128 - Death by Moose Antler - The Josh Potter Show
Over here, people have been able to see what everything would be.
When Noah got a moment, Noah got a moment, there got a little people.
The inner city blacks.
Oh, hello there.
How are we?
All my roaches, thank you so much if you came out in Bellflower to the stand-up comedy
What a wonderful evening.
I believe how many roaches came out in the cold and the rain out in Bellflower.
I don't even know if you put it in, put a map in front of me.
I wouldn't be able to tell you where in the hell that is.
I'm a, I'm a fucking idiot woman when it comes to that.
I don't have any idea, but you figured it out and you came out and I appreciated a great
Next up as far as shows go, we are going to be doing Bakersfield, California, continuing
our California tour here.
Bakersfield, California, never been to this comedy club.
It's called The Well and tickets are on sale.
Now go over to my Instagram at Josh underscore Potter or you can go over to Twitter at J
underscore Potter.
The links are in the bio also on sale, Arizona, Chandler, Arizona, which is just a couple
miles outside Phoenix there, brand new comedy club, the Mike drop comedy club going to be
there May 5th and 6th four shows tickets on sale for that as well.
Everything else aside from that.
Remember today is Wednesday.
That is the new day of the show.
So make sure you remember that.
And you're not scurrying out on Tuesday going where on earth is the program.
Well I told you it's Wednesdays now and I want to thank everybody for checking out the debut
of our Wednesday programming with Mark Norman last week, the first ever Josh Potter show
away game.
And I got to give another big shout out to the gas digital crew over there, especially
Mike Harrington.
The man loved that guy congrats on the baby, which I don't even know if it's out yet,
but it was like coming out when I was there.
It was like ready to fall out.
So I mean it's coming soon and I congratulate you already because I'm so happy for them.
But I want to thank also Lewis, Jay Gomez and Ralph Sutton, of course, the operators and
owners of gas digital for allowing the first ever Josh Potter show away game and thank you
to Mark Norman for being the guest.
But a wonderful time that I had in New York.
Hopefully you caught all the podcasts.
Thank you to the bar stool guys KFC, Vitalberg, of course, Nick Hammy.
And then you got the anus boys.
You got Rudy Nick, KB, MOOC.
I mean, that was a blast of a podcast, maybe one of the most fun podcasts I've ever done
in my entire life and I've done a lot of them now at this point, especially when I was out
in New York.
And one that hasn't come out yet.
I got to give a shout out to my boy, Stavros, for having me on Stavi's world.
So look forward to that in the coming weeks as well.
Did I miss anybody?
Oh, thank you to Brittany Ledesma for having me on hers and beep, boop, beep.
Oh, Zac Amico got to give him a shout out.
I did so many gas digital shows that I it blurred together.
But at the end of the day, I had fun on all of them.
So what a wonderful trip to New York.
Hopefully you caught all those things and thank you to all the roaches who came out to shows
at the stand.
And thanks to Pat and Joe at the stand that concludes our thank you portion of the program.
But boy, oh boy, did I have a great time in New York City and we're back here inside
the Roach Motel solo, Dolo this week.
But we do have Kirsten here at our side.
Kirsten went to her first NHL game and you enjoyed it.
I feel like there's been a fire lit inside me.
It is, I encourage more people because when you see it on TV, it looks like chaos to some
people and people who watch sports have told me that over and over again, people who have,
you know, watch, they watch basketball, which I find to be and I know you do as well.
But I always, I find basketball to be, I don't know the, I don't know what their plans are.
I don't know where they're moving to on the court.
I don't understand strategy in basketball.
And then also I get annoyed with the foul trouble at the end and like there's the, like
what everyone says, the last two minutes of football is like a half hour, but I swear
the last like two minutes and it's like, you're not going to win.
So what are we doing here?
We're just doing free throws.
This is so boring.
So that's my bitching about basketball, but I understand when people say hockey looks
like chaos, I'm, but you know, growing up watching the sport, I know what the positions
are trying to do and everything like that.
So I can watch a game, but I encourage everybody to go to a game because the atmosphere,
the atmosphere is electric.
I mean, especially the LA Kings, they really do it up.
They're here in Holly, you know, Hollywood, let's glam the whole thing.
No, I mean, we, I've done like, I don't know what division it is, but like Iowa has their
Iowa wild, which is a smaller one and it's fun, but I think that's the AHL.
Yeah, that's the minor leagues, but that's like a, you're going to go in there and it's
going to be a bit more of a barn that you're going to be in.
It's not an arena, you know what I mean?
Like an NHL game is a little more electric, but as a person who loves the sport, I really
do like a HL hockey as well.
It's fun.
Which was your favorite part?
I don't know.
I think it's when people start to almost fight.
I get really into it.
That's exciting, isn't it?
And like, that's really weird coming for me because I like don't do well with confrontation
fighting, but behind a net, I'm ready to go.
I'm ready to see something like that.
Yeah, like when the glass is there and like you don't have to worry about getting involved
and it's like part of it.
Like you can, some of the guys who fight in hockey, they know the guys they're going
to fight.
That's like like Ty Domi and Rob Ray from when I was a little kid, every time the Toronto
Maple Leafs and the Sabres played each other, which is a lot because their division rivals,
they would always fight and they would like you'd see him square off and people would
keep score like this is how many times Rob Ray beat Ty Domi and it was just about nowadays
They're like best butts.
You know what I'm saying?
And there's a couple of guys who genuinely hate each other's guts though and that's when
you go, this is going to be awesome.
You see it in their fire in their eyes.
One of the Anaheim Ducks Trevor Zegres, I forget what he's who he said it to, but
it was somebody I believe on the Minnesota wild and it was everyone's trying to read
his lips because he said something that pissed this guy off.
So he's coming at him.
He's trying to beat the shit out of him and Trevor Zegres is like, when I Trevor Zegres
is such a little kid, it makes me feel like I'm not allowed to be watching hockey.
Trevor Zegres is on the cover of NHL 23 and I got the game and it's Trevor Zegres and
a woman from the WNHL.
They have the WNHL as well and they had both of them on the cover and I said, oh that's
They have two players from the WNHL on the cover because Trevor Zegres just looks like
a little, he looks like Trevor Lawrence.
Pull up a Trevor Zegres picture.
I wouldn't even be able to remember, but evidently this gentleman has a dead father
and Trevor Zegres, they were trying to read his lips and Trevor Zegres, they say allegedly
said something about the man's dead father.
