Let's Talk Zelda, LIVE in Brooklyn!

Okay, all you lowercase GK-ers! Put your hands together for Jason Shrier, Matty Myers, and Kurt Hamilton! I'm Kurt Hamilton. I'm Matty Myers. And I'm Jason Shrier. Hello! Thank you for coming in. It's us. Oh my goodness. It's gracious. Look at this. This is fantastic. You guys get to hear what we sound like when Kurt can't fix our mistakes. Yeah, it is going to be incredible. This is live. Anything could happen. We have our comfort switches at the ready. We brought them out just in case we were to play a little bit of Zelda. We did Matty is lying. We have him because we can't stop playing Zelda. I was trying to cover Jason. I was trying to cover that. It's like my teddy bear. Did anybody else bring their switch tonight? Wow. Oh, see that's a story. Hang on. Did everyone who just cheered, did you actually bring a switch? Are you just cheering for the people who brought switches? Yeah. They're just the worders. I think people are used to doing things when they listen to podcasts. Normally people cheer whenever we say anything. Did anybody bring your dishes so you could do your dishes while listening to them? Load of laundry. Right. Walk the dog. Are there any dogs on there? How's everybody doing? Yeah. Oh, I can see you all now. What a lovely crowd. We're very excited that you're here. We're excited to do our show with an audience. And we hope that you're excited too. I wanted to try a few things out on you because audience participation is an important part of doing a live podcast. So the first thing I want to do, this is going to involve you all. Our show is called Triple Click. And at the beginning of the show there's some theme music that plays and it makes a sound. It goes click, click, click. Really quickly. It's like three clicks because that's the name of our shit. You'd be surprised how many people didn't figure that out. I just found out. Jason, yeah, this is our first time hearing this. So what I would love to hear from all of you is three quick claps. That sounds kind of like those three clicks. So here we go. You ready? I'm going to say Triple Click. And then I want to hear clap clap clap. Here we go. Triple click. Damn. Wow, that was good. I thought we were going to have to do it a few times. That was beautiful. Okay. So I'm establishing a rule for this show. Anytime we say the name of our podcast. All of you are going to do that clap. Okay. So we're going to try it right now. We make a podcast called Triple Click. That was pretty good. That's good. One of us accidentally says it like an hour from now. We're going to have to be so freaked out. See if you can freak us out. It's true. It's true. Okay. So the rule is in place starting now. You all have your responsibility. So now here's another thing. It's not every day that we have this many people in one room together. Well, speak for yourself. Jason, you're doing live shows constantly. I mean, I have two small children. So it feels like you're always performing boys on. So I wanted to take advantage of this opportunity just to get the Foley. So we're going to be editing this show after everyone's going to listen to it in the main feed next week. And there might be some times where we tell a joke that isn't actually funny, but I want to make everybody think that you all thought it was really funny. That's right. So can you all just laugh on cue? I'm going to give you a cue and I just want like a big laugh. Like one of us just told the funniest joke ever. Ready? Here we go. Wow. That was the peak. It's all. That was beautiful. That was good. That was good. So, okay. That was pretty good. We're going to have to leave some space after these because I want to be able to edit them out. So I'm thinking this through as we go. Okay. Now what I want. I want to groan. So I'm giving Jason does this as we go. This is how we do this. I want to groan. So now one of us told a really terrible joke that you kind of love anyways, but it's terrible. So this is a big groan. Are you ready? That's really good. That's a little too good. What other sounds should we make? You don't think like a cheer like they're just crying with happiness. Oh yeah. Okay. Your favorite team just won the World Cup. You're so excited. Wow. Okay. Wait. Wait. You just found a Korok seed. I had to get that sound into a recent episode. Did you hear that? I knew about the thriller thing. That was amazing. I really give I just find a Korok seed. I'm like, really? Okay. There's another one. Another one. This is this rock. I just picked up a rock. I was just picking that up for some other reason. You just picked up a Korok and decided to barbecue it using one of those contraption. Are you two Koroks? Are you one of those people? No, I just ignore them. There's a lot of people out there torturing. Yeah. Because there are too much of a pain. I'm like, I could either like go through 20 minutes of trying to help this Korok to get a couple seeds. Or I could just pick up a rock and find a seed there. Yeah. I'm glad about it. Well you get two if you're helping us. I know, but like they're trying to incentivize you. They're trying to min max here. Anytime I see a Korok with a backpack on, I'm like, I can't help you man. Like you put that on. You made that choice. It's true. You're the one who's just just take the rest man and go. You're just vibing in that huge backpack and like so is your friend really far away. Like you guys both made some choices that led you to this moment. I don't have to help you. I'm just a guy. I'm just living my life. Heartless, mighty, mighty. I'm enjoying imagining that I feel like there probably are about five people here who don't know what we're talking about. Yeah, let's bring him in. Let's bring him in. So this season is called Korok seeds. The children of the forest. I mean I can pull up the instruction manual. Has you heard of him? He's got some maracas. He does have some maracas. And he's got to shake him with some seeds in. I have a question about him. Do you think he does a little coaching? We're not explaining what this is about him. Okay, in the Legend of Zelda, tears of the kingdom. As you're exploring the kingdom of Hyrule, you sometimes find little puzzles. These little puzzles in the environment. Usually it's just you see three trees and they're like all the same and you're like that's got to be something. Yeah. And you go over and you like cut them all down and then this guy shows up and he gives you a little seed. A little guy. A little tiny guy. To a larger guy. Yeah, much bigger guy. He has to. And he's got maracas but they're empty when you first find it. Right. It's very sad. I know. He's super sad about it. Well, how's that? I mean, if you've ever held an empty Moroccan. I know it's really. It's terrible. It's just a gourd. When have you held an empty Moroccan? I have. If you teach, if you ever teach students, like they destroy every instrument that exists. So the maracas will eventually not have anything in there. Is that Hestu's story do you think? Like Hestu's is a music teacher. He's like a high school teacher and he just really was trying to teach the little baby car rocks. And they're running around throwing on their huge backpacks. That explains why the backpacks are so big. I think we've really learned his whole story. Okay, so my question is that makes it even more tragic. He does. He's murdering them everywhere. They're middle schoolers. Oh my God. I mean, again, if you've taught middle schoolers music. Yeah, they have big backpacks. I do know that. He does a cutscene. When you give him the seeds, it's really exciting. Yeah, you give him the seeds and he's so excited and he does a dance. And then he gives you an expansion in your inventory slots. Yes. Always your weapon slot because come on. I know. What are we doing? What are we doing? I kind of feel like I'm in a field. I added a couple of those. I added a couple of those. I added a couple of those. Okay, we're going to. When you attach cannons and flame ferries to your shield. Oh, that's true. That's true. In this game, it's a little different. Okay, so my question is he does this whole thing. There's confetti pops out and then there's a beat and he just sits there. And it's really awkward and kind of anticlimactic. Are we supposed to be kind of thinking he's ridiculous in that moment? I mean, I think it's Zelda. You're supposed to be thinking everybody is ridiculous. Yeah, but also joyful. Right. And sort of unusual. Joyful. You're supposed to be much like Link just staring blank faced upon the wall. Right. Impacity. Just not reacting to all the ridiculous things happening in front of you. 10 out of 10 game. Just staring blank for the cold. Oh, yes. That's what he does. I love him for it. I love to face Link towards the camera and just take a screenshot of him looking like nothing's ever entered his beautiful little head. But, Kirk, you haven't explained the best part. Then you find out at the end of collecting all of the core exceeds in both of the wild. You find out what they are. Oh, we're going to say. Do you want to do us the honors? No, you can tell us. I don't think so. I don't think so. Yeah, they are shit. They're shit. They're little core interprets. That is real. That's real. And they're inside of a Morocco, which also middle schoolers in music class. Yeah, of course they would steal the shit. Do you know that I didn't know that? I wouldn't know that. I really didn't know that. Yeah. Yeah. You don't get to find that out until you've liked them. We're all learning things today. The other day you guys were saying that you had never caught a falling star in that game. Until recently. Yeah. Which I had known about falling time. But it's like there are things in that game you cannot know falling stars. There's so much you can discover. The fact that the four A's are shit. Yeah, they are. They are shit. You know? And that's kind of why I think has to being goofy makes sense. It does. Because it's all a lead up to this reveal. Well, it's a great joke. These Korax, you're saving them and they're like here. Thank you for saving me. Like here is some of my shit. Yeah. That they stole I guess from the maracas. I guess. Unclear. Or did they just make? I assume they just make it. Well, see, I don't know. We don't know. We don't know. Welcome to Chival. Oh my God. Hey. We're really excited about this as you can tell. This is going well. We haven't done a live show together in four years. Four years. Four years ago. How many of you guys were at the split screen live show for you? Oh, these two. That was good. So you saw when we were called split screen, but now we're called triple click. That was bad. We've been teaming them up for it. I love that. Nice. Everyone was ready. Love it. We're going to be talking about Zelda today. It seems like there's not really anything else to talk about. But that is something that we're going to talk about. We're not. And then we're going to answer some questions. That's true. Yeah. You're allowed. We're going to ask questions that aren't about Zelda. Yeah, that is true. When we do a question section at the end. But yeah, for now, we're talking a little bit more about Zelda. It's funny because we recorded our Zelda episode, which went up today on Monday. And now it's Thursday. That's right. I don't know how much is really changed. That is funny. That's kind of a long time in playing Zelda. How many people here have listened to this morning's episode? You're going to hear the same thing again. We actually have a trans script. Different. No, we'll try to keep things a little fresh. So I think we're going to start by, we want to check in with how we're doing with this game. It's a massive video game that came out. And all three of us are playing it. And we did all bring our switches. We did. So I'm going to go around and I want you to take out your switch. First, you're going to tell us a little bit about your case. So show us your case. Turn it on. Turn up the volume. What kind of case is that? It's a fast lane. Black case. That is. I think came when I reviewed the switch in 2017. That's right. They sent all the accessories. Alongside it. I'm just like, okay, I'll keep it. It's a pretty good case. But uh... It's the jump time. Yeah, I don't have a good story. Maddie's case is way cooler. Isn't that? It's like a fancy hard case. Okay, so Jason is going to open up his game. Jason's going to open up his game. Here's the game. Here's the game. And he's going to tell us where he is right now after he sinks his Joy-Con. He's going to tell us where he is right now and what's happening. I'm going to press the Jason. Open that with one hand. Yeah, he didn't even set his microphone down. I'm used to like holding a child. Okay, I am on the Great Plateau. Okay. Oh, interesting. So you can go back there. Yes. This is the starting area from Breath of the Wild. Yes, and so I'm in a forest. I'm in the forest of spirits. I did just, I just did a quest. Okay, so there is a newspaper in this game. Yes, there sure is. And I just did a quest for