95. your healthy girl 'spring reset' checklist

Hello, hello. Welcome back to the Wellness Cafe podcast, your go to Hawkerwalk podcast. I'm your host, Tren Tondelier. As promised, today we're talking all things spring resets. Okay, if you're like me and you're over, completely over the winter blues and just so done with it, you're ready for nice weather, good energies, and you just want to cultivate positivity and sunshine and happiness entering this new season. This episode is for you. And if you're listening to this and you're like, yes, that is me, sign me up. I am sick and tired of the winter blues. And I want sunshine and feel good vibes. I am right there with you. Currently, I, okay, so you know, last week, I was very sick. And to be honest, after returning home from Vegas, I truly was so sick that I just laid in bed all week in a dark room, feeling like absolute shit. Honestly, what can I expect? I had my friends visiting here and then I went to Vegas for the podcast conference. You know, that was a lot. Honestly, truly. My biggest question in life right now is how the fuck part in my French, how the fuck does Alex Earl have so much energy? Every single time I scroll my TikTok for you page, she's just in a new city partying and drinking. And I simply couldn't even have my friends visit for my birthday and then attend a conference for five days. And that put me out for a week. Okay, how does she do it? Anyway, I'm feeling a little better now. Well, I'm feeling almost back to 100%. And I am also so, so, so excited to spring reset. You know, I just want to feel my best, look my best, be confident, be happy, high vibe, all the things. And I'm ready to spring reset with you. So let's get into it. Honestly, I wish I had more for the weekly update, but that's it. I just laid in bed and recovered because I was so sick. And it is so, so hard when you're someone that likes to take care of yourself and work out and feel good to get sick and lay in bed because it just makes me feel so guilty and it makes me feel worse about myself. You know, I wish I was working out to feel good and all you want is to feel good again. And no one talks about how hard it is to get sick and just have to lay in bed all day and listen to your body because I know that's what I needed to do because I was so, so sick. It just almost made me feel worse because I wanted to be doing the things that make me feel good. So if anyone has recently been sick and you laid in bed and just took the time off that your body needed to reset, and you know, with that, you missed a week of the gym or some of your workouts, I hear you. I know it's a struggle. And that is such like an internal conflict that happens when you get sick and you also love working out and taking care of yourself. But this is your reminder that if this happened to you, it is not your fault that you got sick. And it is best to listen to your body so you can show up for yourself again. And you know, you only have one body, you need to take care of it. And a week off your workouts really isn't that big of a deal. It just always brings me back to when I had COVID and I couldn't work out for so long. And it just, it sent me spiraling because like my mental health was in the worst place it had been in a while because I had like lung damage from COVID and my doctor told me to not work out. And it was such a struggle. So if anyone is sick right now or in that position, I just wanted to put this little reminder out there that no one is working out when they're sick. You shouldn't feel guilty about it. Just take the time to lay in bed and rest and recover so that you can bounce back. And bouncing back is what we are doing. Okay, happy spring. I think the first day of spring was honestly yesterday and I am so excited for spring and summer. That's when I thrive. I'm a spring summer girly. Last week's episode was all about spring cleaning because with any spring reset, with any reset, cleaning your space is a big part of how you renew your energy. I went all into detail about my cleaning habits and some ideas and inspiration for your spring reset. So you can go listen to that if you haven't already. Cleaning, I think is number one of the spring reset. Moving along, this is part two of how to cultivate good energy and high vibes going into spring is revisiting your 2023 goals. And if you were if you just thought to yourself like, oh shit, why did you have to call me out like that? I totally brushed them aside. That is a okay. All right. And I won't go to into detail of how to accomplish your goals. But if you need a refresh of motivation for your 2023 goals, all of the New Year's Kickstart episodes are still up. If you missed it, it was just a seven day series to kickstart the year strong together. And I won't go into detail about it now, but you can always revisit those on a nice walk outdoors, a nice Hawkerel walk. But just take this as your little reminder, you know, a little friendly. Hey, it's halfway