But there he is right there.
I was, yeah, I go, oh they put two WNHL players on the cover.
Oh, that's Trevor Zegres right there, my bad.
Show me the NHL 23 cover if they have that on there.
I would love, because it's, I believe it's the cover.
It's the opening load screen.
I mean, he isn't as ducksters either, but there's the one where they're that one where
they're like kneeling, he's like kneeling down.
I'm like, oh two chicks, cool.
Oh wait, Trevor Zegres, that's him.
Because his legs look feminine.
You're like, he's a hockey player, that's crazy.
I mean, I'm sure in person he would work me, you know, this little kid, be like a travesty
at the end of the day.
But this is the time of year folks.
Oh, is this the incident?
So you see Trevor Zegres and him down here and then they start chirping at each other
and then they come over and then, oh boy, oh what's going on here?
They're trying to break him up.
And then he's just jawn to him the whole time.
It's like, what did he say there?
Everyone was wondering.
So people will try to read his lips.
What does it say at the top there, Kirsten?
Whatever he said, whatever Trevor said to Troy Stetchers is extremely personal.
Yeah, that's the way he was looking into it.
That's what they, so they were, you know, I wonder if someone out there came to the bottom
of if it was in fact about the man's dead father or if this was just some imaginative
reporter who goes, you know what he must have said?
Somebody's dead dad.
Then he ran with it and people also ran with it.
What does he say there?
Yeah, they speculate that he allegedly said your dad's watching, which could be taken
as like a sweet thing, you know?
I laughed when he said it.
Oh my God.
That was a really genuine laugh to and I apologize to Mr. Stretchers.
What's his name?
I don't know this.
Troy Stetchers.
Troy Stetchers.
My bad dude.
I mean, and I would have done the same thing if I was in your position, but holy hell when
you read it like that.
That made me laugh Trevor.
You got me, Pally.
But let's get this is the time of year when the sports are like the undertaker meme and
they're like, good thing, you know, they come back alive.
Let's get into it.
Beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep.
And it is rare that we cover basketball on this program because like I said, it is my
distant fourth.
I don't know much about it.
I'd like to learn.
I got to find perhaps down the road here.
People have, I'll see if Corinne can educate me on basketball because she watches it.
That will be fun.
But nevertheless, I don't follow it extra close and we have two teams here in LA.
One being the Lakers, which has got LeBron James on it and Anthony Davis, of course,
and they aren't very good.
So it's not exactly making me like, who am I interest this peaked, you know?
But then we also, I forget about this other team, the Clippers.
Oh, the Clippers.
How could I forget?
They're actually good from what I understand.
Yeah, I mean, they definitely are doing better than the Lakers.
I think earlier in the season.
And they recently just got a, I mean, Russell Westbrook just basically took his stuff across
the hallway to the other locker room.
He was signed by the Clippers.
I do believe or maybe he was traded.
I do not know.
I'm trying my guys.
This is like I'm Chase with basketball.
Okay, so I'm bad at it.
But um, anyhow, I always thought it sucked when there were two teams sharing an arena
and it happens more often than you know, I believe, especially if you don't follow sports,
but New York obviously has two teams of major sports and so does LA.
Every major sport LA has two teams.
Now the Kings play at the crypto.com arena.
The Anaheim Ducks play out in Anaheim at the Honda Center.
They don't share the Dodgers.
They play at Dodger Stadium.
Obviously the Angels play out in Anaheim as well.
They have their own stadium.
So they don't share, but when it comes to the basketball teams at the moment, the Lakers
and Clippers share a stadium.
So that means that people have to come in.
They have to change the boards out.
They have to put the Clippers stuff down.
They have to hide the Lakers banners.
Anytime the Clippers are playing.
They have to put up clipper shit, whatever the hell they want to put up there.
So there's a lot of things that go into it that maybe you don't think about.
Also they have to have, and I do believe they haven't, I'm not certain, but I'm sure
they do have their own locker rooms.
Now the other team out in New York side, the giants and the Jets share a stadium.
Same thing with the fields.
They have to change the fucking fields.
They have to change the logos around the stadium.
It's a pain in the ass.
Get your own fucking stadium.
It's 2023.
So the Clippers have decided because of their grand success at this moment and they are a
Los Angeles fucking basketball team and NBA team, they got their own money.
Let's get the hell out of this arena.
The house that Kobe built, you walk up there and it's got, it's not like they put fucking,
you know, covers over the shack statue when you're walking up for a Clippers game.
You know what I mean?
Wouldn't that be funny if they just put like a company?
They just put a Clippers fucking blanket over it.
That's nothing.
Don't look under the curtain.
I mean, I don't think, I don't think there's one Clippers statue outside of fucking Crypto.com
So now the Clippers can move to their own stadium and they can put up whatever they like and
they don't have to take it down.
And if you don't know the Clippers recently, you probably wondering like what, what this
fire under their ass?
Well, recently in recent years, they got a new owner.
His name is Steve Ballmer and their previous owner, God, I just had his name in my head
and I didn't write it down because I had it in my head two seconds ago.
But he's the man who was caught on tape.
Donald Sterling, yes.
And if you recall, he was caught on tape by his, I don't know what you'd call her lady.
I mean, it was just, it was a lady that he was, you know, Donald Sterling, old man, very
old and he had some hot to trot young piece of ass and, you know, there she is right there.
And he, I believe had an agreement with her where he was like, you can go fuck whoever
the hell you want.
Just don't tell me about it.
You know?
And I, and I do believe that is the context of that audio tape.
It is him telling her, you know, you can go fuck, you know, the inner city blacks, but
don't tell me about it.
And she leaked this tape and the NBA obviously predominantly made up of, you know, the inner
city black and outer city, of course, can't forget those.
But nevertheless, it became a hula ballu and Donald Sterling was forced to sell the team
to Steve Balmer.
So Steve Balmer was like a breath of fresh air.
Not only did he come in and make the Clippers a contender and rival that of the LeBron led
Los Angeles Lakers, but now he's building a brand new stadium.
How exciting is that?
And they've broken ground on it here in Los Angeles, which by the way, the Chargers and
Rams share that brand new stadium out there.
Gotta be a pain in the ass, but you know, a lot of its lights and fucking TVs and shit.
But so they broke ground and Steve Balmer decided at the groundbreaking ceremony.
He's going to talk about the exciting new amenities of Intuit Dome.
Let's hear what he says as they break ground.