the newspaper. And I think these, the problem with the newspaper quest is they really ask me to go back. They really ask you to suspend your sense of disbelief. Yeah. Because when you talk to the newspaper guy, he says the following. He says, as you take on more stories, your base pay will obviously increase. And there are bonuses, of course. Oh, wow. Which is like clearly Nintendo did not do their research on. Oh. We'll pay you less than senior only going to have to make videos for TikTok. Yeah. Well, they didn't include the part where Hyrule investigators, Hyrule researchers bring in AI to take over the newspaper. No, but yes, so I'm in the garage. I just did a quest because there are a lot of quests in this game to try to find. There are a lot of these quests that the newspaper sends you on to try to figure out what happened to Princess. They'll do, who is not the person you play as. Maddie. No. That's interesting. That's interesting. Somebody made a bet related to that. It's true. Someone did. I don't know. Maybe there's a part where you play as a guy. I haven't found any guys. Uh-huh. I don't listen to them. Maybe. And you're doing all these quests to figure out all these Zelda appearances. And I just did one of those, which I will not spoil for you guys, but it was a cool one. It was a fun little one. And I wound up on the plot show where there's another super weird mysterious quest that, again, I won't tell you guys about because it's fun. Because it's so mysterious. Fun to discover. Cool. That's cool. I haven't thought to go back there to the place that you're going to suck at the game. You'll naturally stumble upon it because it's part of just the natural, like, you'll see topography. Well, we're all becoming reporters as Link as well. Right. So we're all going to naturally stumble across. You've got to cover your beat. The seeds of the story, the kurok seeds. What about you guys? I want to hear what you're up. All right. All right. Let me see. Okay. I can't get this out with one hand. I'm sorry. That's fine. Are you just going to sit here in silence and watch you? So I noticed Jason has the bright white Joy-Cons. Yeah. He has the yellow ones, which are really cool. They were the ones that weren't out of battery when I put the house earlier today. It's a good story. They resisted the urge to buy that Zelda one. Nice. It's like, no, I don't need this. I am in the middle of a lightning storm. Oh, okay. So I was running around. So I did the wind temple, which I think we're going to talk about. Yes. A little bit. Just so happened to be the wind temple first. Yes. I got all the way to the final boss. And I had a lot of arrows, but I didn't have a lot of stuff to attach to the arrows. Okay. And you really need some stuff to attach to the arrows for that final boss fight. I won't say why, but you need it. And I tried a few things. And what I really, really like are those key sign balls. That's really good against that boss. You tell them about those. Maddie, can I tell you a tip? Can I give you a tip? Yeah. You don't need any arrows. Oh, how did you beat that boss? Do you want to know or do you want to try to figure it out? No, tell me. You dive through the crystals because it's like breaking the ice on his back. Oh, sure. All the people in the audience are like, what? People are taking off their switches. Leaving the room. Oh my God. And then Matt does the damage. Yeah. Then Matt knocks out. Oh, man, can we just tell you all about this boss? Yeah. Describe it. Can you describe it? Because screw this guy. All right. So it's like a huge dragon guy. And you know how like a dragon has three different sectionals that are made out of pink ice? We all know. We've all seen a dragon. And you know how you got to hit the ice three times in order to get to the weak point? And there's three sections. And then there's going to be a second phase where you got to do all that over again. Dragon. It's just dragon stuff. Dragon stuff. It's just dragon stuff. Yeah. Why do I have to explain this? So I, of course, was painstakingly fusing arrows and diving and using arrows. I'm diving and using my paraglide. That's how I beat them with arrows too. A perfectly timed to be right in front of each little ice hunk and then hitting an arrow in the right place. And it would be arcing and not quite hitting the part it needed to hit. And then eventually I was like, what am I doing? I'm just going to go farm some key side balls. Because they create homing arrows. It's homing or honing? Honing. Honing. Honing. Honing. Champing at the bottom. Honing. Yeah. Yeah. Secret chomping arrows. Right. You make chomping arrows. They chomp the ice. And then that's how you win. And you know, that's why I'm running around in a lightning storm in Hyrule right now trying to get my arrows up ship shape so I can go back up to the Sky Islands and defeat that dragon. But turns out, Jason, what could I have to? Yeah, you don't have to. But if you do want to get like things to fuse, you should go into one of the underground cave networks, which like you can lose hours. I know. Just exploring. But you can find mushrooms and attach those here arrows just for, because they're not going to attach. Just make them bouncy. And keys and stuff. Yeah, that's. Yeah, really, I just like those key side balls. This is my favorite item. Pretty cool. Yeah, where are you, Kirk? I'm going to get my switch out. Silence. I'm doing it with one hand. I'm not going to talk. This really, we didn't prep this. I wasn't helped. Black Joy-Con. That's like the original. White, black, yellow. Yeah, because my mom's very boring. Nothing. So I'm in a stable right now. I took a screenshot. You're skateboarding? Just accidentally take a screenshot. Just panicking, hitting buttons. Yeah, I always forget which is the select button and which is the map. Well, they changed all the buttons for this one. That's true. No, they didn't. Don't know why they didn't say that. So I'm in a dueling peaks stable. Okay. Yeah. Over by the dueling peaks. I haven't gone to that many stables in this game yet. One of the stables is actually a publication. Right. It's been converted. That's right. Which again, a newspaper like bought. I know. Another business. The newspaper had so much money that it acquired another business. Genuinely have never heard of this. Although if you talk to the stable owner, they say that the newspaper scanned them. I know. Right. And she's very, she's very like, touchy about the world. I didn't change you out of this. Yeah, yeah. I did it fair and square. I don't know what the story is there. I'm on my way to, I'm going back to Hetano village, which is where I am. Oh. There's some good stuff in there. There's some good stuff in there. There is. That's where this lady, what's her name? Cece. Cece. Yeah, you gotta go to that hat. You gotta get that hat. You gotta get that hat. Fumble fashion. Do you know about the hat? I do. I saw the Polygon article about it. Yeah, I give Link makeup and earrings. I know. He looks amazing. He looks so good. He looks really good. He looks like he could go to Gerudo and like fit in there. I haven't gotten to that. I know. There's a lot of other really cute belly shirts that you can put Link in. I'm not kidding. Excellent. No, it's true. Excellent. It's true. It's truly rocks. He looks great. Yeah, there's a lot of side quests in this game. Are there too many? Is it over? It's hard to do too much stuff. No, I mean, I was overwhelmed first and then I started like breaking it down and figuring out. And actually it was helpful for me to do the first temple and then from there just be like, okay, I got that out of the way. I saw what the first dungeon was like, now I can just go waste hours and hours like I don't know. So do you think of the wind temple as the first dungeon? Because first one and everything out of the water. The game steers you that way. It's very much like, oh, you should go check out those readout. Just maybe go that way. I don't know. You're talking about something. You could go wherever you want, but maybe go to the north one. Yeah. I went to Kakariko Village without the paraglider and I was there for a while. It's crazy. How many people have missed it? That's really funny. Well, here's the thing. You know, the game does give you those little yellow markers that are like really bright. But what if you just ignore that? And you just go where your soul takes you. This is the pro-hud way. This is how it works. If you turn it off, you'll never see this. That's how you might end up not having the paraglider pretty early on. For a very long time. I think it was a while there, I was kind of wondering when we were going to get it. I was like, that is in this game, right? I feel like it's fine. Am I going to have to dive into water every time I jump from a high surface? Certainly. The really fun thing, like if you really want to just like waste time. Oh, and I do. You can find a bunch of those like robot zonai devices and just like attach them to everything you can find, attach them to your shield. If you never attach a rocket to your shield, do that. Yeah. You can attach, I did a spring, you know, that spring that goes bouncy, bouncy, bouncy. Yup. As a spring is what you do. You guys know what a spring is, right? You guys heard of like bouncy, bouncy, bouncy, bouncy. It's like a slinky. You guys know what a spring is, right? Yeah. You guys heard of bouncy, bouncy, bouncy. Wikipedia says spring is. This is from Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom by the time. Legend of Zelda, by May by Nintendo. And what show is this? You attach it to your shield and then you go surfing and then you do the surfing and you'll never guess what happens. What happens? You go bouncy and then it immediately breaks. And you can't use it again. That's so good. I am finding that I'm more willing to look things up for this game. Shout out to the triple click discord. There's a lot of people. Hey, all right. We got some people are remembering the rules. How many times have you died so far? Several. I'd say several. Yeah. Several. Okay. Several. I don't know. Probably more than seven. Oh my goodness. So the, how can I do this without making everybody? Can we get, is anybody here use the discord for our podcast? All right. We got a few people. Shout out to them. And people are, of course, posting lots of tweets and, you know, like, people just sharing incredible things they built in the game. Of course. Yeah. And there was a whole period where I was like, I don't want to see anything. I don't want to know. Yeah. No, I remember that whole period. It was kind of stressful. But now I already don't care. Because the thrill is like, I don't know, even hearing you describe that makes me want to go make something ridiculous. And even if the tweets makes them more enjoyable because you get ideas and. Or you just see something you never would have even thought to make. Right. And can't even fathom. So just tear- Yeah. Well, the contraption is in ways to torture for us. I mean, there was one video. Did you guys see the video that was like the evolution of warfare and it starts off with Lincoln, like a little medieval wheeled like a cart with like a spirit at the end. And by the end it graduates to like a nuclear, you know, like a firing bombs everywhere. You're looking at this and you're like, what is this video game? Yeah, I know. This is Zelda. I was like, how is this? It's like Lincoln meets war crimes. Yeah. He makes white phosphorus out of the way. Yeah. Oh, you did find that zone. Yeah. The white phosphorus dispenser. Yeah. I know I feel like it's easy to compare this game to Elden Ring. Yeah. It's similar in some ways. It makes me feel similar. But more war crimes than Elden Ring. Yeah. Well, you should do an Elden Ring. Well, Elden Ring, you can't really, you can't do, you find like people have committed war crimes. That's true. Link in Zelda, you can like, I mean, the videos of people killing Korax are just out of control. It's it's true. There's like people set up this elaborate like a barbecue pit with like flame throwers. And I swear to God, like in a spit roast that is just multiple Korax just roasting over the fire. They can't die, but they can't. There's one, there's one video I saw that it's like, it's like, that's true. Well, it's torture forever. Yeah. There's one I saw that's like eating Korax and someone just built a catapace. And just stuck a bunch of just like, boom. Okay. Goodbye. But that's like how you solve some of the puzzles though. Yeah. Sometimes you have to eat a car. Sometimes you get a zink of a car and you're a lot of business. That's how Link justifies his crimes. Yeah. I know. It starts small. They want me to. They want me to. I'm helping the Corach nation find democracy. Yeah. Yeah. So weird game. Let's get into it. Monarchy's. How do we feel about that? Divine right of kings. Heard of it. Zelda has. What I'm saying is I'm Ganondorf. Do we like the Zelda Zelda ENF? Not to just open a huge can of worms. No, that's good. I think