My name is Ty French and this is my podcast.
That's what it's called.
Ty French Podcasts.
Ty French Podcasts.
Ty French Podcasts.
Ty French Podcasts.
Ty French Podcasts.
Ty French Podcasts.
Hello, hello, hello, and welcome back to the Ty French Podcast.
My name is Ty French and this is my breaking podcast.
That's why it's called the Ty French Podcasts.
You guys, you guys, did you miss me?
Did you miss me like I missed you?
What's up my little tyrants?
I am so, so happy to be back in the United States
of America, laying at the free home of the brave,
home of Ty French, okay?
And I don't know if I ever want to leave these United States again
because of, you know, I mean, it was actually New York
was in the United States, so that doesn't count.
But wow, does it feel so freaking good to be home,
to be back into my bed, you know,
American conditioning was still a little broken when I got home,
but it got fixed today.
And the weather has been so stunning after New York.
It has been so beautiful.
I went on a walk this morning and I just sat on the beach for like two hours.
I was just obsessed.
I've had my windows open all day.
It's just letting the California sea breeze in.
I will never be going back to New York City in the summer.
So sorry for just, you know, the huge downer.
It was so last week.
But just, you know, sometimes it's my party and I'll cry if I want to.
You know, I was hosting a pity party and you all unfortunately
had to be the attendees of said pity party.
However, I hope that you guys at least got some laughs out of it,
some entertainment.
I'm not one of those people that would feel some type of way
about you laughing about my hardships.
I want you to laugh at my hardships because that is the only thing that,
you know, makes it feel a little bit better.
Is that every time something shocking happens to me or something that happens to me,
there's this little devil on my shoulder going, you know what?
This is good.
This is good content for the pod.
So, you know, let's just say before I recorded last week's episode,
I should at least add a glass of wine and calm down a little bit.
I had just literally checked into my hotel and as you guys heard on last week's
episode, it was just a lot of trials and a lot of moving parts.
And so, yeah, I was not in the best of moods.
But anyways, I hope you guys still liked the episode.
I hope I'm sorry for not having a Friday episode.
You know, like I said on last week's episode, I just should have,
I mean, this was my first big long trip away from the podcast.
And I have really yet to batch episodes.
I like to record them kind of in real time.
My schedule right now with the podcast is like typically record the day before it goes live
or two days before because, you know, I want it to be fresh about what's happening
in my life and in pop culture and whatever.
That being said, whenever you go on a trip again, if that trip is going to be about 17 days,
you're going to get some batched episodes because I'm not packing my podcast equipment again.
It was, it just made it, I mean, we'll get into it.
You'll hear all the details, but yeah.
Needless to say, I was too busy to record a Friday episode
for last week.
So I apologize if you guys went to go watch or to listen.
If you guys went to go watch this episode today, I'm sorry it is not a recording on YouTube.
I just, I'm still so jet lagged and I am exhausted and I'm not feeling very cute.
I need a spray tan and I need some slate.
So sorry, this is an audio only episode, but today's episode is just going to be a huge
Madrid fashion week recap.
And you know, just a lot of story times, a lot of...
But before we get into that, let's give a song of the day
because I know my little tyrants love the song of the day and you guys just,
you guys don't listen to new music unless I give it to you.
And so I would be remiss if I forgot because then you're just going to go another week
with no new music.
And that's just so sad.
And I hope that some of my tyrants who are loyal podcast fans already know this song of the day
because I talk about this artist a lot.
And I hope that to me talking about her a lot has made you guys all become fans of her
and follow her and her journey and her career.
Kim Patress, surprise released her album, Problematique.
Yesterday, and it is so good.
And if you guys are not like OG Kim fans or you know,
know all the behind the scenes or whatever,
you probably just thought this was a surprise album.
However, this is an album that was supposed to come out before Feed the Beast
and it, you know, just...
I don't know what exactly happened, what the drama was,
but basically her label never let her release it.
And it basically got leaked all the songs.
And Kim even posted the leaks like all over YouTube because she was like,
well, if they're never going to let me release it, like, hear the leaks.
Like, you guys can still listen to it.
I'm not going to make any money off of it.
But like, here you go.
Like, I'm proud of this work and I want you guys to be able to have it.
I don't know exactly what happened behind the scenes, but yes.
Now we finally have it.
And the way that the cover for this shoot is better than any cover of hers
or any pop girl lately is insane.
The photo shoot is literally so good.
It was shot by Stephen Klein, which has done so many iconic album artworks,
so many iconic photo shoots that you guys know.
You know, he's done so many of Lady Gaga's album artworks.
Anyways, so one of the songs on that album is called All She Wants.
And it's by Kim Petras and...
Paris Hilton.
I mean, does it get more iconic as that?
It really just doesn't.
It really doesn't.
And I just...
I love it.
It's such a fun song.
It's so cheap, bubble gum pop.
And you guys know, that's just what I live for.
I live for a cheap, bubble gum pop bitch.
And Kim Petras is really just doing it the best these days.
We love Addison Ray, Avi.
We love all these other girls, Avi.
But like, Kim really has nailed down like the bubble gum pop vibe.
And I'm just obsessed.
She does it without feeling like too cheap.
And like, you know, repetitive.
Like, it doesn't...
I don't know.
She just has such an interesting voice and such an interesting sound.
Anyways, I'm not going to talk too long about this song
because we got a lot to get into.
But that is the song of the day.
And I hope you guys give it a listen.
Give the whole album a listen.
It is called Problematic.
And yeah, the album artwork is amazing.
And yeah, yeah, yeah.
Anyways, so let's get into this Madrid recap.
First off, let's just clear the air.
Let's just clear the air and, you know,
answer the question that all of y'all are wondering.
And I know that you guys have been losing sleep over in your homes
in the comfort of your own homes.
Well, I was struggling out there in the streets.
You were wondering, did Thai French have a better time in Madrid
than he did in New York City?
Because New York City was a swamp ass hellhole
and he had a miserable time.
So I have an answer for you.
The answer is yes.
I had such a better time in Madrid.
However, I couldn't go with his challenges
and his childhood tribulations.
But like I said on last episode,
even though there was like shocking things that happened
and like it was so much work and our schedule was just so busy
and we'll get into that.
But at least I was with Tessa the whole time, you know?
And when you're with your bestie, you can put up with a lot.
You can withstand a lot when you're with your bestie.
When you got your bestie by your side,
then you can hold the weight of the world, okay?
And it wasn't like for me,
like I was going as Tessa's plus one
and to just help her shoot content
and like any content I got would be like, you know,
just a plus in a bonus.
But so that kind of took a lot of weight off of my shoulders.
I'm definitely better behind the camera than I am in front of it.
And so, you know, I just felt more comfortable on this trip.
And being with her is obviously always so much fun
traveling with her is the best.
That is where we just thrive.
And yeah, I was really grateful that she invited me to be on this trip.
The best that ever happened to me was her having a child,
not only because I get to become gunkled to the sweet and iconic Miss Gokuna.
But that means Cole, her husband, he's got to be a dad.
He's got shit to do.
So whenever she has a trip, if they're traveling too much,
or they're doing too much stuff,
and they got a lot of work going on,
I get a free trip.
I get to be the plus one with Miss Tessa.
So this was one of those times
where I got to really root the benefits of her having a child.
And get a free trip to a new place that I've never been to.
I've never been to Madrid, I've never been to Spain.
And let me tell you,
that's one of the cleanest cities I've ever been in.
And I don't know what happened.
I asked one of the people at our hotel,
or I can't remember who I asked,
but I was like,
how's Madrid always been like this?
Because it literally looks like rodeo drive everywhere you go.
And Granite, we were staying in a really nice area.
But even when we went outside of the city,
it just felt so clean.
And I guess like 10, 15 years ago,
it didn't used to be like that.
And they just put so much money into revamping and cleaning it up.
And getting rid of the crime.
And blah, blah, blah.
When I tell you, I never saw a piece of trash on the ground.
I never saw a piece of bubble gum tool wall.
I never saw graffiti.
It was so clean and so pretty.
Like all the buildings are literally pristine.
Obviously, they were built like a long time ago.
