totally random #5

My name is Ty French and this is my podcast. That's why it's called the Ty French podcast. ♪ Yeah, I did it ♪ ♪ I did it ♪ ♪ Ty French podcast ♪ ♪ Ty French podcast ♪ ♪ Podcasts ♪ ♪ Ty, I felt it ♪ Hello, hello, hello, and welcome back to the Ty French podcast. My name is Ty French and this is my podcast. Today, we are doing your guys' favorite, a totally random episode with, ♪ Jose Figaroa ♪ ♪ I'm back ♪ Hello, what's up? How you doing, Jose? Tell the little tyrants how you doing. I'm doing good. Do we just side on tyrants? Is that the name? I'm liking tyrants because here's the thing. Tyrants gives off the same energy as a feral rat. Like a tyrant, just a little like, little bitch out in the wild. Just running around. Just fucking shit up. Yeah. And it's one letter away from Ty rat. Oh. You just add the end. So I'm liking it. Tyrants is more like specific than a rat. As I said before, the rat community is larger than just the Ty French podcast, but the tyrants. Tyrants have like little raptors. What was that? Raptors. Raptors. You know the little raptors from your Jurassic Park? Yeah, the ones that run around. Just attracted. Do you know what a tyrant is? Yes, of course I know what a tyrant is. Oh, okay. Yeah, but it's like a king. Like an eagle king. Yeah, but you guys like the letters. That's me, the eagle and king. So I think you guys are tyrants. That's tyrants. I am the rat king. Oh, that's a good one. Okay. So I think that's what we've started on and all of you bit just who don't like it. You're gonna have to get over it because I'm not gonna get sued from Ty. Here we are. Here we are. So here we are. But anyways, how are you? Thank you for having me back. It feels like ages. We're so happy your back is new. And then he's drinking a Red Bull tequila. Red Bull tequila. Just like the. Also because he didn't have vodka. Which I'm a little mad because like, of course I don't have vodka. I'm tequila. I know, but I wanted some vodka. Yeah, you think that I would have vodka because vodka, before we get into that, before we get into EDC recap and how I'm doing, which I just know everyone's dying to know, give the gals an update. Go to the little tires. Okay, okay. It's been a while since you've been on. It has been a while. It has been a while. We actually looked at how far back it's been. It's been a minute. So I had a list of my totally random stuff. And right before Jose came over, I was like, wait shit. Like, is this my list from last time? Because I've been working on it for so long. And so I just basically had to relist into our whole last episode. And I forgot about half the shit that we talked about. And we are idiots. And we also talked about the most. Literally the most random stuff. And luckily my list was not from last time. I'm like pouring my drink. I'm like, who is talking? Who is talking nonsense? It was us. Male volcanoes. Yeah. Oh gosh. Or eyeglasses for blind glasses. Yeah. But I got a blind one again. Hold out. But, oh. OK. I'm going to tell the girl how you're back. There's my little update. I have updates. I actually prepared for this time. Because you know, last time you called me boring. Well, I haven't let that go. No, I'm just kidding. Well, did I lie? You didn't lie. You didn't lie. OK. I'm coming out of my show. You know, the sun is finally starting to come out. Where? Well, except for this last week. But you know, the months are getting a little less gloomier zone with these clouds. Yeah. But no, the update. Pride has started officially here in Los Angeles. Gay rights. Gay rights. So no, this last weekend, a couple of friends and eyes went to the Beverly Center down the street for the out loud drag show, which I have a funny story for you. I mean, but so they had a drag show on a Saturday in the middle of the mall. But they had such a cool view. It was there. Such a cool view. Yeah, it was really fun. Why do you post any stories? Because we were so in the moment that I just. Oh, you were so in the moment. I do know how I am. You were so in the moment you could have post the story of RuPaul's Drag Race winner. Oh, I'll show you the videos, too. I was going to save them for like when I do a little recap of the month. But the thing about Jose is he never posts on Instagram. I'm sorry. I'm taking this bitch. I probably said this war because I can't go over it because I'm so upset. I've taken this bitch to London. I've taken this bitch to Abu Dhabi. I've taken this bitch to Tulum. I've taken this bitch to all these places. Not one photo, but you know one story. No, no. Tulum, I did post. But that's not a lack of photos. Right. You shoot the photos. Right. Right. Fucking bitch ass. No, but I will say, and actually, let me side note real quick. I actually shed a little tear internally, not a real tear. What you mentioned about traveling last week and how that's like you make your friends and stuff. And I'm like, we've actually traveled a lot together. You would be surprised. You would never to know because he doesn't share the stories. And. Oh, bullshit. No, I'm kidding. Oh, you want me to share the story? We bonded because we went to Paris Fashion Week together. And I woke up in the middle of the night. He thought it was a thing. No, no, not that he was jerking off in the bed. No, I'm not talking about that. You don't share when we're out and about is what I mean. I was like, Jose, are you literally doing your job? That's bad. And he's like, oh, I thought you were asleep. I'm like, I'm watching Real Housewives. No, but I mean, we've traveled a lot together. Yeah, we've traveled a lot. Yeah, we've traveled a lot. That's what we bond. But no, anyway, Pride Weekend has started. So I was at the drag show at the Beverly Center. And I laugh because, and this is what I had to tell you, we're in the ad for the announcement for the Pride Show that happened. We, as in me? You and I, we were sitting in front row and there's a cut of you and I. You were like a baby. Like I was paying for this. You sit. No, we didn't. And I was like, and I even told the person that runs the Beverly Center's marketing and I was like, oh, I'm in this ad. And they're like, yeah, yeah, you and, because we went to the inaugural one. Like we were at the first one. Yeah. They've done this like maybe four years now. I got paid to go to that one. Yeah, you got paid. You were making money then. But it was just funny. But it was a great time. We had a blast. The, the, the, the Queens were great. Great. Great. We were performed. Naysha Lopez, Sasha Colby, and Selena Estides. Oh, OK. Yeah. Which was really fun. It was actually really fun. We got there right in time for the drag shows. We missed all the other stuff because I just didn't. Was it like during the day? Yeah. And then did you just like say drinking all day? Went home, took a little cat nap, and then went out. And then you went back to Room Service? No, that was, so that was Friday night. Went to Room Service. OK. So the weekends have started. Do you need to understand what you need to understand? And I'm sure Ty will tell you in the next couple of weeks. June is like party, party, party, party here in Los Angeles because it's like everyone is throwing a pride party. The gays do not stop when it is pride month. No. And I'm sick of it. Right. I literally, I purposely, well, not purposely, I didn't plan this. But one of my good friends from Utah is getting married the weekend of WeHo pride so I won't be here because the next weekend is at like pride. And this little raps birthday. So I purposely was like, OK, I have to attend this wedding. I have to go because I cannot do back to back prime weekends again. Like I can't do it. My body can't handle this. No, it's a lot. It's a lot. It's a lot. But well, that's what I was going to say. I was like, well, because I won't be back till the end of the month. I will be a full 38 year old man by the time I'm back on this podcast. So I'm surprised you admitted your age. Correct. 38 babies. 