My name is Ty French, and this is my podcast.
That's what it's called.
Ty French Podcasts.
Yeah, I did it.
Ty French Podcasts.
Ty French Podcasts.
Ty French Podcasts.
Ty French Podcasts.
Ty French Podcasts.
Okay, hello, hello, hello.
And welcome back to the Ty French Podcast.
My name is Ty French, and this is my podcast.
And that's what it's called.
The Ty French Podcasts.
Today, we are blessed with the icon,
the reality TV legend Bravo Extraordinaire,
Brielle Bierman.
Hi, guys.
What's happening?
What is it?
I'm happy to be here again.
I mean, it's more like a...
Hey Ty, I'm in a lake.
Do you want to do a podcast?
Like, why not?
So, literally, I didn't know she was coming to LA until,
literally, this weekend.
And I was like, we've got to report a podcast episode.
It has been so long since we've had her on.
And the tyrants just miss ya.
Yeah, of course.
And I mean, a lot has happened.
A lot has happened.
A lot has happened.
First off, let's start with...
Do you want to share what the tyrants
went to happen in your Uber ride on the way over here?
Oh, yeah.
We should definitely dive into that.
By the way, these are Ty's pants.
Because I got a lovely Uber.
His name was Michael.
He was fabulous.
Thank you, Michael.
But not thank you at the same time.
I get out of the Uber and I'm like,
hmm, my ass is a little wet.
Am I allowed to cut some?
Yeah, yeah.
Okay, my ass is a little wet.
And I'm not sure why.
So I'm like, my back is too your door, by the way,
down there because I ran across and I didn't want people to see
because I didn't know how wet it was.
I could just feel some wetness.
And I'm like, okay.
So I backed up to Ty's front door.
And I type in the code like this.
And I see Ty at the stairs.
I'm like, is my ass why?
He's like, yeah.
I basically am like, Ty's in.
I need you to sniff my ass, like smell it.
Because I was putting my hand on it and sniffing.
And I wasn't really getting a whiff of anything.
And I wanted to be sure.
So let it be known that I am a good friend.
And I went nose to ass.
Not sure what the liquid was.
It was pee.
It was pee.
It was pee.
Ty's like that is definitely piss.
And unless you've caught on, it was not her piss.
It was not mine.
If somebody must have peed in the Uber's seat that I was sitting in.
By the way, he had no AC and I was dying the whole time.
So like, I was like.
Keep in mind, it's also like a 40 minute drive from where she just came from.
How did you not know that you were sitting in a puddle of human?
I'm assuming a human piss.
I mean, I would feel better if it was a dog.
I was going to say that.
That's actually like maybe the best case scenario.
I asked Tyson.
I was like, am I going to catch something from this?
Like God forbid.
Like, I don't know how it works.
But it was not my piss.
It was somebody else's.
And when I got in the car, I didn't see a stain.
So it's more like somebody must have peed last night.
It was.
It was.
It was.
It was.
It was.
Don't with the marinade.
So yeah, needless to say, you might recognize these gorgeous vintage.
We're vertical volley pants that she is wearing.
They're a little large because I'm a chunky monkey.
And we've covered that.
You're a man.
You're a man.
I'm a boy.
I'm a real boy.
And you might recognize these from Coachella because that's where I got them.
And they're amazing.
They actually look really good on you.
But I'm so glad they don't say it because I know you would not get it.
I would still go.
So what?
You're in LA.
Tell the time.
Inspire in LA.
You just got a freaking brain scan.
Like, hello.
Are you okay?
So my mom and I came to LA this week to do a brain scan.
This doctor is incredible.
It's very hard to get in with him.
But I honestly suggest everybody to go see him.
He has 11 offices throughout the United States.
The brain scan.
I thought I'm 26 years old.
There's no need for me to do a brain scan, right?
When I get in there and I did my brain scan and I went through the motion, when I started
talking to the doctor, he was like, you needed this more than your mom, who's had strokes.
By the way, he confirmed that my mom had actually strokes, not TIA.
So there's a difference between a stroke and a TIA, a stroke is obviously a little more
So scary.
We never really got confirmation on stroke or TIA for my mom.
The brain scan shows it clear as day.
So they show you what a normal brain should look like, and then they show you your brain.
And where they have, it looks like holes, but it's not exactly like, like black and white
as a hole in your brain.
It's more like where you're lacking blood flow.
And I was actually lacking so much blood flow in my frontal lobe area, which is, hello,
decision making, emotions, logic, like that.
You need that for everything, okay?
And he's like, your ADD has been crippling you your whole entire life.
It's more severe than you ever thought, because I never got diagnosis as a kid.
I just knew I wasn't good at school.
So hence why I didn't go to college, because I was like, if I'm not required to go, I'm
not gonna go.
Yeah, yeah.
I did the bare minimum to pass through high school.
And he was like, you struggled your whole life and you still are.
So he actually recommended I take Adderall twice a day.
I'm like, okay, hold on, that's a lie.
I never really, I never really got into Adderall or things like that in middle school or high
school, like most people did.
And I honestly would be very jealous of the kids who were on it, just because I could
see that they weren't struggling the way that I was.
So when he said that to me, it made a lot of sense.
But a brain scan, no matter at the age, is recommended and it's incredible.
He gave me a lot of vitamins and minerals to help me kind of, I haven't started taking
them yet.
This was yesterday.
This was yesterday.
Oh, yesterday.
Oh, yesterday.
We got to give her some time.
Yeah, I need some time.
I mean, I woke up and came here.
But what you're saying is that you had brain damage and that is why you are my friend, because
you lack of better judgment.
Well, I mean, yes.
But no.
He also said that I had like a couple of concussions in the past, which every time I've been in a car
accident, it wasn't an Uber.
So just, me and Uber are not giving a lot of the oors.
Okay, next time I am picking your ass up.
And I actually, it's funny.
I got a notification today.
Today, seven years ago, today is when I ordered my first Uber.
So I don't know what's going on in the world of Uber, but like, leave me alone today.
I don't know how much you believe in all that planet shit, but I saw on TikTok that
no, there's like seven planets in retrograde right now.
Oh, until next year.
Until next year.
Until January.
Until January.
So not all at once, obviously, but like Venus, the planet.
So everybody is getting engaged or married right now.
Good luck.
One of my friends just got married this past weekend.
I'm sorry.
So did mine.
I just got back from Utah.
Oh, no.
I'm so sorry, Mary.
Apparently it's bad luck.
Well, Venus is the planet of love.
That's in retrograde.
And that's a bad thing.
Because when it's in retrograde, that means the planet circling the sun backwards.
Wait, wait, wait, wait.
So planet's just like, you skip dip and reverse it.
I don't know.
Don't quote me on that.
But like, I'm pretty sure that's the concept.
So Venus is the planet of love.
Mercury is the planet of contracts and communication.
When you get married, that's love.
Contract in a marriage and communication.
So RIP Mary and to her dear friend that just got married, stay tuned.
We wish you nothing, but we're not wishing on your downfall.
It's just the planets are aligned.
No way.
So tell the tyrants if you are working any projects, some stuff coming up.
You know, I know it might not, you might not be able to say very much.
That's because you know.
So me and my mom have something in the works right now.
Starting very soon, which is very exciting.
And then we have actually two more very fun projects.