that's a good second. We're a good talk- Because we were talking before we talk outside of the show. Sometimes. We were talking before the show started about the dungeons. And I felt like the wind temple was pretty Zelda-y. Mm. You do some puzzles. I know Jason was sitting up with them. Okay. So I heard that like future dungeons. Actually someone on the Discord mentioned that future dungeons are more Zelda-y. Okay. So Zelda-y I think about the wind temple is that it's non-linear. It's just like here are five things. Yeah. You would do them. Which Zelda dungeons before Breath of the Wild didn't really do. Breath of the Wild did that with the Divine Beast where it was like little self-contained areas. The proper Zelda dungeon to me was always like a big multi-layered elaborate like usually pretty linear. Yeah. Yeah. So I'm just going to puzzle to get to this one. You start off in a smaller area and you gradually unlock more and more over time. And by the end you're committing war crimes. Yeah. So that to me is like the essence of Zelda. That's a Zelda game. Yeah. Right. But in this game it's like you can commit war crimes one at? Anywhere. Yeah. It's really just- So I think a distinction that I would offer that is a difference from Breath of the Wild and something that we talked about with Breath of the Wild is that you do have an ability that is unique to the dungeon or is introduced and then is essential for solving the puzzles in it. In the case of this first one you get this wind ability from this little guy. What's his name? The little guy? Talon. Talon. He's such a good little guy. He's a good little guy. Like actually they're in the dungeon with you. Like speaking of- Not even complaining. Like maybe they're telling you no really long time to solve something. So you mentioned something about it not being Zelda-y enough. I haven't played every Zelda game but that is actually unusual to just have an NPC walking around with you. Like the lonesome puzzle solving like I'm all by myself in this ancient wreck that is kind of a Zelda feeling. Yeah. And it is dispelled by this little guy as much as I love him. Yeah there are a couple of games when you have a little guy coming along. A little guy. You have like a companion. I guess there's Navi. Yeah Navi or Fi. Yeah and how could you not love Navi? In a little different I guess than like actually walking around. But it sounds like that. Sometimes there's someone. There's a great dungeon in Link to the Past. How many of you guys have played the Legend of Zelda? Link to the Classic game. There's one great dungeon where like- Should we just say popular video game titles? Mario? Yeah. Is that how we do it? TripleTalks. Dark Souls. That was great. That was good. They were ready. Great dungeon. Spoilers. Thirty year old spoilers. But you have to rescue someone. You rescue this lady like halfway through the dungeon. You rescue a lady in a Zelda game. I know it's crazy right? Wow. And she's like thank you for saving me Link. Let me follow behind you and then you're following her. And then you get to this other room and there's a big like open like ray of light and it shines on her and she's like ah it turns out she's the boss of the dungeon. Oh nice. But she's following you for Chunk of that. Yeah there have been a few times but you're right that it's pretty unusual to have like a dude who you can like summon on to use powers. Right. And I gather that like you're going to get three other companions for the three other temples I assume. Yeah and they're all going to follow you for the whole game. It's not actually true. No. Do you kind of cycle through them? Well this is- Well you have been seen. You haven't seen. Have I? I guess you edited every single polygon guide. Well so yeah I mean I'm in a very great position where I like know a lot but then I don't know the context of it which is always like a fun way to play a game that is not relatable. I don't know why I'm mentioning this but you know like you edit a lot of guides. Yeah everybody out there knows. Yeah everyone knows. They know. But I really feel like this game is unspoilable and I said that to you guys before. It is. There's so many different things that you can make and that's the joy of it. I think that's an essential quality of this game even compared to Breath of the Wild. We were talking about videos before and avoiding watching them. With Elden Ring I would avoid it because it would be like here's this crazy boss. I'd be like oh whoa I kind of wanted to be surprised by that. Yeah I would be revealed. Have it revealed to me and figure out the way to beat it. Right. And then they'd show you like someone doing something incredible. You know Beatty the boss without getting hit or something incredible moveset or something and I'm like okay well I'm probably never going to do that. But it's just very different than in this game where they're like here's this insane thing I built that you would never think of in a million years and now you've thought of it because I showed it to you and I would you know I'll watch those and be like oh awesome I'm actually going to try to do that. It's just a really different. And then you do it and like you put the fans slightly too far to the right. And it just flips over and the entire thing gets set on fire. Do you think so there's one ability that you unlock a little further into the game in the depths that's like what's it called? It's like auto build. Auto build. And so you then get blueprints for anything you've ever built. So it makes a lot easier eventually. Well you can like save things and you have a backlog that like runs out eventually. Do you think there's no way to share those right now is there? I don't know. I mean yeah. Not like Animal Crossing QR codes or whatever. It would be very very cool if they came up with a way that you could do that because then you know you could post the tweet with the video and then like actually post the whatever the code at the end so that you could download the thing and building yourself. Yeah that would be smart man. You should work in Nintendo. I should send it. This is a free idea. You should send them an email being like my name is Kirk Campbell. I just have a few thoughts. I'm really late to the kingdom. I'll call it seven times while playing return. They definitely take me seriously then. Like look you might not know who I am. You know Returnal you're heard of it. Seven times. And it was when it first came out. When it was still really hard. Oh my goodness. Okay what are we going to talk about? I have an outline here that I wrote down. And we're following you. It's going great. All that stuff about us. All that stuff about us. Two of the making me. That was all that you. It says we're supposed to talk for only a couple more minutes. No way. Opening right. Just talk about torturing corks. Discuss the reed-o-quest. Okay we did that. The depth. Yeah. Okay amazing little details. We didn't talk that much about details on the episode that went up today. But there are a lot of little details on this game. Cooking is so great now. Oh I just. Sorry God. Wait why do you think? Okay there's a thousand reasons why it's great. First of all Link sings little songs. He sure does. That's one of my favorite details. And they're mostly songs from I think they're all from Ocarina of Time originally. I mean we know them all now. I'm not actually sure. I think they're from the series. Just like various remixes. He sings a little bit of a song. He sings like a little bit of song. A little bit of song of storms. A little bit of Zelda's lullaby. Classic. It's just really cute. He sings a different song for every kind of meal. It's just cute. Yeah. And the recipes are nice. The recipes are nice. So I just noticed okay I discovered this today while playing not that I was playing during the work day. No. Right yep. Anywhere people will sign your lunch break. Yeah. I hope my bosses aren't here. I noticed today that like when there's a blood moon so when the screen goes all red and so scary now. Blood moon is like this phenomenon in the game and it's super scary and then all the enemies come back to life. But I was in a stable when this happened and when the blood moon is starting to rise you see all these like red tentacle red fires everywhere and it's super spooky. The dog at the stable started barking and then he stopped barking when the blood moon ended and then started rolling over. It's just this little thing. This dog is like really mad about the blood moon. Yeah. It's like this makes sense. Stop. Yeah. There really not a way to pet the dogs in this game. Well I'm sure this has been discussed on social media. If you build a giant hand. Go on. I'm listening. Then you smack it a couple of times. I don't know how softly you can pet it by. You can do anything in this game. That's true. You can do anything. But it is weird that you have an ability called Altran where you can't actually use it. I know. What happens if you use Altran on the dog anything? Nothing. Does anyone try this? No I don't think. I run in a circle around the dog and it does little hearts. Right. It will roll over for you and it does all these amazing little doggy animations. It rolls over and shows you it's belly and you can't rub it's belly. I know. Which is why the game sucks. It makes me very sad. It really would have. You'll have to resort to petting your real dog in real life. Oh god what are you going to do? I feel like if I were actually trying to come up with a list of likes and dislikes for you for this game. It would be hard to come up with any dislikes. It would be like you can't rub the dogs belly. That's all I got. No button. It's going to be an outside. And you can't pet the dogs belly. I do love that Link hums the songs from Zelda. And then that made me wonder are the Zelda songs canon in the world of Zelda? They are because he plays them on the island. Yeah he plays them. Right. Because he played them on an ecarina. So they are canon. We've heard them a lot. He does hum the Zelda theme. Like the main Zelda theme. I don't know. Does he ever play that in any of the games? Yeah he does. That's the one. You guys are saying a totally different story. Oh are we? What's the point? No you go. You go. What do you consider that one? I don't know. Does he? I don't know. I don't think so. I think now he does. So now it's kind of how he does. That was just a question I had. You probably quit. If you're like in the N64 game and you like do different variations on the ecarina you can probably create it. Oh sure. Yeah. That's a good thing. Alright well we asked our discord. I feel like a YouTube channel for you just got started here. Like you can play just about anything. What would you play on an ocarina? I feel like that's probably art of intent. I'll say it a little. Giant steps on the ocarina of time. Ocarina. I'm sure that's all. The doing banjos. Alright so we asked our discord for some questions for the show. By we I mean I. Earlier today. And we got a few questions. So I'm going to ask them to both of you. Okay. This one will be for Maddie first. This comes from Dr. Synthesizer. Which is a great username. It is. Would be a great banned name as well. Dr. Synthesizer asks if you got fused to one of Link's items what benefits would you confer? Can people be fused? In this world they can. Okay. In this type of. But I mean in tears can they be. I don't know. I guess Corox can't our Corox people. No you. Well no because. You can't fuse. You're right. You're right though. I know it's crazy. You can use their backpacks. You have to use their backpacks. Right. But not them. You can't use ultra. You can use. Wait hold on. You can use. Corox like to your sword. No you can't. You can't. You can't. You can't do your thing. You can't do your thing. Yes. Yes. That's true. They're confusing. So this is a difficult question for me because that's not how things work. So I'm just stuck. You better stick that groan in on that. I'm just going to add it. Thank you. That's why I've been recorded. Yeah okay go ahead sir. We're going to distract my friend. I mean I still have no good answer. I guess I'm just going to fuse myself with a key side ball so I'd always know where to go. Okay all right. What about, are you guys not going to answer this? No just a question. The question is what benefit will you get? What benefit would I get if you were fused to your sword? Oh well if I refused with a sword as I said well I'd be really sharp I guess. Oh I'd be on a sword. In the game I would just be like sort of balanced on the top of it. Right but what benefit would you give Link like like plus whatever. Oh I see. To the sword. Yeah. I don't know. Not understanding questions. That would be all good. All right. Jason what benefit would you do? I think I would just yell at enemies to death. Just scream at them. Yeah just scream at them. Nice. What about you? I don't know. I would interrupt. You would make it so Link can't die. I would interrupt fights to like issue corrections. I would bing my way into