But they've all just been restored so amazingly.
And it was probably one of the cleanest, nicest European cities
I've ever been to.
And yeah, like if I had to suggest going to a European city,
like if it was your first time in Europe,
honestly, Madrid might be up there for me
because it just felt so safe and pretty small and central
to where like you could walk everywhere.
It's also pretty cheap to like get a car or a taxi.
Like we never spent more than like six euros getting a taxi.
And yeah, around a stunning city.
So how do you recommend if that has been on your list
of things to do?
I know a lot of people do like that.
And they go to like my art guide or something
because it's so so close together.
But yeah, if you want to try a new European city,
a highly highly recommend.
So here, here, we're just going to kind of go by day by day.
Schedule what happened.
And you know, yeah, yeah, of the trip.
So here's how it happened.
I recorded the New York City recap episode
that went live last Wednesday on the podcast.
I recorded that and edited it
and posted it to go live that next day
because I was going to be on the airplane
flying to Madrid from New York
when the podcast typically goes live.
So before I went to meet Teza Harotel
to take a car to the airport,
I woke up early, recorded the episode,
so hurry and edited it while I was packing
and then posted it.
That was probably the fastest I've ever recorded
and posted an episode.
And I will say I've been doing the podcast
for like a year now,
and I'm getting so much better at editing
and also just like letting some stuff go.
Like if I like slip up on a word,
I don't cut it or whatever, I'll just leave it.
There are obviously stills times
where I like really mess up
or I don't know where I'm going
and I have to kind of get back on track
and I'll edit it.
That was what I really didn't really have to,
anything, which was great.
Obviously, it saves me so much time
and also not filming the episodes
just also takes off so much,
takes so much weight off my shoulders.
So anyways, so I did that
and then I pack up all my stuff
which is always a treat.
It's always a treat,
packing up all that shit.
And I had all the podcast quitman
and just a lot of stuff blah, blah, blah.
So I packed it all up.
I get a car to go meet
Tessa at her hotel.
Then we are supposed to have a car
that was sent by the brand
that we're going to Madrid with
to come pick us up and take us to the airport.
And we have a lot of luggage.
Tessa's like many bags.
I've got many bags.
She's got her camera bags.
I've got all my podcast equipment
and this small little Mercedes car rolls on up
and basically proceeds to tell us that
he will no longer be taking us to the airport.
He will not attempt to cram our luggage
into his Mercedes.
So that's great.
And we're always running late already.
And so we're stressed.
It's an international flight.
We have so much to do with the luggage
and everything when we get there.
So we just hurry and I guess call an Uber.
We're like, I guess we'll just pay for it
because we're not going to call the brand
and have them send another car and then this
and then that.
But in what world would you send
for two fashion garlays
to be going to a fashion week,
a small, little car?
I feel like a big gumball
sitting from Royal Housewives of Orange County.
It's a small family van.
If you guys don't know, you don't know,
if you know, you know.
But that was the energy that we were getting.
So anyways, we heard you get another car.
We finally get to the airport.
We're on time.
We check in.
We're thinking everything's good.
And then we got a TSA.
We realized that our TSA is no longer on our tickets.
So we hurry and go back because the thing with TSA
is like, I'm not that much of a diva.
I'll take off the shoes.
I'll do whatever.
I'll wait in the line.
It's not that.
It's that when you're traveling
with so many electronics,
especially with the podcast equipment,
all my cameras, all my film cameras,
like, I'm going to get stopped.
I've never not been stopped at security.
But if I go through TSA,
then they know that, you know,
I've got a little extra screening.
I've already submitted all my stuff.
I figure prints, whatever.
I'm not going to do nothing.
And so they very rarely,
you know, ask to scan my shit.
So we're like,
it's worth it for us to go back to the desk
and ask them to put our TSA pre-check on.
TSA gets hers.
Added and apparently mine is not working for this flight.
They're telling me that it's expired
or whatever, which is not true.
Because I've called them today
and they told me everything was fine.
They said that I was completely fine
and that it must have just been like a random selection time
for a TSA to not, you know,
it was like a random screening or whatever,
which, you know, flying international,
all that camera equipment,
all that podcast equipment.
This is not the day.
It was not the time,
in which I should be randomly selected
to open up all my shit,
especially when you're traveling with someone
and they have TSA pre-check.
Typically that is me.
Typically I'm the friend of the TSA pre-check
and Jose Fina,
Mr. Jose Figueroa,
don't got the TSA pre-check.
And I'm saying bye-bye,
see you later,
meet you on the flip side.
Also like Muchacho,
because I'm not going in the regular line with your ass.
So now I sympathize with Mr. Jose Fina,
Ms. Jose Figueroa,
now I was the poor friend.
I'm just going to guess
literally nothing to do with money.
Now I was the friend without TSA pre-check.
And, you know,
it was humbling.
It was a humbling experience.
I will not lie.
Of course, my luggage gets flagged
and I have to open it all up.
I have to explain to them what the microphones are
and what the this is,
and the stands,
and all the cameras,
and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
We finally get through,
and of course,
our flight is delayed an hour.
But, you know,
That's fine.
An hour is not that bad.
It could be a lot worse.
All that were, you know,
we're pushing along.
We finally take off.
The flight attendant
not even let me have my shoe laces untied.
For this eight hour flight,
because I was in the exit row.
I was so annoyed.
I was so bugged.
Here's the thing.
I know the service industry
can be a hard business.
I know that being a flight attendant,
you probably deal with a lot of pricks.
I feel like the service industry
has gone a little loose
with the customer service.
Flight attendants are
bitches these days.
Flight attendants are assholes.
I have not had a nice flight attendant
in probably a year.
Like, the girl was so rude to me.
She looked like I was
literally disgusting
and was like,
excuse me sir,
you need to have your shoes tied.
Keep in mind,
my shoes are not off.
They're not off.
They're just simply untied.
Not even the whole way.
Just at the top.
So that I can sleep.
For this, I don't even know how long to play with.
Seven, six, eight hours,
A long time.
My feet are,
I'm up in the air.
I'm swelling.
I'm sleepy.
I'm trying to sleep.
I'm trying to snooze.
So let me untie my shoes.
I'm stressed, lady.
I just went through the airport.
I'm flying international.
So leave me alone.
Shut up.
Or if you need me to tell my shoes
because it's hazard,
because I'm going to exit row.
Ask me nicely, bitch.
That's all I'm asking for.
So I think it was like a,
I think it was like a six-an-hour flight to Madrid.
I don't know.
We landed at like 7.30am.
I slept for possibly three hours on the flight.
Yeah, that's right.
So we landed at 7.30am.
I slept for three hours.
We got a full day of activities ahead.
So I'm feeling sleepy.
I'm feeling sleepy.
I'm feeling tired.
I'm feeling jet lagged.
And I'm just ready to come to the day.
The Madrid airport, super easy.
Going through custom.
Super easy.
10 out of 10.
No complaints there.
So if I didn't mention this already,
but we were going to Madrid with the board of tourism.
And we were going to highlight Fashion Week.
And here's the thing.
I'm an influencer.
I'm not naive or a newbie to a board of tourism trip.
And typically a trip set up by the board of tourism.
It's similar to like going to like a music festival
with like a hotel or a brand or basically any influencer trip.
I don't know why I'm like singling it out to a board of tourism.
But specifically when you're traveling,
going with a board of tourism is great because they literally set up
Instead of everything.
You have a driver waiting for your airport.
Your hotel is covered.
Like everything is covered.
The food.
They take the best restaurants.
So that's what we're there for.
We're there to highlight Fashion Week and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
So we stayed at the four seasons.
Y'all know a lot of the four seasons.
I went to London with the four seasons.
With Jose actually a few years ago in like 2018.
And it was amazing.
And with that trip, I got to get like all new bedding.
So all my pillows are four seasons.
All my like my due phase four seasons.
My towels are four seasons.
I have a four seasons robe.
I love the four seasons.
So when we got there and I realized we were staying four seasons.
I shouldn't my my joy.
My sigh of relief.
The wait off my shoulders because you know our menu that five days prior.
I was crawling up four flights of stairs with my luggage.