A 1,100, 60 toilets in the air.
Three times the NBA average number of toilets in the air.
We do not want people waiting in life.
We want to get back to the damn seats at the end of the half before the game.
I want to hear it again.
I want to hear it the passion in his voice.
What are you going to tell us a toilet?
We want to hear it again.
This guy's the man, by the way.
Can we see if by the way, just do a quick little goog on Steve Balmer.
Like I just want to see if because their his introductory press conference was this insane
He had the same energy as about toilets that he had when he bought the team.
That's how nuts Steve Balmer's toilets.
What do you say?
No, what is it?
1,160 toilets?
Is that what he said?
Yeah, I think he said 1,160.
I mean, okay.
So three times the NBA average.
That's crazy to think about.
I wonder what so that means that the average is what 500 toilets and you have.
Oh, let's say 17, 18,000 people inside an arena.
Robert, are you going to correct my math?
No, no, no.
You can because I'm bad at it.
Well, Steve, Steve Balmer is like kind of infamous for like his freakouts going all
the way back because he used to be with Microsoft.
That's where he made all his money.
Oh, and he would give excitable speeches for Microsoft.
He would give insane speeches for Microsoft about the developers and stuff.
He was pretty entertaining.
What a career arc for Steve Balmer.
He went from being excited and rambunctious about Microsoft products, new adventures in
technology, things that progress us as a society.
Now he's so psyched about how many fucking toilets match beating that meeting.
I don't want people waiting in lines.
I want more toys.
What if there's like no beer beer like the, like, oh, we got to sacrifice some space here,
So we're going to have to give her to beer lines.
I would be like pissed about that.
You didn't say anything about the beer lines.
That's annoying.
I would want to know about that more than the toilets.
I'll just piss in my empty beer cup.
I don't give a shit.
If it got down to it, if you look up on YouTube, Steve Balmer developers.
Oh, God.
Developers developers developers developers developers developers developers developers.
Well, you know, in this situation, what's great about it.
He is a great, I mean, this guy is awesome.
But I'm saying in this case, he's hyping up a room of developers.
He's like, you guys are the best and his elbow pits are sweating.
Now I'm nursing elbow pits.
Sweat that hard.
The energy he carries into the toilet conversation.
I would just I would be like, oh, by the way, this cool feature.
There's going to be like three times the amount of toilets.
Then the entire NBA.
I would just say that at like the end.
That cannot be the most exciting thing of into it.
But he is acting as if it is not.
Are there people out there in Los Angeles who are like, you know, I'm a Lakers guy, but
I, I saw Steve Balmer's passion about the toilets and I can't wait to buy a ticket, frankly.
I'm so excited for that stadium to be open.
Oh boy, we have another video though.
Let's move on from Steve Balmer because we have so many sports things to get to.
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Sports are alive and well again.
I mean baseball is about to start.
The NFL draft is coming up.
Free agency is happening at the moment.
Aaron Rodgers at the time of this recording the trade to the Jets is happening.
The return has not been stated quite yet at the time of this recording.
But Aaron Rodgers is going to the Jets and that's peculiar to me.
I've got to say, I mean the man has been living in this supposed shadow of Brett Favre for
his entire career getting drafted by the Packers being the heir apparent wanting to start immediately
but having to wait so many years for Brett Favre's old ass to retire.
And when he did, he retired, then he came back and Green Bay had, they said, you're
not coming back here.
Oh no, old man.
Kick down the line.
So they traded Brett Favre to who the New York Jets.
And that happened on August 7th of 2008.
By September of 2008, Brett Favre sent his dick pick to a woman named Jen Sturger who
I should try and get on this fucking show.
She follows me on Twitter and she does comedy around LA.
I should just get Jen Sturger on this show.
Although I don't know that she enjoys talking about it unless being on stage and I think
she says Brett Favre's penis is tiny or something to this effect, which hey, she's allowed to
say whatever the fuck she wants about Brett Favre's penis.
She got to see it.
And when I say got to, I mean, had to because she opened a text message from Brett Favre
while she was the in game sideline reporter.
So if I'm a, you know, one to believe fables and time is indeed a flat circle, it seems
if Aaron Rodgers is now being traded to the New York Jets, how long till we get an ARAD
I mean, the season hasn't started yet.
So he hasn't met the sideline reporter.
We have to give it that amount of time.
Although I think now like the sideline reporters, like probably some dude, they're probably
shying away from having a hot sideline reporter for a little while.
You know, even though this happened about a decade ago now, holy hell more than that,
15 years almost.
But if we're led to believe anything, you know, Aaron Rodgers will then in the year 2024,
he'll sign with the Minnesota Vikings and then down the road, he'll rob a Mississippi
municipality of their welfare funds.
So this is all.
I mean, if this is how things are going to go, this is how things are going to go.
So I can't believe that Aaron Rodgers spent four days in a darkness retreat to come out
to say I want to play for the New York Jets.
That doesn't make the woo woo community seem like they're on to anything.
Like I almost suck.
I was like, you know, up until very much today, I was like, you know, I should try ayahuasca.
Everyone talks of its value and all the wonderful things and properties that it has when you
experience ayahuasca.
But if it means that Aaron Rodgers came out of it and goes, you know what?
I'm going to sign with the New York Jets, the worst franchise in the history of time.
I don't know if I want to do ayahuasca.
Anyhow, the NFL draft is coming up.
So that means if, you know, now that the New York Jets have Aaron Rodgers, they won't
be trying to draft another quarterback.
They obviously failed at that having drafted Sam Darnold and then drafting Zach Wilson just
failure after failure.
And they said, you know what?
Not this year.
We're going to trade for Aaron Rodgers.
And that makes you go.
All right.
Well, there's another team off the board as far as needing a quarterback goes.
How far are this class of quarterback going to sink down?
Now, obviously the Carolina Panthers moved up to the number one pick overall that are
going to be drafting a quarterback and perhaps they will be drafting CJ Stroud.
I really don't know who the top like who the favored guy is.
I guess it's Bryce Young if you were looking at gambling odds, but CJ Stroud is definitely
one of the top prospects at QB could very well go number one overall.
And let's he decides to cite during the combine some of his inspirations who he watched over
the years and who he wants to model his career after.
Let's hear it.
Seven was because Michael Vick.
So he inspired me not only just to be athletic and use my criticism, but the positive.
So the first one he said, Michael Vick.