through March. You know, your New Year's goals are still there. And New Year's goals aren't as big of a topic anymore, especially online. So I'm just politely, kindly reminding you of your goals if they got lost, which if they did get lost, listen, that is fine. No one is judging you because mine sure did. I haven't worked out in two weeks because like I said, I had Vegas and then I got sick. And that's why coming home, all I wanted to do was get back into routine and feel amazing again. And that's why it struck me so hard getting sick and not being able to do that because I haven't worked out for two weeks and wellness and working out and moving my body and prioritizing all the things that make me really feel good was at my number one goal for this year. And now I haven't worked out in like two weeks. So I am making a challenge for myself to work out three times a week and get outside for a walk in the sun every single day. That doesn't sound like a lot. Well, it's not extreme, but I think habits and goals need to be very realistic and achievable in order for you to follow through with them and in order to accomplish it. So I'm just setting that tiny goal for myself to actually have a visualization of what it looks like for me to be accomplishing my wellness priority goal for 2023. And I leave for Coachella in a little less than a month. So I just wanted to set a goal that I can see and visualize, okay, I'm working out three times a week and I'm getting outside once a day for a walk, boom, there's a goal. And I just needed to write it down and put a number to it to remember it every single day and like, say, Hey, you have this specific goal because specifics can really help you get to get to where you want to be. So if you need to revisit your 2023 goals, if you've lost them a little bit, you're not alone. I'm right there with you. And that is how I'm kind of kickstarting the backup, getting my motivation back. I just set one small achievable goal. And I just said, Hey, hello, this is your goal, your 2023 goal. Have you forgotten about me? And I was like, Oh, shit. Yes, I have. Here's my new goal. And boom, I'm going to do it. And follow through with it. There we go. So if you need to revisit your goals, maybe set a small, achievable habit or goal that will lead to the bigger picture, something that is easy, something you can follow through with, don't set too high of expectations that aren't realistic, because in the end that usually just ends up with habits not being followed through with. So something very realistic just to have your 2023 resolution at the top of your mind again, and get that motivation back that you had in January, because I know so often if it's March and you've kind of lost sight of those New Year's resolutions, it can be easy to just forget about them and just be like, okay, well, I'll try again next year. Maybe we'll try again in 2024. Like, no, no, no, absolutely not. Okay, not this time, not this year. You set goals. If you lost them for a little bit, that is fine. New Year's is just a day. It's just a date. You don't have to wait, you know, there's still nine entire months of the year where you can stay on track, revisit your intentions for your resolutions and stick to them. Okay, it is not too late. If you haven't even started working towards your New Year's resolution, it's not too late. Okay, I just remember so many times I used to be in the mindset of I like I already failed my New Year's resolution, you know, at this time of the year, if I hadn't been working on it or hadn't been doing it enough and hadn't already like achieved it, I would be like, okay, well, you know, there's always next year, like absolutely not. There's still nine months left of this year, and there's no better time to start than today. So I believe in you, you can revisit those goals. The New Year's kickstart series is always up if you need a little motivation. I was very tough, lovey in those series. So if you need a little kick in the butt, if you need to light that fire to get after your goals, those episodes are perfect. Okay, moving along our healthy girl spring reset, I posted on the Wellness Cafe Instagram page just asking what you all needed to hear from me for this episode. And a lot of you were asking on how to reset energies because I touched on the cleaning, I touched on resetting your home and your environment. But a lot of you wanted to know how to reset your energy. And this may be tedious to listen to and this may not be the answer that you want to hear, but a huge, huge, huge energy reset is cleaning your environment. And that's why I made it first in the series. That's why it got a whole entire episode dedicated to it. Because that you spend all your time, well, a lot of your time and you're sleeping at home and sleep is a really, really big factor in your wellness and your overall mental health, brain functioning, everything sleep is so important and you're sleeping in your home. So if you want an energy