One of them, including Ariana.
Which is going to be great.
Those are in the works right now.
Nothing set in stone.
It's like very like, like it's happening.
Yeah, yeah.
I love nothing more.
There's this new podcast that I listened to called Ride by Benny, Benny drama and his
friend, Mary Beth Brown.
You've seen him.
That guy that does like TikToks and he like impersonates Courtney Kardashian and does
like the very strong widow's peak.
He's like a comedian.
I don't, you know, I don't get on TikTok until I started making them.
I'll show you, I'll show you, I'll show you.
But anyways, he just started a podcast and it's so funny, but they choose like things
that they ride for.
And one of their rides were an announcement about an announcement.
And that was just that energy that I'm getting.
And I love it.
I've been riding for it.
Oh, so it's good.
No, it's good.
It's like, it's like, hi guys, check out my Instagram story tomorrow at noon.
I have something to say.
And it's like, I'm announcing that I'm going to announce something and that's what you
just did.
I love it and I appreciate it.
Stay tuned for that.
It's going to be very exciting.
Stay very tuned.
And, you know, I would be doing the tyrants a disservice as a podcast host to bring you
on and not ask you about all of them little articles floating around.
You know, there's some information.
When you are a very beautiful, very successful individual, like Braille Biermann and like her
mother, you know, people care.
And there's been some stuff happening.
And I just want to give you a second to comments on what are we team came or team Croy, I
don't know.
It's very difficult, but I'm trying my hardest to remain as neutral as positive.
I'm Switzerland in this.
Croy has always been an incredible father to me.
My mom, I've been with her the whole 26 years of my life, obviously.
So it's a very fine line between navigating Kim and Croy.
It's not as easy as black and white, but I'm sure you feel hard because like he sure he's
not your biological father.
But like that is your dad.
I don't spend there for you.
Well, I speak for me and all of the tyrants and I'm sure everyone who grew up watching
you on Bravo in reality TV, you started that show when you were what 12 13 10 and we
are just all giving you a hug and we love you and no matter what's happening.
We're there for you and we love you and you guys are going to get through this.
I love your fam.
I hope so.
I think we will.
You're going to no matter what happens like you're going to be okay.
That's what I keep telling like Kim and Croy, I'm like it's literally only up totally
Like it's as low as it can go.
You have to hit the low until you can grow and move on from it and I feel like you guys
have hit the low.
Well, I think that Kim and Croy probably need a hug more than I do because I'm like the
mediator of the family and it's hard to be the oldest sibling.
Well, for sure.
I mean Ariana got blessed her.
She doesn't live in the house anymore.
That's where she's going to stay.
I still do.
For right now, we were supposed to be getting a house together in September, which could
be fabulous in Atlanta and Atlanta.
But Ariana moved out in March with her boyfriend of seven years or eight years.
They're always on and off.
I mean, they've been on for like two years, like a long time now, so it seemed right to
move in together.
And she doesn't deal with it the way that I do.
Thank God, though.
I wouldn't want her to have, you know, kind of feel the pressure that I feel.
I feel like even though she's 21, I'm 26.
That's still a lot of a lot of life that I've lived and like we met when we were 21.
No, I was like.
I was like, I was like, that's right.
That's right.
Oh my gosh.
We were very young.
I think, yeah, no.
I mean, idiots.
So I mean, come on.
Do you wear out my 21st birthday?
And we were.
That's right.
And I got roofied in Miami.
Yeah, they did.
I'm dead.
Well, like I said, we're thinking about you.
And we love you.
And if anyone can get through this, it is you, you're the strongest person I know.
You grew up in this industry.
I know that, you know, it can't be easy for all these outlets and all these people to
be bugging you and harassing you and leaving comments and whatever, but if anyone can
handle it, I know it's you.
It's just, I think it's very funny to me because people read things and they think that
they know the full picture totally where they've seen the show.
So they think that they have a full picture on who my mom is, who toys, who me, Ariana
and the siblings, whatever.
That's not the case.
It's not entirely accurate.
While a lot of people are swaying one way or the other, it's not that black and white.
Like 30 minutes of our life once a week, we haven't been on TV yet.
That's what I was going to say is I mean, obviously, like it's par for the course.
Like I, you know, I have a podcast, I'm a pop culture fanatic.
I love it.
And so obviously, even if something happened to someone who hasn't been on TV in a while,
like I would still be like, oh, like I would, it would peak my interest, but I think there
is a level of distance and respect that you have to give people when you're no longer
on TV.
Just because I was on TV when I was 15 years old does not give you carte blanche for
the rest of my entire life to pick me apart.
And you feel like you need every information about every single part of my life.
You don't get to do that.
It's different.
Like you were currently filming the season.
And you guys were trying to avoid it or whatever.
It's like, you know, that's why I'm saying where are the cameras now?
If only I did Andy and a camera immediately, me too, because every day, I'm like, holy
This is the time to be recording because I think that America or, you know, the viewership
of the world who's tuned into the Kim Beermann and Croy Beermann show right now would probably
have a different outlook on the situation without saying a lot.
There's a lot that's going on and I'm really trying my hardest to be neutral.
Well, that's smart.
You have siblings that are involved with little kids.
And I feel like that's what just what I want everyone to take away is like, it's one
thing to go after, you know, Kim signed up to be a housewife, this, whatever.
It's like, there are children who is like, this is like their parents and they're at that
age right now where they're in middle school and they're totally like people are going
to be saying stuff to them at school and like, we all just need to be a little bit respectful.
I know, I know people say you sign up for this ball, but like you really don't know what's
going to happen.
I'm going to take back your life this much and I just want to protect the peace of my
siblings as much as possible.
I'll take on the Kim and Kroy battle all day long or whatever the media, but leave my
siblings out of it.
And we're always on there for you page on TikTok.
And I'm like, KJ, stop.
Go on yourself.
Like stop searching for yourself because if we're on your for you page, you're typing
in KJ Beermann.
Me though.
Like KJ, you're 12 years old.
Me searching up Thai French.
There's not one video.
There's some scary ones.
Don't look it up.
Don't Google.
Oh my gosh.
Well, thanks for giving us an update.
I know it's kind of a touchy subject and whatever, but we're here for you.
And in other news, I have no life update to give my little tyrants because I got back
from Utah.
It's funny to me that you call them tyrants when you're saved as my in my phone is tight
Shut up.
So that's kind of how it like started.
That's not a day.
And started going off about how Thai is a rat.
Shut up.
Because he's in my life.
Oh, remember this guy, he's like like like like a stalker.
He's one of my stalkers.
Oh my gosh.
And he was going off about how Thai is a rat because he doesn't give up my like location
or what I'm doing or where I am.
And it's like actually that makes them not a rat.
But ever since then, it's just so funny because like it's so like Thai is a rat.
And that was kind of like before rats was like a thing.
I was just I'm the OG rat.
He is.
You heard it here first.
He is.
Um, but I got from Utah on Monday, obviously, as you guys heard on Wednesday's episode
with Jose.
But I have recorded podcasts every single day since I've been home and I'm a working king.
I'm a working king.
You know, I'm just hustling for my little tyrant.
So I actually have no life update.
That is it.
This is my life update.
Um, but I forgot to do a song of the day on Wednesday's episode.
So I didn't forget today.