the story like interrupts and it's like actually. Well that's recall. You basically have recall. Okay sure our podcast. I like that. That's true. That's true. I was thinking about that I should come up with a way to bing into this live. I know. I didn't come up with a way. But I didn't come up with a way. You didn't hire a perfect doppelganger of yourself to run on stage and interrupt with a correction. No it would be amazing because like if I did it like the moment of the bing when I'm recording the bing this is when I interrupt the show to correct something the two of you aren't there. I know. So I have the show all to myself. And it's really you are. You got anything. Yeah it feels a little bit like playing God. Yeah. You have to be very responsible. I mean we already trust you to edit the show as it is. So you could edit out important context or whatever and we never have. For words together make us say anything. Yeah I know. So I would be I would make us sort of very powerful is what we're saying. Yeah you could. Yeah you could. Full editing power. So real casual anybody. Yeah yep. Just delete things. Yeah. Okay next question comes from Frisky Dingus also very good username. Frisky Dingus asks what is the best town slash area theme music. A little bit of a tough one. And this game in this game. In this game. In this real town. Well I'm you know. Okay this is my answer for both Zelda and real life. Tarrytown. Yeah that's good. Which by the way I was I was wondering the Sun Twitter the other day. So there's you guys are going to get this because we're in New York. You guys may not get this because you're foreigners. But there's there's an area of the game called Tarrytown and the mayor of Tarrytown is named Hudson. Like what the heck like. Is Nintendo based in Westchester. You guys don't get it. Yeah that was some regional humor from Jason. That's a New York humor. So is Hudson the present the guy that the sign guy is out. Yeah yeah and you meet him in the first game. I never did that quest but like he's the big part of building the whole thing. Okay. And so that's why they worship him which is a little a little weird. Sure. That's Addison is like really. He's really into the boss of his company. Anyway Tarrytown is really good music. It's not trying to say. Any favorites? Oh I really like the depths music. It's spooky and cool. It is cool. Very minimal. I mean Kirk I know we were talking early on about the preview for the game and you were like it kind of seems like it's a lot of the same music. But there's a lot of new music. There is they front load a lot of the new music too. And this of course is not a surprise anybody with all the sky music is very saxophony. It is. There's so much saxophone happenings. Some lovely alto sax players like in their ensemble playing with him. And the depths music is new too. And it's cool. It is cool. The depths are cool. The depths are cool. They're cool. Even though they poison you. Oh I guess you guys published the tip from Russ Frustik that if you're in the depths you shouldn't use arrows. That's right. You can just touch them through. Throw them. Throw them. Throw them. Totally didn't think of that in Toy Slide on the internet. Yeah stop wasting arrows down there guys. See I shouldn't be wasting arrows at all. I need to just be diving and throwing stuff. I've learned a lot today. Diving and throwing stuff. I can't beat that ice dragon guys. Right after this. Can you do it right now? You can do it while we roll out today. I'm just silent for the rest of the show. Yeah. Concentrating. It would be gripping because we don't have a switch dock. Nobody would watch it. And we of course wouldn't say anything. No. No. Well because I'd need to concentrate. Yeah exactly. Is this a type of twitch streaming? Like where people play us. I'm watching handheld switching the scribe. I would be watching the scribe. I would be watching the scribe. I could see that catching on and becoming very popular with it. In a bathtub. So we had one other. I don't know why it's so popular but they're getting so many views. We had one more question. This is from a couple of people. Ellie and Space Dog also asked this question or version of it about the future of Zelda which I thought would be a good topic for us. The question is basically what direction do you all see the series going after this one? Is this a sign of where Zelda is going in the future? Are they all going to be this way? Like the next 3D Zelda or are there going to be no more 2D Zelda? The next 16 Zelda's are just more DLC for Breath of the Wild. It's just more and more elaborate. I mean this way we sold 10 million copies in 3 days. Yeah. Really? Do you really think that though? 100%. I mean they said in an interview actually Anuma, Asia and the producer of the series said that this level of freedom is what they're going for. I don't think they'll do another one said in the same map. Wow, that's yeah. The way that these did. But I think they'll go for the same like physics and building things and big open world that you can climb and everything which I think is cool. It would be cool if they also did like 2D Zelda's that were a little more traditional like to supplement them. Sort of like how Square Enix says like Final Fantasy games that are big 3D action games and also has like Active Path Traveler. And how Metroid does that like once every 17 years. Yeah, once every four presidents. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You get like a 2D and a 3D Metroid and then the millennia pass again. But yes, I think that's the answer. I think like Breath of the Wild has sold 30 million copies where like before that the best selling Zelda game was like 8 million copies. If you're talking about stratosphere. Do you think like I don't know taking this to its logical conclusion we basically wind up with Minecraft? Like if they you know they just keep going to where you can like fully destroy the world and then build like any kind of building out of anything that you want to you like is that the direction they have to keep going now basically that they've established okay we're doing more freedom in the next one. So in the next one it's going to be even more free. What does that even look like though? Right, I don't know. It looks like Minecraft. Yeah, I'm just going to do the wild card and say I don't think they're going to keep going with this. I mean I think they will to an extent but I also think Nintendo just likes to do weird spin-offs. There's like four tingle games that like no one docks on. Like I feel like they're just going to do something totally different and weird and everyone will be like why did they do that? I'll play it. Yeah, it's kind of like but don't you have a prediction about the switch like then the follow-up switch is not going to be like anything like this. Right, like it won't be backward. I don't be like goggles that you have to. Like a VR headset. It's kind of like is Nintendo going to stay true to form? Right, or just sort of full mixing everyone with weird decisions that make everybody back. In terms of the kingdom like people looked at that and they're like oh my god I can't believe they're doing the sequel in the same world. That was so impressive. Because I can play it and it feels like a totally different game I think. It does. With a similar aesthetic similarities. It depends on what you're doing in the game because it's kind of six different games. When I'm just walking around doing Korok puzzles and stuff there at times where I'm like I'm feeling overwhelmed just because I feel like I didn't even finish Breath of the Wild. There was so much of it. I'm just doing that again. And now there's three times as well. You didn't even know what Korok seeds work really well. Yeah, that's true. Man, character. They didn't know what they were. No, it's true. No, I don't want anymore. Yeah, man. I've got my moment. I mean. I've got to get those inventory slots out. I'm not hygienic. So one related question that occurred to me upon reading this question is what is Mario going to do? Yes, is he okay? Has anybody checked in on that guy? Yeah, I mean this movie did pretty well so he's probably feeling pretty good about that. He's probably doing it again. But like what are they going to do with Mario? Like is the follow up to Mario Odyssey going to be similar where it takes the same ideas and then all those things? And then you build stuff? I think he's going to go to business school for a few years. Maybe launch a startup. Like does Nintendo become a company that makes games about making stuff in the game? Like are they going to lean into that because it does so well and it's so shareable and interesting and like makes people want to play the game? Take a gap year in Europe, go off to find themselves. Yeah. I don't know. What do you think Mario is going to do? I don't know. I think well Mario Odyssey was an interesting kind of spin. Yeah. That whole formula. That was a great reference to Capy. Yeah. The hat spinning through the air. Yeah, another groan for Kirk Hamlet. I liked it. I think you met him. Yeah. I like how it was your idea to conjure the groans from the audience. I'm really going to use them when I met. They're all leaving. They're being very supportive. Yeah. I don't know. That's a good question. What is Stan? I mean you're the future Nintendo employee. Oh, that's true. I don't know. It would be weird. I think if Mario became more of a creative game, it just feels like they're moving in that direction. I don't think Mario Baker, y'all. Okay. Oh, okay. Mario is a creative player. But that's its own entity. Mm-hmm. Yeah, I have no idea what's not different next to Mario. But I think the Mario Odyssey model is pretty good. And the idea of being able to collect moons in the world and not getting sent back to like a level screen, level select screen, I think is pretty effective. Yeah, I'm very interested in what, I don't know, what that series does next. I've always been more of a Zelda person than a Mario person. Yeah, I really needed like Samma started making stuff. We're all just thinking about Mario. Yeah. Like, ah, that little plumber. It's like the moment when we like bring those to him. It really makes us happy. Just talk about Mario. We're living in the home of the Mario. We're there right now. We're in Brooklyn, New York. We are in Brooklyn. Are you saying he's here? Yeah, probably. I don't know. Mario, are you here? And it's what? No, we don't have. Can you imagine if just Chris Pratt walked out? So Chris Pratt is Mario now. Yeah, he is. Oh man, not my Mario. Hashtag. They're with me. If you play her with me. I did see Waluigi in front before I came in. Yeah, I don't know. Oh no. Oh no. But I didn't want to acknowledge it. You don't want to make eye contact. No, that guy holds us. He'll never let you go if you start talking to him. Yeah, I don't. So awkward. Yeah. Well, this is normally the time that we show we take a break and then we do one more thing. So I suppose let's take a break and then we'll be back with one more thing. Okay. I made I brought my switch. Nice. I'm glad you said that because nobody says that. Can I just say thank you to you for such a thoughtful interview? Oh my God. Yeah, I think you nailed it. Bullseye interviews with creators you love and creators you need to know. Listen to the Bullseye podcast only from NPR and maximum fun. Hey, I'm Dan McCoy. I'm Stuart Wellington. And I'm Elliot Kaelan. Listen, you like podcasts, right? Sure you do. Don't try and lie to me. You're listening to one right now. So why not try a different one called R1 The Flop House? Uh huh. And on the Flop House, we watch a movie and talk about it. And then sometimes we also do other stuff. It's all meant to be funny and fun and we think you'll have a good time. And just to be clear, the name of the podcast is not our one The Flop House. It's just called The Flop House. I do a lot of correcting Dan. The Flop House. A lot of correcting Dan. All right. And we're back. Hey, look. Oh, okay. Fine. All right, this one was already. We normally actually do. We just go right back after the break. You think that we're taking a break but we don't usually take a break. We just keep talking. Every now and then. I can't believe you're telling me that we got a lot of them every week. I know. That's kind of true. We shouldn't say we're taking a break. What should we say? Now for some maximum fun network promos. I mean, that's awesome. Right. We should keep it totally 100 with them. We're really going to do one more thing. And then we'll take some questions from you. Also be thinking of your questions. I'll tell you now as you think of your questions. We have two guidelines. We can make them rules. We have two rules. One, keep it kind of short. If you can, a lot of people probably want to ask questions. And to have a question. There has to be a question. Sounds simple, but. Be sure that there is a question at the end. Your voice should go up. If you wrote it out, there would be a question. Okay. So be