38. This is 38. I keep them round. I only dress like this to try to stay young in my head. No, you look cute. I feel like you're just like a 38 year old. You think so? And how appropriate. You bitch. So yeah, so I'm excited for that. OK, like I have to share. It's like pride month is great. But like my birthday is always just happened to land on pride. This bitch threw me one of my best birthday parties at his apartment. I'm glad he had a great day because that was actually one of the worst days of my life. No, I had a blast. My ex, like, we got in a huge fight that day and he blocked me on Instagram in the middle of his party and I was hosting. Yeah, that was so much fun. We had so much fun. Like in the back burner, I was struggling. Like all the girls and gays were at your apartment partying. Yeah. Dancing on table tops. Just having a good old time. Yeah, what are we going to do for your birthday this year? Be at pride. I guess it's going to be there. Mariah Carey and Meg Thee Stallion. Yeah. So I'm covered on all fronts. Yeah, I'm fine. It's exciting. For me, it's like, yeah, let someone else plan my birthday and what else in the city of Los Angeles? Yeah, true. Like just cover it. I don't care. It'll be really fun. If you guys haven't got tickets, I think there's probably still tickets left. It's Meg Thee Stallion, Mariah Carey, King Princess, a lot of the drag queens, Vayotchotchke, Colby, and it's at the Los Angeles Historic Downtown Park or whatever. And it honestly feels like you're at Coachella. Like it's like outdoor field and stage. It's super fun. Different stages, different artists. It's a lot of queer artists too, which they acknowledge a lot of younger, young, smaller queer artists. So that's always really cool too. No, it's fun. It's for the culture. It's for the guys. But yeah, that's my update. So I'll be a good old 38 when I come back. But can't wait. Yeah, I don't know if I even mentioned this before, but the last Friday of every month now is going to be totally random. Oh, okay. Here. So the first insight here. My little life update for you guys is you guys know that I went to EDC Las Vegas last week. Sure did. And apparently it had a lot of fun because that's why there was no episode on Wednesday because I could have done an episode, but I was just like, I'm so tired. And I recorded two episodes yesterday. Right. And this one today, and I was like, I just can't have another podcast filmed this week. Like I'm literally dead. I have nothing else to say. And I don't know. It's just like, I don't want to put out a half-assed episode where I'm, you know, tired, cranky. Well, I feel like you should like change your Instagram handle, like not your handle, but the little description to podcaster now. Like you should, that should be your first thing on there now. Like on my personal page. Yeah. Cause you're like on everyone's podcast these days. I mean, I'm trying, but also I'm still trying to be fashion girly. Well, no, I'm saying just like podcaster slash. Yeah, I'm in there. Yeah. It's in the bio. I'm hustling these podcasts. I've been trying ladies. I've been on here on these streets. I'm very proud of him. If there's someone that's going to root for him as me. So thank you. I'm trying for you. Yeah. I had a podcast episode with JC and Chelsea from the What We Said podcast. We recorded that yesterday and it is going to go live on their podcast on Tuesday next week. So stay tuned for that. It is so, there's a lot of heights and lows to it. Honestly, JC cried. We laughed. We had a lot of breakthroughs. We had a lot of giggles. It was funny. Wait, actually, you mentioned that you went to see them. I went with him when we went to see the live in the OC. That was so fun. It's so fun. And I want to publicly shout them out because they're so natural at it. It's like who they are, but it's also just so easy for them. They kill it. Like so dope. So like, anytime they're like, they're just so good. They're just so good. They were so good live. They have fans of what we said over here for sure. One day that's going to be at us on stage. I'll just need like a special guest. You'll be like the moderator. You'll be the moderator. Okay. Yeah, I would do that. I would do that. Stay tuned. I'm coming just into a stage near you. Okay. Yeah. So EDC. So I don't even know where to begin. I don't even know what to say. I don't even know where to start because like I want to give a recap, but also I'm like, yeah, I was just drunk and having fun the whole time. Like the difference between Todd come and Tyquila. A lot of you guys were asking me. I feel like Todd guys and that's messy, honestly. No, because that's why I tell people vodka is better than tequila. Yeah. Like I feel messy. I feel messy. Toxic on tequila. This is why I don't drink tequila. I like it. We know, but you're also young and you can do that. Yeah. No, but it was super fun. So we, our flight left super early Thursday or super early Friday. And we got in checked in. We were saying it's just palace. It was super nice. And then we went to lunch with like the team, the Sky Vodka team met the other influencers that were there. There was two other girls. One was like a DJ that lived in Miami and then another one was in Miami and she was actually on the Bachelor at. Oh, no. The Bachelor. Bachelor. Yeah. She was on that James's season. Okay. Yeah. Like halfway. Yeah. Like a few years ago. Okay. Yeah. And literally when I tell you me and her are besties like she was, I've said this a million times on the podcast before, but like when you go on these influencer trips and you meet these people that you would have never met before. And I don't know. You're just like, you have so much fun and you just bond like so quickly. Anyway, so it was so much fun with them. And then we went back to our room. We were so tired because we got up so early and the festival was that night and our call time wasn't even until 10 p.m. So we were like, we have to nap. Note like when you told me that your call time was 10 30 and I thought it was like, okay, I'm all like, okay, that's that's like good 10 30 p.m. P.M. You couldn't get me to do that. No, hell no. That's why I didn't invite you to come. I know I didn't come. I knew you would not be able to do that. Nick Mackie. Yes. He's a feral rat. Like he was a solid one. He was a solid one. So whatever we take like an hour nap. Thank God. And then we took the helicopter into the festival the first day and literally have you been on a helicopter? No. It is so fun, but so scary. Like ever since R.E.P. Kobe Bryant. Oh, yeah. Like I've been on helicopters before that and I just didn't think anything about it. But the older you get and like the more you hear about crashes and stuff, it is a little bit scary. So I was a little scared, but you know, we're hyped. We're in the moment. We're going to the festival. So you don't really think about it too much. And it's so cool because I've never done a helicopter. Like I mean, I guess I took it from LA to Palm Springs. But LA isn't even really that like shiny of a city. Right. And it was like during the day. And it was during the day. But flying at night over the Las Vegas Strip, like we went like so close to the space needle and like around the game. It was so cool and it was so sparkly and so exciting and so convenient to get into the festival. Yeah. It was so quick. It took like 15 minutes. And the Skyvodka team just like had a so hooked up, which is so nice going with a brand anywhere, either to like a vacation, a destination, a festival, anything is just literally the best way to do it because they just hook it up. No, it really tarnishes your experiences when you have to come out of pocket. You're like, wait, where's everything else that I'm allowed? Yeah. Like we then got picked up in a golf car and got driven straight into the festival. It had to go through security. Didn't have to scan our wristbands. Like nothing got dropped off right at the stage. Yeah. So it was so nice. And then same thing we got picked up when we were ready to go. Went back to the helicopter. It was super easy. The first day the to get back onto the helicopter, we had to get picked up by like two 30. So we didn't really say that late. Like we weren't really there that long. So the first day honestly felt like a fever dream. I had to go to like the Sky activation and shoot with their videographer and their photographer. So we really only had like two hours to like do our own thing. Okay. So the which was good because we needed to get some sleep and we had a pool party the next day. So let me go to the pool party. Vegas is like the most insane. I talk about this on my episode that's going live next Friday as well. That's with the what we said, girls. Surprise. But Vegas is like the most insane display of like classism that I've ever seen. Really? Like because you go to a pool party and it's it's like sexism, classism, like homophobia, all these things because you go to a pool party and it's like, who are you? How much do you make? Yeah. Are you pretty? Yeah. Are you skinny? Right. I'm a skight team. So obviously we just like went to our table, but then looking out into the pool, first off, everyone's like sardines in the pool, like so crammed into it. The DJs are up there. Like you can't even see the water. The pool is so packed. There's like half naked girls dancing behind the DJ booth. Yeah. They're like throwing dollar bills on the people in the crowd. And I'm just like this, they're like girls on the ground, like hands and knees, like picking up the dollar bills. Oh my God. It feels so weird. So wrong. I mean, I'll say it feels so wrong. Right. Right, right. I'm like, I'm just going to stay in this right table and dance my hard way, but it was very interesting. But anyway, so we had so much fun at the pool party. Tiesto was DJing, I believe. Oh, wow. Here's the thing. DJ is also on the same team. So I'm like, I never know. Right, right, right. But then we went back. Thank God took a nap because we had a long night ahead and then got ready for the festival again, went our way. I literally did not get one photo the second day. No, actually the photo I posted in the fur coat was the singular photo that I took. I mean, it was so good at the end of the night at five a.m. because we were walking back up the bleachers to get into the golf cart to go to the shuttle. Right. And