And it's a song that I heard on my walk yesterday morning, not the forbidden one, right?
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, I would never bring it up in front of you.
Um, we have a forbidden song that we can't talk about.
But my song of the day is love by Keisha Cole.
Do you know that song?
I mean, if I heard it, probably love, I thought you were really going to keep going.
Yeah, I can't.
It's like, it's such a ballad.
Let me play a little bit for you guys.
Is that a copyright thing?
It's like no one's coming after my ass or I'll just cut it out.
What's this all about?
Oh, and I can't believe it, I'll do it after about I'm downloading that song.
I know you need to.
It's good.
I love Keisha Cole.
Yes, love.
It's like a ballad.
It's a throwback.
But I was listening to my morning walk yesterday and I was just like, oh, oh, it was
just hit.
How many times did you hit replay?
You know, I did listen to it once or twice.
I won't lie.
Do you have a song that you're obsessively that you want to tell the tyrants?
Oh, yeah.
I cannot stop listening to Travis Scott's song.
I know.
It's so good.
It's so good.
The, I mean, I haven't listened to like really the full album.
It's just like, I like, I clicked this one first for some reason and I'm stuck on I know
because he's like, eating meaty, man, I rolled the dices.
I just think and choose the bitches or however the fuck he worded it and I was like, I'm
a knife.
Oh, y'all know.
You know what's funny?
Cardi B was watching my stories the other night and I was scared that she was going to like
start some, some drama coming for me or something because you guys know I'm a barbed, okay.
But I do love Cardi B and in fact, I actually love Cardi B before she was Cardi B because
she was so funny.
She was from Atlanta, right?
She's from New York, but she lives in Atlanta because Offset is from Atlanta.
But I, I mean, I saw, you know what I did after I saw her watching my stories on Instagram.
I was like, really weirded out.
I was scared so I typed in my name on Twitter and then I went Cardi B to see if I ever
talk shit because I don't think I did and it was always like, she's so funny.
And this was like back in 2018, 2017 when she was just doing funny videos before she was
like really like respected as a rapper.
I love Cardi B and I love Nicki Minaj.
I don't understand the beef.
I hate the pick and choosing.
It's like, wait.
Are you excited for Pink Friday too?
And I'm hoping for a Romans revenge part two.
I need Eminem.
Is it my fault for putting new bitches on?
And then I need Eminem.
Like Eminem and Nicki Minaj, like are you kidding me?
Everybody in the world knows.
The world would literally stop.
I get that way with the podcast all the time because I'm so opinionated and like my opinion
half the time, like I am just a very strong vocal person and I can get passionate about
anything at any time.
But like half the time, like actually don't really care that much.
It's just like funny.
Like I view the podcast as like it's like a stand up.
It's like comedy.
You know, it's like I'm entertaining.
It's not that serious.
And so when I talk about things like Vanderpump Rules or whatever, I, you know, I might be
talking shit about certain cast members and then I'll like see them in real life or
like I just got a job to shoot one of them possibly and like I've definitely talked shit
about them on the podcast and I'm like, I want to ask them to come on.
But I'm like, I know I've probably talked shit.
I didn't mean it.
But it's your job.
You know what I mean?
It's like, it's a fine line because let me tell you, when I know, I don't, without giving
away a lot, one of my friends, someone I know does a podcast, very popular.
I love and adore this person.
They talk shit about my sister one time and I was listening to it on a flight home and
I was supposed to be a red eye that I was supposed to sleep on.
But I don't like, like you can talk with me all day long, but you can't talk with like
my family.
Wait, was it?
Because where are we texting about this?
I think we were.
I think we were.
And I was like, I pretty sure I was texting in a group chat with every, with all of us.
And Ty, if you guys are not aware, Ty's been like one of my besties for very, very, very
long time.
We do like an annual birthday trip.
Come to Atlanta.
My friends come out here.
I know like a lot of his circles, so.
She loves Jose.
Jose is.
I was just telling Tyson, we have got to meet up with him and we go back to my side of
town tonight.
Let's know.
Let's know.
I love him.
We have to.
But yeah, no, when this person talked shit about Ariana, I was so enraged to text, but
I do at the same time understand it wasn't really talking shit.
Just like addressing things that are out of here.
But like so many felt the need, I don't listen to podcasts.
I tune into yours.
I was a table friend.
I tune in your cell.
Sometimes I don't you know, I don't listen to, I know a lot of people tell me.
Every time I hear about you and Ty's stories on his podcast because allegedly you bring
them up sometimes, everybody's like, I fucking die a lot thing and I'm like wait.
So then I go like back and I'll try to like, you know, self centered a little bit.
Try to listen to the part that I'm it.
No, I get it.
But it's like podcast to me are not my like.
like things to listen to like in the entertainment industry.
It's like, you know, of course, you're not going to listen
to a pop culture podcast.
That's maybe going to talk shit about you.
I don't know what you would never do that here
on the type of podcast.
I don't even know what's in pop culture.
And now I just try to stay off.
Wait, so do you have anything to say
as I kind of just brought up Scandal Vault?
Do you have anything to say about Scandal Vault?
Do you are you aware of that?
I know Breel texted me and like she had never seen the show.
She doesn't watch reality TV or like whatever.
I just think once you're in that industry, you don't.
But she was like, okay, what's this fucking Scandal
of all that everyone's talking about?
I got to get on.
Like tell me what to watch.
And Peacock had come out with like a guide
of like all the important episodes that you need to watch.
And I sent it to her and I was like,
you've got to watch these.
Like it's so entertaining.
He literally was like, okay, you can start at season three
and watch these four episodes.
Then you can skip to season five and do this is this.
And I saw it and I was like, God, thank God.
Somebody sent me that, but I still haven't tuned in.
Oh, okay.
Because the buzz kind of died down at that point.
I know now it's going to be irrelevant.
Like you wanted to be in the know, but so do you know?
Like you obviously know what happened.
What do you have like any opinion on it?
Or are you kind of just like?
I mean, to my knowledge, Rachel cheated.
Or no.
Rachel hooked up with Ariana's boyfriend.
There's two toms.
This is one of the toms.
Allegedly everybody that I see on Twitter
and Instagram is like, we hated him anyways.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I don't know.
I can't speak on that because I've never seen
a band or pump rules, ironic.
We're all in the same brother family.
And I'm at Lisa and I adore her, but I've never seen the show.
But I don't know.
Like I think it's shitty.
Obviously, like that's terrible.
I would never want to go through that myself.
Like that's absolutely terrible.
I mean, so a lot of people like Colin told me
that Ariana and Rachel were friends.
Like I couldn't imagine like my mind immediately
until like Elizabeth cheating with my man.
And now the bitch does have some tendency.
Like she doesn't flirt with my men sometimes.
So Elizabeth, if you're watching,
die back.
But no, no, Elizabeth would never.
So, but that's where my mind went.
And I couldn't imagine going through something like that.
So I feel for her.
But it's especially doing it on national television.
It's like, because people make mistakes
and whatever, but they have footage of.
No, no, no, no.
I mean, but like, it was like while they were filming.
So it's like, you know, it's easy.
Like I was just saying, like it's easy to get wrapped up
in these things when you're not involved
and to, you know, have an opinion and care and get worked up.
But like at the end of the day, like it really doesn't matter.
Okay, so two people cheated.