thinking. We'll call on you all in a moment. One more thing, Maddie, why don't you go first? Sure. So I, this is a while ago, but it's still impacting my life every day. I recently purchased a dual monitor arm for my two monitors. And installing it was terrifying, but worth it. I did have to balance the monitors very carefully. Why you screwing the thing? Can you explain what a dual monitor arm is? Okay. So, you know, normally a monitor just is on a piece of plastic. Well, fuck. And there's only so much you can do about how tall it is. And so for example, if you're very short, if you're me, your monitor might be too high, no matter what you do. And you might really want it to be a lot lower. And there's absolutely nothing for it unless you get a monitor arm, which is basically a lever. So it has multiple, I'm making motions. This is an audio podcast. It's a lever. So you can, you can adjust the monitor to be whatever height you want. And you can even pull it like really close to your face for some reason if you wanted to. Yeah. It's very embarrassing. You can pull it up really fucking high. You can put it like way off to the side. You could like angle them. I have them angled right now because I don't have a curved monitor like Kirk does. Can't all be fancy. I know. But hey, I'm feeling pretty fancy now because I'm not straining my neck every freaking day. But again, terrifying. Have you two ever installed a monitor arm? Oh man, yes. Unlike some large monitors in the dessert. It's scary, isn't it? You're like holding it up and staring it again. Yeah, you're like, I got this. I'm going to drop it on its face and it's going to be the same. You're not thinking about how expensive the monitor was. You're not thinking about that. I've had with, I have used various monitor arms. Yep. And like the better you get the ergonomics on your desk, especially if you play video games that you're desk, like the more I'm like, okay, so soon I'm just going to be lying down and with like a monitor extended over my eyes while I just totally relax and play. And they make like gaming beds that are like that. Like in like immobile, like no body parts. Just once you start, it's like this could be a little more comfortable. I know. This could be a little more. Your future is like the people in Wally. Yeah. Yes, 100%, with just like a straw for my soft drink and just float around in my chair. Yeah, it'll be great. I think I'm done. I mean, we'll see. But I feel like between this and my Herman Miller chair, I'm like, you can't get better than this. You always think you're done with anything else. I know. You've never done. I don't know what it is. But for now, I'm very, very happy with it. And I do know quite a few people who are like, I'm scared to install it. Just do it. It's going to be okay. Yeah. So you wish you had links ultra hand. Oh, God. Oh my God. Can you imagine? Yeah. And then just a bunch of gorilla glue on the back. Like we're green stuff. You're all a green glue. Green glue. Green goop. Oh my God. Monitor arms. All right. That's Maddie's one more thing. Jason. I've been rewatching a TV show called Bojack Horseman. It's a good show. Fantastic show. Fantastic show. It's a really good rewatch because you noticed a lot of things on rewatch from the barn. Yeah, like the guys are worse. It's a show about a depressed horse. It does have a voice. Finally, you're like, wait a minute. You realize you're like, wait a minute. It's me. He's a horse. I thought he was a man, but it turns out he's a horse who has sex with human women. Yes. Never explains. It's just not a thing. A couple of funny things I noticed on this rewatch. One is that there's a lot of little details. There's this important scene in the second season where he has to say the line, how did you or what are you doing here? And he can't do it right. But then throughout the rest of the season, every time he finds someone, he's like, what are you doing here? And he does it in different versions that actually would work perfectly. And then you notice little things like how in the background of episodes there are these fake movie posters, including my favorite, which is for a movie called Uncle Cuck. It's Uncle Cuck starring Robert Downey Jr. and Channing Kade. I'm sorry, not Robert Downey Jr. I mean, that sounds good. No, it is Robert Downey Jr. Someone like that. No, Robert De Niro. Even better. Same thing. Even funnier. Same guy. And Robert De Niro is like, the tagite is someone's getting cucked. And then in the next season, there's another poster and it's called Son of Cuck. So just a very enjoyable show to watch, to rewatch highly, highly recommend Simbo Jack Horseman. So it holds up very well. One of the best jokes on that show is that George Clooney is named George Clooney. George Clooney is an unstoppable prankster. And anytime I hear about George Clooney, I'm like, oh, George, that prankster. Well my one more thing is also a show. Did we have a physical object in two television shows this week? A show called Somebody Somewhere on HBO. We got, okay. Everyone applauding right now knows what they're talking about. This show is super great and I don't think that many people watch it or know about it. So that is why I'm making it my one more thing. I might have made it a one more thing earlier but then clearly I didn't because, or maybe people just don't listen to me. No, I just don't. You would remember. It doesn't sound like that. I feel like I remember. Okay. So Somebody Somewhere stars an actor named Bridget Everett and another actor named Jeff Heller. It was co-created by two people who haven't made that many things. And it's kind of like if Schitt's Creek was about actual down and out people in Kansas. So it's like not a really elevated comedy where it's like super funny and comedians being ridiculous. It's not about actual people but it's very, very funny. It's about a woman who returns home to her small town in Kansas. Kind of to her family who are having all kinds of problems and she's just sort of lost her way and is back in town and she strikes up a friendship with this guy. So his name is Joel. Her name is Sam. And it's kind of, I think the blurb described the show as the great platonic love story returns for season two and they're now in their second season. And so it's a show about, it's basically a platonic love story. It's the story of these two people falling in friend love with one another. And I honestly like all of you here go watch somebody somewhere. It's so good. My sister recommended it to me and I'd never even heard of it. Kirk's sister noted for discovering yellow jackets before anyone else. That's true. Amanda Hamilton, shout out. She hips me to a lot of good shows. And she was like you got to watch this show somewhere and I kept me like yeah whatever. I don't know what that is. I've never heard of it. It doesn't sound like there's any cannibalism or anything. So I'm not going to watch it. You would actually be surprised. Platonic cannibalism. Only platonic cannibalism is true. But no it's really wonderful. It's just one of the best friendships I've seen. And I don't know. I've been, a lot of shows are kind of disappointing right now. Ted Lasso has just become like a giant mess right now. I don't know maybe not everyone knows about that. I'm still just watching season after season of Bloowd. So it's just gotten very sloppy. This is a widely, what did you say you're watching me? I'm saying mention below deck. Oh my goodness. We have actually become a below deck household. Oh finally. Emily is fully obsessed and I've been watching it soon. I'm converting more and more people to below deck. Below deck is actually great. It is really good. I was going to make that one more thing but I haven't watched quite enough. You're talking about like a HBO show. Yeah. That's true. Like feelings. So it is wonderful anyways. And a lot better than some of the other things we've been watching. So anytime I watch it I think more people should watch this show. HBO I'm sure we'll cancel it. It's called somebody somewhere. It's on HBO. It's really good. Cool. All right. Well, normally this is where we would end our show. But we're not going to end our show. We're not going to take some questions. So there is a microphone here. A wireless microphone. And I think we probably should just have people come up to ask questions. If you want to come around. All right. We've got one ready to go. And maybe, yeah, just grab it and maybe hand it to the so why don't we make an orderly queue. And remember the rules. And yes, orderly. It looks very orderly so far. All right. And yeah, let's get going. And say your name before you. Hi, my name is Danny. I'm Danny, EXE on the Discord. Oh, all right. Discord user first up. Hey, man. Shout out, guys. Anyway, my question and this was one where you can insert a groan. On scale of one to 10, how excited are you guys for the Sui code and remasters? I wish you had waited. I'm excited, are we? We got to attend there. You just play them. Yeah. So I would say that I'm kind of like a three or something because we spent all this time replaying Sui code in two. But now I'm like, well, I'm not going to. But aren't you excited to play the good version now? I mean, I say this now, but right in a year, I'll be like, oh, some replaying Sui code in two. It's actually really good. Oh, that would be a good secret. Really fun. That's true. Sui code in three. Well, it's Maddie's turn, so Maddie has to figure this out. What is there to say? Yeah. One to 10, you got to give us a number. I zero. Guys, I'm excited. It's a zero. Yeah, yeah. Fair enough. No, no, no, no, no. I'll give it a two because I'm not going to play it, but I do think it's cool that they're fixing the translation issues, which were one of my biggest hurdles in that game. Significant. Serious answer. Yes. But unserious answer is zero. And also serious answer is now zero. Okay. Zero, a three, and a 10 to answer your question. Let's get our next question. Hi, guys. My name is Brandon. April. First time long time, all that. All of you, either all of you currently work or have worked in games journalism world. What's an idea for an article or a piece that you loved that for some reason just wasn't published or you never got to write? Yeah, darling of yours. Everyone looks at Jason. We're just like, so what are the scoops? For me, it's going to be something. It's going to be something. For me, it's going to be the stupidest stuff that was at Kotaku. I would always do dumb things. Yeah. Are you wrote like a RIP Luigi? I have one. Yeah. When I ranked review scores, I think number one was six. Yeah. And then it was all like... Oh, that's good. That was good. You've pretty much got to publish a lot of the dumb. Yeah, exactly. You got to wait one. I have a serious one. I would totally read a really deeply reported piece about what it's like to work at Fromsoft. Mm. Because I don't think I've ever seen that. So I just would like to read it. Okay, step one, learn Japanese. Yes, that's one of the reasons it hasn't been published. But I would read it. I would love to see that. So that is a piece that I've never seen and would love to see. Yeah. See, these two are editors who are working and they're going to have to give away their story ideas. I'm going to try to publish these things. Yeah, right. You're still working on it. All the answers I could... A guide to the shrines and the legends of the literature. We're working on those shrines, folks. Before we went out for the Polygon guides team. I think you guys are doing a valuable... You really are. You really are. You really are. So I think I would just be like, well, I would go back in time and get to review all the Metroid games for the first time or something. You do it now. You're thinking about the cultural context. But there's something cool about having to get a game for the first time. You can never mimic. You could be one of those people who hated Metroid Prime. Yeah. Because there were a lot of people who hated it. But I loved it even then. So I wouldn't have been one of those people. No. I just meant you could have been. I could have been. I could have been. But you never will. I still could be. That's true. When I go back in time. Alright, you're up. Next question. Hey, my name's Danny. My question is, is there a job or hobby that you think would make a good video game? Very quick example. I really like photography in video games. So Pokemon Snap. So Pokemon Snap. Or Zelda the camera rune. And then real quick, just also Ace Attorney. Like being a lawyer is a good example. Is there any job or hobby that you think would make a good game but has not been made into it? I think a really fun one would be being a stage manager. Like doing lights and like sound and stuff for like different live shows. And so you have to do that and that's the game. Yeah. And you put together. Or like being a director and having to emotionally manipulate all of your problems. Yeah. That would be great. I think there should be a game where you're an IT guy. And like 90% of