Now we all know now Michael Vick has done his time and Michael Vick has come out the other
I would say a great man, but obviously his name triggers a few out there.
You hear Michael Vick and they go, the dogs.
And obviously, if you're modeling your career after Michael Vick, Michael Vick has kind of
a sad career because he came out, played electric.
He was like, you know, it was a video game.
Everyone loved it.
He was the Michael Jordan of football.
That's what they were calling him because, you know, I guess more like the Allen Iverson
because there was like branding deals and he was just, you know, drawing eyes to the sport
that had not previously been drawn to it because of his electric play.
But obviously with the dog scandal, it all went by the wayside and he had to go serve
time in prison and he came out and some team decided we're going to kick the tires on him.
It was the Philadelphia Eagles.
And he was backing up Donovan McNabb.
And once Donovan McNabb got hurt, he had his shot and he came back in and he played great
to the point where they traded Donovan.
Dab and Gabe, Michael Vick, a real shot and he played fine, but it wasn't quite the Michael
Vick before prison.
And it makes you wonder if he had the same mindset coming into the league that he had
coming out of prison where he studied the playbook, where he kind of practiced his fundamentals.
Here's a story of Michael Vick when he was a young guy out of the draft where they gave
him a play of DVDs.
They go, Hey, can you study this tape and they gave him a DVD and he threw it in the
backseat of his car, never looked at it once.
But they said the DVD was blank and they knew that he didn't watch it because they asked
him about the place next day and he lied about them and they go up.
They did the old blank DVD trick.
That's tough to do now.
You have to have a USB drive and just not put the files on it.
I really don't know how they do it.
I mean, it's all fucking iPads now and shit.
But so that's the first person that CJ Stroud referenced.
Now let's hear the next one.
In a pocket and throw the ball and I said that he was very underrated in.
So I looked up to Deshawn Watsen line and somebody I feel like I was listening to.
Deshawn Watson, we don't even know what he is.
He's still doing his career.
I mean, what do I, I guess he's going to explain what he looks up to about Deshawn
But there's another guy with his 38 sexual assaults and has been sidelined because of
them for the last two seasons for the most part, you know, with exception to a couple
of games.
Not somebody you really want to model your career after.
You know, maybe the he's talking obviously more, you know, in terms of like mechanics
and things like that.
But he's not articulating it in a way that he's expressing that I suppose.
He's not getting a lot of gruff for this, but it is like one of those things where it's
like those are the two people out of all the quarterbacks in all the years of the NFL.
50 plus now, this is the two quarterbacks you reference as who you're going to model
your career after.
Can we hear what let's hear the, I mean, let's give them the benefit of the doubt and
hear the explanation.
So, and then I looked up to Deshawn Watson line and somebody asked for like, obviously
we're playing style too.
Even one of the reasons I wanted a similar playing style too.
So he did say that, but he could have also said many, many, many, many other people.
I mean, Deshawn Watson doesn't have such a unique playing style that you go, you know,
who I want to be like.
And same with Michael Vick, like he was talking, he goes, not only did he show me how to use
my athleticism, but he also showed me how to not, I mean, say something about how to navigate
my career or what have you, but it is such an odd two choices.
I would have thought about that afterwards.
Obviously, I'm talking on the field.
I would have really laid it thick at the end of the day.
Next up, we have a Super Bowl winning quarterback, two time MVP, two time Super Bowl MVP, two
time Super Bowl winning quarterback, Patrick Mahomes.
And you got to think this guy's on top of the world at the moment.
People are saying maybe one of the greatest of all time in his career is so young.
It's got so much time left in it.
Who knows what accolades he could get to, but his brother on the other hand, imagine
being the little brother of Patrick Mahomes.
And you don't really have any talent and you might be retarded.
You might be.
The verdict is out on it.
I'm talking sincerely here.
Nobody has really said that.
I'm going to say he's a little off and we should actually take that into consideration
because have you seen this guy on TikTok?
Oh my Lord.
You go, well, this is a special needs person.
This is on top.
And he lives in the shadow of his brother and he's trying to accumulate his own fame.
He wants to make his own mark on the world and he's decided to do it as a TikTok influencer.
And of course, being the brother of Patrick Mahomes, he gets a lot of action.
But it's all very cringe.
It's all and nobody likes it.
I mean, all this guy gets his hate.
I mean, he is like making decent money off of how much people hate him.
And him and Patrick Mahomes wife, Brittany Mahomes have really become a dynamic duo of
just awfulness because she has always been very and I listen, if Brittany Mahomes, if
Patrick Mahomes was my quarterback and she was my first lady quarterback, so to speak,
I would be proud of her because she's screaming at fucking opposing fans.
She's being obnoxious.
She's making fun videos where she's screaming and being a.
And there's something about her that I kind of like and I think it's the crazy eyes.
But yeah, she just kind of like hits a couple of notes for me.
But anyhow, Jackson Mahomes and her have kind of teamed up because they're both very, very
hated by the internet.
But Jackson Mahomes recently, a video came out that isn't just him being cringy on the
old TikTok, he's being accused of assault of a Kansas City restaurant owner, Aspen
Vaughn, the mother of a friend of his and one of her staff.
Let's see the video.
So here he is.
If you're watching at home is not sound for this video, he's going up behind one of
them and just being like, kiss me, kiss me and they're like squirming around and I don't
know the relationship he has his friends mother.
So he's being a little weird in that aspect of it too.
But he's probably been drinking.
Oh, he's coming back for more.
Oh, no.
Now I was trying to help him out here.
But nope, he's coming back for more.
He's groping.
At least do it on the camera.
I mean, get bring him into the frame more lady, the victim blaming because she's not on the
camera more.
But that's the gist of it right there.
He did do a bunch of groping.
He came up behind her and was trying to kiss her cheek.
And it's kind of one of those things where you go like if these two people are like BFFs,
you wouldn't really raise an eyebrow about it.
But it's like his friend's mom and clearly she wasn't into it if she's filing charges.
I mean, that's the level of which it's gotten to.
But I did do a check and there isn't really an update on it because this story did come
out last week as I was releasing last week's episode.
So I didn't have time to speak on it last week, but no one has brought up the defense
of his potential autism.
I mean, he does not know how to act socially and he can't pick up on social cues.
Is that a defense at the end of the day?
When you drink, things get a little wirey.
I don't know.
I'm just trying to point out that maybe we aren't taking into consideration the mental
strength of Jackson Mahomes when we are talking about him.