Guess what?
What happens every day?
It happens every fucking day.
It's like, but it seems like Ariana
is like living her best life right now.
Like this could be the best thing that ever happened.
So rich off of that.
Are you kidding me?
I see she's on dancing with the stars now.
She has like an Uber commercial.
She did?
No, she's like made millions off of her partnerships
since that.
What's going on with me?
Someone cheat on me.
If I get some millions out of it,
please cheat on me.
You have full cart blonde.
Should we start some drama?
What should we do?
I'm down, honestly.
Like, cos...
As if you need any more.
You're right.
Yeah, yeah.
Maybe you're good for a minute.
But capitalize on it.
Get some cash.
I'm here, aren't I?
We'll brainstorm.
Oh my gosh.
So, you know, this was kind of a last minute episode and I haven't
seen Brianna in a while.
And we just wanted to shoot the shit.
Basically, I just wanted to turn on the pod.
Any excuse to get her on is obviously a great time.
Any excuse to see her.
Kim's next.
Kim's next.
Let's see.
Let's see.
She'll be on very soon.
I'm impressed.
Stay tuned.
Um, but we just thought it'd be fun to play like a would you rather game.
So I'm just going to ask Brielle some things would you rather?
And then, you know, some of them like, oh, obviously give my opinion as well.
And some of these are things that I came up with.
Some of these are things that the tyrants sent in.
I asked, I didn't tell the tyrants that it was you that was going to be on this episode
with me or that I was even doing a would you rather episode.
But last night, I put like a question box on my, um, Instagram story.
And I was like, would you rather film the blanks?
You tyrants are disgusting.
Let me just.
But wait.
Are we going to do them?
I want to do them.
You can't.
That's how absolutely feral they are.
Like we can't even do these.
And so let me just read off a few of them because I will not be caught dead answering.
I will not have that clipped on the internet forever.
And I doubt Brielle would as well.
I mean, I'm down.
I'm tight set.
I don't know what we're working with.
So let's just quick fire some of the ones that the tyrants are.
I'm expecting, you know, people are going to say, would you rather eat peanut butter
with a cockroach or, you know, lick, lick your brother's toe?
That's the things I'm expecting.
I don't know where I just pull that on my ass.
But this is what I'm getting.
Sex with your father-in-law or watch porn of your mother-in-law.
Absolutely not.
I'm like, repulse.
Oh, just wait.
It gets better.
Bang Helen Keller or jump off a cruise ship.
Probably jump off the cruise ship.
I mean, that's just like terrible to do to somebody.
Would you rather watch your parents have sex every time or join them?
Once and never have to watch.
That's a, who's, is this the same person?
Who is sending this?
Is this the same person?
It's all just different tyrants.
That is the type of absolutely feral community that I have listening to this podcast.
And I need you all to seek help.
Made it.
You guys should go to Dr. A. Man and do a brain scan.
You need a brain scan because something is often there.
Fucking not right.
So my first one.
I'm just going to roll off of the Vanderpump scandal, which maybe this isn't even funny
because if you've never seen it, but would you rather join the cast of Vanderpump rules
or join the new cast of Real Housewives of Atlanta?
I see.
I'm not even aware of what is going on with Atlanta, so they're the, who's, is Nini included?
Is Siree?
Like who's in it?
Well, so allegedly, they announced like this week that they might be firing everyone
in Atlanta and completely rebooting it like the New York girls.
Do you have any comments on that?
I mean, I don't understand why we have to, like, who, I live in Atlanta, I'm in the
Like, I don't even know who they would be adding into the mix.
It's almost like they should just go back to the first you or go back to the first with
I think they reboot it around you.
And I mean, I'm a mini Kim.
I moved out, Atlanta.
I'll throw the wine.
We should do it.
We could be the new Kim and Derek J.
I don't know who Derek J is, but I'll be it.
You don't watch your housewives of Atlanta?
No, I did, but long ago, I bingeed it right after I met you.
The hair guy.
Anyways, it was always them to like, I feel like, I don't know, I haven't really watched.
I'm not, I have never seen, I've seen like four episodes total of your housewives of
Atlanta because I grew up and I wasn't allowed to watch it because I was so young.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
So I'm not really sure if that was even an accurate statement, but to my knowledge back
in the day.
You like the villain of the story?
I hope not.
I mean, I love Derek J, but we could literally, we could, we could be, if any producer
Andy, Andy Cohen, first off, what's your phone number?
If you want to go on a date, hit me up, second off.
If you want to put me in Brella on TV show, I'm ready willing and able.
And I'm funny as fuck.
And we would kill it.
Like we would actually bring, listen, the reason the viewership has gone down is let's
call a spade a spade.
There's no Kim.
There's no Neenie.
Neenie and Kim really were the two that like started it and stuck it out.
Now Kim has definitely been gone for a long time.
So see though.
But Neenie, I don't even know when the last time she was on, but like, if you really
removed Neenie from the situation, who's tuning in?
And here's the thing.
I think just like the commonality of like most, not even the housewife, just real reality
TV, like the Kardashians.
It's like, once you get like so rich and famous and whatever, like people don't want
to lay it all out there because they're scared of the scrutiny.
They don't want to be hated.
They don't want to be canceled.
And so, you know, you're not this like desperate person who wants to be on TV and throw
a glass of wine across the table anymore because you're thinking about like, okay, what
is this going to mean?
Like, with campaigns, I get what is this going to mean and I'm going to be hired for
next season or whatever.
So no one's bringing it.
Well, if you think about when everything started, this was 2008 that Royals was at Atlanta
Nothing to compare to.
There was nothing.
There was no Twitter really.
It was like Facebook.
There was no Instagram wasn't even thought of.
I don't even think.
There were so many things that like, if a scene went down and went fucking crazy,
nobody has an outlet to sit there and pick a sign and bash and whatever.
So it was like funny and lighthearted.
Then everybody gets on social media and it's like, now everybody's racist, now everybody's
got issues like now, like whatever and it's like, that's not exactly how it went on
and also the producers have full rights to edit it however they want.
I think the pendulum is swinging back the other way.
I think like Jen Zeeers and like, you know, the generation that's like in high school
now is kind of like, they're, they grew up with the cancel culture that we have been
in for the last 10 years of like, say the wrong thing a little bit and guess what?
You're canceled.
You're racist.
You're homophobic.
You're fat phobic.
You're this, this, this, this.
And it's like, wait, but that's not what I meant.
And like, sure, maybe I said something that was inappropriate, but let me like, correct
myself and apologize.
And I think now like since they grew up in that environment, they're like, cancel me
if you want.
Like, okay, like I know my intention.
I know my intention.
I know what I meant to say.
If you want to run with it and create a story like, I guess, go for it.
And so like, almost if you have that attitude, it's like, you can't be canceled, you know,
I mean, I've been canceled a hundred times.
I'm waiting for my, I feel like that's how you know when you made it.
And so I'm scared for when the tyrants are going to cancel me, but I hope it's over something
I don't think they can cancel you, sweetie.
I mean, maybe if I release some of the videos that have a bus from pop in the day, your
ass is canceled.
No, no, no, no, I'm definitely never getting voted president.
That's sure.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Um, would you rather never eat uber eats again or never be able to take an uber again?
I feel like I know your answer because you got to stay away from the uber, apparently.