Staying on my friend's couch with no blanket and no pillow.
That's where I was five days ago.
So then checking into the four seasons.
In a beautiful, beautiful, beautiful room with my best friend in Madrid.
It was starting off with a good start.
It was starting off with the trip was starting off great.
It was a little hurtful that I did have to check into the hotel and see my room.
And then not be able to map because we had a full day of activities.
So we get to the room.
It's gorgeous.
The four seasons hotel in Madrid.
Absolutely stunning.
I know it's probably very expensive.
I don't even know the rates.
But if you go out of Madrid, you got the cash.
You got a sugar daddy.
Stay at the four seasons.
It used to be like a bank or something.
I don't know.
It's like so beautiful.
They restored it.
So we are ready.
We freshened up.
And then we went to lunch at this Michelin star restaurant in the Montreal Oriental Ritz.
And if you guys have ever been into Ritz, I mean, the original Ritz is in Paris.
And I can't remember what movie it was, but they like explained the whole like starting of it.
What was it?
Anyways, I highly recommend you watch.
I don't know the name, but if I remember the name, I'll post it on my Instagram story.
But literally the the Mandarin Oriental Ritz was stunning.
Obviously it was gorgeous.
They had this like most amazing bar in the lobby that had this like huge golden boiled like art piece.
Situation was amazing.
Anyways, went there for lunch.
And we had like papaya, which is like traditional Spanish food.
We had ceviche, which is my favorite thing lately.
There was some bone marrow stuff that it was good, but that wasn't my favorite.
I don't know about the bone marrow.
Yeah, it was gorgeous.
It was cute.
It was a nice little welcome.
We had a glass of wine, you know, met all the peeps that we were going to be with the whole time.
And, you know, a vibe.
Then we went around.
Tess and I had some fittings to, well, not me.
I just was there.
It was pretty to the appointment.
But Tess had to get some fittings for the gala that we were going to that night.
Yes, gala.
So you might be wondering, is it gala or gala?
You might not be wondering that.
But I was.
And so we looked it up in both our correct.
One of them is the British way of saying gala.
And then one of them is the American way of saying gala.
There's gala and there's gala.
I don't know which is which, but I got a ping pong back and forth between two.
So if you hear me saying it two different ways, just know that I am correct both ways.
So we picked out some good stirr, a cute little dress for the queen TV.
And then we went back to those hotels and we had to freshen up and get ready straight for the gala.
Keep in mind, we haven't slept.
We're straight off the flight.
Seven a.m. that morning.
We got to go to a gala.
That just what happens when you're traveling, um,
living the life of the rich and famous.
I'm nor rich nor famous, but I'm thinking it's all I'm making and all my tyrants know that.
So, um, yeah.
We get ready for the gala.
I wore this suit and.
Keep in mind, I'm partially shaved, new haircut.
I also really haven't worn a suit probably in years.
Like I mean, we're in like a cat more casual suit for like events or whatever,
but like I wore like a full, you know, the tops with the vest with the button up all the way to the top of the little button bow,
which was not really a bow.
I mean, it wasn't like a bow tie.
It was literally a Gucci ribbon from when I bought my wallet that they like tied around the box.
And I just used it for a little neck pussy bow thing.
Yes, it's called pussy bow.
Get your head out of the gutter.
Um, anyways.
So it was fun.
I love dressing up.
You guys know that.
But I didn't love the suit.
I got the suit at this vintage store called decades in Salt Lake City when I was there for Mary's wedding.
And it was cute.
I don't know.
I also like would not really normally wear a black button up under a black tux.
But it was all I had.
And I don't have no time or no money to be going around as our H&M or wherever to get a white button up.
So I, the black one was the only one I had.
And so I just like, you know, leaned in.
I was doing this all black look.
And it was cute.
I'll give you that.
It was cute.
And the photos that I posted on my Instagram account that you guys need to go support at that French.
Um, it was cute.
I made it work.
Wasn't my best look?
Was I the most confident?
Did I look like a matrix?
Did I look like a waiter at a restaurant?
Um, but my under business.
Anyways, so we go to this gala.
And here's the thing.
Let me tell you this much.
Whoever playing that trip, whoever playing that.
Itinerary and whoever typed out the word gala or gala.
And they were exaggerating.
They definitely embellished.
Because when I picture a gala, I've never been to gala.
But when I picture a gala, I picture, you know, a, a seated dinner.
I picture someone giving me a speech.
I picture maybe a charity organization.
I picture diamonds.
I picture gowns.
I picture, you know, I don't know.
Um, it was more like a happy hour.
But we didn't know that.
All we heard was Mercedes Ben's Fashion Week gala.
So, needless to say, I mean, we weren't overdressed.
There were people in gowns where there also were some girls in like many skirts and a crop top.
So, with, I definitely felt overdressed.
And I definitely, I thought it was going to be like, you know, I'm picturing uppery side,
like gala, you know, old money and blah, blah, blah charity organization.
So, I'm thinking, I gotta go wear a tag.
I gotta wear a vat.
I gotta wear the whole thing.
I'm stuck with the hair back.
I'm being chic.
I've got a shaved face.
No, I definitely could have gone a little bit more edgy with it.
I definitely could have, like, worn something cool.
And not just like a suit.
Like, still fancy, obviously.
But like, I could have gotten creative with it.
And that's my bad.
I need to just listen to my intuition.
But then again, it's like, if I would have dressed up cool, my luck.
I would have showed up.
And every boy would have been in a tux.
And I would look like an idiot.
I mean, like, oh, you've clearly never been to a gala before.
So, I don't know, I guess no regards.
It was the only thing I brought.
And, you know, I was just leaning in.
I was leaning in to my electronic cash.
What was kind of the vibe I was giving?
I kind of let a little curl out.
If you want visuals for anything that I'm talking about, go to my Instagram.
I also have a highlight for Madrid and all my stories and anything that I'm talking about.
If you want a visual for what I'm seeing.
Or if you want to tag for the location or the brand or whatever.
Go on over there and support the racking.
So, it was cute.
It was fun.
Like I said, it was more of a happy hour situation.
But never the less.
It was great.
It was just at our hotel.
It was at the four seasons, which was nice.
Afterwards, we went out to dinner with some of our friends.
That was on the trip with us that we've been on trips with before.
So, that was always fun.
Rocky Barnes and her husband Matt.
I was so jet-legged and so tired because we haven't slept yet.
Plus, plus a few glasses of wine.
I was literally delusional by then in that dinner.
I was delusional.
I came home.
We finally slept.
The beds of the four seasons just wow.
Just wow.
Coming off in New York.
Being so hot.
Being so sweaty.
So uncomfortable.
That four seasons bed.
Was the best thing to ever happen to me.
It felt like home because I have those pillows.
I have those sheets.
And so it was just, you know, son Iang.
Then I woke up in the next morning and my phone was dead.
What the fuck?
The charger that I walked forever to get in New York City.
If you guys have heard that.
In New York City, where you got maps up.
Must have been a piece of shit because it only worked for two days.
And now it don't work.
And guess what?
I want another country.
I don't got time to be running to know CVS or anything.
To get a fucking charger.
Also, they got different plugs over there.
So I don't even know if I would have been able to buy one.
But then American plug.
Which I guess is.
No, I'm not gonna buy one.
It was shocking.
So the whole trip.
I didn't have a charger.
The whole rest of the trip.
So I basically would wake up and just charge it and test the charger while she was getting
And I hope that would last me all day.
Spoiler alert.
And every day.
But here we are.
So I was so freaking tired.
But we got a purse of beer because we're on a trip.
We got a sheet to do.
We got pictures today.
We got places to see one another country.
So we got up.
We get ready.
And we had to meet in the lobby at 9.30 a.m.
We were going to this town like an hour away.
And then we were going to a wine tasting.
And I'm just gonna preface this story.
I should have preface this for the whole trip.
It is also happening in New York.
I don't know if I told you about this in New York.
But I forgot deodorant.
Could I have gone to a CVS?
Could I have gone to a local pharmacy and purchased some deodorant?
Did I do that?
Absolutely not.