I was like, I didn't take one photo. Like a great photo. I look a little busted. No, that look great. I'll tell you, it looked great. Thank you. I mean, and the fact that you were wearing a fur coat at five a.m. Yeah, so about the fur coat. Yeah. So I'm wearing this fur coat that Susie let me borrow. I'm looking so shocking in this hoodie. If you guys are watching and you do, I'm sorry, I look like a whale. But I'm wearing this fur coat that Susie let me borrow. And it's like super cute. You know, I'm giving like Kesha trash. I wanted to feel like trashy and whatever. Yeah. I'm walking back with a client after the shuttle at seven a.m. in the casino at the hotel. I can't wait. And she's like, um, Ty, there's a lollipop in your fur coat. Like an actual lollipop. I'm stuck to it because when I tell you, I'm sorry Susie if you're listening to that. That coat was on the ground the entire time. Oh, no. Sam, hold on. Stampy. Like it was on me for literally the first 30 minutes and I was like, get this effing thing off me. Like I want to dance. It's so hot. And literally I was just trampling on it all night. So there was a lot of pop. Then we walk another 20 steps. Um, Ty, there's another lollipop on you. There were lollipops all over the circle. Oh my God. Because you know EDM music. When people are on drugs, they got lollipops. Yeah. It was like a candy shop in that fur coat. And I was like, I'm busted. I was wearing booty shorts, cowboy boots, a fur coat with lollipops all over it, looking busted as hell at seven a.m. walking back to my hotel room. I mean, if there's one thing you're going to commit to a look, you're going to commit to a look. That's the one thing about Ty. He will commit to a look. And the, the shocking part about that looks specifically and wearing it the second day it was the set. We only had the helicopter the first day. So the second day we had to take a shuttle, which was still so much nicer than like, if we just went normally, like, if we bought tickets. Yeah. Because it was like a live nation shuttle and they had military passes. So they took completely different routes. Oh, wow. So we skipped like all the traffic, which was nice. But the helicopter was a lot nicer because waiting on the shuttle at five a.m. until it's full for all the people. And I'm sitting in a fur coat. Yeah. And there's like all these lights on and literally when I tell you, it was like country boys naked for me playing on full blast while the sun is rising. No, nothing sounds worse. Me and Nick back here were like, this is our 13th reason. No, nothing sounds worse. It was insane. And then you have that like hour long drive back. It was a lot. But so second day was good. Third day, another pool party. Yeah. Jade, it was so fun. Oh, fun. Did you know Cowskade's Mormon? I did not. Is he from Utah? I don't know if he's from Utah, but he's Mormon. I know. Like, cool Mormon. Yeah. Because Tish has a song with him, a friend. Oh, wow. Oh, yes, she does. And they met because they were in the same ward and now them. Wow. Yeah. I don't know if he drinks or whatever. I don't know if he drinks or whatever. I don't know if he gets to the bed. He is Mormon and goes to church. Wow. The more you know, the more you know. So don't worry. When I was drunk, I told everyone at the pool. The more everyone knows. And almost got in a fight with someone at that pool party. Wait, what? Because... Not surprised, but why? Because like some random guy at the table, the sky table, this... The first day, the sky table was like just us. Yeah. Because I can tell it was like, you know, some sky people. And by people if you want. Right. People are like, people are black people. There are a lot of black people. There are like, I don't know. And this guy was wasted and yelled at the brand manager that I sent me there. Yeah. Who was with us, who was like in charge of everything. Like I don't think he knew that like she was the brand manager. I can't remember what he said to her, but it was so disrespectful. Like it was so rude. Not even a slur just like literally being like degrading to women. And I was like, absolutely not. Like I was like, what's not gonna happen is that. And then he went and got security and tried to get her kicked out. I was like, this is her table. She bossed her table. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And I was like, absolutely not. So then I got into it with security. I was like, that man needs to leave. I don't know who the fuck he is, but he's been so degrading to women. Like he needs to leave. Anyways, it got settled. She was like, I work in alcoholic. This happens all the time. And I was like, not for me. And if there's one thing about me when I'm drunk, if I hyper focus on something, I can't be focused. And so I was just like, ew, ew, ew, ew, ew, ew, ew, ew, ew, ew, ew, ew, ew, ew, ew, I'm not gonna say I'm here and answer this guy anymore. Like I'm leaving. Of course. It was late. Anyway, so then we go back to the room, we get ready, we go, we have a great night. We met up with some of the gays, our friends from WeHo that were there. And it was so fun. Finally, by the third day, I felt like I really understood where I was. And I was having the most fun. The first day it was so overwhelmed because it's just so different than Coachella or any festival that I've been to. And it's in like a race car track. And so it's like really compact. Like it's not spread out for sure. Coachella is like so spread out. And you have so much room to like when you're not in the crowd, you like have so much room to walk around. Right. Getting from stage to stage here, I was like very overwhelmed. Like I was like, there's a lot of people and I'm not loving it. No, I live vicariously through your stories. I was happy not being there, but I got my taste of it through your stories. It was fun. All around, it was super fun. Yeah. No, it looked great. You had it. It looked like you had a blast. Yeah. The third day, you didn't see the third look because guess what? Not one single photo. Literally not one photo. Do you want to tell the girls what the look was? What were you wearing? I'm pissed because it was the only look I went and bought. I'm like, cool. The sparkly outfit that I wore the first day I borrowed from Tezab, which was so gorgeous. The second look was all stuff I already had. And then I borrowed the fur coat from Susie. The third look, I went to Zara and walked around for three hours and bought these like super cool like silver metallic foil pants. Oh dope. And I just wore it with like a black tape and this like diamond like rope belt that I bought from Zara as well. No photo. Oh wow. So if I get to the Beyonce concert again, yeah, I was going to say, if you see this look again, I'll be wearing it. You never heard it here. You never heard it. Literally. Yeah. Yeah. All around. Good trip. I was unwell upon return. As you guys know, that's why there wasn't an episode. My favorite set was definitely Zad. Like I just love Zad so much. That's my new Billy song from high school like clarity. Just stay the night. So we bangers. The fact that you said high school, I was like, I was a grown ass man when you call it. I remember vividly the first time I heard it over summer break. Billy was in Lake Powell. She goes every summer with her family and there's no service there. And so we like that was like our one time that we didn't text back and forth. And while she was away, I heard this song for the first time, clarity by Zad. And I was like, I cannot wait to show Billy the song. Like this is about to be our song. Like I'm obsessed. We get back and the first thing we say to each other is we're both like almost at the same time, like, Oh my gosh, I have a song I need to show you. Like, we were like, wait, what? And we were like, we basically said at the same time, we're like, 30 by Zad. And we were like, no, that's kind of why it's so cute. And we just are obsessed with it. And so when it played, I was like living. Also, can we take a second? Wait, since we brought a Billy, she needs to come out for pride. I know. What's came out last year? I she's come out the last three years. Lost her wallet is called minus COVID. Yeah. Lost her wallet. Couldn't get into any of the bars. Oh, but we got her in, but she made it happen. I know. I wish you could come. I was mostly scared for her for the flight. That was when I was wearing it. I know. I don't remember how that worked out. No, she is literally the dopest. I love the last. We love you, Billy. We love Billy. Anyways, okay, sorry for the long ass ramble. No, that was great. That was great. Yeah. Now, you know, if you guys ever want to go, go. I don't know if I could ever go again. No, I would go one more time, I think, but it could. It's a lot and drink lots of water. Let's get into our totally random thoughts. Okay. Perfect. How much did you prepare this to? Well, let's just say I was planning my list after dinner last night. Bye. We went to dinner last night and I was like, I know you don't have nothing prepared. No, I had some things I did. They're in my, they live in my head. So I just have to get them on paper or on my phone. Uh-huh, uh-huh, okay. Via