I mean, no, because I don't even really uber eats in Atlanta, like ever.
I always just get, it's my excuse to get out of the house, okay?
Right, right, right.
So I would rather, and plus like when I'm drunk or out, I'd rather have a uber.
I'm not going to like, uber eats like, okay, are you?
You really that big of a fat ass that you can't even get your ass up?
Oh, you and probably a lot of people, you uber eats every day.
Every single day.
I know.
I think it's scary.
I would have to uber eats.
Sorry about it.
But not being able to take a uber again, you know, what you live in the mecca, that's
like everything.
Walk home, bitch.
You, frickin fat ass.
You need to walk your ass home and think about the decisions.
Well, if you're ordering uber eats every day, you definitely should be walking home.
I live in the middle of nowhere, so like, true, true, true, true, true, true, true.
Um, okay, so would you rather meet M&M or win the mecca lottery?
I knew that was, I know the only thing you love more than M&M is fucking money.
Okay, how much are we talking?
No, like, what was the last mecca lottery, like 1.2 billion?
You're saying bye-bye, M&M.
They say don't meet your idols anymore, right?
Exactly, exactly.
Okay, no, I would take the money and I would buy M&M.
Mm-hmm, buy M.
I would purchase M&M to just be with me every day, I mean, I would have enough money
at that point, right?
I mean, maybe not.
Who knows what it's not worth it?
It's not a point he would marry you.
I wonder what he is worth.
Okay, hold on.
Because everybody thinks, like, because I love M&M, it's like a fetish, like, I want
to be with him.
No, no, no, no, no.
I just think you're just a fan.
Oh, no, it's like the gaze of Beyonce, right?
But they don't want to fuck her.
I mean, I would give him the opportunity.
I mean, I would.
I would.
I would, I would.
You would it?
I think you would.
Who would it?
I mean, like, who, that, I mean, that's like fucking Jesus.
It's like, what?
I mean, that's even different because he's a man and I, you know, obviously I'm a flaming
But that's the thing.
It's like, sure, if Beyonce was coming on to me, like, maybe I guess I'd give it a chance.
Of course, but like, what are we able to get it up?
I'm not sure.
I don't, I mean, it's Beyonce.
You probably, you could close your eyes and figure it out.
Yeah, yeah.
We are so gross.
Um, but so you don't even want to fuck M&M.
No, absolutely not.
I'm not interested in that.
I just love his craft and I have so much respect for him as an artist.
And besides, like, I don't know who my mother is.
She just let me listen.
I mean, I'm in kindergarten.
Like, hello.
Yeah, right.
It'd be weird.
So you're picking win the lottery.
I'm winning the lottery.
I would buy it.
Um, then I buy you Beyonce and see how that unfolds.
I can't wait.
I can't wait.
I don't know if I can afford Beyonce's.
You might need a few lotteries for that.
Um, would you rather never be able to travel again or never be able to eat out again?
Because I know the only thing you love more than travel is food.
Dude, you're good at this.
Thank you.
Thank you.
But I loved travel.
I'm picking now.
But like, so when I go travel, I have to cook?
There is an interesting stipulation there.
I'm thinking, yeah.
You know, you've got to go to Trader Joe's.
You've got to go to Trader G.
Well, what if I'm in like...
You're against...
Turks and Kicos.
There's no...
You're going and getting some conks from the local market.
And is that what they're called?
Yeah, conks.
And yeah.
Okay, so I pick traveling.
Because like, I cannot stay in Atlanta.
I hail to the know.
So, you know what?
I'd rather have to bring Tracy Blum everywhere I go.
And figure it out.
Trader, Trader, Trader.
That's a good...
How is that bitch?
How's Tracy?
We love her.
She's got...
Um, she's good.
She's great.
I mean...
I love that.
Her and Brian are always taking it out.
That's nice.
Wait, love.
It's about to be a while we can.
It's about a whole god.
So, I don't know if you have plans tomorrow.
I'll tell you something.
You better cancel.
We need to figure out how to get Beyonce tickets.
So, I can...
We can.
We can...
We can...
We can figure that out.
If you make that happen, I will literally marry you.
I will buy you a lottery ticket or I will buy...
I mean, I'm for you.
So, would you rather...
Never be able to have tequila again.
Never be able to have pasta again.
I'm buying tequila.
I'll just drink her wine.
Okay, true.
There are other forms of alcohol.
But you know you and I are like...
We think alcohol is strictly tequila.
I don't think either of us like vodka.
No, no, no.
If I had to choose...
I guess I'll take anything with...
Pasta, like...
What am I going to eat if I give a pasta?
I mean, tequila.
There's wine.
There's vodka.
I can learn to love an old fashion.
I'm going to say you are what you eat.
You are watching a video if you're watching this on YouTube.
Two noodles in a chair.
We are walking noodles walking pieces of pasta.
We should start a noodle joint.
Oh my god, we should.
What would we call it?
The rats.
Nude rats.
Nude rats.
Like N-O-O-D noodle.
The nude rats.
Nude rats.
That's quite fabulous.
Nobody sealed that.
Okay, because...
Who knows where we're headed?
We're young.
And she's got an even better one, so...
Don't steal it.
We're going to copyright it.
Um, okay.
Would you rather...
Now, this one, I really need you to process.
Never be tan again...
Or be bald forever.
Um, forget the tan.
No, no, no, no, no.
Because guess what, mama?
We got wigs.
We got wigs that are rather the names of human hair.
And guess what?
I don't want to watch my hair.
Someone watched my wig for me.
And guess what?
It's tan as...
No, because...
Here's the thing.
I can't get in the ocean with the wig on.
The shit will fly off.
Oh, okay.
You know, there...
No, yeah.
Women of color do.
Do they?
Don't that, like, their wigs are, like, installed.
I'm not...
So we can install...
See, I'm not...
Or do you have that, like...
I'm thinking of Kim's wig, right?
And I know that she just pops it on.
Yeah, right.
And I know that would go flying.
I mean, Neenie's pulled it off.
And so she's...
In her quake Hillary, that bitch...
You're going to be bald.
Maybe like a install...
Or whatever the correct term is.
Yeah, yeah, right.
Like, do it to me.
And I'll keep the tan.
I guess maybe you don't have to have a little hair for it
to, like, latch on to.
Like, that's...
Yeah, I mean...
No, no, no, no.
Like, drag queens, drag queens.
Like, they just glue it down.
I'm just like...
You know, I've been going to Chrissy for, like, 10 years.
Yeah, we bet.
And my shit is just sewed into my head.
I just...
Ooh, I need that tan.
I need that tan.
I'm a tan director.
But, like, I'm very Italian, so I was just naturally in here.
Congolese and Nigerian.
I do.
Explain the percentage there.
Where that comes from.
So you did your, like, ancestry?
So my mom and I both did it.
My mom has doubled the percentage.
Shut up.
I swear to God.
My mom's, like, 14% Congolese and Nigerian.
What the fuck is Congolese?
Like, Congo?
I guess.
Where's that?
They're both in Africa.
It says, like, I'm sub-Saharan African and then you can click.
And it shows you Congolese and Nigerian are where I have some DNA from.
And I'm, like, 7.8 or something like that.
Like, between 7 and 8.
I just know that.
I haven't looked at it in, like, four years.