the problems are just have you checked that it's plugged in. Have you turned it off and turned it on? Is there a hairstyling game? That would be really, really fun. That would be fun. Like where you have to kind of like get really good. And also like not mess it up because once you cut you can't go back and all that. You have to deal with an unhappy client afterwards. Always the magic of like getting your haircut in the witcher where you go and you're like, I want long hair and then he just gets loud. You can't do that in this game. That would be cool. Alright. Next question. I'm an M. Steve. I'm wondering if Nintendo were to now make a Legend of Zelda movie. What Chris Pratt level surprise voice actor would you pick? And which New York City borough accent would they have? Oh man. Okay. Who would play Link? Steve Bajemi. Gilbert Godfrey is playing. People with the least Link played in this. I think Gilbert Godfrey is that. Yeah. Oh, is he? Yeah. They can like have an AI. You're learning a lot of new things tonight. Yeah. Godfrey, correct seats. Yeah. Oh, that's right. He did. Yeah. I'm going to go with Kristen Stewart. I just think she'd be good. Alright. She could be anybody. Alright. So Steve Bajemi, Kristen Stewart or an AI recreation of Gilbert Godfrey. Yeah. Who's to set? That's all our answers. Next question, please. Hi. Hello. I'm Bob. I like your shirt. Oh, thank you. Thank you, really good. The shirt says, do you want to tell us what your shirt says? It says, you wouldn't download a video game. In the classic font. Very good. That's good. I think I got it on hard times. That's all right. Yeah. Good website. Good sign. It's your job to find time to play video games. And I was wondering, with so many video games, how is it you guys? Excuse to yourself, devoting time to get good at, for example, from soft games or fighting games or a lot of times FPS, if you're not playing a lot of them, you kind of lose the skills. Yeah. So when you're devoting a lot of time to a single game, how do you stop the other games from whispering in your ears? Yeah. It's a good question. That's hard. And a hard one. One that we don't always have a good answer to. It's a faceted question because it's like, how do you find the time or justify the time, especially when there are other games? I'm really thinking about this because Street Fighter 6 is about to come out. And I've gone through periods of time in my life, pre-Dina, where all I would do is play Street Fighter. And I wasn't playing any other games. I would just play Street Fighter. And I'm kind of like, I don't think that could be me anymore. I feel like I'm not 19 years old anymore. So that's one key difference. But I don't know. I mean, you haven't maybe had that experience. But have you ever had a moment of just being like, wow, I just want to play this one game to the exclusion of everything else I've ever been interested in? I mean, Destiny for a bit. Yeah, for both of you. Yep. Don't share for Destiny. Come on. Yeah, what's going on? You guys okay? No, it's okay. Destiny is cool. Yeah. I mean, I definitely had that for Destiny when I was working at Kotake. I remember, yeah, I would be. I should play other things, but you kept getting sick. Well, yeah, it's just like, I remember I would be with Destiny 1. I remember I would be sitting in our living room when my wife and I lived in Manhattan, pre-kids, and I would be playing on the headset. And when she was like to me, it sounds like you hate that game. Why do you keep playing? Because all I would do was talk to Kirk and the rest of our raiding buddies about how awful it was. Oh my god. Oh my god. Freaking Destiny. Yeah. I've been having a hard time this year just making time to really get into any one game. Like we haven't, I haven't finished that many games this year that I was starting to pop it around. Yeah, well, I mean, you've all even like banking all of your time reserves for Zelda. This is going to be a problem because Zelda is going to take us all like 40 years to be. And then, and then we have a podcast where like normally we talk about talking about talking about other things. Well, like Diablo is coming out of other things. So Diablo and something to see. Yeah, Diablo. What game boy? One game boy. One game boy. No, the one game boy. Maybe they're referring to Kirk's ability to only play one game at one game at one game at one game at one game at one game at one game at one time. I am the one game boy. Yeah. I guess I always have been. I'm sort of singular in my focus. It's been hard to get back into the group even with Zelda. Like partly we're like about to move and there's a lot going on in my life. Yeah, there's like a live show or something. Yeah, we have to come to New York for your live show. But no, it's tough. There's not a good answer. I mean, you are in a plane for six hours. Yeah, but even then like I find that I play Zelda for a little bit. And then I'm kind of like, OK, I've got so much I want to do. And then I kind of am like, I don't know, man, like I play a little bit. I'm like, I want to take a nap or like I want to read my book. I don't know. I feel like this is kind of a relatable thing. Maybe you're done with video games. Yeah. Maybe you've grown out of video games. Oh, no. Existential longer than right here. That would be crazy. I'd be like, I was trying to play Zelda and I just realized that you've learned three things tonight. You learn the korak seeds or poop. You learn Gilbert Alfred is dead. And you learn that you hate video games. It's been a real learning night for me. Yeah. I'll find the group. I remember it took me a while with Breath of the World. Went to New York and found yourself. It was a feeling of, I think I had to almost finish the game with Breath of the World until I really just relaxed. And I was like, I'm just going to do a million things in this game and like spend a whole weekend playing it. It is kind of hard to get in a group with it because it's so distracting too. Like every time you turn around, there's something else you could do. That's so true. But it's good when it's on a handheld because you can be like, OK, I'm just going to take this and play an hour before bed while I watch it. Just see your life better because it's smaller. Yeah, exactly. It's the small, the small theory of games. Yeah. That's another question. Hi, how you doing? I'm Bryant. So Zelda came out this week. That was amazing. I've been playing and it's incredible. But another game that I love this week unfortunately hasn't had such a good week, which is Overwatch. Yeah. And I was looking forward to the PVE. I know a lot of people were. And I know that Jason and you and a lot of people on Twitter were defending like the devs. And thank you for doing that because I'm a software developer. And we, you know, our passion is to just build and we work behind the scenes and we work really hard. And sometimes that stuff doesn't come out because of X, Y, or Z. But it seems like a lot of AAA games recently have kind of suffered from whether it's lack of direction or not enough time and commitment from the publishers. There's just been a lot of games that have been released that haven't really lived up to expectations in recent memory. Games like Zelda and Eldering Con. Yeah. Yeah. What's the question? Zelda and Eldering being like examples of games that did. But a lot of games just haven't. Do you think this age of AAA games is kind of coming to an end in a way? Like are we going to see a change in the way these games are released and yeah, I guess. Yeah. I mean the biggest factor here is that COVID hit. I hope that's not a surprise to you too, Craig. Wait, what's COVID? So in March of 2020, well, so there was this pandemic and what that did was a lot of things. I mean, first of all, it obviously hampered a lot of game development studios because everybody had to shift to working from home and there was this whole pandemic thing in childcare and all that stuff that led to a lot of delays. But also it created this environment where people like have adapted to remote work and become accustomed to a remote work and are switching out of studios that don't allow for remote work and really are being more mobile in general. And there's a lot of attrition across game studios and there's a lot of game studios that are like having like struggling to hire people and to retain people and it all kind of adds up into problems along the lines of what you were just talking about. So I think that's the biggest factor. Yeah. I think I see everything through the lens of the psychonauts documentary now. This is psych Odyssey. How many of you will hear watched Psych Odyssey? I hear watching it. That's pretty good. Yeah, the numbers are all right. It's not like a billion people have watched it, but they should. I mean, yeah. I don't know. I look at the YouTube numbers and like some guy yelling about how whatever game is terrible has like five million views and Psych Odyssey has like a couple of thousand. Those are low quality views. I feel like the psychonauts videos are like people are paying attention. Yeah, those are just Korok's watching that. Watching that. Like when I hear the over watched two news, they have to cut PVE and like remove all the stuff. Watching that series, it's man, it really does make you feel like it's a miracle that anything ever gets finished. And you see how hard it is to sit around and like brainstorm and then send people off to do their thing and then they come back and they show you and you're trying to like collaboratively figure out what you're even trying to accomplish and even the language in that over watched two announcement where they're like, it's just not where we want it. It's just not fun. We have to cut it. You can really picture that like they're all sitting around playing and they're like, this just isn't working and man, I don't know. It's great. And specifically also they're director and executive producer left like two years ago. So this is not a game that is like consistently carrying a consistent vision from like a situation where we were talking years ago. Yeah, I mean that's the biggest factor. So that's part of it anyways. Let's go to another question. Hey guys, I'm Delce. I just wanted to say I don't know if I can speak for anybody else, but I appreciate you guys putting in spotlight on a lot of games, including some of my new favorite games like Disco Elysium, Persona and Hollow Knight. Nice. Three good ones. Never would have heard about most stuff. I wasn't for you guys, so I appreciate it. Truly. My only question is mostly rhetorical. It's for Kirk. Did you think we would not notice the strong songs playlist before? Sure. I wondered if anybody would, but then the biggest ball of twine in the aesthetic game. No, I don't know. Every song happened then. I was like, is he serious? I don't think I've ever been in a bar that's played that song before. Cheers, I'm glad you noticed that. I just tried to get some weird out over speakers, you know? Yeah, indeed. My name is Devin. My name is Devin. I've been a listener since the split screen days. So on the switches are getting pretty old at this point. And with all this anticipation of when a new hardware when I was going to come, do you guys think it'll be an iterative update, i.e. a new Nintendo Switch XL or a backwards compatible successor, i.e. a new Nintendo Switch U? Well Jason made a bet that it would be a totally unrelated piece of hardware. Did I make a bet or did I just make a prediction? What's part of our prediction bet? No, no, no, no. I was going to say what I told you was that next year, if it's unannounced by the end of this one, what am I bet? So this isn't one of your predictions. It's not a prediction. It's not a prediction. But what Kirk is going to say is that one of my predictions next year might be that Nintendo X hardware has nothing to do with the switches, a totally unrelated thing, not backwards compatible, just because everybody wants the same thing but more powerful. And Nintendo never does what everybody wants. They never do. They simply not want to confound us. Exactly. So that's Jason. It's just very Nintendo. It's smaller and worse. Yeah. Smaller, worse, less powerful. Yeah. I think they will release a new more powerful switch. I think I would be shocked. So I'm going to say they will. Nice. We're going to manifest it. So that's what we think. Next question, you're up. Jason, I read both your books back last year. I love them. Thank you. So I was wondering about video game journalism. A Washington Post shut down launcher this year. I was wondering how does C media get more into video game journalism? I don't think New York Times, because I don't think they have any full time video game reporters over there. Do you think they should buy a video game website like IGN or anything? The Australian video game journalism? Should the New York Times buy IGN? Can you imagine that? Headlines? That would be something. Yeah, I don't know. One thing that I will say, I put this out to a few people. I