notes. Okay. So we're just going to start off with a familiar topic here in the totally random series because we talk about it a lot and it needs to be discussed because someone wrote this in and I cannot believe we have not thought about this upon talking about our lesbian sister, activist, Helen Keller. How did she know when to stop wiping her ass? What do you mean? No. I'm, wait. Who? She was deaf and black. First of all, someone wrote that in. Who wrote that in? You are perverse. You're valid. But you are a tyrant. An official tyrant. You're a tyrant. Because here's the thing. We've talked about Helen Keller a lot. Was she real? Was she fake? Was she really blind? Was she not? She's real. She's a lesbian. We got that back down. How do blind people know when to stop wiping their ass? Do you have to smell it? I'm sorry. I had to go there. I had to say it. I don't know. Or do you just have to just, do you have like another sense? Yeah. I don't know if that's problematic. I'm sorry. I don't know if that's a valid point. I don't even know when to stop wiping. Really? I was going to say I was like, sometimes I have to. What's happening down there? Because I don't know. There's a reason why I can't eat a lot of the foods I can't eat. You already know. He's the only Hispanic that cannot eat Hispanic foods. I just can't. For that reason, because I never know when to stop wiping. Okay, we've got to move on. Give me yours. Give me yours. Okay, no, no, no. Okay, wait. First of all, before we go on, pause real quick. You have to tell us. You have to tell us. What is the song of the week? Um, song of the week's surrounding on Wednesdays. Oh, but I'll give you a song of the week. Well, give me a song. Give me a song. Let's see. Because I already gave one of my song of the week's. I'm running out. I already gave a song of the week to Jaycean Charles for next week's. Oh, you know what's my loving? I love America has the problems. The Kendrick Lamar remix. Have you listened to Evan Hurty? I love it. So America has a problem, Beyonce. One of my favorite songs in the album, Kendrick Lamar just did a remix of it. And it's actually really good. Oh, I can't wait to hear it. Yeah, he's like the whole first half of it. It's like an actual remix. Oh, wow. Okay, that's cool. Yeah. Wow. Do you have a song of the week? I don't have a song of the week, but you know what? I just came to mind. What cinema? Do you remember that song? You are my cinema. But I would think that that would be the EDC song. When I think of EDC, that's the song I think about. You know what song played everly? God damn sad. Where? It was actually the joke of the weekend. I came over and forgot to give that in the weekend. The shoe, it just left my brain. It's with, I want to be where you are. I'm tone deaf, okay, bitch? This song. Let me see. John's Summit. Oh, I thought it was when I get copyrighted. But ain't nobody wrote for me. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. That's a good pump up song. Yeah. I want to be. Every single DJ. Every single DJ played that. Wow. I just think it was sad. And it became kind of the joke because Chandler, our friend, loves that song. And so the first time Nick Mackie was recording the stage. Yeah. I was like being a dumb ass. And it was like such a good video. And Nick Mackie also loves that song. Yeah. And I ruined the video. I'd go right up to it and I was like, suck a dick, Chandler. And Nick was pissed. Like actually pissed. He was like, good. That was the best video. A little did. He knows going to play it every single set. So you got the video. Your opportunity is going to come out. He's going to come out. But then like every time I played, like he would start to record it and look at him. He'd be like, Joe. That was funny. That's funny. That's totally right. I'm sorry. Yeah, yeah, yeah. This is how we're so totally random. I know. Okay. My first totally random thing on the agenda is actually this is a really interesting one. And I have to get close to this mic. If you had a different name, do you think you would act different? Maybe because Thai French is just so iconic if I do so myself. Okay, bitch. I'm sorry. I don't know. Some names just like how would you be if your name was Thomas? Ew. Like imagine that. I was the Thomas French. Wait, when that's my dad's name or okay. Sorry. That's my dad's middle name or like, I don't know. Like, Andrew or something like like something. I'm your boyfriend's name. I know. But I'm saying, but but Drew fits Drew. Yeah. But do you feel like I fit Tyson? Yes. Okay. 100%. It's like eclectic. It's different. It's eclectic. It's like Tyson chicken nuggets. It's like it's different. It's like you're a barrier Jose. But I'm you think I am. What if your name was like Pedro? You would not act the same. Okay. But okay. Jose is the most generic name in the Hispanic language. Well, Pedro is the second. Why do you think I chose that? No, but that's what I'm saying. It's like it's so like I don't think I fit like most Jose's demographic, but I'm. No, I think you do. Do you think so? Yeah. What else would you be named? Like Paul? Yeah, I know you have to be like a Hispanic name. Yeah, I guess because you can't be like a John. No, what if I was a John? Oh, yeah. Imagine you were a John or like a Paul, but I'm kind of like a basic white boy. So like John kind of works. But you were Paul. I wouldn't be. No, but you're not basic, but you're not basic. That's what I'm saying. So it's like if you weren't Thai French, would you be different? Like if you were probably because like I wouldn't have the Instagram handle Thai French. Like what's your brother's name? Brock and Dallin. Okay, they have cool names. They were like, are they cool? I mean, they're not like common names. That's what I mean. His name is Brock Jordan. And as a kid, he wanted to be called BJ and my parents were like, absolutely not. And like he just didn't know why. And they were like, we cannot explain it to you. Wait, that's funny. But like, I mean, I'm just thinking like, okay, I just think of a random person. No, yeah. I don't think that would be the name. No. Do you have a name that you were supposed to be named? No, I think I was always going to be Jose. I think I've said it on the podcast before in like a Q&A, but mine was supposed to be Trent. Yeah, you did mention one. Trent. No, but I think Trent French would still fit. That is like a tongue twister. Yeah, I mean, yeah, that's not cute. I also call you Tyson. Yeah, but. And you're serious moments. Yeah, in your serious moments, you're a Tyson to me. Yeah, my, my parents were still as Thai. So you don't think you would be different or you think you would be different? Yeah, because I think everything happens for a reason. And I think if it's like, if you time travel back in time and you change one thing, it changes the course of your life. Like all of our friends. Wow. Okay, deep thoughts here. I'm like, Don, do you hear on the Thai friend podcast today? No, but like all of our friends, I think fit their name. Yeah. I think most people fit their name because once you know their name, that's just their name. No, but it's like, except for Billy. But when Billy was Maddie, like she like it were in my eyes, it worked, you know. But both work. Yeah. Like you just are Billy. Right, right, right. But that's what I'm saying. Once you tell me your name, that's just who you are. If one day I told you I wanted to change my name, it eventually would make sense. Right. Right. But like people, I had a girl in high school that changed her name. She, she changed her name. Was her name Raquel Lavis? No, no, but she, her name was, I mean, she was also Hispanic. Her name was Adela and she changed, she changed it to Julie. And I'm like, I'll better. Yeah. And I'm like, Julie fit Julie much more because she was that kind of like girl. Interesting. You know, like a Julie girl. Yeah, like a Julie girl. Like, kind of like sassy mean girly, but like super nice and with friends. I don't know. Like, I feel like a Julie is like, when you think of Julie, you think of a type. I don't. You don't? I don't really give like names that much power. I don't think. Like if you think of like, I don't know, think of a name and you're like, bitch, Julie, and I'm sure there's a nice Julie and I'm sure there's a grandma, Julie and I'm sure there's a. Like, can you imagine all the poor Karens that have to live with Karen? Okay. No, but if my aunt's name is Karen and she kind of is a Karen. So like that just makes sense. If my name was Karen, I would get my name changed. I really would. I believe it. But like, but it's also like Karen huger. You don't think of her as Karen. Your mind doesn't go there. I mean, no. Because she just carries the name Karen huger, you know, right? Right. Right. Right. Right. So like, I think if your name is Karen and people automatically think Karen, it's because you're probably a Karen. Right. Right. Right. You know, you embody Karen. You're not like the name is wearing you. But it's like Northwest when that first came out, like everyone hated that name. They're like, yeah, we now it's like that is just her name. Oh, I think it's the best