But when I saw that, I was, like, mom.
That's where that booty comes from.
Yeah, right, where, like, who is my father?
Yeah, I haven't done that yet.
You know, I just like to live in this delusion.
That I've got, like, a really crazy past.
You probably do.
I would love to do, like, a regression and see what your past lives were like.
Yeah, yeah.
Because something tells me that you and I were running the street.
I actually did a regression once.
I was actually probably a tyrant in another life.
Oh, actually.
I did a regression once and I found out that someone we were talking about earlier,
lit my house on fire and brought the whole town to light it on fire in my past life
and burned me in my, because I was telling my shaman I was like, dude,
I have, like, a serious issue with sleeping at night.
Like, I feel like I'm going to die in my sleep in on a lie.
Because he burned the house.
He said, we did a past regression.
He said, do you have a friend name, you know, who I showed you the DM from earlier?
I know who you're talking about.
Do you have a friend that matches this description, blah, blah, blah, blah,
that you know now, blah, blah, blah.
And I was like, yeah, I do.
The only person that came to mind is this motherfucker.
And he's like, yeah, this specific person took a torch and the whole town,
the New Orleans oddly enough.
In this life.
Yeah, in this life.
But like, now this is all like, okay, do I 100% believe this?
Like, no, it's just like fun to hear and entertain, of course.
And I'm like, okay, this is really weird, because I do sense a little in a mosque.
And I could totally see this person.
No, 100%.
He's going to do that in this life.
Torching, I know, that's what I'm saying.
See, so like it makes sense.
It's like, huh?
Okay, maybe I should take a step back from this friendship before I get this house.
Okay, okay.
Staying very attuned for that.
I don't even know how we got there.
We brought out being tan and being bald.
And we are light and torches in our past lives in New Orleans.
That's how we got there.
Okay, would you rather?
Obviously, in both of these scenarios, you can breathe.
Would you rather be lost in space or lost at sea?
Lost at sea.
I'm going to like, I might go fuck around and find out what's going on in the extraterrestrial environment.
You're a cancer.
I'm a Pisces.
We're both water signs.
We thrive.
That's true.
Out the beach.
That's true.
And we could swim to land at some point.
When you're in space, how the hell am I going to get gravity to go with me and shoot me back
into Earth?
I've seen an interstellar.
I've seen an interstellar.
The ocean has always been emotional.
Yeah, yeah.
You know, the ocean has just been a scary place lately.
It is.
I want to say, do not go on a cruise from December to like July next year.
We're talking about planets.
The planets are pissed.
And I don't know if anybody here saw, but there's a new cruise ship that's like the biggest
cruise ship in the world that's launching in January and it's sold out.
It's getting the merciful energy.
They're going to mark my words.
God forbid this.
Oh, no.
We're not Titanic.
And God bless their souls.
It's going down.
So, according to the planet gods and the astrology Twitter, it's fucked.
It's going to be Titanic 2.0.
It's like the submersible.
It's like, let's not miss out the sea.
No, we got work and ships.
We're good.
But, um, did you listen to you probably did not because you're not a support of the different
podcast, however, did you listen to it?
Did you listen to the episode in which I went, um, flight boarding the other day, which
is like, it's like paddle boarding in the ocean, but like it's like a little bit raised.
There's like a little motor on it.
I went over a seven foot great white shark.
You saw it?
You saw it.
You saw it.
You saw it.
Right over it.
Did you get out?
No, like literally, like the person in charge of the thing, I was like, I just saw a shark.
Like, oh, my God.
And he was like, no, like I promise it's just a dolphin.
Like we don't see sharks around here that often.
Like, that's not a big problem.
And like, I have lived here for eight years.
I know the difference between a fucking dolphin and a fucking shark.
That was a great white shark.
And I know how big it was because I went right over it.
And you could see it.
I could see it in comparison to the size of my board.
And I was like, go over there and tell me you did it.
And then he went over there and like two minutes later, all of a sudden.
Whistle, whistle, whistle.
Everybody out.
Everybody out.
Over here, over here.
And made us go around these rocks to get out like literally a seven foot great white shark.
I went right over it.
Were you not like shitting yourself?
I was more so just like in so much shock because he didn't believe me that I was just like,
fuck off.
Go see it, bitch.
Like, and I don't know.
You know, when crazy things happen to you.
That just immediately took me back for some reason.
Oh, no.
To you telling the staff at the Atlantis that they're homophobes because they kicked you out of
dragons for wearing a tank top.
And I would do it again.
And I would do it again because guess what?
I was half joking, but also I was 100% serious.
They were homophobes because they were in their titties out spaghetti strap.
They were.
And I was out in there in a prada like fresh off the runway.
And my shoulders were barely showing.
And they made me go change.
They made me go buy a t-shirt.
And he put it into a crop top.
I went up to the bartender and I said, hello, ma'am.
You got some scissors.
Insert photo of the crop top.
Because guess what?
They said that I couldn't show my shoulders.
But they ain't saying nothing about that belly button.
And so I did.
And they let us, they let us live after that.
And at that point they were like, oh, because mama, they saw my vagina.
I was, I was writing lawsuits.
That's how drunk I was.
I was blacked out.
I was, I was like, I'm gonna sue your ass you homophobic.
You know, not my proudest moment, but also a funny ass story.
And the guy was like, well, we saw your vagina last night because I did like fall going up the stairs.
Or we're gonna go to Bahamas again.
We didn't go last year.
I was here with you.
I know, but like it was so fun.
It was the only friend.
At every single birthday.
Has been at every single birthday since the birthday travel escapades have begun.
And I'm not saying that's literally what?
And it's not necessarily like ties like it's not my, I mean, it's my fault because I didn't invite anybody.
I invited you.
Well, we, we got to, we got to bring the Bahamas trip back.
Oh, we're going, we're going, we're going to, we're going to plan that.
We're going to chat.
We're going to chat when we go to lunch.
Would you rather?
We've talked about you doing a podcast in the Bahamas after the end of our day, the way
that I would become, talk about given the tablet, something to chat about.
Brille Bierman, Ty French, blacked out filming podcasts, posting, making absolutely no sense.
Like people would think, like, they would, there would be a lot of torquing, a lot of music,
a lot of dancing, a lot of interruptions.
No, they would.
I mean, we would not be able to leave the Bahamas, which last time I was not able to leave
the Bahamas because I was so unwelcome.
Oh, me too, and then I got delayed and followed.
But everybody knows that.
You can talk about that last time.
If you don't know what we're talking about,
you have to go listen to the first episode that she was on,
which is literally like my like four friends.
I'm a good fucking friend, okay?
She's a great friend.
Let me just say that.
She is a great friend and she will, you know,
go listen to that episode.
Would you rather have one soulmate for the rest of your life
or five lifelong best friends?
She was widely bitch.
I just go like, um, it's very difficult for me
to answer that because I feel like you can,
if you have the one right person,
you can have the qualities of those five best friends,
but who's to say, like, I'm, I'm a softie.
I'm like a romantic.
We love love, um, and big decks.
Oh, man, shout out to my man.
Ah, anyways, um, I think I, that's very difficult
because, okay, so I'm with this person forever.
Like, nothing can happen because my thing is,
I hate those girls who just cut their friends off
and they get in a relationship
because you never know.