In New York, I was so sweaty as you guys heard about the New York era.
I wasn't smelly.
I'm so sorry the group I was with.
I'm so sorry to Teza.
I would like to formally apologize publicly to Teza and the whole city of Madrid
for absolutely stinking up that town and spreading my bad ass bio all over them streets.
Because I don't have deodorant.
I didn't purchase that.
And the second I started sweating like I would literally get out of the shower.
I would sweat like a little ounce and I'd be like awesome.
I'm smelly pegged.
I had made literal rodent on the street.
Anyway, so I just got a preface that.
I don't know why I feel like I had to get that off my chest.
I really needed to do a public apology to my girlfriend Teza.
But anyways.
So we get to this town.
It's called L Escorial.
What do I tell you guys every episode about pronouncing shit?
You know I don't know how to pronounce shit.
And I don't speak Spanish.
So I don't want no DMs.
I don't want no bad ratings about how I'm pronouncing the name of this town.
Keep it to yourself.
L Escorial.
Guys, I just know that's so bad.
I just know I'm saying it's so wrong and I don't know.
This is home to the largest Renaissance era building in the world.
It's a monastery.
It's Castle.
It's where all the kings and queens of Spain get buried.
Also, I'm not known.
I'm all the other one who did not know that Spain has a royal family.
And the only one that didn't know that Spain has a king and queen.
And the king's name is Felipe and he's kind of fine.
And the queen is also easy on the eyes.
They got two daughters to princesses.
And they look like influencers.
They're cute.
They're way cuter than the Brett's over there with their royal family.
Much of that ugly ass king we got.
May God say the queen.
RIP queen Lizzie.
But can't fully pay.
You can kind of get down.
You know, I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't think that we're talking about them enough.
I don't think that they are getting enough recognition in the press.
And I think we got to bring them to the forefront of society,
even though they are literally kings and queens.
So all the kings and queens of the past are buried there.
We got to go in and see.
They're like tombs or whatever it's called.
We didn't get a full tour, which I wish we would have because we had to go to a
But if you ever get to go, it's like maybe an hour or 45 minutes outside of
Madrid, you guys got to go.
It is the most beautiful little town I've ever seen.
It's like so quaint.
The architecture is amazing.
The Renaissance era is one of my favorite in terms of like art and architecture and
So I was just like literally obsessed with this place.
The whole world.
The whole building was stunning.
And the fact that that was built in the 16th century, the 1600s, it's crazy.
Like hundreds of years ago, they built this giant building, this giant church,
giant castle, and they didn't even have electricity.
They didn't have electricity.
They didn't have cars.
They didn't have anything.
It's like, I don't understand how they built it.
And that's just like one of my favorite parts about traveling is getting to see these
buildings that are like so old and they've been there for so long and that have so much
And then in America, we got a little concrete boxes.
It's hideous.
We build buildings.
We build skyscrapers in like three months.
That's not okay.
These buildings were taken hundreds and hundreds of years to make.
And yeah, anyways, so definitely recommend.
I didn't get to like walk through the whole thing because we had to go.
It was so beautiful.
You guys definitely need to check it out if you are ever in Madrid.
Anyways, so then we took the bus ride from hell to the winery.
And I say bus ride from hell and it was probably the only bus ride from hell for me.
It was only the bus ride from hell for me.
I'm not going to speak for the group.
I'm not going to speak for any other person on that bus other than myself and my own experience.
But I'm probably being dramatic.
It probably wasn't that bad on me and dumb.
But it was heinous for me.
It was like an hour away.
Picture this.
You're tired.
You're jet lagged.
Probably a little bit hung over.
Just all around unwell already prior to getting out of this bus.
Then you get on this bus.
It's about an hour away.
That already is a little shocking.
That you are on candy cane lane windy ass roads.
Up mountains down mountains up mountains around that was through mountains.
When I tell you I was so unwell in the back of that bus.
I wanted to sleep.
I wanted to hurl.
I wanted to cry.
I wanted to laugh.
I wanted to use my phone.
I had no service.
I was also going to die.
I mean, I was just really unwell.
And almost had to tell them stuff a few times.
You know, pull a trick to hurl.
But we finally arrived.
Took me a minute to adjust to having feet on land again.
To be in right left.
I don't even know what I'm saying.
I'm so dumb, you guys.
I'm sorry.
Oh my god.
I'm so sorry.
I'm being so dumb this episode.
Anyways, we finally arrived.
I had a glass of wine.
And I was not unwell anymore.
All it takes is a glass of vino.
And I'm good to go.
We had the most beautiful afternoon at this winery.
This winery was so beautiful.
It was so stunning.
There's this gorgeous cute little house there that we ate.
There's like a homemade meal from the owners of the winery.
We had a wine tasting on this huge square table in the grass
and the lawn with the mountain in the background.
It was so beautiful.
Now, did it feel like I was in Spain?
Absolutely not.
It felt like I could have been in Napa Valley, 100%.
But nevertheless, it was literally stunning.
I think the food was gorgeous.
The owners of this winery were so sweet.
I was having a ball of time.
Because if there's wine, I'm going to say, keep on pouring.
I can't say no.
But the wine hangovers.
I was so scared as I was drinking it.
But it was also organic.
It was in Europe.
So, you know, I feel like wine over there is a little bit different
than the United States America, $9 bottle.
So, I don't know.
I was chug chug chug chug.
Anyways, if you want a visual, sorry, apparently,
Harley Davidson headquarters is outside my window.
But if you want visuals of anything that I'm saying,
like I said, there is a Madrid highlight on my Instagram page.
You can see the winery that I'm talking about.
It was gorgeous.
It was gorgeous.
I asked on the right back in the bus.
Everyone literally passed away.
After a winery, we got an hour long ride back in the bus.
Everyone slapped.
Everyone was quiet.
You know, who didn't?
Not me.
Not TB.
Because I'm just on a napper.
I can't really nap.
Especially in a car.
Especially with other people.
I don't want to be snoring.
I don't want to accidentally fart.
I don't want to.
You know, that could happen if you fall asleep and move me
at cool and tight space.
Some people that you don't know.
Don't fall asleep in public.
Because you don't want to be snoring.
You don't want to be doing it.
You don't want to know sounds coming out of your body that you
did not approve.
Anyways, thank God we did not have to go back through the same
Candy cane lane that we came in on.
It wasn't windy on our way back.
You know, it was a straight shot.
It was still like 45 minutes to an hour.
But as long as it wasn't windy and out of you glasses,
one of my systems, so I was good.
I was good to go.
I could persevere.
Anyways, we get back to the hotel.
We went to the restaurant for dinner.
It is called.
And like I said, I don't know how to pronounce it.
So be patient with me.
But it's called Nueva Espana.
Nueva Espana.
I'm going to go with that.
It is a Japanese Spanish fusion Michelin star tasting restaurant.
A lot of fish.
A lot of fish.
I would say 95% of the food that I consumed while in Spain came from the ocean.
And you know how I feel about the ocean lately.
You know how I feel about the ocean lately.
But that being said, it was all the fish.
It was all good.
The Japanese Spanish fusion, it was nice.
There was a lot of dishes.
A lot of servings.
We eventually had to tell them to, you know,
off the wagon with Chucho.
See you later.
Because we couldn't eat no more.
But the drinks were common.
Food was blowing.
It was great.
I sat at a table with my gals.
It was a fun little night.
The group that we were with, I feel like I should have profished this with, as it began in the episode.
But it was me, Taza, this girl, Kara and her mother.
And then Rocky Barnes and her husband Matt.
And then there was this girl, Chris Schell, who was also L.A. local.
It was just like a fashion girlie.
Her boyfriend came for some of it.
And then we had, you know, some of our, you know, the, the board of tourism peeps.
It was the funnest group of people.
Like, seriously, that's, you know, you get tricky with influencer events.
But, and like influencer trips because, you know, you're stuck with that group, the whole trip.
But this group, seriously, was so much fun.
I could not have had a better time with them at dinner.
We were just having, literally, of all the time.
I, like, really consider them friends for life now.
They are so cute.
Anyway, so what, the next morning we got up.
I was definitely a little jet lagged at Brecky.