name. Yeah. I thought it was the best name. Yeah. But, you know, also again, eclectic child. Anyways, you know what I really wish streaming services would have. Okay. A binge mode. What do you mean? A binge mode. When I am watching RuPaul's Drag Race and I binge it like an old season, the amount of times I hear RuPaul doing the laughing in and out scene and the next time on Drag Race or coming up, and then I see that scene five seconds later because I'm bingey. There's no commercial. There needs a binge mode. Take off all the interest in the outros to commercials and the coming up because then I can get through shit much faster. Yeah. You know? Yes and no. Because I kind of like look, no, no, I understand. I understand your point. But like it would cut the TV show in half. Yeah, but then you'd get through it much more quicker so then you'd like be bored. So like people watching like Vanderpump Rules trying to get caught up. It's like if there was a binge mode, you could get that shit really quick. Yeah. I mean, I always get mad when I miss the skip option. I'm like, exactly. I have to watch the spin show. That's what I'm saying. They have a skip option. So it's like just have a binge option where it takes out all the cuts out for commercials. Right. I think I guess that makes sense. Do you skip things when it comes on? No. Because I'm never like sitting by the remote. Right. That's the thing. It's like I miss the remote because it's only like five seconds. You're like, OK, skip. Like, no, I missed it. Yeah, I think that's serious. What's your next really random thought? OK, wow. We're going there quick. I mean, we literally did not. We're going for an hour, bitch. Oh, OK, good. Oh, you have been recording for an hour. I really got through two random things. Sorry. OK. OK, my next one is actually pretty simple. This is because. Oh, did I also. OK, love you. Yeah. Wait, did I share it? In the J.C. Nice episode, that is coming live next Friday, actually. So you guys have to listen to that, too. Oh, here. I spilled the beans of what your totally random thought was that we had to cut out because it was too more. Oh, good. I'm glad. You know what? We learned that because I will say after going to the what we said live, which by the way, go to the next what we said live tour because they literally go there. They I'm like, why are you being modest? Like they have fun on theirs. I'm like, we cannot be modest on some of these things. We are. When you hear it, you guys will under see it. That is not a fun topic. Also true. It's not a fun topic, but like it's not like it's dark. It's just like. Okay, we're teasing them up to see it. It is dark, though. It is dark, though. Anyway, it's not dark for me. OK, my next. Do you remember what you said? I do, of course. I mean, it is dark, but it's like, no, it's dark, but it's reality, unfortunately. OK, I'm going to be I'm going to clip these two together for a dog and I'm literally that. OK, give you your next random thought. It's actually like pretty like basic, but like it's interesting enough, which I thought it was like fun. So and I am actually asking this because we we we've had conversations about this before, but like I actually want to hear your thoughts on this. OK. How do you feel about what is the appropriate time to text someone or call someone in the morning like this, by their effort will literally try and text you call me before the hours of nine a.m. And it deserves jail time because you know, that I'm not out of bed before that. What is the appropriate time? I guess it depends like on the person, like, do they have a job? Do they work a nine to five? All right. Do they are they someone who gets up and goes to the gym? So, you know, if they're out of the gym at six a.m, you know, maybe you could call it eight because maybe that's best time to call before they get in their work day. But it's crazy because like I feel like not before 11 a.m. But OK, but that's exactly the point you said before you said before nine a.m. earlier, but just two seconds ago and no, I'm saying I don't wake up before I'm going to say before an idea. Well, that's what I'm saying. So because if I want to call me a nine fifteen, if I text you at nine fifteen, I'm like, because I treat texting and calling like business hours between the hours of nine to six, right? Like that's like appropriate texting time. I also I don't like I don't really like texting after hours like I feel like texting at all. Really? Yeah, you're not a well, you're not real. I don't know. You text like on a need to know basis. Right. If I need to talk about something, I'm not trying to just be like, how was your day? I feel like you you text like if the conversation is interesting, but like not like how's your day? I don't care. Right. Like a back and forth of like just like trying to figure something out. You're like, yeah, banter. I would want much rather talk on the phone. Right. But it's like I treat it like business hours like nine to six bank hours. No, you don't. I do. I never call me out like nine p.m. all the time. OK, you yes, maybe you but like as like a friendship level, but like and call you I don't like text you. I'm not the real life. If you're not calling like your best friend or text your best friend, yeah, don't do it past like six p.m. Right. Like I'm like, what's that important that you can't wait till the next day? Also like I don't I don't text as much as most I guess. I wouldn't say like my phone doesn't have like red bubbles or red dots or whatever. Yeah. Like let us know in the comments. Yeah. Let us know in the DM. What is the appropriate time to text call because like you will get irritated at me if I call you at like nine a.m. Yeah. But I'm like, that's decent time. I'm up. I've already been up. I've showered. I'm like drinking my coffee. But the world doesn't revolve around you. It revolves around me. So I've learned if he's had a weekend, I cannot reach him before the hours of noon. Like on a Tuesday on a Tuesday. Um, let's talk about Taylor Swift hiding in a book cart to get to stage. Oh my God. In a mopping cart recently on every on a diver concert. Is she doing that now? Hides in like a mop bucket cart thing to get to the stage. Is there not a better way to get to the stage? But also why is she doing? Yeah, I guess walk. Is there not an underground tunnel? Right. Is there not? Could you not have made a tunnel? Like there has got to be a better way than being wheeled in. That's what artists do nowadays. Like they hide in like a, it looks like a cart that is like for like equipment. And that's how they wheeled them to stage because the stage is in the middle of the arena. But I'm like, there has got to be a better way. Because now everyone knows that that's you. And so you just look like an idiot. I would have been wheeled out. It's like I'm much farther just walk. Well, I would hope that she would get to the concert before people show up to the concert. No, 88. She's not on the stage waiting for people to walk in. I would think she's backstage prepping. No, but that's what I'm saying. The backstage isn't act physically back behind the stage. The stage is in the middle of the arena. Oh, these new stages. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So then like they get ready in like a back room and they have to get like, call it out to the stage. Oh, okay. That makes more sense. Like a mock bucket thing. And I'm like, no, you look like an idiot because now everyone knows that that's you already. Yeah, weird. And so just thinking about Taylor, like, or Beyonce or anyone, like cramped up in a box, getting to their stage is giving me the ick. Well, you know I'm a Taylor stand, but I did find it weird when she was hiding, when she was hiding, coming out of her apartment in a safe or whatever she was doing for a while. Because she couldn't leave her apartment. Yeah. She couldn't leave her apartment. I'll give her a little bit more of a pass because they were literally carrying her out in a box every time. Please. It's the weirdest thing. Google it. It's crazy. That makes more sense because it's like a safety thing. But I'm like, I your tour. I'm like, there's got to be people are already going to see you. So you might as well just walk out. Yeah. And make it like a thing, have like a runway or something. Right. I don't know. I don't know. That's weird. No, that's very cool. What's your next? I try to move on from Swift quickly. No, we're not going to talk about Taylor Swift. Wait, but also on that note, oh God. You were saying about how Taylor Swift, whatever. Did you see the video of Beyonce's mom? I said only plotting in the VIP. And then she was freaking getting carried over. You cannot be in this area. Like what were you doing? How did she get there? How did she get there? She got the VIP and like couldn't find her way back. But I'm like, do you know how the security guard with you? She was so sweet about it though. That was the sweetest video. I mean, honestly, the lady is so genuine that I'm like, she probably had no idea she got lost. Oh 100%. Yeah. Like she was just like, like probably like our mom's like, take us to that concert. No, we got to