maybe it's alright. Yeah this is the saddest fucking pod we've done. Yeah. This is fucked. I love you. you ♪♪♪♪