I'm waiting for that to come out in a headline.
They use the R word defense in today's news, but I don't know what's going to happen.
We're going to keep our eyes peeled.
But that's what I would.
I would suggest that we take a look at that.
Same with our boy, Cecil Wilson, who has a new story that came out about him.
Now, last time we talked about him, we talked about his charity and how it didn't necessarily
maybe do all the things that people expected it to do in terms of percentages of donations.
But then people came to his aid and said, a lot of charities are like that.
Josh, it's actually a higher percentage than the Red Cross to which I say, why was there
an article singling him out then?
And didn't talk about the rest of the NFL's Walter Payton man of the year charities.
I don't understand that part of it and I haven't gotten to the bottom of that.
But Russell Wilson is with Sierra.
Let me see you one, two step.
And they spent time inside a prison last week, not because their charity was scamming people,
which maybe maybe they're just going to take a preview of prisons.
I don't really know.
But they were there singing and dancing with over 300 inmates.
And the trip was so emotional that Sierra actually appeared to be moved to tears.
The Denver Broncos star and the level up singer headed out to the Everglades correctional
institution in Florida to help lead a prayer with incarcerated men.
You can see in this video of their visit, the couple immersed themselves fully with the
inmates right away.
Wilson read the group of Bible verse before Sierra sang to the crowd.
God behind bars, the original, I don't know, or the organization.
That's the name.
I'm thought that was the name of the song.
God behind bars.
I thought she was singing like a fucking, I go, I don't know that song, but it's an organization
evidently that helped facilitate the trip and said it was all very powerful.
The voices of the incarcerated were so loud.
It felt like it could be heard by the entire prison.
The organization official said is in a social media place in a place so easily filled with
so much division.
There was a moment where incarcerated men put their arms around each other and prayed
for those struggling with anxiety and depression.
I don't believe that the skinheads were involved in this.
I'm going to just say that.
I still think the division might still last if there is in fact that faction of people
inside this prison.
I don't think they were like, Oh, who's here?
Oh, let's go hug the, you know.
Wilson also shared his own video for the visit showing him singing loudly along with the inmates,
some of whom are serving life sentences to popular gospel songs.
Of course, the couple's philanthropy should be no surprise to anyone.
They've consistently used their free time to spread faith and cheer throughout the country,
and evidently not enough of percentage of their charity to satisfy whatever the hell
paper that was that with USA today.
So let's see the video real quick.
Let's see.
Let's see Russell Singh.
That'd be fun.
He doesn't know.
Keep positive real quick.
That was Russell Wilson trying to do like a preacher thing there for a second.
Did you hear that?
He goes, can I hear you say new thing?
He, I did it even more better than him just now on accident.
I'm trying to do it like him.
The people were like listening to it and he, but not it's like he wrote down on the paper,
say, let me see a new thing here.
And he read it.
It's like he read that and they were like a new thing.
There's no way to go back.
Is there?
He says, Russell, 43, 18, it says, forget the former things.
They're not 12 in the past.
See, I'm doing a new thing.
I'm doing a new thing.
He said, new thing.
I mean, that's like, I'm doing a new thing.
So beautiful about cause love is with like this.
He's a good man.
Now pause this.
Now, Sierra knows what she's doing.
She's a performer and she's probably done gospel things and she's probably done this
kind of thing in the past and she brings Russell around because I think he's lost without
I mean, he is so uncharismatic compared to Sierra.
And again, she's a, you can't really compare many people to Sierra.
She's a performer.
She sold a bazillion records.
She performs in front of tens of thousands of people on a given whenever she wants.
So there is a difference there, a market difference, but it is refreshing to see her
do it after Russell.
Let's see if he comes back in and joins.
I want to hear him sing, frankly.
Oh, he's that he doesn't have a microphone.
They took his microphone away.
Oh, there we go.
That is who you are.
That is who you are.
That is who you are.
That is who you are.
They really took Russell out of this video as much as they possibly could.
He was in there for, it was like he was one of the prisoners.
I mean, they just, he just did a cameo for the most part.
Is there another one or is that just him in a picture?
This is on his page.
Ooh, play.
Look at him.
He's trying.
He doesn't have any room.
What's he doing?
He looks like Stevie Wonder.
Why is he doing that?
He's doing the whole Stevie Wonder like head shake trying to go along with the music, but
it looks so often weird.
That is so bizarre, dude.
Here he is again.
Play this one.
He's not even singing with the word.
He was not.
That microphone was not on.
That microphone was, that's like, you give your little nephew a fucking controller that's
not plugged in.
That's what he has right there.
A microphone that is not on because I don't think he knows, I don't think he is good with
music Russell.
The rhythm is that he's just trying to vibe, but it is so off-putting.
Right there, he was not singing the words.
Unless the audio was slipped and everyone else and the person was singing, he was singing
something else.
He was just being like, ah, he's making noises.
That was, ooh, that was something.
Please go if you listen on audio, thank you for the record and keep liking and subscribing
and unsubscribing, resubscribing, unsubscribing, resubscribing, leave comments and five stars.
But also, maybe you go check out the time stamp and check out the YouTube because you
gotta see Sussle Wilson fucking attempt to sing.
So let's get to some news stories before we wrap up this Wednesday shindig here on the
old Josh Potter show.
And as we take a look here, we've got another form of terrorism that I didn't expect.
You know, we're always opening people's eyes to new forms of terrorism.
You know, it's not just, what do they, what do they call it now, politically correct?
Otherwise, is it Islamic terror?
Was that what they were trying to get rid of or was that the word that they decided to
make it?
Anyone know you guys are?
I don't understand the question.
Remember they were calling it, uh, Islamic terrorism and then they, I thought they were
like, well, that's racist and they changed it.
Or did they change it to Islamic terrorism, Islamic extremism.
Oh, they took out terror because that was the part that people were thinking was racist.
They were trying to indicate not all Muslims.
I think terrorism did that.
Doesn't it?
Islamic terror, doesn't that, or terrorism?
Doesn't that make that you go, we're just talking about the terrorists.
Now you change it to extremism and it's like, no, we're just talking about like the crazy
ones and you're like, well, that makes it a little bit even broader.
I think at the end of the day, I don't know.
So anyhow, we've obviously moved on from that as a country.
Doesn't occur here any longer.
We've eradicated it.
The war on terror was successful as we all know from history, but we've learned of semen
We've learned of plunger terrorism.