get them. We should. Let's just get like the cheapest ones. I don't care if I'm in nosebleeds because I partied with Beyonce in Paris. Okay. I'm going to be in Club Renaissance and play thousands of dollars because she personally invites me to hang out with her alone in Paris. It's been said in every podcast. It's said and I will be saying that to my great-great-grandchildren. Anyways. No, it would be cool to go. I think it would be cool. Actually, see the graphics now. I'm like, oh wow, this is a full-on experience. Oh, it's amazing. Yeah. It's an experience. What's your actual random thought? Okay. My next totally random thought. Mmm. Let's see here. Um... Can't wait to hear. Well, I see. Because it's not random for you because you honk at any opportunity. But also, when is it the right time to honk at someone? You've got a lot of questions this episode about thoughts. Yeah, because this is my-because I drive a lot. So I'm like... What is it the appropriate time? If you're doing something stupid, if you're going slower than me, if you're going faster than me, if you're trying to get around me, if it's green light, if it's a red light, if you're walking, if you try and stop, if you're walking, if you're going to crosswalk, if you're a grandma, if you have a dog, it's always appropriate time to honk. Because like, I've enjoyed and I go in on it. The only inappropriate time to honk is if you are not in my vehicle. If you are in another vehicle, mind your fucking business and I'm taking my time. No, you are a hunker. Those are the rules. I learned it at the DMV. You are a hunker. Yeah. I feel- The horn is there for a reason. I've tried to get better at honking, but I do honk. I feel like I've gotten better at honking. I feel like I mostly honk to simply let the other person know, hey, maybe you're texting. That's fine, but the light is green. But you don't do a modest honk. Because maybe they can't hear me. You're not a modest honker. But I will say, I mean, I'm a hunker. So I'm totally right there with you, but like, you are actually a hunker. You have just as bad as road drink as I go. No, I'm not neglecting that. But like, Drew, for example, will not honk for the life of it. My thing, I feel like more lately that I honk is if I'm a passenger princess, I'm more quicker to honk in someone else's car than my own. Oh, you've reached over and honked after, sure. 100%. No, yeah. If you're not going to honk, I will honk. I do that in my mom's car all the time and she hates it. Yeah, because some people just do not like honking. But, sorry, I was- And I'm like, oh, like, whatever, honk, they need to move. Like, get out of the way. Like, if you're not driving right, and also I'm a swerverer. Like, I will swerve in the other planes. Oh, I'm going so fast and we're at the Wrangler. Speaking of the Wrangler, I want you to help me take off the top of the G. Okay. If you have time today. Yeah. Stay tuned. I'm ready to be my heart- Oh, you're already- Are you sure? Yeah, because it feels nice outside. There might be some rain, girl. Rain. June gloom. Oh my God. This one's been on my list for so long. Okay. Okay. Something needs to be discussed. Okay. Funerals, right? R.E.P. Oh, gosh. Rest in peace. Funerals. Hear me out. Okay. You know what's literally insane about a funeral? Tell me. Standing in front of the casket with your dead grandmother, brother, son, sister, cousin, friend, lifelong partner, and smiling for a fucking photo. Who's doing that? Everybody at a funeral. No. No, no, no, no. Every single post I see at a funeral. Is arm and arm standing next to a cousin, smiling, and the caption is like, Grandma's funeral, rest in peace. Huh? If anyone has the nerve to stay in front of my dead body at a funeral and smile for a photo, especially if the coffin is open. Yeah, no. And you can see my ugly ass face because I know they are not going to put enough bronzer on. I will kill you. I will haunt you for the rest of my life. Put it in your will. Must have bronzer. No. You must burn my body. I don't want nobody to be seeing that. Nothing. Nothing. Burn me. Throw me in the trash for all I care. Nobody needs to see the body. You say that, but I feel like you would in your will you'd have like a step and repeat. Like must have a step and repeat. A step and a beat. No, I would, I would sooner have a wax figure at a step and repeat. That's kind of iconic. Iconic. Except for I would do it like a young version of me. Yeah, you know, your prime. Like remember the best of me. Right. I should go get like measured for it. But no, like I always see post fun funerals and that is not okay. Not okay. You cannot take a photo out of funeral. Maybe I'm just like not like that. Maybe people are like, Oh, but it's a celebration of life or whatever. No, right. Sorry, granny. Posing for a photo with my cousins. And don't worry. I've definitely done it before. I've done it once at my great grandpa's funeral and I look back at those photos and I'm like, we are sick and twisted individuals for smiling and laughing around at this funeral taking selfies. You know what's crazy? I've only been to one funeral in my life. So I am in that crazy. I mean, thank God, obviously, or thank you. You're like so much older than I. Okay. Thank you. Thanks for the reminder. No, yeah, I've only been to one funeral is my great grandpa's. I was literally in probably ninth grade, maybe even eighth grade. And then yeah, the only other funerals I would have been to. I couldn't go to. There were only two other ones that I wanted to go to. Really? I don't know. I mean, this is again, I'm like, I don't know that I would want to go to a funeral. Like, if I don't know you'd like that or if like you're a distant cousin, I'm like, they're very sad. I don't need to be there. Yeah. Like, well, I mean, yeah, I mean, if you don't know the person very well, then obviously don't need to be there. But like, if it's someone you know, then you want to go because like, it's like an important grieving process. Like, yeah, my great grandpa's it's like, I knew him, but like, we weren't like besties. Right. That was like sad, but like whatever. But then when my aunt passed away, that was art for me. Because that's like the first person I ever came out to. Okay. Yeah, that makes sense. But then I was going to Guatemala and I couldn't go to the funeral and I was like, so sad. And my boyfriend broke up with me like two days before. Yeah. Which is a real, real rough patch for me. Had you said you were going to EDC, I would have slapped you. But no, I'm glad you're at Guatemala. No, Guatemala, which has a man's area in mode. And it was work. Yeah, you were there for humanitarian reasons. Uh, no, I was there for a photo shoot. Oh, I thought that's when you built the homes. No, that was Africa. Oh, okay. Yeah, I did go to Africa and build a school for children. Dead. Okay, my next totally random thought and I just came up with it because you saw me struggling over here. Why are zippers so complicated? Zippers are the worst thing. I don't know if it's just me. Zippers are the worst thing ever. Hold your hands up to the camera. No, no, no, no. It's because it's done. Is no. No, the fact. So I can't grab it. No, it's not that. I think that might be it because that's why I never had a problem with a zipper. Unless my fur coat gets stuck in it. On your jacket and you have to like, do you know how to get there? You have the little, the two prongs, right? Mm-hmm. So there's a little prong where you put the one and then you have the second one, right? I'm aware of how the zipper works. Yeah, I just never really have a hard like, that's an issue. I always struggle with a zipper. Is it because your clothes are cheap? Okay. So are these in cheap zippers? Maybe. I don't know. I'm just saying. I just say. It's a super company. It's YKK or whatever it's on the zipper. YKK. I'm knowing the zipper company. Yeah, see YKK. Let me see what mine is. YKK. YKK. You should be like me and get buttoned things. Well, I cannot get a button zip up jacket. You can. That's literally every jean jacket on the planet earth. Well, this isn't jeans. It's kind of a jean jacket. It's my Wrangler. Yeah, I mean, it should be regular jeans. Well, I'm sorry that you have such difficulties and I just think zippers are like, but it's again, this goes back to all the random things that we talk about that are so difficult. Like, opening a CD. Do you remember how hard it used to be just open a CD? Mama, what year do you think I was born in? You never had a CD. Yes, of course I had a CD, but I was like literally in the third grade. Wrapping it was so. No, that's true. That's valid. Plastic wrap around a DVD Blu-ray case jail. You could not. That's like safer than the most than anything. Literally. Like hide anything in there because you could it takes hours to open a hundred percent. You can hide something from a burglar, hide your jewelry in a DVD case plastic. I'm dead ass. Seriously. Yeah, that's true. It's like there's some things that are just so crazy to open. Life is just like so hard, you know. Sometimes. First world problems. I'm so glad we had that conversation right after talking about my experience in