reset, you need that environment to be clean and cleansed. So if you missed the cleaning habits episode, I would highly recommend going back to that as well. Another great way to reset your energy is, you know, just doing a little, a little social media cleanse. Okay, if there's anyone who you follow who doesn't make you feel good about yourself or maybe someone you know personally in your own real life that you don't, you know, get along with, the unfollow button is right there, you know, you don't owe anyone the duty of following them. I used to be really, really, really bad for this. I thought, you know, I didn't want to be rude and unfollow people from high school that I used to know just because we sat in a class together, I thought I couldn't unfollow them when I don't know them and their post and bring any value or make me feel good. So you can unfollow people, friendly reminder, unfollow people who don't make you feel good. Second of all, if you still don't want to unfollow, you can mute their posts. I think it's just really important to be very mindful of the content that you're consuming and making sure it's all positive in order to just keep your energies good and reset your energy. So it's really good to do just a review of who you're following, make sure all the content you're consuming is positive. That's always something I like to do if my energies feel off along with the cleaning. And also you already know this like clockwork, you know, I'm about to say journaling and gratitude. Okay, if your energies have been off hone in on your gratitude practice and always remind yourself what you're grateful for and what is positive in your life. Even if this isn't coming naturally to you sit down, you don't even need to write it out. Just think about it. Okay, have a little, have a little thought to yourself about what you're grateful for, even the smallest things like your bed or a new water bottle that you got to move your body that the sun is out that you have nice hair. I don't know, it can, you know, it can be so little and so silly, but no positive thought is bad. Like, it's never too small. Okay, list out all the little things that you're happy and grateful for. And that will help her rewire brain to start seeing everything more positively. Why did I just say that word like that? But you know what I mean. And it's just a great way to reset your energy and be on the positive vibes only. Another fantastic way of resetting your energy is getting outside. If you're in school all day or work or work from home and office, whatever it may be, most of us don't spend our entire day outside. So getting that little refresh whenever you can of fresh air, sunshine, vitamin D, hearing the nature, that is very beneficial to your energy. And I don't know about you, but it always puts me in a better headspace and just feeling more positive and refreshed, even halfway through the day. If I'm in my midday slump around 2 p.m, I always, I just, I feel like a toddler and I always feel like I need to put the baby down for a nap as in myself around 2 o'clock, which is just not okay. And that is why I'm setting a goal of getting outside every single day, because even halfway through the day, going for a walk, it always refreshes me and energizes me to power through the rest of the workday. Oh my goodness, I just thought of something actually this is so not in this topic. But back to the spring cleaning. I did my big spring closet clean out, big deep clean of the apartment this Sunday after I recorded that episode. And when we did our Trader Joe's and Target haul a couple last month, I was about to say a couple weeks ago, and time is flying that has now been last month. I picked up the pink stuff cleaner, we don't have it in Canada and knowing me, I just if something has good branding, I always gravitate towards it and buy it. And also I love pink. So that is mainly why I bought it. And I finally tested it out this weekend to clean the sink and our oven. Oh my goodness, I was amazed 12 out of 10 had to put that recommendation in here because it was seriously game changing for our stainless steel stove. I should probably take it to the oven, but you know, I wasn't overly ambitious on Sunday. I didn't get there yet. But hold me accountable, I will. Also for all my scholars listening, okay, all my girls in school, especially if you're in university right now, you're in the home stretch. And if you need a reset on how to find the motivation to power through, I remember literally March, I would always just clock out, I was done. I was out of there, my brain was in summer mode, and I did not, I had no cares for school anymore. But all of the stuff I'm saying in this episode, all these refreshers are a great way to just give yourself that little refresh and that little extra boost of energy to power through until the end of finals. You can do it just hang in there, find that little bit of motivation for the next couple of weeks, and you can