There's a new one today and this one comes to us by way of two people actually sent this
Jay Spooks and T bone who by the way off suspension and I, and I did get this from two people.
So that means that T bone had his story corroborated, if you will.
So Japanese police arrested three people on Wednesday in connection with an unsanitary
prank at the conveyor belt sushi restaurant.
According to Japanese state broadcaster and HK, the viral videos from early February showed
one of them, a 21 year old Yoshino Royoga dubbed a sushi terrorist by the Japanese public
and media, putting his saliva on utensils in sushi and licking the spout of soy sauce
bottles at the kura sushi restaurant in Nagoya city.
Well from what I understand about sushi, it's an insult to use the soy sauce to the chef.
So I would suggest just not using the soy sauce in any capacity when you go get sushi.
And that's because the chef is going to fucking, I put it in my asshole if I was one of these
guys, put the soy sauce spout right up my butt and be like, you're going to use the soy
sauce on my fucking shit.
I again, now you're going to have fucking dysentery or something like that.
You're going to be like Mark Norman where you're going to have that pile of whatever
the hell he had where he ate poopy.
The restaurant chain filed a complaint for damages with police on Tuesday and received
an apology from Royoga.
Police also arrested two teenagers on suspicion of obstructing the restaurant's operation.
The three met through social media police say Japan has a conveyor belt sushi restaurants,
which serve a cheaper alternative to ordering the made to order food.
So these are like the conveyor belt ones.
Still, I would imagine the chefs take pride in their conveyor belt sushi just as much
as the top guns.
You know, you can't expect to be a part of the art form.
Hell there's open mikers out there that think they're better than a person doing an arena
right now.
It happens in every art form.
So they take pride in it.
They have what is the word they're precious about their art form.
While Japanese culture highly prizes both its sushi and its manners, these aren't the
first conveyor belt sushi pranksters.
No, no.
At other restaurants, people have taken on touched other or have taken or touched others
orders or doused them with spicy wasabi.
Well, that sounds like they're doing them a favor at the end of the day.
Kuro sushi has also installed AI equipped cameras to detect suspicious behavior.
That seems a little much.
I mean, it's just sushi.
We're not talking about the fucking constitution here.
You know what I'm saying?
Or like, you don't need to protect it like it's Fort Knox.
We just have conveyor belt sushi.
So keep an eye out if you go to Japan and you're going to go eat one of the go to one
of the nicer places I would suggest those people, they'll just be insulted when you use
the soy sauce.
They're not going to fucking lick it and shit like that.
Oh, the Oscars just went off.
Oh boy.
What a time.
I watched.
And I actually found out you can gamble on the Oscars and it was almost it almost broke
I mean, there were so many things to gamble on that I was like my head was going to explode.
But here's the thing about gambling on the Oscars.
For instance, I wanted key key to win.
I'm going to call him key because I don't know what the rest of his name is.
The guy from Indiana Jones.
See, it's my quan, but I don't know if I'm saying it correctly.
Who know?
I mean, we're not trying to or we are trying folks is what I'm saying.
We're not trying to say it inappropriately or wrong.
I love how long I take trying to read an Asian person's name.
I can't just call him short round from Indiana Jones.
I mean, that seems insulting.
But anyhow, I wanted him to win and I think the whole world knew he was going to win.
It was the least surprising part of the Oscars, but it was the most touching.
And I didn't want to bet on it because it was minus 3000.
It's like why even bother for those who don't understand gambling.
What that means is if you bet $10 say for him to win the Oscar, you would win 33 cents.
So it's like, well, why would I even bother?
And it's not like a sports game where I go, hey, there might be an upset.
You never know.
You never know how the ball is going to bounce.
Maybe the second favorite person plus money will come in and surprise everybody.
That's not really how it works.
It's kind of a foregone conclusion as who's going to win these things.
So I'm I play some strategic bets.
For instance, this was a gamble.
I bet on Jamie Lee Curtis to win Best Supporting Actress plus 190.
Oh, and why was she plus 190?
Because Angela Bassett was the favorite.
And here I am.
I go Hollywood, you know, they're trying really hard to be woke.
Angela Bassett also very deserved the favorites.
There's no way.
There is no way they snub Angela Bassett.
I thought, but then I go gambling brain, right?
Sports gambling brain ago.
That's the square pick.
Go for Jamie Lee Curtis.
She won the fucking Golden Globe lead right up to it or the SAG award.
I don't know which one, but she won one of the preliminary ones.
So I go, she's not out of the running and it's plus 190.
We got to make a little money on this, have a little bit of excitement.
We threw down on Jamie Lee Curtis.
What happened?
The internet exploded.
Jamie Lee Curtis won.
And here I am.
I have to like pretend I posted my picks and now people are like, are you racist?
No, I just wanted the plus money.
I would have taken Angela Bassett if she was plus money as well.
And then I bread on bread and Frazier.
He was only minus 200.
People thought maybe he wouldn't win, but I mean, minus 200 is not bad.
That's like a very heavily favored team.
If you're if you're doing that, and those are the only three bets I made, but there
were crazy ones.
There were crazy ones.
And I wish they made a bet.
It would be plus six million.
I mean, it would be the most wild bet you could ever make is the best interview of the
night goes to Hugh Grant.
I didn't even know Hugh Grant.
I don't even know they let him into the fucking Oscars still.
Last I heard he was picking up a prostitute and everyone was like, oh, you like prostitutes.
And he's like, I do.
And then he had a couple more movies and I haven't heard from him since, but probably
been in something that I don't even, you know, like I'm sure someone out there's like, he
was in the Apple TV production of such and such.
I'm sure he was he's done something since like fucking whatever movie from the 90s I'm
trying to remember right now.
But I would never have guessed he had the most viral moment from the Oscars.
Check this interview out.
Stop and buy have the best day.
Thank you.
Hugh Grant, you are a veteran of the Oscars and you've been here a few times.
What's your favorite thing about coming to the Oscars?
Well, it's fascinating.
It's a whole of humanity is here.
It's a it's fantasy fair.
Oh, it's all about positive positive positive.
This is where it goes by the wayside.
So far he comes out and he's being a little, uh, glib, I would say, you know, he's like,
all of the humanity is here.
It's vanity fair.
Now what he's referring to is the 19th century novel, meaning like it's a bunch of shallow
It's a vanity fair, you know, like, uh, yeah.
He's referring to like, Oh, it's Hollywood.