Africa building a school for children. Or a funeral. Yeah, bye. Awesome. We really have our priorities straight. Totally we don't thought that I was thinking about the other day because I was just thinking about how if and when I become a superstar, when people become famous, you know, people dig up a lot of stuff about them and like things that they've done or been appeared in. Yes. And I was like, what would I have appeared in? I was in that episode of Don't Be Tardy with Kim and Brielle and I was like, okay, that was cute Bravo. They said my name wrong. They said my name was Tyler. I have some beef. I can't wait to tell Andy that one day. But then you remember what else like just struck a chord and what I remember that I was in. I was on that e-reality show. It was like their version of housewives. And did I ever tell you this? No. I was at Greenleaf in Hollywood. Okay. And this girl came out to me and obviously I was looking sickening and she was like, who are you? What do you do? I'm filming a reality show like I need you to come be on it. And I was a bi-maphotographer, like whatever. That was before I even got an influencer or anything. And she was like, oh my God, great. So like I'm looking for a personal assistant, but you don't actually have to like interview for the job. Just come in and we're going to record the interview. Tell me your photographer, bring your camera, I'll have you take some photos of me. I got to get out of here and I was like, okay, great. Sounds easy. This is my claim to fame. Right. I'm going to be a reality superstar. When I tell you, I got so ready. I got so dressed. I looked so ugly. I can't even remember what I wore. I was literally 80 pounds, like so heinous, but I can't remember what it was called. It was on e. It only got one season. Okay. It was like this girl owned a nail salon and it was like their version of housewives. But I think all the girls were like business owners. So it's supposed to be like, you know, independent women. The real real housewives. Yeah, yeah. Like independent women, not like just money from their husbands. Okay. And when I'm doing a famous, I'm going to be mortified when that scene comes up. Really? It's released because I look at heinous. Were you on there for more than a minute? No, probably not. Yeah. But like I definitely said a few words and then like, like they were like, who did you take photos of? And I was like, I shot Michael Yoe's wedding, the famous comedian. I shot photos of GJ had eaten Rihanna and New York fashion. Like, which I did from the sidewalk and right not with their permission. Right. But she was like, just talking up. Like it was it was kind of a crazy experience because that was my first experience like on reality TV. That's funny. Yeah. So I'm kind of like a reality star. Yeah. I've been on two reality shows on two of the biggest networks. I'm a star. I was on property. What is it? LA property listings. What's the one on Bravo with the property? Did they film you getting evicted or what? Yes, they were buying my home, bitch. No. I was I told you, no, what's the one on? No, what's the one on Bravo with all the listing? LA listing. What is it? Million dollar listing? Million dollar listing. What the heck we did on there? You didn't got a million dollar listing or a house or a show. No. So what happened was it's so crazy. The story is crazy. I drew got invited to it because it was like a seltzer like a energy drink. Wait. So this was recently recently? Yeah. Like right before COVID. So he's like, oh yeah, my friends like having this like party for some seltzer, seltzer drink at like some house, right? And I'm like, cool, let's go. Whatever. We were already out and about. I was not dressed for this event whatsoever. We get up to this house in the hills, right? And I'm like, well, cute. Then they're like, you roll up to the house and it says like filming on premise or whatever. And they make you sign a waiver and I was like, well, whatever. I'll just avoid the cameras, I guess. Yeah. First scene of me and Drew walking down the fucking like street or whatever like in the house somewhere, some balcony. It was the same night that I met Amelia, whatever the, Renna, Renna, the one of the other. Oh, Amelia, right. Yeah. Amelia, great. Yeah. And we all just like sat on the rooftop because we're like, this is weird. Guys. We had no eye. I mean, I didn't know they were filming. I was in the most ugliest sweater. Like I'm already. Was it the one you were wearing? Yeah, no, seriously. No, it was one of those moments where I was like, I am not dressed for this. And like, wow. And then my sister texted me because she watches everything, bro. Bye. She's like, oh my God, you were an opposite. I was like, what? What the hell are you? Yeah. So that's one of those things where it's like, fuck, like I'm on this show. Like, wow, guys, you are just listening to two famous reality stars. If you weren't aware of that already, and I need to find the clip of it and I will send it to you guys. But if you also would like to see me watch Don't Be Targety. I don't know what episode it's in. It's one of Kim's 40th birthday party. Oh, fine. Which Kim's birthday was just the other day. Happy birthday, Kim. Happy birthday, Kim. Um, wait, okay. Did you know Anderson Cooper was a Vanderbilt? Yes. I didn't know that, but also because of history. That's also because of history. Are you a history buff? No, I just, you know, I like random shit like that. That's insane. Like, I think he's like the last living line in his day. Right. And his, he was really close to the grandma, I think, like the late, the last. I don't know, but I think they like, like lost all their money. Like, I don't think he has that much, like, I don't think he got that much over there. Really? I'm sure he's like still, I mean, richer than I, but like, I don't think he actually don't really think he got a lot. I watched it to talk about it. Obviously the history channel. Well, think about it. Like, think about this. It's like, things like that. Like, you don't realize how many netbo babies there are? Like, we reach Joker one. We reach Joker one. Everyone. Everyone. But everyone you see on TV is a netbo baby. That's what, that's one thing they will not say about me once I finally get recognition and they realize that we are reality stars. They cannot say that we are netbo babies. I'm far from it. They can call us ugly, annoying, cunty, disturbing, but they cannot say netbo baby. Not netbo. Um, you know what else is kind of crazy, speaking about money? The fact that flow from progressive is probably richer. Don't give me stuff about her. Either of us will. Then anyone we know will probably ever be. That's so funny that you said that because I was thinking about so much from commercials, especially insurance commercials and she's an every single one. She's probably so rich. She's so rich that it's the same with the all state guy. Jake from, Jake from, Jake from, Jake from, yeah, that one or the girl from T mobile or whatever the phone girl. That stupid dumb lizard from guy co is probably richer than I am. The lizard. Like CGI guy, whoever created that lizard. No, whoever is his voice. This is probably like so rich. Yeah. Flow from progressive booked one dumb commercial for an insurance company. It went well. And now she just plays this dumb insurance agent for 30 seconds. What? Here in the blue moon, she's probably millionaire. She's for decades. She's been doing this. Oh, maybe a decade. I don't want to pay for the commercial industry. No, she probably makes so much money. I could be like, what's what's what's in it? What's who someone who needs an icon? Let's think. Let's brainstorm. Replace it. The duck from what's called an afflag. Afflag. I can be the duck. You are the duck. I can replace it. And I want to be a millionaire. So this is my call out to afflag. I would like to be the duck. OK, but funny enough that you say that though, because where are we watching these commercials? But we know flow for progressive everywhere. Everywhere. I have cable. Oh, so you will you will watch commercials? Yeah, like on every show I watch. Yeah, yeah. I guess that's true. You have you can't fast. And like there are commercials now on every streaming service there is. Peacock, Hulu. Yeah. They're going out of hand saying that she's she's probably so rich. So rich. So rich. While you're pulling one up. Yeah. Nothing bugs me more than when someone reposts a story of a repost of their story. Like if I tag you in a story and you reshare on your page and then I reshare your reshared story of my story. Stop. Jail jail. Oh, when it's like three zoos out. I'm like, what's the point? I already saw your first story. And then I saw your friend repost your story. And now I'm seeing you post the repost of your friends reposted of your story. No, and you're an idiot and you're a loser. The only time that that is acceptable is if Kim Kardashian repost your story. Right. Then I'm reposting you so that you know Kim K reposting my story. Right. Right. Right. Other than that, you are annoying and you are a nuisance to society. No one's reposting my story. So because you don't post that. I