do it. I promise you that. But all of these that I'm saying are a great way to refresh yourself and give yourself a little more motivation and boost of productivity. The next item on our reset list is a little gut reset. Okay, this is good for new season. And I always like to make sure I'm really using all my tools for resetting after traveling, especially conference that was in Vegas with a lot of drinking. And I try my best, my very best to eat healthy on vacation, but sometimes it can be hard. But it's not the end of the world. And I bring my travel packs of a G one with me on vacation. I brought five packs to Vegas. And honestly, it was so busy. I only had three. So coming home, I'm making sure that I'm drinking a G one by athletic greens every single day. I truly just feel so much better when I add it into my routine. And if you're looking for an extra reset to add to your routine, it's such a simple habit that really elevates how you feel. A G one is good for your gut increases energy and it boosts your immunity. So a G one was my life saver while I was sick. If I were you, here's how I like to make it. Add it to your morning moment and mix a G one with water, ice, and a little bit of pineapple or orange juice. It is literally my life saver. It makes you feel a thousand times better, especially times where you need those extra measures to reset. A G one helps with your gut, which in return just elevates your whole body's energy. And I'm so honored that athletic greens is sponsoring today's episode once again. So if you want to take ownership of your health, today is a good time to start. Athletic Greens is giving you a free one year supply of vitamin D and five free travel packs with your first purchase. Go to athletic greens.com slash wellness cafe. That's athletic greens.com slash wellness cafe. Check it out. It will be linked in the show notes. The next idea that you wanted to hear for the spring reset, I love this one so much. It said, what are our routines and vibes for spring with the sparkle emoji, of course, because yeah, mood TWC is a unit. We are one. So let me set the vibes for you and give you updated habits and routines for spring. Okay, first things first, with a spring equinox, it is a very, very powerful time for manifestation and cultivating positive energy into your life. So the vibes is manifestation, making those vision boards your reality. What you're going to do to tap into this divine energy and be a walking magnet for your desires is write out, I am statements. Okay, get your pen and paper, your journal, maybe a nice little iced dirty chai if you want to stay on brand and write out I am statements as if you were living your perfect day. Okay, your dream life. Close your eyes and picture it from waking up to going to bed. Okay, what do you do throughout the day? What habits do you do? What's your morning moment? What's your job? Who are you surrounded by? Just all around picture yourself achieving the goals that you want to achieve and write out every single thing that you see yourself doing from your visualization in present tense on paper. Okay, you do not do not want to miss this very lucrative time for manifesting your goals, my little witchies. Aside from that, right now I'm prioritizing hydration and I'm well aware. I am well aware that this isn't rocket science, obviously for your health. You need to be drinking water and this is a simple fact, but that's just it. I know I'm not saying anything groundbreaking and you don't need to over complicate wellness. Okay, everyone who has like 50 page wellness guide books with crazy intense steps are usually just trying to sell something and there's no need to just over complicate wellness like that. It can be simple. There's no big magic secrets and the everyday simple easy habits just work. Often they're just forgotten about and I'm here to just remind you every week and do it with you. Okay, for a spring reset, our vibe is hydration and I just notice it in my skin and my face very fast when I'm not prioritizing my water intake. So here's your reminder to get that emotional support water bottle that you forgot about and fill it up with a nice fresh and crisp ice water. There is I don't think there's a better feeling than that, you know, like just like a fresh crisp big jug of water. It is the best thing ever. I'm still using my Stanley quencher to get my daily water in. There's a link in the stone oats to my current water bottle if you are interested. Whenever I post with it on my Instagram stories, I always get asked where I found it. Aside from that, the vibes are just fresh and glowing and like simple. That is how I'm entering spring. I always have my home smelling like a spa with eucalyptus going in the diffuser and I've really been prioritizing my skincare and making sure that I'm staying hydrated to just have that glow. Okay, our vibe is glowing skin because we are hydrated and glowing from the inside out. I am so excited for summer because