You're gonna need those people one day
and they were there before during,
you might as well keep them after, right?
And, um, so it's, that's very difficult for me to have,
but like, I don't want to have five best friends
and everybody be happy and married around me
that I'm fucking miserable.
So honestly, sorry, I love you.
Um, I'm picking my man.
No, that's what I was gonna say.
Like, obviously it's great to have friends and whatever.
My friends are living my whole life right now,
but if you're guaranteed, like security,
that this person is your soulmate.
Like, not like, okay, I'm giving up my friends
like for this man, for a marriage.
It's like, no, like, this is my soulmate.
We're gonna be together till the day we die.
Like, at that point, you really honestly don't need friends
because if you think about it,
and you look at how your friendships evolve over time,
once you get married, it's really you and that person
against the world.
And you still have friends.
And you still have best friends.
But like, if I had to choose,
it's like, I'll have friends so, but.
I'm looking for a soulmate and if you got some zeros in bank
and some inches in your bank, then call me.
Anyways, would you rather, I always get extra feral
when braille is on.
Would you rather never have kids
or never get married?
I'd rather never have kids.
I was never like crazy about having kids
and I think it mostly stemmed from having KJ,
my mom having KJ at 14 and then cash at 15
and then the twins at almost 17.
It's like, that was enough birth control,
basically for a lifetime, but not quite.
Like, you were basically a mom.
I was.
I mean, I really do look at my siblings
like they're my children.
I discipline them like they're my children.
Obviously, with the respect for my family.
But I'm good.
Like, they're my kids.
Kaya is, Kaya is like my little baby
and we're almost 17 years apart.
Like my mom had me at 18.
Like, she's basically my child, you know what I mean?
Like, we've grown up together and whatnot.
So, I mean, how am I gonna have kids without a man?
Yeah, right, right.
So, I'd rather have my man.
Right, right, right, right, right.
Well, you just said you wouldn't ever get married.
You have a man.
I'd rather get married.
How older is cash and KJ and Kaya now?
They're so old now.
In your mom's stories, I'm blown away.
KJ and cash, KJ's 12 cash is 11.
KJ's in seventh grade, cash is in sixth.
They're both like 5, 8, 5, 9.
That's insane.
That's 12 and 11 years old.
And they're like 180 pounds.
They're just big, stocky.
No guys, they kind of scare me.
Yeah, no KJ is supposed to be like 6, 6, cash.
It's supposed to be 6, 9.
That's insane.
Talk about a gentle giant because he's a little sweetheart.
Come on, join the NFL or something.
And Kaya, no, seriously.
I cannot wait.
We're going to be pimping out these kids.
And so we're going to be going to all the football games
at whatever colleges that they're at.
Oh my gosh.
And then when they're in the Super Bowl,
we'll finally get a goal.
Wait, did you go?
I've gone twice.
You know, I had to get to see M&M.
No, yeah, you deserve that.
You deserve that.
Somehow, someway, somebody invited me the day before.
And I was like, sign me up.
Manifestation is real, guys.
Read the secret.
And this is us speaking out into existence
that we are manifesting that they join the NFL.
And they get to the Super Bowl and realizes me
as one of her plus 12.
Oh, yes.
I'm not even going to be dying.
I'm not even going to be 12 friends.
Maybe I'll be plus four.
I'm going to have 12 friends.
That's true.
I don't have 12 people I like.
Yeah, well, just because they're your friends
doesn't mean you like them.
You're exactly right.
I'm just kidding, I'm just kidding.
Okay, next.
Would you rather walk in on your parents having sex
or have your parents walk in on you?
Oh, I've already been walked in on.
So I'd rather I picked that one.
And I've already seen them on accident.
So I definitely pick Chris walked in on me.
I would way rather walk in on my parents.
I mean, I've done that.
But like, maybe it's because of the whole gay thing.
Like, if my parents walked in on me having sex with the guy,
it depends on the position.
No, no, no.
If they even just saw me like me and a guy in bed,
even if we were under the covers, that would traumatize me
And that would traumatize my poor mother forever.
Well, Kroy walked in on me and a high school boyfriend having sex
but the covers were over me and I was in top thank God.
But I didn't get off.
I just looked back at him and I was like, oh, look, I respect that.
I was like that.
So I'd rather that walk in on me because I mean,
depending upon the position, I mean, listen,
if I'm swinging from a chandelier, absolutely not,
they'll be like this freaky bitch and look at me completely
But my mom and I have such an open relationship and same with Kroy
to like, I'll tell my mom something, Kroy's around and Kroy's just like,
God, you guys like, I don't want to hear this ship.
But my mom knows every thing.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
As long as you're not seeing my downstairs, spread open white evil,
I'm kind of good.
Would you rather break your nose or break your leg?
I feel like I broke my nose recently.
So I'm just going to stick with the nose.
I was sobbing not because of the payment because I thought I broke my
perfect nose at everybody fucking thinks of fake anyways.
Everyone thinks you have nose drops as well.
I can get one.
So now I'm like, well, I might need you.
Wait, how did you almost break it?
Tyson, you don't see this like, I see a little bump, but like, I'm so irritated.
What happened?
It makes me really sad.
This has happened to Tessa too.
I was hammered in Charleston at my friend's wedding.
I can't, I don't know what happened.
I was in the shower and I just remember like I completely sobered up when I hit my
face and I took 500 photos of all these different angles to make sure wasn't broken.
And I called our house phone, which is like somebody died hotline number like the last
time I called it Ethan best way RIP to our bestie, but my mom was terrified and I'm sobbing
because I thought I broke it.
I don't know.
I can feel like a bomb.
And I can see a little bit of something right here, but it might just be like swollen.
I feel like nose is taking so long to heal.
But like if you get a nose job, it's like they say you might not even know the result
for like two years because it seems to go down because I just did a photo shoot and
I can see this in some pictures.
And did you ask your doctor about it?
Well, maybe, maybe ask about it because guess what?
I know mine's broken.
I know I have a deviator.
No, I have a deviator.
And guess what?
Whenever I'm playing volleyball or, you know, a beach game or, you know, I'm kind of
I'm hoping that someone just goes a little too hard with their elbow because I want a
nose job, but I don't want to pay for it.
And your nose is very cute though, Tyson.
No, it needs to be like, I know we don't see what you see.
When I smile, it goes down and I need to go up.
Oh, I don't want to be looking like Michael J, but you want to just, you want to take me
with you?
I don't want to be looking like, like, you know, Miss Piggy.
You know what?
That's what they used to call me.
Oh, no.
They call other people on Bravo that.
I'll tell you after.
She looks like it.
So off the record for that one.
Cut that out.
Beat it.
Oh, believe it.
Um, okay.
That was kind of the, the last of the, would you rather?
But my last question that I have for you is not of, would you rather, more of a this
or that?
And I'm not pitting women against each other.
You can say both, but I'm just genuinely curious because I know you just went to the Renaissance
Are you a swifty or a Beyonce?
Oh, Beyonce.
Buck Taylor Swift.
She is the nastiest bitch.
She is.
She is.
The diaries are there to come for you.
Listen, I don't care.
Don't come for me because let me tell you Taylor Swift is a mean girl.
Is she?
Have you met her?
I have.
Well, it's a very long time ago.
That has nothing to do with why I'm saying this.
I have no, I don't know Taylor.