I was definitely a little hungover.
But once we got going, I was fine.
We got ready.
We took some photos on the roof of the four seasons.
The roof of the four seasons is so stunning.
The four seasons, is that a podcast just about the four seasons?
Since four seasons ran, it might be because I'm obsessed.
And the rooftop was just so gorgeous.
If you ever go to Madrid and you don't even stay at the four seasons,
you've got to go to the rooftop just for like drinks or dinner or something.
It is such a gorgeous rooftop.
It's literally in the best location in Madrid.
It's in like such a nice area.
Yeah, 10 out of 10.
If you want to see the rooftop, I posted it obviously on my Instagram.
It's a big advertisement for my Instagram page.
And I want you guys to support me and like and comment on my photos
because we're acting needs Instagram hates me these days.
Anyways, then we went to a FEMA, which is like a convention.
What's the word I'm looking for?
It's just like a venue, a large venue.
And this is where they were hosting the Mercedes Benz Fashion Week shows.
Mercedes Benz is the sponsor for the Fashion Week shows.
They're in Madrid.
They used to all of these sponsors.
They used to also be the sponsors for the shows in New York City.
But now they are doing it in Madrid.
Anyways, so I just want to brag about my friend here for a second.
And she would literally be mortified if I was probably sharing this and saying this.
But Tessa is literally a celebrity.
Like I felt like a literal groupie everywhere we went in Madrid.
But especially at these fashion shows, literally every five minutes,
someone coming up, you know, fan-girling, asking for a photo,
just, you know, being obsessed, blah, blah, blah, blah.
It was crazy.
It was literally crazy to see.
And like, obviously, this has happened to her many times for years,
like all over the place.
And I've been with her before, like, you know,
happens when I'm in New York.
If we're eating out on a patio or whatever.
And I don't know, just this was like probably the most I've ever seen it happen.
And it was crazy, like when we were at the airport in Madrid,
like anywhere we were, there was people asking her for a photo
and just saying how much they love the app and blah, blah, blah.
I was like, just such a proud bestie.
And yeah, I'm just, I will be Tessa's groupie till the day I die.
I will be using her celebrity status to get me further in life.
Anyways, I just had a bracket there for a second.
But the first show that we saw was Isabel Sanchez.
And it was literally a huge collection.
A lot of orange, a lot of feathers.
The most like stunning, boned dress.
I posted it in my Instagram highlight.
If you want to see it, but it was cute.
The first show was definitely my favorite out of the two that we saw.
It's, you know, there were some pieces that I didn't love,
but all around just like really pretty stuff.
I didn't love the feather situations or the orange.
But the rest of it, I was liking.
Then after that, we went into a little lounge
because wine, we got some quick bites before we went to the next show.
And the next show was Hannibal Laguna.
Like I said, I don't know, I'm pronouncing that correctly.
But we did in there.
And I'm pretty sure literally the president of Spain was there.
Yes, they've got a cane, they've got a president.
I don't know.
It's like, you know, like the prime minister in Britain or whatever.
So I don't know.
Like everyone was freaking out.
There was like a lot of paparazzi, blah, blah, blah.
Someone said it was the president.
I don't know.
I didn't walk over to figure out because literally even if it was the president wanted,
literally don't care too.
I wouldn't even know if he's slapping across the face because I've no idea what it looks like.
I didn't even know that they had a cane.
But I would like King Felipe to slapping across the face if he is listening to this.
I might be put on some watch list now.
They said that, but now that that's out in the public domain, I have no regrets.
If he wants to call me once he leaves his quain, let me know.
Anyways, this next show, Hannibal Laguna.
No, my favorite.
I won't lie.
No, my favorite.
I will not lie.
A lot of sparkly bows.
A lot of mixture's colors.
A lot of green and purple.
A lot of pink and yellows.
A lot of pink on pink, but two different pinks.
A mob and a hot pink.
Bright yellow, sparkly bow.
Kind of giving me grinch, energy.
Kind of giving me a horn.
Here's who.
Kind of giving me doctors.
It's kind of giving me Barney.
A lot of gowns.
A lot of sparkly bows.
A lot of colors.
I don't know.
It just was not my favorite.
But I fully recognize and understand that I'm not their primary demographic.
I'm not the demographic that they're trying to market too.
I think they're marketing too.
Maybe a slightly older demographic, which probably has a slightly higher tax bracket.
I don't know how the taxes and works there in Spain, but I'm sure they're marketing too.
Old ladies going to Godless.
Different Godless that I attended.
Because no one was wearing that at the Godless that I went to.
Let me just clarify that.
Wasn't my favorite.
It was a ball, though.
Always fun to see Fashion Show.
And like I said, in the Fashion Week for dummies, episode with Teza, even if you don't
like a show and the collection isn't for you, you can still appreciate the fashion and the
artistry and the story that they're trying to say and all of that.
So that being said, like the show was beautiful.
The gowns were beautiful.
They were amazing constructed.
It was a huge collection.
Obviously, I'm here for sparkles.
I'm here for bows.
It's just like I would not particularly pick that out to be worn on myself or on a girlfriend
of mine.
And if my girlfriend of mine tried that on and sent it to me and said, should I wear this
to the gala that we're going to in Monocarlo, I would absolutely say you're going to jail.
And I would tell her to get as far away from that dress as possible.
And then I would send her recommendations.
I don't know.
I'm being so annoying.
Anyways, then we went back to our hotel.
We got some espresso martinis on the roof, we got a little guac, and a espresso martini,
especially when you're traveling in your jet lagged and you have to go out for a dinner
and you don't, you're going to be out for a longer period of time and you've been going
all day.
There's nothing better.
You know, it takes the edge off with a little alcohol and then also boosts you up and
gives you energy to persevere for the rest of the day with that espresso.
So espresso martinis hold up with tequila, of course, because you're talking to tequila.
We have those on the roof.
They were literally so delicious.
You can tell a good espresso martini by the color.
If it's light, if it's like a light milky latte, it's not going to be good.
It's not going to be good.
There's too much sweetener.
But if it's dark, dark looking like an espresso shot, you're in for a treat because that
is a delicious espresso martini.
Anyways, they were dark.
It was amazing.
It was gorgeous.
Then we went back to our room.
We freshened up.
Before we went to a flamenco show, not a flamingo show.
Don't be rude.
Be cultured.
It's a flamenco show.
And like I said, I'm not cultured and I'm probably pronouncing it incorrectly.
But flamenco is a Spanish art form.
Typically from the southern region of Spain, it's made up of three elements, song, dance,
and music.
Originally, this was the traditional dance music of, like, gypsies.
I don't know if we're supposed to call them gypsies anymore.
I don't know if that's, this is the Google translation that I'm giving you, okay?
It says it originally was a traditional dance, traditional, can I talk?
It was the traditional dance and music of the Andalusian Jitanos.
I like to learn, like my trip.
Just jitano and gypsy.
You learn something new every day.
You truly learn something, but isn't it?
That's the review I got when I said jitano.
And someone gave me a bad review and said it, you know, making fun of it, is it hitano?
Anyways, I'm probably saying that wrong, but I sound like a loser trying to pronounce it
Anyways, originally it was a traditional dance of gypsies.
I don't know if there are many gypsies as in, like, travelers and, you know, whatever.
I don't think that's politically correct term anymore, but this is what Google is telling
Anyways, it was the most Spanish thing I did the whole trip.
It was so stun-eye yang.
The voices were so stun-eye yang.
The outfits were so gorgeous.
The talent was insane.
It's like, you know, there's like tap dancing, there's, you know, hands and air, Spanish
There's someone playing guitar.
There's three singers.
Let's talk about their guitar player.
Let's talk about their guitar player, because this is how I like my trip.
There was a love affair happening between me, the guitar player, and the male dancer.
Now they were not aware of the fact that there was a love affair happening between the
three of us, but I was in my head.
And my whole table was, like, I definitely made it their issue as well, and I definitely
made sure that they all knew about this love triangle.
So there was a male dancer and there was a female dancer.
And, you know, halfway through the show, I kind of started to realize as I'm, you know,
talking over this gorgeous little Spanish boy, who's playing guitar, I say Spanish boy
as in he's definitely older than me and is definitely not a boy.