there's literally no better feeling than glowing skin and no makeup in the summer and I'm so ready for it. I can like just like a little freckle moment I used to literally walk into Sephora and I'd be like, what is the thickest foundation you have that can cover up my freckles? And now I'm counting down the days until I am just a full freckle face again. It's just the best feeling. But yeah, I'm just really trying to drink enough water so that my complexion is good and my eye bags aren't as bad and my eyes aren't puffy. So here is your water reminder. That is our vibe. Okay, along with that is prioritizing fresh air and you already know it is almost time to be able to run stairs outside again. I cannot wait to work outside. It is just such an instant mood booster. If you think you get endorphins from doing a workout inside, just wait and try working out outside like going for a run or a bike ride or even setting up and doing like a little bootcamp cycle outside. That's what my friends and I always did throughout quarantine. We would bring our weights, our ball of bands, our booty bands to the local park, just whatever park we wanted to meet at. And we would do stairs, we would do little circuits. It is literally the best mood booster ever. You just feel so positive and you just have such a burst of energy afterwards. I cannot wait. However, the first stairrun of the season is always so humbling, but actually this winter I forgot that I was in my stairmaster era so I shouldn't be too out of shape from the stairs. This is your sign to text your best friend and plan a day where you both have off work and go for a smoothie and stairs date. Okay, there is nothing quite like it. Get the little tiny braids, put your favorite hat on your favorite workout set and you're good to go. Next on any reset is food and what you're consuming. And whenever I'm doing a little reset entering a new season, I always just like to be a little bit more mindful of what I'm eating and making sure that I'm adding in as many nutrients into what I eat as possible to be gloaming from the inside out. And as we're moving away from the winter foods, I have some new inspo for you that I've been loving lately. I've actually been trying so many new recipes again, cooking era. And this also may help you if you need an energy pickup or especially like the students looking for motivation to make it through to finals week. I have been trying to get a lot of protein in as well. So if you're lacking protein upping this will definitely increase your energy and get you out of that little winter blue slump and heading in to spring with a reset energy boost. A new high protein breakfast idea I've been loving lately is breakfast tacos. So I'll just do a taco shell, some scrambled eggs, a little bit of sour cream, onions, green onions, chop up some tomatoes, avocado, and like the little a bit of jalapenos on top. And they are heavenly. Who doesn't want a taco for breakfast? Also protein shakes is a great way to get extra protein in throughout your day if you don't really get in enough on the usual. I ran out of the chocolate protein powder for the shake that I was obsessed with with almond butter, but I've been doing a shake with vanilla protein powder instead. Spinach. So I also get my greens in. Then here's the kicker. The little magic secret is to add a little bit of orange juice as the liquid. So I'll do a little bit of orange juice and then water or milk, usually milk, but it does work with water if I'm out of milk for some reason, because you already have the orange juice. So you can't really tell. And then doing frozen blueberries frozen banana. So good. Onto new dinner inspo. I tried this recipe called Mary me chicken. I actually got this from Cales. I feel like we always just share dinner inspo especially because we're both in a relationship in both. We like like to cook with our boyfriends and we always just share go back and forth with our dinner inspo's. And it's called Mary me chicken. You can just search it up on Pinterest. I saw her make this and I had to try it. Brody and I both gave it a 12 out of 10, and we will be making it again. Next up on the list of new recipes because as soon as I get the smallest little hint of spring, my mind is just onto Greek inspired dinners. So Brody and I did a Greek inspired dish for dinner this week where I made Greek chicken meatballs and I just found that recipe on Pinterest. They had fresh dill in them and mint and onion red chili flakes. And then I put it on top of a Greek bowl with rice and romaine and a bunch of other toppings and then just topped it with tziki. It is delicious. And we've really been trying to use up all of our ingredients when we go grocery shopping because when we went to go get the ingredients for that dish, the feta alone was $10. Like what in what world can you charge $10 for a little tub of feta? That is like almost one hour of work for feta cheese. So we've really been trying to use up all the