How to shift your energy and bring in positive light.

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Welcome to the Positive Mindset podcast where we come together to raise our vibration, lift our perspective, and build a positive mindset. My name is Henry, and I'm so thankful to have each and every one of you here today because in this episode, we're going to talk about the mental shift, the positive mindset approach that you can do to change your life for the better forever. But before we get started, we're going to take a few moments to slow down. Zero in, we're going to take some deep healing meditative breaths, tell us a line on the frequency that we want in our lives. So pick a word, we love, joy, happiness, abundance, whatever frequency you want, and we're going to take a deep breath in. And as you're breathing in, you're going to say that word over and over and over again, really charge yourself up with that energy. And then as you're holding your breath, visualize yourself doing something in that frequency. And once you exhale, anything that no longer resonates with you will leave you, and you'll be in a more positive state. So let's go and take a deep breath in. And now, all right, we're going to take another deep breath. This one's about alignment, about getting ourselves in receiving modes that we can receive the message that we need to hear to get us in that positive state. So just imagine that you were surrounded by the most healing, uplifting energy that's meant specifically for you. It could have a certain color, a certain taste, a certain smell, however you imagine. And when you breathe it in, it's going to charge up. It's going to break down the negativity, the blocks, the weight, everything that's just been holding you back. And once you exhale, anything that no longer resonates with you will leave you, and you'll be in a more positive state. So let's go and take another deep breath in. And now, well, before we get started, if there's something that you enjoy or take away from this episode, if you're on YouTube or Spotify, you can actually leave a comment below. Not only does it help me know what resonates with you, but somebody else might read your comment and might inspire them to give this episode a listen. I want to make this the number one mindset podcast in the world. And the best way to do that is together. So whether you leave a positive comment or share this with somebody means the absolute world to me. And I could never thank you enough. But let's dive into today's episode. So perspective is everything. When I say positive mindset, and when people think positive mindset, sometimes it's two different things. When people are hurting, when they're depressed, when they're down, when they're in that negative energy or feeling like they're living a negative life, they see a show like this or podcasts like this called the positive mindset podcast, looking for positivity, looking for joy, looking for love. And yes, we do do this in this episode of these podcasts. But what we actually do is change perspective. You see, a positive mind is one that's close to the highest frequency love. God, the top of the universe. That's the positivity part of it. It's not just being happy all the time, but feeling that goodness within, feeling that love within, you can have inner peace and being a hard situation. It just allows you to navigate it with stillness with a strong foundation. You see, it's not about making times easier. It's about making you firmer in the energy that you want to be in. That's what it's all about because it's always within. So if you're struggling right now, this is the perspective that is so powerful. If you're struggling right now, gratitude is your way out. But you're wondering, what can I be thankful for? My marriage is struggling. My finances are a wreck. My health is tanking. Like whatever it is that you're going through. That's so hard. Whatever it is. And there's no like judgment. What's hard for you is hard for you. But whatever it is that you're going through, you're wondering, how do I get through this? How can one perspective set me free? And it's acknowledging or trying to understand the power of you. You see, here you are hurting in pain, tuning into something to shift it. What if you were more than just this experience? What if you were more than the being or the person that you see, the person that you're born and the person that you'll die as? What if you're an energetic being or part of an energy that's always expansive? That's always growing. Has no beginning. Has no end. Well, transform or continue past this experience onto the next one. What if that's you? And everything up to this point has been part of the learning. And then eventually that you put in place or you were looking for in an energetic state or higher form, you would be pulled out of it. You would start to get something within you that would say, things are so bad now, things are so hurtful now, we need to change. So let's find something. Let's find something to change. So that's what's happening right now. Right. So you're starting to make this shift. Once you make this shift, you see a negative energy when healed creates even more powerful opposite positive energy. So whatever pain hurt, trauma, thing that you've gone through up this point, maybe you're going through it now, maybe it's been like continual, maybe happened in your past, whatever it is. As you heal and grow from it, you create the opposite energy. What an amazing gift you have. What an amazing purpose you have. What type of being would pick a hard life, want to heal and then go? I guarantee that most of you listening right now are people, pleasers due for others unconditionally, always thinking about what someone else needs, what someone else needs to be comfortable, what someone else needs to be happy, always thinking that way, living in spite of self. That trait, that's your angel trait. That's your God trait, your love trait, you were born with that. That couldn't go away. So you know how to people, please. You know how