He's definitely man.
I'm starting to know Goco, and I'm starting to pawn over in.
I'm wanting my losing McGuire moment.
He's giving me pow-low energy.
You know, I'm like singing to me, pow-low, you know, I'm just vibing.
Ready for my.
Hey now.
Hey now.
This is put dreams.
That's the energy I'm ready for.
And then as I start talking over him, I'm realizing when the female dancer is on, he looks
like he wants to kill himself.
He, you know, not out to joy is radiating of his beautiful face.
However, when the male dancers on that stage, he cannot take his eyes off him.
He is looking for validation.
He is looking for the dancer to look at him,
to realize how hard he is playing the guitar
from he just wants his approval, he wants his love.
And I just want his love.
I'm looking at the guitar player,
and the guitar player is looking at the dancer,
and the dancer isn't looking at either of us.
And it was this love triangle that I felt like
I was in a telenovela, except for they didn't know
that I was cast.
It, you know, you know, there were a few glasses of wine
involved for me to get to this conclusion.
And that definitely probably did not help.
The scenario of me thinking that I was involved
in this love triangle and that if they probably did,
look my way, I probably would have looked like
a drunk American looking for a spring break activity.
That was probably the energy I was giving them,
and they were doing this beautiful art for them.
Anyways, that aside, the love triangle aside.
If you go to Spain and you don't see a flamenco show,
you're kind of, you know, problematic
because it was so stunniang, it was so gorgeous,
it felt just so traditionally Spanish.
And that felt like the most like cultural thing
that I experienced while I was there.
And you guys gotta go, it was amazing.
Anyways, then after, after, you know, I was drunk.
You're going out on the town, we were rocking around,
looking for some bars.
I was definitely a little drunk,
and I would like to publicly apologize to Tessa,
having to deal with my ass.
I was being so annoying.
I was being so annoying.
I was so jet lagged and so tired.
And, you know, you mix in the booze and you mix in, you know,
the love triangle that had just happened.
I was thrown in my face.
I was getting like weirdly emotional,
not about the love triangle, but just about like anything.
Like we were, me and Tessa got into a little tiff
about smash mouth and like the songs on Shrek.
Like I was just like being so dumb and so bratty.
And I would just, you know, when you, you know,
drinking, you're like really tired.
It can either be like really fun and loopy
or, you know, you get sassy and like weird and emotional.
That's where I was.
That's where I was at.
So I would just like to publicly apologize to Tessa
for being a little bitch.
Anyways, we went to bed.
I slept it off.
We were fine.
The next day, we went around town.
We met a local Spanish artisan designer called Oteza.
And there's specialties like modernizing the Spanish
cape and like traditional Spanish, you know, garments.
And it, you heard that right.
Cape, you guys are OG tyrants.
Then you know that's one of my first
fashion weeks I wore a cape and I'll never live down.
I will never live down the cape.
And let's just say I felt very validated going to this
Oteza artisan craftsmanship and them showing me these capes
that were very similar to the item that I was wearing
about 10 years ago.
So I'm not saying I'm throwing trends or anything.
I'm not saying that the cape is coming back
and that I wish I would have kept it all the time.
I'm not saying that.
But if you wanted to say that, I would be like,
yeah, I'll think about that.
I'll think about that.
If you think that it's coming back.
And if you think I am a trend setter,
like I'll think about that.
And anyways, yeah, capes are bad bitches.
Anyways, it was, it was really, I mean joke society
was really pretty and it was really, you know,
nice to chat with like a local designer
and to speak about traditional Spanish garments
and how they're modernizing it.
And yeah, I don't know.
I feel like that's one of the coolest parts about traveling
is seeing just the fashion and the culture obviously
of like this, these places, but especially the fashion,
like just the day-to-day street wear of people
is so different everywhere you go.
And yeah, so it's cool to see, it's cool to see
how they made it and hearing their story,
it's a beautiful brand, you guys should look it up.
Yeah, then we went to, and I'm gonna say this wrong,
I'm only gonna say it once.
And Serena, also run out.
I said it twice, I said I would only say it once.
Anyway, we tried on jewelry from the designer,
which is the official jeweler of the Royal Family of Spain,
my king, my lover, Philippa, king, Philippa.
Anyways, so there was a tiara, there was some jewels,
there was a big necklace, we were trying on some jewelry,
there was a lot of art there, it was like a art gallery type
place, they were auctioning off this like a million dollar
painting from the Spanish designer, I don't know,
the details of it because I was tired and I forgot.
And I kind of didn't care, but the art was amazing.
The jewelry was amazing, I just don't care about the details,
but I did remember that it was selling for about a million dollars.
Anyways, so after this,
Teza and I finally had some alone time.
This was the first time that we had a load time
pretty much the entire trip, yeah, you heard that right.
So what did we do?
Like I said, there was a lot of fish happening
in the meals that we were eating.
So the first chance that we got away from this group,
we went and had pizza and pasta.
We needed normal, I don't want to say normal food
because like Spanish food is normal and fish is normal.
But like four days of fish and like Michelin star,
like nice fish, not even like just a big,
I needed like a big carbie platter of food.
I needed pizza and I needed pasta.
Not this like little little fish on this like big plate
with like a froth or like no, screw the mission star,
give me a big ass bowl of pasta and a pizza.
We went, we did this, it was amazing, it was delicious.
I felt so recharged after.
Then we went back to the room, we changed
and went to like their version of Central Park.
When I tell you, this is the most stunning park
I've ever seen in my life.
This is the most stunning, I yang,
gorgeous, peaceful, large park I've ever seen.
It was amazing.
If you ever go to Madrid, you have to go to the park.
I don't know what it's called, but you can't miss it.
Ask someone there, it's like in the middle of the town.
It's amazing.
And there's this place in the middle of the park called
Palacio de Crystal, aka the Crystal Palace.
Tessa's been wanting to go to this literally forever
and she told me a picture of it on Google
and when I tell you, it was insane online.
It was insane online.
So we walk all the way to the park,
we walk all the way there.
Because it's like a big park, you gotta walk kind of a while.
Obviously we're not in comfy shoes,
we're not in comfy outfits, we're hot, we're sweaty,
we're on comfy, dirt's getting in my little loafers.
And anyways, but we find the get there.
And it looks so stunning on the outside
and we're just like, wow, it's worth it.
This is gorgeous.
We're about to take some amazing photographs
and be Pinterest viral however we get up to the doors.
And of course, what is our luck?
What is our luck?
What do you think?
What do you think?
Brrrr drum roll, please.
It's closed.
It's closed for renovations.
Brrrr, brrrr, brrrr, brrrr, brrrr.
Brrrr, brrrr, brrrr, brrrr, brrrr, brrrr, brrrr.
Brrrr, brrrr, brrrr, brrrr, brrrr, brrrr, brrrr, brrrr.
Of course it is. Of course it's closed.
Because nothing good can happen to us.
Because we just are surrounded around negativity
and pessimism and that things that are happening.
And that's probably my energy not tezza,
I'm not pulling that on her, that's just me.
That is just the energy and a carry.
And I need to go get, like, I don't know,
my shocker's healed, my stars are aligned.
I don't know what they call it.
Give me the fuck out of this.
This, this cycle that I'm in.
Because why is it closed?
Over the day I'm dorm, I'm trying to take a photo.
I'm trying to be Pinterest viral.
Anyways, so we still shot outside.
It was still gorgeous outside, it was pretty.
We gotta, like, see inside still, like, the doors were glass.
So I'm glad that I at least got to see it
and experience it in person.
It is, oh, gorgeous.
I cannot believe that no one is hosted a fashion show there.
I cannot believe that.
I mean, maybe they do get married in there.
I don't know, but if not, I'm gonna get married in there.
I'm gonna be the first one.
It's just like most gorgeous, like, all glass,
like, terrarium-esque, crystal palace.
Like I said, that's what it's called.
Look it up, it is insane.
Hopefully, when you go to Madrid, you can go
and it will be open and you can send me photos of it.
That, it was close for me.