ingredients because sometimes, you know, when we want to try a new recipe, we'll buy ingredients and then only make it once and then the rest of the leftovers go to waste. So to make sure this isn't happening, Brody's been taking leftovers for lunch and we've also been cooking the same thing like two or three nights in a row. So the second night we did Greek chicken instead of the meatballs and we put all the toppings into a wrap, which was really good. And then I did lemon Greek style potatoes on the side that I made in the air fryer. And that was bomb. That was delicious. I always love entering a new season with new recipes that are suited for the season because in the winter, it's like a lot of more cozy dishes, but entering spring, I'm looking for more fresh and, you know, new reset inspired dinners. That's all the new food inspo I've been loving lately. But whenever I try new dinners, I actually do have a highlight on my Instagram stories called dinner ideas or dinner recipes. And I usually try my best to link all the Pinterest recipes or the inspo I've been using. Next up for your spring reset, what I'm doing to give you some inspo is I have been doing no alcohol for a little bit. And you know that I like to party. I like to drink with my friends. I'm definitely not cutting that out forever or permanently. But again, it's not rocket science and drinking alcohol makes you feel like shit. My hangovers are suddenly the worst thing in the world. So when we got back from Vegas, I just decided that I wouldn't be drinking for a month until Coachella to just give myself a little reset. It is, you know, anyone can do a month that is not too bad, but I know it'll definitely just give me the reset that I need to enter spring and summer feeling my best. So if anyone is also up for the challenge, I'm about a week and a half in. But right now it feels good because I don't want to go anywhere close to alcohol after Vegas. I just really wanted that reset and do a little cleanse away from it. And yeah, I will be doing that until Coachella, which I am so freaking excited for Coachella. I am mostly excited for Frank Ocean and Bad Bunny. Brody and I have a new found love with Bad Bunny because honestly, until the Coachella lineup was released, I had never really listened to him. And now we always just blast him on the Sonos and have dance parties together. I cannot wait for Coachella. There are so many exciting things coming up this spring and summer, and I am ready for it. Okay, goodbye winter blues. Hello, Hawkerel summer, it is around the corner. I can feel it coming. The witches will be reunited. Cales is coming here, the beginning of April, and then we're flying to LA to meet Lan before driving to Palm Springs for Coachella. I literally can't believe it's already been a year since last Coachella, and now we're getting ready for it again. Time is flying. Hopefully these tips gave you some ideas or inspiration of ways to do a little reset, get your energy right, get the vibes right and fresh for spring and summer, where you can thrive and cultivate positive energy. Oh, one last side note before ending today's episode. I have been a Swiftie for as long as I can remember. Okay, I, I need to find these pictures. They're at my mom's house, but I'm actually going home for my little sister's birthday. So I will find these pictures, mark my words. I've been going to Taylor Swift concerts since I was about 12. And then I took Brody to his first concert for Taylor's last tour when she came to Edmonton. And after seeing all the drama, okay, all the tea and the posts about the era's tour tickets and all the scandals and how expensive they were, I pretty much just admitted to fee and never even tried to get tickets. And I, for some reason, I thought it would be okay. And then opening night happened. And literally I was scrolling TikTok with Brody. And he thought I was under a hashtag or something of a risk tour, because it was one video after another after another. If you looked at any of the comments under them, you may have seen me commenting, I was in my feels. And moral of the story is I need to find a risk to our tickets. I need to go that looks like like the concert looks like a whole production and experience. And I have to go. So let me know if any of you are going and what dates are going so that maybe we can meet. A lot of you said you're going to the Nashville show and coincidentally, that is the show that I was thinking of going to. So had to throw that in there, had to throw a little girl talk in here before ending off today's episode. But I hope that this gave you some inspo hang in there. We only have a couple weeks left of like, you know, it doesn't fully feel like spring yet. I know some of us still have bad weather, final season, but we're almost over the hump. Okay, if we just reset for a little bit, we will be there, summer will be here, and we will be thriving and better than ever. Okay, I love you and I will see you next week.