to give. You just don't know how to receive. You don't know how to align yourself. So that's what you're doing now. But once you do it, guess what you'll give more of the healing that you received. So why wouldn't you perceive yourself as a being that said, I want to spread good in the world. I want to be a light. I want to help people heal. Well, what good is a light in the daytime? It's not good at all. So you had real purpose. You had real meaning, a real desire to be changed. So you had to come into the darkness. You had to experience the darkness so that you could turn on your light and actually impact people that are in the same darkness. They may not be physically in it right now with you. But as you heal, you will find people that will be called to you that are going through what you went through and need the healing that you have. And that's when your light turns on. That's when they are able to see for the first time in their darkness because of you. See yourself as more. Perceive yourself as more. Your perception is your reception. If you only perceive the limitations of you, if you only perceive the heartic, the pain, the trauma constantly, even though it might be right, even it might be currently what's happening. If that's all you perceive or if the amount of your perception is consumed by that, meaning it's 90% what's bad, 10% what's good, whatever it is, that's how you'll expand life. So in your life, if nine out of 10 things are bad, you will continue to see that, continue the experience if that's what you focus on. But if you spend that same amount of energy, maybe it's an hour and you normally spend 90% of that hour on the bad and you start switching it, you only allow yourself 10% on the bad and 90% on the good. What do you think starts happening? You start generating that. You're an observer and a creator. You're here with purpose. Why else would your path be of darkness? Why else would all of these things happen in your experience? They happened for you. Not to you because nothing can happen to you in this experience because you're not this experience. You were just experiencing it. It's just like playing a video game. If something happens to the character in the game, you experience it but it didn't happen to you. You experience the loss. You experience the wins. You see it. You feel it in a sense of that connection of the game, but it can't actually happen to you. It's the same in this life. Nothing can actually happen to your soul, your spirit, because it's so much higher. It's just here observing. It's just here learning. All of the things that happen to you are actually happening to that body that you're borrowing, that body which came from the dirt and will go back to the dirt. So it's really just happening to the dirt. The dirt that moved around for a little while and then went back to rest that's all it is. You have so much purpose. You don't even know it. You have so much value and you don't even know it. You have so much to give. You might know that. It just doesn't feel it because you've given from zero for so long. You've given from pain for so long. Here's your calling. You're wondering what the sign is. You're wondering when the path is can present itself. It's presenting itself right now. You're still listening to this episode. That must mean it must be resonating somewhere. Somewhere deep down. You're like, you know what? Maybe I am the hero in the story. I was so angry at my parents for the situation they created. I'm so angry about the community I grew up in because the situation they created. Maybe those are the thoughts that you're having. What if instead of being angry at them, you start recognizing that they are hurt and lost too. And that you're the one that came here to be different because you recognize the patterns. You recognize the failures, the struggles you see them hurting their own selves and not even knowing it. That's how you know you're different. And you become the light. You turn it on in that dark scenario. That doesn't mean they'll all follow the light. They might even be mad because you turn it on the light because when the light is exposed, everything that they're doing is exposed as well. That gives them the chance to heal. That gives them the chance to grow or it gives them the chance to continue down the path that they're on. It's free will. We all have it. If you wonder why bad things happen, why people are allowed to do bad things, what bad scenarios are able to exist is because the grace of the universe gave that. What kind of life? Like you could not truly have love if there wasn't the opposite of that. Love has to be a choice. Frequency dictates that you can't just all be in one frequency. Then there'd only be one frequency. The universe is always expanding. There has to be levels. You get to choose which level you're in. So know your purpose. Turn on your light and become the rising tide that lifts all ships. Thank you so much for listening. I hope this episode was impactful and gave you a different perspective on whatever it is that you're going through. If you want to make sure you don't miss a single episode, make sure you subscribe to my email list. There's a link down below. It will keep you up to date with every single episode. I'm just so thankful for you joining and combining your energy with me on this because I believe we are on the same journey just taking some different paths. If you're interested in working together, I have my group Freedom Fundamentals. Now this is someone that wants to tackle health, wealth, and happiness. We do some real estate in there so you can learn how to make money outside of your current job. We of course talk minds that you know so you can make this shift to become the version of you that you know you can become. It's all built in there and of course we do talk about health as well because you want that healthy body, healthy mind and healthy bank account to be the version of you that you are meant to be. Well thank you so much for listening. Have a great day and I can't wait to talk to you next time.