It's a bunch of fakes and all this whole thing, you know, the woman who knows Hugh Grant as
Mr. Hooker was like, Oh, you're looking forward to the vanity fair after party.
Yeah, I know you.
You're waiting for the fucking after party.
We're all here for the after party.
So I think that turned his, uh, disdain, even a little bit more sour.
So let's see how it keeps going.
A little bit fun.
What are you most excited to see tonight?
To see.
Well, I know that you probably watched a few of the movies.
Are you excited to see anybody win?
Do you have your hopes up for anyone?
Um, not, no, no one in particular.
Well, what are you wearing tonight then?
Just my suit.
Your suit.
Oh my God.
Cause this, and now he's done.
I mean, this is where you go.
Not salvaging this one.
I mean, he basically might as well just say to this lady, idiot woman and then walk away.
I mean, this is, this is in good for her for keeping it going or trying to at the very
She goes, she goes to the old, that's like you can tell when a red carpet reporter is
floundering and they need to pull something out of the old sheath.
They go right to the, what are you wearing?
What are you wearing?
Who are you wearing?
And he goes my suit, which is that's how you get out of that one.
That's where I go.
Well, Mr. Grant, it was a pleasure.
Thank you for stopping by and you move on to the next thing, but she tries to get a
little more out of them.
Let's hear which way she takes this train wreck.
I can't remember my tailor.
That's okay.
Shout out to the tailor.
Shout out to the tailor.
Tell me, what does it feel like to be in glass onion?
It was such an amazing film.
I really loved it.
I love a thriller.
How fun is it to shoot something like that?
Well, I'm barely in it.
I'm in it for about three seconds.
Yeah, but still you have fun, right?
All right.
Well, thank you so much.
It was nice to talk to you.
Oh, she sounds so defeated.
So you can't do that.
You can't, I'm not putting this on her.
She obviously, she did her best and everyone's really up Hugh Grant's ass for being like,
why did you even stop and talk to her?
But if you're kind of Hugh Grant, you're kind of like, I'm going to have a little fun
with this, you know, who gives a shit.
I'm in glass onion for three seconds.
No wonder I didn't know he was in anything.
Also, I haven't seen that.
But he wasn't like exactly on the poster.
You know what I mean?
So, I mean, he's done something, but who knows why he's even at the Oscars.
They showed him, he did present something at one point, but I think is it one of those
things where it's like, once you're nominated, you get to come forever.
Is that the rule?
Does anyone know?
And I don't even know if he was, I'm sure he was at some point for some British horseshit.
But man, I think Hugh Grant would be a fun guy to hang out with despite the macabre tone
in that video.
Because I think he knows.
I think he's at that point, and we saw a lot of people who have gone through the asshole
and out the other side of show business when it awards last night.
I mean, fuck.
Our boy, key, that guy.
He was short-rounded in Ian Jones.
He was in Goonies.
He was in, they even made a joke.
Man, Brandon Frazier, we're in Encino Man.
Would you have, I mean, I wish I could go back in time and gamble on two actors from Encino
Man winning Academy Awards.
I'd be, I'd do it back to the future.
You know, when he steals the Sports Almanac, that'd be my version of that is I'd just go
back in time and try and find any bookie who would take, you know, action on if two actors
from Encino Man will win Oscars in our lifetime.
That's God, to have a time machine.
That's exactly, I mean, back to the future, to really nailed the best part about having
a time machine is sports gambling.
Man, I wish I could go back in time and put some money on the cuddies.
Hell yeah, you do.
God, and then that's the whole purpose of the movie.
I love it.
Well, every now and then, come across as sex offender.
Good way to end the show.
This one was sent to us by both two two road reporter sent this one in as well.
So Keith and Trevor are, and you know, you got sex offenders running a muck all about
town, you know, Minnesota father decided to slaughter a 77 year old convicted sex offender
using a moose antler.
What a device.
Now a moose antler, I feel like that is one of the rounder antlers.
That's not one of the sharper antlers.
And my right, a deer antler would be sharp.
You could stab a person with a deer antler.
A moose antler would be more of a wallop, I would think.
Is that what they look like?
I think they still have some points on them, but they don't look sharp.
See how that one looks more.
But they've got some weight to it.
It's more like a spork than a fork, whereas the deer antlers are a fork.
And then you have some antlers that will look like a spoon, you know.
Does that make sense?
Yeah, I get what you're saying.
But yeah, I guess, yeah, but this one, you know, they're also just like, kind of.
They're all just bigger in general.
So the spikes that they do have are still pretty big.
Those are terrible.
But I don't think that you have to, and we'll find out exactly what occurred here, but I
don't believe in this.
Is that the exact moose antler next to his mugshot there?
No, I don't.
I mean, not that one.
I don't believe so because they've shown another one up here.
I see.
Well, at any rate, I do believe that you could also just kill someone as a blunt object,
as if you used, let's say, a toaster or a brick or something to this effect.
I don't think, you know, I don't think he necessarily had to stab him to kill him.
But Levi ax tells 27 years old, walked into at the sheriff's office, covered in blood,
and with his head in his hands as he admitted killing Lawrence Scully, who was jailed for
molesting a six year old girl in 1979.
So he walked in with his head and did was that like a turn of phrase where he says,
he walked in had in hand and admitted guilt.
Or did he walk in with the gentleman's head in his hand?
Because that's kind of alarming.
Say you're just at the police office, you know, or the, you know, you're paying a parking
ticket and a guy covered in blood just comes in with a head and is like, I killed this
I would, I would expect that would make your day a little fucked up.
This other article says that he had his hands on his head.
I see.
Like, so he just like walked.
So head in hands.
See, that's what a fucked up way.
This article head in hands.
I mean, after you kill a guy, that could lead you to think a couple of other things.
Stupid writer.
Exel from Cook County, Minnesota had long been suspicious of Scully parking his vehicle
at locations where children were present.
See every now and then these people paranoid about pedophiles, they get one that's they're
right, you know, they're like guys parking a little weird, you know, I'm going to go
see what's going on here.
In 2018, Exel filed an order of protection against the elderly man, which was initially
granted, but eventually dropped court records also show Scully was committed to mental
institution in 2020, but was later released and prescribed anti psychotic drugs.
A criminal complaint filed on Friday said, exel repeatedly struck Scully with the shovel
in his own apartment before finishing off, finishing him off with a large moose antler.
At some point, he is believed to have smashed Scully's vehicle.