don't think I've ever said it publicly. But I think that I'm a reporter for Bloomberg and I'm not part of the Bloomberg video game section. I'm part of the Bloomberg tech slash entertainment team. And I think there's something a little bit dangerous about being part of a branded vertical like launcher was. Launcher was the Washington Post's video game section because when the executives at the top of the company are making pay cuts so Jeff Bezos can buy another planet, they can look at this launcher thing and be like, launcher, what the hell is that? Like we don't need that. We're going to save all these salaries just because it just looks like a TV target. And that's happened a few times over the course of media and especially games, media like Big Legacy Media. So I think the correct way to do it would be for a newspaper or a website to treat games like another beat. And first you start with one beat reporter and maybe you add another. And that's what Bloomberg has done. And for us it's worked really well. So now we have two reporters myself and my colleagues Cecilia covering the games industry which I think certainly makes me feel more secure than I would if it was like Bloomberg, like I don't know pixels or whatever. Yeah. I think that's a good way to go about it. I mean the last time I had an opinion about this was when I worked for the Phoenix which went out of business. But when I worked there, that was how we covered games. There wasn't some specialty video game section. It was part of the entertainment section and it was something that one of the editors there, Peter Kazdis really cared about and he was like, games are art, we're going to cover them in the entertainment section. There were some editors there who weren't a fan of that but he had enough sway there that he was just like, no, this is how we need to run this. And so I always felt like the coverage I was doing was safe. And that's why I personally put the paper out of business. Thanks a lot, Manny. I take full blame for it. You should have taken over a stable. Cheetah the owner out of their stable. Yeah. Nice. Next question, you're up. Hey, my name is Stan. So as a perpetual horizon fan, we're the first game got overshadowed by Breath of the Wild, the second game got overshadowed by Elden Ring. I'm wondering what are games that you really enjoyed that you feel didn't get enough attention because they came out like, I don't know, during like a Mario or some other really big release. Tightenfall 2. Yeah. That's one that comes to mind for me. Yeah, that's the infamous one. That game was so good. Although that one, it's gotten its stripes over time. I guess so. But like it, when it came, it just didn't sell well and it wasn't really seen as a success. And when it came out, it was like, I feel like EA released it a week after Battlefield 1 and then it just got totally drowned out by everything else that was all. Yeah. And it was so good. It was such a good game and nobody played it except for the five people who collapsed. Just. I don't know. Maybe Star Wars did. I'm a survivor a little bit right now. A little bit, maybe. Yeah. Well, the bummer for that is I'm waiting for the PC version to get patched. I know. I will play it in some way. I hear it's like not too bad right now. So I might dip back in. I'll finish that at some point. Yeah, it was really Star Wars. I'm almost done. I think I'm fighting the evil Jedi dude. So I don't know if. Okay. Well, I have. Why are you fighting the evil Jedi? Are you? Yeah, that was a good secret. Well, I haven't gotten to the part where I assume Boed betrays you yet. Oh, right. That's right. Is that your children's lives on that or something? Yeah, you did. You literally put your children's lives on that. I will give you my children if Boed does not betray you. I don't think either of us will agree to that. Wow. So it's a safe bet. It is a safe bet. All right. Well, that's a few. A few anyways. Next question. I'm Ben. Long time first time. It's such a pleasure to see you guys all together here on stage. I just want to ask you to press too. Mainly Jason. Thank you guys. I'm a Final Fantasy fan as you are. Jason is everyone is. What am I supposed to do? When Final Fantasy 16 comes out. I mean, like I'm like 10 hours in the breath. Excuse me. I mean, here's the kingdom. Like, how am I supposed to balance these things? Do I take a break? Do I? Do I? Yeah. Do I just like wait? What am I supposed to do? You guys are experts. It's such a pleasure to see you here live. Don't. I mean, I'm supposed to get an early review copy. What am I supposed to do? Come on. Yeah. No, I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. Toby. I think you should probably quit your job and just become a shut-in. Just like get rid of all your other life obligations. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And then maybe you'll finish Zelda. So my advice is because I am the one Game Boy as we learned. Yes, but with the Game Boy, I think finish the one, get to a stopping point, and then play the other. Plus, like Final Fantasy 16 is probably going to need like a bunch of patches. It'll be all messed up when it comes out. So then you can just like take your time with it. Actually, I think that game will be pretty solid. Oh, another prediction from the game. Well, it's going to be really good, right? I mean, there's no way it's not going to be good. I mean, I think you'll, yeah, I think it'll be good. Don't make him comment on that. Out of the three of us, who do you think might know the answer to that? I'm going to chase him. Don't. So that's my advice. There's one game at a time. Yeah. One game boy. I think it'll be polished. I think that game was one of those that's been like finished for a while, then just polishing, polishing, polishing. Oh, I'll only bet. I'll only bet. I mean, it's June. They're just tightening up the graphics. Yeah. Next question, you're up. Hey guys, Bob, bears and jars on Discord. This is grown from Matty. I guess you got two, can also chime in. No, this is good. I like this. If it's from Matty, it's for Matty. Usually questions are for Jason. Yeah. Let's complete the Trinity Samus movie. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Like who would be Samus? Yes. Other than me. Oh. Steve Buschami. Gilbert Gottfried. Gilbert Gottfried. Kristin Sewer. I mean, actually. I mean, actually, should be very good. I know Brie Larson's the other sort of fan cast and people pick. I think she'd be great too. I don't know. Me. Matty Myers. That's our pick. Matty Myers. I'm not tall enough, but... People are with you. Cheers. Next question, come on up. How are we doing on time, do we have to... Yeah, it's 901. We're going to keep going there a couple longer. Yeah. We'll get a few more. We'll get another five, six hours. So let's go forever. Yeah, we'll go a little longer and go ahead. Hi, my name is Jared, a big fan. So I spent a lot of time watching Link to the Past Randomizer, which right on... Woo! Love that. Yeah, yeah. For those who don't know, it's the regular game, but all the item locations are switched and Link to the Past is really cool because it makes it so depending where they are, you have to beat the game in a different order. Yep. So let's want to know, what game would you love to see randomized and play? Bloodborne. Oh! 100%. Yeah, there is a bloodborne. Oh, is there? Oh, I've never played it. Oh, man. You have to play like a hacked version of the game or something. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know there's like a Elden Ring boss randomizer too, where like if you go to a boss, it could be any boss, which sounds terrifying. Return of the Elbrid Inn. Oh, man. If only that were possible. Yeah, it would have to be. It would just be infinitely generated and still make a lot of sense. Just all the mystery, yeah, or case of the Golden Eye. Maybe AI could be that. Yeah, that's like one of those things that might be possible. Case of the... Did you guys see the case of the Golden Eye? The battle is coming to Switch. I just got it out. Even more people can play it. Yeah, it's very exciting. I'll tell you why I finished the DLC. It's really good. Yeah, it's great, right? Yeah, it's great. It's so good. It's a good game. I have not yet even opened. Oh, man. It's very good. No, it's not. Listen, I want to play other games. All right, let's get another one. We're going fast. We're going fast. Fast games. Here we go. Hi, Nick. So, as you mentioned before, Street Fighter 6 coming out in a few weeks, but also Mortal Combat, New Game in September, New Tekken, Sunish, New Undernite Game Leaked, Huge Street Fighter prize pools. I can go on, but my point is just fighting games seem to be doing really, really well right now, relatively speaking for the genre. I'm just like, yeah, why now? Like, is this something going on in the market? Is like new technology? Is it just something in the water? Like, what's going on? We all just want to fight each other. We all just want to fight each other. Yeah, you know, I feel like it's a different answer for each studio, which probably isn't what you're looking for. So let's say there's something in the water, but then in addition to that, I feel like for Street Fighter in particular, obviously a lot of weird decisions made with Street Fighter 5. It feels like they're walking them back for Street Fighter 6. So I'm like really pulling for Capcom this time. It seems really fun. I've played some of the betas. I'm pumped about it. Not enough of a Tekken person to comment on that. Mortal Combat's just been weird and beautiful this whole dang time. So I don't know if that's like a return to form for them. But yeah, I don't know. Fighting games never died for me. I'm like, yeah, they were always great, even when they're bad. Even so fun to watch. Isn't it crazy, Matty, that the same person has been in charge of Mortal Combat for 30 years? It's pretty nice. Ed Boone. I think that's the only Western developer I can think of. Is it Ben and the franchise he created? Is Ed Boone the guy who appears toasty? Is he the guy on screen who pops out toasty? I don't know. Is he? Does anyone out there know this? Oh, it's the sound guy. Okay, I knew it was one of the developers. Yeah, it is a guy. It's a guy. That guy who worked on it. Ed Boone is noob cybot. Like, that's why. Right. That's a play on his name. Yeah. All right. Let's have it. Hello, Kirk. Matty, Jason. Hello. I just want to start by congratulating Kirk on the marriage and Jason on the new child. Cheers. Thanks so much. And he kept it a secret. Why? The secret child. My name is Alex. My question is for... You have to congratulate Matty. I'll follow the marriage. Congratulations on the engagement. Engaging. I think I'm going to be engaged in it. Also... All right, all right. It's weird now. All right, all right. It's weird now. So if you guys had to get a tattoo dedicated to a video game, what video game would it be and what might that tattoo look like? Oh, I know. None of us have any tattoos, right? No. Which is weird because we're all millennials. I know. How does this happen? Do we have... I feel like we have tattoo energy. Do we have tattoo energy? Yeah. I don't think any of them... I'm not only getting it with a do because none of us have any. I would get a Grim Fandango tattoo. Really? I think so. Because it's like a lot of square characters, it would be less painful because they'd have to draw less detail. You'd get it on the old Bicep? I don't know. Or like form. Oh, man, a heart. Grim Fandango also. Mani with a heart. Mani. I would get the entire plot of Final Fantasy 7. Hell yeah. Like on your backs written out in like sick script. Oh, cool. Hell yeah. Like the train, the ghost train across your shoulders. Hell yeah. But except it would run out of space just when Parath is leaning on. leaning down to pray. Whoa. Nothing bad ever happened, Sarah. Wow. I guess it would have to be a Metroid tattoo. Yeah. But like I don't know. It would be... I know. It would be kind of weird to have like an orange portal and then like portal. That would be pretty cool. That would be cool. That would be cool. That would be bad. Just kind of like... You know, it would be bad to like... You're a liver coming out of the one in the back. Yeah. It just like makes and match different franchises. Yeah. Next up, let's have it. Hey there, I'm Jerry and my question is, so when I was a kid I used to read GamePro magazines all the time and I envisioned myself as being a games journalist so I could just review anything, give it a four, a five out of five or whatever. The dream. Truly the dream. But as the years progress, video games have become a big industry. Obviously, you guys are in this. And my question is, what's actually more fun as video game journalists now? Playing games or talking about big business video game stuff like Microsoft buying Activision and stuff like that? I think you'll get different answers from each of us. Well, I think reviewing games is really hard. I mean, it used to be my favorite thing to do but actually it's very difficult to play a game in that way. I think we would all agree with that. There's a privilege to it and there's certainly something really special about getting to be the one who does it but it's hard. And I really like it. It depends on the game also. It depends how much time they give you. So usually you get like a week or two to review a game depending on the company, depending on how hot the game is coming in. Kirk and I, back in 2017, we both got review codes for Persona 5 two months early and it was amazing. Yeah, because it's like a hundred hour game. You could just take your time. You could really just play at your leisure, which is nice. I mean my answer, I've always preferred reporting but that's just me personally. It was quite good. It was quite good. It was. Yeah, what's what we played it twice. Yeah, that's true. I played it again. 