Anyways, we still took some pretty photos outside,
but then we went back to our room, we changed,
and we needed to shoot again
before going to our last supper,
before going to our last dinner.
And so, I have one of my, like, podcast lights.
That I used to shoot the podcast, obviously, when I filmed it.
And I thought it'd be so cool,
because it doesn't even be plugged in
to take this around town and shoot with, like, a no flash,
but I'd just make it feel like very editorial or whatever.
So, I packed this to New York City.
Then I took it all the way across the world to Madrid,
and it was the last day we hadn't used it yet.
And I was like, we have got to use this,
or I packed this for nothing.
And it's not a small light.
Like, it took up a lot of space.
It was very uncomfy and made stuff very heavy.
And, you know, I was like, we got to use it.
It's going to be not worth it.
So, I'm carrying it around town.
We're thinking we're going to shoot.
It's just not working.
We end up back in the park,
Tessa is wearing literally loose, uncomfy shoes,
and the most uncomfy dress.
She could barely even walk, but we get there,
and it was worth it.
They were literally some of the best shots of the trip.
However, we didn't use the light.
Not only did I carry it from the United States,
or from California to New York,
then from New York to Madrid,
then I held it in my hand,
all around the city of Madrid,
all through their park, shooting.
And I never even used it.
Then we went straight from the shoot to dinner,
so I had to carry this big ass light
into this restaurant, into the bar we went to after.
And I still didn't use it.
You know what?
That's all I'm going to say.
I really have nothing else to say there.
You can just send it to my frustration and my annoyance.
Anyways, then we went to,
I think it was called the Jungle Jazz Club,
and we had dinner and it was a jazz show.
It was so fun, the music was so good,
the singer was so talented.
Now, it didn't feel like a Spanish experience,
so I don't know if I fully recommend
if you are going to Madrid,
because when I go to a place,
you know, in Europe and Africa and this, whatever,
I'm not going to an American place.
I want, you know, a local cuisine.
I want a local Spanish experience.
And this felt very much like a New York City Jazz Club.
They were singing every song in America.
They were singing, in America.
They were singing every song in English.
And it was, you know, like,
what were they singing, you know?
Like, ain't no mad and high enough.
Ain't no women and no, like, songs like that.
So I didn't know if that's really considered jazz,
but it was called the Jazz Club.
And so it felt just like a New York City bar.
It was still fun, it was great.
This was our last night.
We were so tired and we still had to pack for our flight.
We had to leave for our hotel like 7 am.
So we went home like right after this.
We left dinner at like 11.30.
We go back to our hotel, we pack, whatever.
We get some sleep, we wake up, super early.
We go to leave for our flight
and our card number shows up.
What is with it with this company
that they are booking for our cars that show up to our hotels?
That either showing up on our way to damn small
or not showing up?
I don't know.
So we had to just get a cab.
We didn't want to be late.
My suitcase was so packed.
I'm so annoyed.
I brought so much shit and I didn't use half of it.
I didn't even use my big camera.
We only used Tesla so I didn't have to bring that.
I used, I brought all my broadcast equipment.
I only recorded one episode in New York
and I didn't record with any of the guests
that I wanted to do in New York
and I didn't wear half the clothes I brought.
I just was so frustrated.
But it was overweight.
We know that from my flight from New York to,
I mean, from LA to New York,
I had to pay the $100 overweight fee, whatever.
Then my flight from New York to Madrid,
I also had to pay the $100 overweight fee
and I was like, okay, this is so dumb.
By the time I get home,
I'm gonna be spending $300.
And I didn't even use half the shit.
I didn't shoot half the shit.
And I did that all for the clothes that they got me
and it's like, for the $300,
I could have just bought all the jeans that they gave me.
So it was just like, I was so annoyed.
But we get to the airport and my luck,
I'm thinking, he's turning around
because they put my bag on a Tesla's ticket
and she was flying first class
so she didn't have to pay for the overweight.
So I'm thinking, you know, my luck is turning around.
I just had a great trip in Madrid with my friend
and I don't have to pay the $100.
So I had to pay the $200 and say to the $300
that I don't gonna have to do.
Then we get to security.
We get to security in Madrid.
And they make me throw away my podcast mic stands.
Hey, literally my podcast mic stands
that you guys have seen in all the clips,
not the new ones that I just got that like attached
to like a table.
My like, the ones that just like sit in your lap.
Yep, they mean to throw those away
because they have like poles and weights on them
to make them like stand
and they could be used as a weapon.
So love that for me.
Needless to say, the $100 that I saved
from the overweight fee for the suitcase
will not cover me purchasing two new microphone stands.
Anyways, so I'm just like, you know what, take them.
Like I'm trying not to like be a Karen.
I'm trying not to make a scene.
We're in a different country.
They can't understand what I'm saying.
But I'm like, just throw them away.
Like they're like, what do you want us to do?
Do you want to check your bag?
And I'm like, I can't check them back.
We're running late.
Like I have all my other podcasts equipment
that I don't want to check.
It's gonna get broken.
Like whatever, throw them away.
And they're like, what you want us to do?
I'm like, get rid of them.
Get rid of them.
Get rid of them.
Leave me alone.
Anyways, so they throw them away.
And you know, I'm just like deep breath
and deep breath out, whatever.
It'll be fine.
I'll order new ones.
I have the new stands at home
that like I don't even really use these
unless I'm traveling.
So it's fine.
Then I go to close my suitcase back up
because obviously I had to open it for them
to throw the way that my ground stands.
And my zipper breaks.
You heard that right.
You heard that right.
The zipper breaks.
And I'm just like, you know, deep breath
and deep breath out
because this could get very, very dark.
And I don't have that in me.
I'm tired.
I'm jet lagged.
I've been away from home for so long.
I've been spending so much money.
Like I just, I don't, like this is going to be my 13th reason.
If my suitcase breaks, and I either have to egg up
I a new suitcase or they don't have to go out
by a new suitcase or they don't even have a suitcase.
And I just have to literally carry all my shit.
Then I'm going to get to the gate.
They're not calling me on.
Like I just, I really don't have this in me.
I do not have this in me.
God is testing me.
And guess what, God, I'm not your strongest warrior.
And that's fine.
I don't need.
I'm not saying I am.
I don't want to be.
Leave me alone.
Leave me alone.
Luckily, I get it closed.
And it is hang on by the hair of my Jenny, Jenny, Jenny.
Literally, like when I tell you this,
like you know when you're a zipper breaks
and it's like, you know, you zip it up
and then it kind of splits.
And I don't know.
I can't even explain this.
It kind of did that, but then I kind of closed it.
But the zipper was still like,
if you really touched it, it would have burst it open.
And I'm just praying.
I'm like, just get me honestly from this flight
to my layover and I'll figure it out.
Like I'll figure it out.
Get me out of this country.
Like I, you know, hand a God.
Take God.
It lasted the entire way.
It didn't break the rest of the time.
Obviously it's broken now.
It's still by a new suitcase, but I'm home.
I got on my shit at home, whatever.
Anyways, so then to get my bad luck rolling,
we get into the lounge at the airport in Madrid.
And they won't let me in
because I'm not playing first class, but that's it.
So at to pay $50 to get into this lounge.
And of course we had to get into this lounge
because I need air conditioning.
So they're about Europe.
They don't believe in air conditioning.
And I don't know.
Maybe that's why their skin looks great.
Maybe that's why they're living longer.
I saw a TikTok that said air conditioning makes you sick,
but I don't give a rip because I need air conditioning.
And so I paid the $50.
After the suitcase incident,
after them making me throw away my mic sands,
I was like, put me in a freaking lounge.
I need a glass of water.
I need to sit down in a comfy chair
and I need air conditioning.
I need everyone to shut up and start talking to me.
Anyways, so then we finally take off
the first leg of the trip home.
We had a layover in Atlanta.
I was dealt to premium,
which is basically first class on any other flight.
It was stun a young.
I had so much leg room.
I had a seat that were climbed up low footrest.
It was amazing stunning.
On the flight from Atlanta to Los Angeles,
I was in the back of the bus.
And I mean, not quite literally.
I was literally the seat in front of the last sea
on the airplane.