So he was bashing him with a shovel.
You think that would be enough.
And then he was like, you know what?
And I don't know where the moose antler would have been located, perhaps on the wall.
Perhaps he just grabbed it off the wall and slammed it into his head.
Is one last like, fuck you, you know, oh, my Lord, what a brutality, but the shovel,
I would imagine did the trick on its own.
I think the moose antlers, they say here at the top, it was using a moose antler to slaughter,
but it also says shovel come to think of it.
But that's second.
The shovel did the trick is all I'm saying.
The moose antler was for effect.
A criminal complaint states, Exel entered Scully's home at around 4 45 p.m. and struck
him 15 to 20 times with a shovel.
As I said, that's all you need.
I think game over at that point, he had found the shovel on the victims, actually used his
own shovel against him.
Then he's like, fuck.
Exel told officers he finished the job with a large moose antler.
According to the complaint, a county sheriff's deputy entered the property at around 5 p.m.
on Wednesday and found Scully with major head trauma.
Yeah, let's say surrounded by blood, adding he was obviously dead.
Oh, my Lord.
If it wasn't a sex offender, I'd feel bad about laughing.
Nevertheless, though, I mean, yeah, that's one of those ones you walk in and the guy's
head is just not there.
It's like, yeah, he's dead.
A lot of blood around it.
Head trauma, you know what I mean?
I think again, the antlers were symbolic.
He just probably did the whole shovel thing and was like, ah, doing that whole rage thing
where he's getting splashed by blood.
And then he threw the shovel down, saw the antlers, and then chucked him onto what was
left of the man's skull.
And he's a 77 year old man.
So he's fucking that's soft.
It probably by blow three, let's say, was probably enough to do him in.
I think the rest was hyperbolic and superlative a little bit.
I mean, I don't know.
That seems like a lot.
I'm sure it's kind of one of those.
How many licks does it take to get to the center of the Tootsie pop?
I'd imagine three blows to the head.
Probably had the man done and the rest was a little extra.
So evidently this gentleman entered a guilty plea and was sentenced to between zero and
five years to state prison in Bayport, Minnesota.
This is the sex offender, by the way.
Scully was 33 when he was jailed for molesting a six year old girl also in Minnesota.
He did zero to five.
I'd imagine the man who bashed his skull and will probably be doing a bit more.
He remained in prison until December 31st, 1981 when he was petitioned for post conviction
A document from the hearing declared that the state had not served any evidence he would
present a danger to the public.
Well, that was back in the 80s.
So they were probably like, no, no, no, he just molested her.
It wasn't that bad.
You know, they were all fucking was chaos back then.
In 2014 he filed as a candidate for mayor of Grand Marias, Minnesota.
But by 2018 he was once again facing allegations of sexual misconduct with minors.
What is it about these people that want to get into public office?
I don't understand.
Is it just so they could hide better in plain sight?
They do not know each other.
Exel wrote in a petition.
The respondent waits for a victim to go on walks from daycare and tries to talk to her.
He has been there many times stalking children in his van.
So the old he has a van.
He's going by the daycare thing.
I have seen him parked right next to the school.
He has a convicted pedophile and him stalking and attempting to groom my daughter is completely
inappropriate and needs to stop.
Well, I would definitely have to agree and boy did he make it stop.
He made it stop good.
And now unfortunately though, you're not going to be able to be a father for your child
I mean, what it's a real tale of the Magi here.
I had a lot of those in these last couple of weeks.
A permanent order was later denied as the allegations are not proven true according to
his defense.
Exel had one criminal record to his name involving felony damage to a property case.
Sheriff Pat Eliasin said that he's been made aware of the allegations against Scully, but
an investigation didn't reveal anything yet.
And on Saturday, a woman believed to be Exel's sister said that she received lots of support
from the local community and the family were planning to set up an online fundraiser to
help with the case.
That's so they can get a good powerful lawyer in there to come in and make sure that this
gentleman gets off as some sort of defense in terms of bashing the skull in.
I am overwhelmed by the amount of support I am seeing online right now in light of Wednesday's
tragedy said the sister on Facebook.
When a community member is in crisis, we often feel at a loss for how to support them.
When words don't feel like enough, it can be easy to err on the side of silence, out of
desire to respect the privacy of the family involved.
I would like to welcome you to share your words in support of Levi and our family.
So weird having a go fund me for a guy who just maniacally bashed the skull in of an
elderly man.
Yes, he was he a sex offender, of course.
But I mean, to be so I mean, I don't know the level of which obviously none of us were
But if your daughter is safe and this guy is being this way, maybe get the authorities
I don't know before you bash the skull.
I'm saying if it gets to that point, then it gets to that point.
But let's fucking come on now.
We're setting up a go fund me for this guy.
He's going to who knows what's going to set him off again.
You know, you 20 blows to the head with a shovel.
Like I said, it's not like this was it sounds.
I don't know.
I say they both suck.
Cheers to that.
I don't know, man.
It's tough.
I don't have a kid.
What can push a guy over the edge like that?
Just the simple like, you know, he knows he was a pedophile in the 80s.
He's had these other allegations and his van had too close of a proximity.
This guy's getting all agitated.
There's some mental evaluation that has to go on on that end too.
But boy, oh boy, what a story.
And that's what you just got to make sure if you're going to bash a skull in, use something
I mean, at the end of the day, a moose antlers gal Lee, what a gift from God, you know,
that shovel he should have probably taken five, uh, wax off the shovel count.
Use the moose antlers a few more times.
He says he finished them off.
I, I'm telling you the shovel did the trick.
That's the lesson for today, folks.
If you want to finish a guy off with some moose antlers, chill out on the shovel hitting,
you know, because you're going to blow your load early.
Well, thank you so much for joining us on this Wednesday.
Once again, next week, we have a wonderful guest.
Jeremiah Watkins will be here.
Aside from that, I do want to let you know April 22nd, Bakersfield, California at the
Well Comedy Club.
My first time there, I'd love to sell it out.
So please to be buying tickets up on my Instagram at Josh underscore Potter in Twitter at J
underscore Potter.
Aside from that, we have May 5th and 6th Chandler, Arizona at the Mike Drop Comedy Club.
Thank you so much to all the roaches out there who gave us great feedback on last week's
I hope you continue to enjoy the program and do like, subscribe, share, comment, all of
the stuff.
It all helps out a great deal.
So I love you very much.
And we will see you next Wednesday here on the Josh Potter show.