200 hours on that game. Was it good? No. No, it sucked. Steam review. I always liked reviewing games when I was working at Kotaku. One of my proudest moments reviewing games though actually factored in Jason's reporting to my review of Red Dead Redemption 2. So it was kind of like combining the two things. Tag team. Yeah, it felt like a tag team. It is. It's matter you're right that it takes a lot of time. It's hard. It's a lot of pressure and stress. You're like, this seems to be good. This is, people need to read this. Like I really need to make this good. So the key is you start a video game podcast and then you can just like play some of a game and then you just kind of melt off about it for 20 minutes. Yeah. It's funny. Yeah. Can change your mind a week later and be like, actually I don't like this game anymore. No one comes after you on Twitter for it. So yeah, those are, I guess some answers. Next question. Hi, my name is Michael and yes, I did bring my switch with me. All right. Nice. My question is, so I'm looking to start a family soon and my question really for all of y'all is what advice would you give to someone who wants to be a good lower G-gamer or husband and or dad? Okay. It's a decent question really. We've got one dad here. Yeah. But three people in committed relationships. Well, yeah, I mean, it's not just dad. It's those new spouse. That's true. Lowercase G. Well, don't. Lowercase G-gamer, don't harass people on the internet. Yeah. That's really one of the first steps. Your golden. Yeah. That's the end of your pretty much your uppercase G golden. I have one piece of advice and that is if you go play games in another room like at night or whatever, you know, my wife Emily who's here tonight, she'll be watching TV in the living room and I'll go into my office to play games. I leave the door open. Just I just feel like it's nice to have the door open. I sound like I'm like, okay, I'm going to go close myself away from you and like be in my gamer room. I don't know. Leave it open. And then it's just kind of like, all right, whatever. Well, you're playing with headphones on. I assume. Yes, I am. But the best. That's true. Not boring. Come fire. Yeah. But I know that's an actual piece of advice. I think that's kind of an interesting thing. But does she? I mean, Dina comes in and talks to me and yeah. Oh, yeah. And then right, she can come in and like scare me when I'm playing. Of course that also happens. Yeah. Yeah. That's great. And then your wife takes your switch and plays through all of Zelda on your switch. Just buy her her own switch. That's good advice. That is good advice. Yeah. I will solve a lot of potential problems. A lot of strife. Yeah. Get multiple. And it has been a couple of years when it's like to play games with your kid because my oldest isn't quite there yet. Yeah. Pretty soon though. Nice. All right. How are we doing? Let's. I can't see how many people we have in line. How many of you have? I got four in line. All right. You're all up and you're the last four. We'll be around afterward too so you can ask your question. We hang it out. If you want to ask offline. Go ahead. Howdy. My name's Julius. Obviously there's a ton of nods to pass Zelda games and tears of the kingdom and also Breath of the Wild. But if you could bring something from an older Zelda game like Pre Breath of the Wild into tears, what would it be? Like I would bring the transformational masks from Majora's Mask. I imagine. Like imagine a Dorito. So. What would it be? What would we bring in? The Ocarina. Yeah man. Bring in an Ocarina. You can play it. It's a good pick. A little music in there. Yeah. That's a pretty solid. I've missed the hook shot. Oh man. Can you imagine? Yeah. That's one thing I've got. Go just cause and things all of them. Well because it seems like it would fit in perfectly. Yeah. There's no reason you shouldn't be able to just. Yeah. Why can't you just build one? Yeah. Exactly. It's just didn't do it. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Maybe DLC. All right. That's a good one. The hook shot. That it was cut. Like they had it in breath of the wild and then they cut it. It is kind of a era of the grappling hook. I'm surprised. Yeah. Nice. Next question here. Hello. Angel. Quick question. What's the weather? What is the weather? It's been beautiful. I'm here for New York. It has been real question. Real question. Real question. You guys have been podcasting for a while now. Any lessons that you've picked up in the last what? Six years. How long have we been making? How long were we making a split screen? Something like that. Longer. I know one if you're, if for people making a podcast is you have to be consistent. That's the thing I always tell people. Number one thing is like you got to release every, whatever your schedule is. Yeah. Yeah. I got a really, really important one. So find it already successful podcast. With two guys who are more like they have more Twitter followers than you. And like more people know who they are. But like be a little funnier than those guys. I can't show you the lie. I can't find it. And then just like start hanging out with them. And then that's my big tip. That's a very good tip. Yeah. Every time. Do you have any tips Jason? My tip is to have the best co-hosts in the world. That's also a real easy tip for everyone to follow. Nice. Let's go to, let's go. A couple more questions. Hey, my name is Mirage. So my question kind of had to do with what you talked about earlier with COVID and affecting game development. We're going to see a lot of second and third degrees effects of that. One of them that I was thinking about is these next gen, not even next gen. The PS5 and Xbox Series X came out three years ago. But it doesn't feel like it. No. Any other console that came into three years we'd be talking about? A pro model or whatever. Do you think this console's life cycle will be longer than what we imagine? Or will the technology catch up and I'm going to be very mad buying a new console six years in again? That's a good question. That is a good question. I don't have any kind of like, I don't have any informed knowledge on this one. But it's hard to imagine like a PS6 in like three years. Yeah. I feel like I've got that they sold out so quickly for so long. Yeah. Also impacts the life cycle of them. Like it almost wouldn't feel fair in three years to be announcing a console. And it's like we all just barely got these ones. Yeah. Well, even now, I mean, there's so many racing games on PS4. Yeah. Like, some fighters coming to PS4. Yeah. I mean, it's only like now that games are starting to be exclusive and it's kind of normalized. Jedi survivor was like on the first third party exclusive. Yeah, it's weird. It is weird. It's just the way that the last three years didn't happen. Like the way you can just look back and be like, wait, what the hell happened? Yeah. It's just the game industry version of that. So time sort of. That's like how long triple clicks spin around. So that's happened. Jedi definitely happened. Well, sometimes we look back and we're like, wait, what? We started the show how long ago? We only just started the show, right? This is episode 151. Is this our first episode? This is 156. Yes, it is. It's 156. That's wild. It's pretty good. It's pretty good. It's pretty good. Pretty good run. It's pretty good. Not bad. All right. Final question. Final one. No pressure. Yeah. I'm the final one and if my question sucks, the people will remember me. Fine. We are leaving. So hello, my name is Kiril. Hello. All the way here from Montreal and for that. All right. Thanks for coming. Other countries. So my question is recently I've been playing Horizon Burning Shores. And there you are exploring Los Angeles where I never been. But I like exploring this fictional version of Los Angeles and Assassin's Creed games make you explore different time periods and different places. So these are any places in the world that you would love to explore specifically in a video game. Yeah, for sure. Like the Arctic Circle. That's too cold. But I'd love to go there and watch some penguins surfing around. Yeah. Let me go. Man, I thought about the reverse version of this which is that my knowledge of New York comes from Grand Theft Auto 4. And when I'm visiting here, I'll be like, you're finally visiting it. Well, and I'm visiting here and I'm walking with Emily and I'm like, right, New Jersey's on that side. I remember because that's where New Jersey is. I'm like, this train track, I totally remember these train tracks. You are going to have all the time in Grand Theft Auto 4. Make sure I don't tell you where I parked my car. But I guess the reverse it back around to the question, you do really learn these places by going and visiting them in video games. Like I feel that way about a lot of places I've been in Assassin's Creed. If you play Spiderman, you learn that the streets go from 50 to 57 to 62. Right. But I'm trying to think of places that I would want to visit. I like Chicago, but we got to go to Chicago and watch Dogs kind of an unfortunate game. Yeah. Boston and the Last of Us and the show, totally wrong. I'd like to see them do a better job. Yeah, and there hasn't been a Portland, Oregon really in a video game that I can think of. I wrote an article. I'll cop to this. Wasn't Days Gone in Oregon? It was in Oregon. It wasn't like sort of Portland wasn't in it. It was more like a rural kind of near bend where they made it. I wrote an article for Kotaku that was like, they should definitely never build a Grand Theft Auto game in Portland. Like never make it, Grand Theft Auto game. Was it reverse psychology? It was like. No, it was a terrible terrible article. I'm so like embarrassed by it now. I remember people like. Everybody look it up. Get a lot of traffic going. We'll put a link in the show now. I was getting dumped on on social media. People were like, whatever. Portland is a great town. You just moved here. Shut up. And I was like, I look back on it now and I'm like, yeah, shut up. So I don't know why I just told that story, but I did. It's a perfect note to end this show. So what I'm saying is I would love to see a video game set in Portland. Yeah, that sounds great. Yeah, I think it'd be great. Yeah, I feel like Kentucky Route Zero is also, I mean, it doesn't have a Portland section, but I always liked how region specific and yet also weird and otherworldly it was. So more games like that where it's not exact, but just has the feeling of certain places. A game where you operate an artisanal cheese shop in Portland. Yeah. Perfect. A game where you sell air books. Right in Portland, Oregon. I play that game in Portland. A game where you're a jazz musician. Yeah, unpacking in your new home in Portland, Oregon. That is almost a game unpacking. It is. It is. Unpacking. We're going to play power washer simulator. There's a lot of games that we're going to do. Yep. Yep. In the next few weeks. All right. Wow. That's it. We need a podcast. Hey, look at that. Yeah. Thank you all so much for coming out. Thank you. Thanks to Ian and thanks to Adrianos who helped run the show. You're going to have a lot of fun. Come on. Come on. I couldn't have done it without him. Thanks to everybody at the Bell House for making this happen. We're totally going to do it again. And thank you all so much for coming out. Thank you. We really, really appreciate you all being here. And we're all done. Bye. Triple click is produced by Jason Shrier, Maddy Myers, and me, Kirk Hamilton. I had it in Mix the Show and also wrote our theme music. Our show art is by Tom DJ. Some of the games and products we talked about on this episode may have been sent to us for free for review consideration. You can find a link to our ethics policy in the show notes. Triple click is a proud member of the Maximum Fun Podcast Network. And if you like our show, we hope you'll consider supporting us by becoming a member at maximumfun.org. Join. Find us on Twitter at TripleClickPods and email the tripleclick at maximumfun.org and find a link to our Discord in the show notes. Thanks for listening. See you next time. Bye. Maximumfun.org.