Tesla was in first class though, don't you worry.
The brand flew her first class
and they much just think I am not worth it,
not worth the price tag.
So, and I'm not, to be fair.
So, I flew in the back of the bus
and it was a very humbling experience,
especially after being in Delta Premium,
basically first class on the way to Atlanta.
So, you know what?
It was, I'm being dramatic.
It wasn't that bad.
I fly coach literally every single other time I fly,
I'd never once have paid for a first class flight.
I never will, probably unless I've more accidentally
become a millionaire, share the podcast.
I don't know, and I don't know, it was fine.
I watched so many movies.
On the first leg of the flight,
I pretty much slept first, like halfway.
And then the second leg of I also slept kind of halfway,
but I watched some movies on the flight
that I feel like I could do a whole episode on,
I could do a whole rant about the three movies that I watched
and they were movies that I've been wanting to see
that I was excited to see in that.
I don't know why I hadn't seen it.
The first flight I watched Avatar Way of Water.
I've been wanting to see that forever.
I just never have gone the time and I don't know,
it just feels like when I'm home,
I just wanna watch reality TV and be dumb.
So, yeah, I watched it.
It's so long, it's like three and a half hours
and I had a long flight.
So, I was like, this is gonna make it go by really fast.
And I loved it.
I loved the first Avatar.
It has nothing on the first Avatar.
Like the first Avatar is like so beautiful
and I feel like it focused like a little bit more
on like the love scenes instead of like so much action
and like war, but the second one felt like
just a lot of war scenes, less about like the family.
I feel like the main chick, the main, I don't know her name.
The Jake Sully's wife, the Avatar of Lady,
I feel like she was such a big part in the first movie,
but she literally had like no part in the second movie,
which was crazy.
Then, I watched, don't worry darling.
Oh, my God.
I'd never see the trailer for it.
I had literally no idea what it was about.
And I feel like the only thing I knew about it was,
you know, the obviously Harry Styles and Olivia drama.
I knew the spit drama, all that.
I literally never heard anything about it.
I didn't know anything about the plot line.
I knew it was in Palm Springs in like the 50s.
That is all I knew, literally that is all I knew.
Holy shit.
I feel like I heard that it wasn't really that good
and a lot of people didn't like it.
I actually really liked it, but I'm still processing it.
It was one of the craziest movies I've ever seen.
I didn't know that it was like a psychological thriller.
I thought it was about like just like some like 1950s love story.
Oh my God.
Literally, oh my God, I have no words.
And I actually think I could do a whole entire episode
just on Don't Worry Darling.
I'm gonna need you guys.
Let me know if you guys want that.
If you guys would be interested about it
because I have so many thoughts.
I don't wanna give anything away unless you've seen it,
but if you have not seen it, a holy shit, go see it.
It is literally crazy.
And it is honestly a really good airplane movie
because it's like two hours.
And when I tell you my eyes were glued to that screen,
I didn't wanna look at my phone once.
It was insane.
Let me know if you wanna hold a ring about that
because wow, I have lots to say.
The third movie that I watched, The Little Mermaid,
and Don't Cancel Me for my thoughts on The Little Mermaid.
But it was one of the worst movies I've ever seen.
I don't even think I finished it.
I don't even think I got to the end.
I don't really care to finish it.
I think I maybe had like 30 or 40 minutes left.
The acting is terrible.
Not from Ariel, not from Halley,
but just from everyone.
Prince Eric's song scene on the cliff.
Pfft, snooze town.
Loose our lame-o.
Like ew, it was so bad.
King Triton.
Oh my God.
The CGI is literally heinous.
The way their tails move and the way their hair moves
underwater is so unrealistic,
is so cheesy looking, is so dumb.
I'm sorry, maybe I was in a bad mood
because it was a long travel day.
I watched that, that was the last thing I watched
like before I landed in LA.
Maybe I need to give it a rewatch,
not on an airplane, but it was literally heinous.
And you guys know how excited I was about it.
And I, this has nothing to do with a Halley Bailey being Ariel.
This has nothing to do with anything.
It just felt cheap.
Like the songs felt dumb.
The CGI was terrible.
Especially right after watching Avatar
and the CGI being so amazing.
Watching, maybe that was where I made the mistake.
Watching the little mermaid right after watching Avatar
because they're both like underwater.
And Avatar is just like literally, it's insane.
Like it's actually insane.
The colors aren't saying, the CGI is insane, everything.
But little mermaid, you could take some tips
from James Cameron or whatever his name is
because you suck.
Anyways, anyways.
Yeah, that's kind of my whole trip.
To sum it up, it was amazing.
I really did have so much fun.
Like I feel like that, that was kind of just a step by step
the explanation of everything that we did.
But really it was so fun.
It was just so much.
Like it was so much, especially coming off the back
of New York Fashion Week, cramped into so many days
and being jet lagged.
And me and Tessa just literally had no free time
to even just like roam the city for ourselves
and you know, stumble upon cute photo spots
or cute like cafes or anything, everything.
Because we were going with the border tourism,
everything was so planned out,
which when going to a new city is great.
Like we experienced so much food
that I probably never would have found.
The flamenco show I never would have found.
Like going to that castle and that Renaissance building,
we never would have found going to the winery,
we never would have done.
Like they really did have it so packed full of things
that like I would have never experienced before.
Or again, but part of going to a new city
is just exploring on your own
and just stumbling upon things.
And I would have loved to have more time
to just wander around the park
and to wander around that museum and that palace
and see all the paintings and whatever.
It just was a lot cramped into a small amount of time
and add being jet lagged to that
and coming off of New York.
Like me and Tessa were just exhausted.
But it really was so much fun.
Trotting with her is always a treat.
I can't thank her enough for bringing me.
I can't thank the whole board of tourism enough
for bringing me and doing everything for us
and just making it such a memorable trip.
Madrid is so pretty.
Like I said at the beginning of the episode,
like it is so clean
and the buildings are so gorgeous.
It's like a cleaner, more perfect Paris.
Like it gives me Paris energy obviously
with a Spanish twist.
But it's just so clean, it seems so safe.
And if you've never been to Europe
and you're looking at going soon,
I would definitely add that to maybe the top on your list
because it just seems like low risk high reward.
Meaning like it's felt very safe to walk around.
It's like cheap ubers and taxis.
It's a fairly smaller city in terms of like
how things are spread out.
So you're never really having to go that far.
Obviously, other than that castle that we did,
that was like 45 minutes to an hour away
that I would definitely recommend doing if you go.
And that town in and of itself,
I feel like you'd spend a whole day in
and just walk around.
It was so cute, that L.S. school.
I'm not even gonna try to pronounce it.
But it was amazing.
I had such a fun time.
All the food was amazing.
Spanish people are so kind.
And gosh, I had such a fun trip.
I am so, so happy to be home.
I'm so happy to be back on my regularly scheduled programming
with my tyrants.
And to just be able to sleep in my own bed,
continue my morning walks on the beach,
get back to work.
And yeah.
Anyways, sorry that was an episode full of stories
and scheduling and adventures.
I don't know what I'm saying.
I'm delusional, I'm tired.
I'm feeling a little jet lagged.
But I love you guys so much.
Thank you for being patient with me
with my episodes in New York.
Thank you for being patient with me
for not having an episode on Friday.
I hated not having an episode,
especially because I brought all of my podcast equipment.
But as you just heard, we were packed to the brim.
We literally did not have any free time in our room,
I didn't even, I was gonna just like wake up one morning
and go, sorry that freaking motorcycle, if you heard that.
I was gonna wake up early one morning
and record it just in our room.
I was gonna do a whole like a Rats Guide to New York City,
what to do, what not to do.
And I literally cut it.
I will still hopefully do that episode in the future soon.
But yeah, anyways, I love you guys so much.
Thank you so much for listening.
Thanks so much for always supporting.
A lot of fun stuff coming up with a rebrand.
I'm excited for you guys to see.
But until then, make sure you give me a rating and review
down in the Apple Store, Spotify, whatever you do,
whatever you listen to.
And I'll see you guys next time.
Thanks for listening and stay tuned for next week.