It's like we did before.
We're just shooting the shit.
I'm fun about pop culture.
Don't quote me.
We support women.
But I can't get into any of the swifty.
Danny wanted me to get tickets to Vegas.
I was like, I will get them for you.
But I'm not.
Excited, ecstatic.
Needless to say, thank God.
I got a little one.
All right.
But I do appreciate her.
I think that I do respect her.
I think she's incredible what she's done.
I mean, making songs for children still at her age
at this song is incredible.
But I'm shocked for children.
How many times can you write a song about a broken heart?
Not a broken heart.
A subtle read I've ever heard.
You know me, I learned it from my mama.
But no, I just, I don't like Taylor Swift.
I think she's really a mean girl.
And she just has other people do her work for her.
So, wait, it doesn't really come to light.
I just something about her doesn't resonate with me.
Of course, when I was in high school, like 15,
what a great out-of-the-fear list.
Our song is the same screen, don't have a live-in-alaysing.
But she's milking this way too long.
Like she needs to evolve a little bit more.
So we see that she just announced that they are doing like,
she's doing like a tour movie that's gonna be in movies,
like starting October 15th or whatever.
I'm like, listen, you already have your bag.
We've seen it on TikTok and Twitter.
One, we've seen it all too.
Your tour just ended two weeks ago.
Let us marry in this moment.
It's still happening.
She's in Mexico, because I saw some video yesterday
of her in Mexico City, and they're chaining like,
you are our sister.
We love you.
And the movie's already coming out.
It's like, let it breathe for a second.
Like, you know, typically, like, biographies
or documentaries come out.
Like Beyonce's Coachella came out like two years later, right?
Like, let me give you some space.
Which we were there for.
Which we were there for, and it was amazing.
It was iconic.
So wait, I'm not going to be able to go to Renaissance
because, well, unless you buy me a ticket
with your lovely connections because you're a famous
celebrity, and you're so amazing.
And I'm your best friend, so you're going to take me.
But I know you already went in ATL.
How was it?
You guys won the mute challenge.
You we did.
Well, hello.
She said y'all won, y'all won, y'all won, duh.
Because I was making everybody.
I was like, everybody in the suite was professional.
People were the, I mean, nosebleed, no bitch.
You just don't know what a box looks like.
Yeah, you don't know what a box looks like, bitch.
I was in a box, shout out to Chandler.
One of my best sees, he has a box there for every event.
So he brought me in.
I was actually emotional when I saw where the stage was
in reference took us like, I know where the boxes are.
I go to like every week, every game, or whatever with him.
But I didn't know in reference to where the stage
was going to be.
This is not, we were so close.
It was, and we had a perfect view of literally everything.
It was insane.
And we were early, actually.
And you know, sweet, they have food and drinks.
So it was like, we were in the best.
And I met Jay-Z.
Oh my god, listen to this.
So I had a piece so bad.
And we're in the sweet.
And somebody's in the bathroom for like 10 minutes.
I'm like Chandler.
I'm going to pee my pants.
He's like, let's just go to like the sweet next door.
I'm sure, because we got there just like an hour before
it's start was supposed to start.
So we were like, okay, let's go.
I walk out, and I'm walking down.
And Jay-Z is like probably like 50 yards in front of me.
Like he's pretty, like we were walking.
He had to pass my suite.
I was going to another suite like down the hall.
And I'm like, wait, is that Jay-Z?
And so Chandler looks at me and he goes,
like this to Jay-Z.
Stop, just a casual like high what's up.
And then Jay-Z goes like this.
And when he puts his hand down, I fist bumped him.
And I was like, or I was like, Chandler,
we got to go follow him.
I want to see Blue Ivy.
I want to see Blue Ivy.
But anyways, I saw.
That is amazing.
That is piping Beyonce.
Well, so you probably didn't listen to that once again,
because you don't want to sports it out before I got to.
But I.
Okay, well now I'm going to be the fucking number one listener.
I, I met him.
Beyonce's assistant invited me to.
Oh, Paris.
Yeah, right?
And Paris Hashemake and I literally shook.
I was so drunk because I went by myself.
And I got there.
I was thinking he was like an influencer event.
I get there.
It is Jay-Z now.
And we can't believe what we were saying.
Like Rick Owens.
Don't shake out.
Everyone, like I was the only normal person there.
It was so weird that I was there.
I don't know how Beyonce's assistant
even got my phone number or like invited me.
But it was so nice.
And it was the best moment of my life.
I bring it up on the podcast literally every single week.
But I was so drunk.
And literally Jay-Z was singing right next to me.
And Beyonce was talking to Olivia Versailles from Belmont.
And I literally was just like, it's now or never.
Like it's now or never.
And like I thought like if I like say I had him,
like Beyonce will like finish her compo
and then turn around and like she was giving hugs to everyone.
And I was like, oh my god, this is my moment.
Like I'll kill myself if I don't at least try.
Tell me why I go just two Jay-Z's shoulder.
What happened?
I'm like in the back of him just tapped out.
And that's what that's the motion you decided to go with.
Yeah, yeah.
And he literally just turns around and I go,
thanks for inviting me.
That's what you fucking...
As if he personally invited me.
I was so good.
And he probably looked at you like cool.
I was like really sweet.
I think he was like, everyone there was someone.
Like it's not like, it's someone wouldn't rain.
You know what I mean?
So it was like, I think he was like a little confused.
Like he obviously didn't know who I was.
But like, he was like nice.
He was like, you knew where you belong.
Like you were meant to be.
And I was like, I can't remember exactly what I said.
I was just like, oh my gosh, thanks so much for having me.
Like I'm such a big fan.
Like this album is amazing.
And he like shook my hand and then like went on back.
I was my way.
And then he kept going, you know,
she kept going with that conversation.
But that was enough for me.
Like she was standing two feet away from me for like literally two hours.
She'll come to Jay-Z,
my doja cat, Halsey, you know, all the peeps.
And I was hammered.
What are we not?
We're about to after this.
We're about to after this.
That's some things.
Well, yeah, on that note, that was kind of all of my things.
Do you have any last words that you want to give the tyrants
before we go have a just a ball of a day?
I think everybody, please be kind to the family
as we're going through this change,
which seems to be changing often.
So please just be kind.
There are little children involved that didn't sign up for this.
Like we did.
They just kind of were born into this life.
And stay tuned for what's to come.
There's something really exciting that I'm like dying to share with everybody
about what's coming very like I'm talking like around the corner.
People are going to die.
People are going to freak out.
People are going to die.
It's about to be insane.
What's coming for me and my mom.
And then what's coming for me and my mom and my sister.
So just stay tuned.
And I hope that everybody can just move forward with kindness, you know?
It's time to like flip the script a little bit, you guys,
because things are different.
Well, I love you so much.
Thanks so much for coming on.
I love you.
Ty's the best.
I'm always like, hey, I'm in town.
Do you want to shoot a podcast?
I'm going on this day.
He's like done.
See ya.
And we're going to go out.
And we're going to have a ball.
The whole like we kind of plan to like clear schedules for each other.
Here we are.
And it's time for us to go get fucked up.
Hell yes.
Anyways, I love you guys so much.
Don't forget to rate and review us down below.
But we love you.
And we will see you next time.
Thanks for listening and stay tuned for next week.