don't post any. Okay. My next totally random thought. So do you have a favorite cereal? That's what now? A favorite cereal. That was a very interesting word that's really right. Sorry. Um, cereal. Yeah. What's your favorite cereal? Well, it kind of goes for phasing. It depends on like, it depends on how healthy I'm going, you know, because like, well, I guess this isn't healthy. Like my favorite cereal, like that I would not feel guilty about eating would be honey nut Cheerios. So oh my God, there's so many things to that. That's my favorite. Really? But you know what's crazy because it's like the healthier cereal, right? Like not the healthier. That's what I'm saying. Like I feel guilty about that. But if I had to really go into it and I didn't have any shame or guilt going along with my belly that's growing, a cinnamon toast crunch. That's so crazy. Okay. Both your cereals. Drew's favorite. Really? Cinnamon toast crunch. Mine. Honey Nut Cheerios. Wow. Hands down. But I'm like, but like I don't like I, I guess maybe I fraud. Frosted flakes was as far as I got to like sugary cereals. I love frosted flakes. Okay. You know what? What was my favorite in high school? But this I actually cannot even admit to this because I can never eat it again. Yeah. Because I will get literally a heart attack. My mom probably still does this. So rice checks like the ones that are like little, you know, those are. Yeah, I love rice checks. But then you pour pure cane sugar. Sugar. Yeah. All over. But drowning. Oh, no, that's too much. Drowning. Right. My mom, my family has this weird thing. I grew up on, I don't know if I talked about this before, peanut butter and sugar sandwiches. Not peanut butter and jelly. Yeah. Like literally just peanut butter and then you just put on a shit ton of sugar. I don't know where that came from. My family still does it. I still love it. It's so good. Don't knock until you try it. But that is not okay. You're gonna be giving your children that. But that's what I would have for lunch at school and for breakfast I would have rice checks with sugar poured over it. I'm like, are we okay? Yeah, that's so crazy. That's not right. Might have totally ran a plot. Oh, you might know this because you're old. Did you know that Naomi Campbell has a song? I don't know. Does she have a song or was she in music videos? No, she's got a song. She does. Released in 1994 called Love and Tears. And guess what? It's not bad. Let me play it. Dance break. Like, cool. Naomi. Yeah. This is like, like it's giving like Gaga. It's giving Gaga. I'm like, who knew? That's kind of like iconic. That's a Gaga beat. If she wants to do like a ballad or something like that. It's me, me, more like. It sounds like, if you, I mean, if we want to be honest, it sounds like, what's his name? Not boy George, but George Michaels. How weird. I saw that on TikTok and there was like, she did like a whole performance of it, whatever. I'm like, that means to be marketed more. I feel like she needs to say that that would be like great and like a sickening like fragrance commercial. I feel like Versace should do like a whole campaign with her. All man around. Yeah. Did you know that Marge Simpson from The Simpsons was originally meant to be a bunny and her hair is so tall because it's hiding her bunny ears. Stop. Yes. Isn't that crazy? That's funny. Yeah. And you can see her ears like when she like vacuums off her hair, but why is she a bunny and what are the other ones? Weird. What are the yellow people? Weird. Are they not humans? I would have hoped they are animals. Like, what is The Simpsons? Let me see. Well, on that random note, my next random thought is actually just an annoyance because, you know, I just rent basically. I have these are just annoyances for me. Yeah, they are. Like, why do I lose my socks every time I wash something in the washer? I can never, I always lose a sock. And I know it's a thing. Like, people always talk about that. But like, I literally always lose a sock. You're having a lot of issues with your clothing these days. You can't work zipper, you're losing socks, left in my, what is going on over there? No, I just, I don't know. I don't know. Do you lose stuff in the washer? No, but everything that I wash gets ruined. I hate to break it to you guys. I ruined the second sheet of jackets. No. Yeah. I can't really talk about it. I haven't updated about it because I am devastated. Something about, so I live in a department complex. So I obviously have like a communal washer. There must be something in it that like, I washed my white set. I didn't put bleach in it. I washed it alone. And it came out with literally like blue specs all around. No. Wait, are you using? No, I'm using. I'm using. No, well, but it's white. I use the white one that has no dye in it. So like, I don't know. I'll show you it after it's devastating. That's crazy. That's so, so. I just want to send boosters. No. Yeah. With my, with my sheets, I use nothing except for a dye free dye. Right. So I need to take it into like a drag there and see if they can like bleach out the spots or something. But I stopped using like, I just, I just can't have white sheets anymore. Like what? Every pair of white sheets I get ruined gets ruined. Right. And they're so expensive. They're so, well, that was another random thought, but I didn't want to come off cheap. So. But why is linen so, like, why are bad sheets so expensive? No, no, no, no. That needs to be discussed. Bed sheets and nightstands. Night. Oh, yeah. Don't even get me started. Why is a nightstand just as expensive as a dresser? As a dinner table sometimes. When the dresser has eight drawers and is six times the size, six times the length. Right. A nightstand is the exact same cost. If not more, sometimes the thing where you're going and it has one cupboard and it's a two by two piece of wood. Right. I'm not going to admit to how much I paid for those nightstands. I don't want to know. It is. I know. But yeah, no, bed sheets are so expensive. Home to, home to course shit. We really got to get our, like, ducks in a row. That's not okay. Bed sheets are so expensive. No, mama, to get that set, $800. Oh, I believe it. And then I ruin the set and then I divide it again. And then I ruin it again. So I will not be having white sheets anymore and I will just be having sheets that are stained. I don't care. If a boy comes over to my house, I don't care. My, your business, the sheets are dirty, but they're clean, but they look dirty because I ruined that. Oh, I'm just going to have to put on my green ones, my linen ones. There's only ones that have not let me down. But then I'm just like, if I have green sheets and a blue room, that's kind of like giving topsy-turvy circus time. No, it's giving my bedroom in the seventh grade. I have green walls and blue bed just but you did. Interesting. Yeah, like a, it was actually a gorgeous color green. It was like a light sage mint color. She was at every time. And I had a disgusting bunk bed because I share a room with my smelly ass brother. Yeah. I looked at a bunk bed until I was a senior in high school. Did you know that? I didn't know that, but I had bunk beds till like middle school with my sister. You shared with your sister? Yeah. Wow. Moral of the story, humble beginnings from your two favorite reality stars over here. Cheers. And I finished my drink at noon. I'll tell you. So we love that. Anyways, thanks so much for listening you guys. Wait, that's it. We're done? Yeah. Wow, we, we did it. Yeah, I'm done talking to you. We were so random. We were. This is actually, they keep getting more random. I have to actually get better at this. Yeah, come prepared, bitch. They're getting more and more random. I saw a list of like 10 things, but I'll save it for next time. Tell the, tell the folks, tell the little tyrants where they can find you at. Okay. I will share it this time. You can find me at the, at the Thai French podcast. Exactly. Please send in any and all requests through the Thai French podcast. His management team will reach out to me. So if you have any inquiries, please reach out. Just make sure you follow. Tell them to leave me a rate of my own. And leave him a rating review on the Thai French podcast on any thi-, okay, wait, I can actually do this. Let me do this. Let me see. Let me do this. Okay, let's do it. Okay. And make sure you leave a rating review on any and all streaming platforms that you listen to the Thai French podcast and head on over to YouTube. Make sure you hit that bell so you can be notified when we upload a new video and make sure you like and subscribe and leave a comment. Boom. Wow. That was stunning. That was stunning. That was stunning. Everything I said, but he can say better. I will see you guys next Wednesday. It's going to be a Thai pop episode. I know we didn't get one this week, so it's going to be just stuffed full of pop. And then next Friday is an episode with Jason Chelsea from the What We Said podcast. And it's really fun. So I can't wait. I'll see you guys next week. Bye. Love you. Thanks for listening and stay tuned for next week. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. ♪♪♪